Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Conservative groups band together to block nomination of Jeb Bush.

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:  

Conservative leaders who had a hand in key Republican victories including Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the Contract with America and the birth of the Tea Party, are ganging up to oppose a Jeb Bush presidential bid, declaring him easier to beat than Bob Dole or John McCain. 

“I don’t know of any conservatives who are supporting him,” said Richard Viguerie, chairman of ConservativeHQ.com. 

“Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin. “He's very boring. He doesn't elicit excitement and energy outside a very small circle of wealthy corporatists and GOP Beltway operatives. Time to move on.”

Wow! Easier to beat than Bob Dole! That is some nasty backstabbing right there my friends.

Okay now do you want to know what measuring tool they are using to judge Jeb's suitability to be President?

The Reagan-ometer that's what: 

“The objection so many Reaganites have to another Bush is because he is another Bush,” said Reagan biographer Craig Shirley. “He, too, has an alarming belief in centralized authority. From the standpoint of history, the Bush family got their start in 1980 opposing Reagan and Reaganism, as they continue to do today.”

Of course as most of us realize even Ronald Reagan could not measure up to the Conservatives deified version of his memory.

And who do these conservative leaders want instead of the easily defeated Jeb Bush? Well I thought you'd never ask:

“We just don’t trust him,” said Viguerie, who favors Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

Oh yeah, thinking that Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, or Rand Paul are more electable than Jeb Bush.

Just things  batshit crazy conservatives do.


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Jeb Bush: GOP Must 'Lose The Primary To Win The General'

    Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Monday laid out a simple, yet very challenging strategy for a Republican who hopes to win the 2016 presidential election: A successful candidate, Bush said, must be willing to "lose the primary to win the general."

    Speaking at a CEO forum sponsored by the Wall Street Journal, the son of former President George H.W. Bush and brother of former President George W. Bush reaffirmed that he is considering running for the White House in 2016, and said he will make a final decision "in short order."

    "I don’t know if I’d be a good candidate or a bad one," Bush told attendees. "But I kinda know how a Republican can win, whether it’s me or somebody else." A winning candidate "has to be much more uplifting, much more positive, much more willing to be practical," than recent Republican presidential nominees, he said. The candidate should also be willing "[To] lose the primary to win the general, without violating your principles," Bush said.

    "That's not an easy task," he added.


    ...Hinting that a decision on his presidential ambitions is coming "in short order," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday condemned President Barack Obama's recent immigration order for going "way beyond" what other presidents have done — including Bush's own father.

    Bush, the son of one president and brother of another, also reiterated his support for a pathway to legal status for immigrants in the U.S. illegally, but said Obama may have exceeded his constitutional authority by unilaterally lifting the threat of deportation from millions of such immigrants last month.

    "The idea that, well, Reagan did it, my dad did it — they did it on a much smaller scale and they did it with consent of Congress. There are a lot of differences," Bush said Monday night at the Wall Street Journal's CEO Council, an invitation-only event in Washington featuring some of the nation's most powerful CEOs.

    Obama's move "makes it harder" for Congress to adopt lasting immigration reform, Bush said, speaking publicly about the order for the first time. "It's a shame."

    The former Florida governor is seen as the early favorite of business-minded Republicans eager to reclaim the White House in 2016.


    He sounds like just as much of a dick as his brother.

    1. "Obama's move "makes it harder" for Congress to adopt lasting immigration reform, Bush said, speaking publicly about the order for the first time. "It's a shame.""
      What is a shame is that he twists the truth which is that congress could have adopted lasting immigration reform at any time in the past 6 years, but refused to do so.

      The President's executive action is the result of congress refusing to do its job, not the cause.

      Want the executive action to go away, republicans? Then pass a bill.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The only way to win the General after losing the Primary would be to run as an Independent. Is THAT what he is threatening?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Way to insult Bob Dole.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:19 PM

      Yeah, like when they wheeled him on stage, pointed and laughed.

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The Republican party is a hateful mess! John McCain in the mix too? You have to be kidding! The man who picked Sarah Palin as his running mate all those years ago? What a joke!

    They have no one that can compete against Hillary Clinton - absolutely no one. I so hope she runs and all indications are she will.

    The Repubs (and media) are doing everything they can to discourage her, but she is experienced in politics, has taken their hate throughout the years and knows how to handle them, she's well educated, financially capable and her husband is regarded extremely well throughout the country and world!

    Wouldn't it be a hoot having two President Clintons in the White House? Between the two of them, they'd be outstanding for our country.

    1. Randall8:34 AM

      Two words: John Thune

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      8:34 AM Who is John Thune?

    3. John Thune is a guy that Central Casting would send you if you were looking for someone to play a narcissistic Wall Street banker who helped tank the economy in 2008 and walked away with billions. Just look at the guy.

  4. The wing nuts are all about emotional and psychological projection, so this is both funny and interesting. They can't get past their racist fears. Jeb Bush might actually be a reasonable candidate for the GOP -- i.e. he could appeal on a national level. BUT these nut jobs are too busy having a tantrum. FIne, I'll vote for the Dem in any case, but watching these folks is like sport or theater. Policy and governing have nothing to do with their decision making.

