Monday, December 01, 2014

GOP staffer who criticized Obama daughters to resign.

Courtesy of MSNBC: 

A GOP staffer has been forced to resign after launching a verbal assault on Malia and Sasha Obama in the wake of their appearance at their father’s annual turkey pardoning ceremony at the White House. 

Elizabeth Lauten, who served as a communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher, criticized the two girls in a Facebook rant which eventually went viral. “Act like being in the White House matters to you. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at a bar. And certainly don’t make faces during televised, public events,” wrote Lauten. 

She went on the call the first children, who largely stay out of the limelight, “classless.” 

Many have argued Malia and Sasha were behaving like typical teenagers at the event. They appeared unamused by President Obama’s corny jokes and at one point Malia declined to pet the Thanksgiving turkey by simply saying, “Nah.” 

This is far from the first time the president’s daughters have been singled out for ridicule on the right. 

I think we all knew this was coming. 

Especially with so much pressure coming from all corners to fire her.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    An in-person apology should have been required as well.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      I wouldn't let her anywhere near our First Family.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      '''I wouldn't let her anywhere near our First Family. '''

      LOL....neither would I.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Memo to Elizabeth: Next time you might want to consider praying BEFORE you shoot your mouth off about the President's teenage children. And who made you the arbitrator of good taste in America? Looks like you could use some repair work on your own sorry self.

    And while I'm at it, what self respecting 30 something has to have a heart to heart with Mommy and Daddy before they can make a decision? What a total loser.

    Hope you are a toxic mess in Washington and nobody will touch you with a 10 foot pole.

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    It would not surprise me at all if Mrs. Todd Palin came to her defense. Because, you know, children are off limits unless they're her children. Or some such nonsense.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Might I suggest this P.O.S. go pray some more and ask her God to help her lose weight.

    Gosh, Ms. Communications Expert, appearance counts a lot.

    Just ask the Obama girls.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Yes. Ms. Lauten could benefit from "stretching", push-ups and squats herself.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      This woman is likely jealous that the Obama girls are tall, slim and have great legs. All attributes she is missing out on. She looks like Meghan McCain, only with $carah Palin crossed eyes. Obviously, she does not pray heard enough since she lost her job.

  5. Olivia6:40 AM

    I think it is so interesting that for some people the gut reaction to kids of color being kids or any kids just acting like typical teens is to become so enraged that they cannot stop themselves from tweeting or posting something disgusting and way out of line. They don't even take a second to think about why they are so enraged or what the consequences of their eruption might be.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Republican Who Attacked Obama Girls Was Arrested as a Teenager for Misdemeanor Larceny … via @politicususa

  6. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Sarah should sit this one out! She wouldn't like to be reminded again of the hoe-down throw-down that she, her husband, and her adult children were involved in.

    2. Boscoe8:30 AM

      @7:31 - But of course she won't. I'm betting before the end of the week, we'll be treated to a brand new steaming pile of Sarah, waxing philosophical on how awful "leftists" are and how she, herself is a prime example! -Look at ME everyone! Look at ME!!

      She's just working up a sufficiently onerous bumpersticker slogan to wrap it around. Just you wait.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Yeah, but remember they said the drunken brawl were ALL lies and they were just innocently leaving a party or something like that.

  7. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The extreme and inappropriate criticism from Lauten is unacceptable considering the President's daughters have demonstrated impeccable behavior at events since Inaugeration Day in 2008. The first family exudes taste, class, culture, ettiquette, appropriate attire for occasions and conduct themselves abroad respecting customs and culture.

    Lauten seized a flaw and said viscious allegations demeaning and degrading the Obama family.

    Her vile words are more outraheous in light of the former VP candidate, Palin, and her attire, the family brawl on tape and constant mockery of class, manners, respectful attire etc.

    The Obama teens dress modestly even in mini skirts. Lauten deserves to resign.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Remember how the Bush teens CHEWED up during their father's first Inauguration!

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Exactly right 6:43am. On all points.


    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Uh, what flaw? Dad's cracking bad jokes? It's expected and part of family humor protocol to roll one's eyes. Not doing so is sort of like not laughing at a roast - it just shows you have no sense of humor and an overinflated ego - see: Trump, Donald.

