Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to defend Alaska National Guard program and attack the President. Oddly enough not a whisper about the recent sex scandal.

The above graphic was posted on Palin's Facebook page last night along with this post: 

We’re very proud of all our U.S. military forces! That includes our National Guard units, which can't be taken for granted as they're needed more than ever in these tumultuous times. When provided with good leadership, the Guard can always be counted on to complete successful missions and assignments in defense of our nation. All supporters of our military look forward to being encouraged by a President who will respect the Guard and elected officials who will prioritize budgets to strengthen all our fighting forces. Of specific concern is the ratcheting down of units, qualified personnel and equipment, and this particular issue I cite is due acknowledgement by state and national leaders, asap. I look forward to politicians' response to this, as it's coming from the guys carrying the load in the Guard.

Her ghostwriter then links to a letter sent out to various Alaskan politicians, written by former Staff Sergeant Russell Throckmorton, pleading with them to protect the Guard's Long Range Surveillance program as well as C Company which is apparently in charge. 

At the end of the letter Throckmorton writes this: 

C Company has a unique set of capabilities, which are essential to protecting Alaskans. Eliminating LRS could damage the belief in Alaska’s homeland defense, and be detrimental to the Guard’s recruiting and retention efforts.

If you found that you recognized the term "recruiting and retention efforts," that is undoubtedly because of the recent scandals surrounding the unit responsible for recruitment and retention.

However there appears to be no evidence that Throckmorton or C Company are in an way directly involved with that scandal. (Though Throckmorton was involved with an anti-drug program affiliated with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race called, oddly enough, "Stay on Track." Probably just another bizarre coincidence.)

I would imagine that Palin's feigned interest in this program is solely about getting her name attached to a military interest and positioning herself as an advocate for protecting the military against the perception that President Obama plans to gut it and therefore leave America defenseless against, well according to the graphic, the Russians.

However considering the current distrust by many in the state of the Guard due to allegations of rampant incompetence as well as sexual misconduct, it would seem risky for Palin to connect her name to them at this time. Even though it offers her the somewhat vague opportunity to attack the President as well.

After all sexual misconduct and rampant incompetence seem like things from which Palin would strive extra hard to remain distant, for quite a number of reasons.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    You would think she would stop doubling down on any /all of her scandals.
    She is a sick sick woman. Almost like a serial killer who keeps returning to the scene of the crime, or aiding law enforcement to see how much she can get away with.
    What a pathetic ill way to go through life.
    I love watching her destruction!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      9:03 - you are spot on. Her pathology is such that she thinks she is fooling people by heading back to the scene of her many crimes.

      The family member who decides to spill the truth will end up being very wealthy. Will they wait until she is dead? At the rate she is abusing her body, it may not be long. Most chronic abusers don't make it out of their 50's.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      With Parnell leaving Methinks she is trying to get in front of something...
      so she can claim to be a victim and of course ultimately blame the POTUS b/c he is POTUS and ya know everything is HIS fault youbetcha.
      She is still a fucking idiot!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    "I look forward to politicians' response to this, as it's coming from the guys carrying the load in the Guard." what does that mean?

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Subject of sentence: "response" or "it's" ???

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:08 AM

      IMO, in light of the NG sex scandal*, I think Ms. Patriuhht's writers are tweaking everyone a bit by using the word "load". Yikes.

      *Unless, of course, they know that whatever syndicate is protecting The Wig That Breathed is going to distance her from this little inconvenience as well--just like everything else. Hey, don't look there, look over here!!.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Surely she does not think politicians actually READ her drivel? Once little lumpy Johnny McCain croaks, ALL her dirty laundry will burst out. He has everything sealed - for now.

    4. Anonymous11:08 AM

      I'll take a stab at it.
      compound sentence
      "I" is the subject of the first part. "Look" is the verb, "response" is the object of the preposition "to", "forward" is an adverb. "as" is a conjunction joining the two independent clauses, "it" is the second subject, "'s coming" (is) is the verb phrase . Do I get a prize? LOL

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      9:47 gets the prize. And some medication for the headache trying to read anything that Sarah wrote.

    6. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Sounds like she thinks she speak for the military (but just the guys, not all the females).

    7. Anonymous2:09 PM

      A Jedi, she is, now, writing as such?

      WTF - is $he or her ghost writer an alien from outer space that has learned his English from the Jedi in Star Wars???