    1. Randall8:34 AM

      A Bush for president?
      the commercials practically write themselves.

    2. Ha ha, yes I agree that the Democratic nominee could have a field day with attack ads against another "Bush." However there are many variables and that is just one. Remember, if Hillary is the Dem, there will be plenty of attack ads against her citing Bill Clinton's sex scandals, etc.

      Just because some of us here don't like Jeb Bush does not mean that he wouldn't be a viable candidate for the party of war and greed(GOP). We need to step back and analyze objectively.

    3. Jeb is pointing out the endemic hypocrisy permeating the Republican nominating process.

      You have to be very far right to be elected to the ticket, then you have to be as centrist as possible to win the general election.

      So you're a liar. You either lied about being far right or you're lying now about being centrist.

      And each election, the candidates have to swing farther and farther between the extremes.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Shouldn't that be the Contract ON America, instead of the Contract WITH America?

  6. Anonymous8:02 AM

    If I wasn't so exhausted from it, I would laugh at the infighting between the "elite" and TPees. And we've still got two years of this?! They're way on their way to self-destructing, and there's the 4pees waiting for their batshit phoenix to rise from the ashes and save us all. Wait 'til they realize they've been had once again.

  7. ibwilliamsi8:07 AM

    President Scott Walker is a Neo-Con's wet dream. With an education worse than Sarah Palin's (college dropout) at least he stays on the job.

    1. Isn't he still waiting for the other shoe to drop on some possible indictments?

  8. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Read my lips: NO MORE Bushes.


    1. The mantra of enough Americans that Jeb will never be President.

  9. This is great news! Extremists like Viguerie really influence the nut jobs that come out for GOP primaries! Jeb is the only Republican right now who actually scares me in a POTUS race.

    1. I couldn't agree more! Far RWNJ's are definitely willing to back the craziest of the bunch, like Cruz, Walker, Paul, etc. Bush could actually be a threat to the Democrats holding onto the White House in 2016. Let them trash the more moderate Republicans that will appeal to Independents. It's just more good news for the Democrats!

  10. Anonymous10:28 AM

    “Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin."

    Jeb is not a Democrat. He is a Republican.


    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      You're right Anon at 10:28 am. Jeb Bush is a Republican, through and through, We've had two of them as president and I think that was two too many. How dare anyone describe Jeb Bush as Democratic-ish. He is not. He's the GOP's solution to dealing with the Hispanics; Jeb's wife is Hispanic so, they reason, he'll be a shoe-in. We cannot let anyone forget what the Bush family legacy has been: economic disaster, wars for no reason and the rise of the very, very right in this country.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      It's Levin. He's a vituperative dingaling worshipped by the C O'Pee. Need we say more?

    3. Duh. It was an insult.

  11. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I agree with Levin's point that Jeb can be viewed as fairly closely aligned with moderate Dems on many issues. That would probably put him to the left of Hilary "Dick Cheney in a pants suit" Clinton, and further reinforces how deeply the Dems have slashed their wrists in their desperate effort to avoid being called Liberal.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Jeb Bush isn't a moderate Democrat. That's ridiculous. He's MAY be a moderate Republican, but only compared to the current insanity that is the GOP.

      Calling Hillary Clinton "Dick Cheny in a pants suit" means you don't have a real grasp on who Dick Cheney is or what he did.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      * "OF who"

  12. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Pence? Laughable. He couldn't even keep highways in Indianapolis de-iced this a.m. Indiana is in a race to the bottom. College graduates are leaving at an alarming rate. And with the nepotism assignment of a non-academic president of the flagship university, there will be fewer to replace them.

  13. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Well, well...good for them. I hope they succeed in derailing a Jeb Bush candidacy and a tea bagger nut case gets the nomination. All the better for those of us who don't want to see a Republican in the White House. Way to ensure another Democratic president, guys. Go for it!

  14. Anita Winecooler4:31 PM

    It'll never happen. "Jeb Bush for President, what's the worse that could happen?" Though I think he'd be a great candidate, the name is a buzz kill and he's too moderate. They'll run someone that can get them jumping out of their seats with excitement, you know, someone like Mitt Romney.
    I love the deification of Ronald and the reasons it's so stupid. Amazing what stupidity does to people after a long time. They "forget" Iran Contra, etc.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I believe "stupidity" is the default setting......

    2. What would be Romney's new battle cry?

      "See? You should have voted for me."?

  15. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I'm sort of hoping open carry becomes a 'badge of honor' at the Republican primary debates..........shoud be fun.....

  16. More power to them. The last thing we need is another Bush in the White House. And they can't run Jeb as the smarter brother. It would only reinforce that they backed the stupid brother for 8 years.

    Go ahead and try Cruz, Walker or Paul. If Hillary runs, no one they put up against her has a chance.

    Please. Why don't you try Bobby Jindal?


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