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The "hours of prayer" before the insincere retraction don't seem to have produced a way to wiggle out the consequences of a gratuitous attack. A social media consultant probably would have been a better investment.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Ms. Lauten was probably praying that she wouldn't loose her job.

      I'm not a holy roller, but if she would treat others as she like to be treated herself, she would not have written that nasty piece directed at two young girls.

  9. Anonymous6:43 AM

    GOOD. I wonder how much prayer it took. ;-)

  10. Dear Elizabeth Lauten:
    I couldn't help to notice the picture of you today, it's seems that clearly you need to refrain from opening the refrigerator, as you are completely obese, but than you probably were a fat teen as well as an adult.

  11. She needs to apologize not only to Sasha and Malia, but also for her despicable remarks about their parents, the President and First Lady of the United States.

    The entire family is owed an apology from from this classless, ignorant, nasty, racist bitch.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM


      I'm sick of these non-apologies to "those who were offended."

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Agreed. My jaw dropped when I read what she wrote about the First Daughters dressing as they were vying for a place at a bar?!? I'm like WTF they are 13 and 16 year old girls..a bar?!

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    She should have been fired long ago because, as a Communications Secialist," she couldn't write legible English sentences, even on Twitter.

  13. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Good! Her behavior was abhorrent!

  14. This woman had many moments at which to change her mind. From thought, to composition, construction, to publishing of this piece and obviously at no point along the way did she see it better not to do it. As blatantly unfair as this was I just find it incomprehensible to understand a person who could do this. How depraved. How soulless. How Republican.

  15. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Lauten worked for Joe Walsh before Fincher.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      That explains quite a bit.

  16. I'm guessing we wont see many posts from her regarding 'entitlements' like unemployment insurance now...

  17. Anonymous7:08 AM

    It would be one thing if these girls were adults and blogging about politics and pointing out failures of others' behaviors, or charging others' and demanding they be fired or shunned. But these girls do no such thing. They don't point their fingers at others. If their 'sin' was to appear bored, then all kids are guilty.

    It's another thing when politicians' kids get out the ink and put down others who never spoke a bad word about them. How many other politicians' daughters (who have so little experience, other than red, wild and blue outdoor Alaska fun), blog about the politics they disagree with, and personally attack others, like Bristol attacking Wendy Davis, or in past the Obama girls (suggesting they watch some silly show), or denigrating others because they don't worship her mother.

    The 'Lauten' maneuever seems to come from the Palin book of jealousy, hate, and vendetta against anyone who won a competition against them, or who criticized their condemnation of others.

    Attacking two innocent girls is as low as one can go; but those who get paid to tell others how to live, and point out their faults, while living a double life, (like some Tea Party ones we know, and like some who use scripture to hide behind), get absolutely no correction from Lauten or from the militant political christian community. They won't rein in their own; and they don't seem to care that the hypocrites poison the reputation of serious loving christians.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Unlike the children of would-be politicians and celebretards, the Obama girls are very rarely seen in public, and have never been in the news for taking part in drunken screaming brawls, party-boat destruction, cutting brakes on school buses, or getting pregnant.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      It's also "something" for teens to appear bored at say, a ceremony honoring vets, or a state funeral, etc. THIS WAS A TURKEY PARDONING, an entirely humorous, satirical, frivolous event.

      The Obama girls behaved and dressed appropriately, Lauten's an [unemployed] GOP racist fool. End of story.

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Good. Even Forbes Magazine called her "apology" a "non-apology."
    Lauten undoubtedly attended one of those super-conservative schools that pretend to graduate actual, functioning adults, when all they produce are brain-washed "christian" toadies.
    She should go back to one of those "schools" to leanr ethics, the English language, or true Christian humility.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Henry Clay High School, East Carolina University. However, her major was English Literature and Classics, yet her Linked in page is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. Guess she minored in "tweeting for twits" and "facebooking to cause facepalming?"

  19. Another victim of blind hate tweeting.
    When will they learn?

    Maybe FOX will give her a job making coffee.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      "Maybe FOX will give her a job making coffee." Not even, I doubt Ms. Lauten would know how to use filters.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Snort! Good one, 7:45 AM!

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      "Maybe FOX will give her a job making coffee." Nah...maybe food taster

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      She'd have to drop 30 pounds then maybe.