  3. Sarah Palin fool she is.

  4. hedgewytch9:25 AM

    I don't think Sarah really understands what the National Guard is - or it's distinction from career military.

    "Keeping on Track" Snort- they haven't been doing such a great job have they? LOL

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Dear Shit For Brains,
    I don't know who is dumber, you or your ghostwriter. You have just implied that you are proud of the sexual abuse and misconduct in the National Guard. Sarah Palin = dumbass dimwit

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      She's always been for sexual misconduct. "Boys Will Be Boys," with a wink and a lip lick. Right, dumbass dimwit?

  6. Caroll Thompson9:40 AM

    It's quite obvious that Sarah does not understand how the military works. Things change all the time. The military is not a static organization. The brass at the Pentagon make decisions on what they need, analyze what they have, and make changes to the organization.

    And it's not about Alaska. It's about the United States of America. Here in New England, we have lost all of our military bases and people are not happy about that. But the powers that be decided that those bases were not needed, so they closed.

    This work might be better carried out by active duty personnel, not the weekend warriors in the Alaska National Guard. The military is not relying on the Guard like they did during the Bush administration.

    I think Sarah should leave military planning to the professionals, that is, full time officers in the military. I am sure the Staff Sargent means well, but he doesn't see the whole picture.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Palin is not in a position of influence that matters to the military or the Alaska National Guard.

      No one pays attention to her except those on this blog.

      She lost her 'whatever' years ago as well as her physical looks! And, she no longer woos the white, old, moon-bellied fat guys (Republicans/Teabaggers) in America like she was once able to do!

    2. missy commander-in-chief doesn't know shit. shit she in love with putin so it would very easy to pull the wool over her wonky eyes.

      she will be like the phone call from the (fake) French Minister, all girly, giggling and stone stupid.

  7. angela9:48 AM

    Give her a break Gryphen, no one has made fun of her in eight hours. So of course she had to trot out the ghostwritten idiocy and hate. I swear if her heel broke she'd manage to mention the President.

    Do they have stalking statutes in Alaska?
    Give it up Sarah. When was the last time she saw Todd?

  8. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Our global threats require global responses: China is more threatening than Russia right now. The President is focussing on all our needs.
    Sarah's stuck in the Cold War,which, need we remind you Ms. Palin, ended 25 years ago.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Anonymous9:49 AM
      Ya, like "When Putin raises his head...where does he go? Alassssska"
      Hey sarah is he wearing his mom jeans?
      She is still a idiot...

  9. Anonymous9:59 AM

    There you go again, whoring out the military to salvage whatever remains of your reputation, you fucking pimp.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Just like her fucking pimp ex-husband.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    And to think, if just one of the mainstream media outlets had stood up and said, "What the fuck, America? This woman is a complete moron!" during the 2008 election, we might not have to read about her baking pie or pretending to know anything about the military or anything else.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Nichole Wallace should have had the courage to step away and tell what she knew, instead of trying to polish the turd that is PayMe. Wallace even refused to vote, in case McCain won, she was so afraid $carah would be VP. Those McCain aides should have been REAL Americans, and outed this piss poor excuse for a politician, mother, housewife.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      If you don't read this blog or the several other inconsequential anti-palin blogs, or c4p or the several other inconsequential pro-palin blogs, you wont read anything about her. It is that simple.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM


      correct you are -
      but what i'd really like to read is news of the crosseyed seditionist skank getting hit by a truck ..

    4. 10:33 Why are you lying? she is very active and msm DOES covers her stankass. What's frustrating is the msm doesn't follow-up on her bullshit.

      Msm cover her sorryass public speaking events, her racist, sillyass rants and anything she crashes.

    5. I'd prefer if she were eaten by wolves.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I read Wonkette, which covers Palin from time to time. And she's been the subject of the View, which I don't watch. Plus, she's still on Fox every now and then, which I definitely 100% don't watch. She still have a public presence.

      Some of us really want her to get her comeuppance, not just fade away into obscurity (which would be torture to her, but not enough). Public humiliation and denouncement for her and the powers that be that elevated her from small town shitty mayor/shitty governor to candidate for VPOTUS and beyond.

      The problem is that the powers that be that gave us Sarah Palin needs to be publicly taken to task.