  20. Crystal Sage7:17 AM

    Yes, she should have prayed before she preyed on Facebook. I hope that her employer forced her to resign. Even that wasn't punishment enough for her classless attack on the First Family.

    1. Boscoe8:24 AM

      It's interesting how her religious convictions helped her realize her mistake, but did nothing to make her the kind of person who would've known better than making it in the first place. Funny how the teachings of Jesus get ignored until there's a problem for him to solve.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Boscoe, you just defined religiosity, billions of people asking their personal god "hey, what can YOU do for ME"?

  21. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Just wait...any minute now barstool or scarah will post some hateful racist rants about the girls. However, I am almost positive that it will be barstool who will post some victim teenage-mother shit even thought she's 25.
    Barstool has a lot of nerve. She could only DREAM of being a tiny bit like the Obama girls who ARE intelligent AND classy, and that's what's burning up the tea-baggers & repugs.

  22. Anonymous7:31 AM


    Whoopi is giving it to her right now.

    And Nicole Wallace loves the Obama girls!

  23. Anonymous7:31 AM

    This Lauten woman will most likey be invited to fox & get paid for being a low-life racist.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      She's too fat for Fox.

  24. Anonymous7:37 AM

    And Sarah Palin will come out with a facebook post trying to make it all about her in 3....2....1....

  25. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Me thinks that chunky-monkey Lauten is JEALOUS of the Obama girls' long, slim legs.

    Oh, and the girls are 13 and 16 years old. They have never been in a bar. Projection much? Since you are constantly photographed with a mixed drink in your hand, I think I see where you are coming from, hippo-crite.

  26. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Never once have I seen the First Daughters behave badly, much less like the disgusting descriptions Lauten wrote. They also dress fashionably, at times dressing their age and for the occasion, other times I see them and beam with admiration at their appearance and behavior.

    Besides, they should not have been called out in that manner no matter what. Totally uncalled for. Has this Lauten called out any of the Bush daughters? Or more obviously, the Palins? No?

    Disclaimer: I also do not like underage children, Palin or otherwise, being made fun of in the media for being "children", looks-wise or dress-wise anyway. Unless they are found brawling and fighting in a thong dress of course.


  27. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Is she pregnant?

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Is she pregnant?

      NAH....she's just following the DWTS barstool diet.

  28. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Sarah Palin will rant about some 'left-wing' war on the 1st Amendment, while conveniently ignoring her previous insistence that anyone who says anything negative about HER must be fired .

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Just like she forced Bashir to resign by sending her attack bots after him.

  29. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Cyberbullying and slut-shaming children is cruel and is NEVER okay especially coming from an adult who was once a teen girl herself. Lauten still owes an apology directly to these children and their parents. Not surprising though considering she worked for the likes of disrespectful Joe (You Lie!) Walsh. Just goes to show the GOPs real mindset. They don't mind tearing this country apart over evil uppity hip-hoppers.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      NOT Joe 'you lie' Wilson but Joe 'unpaid child-support' Walsh (R-IL, lasted one term GOTP).

      Both Joe's are rabid ranters. Lauten worked for Joe Walsh in the past.


    2. PalinsHoax9:26 AM

      I believe it was Joe Wilson who so disrespectfully shouted "You lie!" to President Obama during a State of the Union Address. Now THAT, Elizabeth Lauten, is classless!

      And Joe Walsh is the deadbeat dad that you worked for, Elizabeth. He would not make child support payments for his OWN children. And THAT, Elizabeth Lauten, is also classless!

      I have the feeling, Ms Lauten, that when you look in the mirror, what you see is ALSO classless!

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      The last guy she worked for used a verse from the bible to cut food stamps, forgetting that Christ feed the hungry.

  30. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Liz spent 6 years in college (2001-07) to receive a BA, Classical Studies, English Literature.

    She bills herself a "communications" EXPERT....LMAO

    In her next job she will say, "Do you want fries with that?"

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      "Ya wanna Supersize that order?"

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      She won a contest to cover the 2012 election for CNN. Then she complained because she couldn't take a bathroom break.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I found an Ireport CNN link for Lauten at the 2012 RNC. Maybe Lauten had the pleasure of interviewing Angry Ann Romney? I didn't take the time to view the clip.

      "My name is Elizabeth Lauten and I want CNN to fly me to Tampa!