    7. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Anon 12:22, Palin doesn't have a humiliation chip. She just doesn't register it. You have to be something other than a narcissist to sense humiliation.

    8. Anonymous1:50 PM

      11:58 Game of Life & 12:22.... yeah.. sure guys.. (eye roll and laugh)...

      She is at this point basically totally ignored by the MSM. At most she gets a very rare, short, segment guest spot on Hannity or one of the other goofball fox shows (if you even call that MSM). No-one takes her serious. Wonkette is satire. And from what I've read here about the View, the couple times she was discussed, it was just the henhouse ragging on her.

      So no. No matter how much you guys want to pretend prop her up, just so you can pretend tear her down... for someone who was once a VP candidate, she is essentially a nobody. Certainly nobody of any power or influence. I swear you guys want her to be a bigger deal than even the C4Pers, albeit for differing reasons.

      She is a d-list celebrity nobody. Get it thru your heads. She will continue doing exactly what she has been doing... for her small fan base... for $$.... for the foreseeable future.

    9. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Wow, 1:50, how many times are you going to post the same thing? How about you stop scolding us and skip over these threads?

    10. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I do it because I like to point out how dumb you are 2:29. It makes me feel good.

    11. Anonymous4:56 PM

      I have a friend who makes a lot of political comments and jokes on his widely followed facebook page. Snarks about Palin never fail to garner a big response, nary a one of which is ever favorable towards the Screechy Wretch.
      The Peerublicans chose her as the new face of the GOP. The least we can all do is to not let them forget it.

  11. Gov. Skank sure likes to smell her own farts. Gryph...when will something stick to this twunt? You've been teasing...but I'd really like something ugly and vile to hit her right between the eyes!

    You're "connected" up there, will Parnell help?

  12. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hopefully the new Governor Walker will be independent enough to steer clear of Palin shenanigans. Seems he is picking a cabinet that AK'ers are pleased with, so far.

    Pretty certain that the Palins were buttering up Walker with their endorsement and little party for a very good reason. They were testing his character to see if he'd grovel at their feet.

    Why would Sarah bring attention to the National Guard now in the middle of this scandal investigation? If she and Todd are busy bribing people to sway them from talking, she's getting herself in deep doo-doo, because it's a whole new ballgame with new players now, and they don't owe her anything.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      11:08 and 10:50 above. You guys are going to have to accept that Palin is a nobody. Neither outgoing Parnell nor the new Governor are going to waste their time with anything Palin. Nobody cares and there is nothing to go after- especially 5+ years after resigning. You get your heads all spun up on these blogs and you lose sense of reality. Get some fresh air and clear your heads. Palin is a d-list reality personality now, and her reality personality is going to continue on and on and on and.....

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      I read that Tawd's father is a friend of Walker's. Let's hope that doesn't mean Tawd and Sarah have a foot in the door of the new administration.

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      They are sucking up to Walker, though Jim Palin, trying to convince Walker to keep Joe Schmidt as head of the prison system. He's deeply unqualified and a lot of people aren't happy with his performance.

      Sarah and Todd are busy trying to keep a bunch of their unqualified friends employed in Government. Parnell was too lazy to kick the lot out so there are a lot of unqualified very highly paid "high school friends" still holding jobs that Walker will most likely not offer to them in his administration.

    4. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Why are you trying so hard to convince us, 2:03? You know, you're welcome to skip over the Palin posts and comments if you feel so strongly she's not worthy of our attention.

    5. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Anonymous12:03 PM Well if she is a No-one we will see when her and todd crimes come out, they won't be full page news, then....right?

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Haven't read the other responses yet, so please forgive if this is a duplicate: You see how Palin has darkened President Obama's skin?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      She's made President Obama look like a gingerbread man, on the well done side.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      I noticed that too. This POS known as Sarah Palin has No decency and knows no shame.

  14. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Sarah Palin as Governor+Todd Palin as an aging washed up FE racer and Shadow Governor with a side biz as pimp to the self-proclaimed power elite = Iron dog+National Guard sponsorship

    There's more to this equation than meets the eye.

    Hey investigative journos - follow the money and do a little digging.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      IM, have you contacted a journalist in Alaska (that is reputable) to get involved with a subject you might have proof of on the Palins? It might be a good idea to give one hints on an exact topic to specifically follow!

      There are so many negative things out there about them - we need to get the subject narrowed down!