      Four ninety-five. The beltway that separates those in D.C. from the people they represent...

      I came to D.C. with a single mission -- to stand up for the people who live outside of this beltway. Back then, we were told hope and change was the answer to it all. But four years later, Obama has squeezed the hope out of all of us. This year, we change that.

      I'm Elizabeth Lauten and I approved this message, because I want to go to Tampa and give the beltway crowd a wake-up call.

      - Elizabeth Lauten (@DCGOPGirl)

      Side note: I want to go to Tampa because I have worked on every Presidential campaign since 2000. I want to go to Tampa because I work tirelessly within the Republican Party. I want to go to Tampa because I've volunteered in almost special election since 2007 (and paid my way to get around the country to do so). I want to go to Tampa because I was the Alexandria Young Republican Chair (the largest YR club in VA) for 3 yrs and during that time did all that I could help-elect Virginia Republicans. I want to go to Tampa because I've paid my own way through the '08 cycle to work in all the early primary states and later to work in a Victory Office for the last month of the McCain campaign. I want to go to Tampa because I don't complain when handed the hard work that's necessary to win. I want to go to Tampa because I bleed blood, sweat and politics."

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Lauten attended ECU (Eastern Carolina University), basically a place where people who can't get into any other college go. It's not even a "save" school, it's a last ditch attempt to say you "went to college" and it even took her 6 years to graduate, from basically a glorified community college. Explains so much about her and her "world view".

  31. Caroll Thompson8:28 AM

    Just waiting for Sarah to come out with "the liberal media and her kids, blah blah blah blah". You know that is coming.

    Actually, Sarah's kids are grown ass adults, but that won't stop Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      There is a very good reason why Sarah can't comment on Elizabeth's facebook post. Her kids wear trashy clothes, too. As governor, Sarah made a public appearance and Willow showed up in Daisy Dukes. Bristol and her thong dress. The Brawl. Track with no shirt, flipping people off. Bristol's f---ing swearing. Bristol wanting to give the finger to America when she was on DWTS. Bristol getting into a fight in al bar. Bristol and Willow writing homophobic comments on their facebook. No, Sarah can't call out the liberals for getting Elizabeth fired. Everyone had a bad reaction to Elizabeth's facebook post, except for the racists who hate Obama.

  32. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Someone as fat as her shouldn't criticize others.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      She has been photographed with a beer bottle in her mouth. Either she was going to open it with her teeth or give it a blow job. She has been photographed in dumpy dresses, out of date shoes and holding a drink or two. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  33. Anonymous8:51 AM

    One of the callers to Stephanie Miller this morning called Lauten a Palin Wannabee. Yep, those square lens glasses really do make you look smart.

  34. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Hello Elizabeth Lauten.

    Sucks to be you huh?

    Since you are looking for a job here are some people that might be a good fit for your beliefs. And they needed some communications expertise also too!
    White Cleveland Cops: We're Treated Too Harshly When We Shoot Black People!

  35. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Not a spot at the bar...That would be the Bush twins. Remember when they got busted twice in one week for underage drinking? Then they went to some South American country and were asked to leave.I could Google to see which country it was but they're not worth the effort.What a piece of shit this woman is.

  36. Anonymous9:24 AM

    While Elizabeth's comments about the Obama girls were pretty bad, I thought that she was channeling her best Sarah Palin imitation when she wrote that President and Michelle Obama disrespected the office and the nation. That sounds racist and rude. We had a president who was so drunk that he fell off a sofa, choking on a pretzel while watching a super bowl game. (GWB). We had a president who had sex in the oval office. (I liked Bil Clinton, but I didn't like what he did). Ronald Reagan held office while suffering from Alzheimers and his wife used his horoscope and a fortune teller to design his calendar. (Sorry, President Reagan can't see you today. Virgo isn't in the right place).

  37. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The on-line photos show Elizabeth enjoying cocktail parties with other Republicans. She just repeated what she was hearing from her Republican boss and coworkers. They must all talk that way. The difference is that they knew enough to keep it out of print and she was dumb enough to post it. Yes, the people at Sarah's Pee Fan Site talk that way, too. And Sarah shows that same lack of respect to President Obama. Elizabeth just showed us what they talk about at those parties that she was photographed at.

  38. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Oh Elizabeth, you didn't mention that you were arrested for shop lifting when you were in YOUR awful teen years. Was that being classy? Did you pray about that too?

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      I just came on to leave a note about that. The silly woman really opened up a can of worms. By the time people are through researching her past we will know when she was diaper trained.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM


  39. Cracklin Charlie9:58 AM

    She is a fine one to criticize the Obamas....

    Maybe this was why she had to spend so much time "praying".

    1. I was on a site yesterday where a woman who claimed to be one of her sorority sisters said she stole from two other sorority sisters and lied all of the time. That was yesterday, so it makes sense she started younger.

      The sad part is that there was no reason for her to throw stones at the Obama girls when she had such a turbulent young adulthood---which she would not have been judged by, until now. She screwed herself.

  40. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Elizabeth has wild and crazy looking eyes. Just like stupid racist Sarah.

  41. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Derp alert!

    "When Elizabeth Lauten first saw actress Stacey Dash’s tweet supporting Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney last year, she knew it would be news.

    The city resident was just playing around on Twitter in the wee hours of the night when she read it. Clad in a Redskins sweatshirt and without makeup, Lauten switched on her webcam, reporting the “Clueless” star’s declaration of support on CNN’s blogging platform iReport.

    She broke the story long before any of the major news networks, broadcasting the information and offering commentary from the comfort of her home.

    “I thought it was relevant news and was interesting,” she said. “You really didn’t see an African-American in Hollywood coming out for Romney. She wasn’t even allowed to have an opinion before millions jumped down her throat.”

    Oh look- Lauten is a professional political klingon.

    "Lauten, who works as a press secretary for Congressman Stephen Fincher (R-TN), became familiar with iReport after attending a meeting at the Heritage Foundation — a conservative Washington think tank. It was advertising a contest CNN was hosting, and the winners would be sent to either the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., or the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.

    So Lauten entered, creating a campaign-style video on iReport demonstrating why she should go to Tampa. And she won."

  42. I have to say that those are two of the most beautifully raised children I've ever seen. (And I know beautifully raised children!) Their parents are doing a wonderful job with them, in what must be a very difficult environment. That Malia is drop-dead gorgeous and Sasha - while not the beauty her sister is - is adorable. I'm the mother of two beautifully-raised sons - my only claim-to-fame - and I know how difficult it is.

  43. Anonymous10:53 AM

    And don't forget to mention that Lauten was arrested as a teenager for misdemeanor larceny. When she was 17 she stole from Belk department store.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Her parents must be terrible role models who don't respect themselves or their country.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Elizabeth and her trashmouth could always have a job as a speech/facebook writer for Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      She was also arrested again at 19.

  44. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Maybe a few extra hours of prayer and she could've walked back her smear of POTUS & FLOTUS.Andy Borowitz nails it:

  45. Anonymous2:10 PM

    If you scratch the surface of a lot of extreme right wing women you will find a lot of extremely trashy behavior in their past-Sarah Palin's less than stellar college years and screwing Glen Rice (a news source), Dr. Laura fucking her way into a radio career, cheating on her first husband and getting involved with her second husband while he was married to his first wife, Star Parker dealing drugs and having four abortions, etc.

    Jennifer K

  46. Anita Winecooler3:40 PM

    But but but.... she prayed and prayed real hard, talked to her parents and issued an apology non apology to no one in particular. She even took the "offensive" post down. It's never easy firing someone right before Christmas, but she finally figured out the resignation was her only option. Hey Liz, next time pray harder. Maybe kneel with your arms out (for better reception and to "catch" the holy as it radiates in your general vicinity). I think that's what the problem was, she didn't pray hard enough. How sad. Practice makes perfect. SMH who resigns right before a holiday?

  47. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Lauten was also arrested when she was 17 for larceny and when she was 19 for speeding.

  48. The Obama girls are 13 and 16 and have to live in a spotlight. Most girls wear whatever the fashion of the day is to some extent. In my generation it was mini skirts and bikinis. We rolled our skirts up when we left the house and had the bikini tops on under our blouses. Then in the summer it was even worse. Teenagers are teenagers, they make faces, talk back and think their parents are idiots.

  49. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Ronald Reagan Daughter, Patti Davis wrote a wonderful letter to the Obama Girls, it soften the blow for me.

  50. Anonymous3:10 AM

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