      It's so past time they be brought down before either one of them dies! It'll be fun watching them go through Hell while both are still alive!

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Conspiracies to nowhere guys. Find a new hobby.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Why are you here, 2:04? You do understand that Gryphen posts a lot about the Palins. I also enjoy his posts about (anti)religion and non-Palin politics, but the Palins make up a great deal of his content. If you feel so compelled to scold us that you have to post multiple times about it, this doesn't seem the place for you.

    4. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Anonymous2:04 PM

      Conspiracies to nowhere guys. Find a new hobby.
      What about coinkdinks? Do they go nowhere too? Lets see, coinkydink her and todd we in MS/LA when Shay went missing,
      Coinkydink her and todd have somehow blocked the FOIA that Malia requested,
      Coinkydink the Christies can't get FOIA on fake NCIS report that Sarah did on Shawn last nov.(while in Franklins grahams private jet)
      Of course that is all "conspiracy theories"???
      No when the shit comes down it WILL be FRONT page news.
      I for one can't wait and also,too vindication for her victims.

    5. Anonymous4:00 PM

      3:12 I am seriously laughing at you.

      You put too much credence and belief in BS that bloggers blog about. None of those items you mentioned have any credibility. Lala land is where you are.

    6. Anonymous4:59 PM

      anon@204 and 400: worried much?

    7. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Hey investigative journos - follow the money and do a little digging.
      good idea and while they are at it, I would like to know what is her connection to the OathKeepers.

    8. Cracklin Charlie8:57 PM

      What hobbies are included on the approved hobby list, 2:04?

      Because I've just tonight finished a hand-made crib quilt for a dear loved one's expected baby, recently painted three rooms in my house, helped both of my children move houses, and cooked two entire Thanksgiving dinners last week.

      Next week I'm going to start helping my brother plan a new business venture, but I think I have time to squeeze in a new hobby.

      Nah, on second thought, I think I'll just come here and spend my free time laughin' at Sarah Palin's dumb ass. Thanks, Gryphen!

  15. " this particular issue I cite is due acknowledgement by state and national leaders"
    Well, la-di-da. You tossed aside your oath to the people and state of Alaska years ago, you feces-flinging harridan.

    Nothing you cite is owed a response from anyone, let alone "state and national leaders" who are diligently carrying out their job responsibilities and don't have time to waste helping you out with your narcissistic demands for attention and relevancy.

  16. Anonymous11:58 AM

    If the Guard goes out, Todd's business will fold. Holy Moly, they will go broke. Sarah's speaking engagements are nil. They both may have to get jobs as greeters at WalMart! She can wear the blue vest over her holey top and back jeans and click the heals of those patriotic flag boots! You aren't in Kansas anymore Sarah!

    1. hedgewytch12:55 PM

      If the NG is completely aired out and investigated in all its varied branches of misconduct and illegal activities, and the connection is made to Palin, it won't be a blue vest they'll be wearing, but an orange jumpsuit.

      It's a great thought, but I'm cynical enough to not hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Anonymous11:58 AM
      He always has the slop-pers.... I'm sure he has action up there, also national action...

  17. Randall1:40 PM

    When told, the President responded, "Sarah who?"

  18. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Now the moron is boasting about her & barstool going to Haiti with that chiseler, franklin graham. What, fucking 4 years ago, bfd.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Poor fat, sweaty Bristol, overdressed for Haiti in her stretch jeans and GIANT scarf, looking pink and exhausted. Does Sarah really want for us to revisit Haiti and the daughter who gained 30lbs while dancing with the stars? I think they all forget the lies they've told. They should keep a journal and consult it before opening their mouths.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Also, seriously it's always nice to visit this IM post that highlights Bristol's DWTS pork-up, although it doesn't contain Haiti photos it does contain the one with Sherri Shepherd taken only a few weeks before the Haiti trip.


    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      b/c last nov she was on franklin's private plane and filed a false NCIS report against Shawn Christie. That's why. They are demanding answers and getting platitudes, like everyone who does FOIA. John McCain must be pulling his hair out.

  19. Anonymous2:40 PM

    ...Sen. McConnell’s comments are another indication that Republicans have no idea who this president is. McConnell and Boehner thought that they were getting the imaginary Obama that Fox News is always talking about, but they are both realizing that the man they are going to be dealing with for the next two years is nothing like what Republicans imagined him to be.

    President Obama isn’t indecisive. The president is not weak. Obama has shown in numerous standoffs with House Republicans that he doesn’t respond well to bullying and hostage politics. The president’s offers of bipartisanship are real, but he expects Republicans to meet him in the middle. Obama has spent years refusing to bend to Republican created crisis, so it is unfathomable that McConnell could be perplexed by anything that the president is doing.

    With his immigration executive action, the president outflanked Republicans while reuniting his party. Obama has six years of evidence that Republicans had no intention of working with him on anything. The White House had a strategy in place, and they were prepared for a Democratic defeat.

    McConnell and Boehner have already backed down on the threat to shutdown the government in December. Sen. McConnell doesn’t have the stomach for government shutdowns, which means that he has very few weapons to use against the president.

    President Obama responded to the midterm election results ready to fight. Instead of a victory lap, McConnell has gotten himself a political street fight where President Obama has already won the first round.

    One gets the sense that feeling perplexed is just the beginning of Mitch McConnell’s problems.


  20. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Obama Wins As Boehner Announces His Plan To Cave To The President’s Executive Orders


    Two New Polls Bring Great News For President Obama and Congressional Democrats

    ...The situation is going from bad to worse for the Republican Party. The GOP is trapped between members of their congressional caucuses who are demanding revenge for the president’s action on immigration and the political reality that the what Obama did is popular.

    While the American people are demanding that Republicans cooperate more with the president, members of their party want to do nothing. The polling suggests that people elected Republicans, and now they expect Boehner and McConnell to get things done. If Republicans don’t act, the blame Obama strategy isn’t going to work. President Obama isn’t on the ballot in 2016, but the Republican majorities will be.

    Both of these polls are good news for Democrats, but they suggest a path forward. The president can continue to take positive steps through popular executive action while Democrats in Congress can go on offense against the Republican agenda.

    Democrats are off on the right foot and are putting together a successful strategy. Boehner and McConnell appear to have been blindsided by Democratic aggressiveness. If the Republicans don’t regroup, Democrats could be putting the building blocks in place for a very successful 2016 election.


  21. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I was reading a book on brain health( National Geographic)
    and came upon information about a rare disease called
    Wernicke's aphasia. "People with this disorder lose their ability to understand lanquage and speak intelligibly. Their
    words often come out with apparently good syntax, but they
    make no sense. Their speech patterns and intonation seem normal, but they insert wrong words and randomly jumble
    words together. A so-called "word salad" of a patient with
    Wernicke's aphasia might sound like this: Fly to the oven and get the government mystery. "The patient with this disease
    lies at the extreme end of a scale of language processing.
    While reading , I thought, this sounds like" word salad" Palin.
    No wonder she must use a ghost writer ! Her kids don't have to worry if they have the problem. They only know one word , and it starts with F !

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      She's just a plain evil vile liar. No disease

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Word salads are a classic indicator of a serious thought disorder, i.e., psychosis

  22. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Comments on the hate book page, note Karen Olin Manno's comment. She's giving the goobers a run for their money over there. She'll soon have her comments scrubbed & be banned.
    Kenny Gates You know this is great, if one had the money she has no I'm not knocking her for having the money to do this, she earned it. I'm just saying it would be nice to do this and spread the joy it brings, if I ever hit the lottery just watch the joy I bring the less fortunate
    1 · 48 minutes ago

    Lee Kimpel certainly sounds like your knocking her. Why even say this? Why post this? Ya dont have to hit the lotterry to spread joy. Not all about money.
    31 minutes ago
    Karen Olin Manno Well, I'll knock her. She lies about people I care about, bashes our president by making up stuff such as her most recent vicious cartoon about Obama. She lied about death panels in Obama care! Because of Obama care my life is dramatically improved!
    28 minutes ago

  23. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Anonymous 2:44 PM agrees with Anonymous 3:46 PM!

  24. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

    I always enjoy reading your take on "The Floozette Gazette" and what happens to be rattling in her bobble head at any given moment. "Stay on Track" Bwaaaaaaahhh!

  25. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Folks, let Palin keep on producing this shit. Everything she says will be used against her when the time is right!

  26. Anonymous8:52 PM

    So she's just making shit up, and trying to win arguments with a strawman she created.

    She'll probably get more of a rise out of the strawman than she ever will from our President.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.