Friday, December 05, 2014

I think we are already seeing strong evidence to suggest who will be the contenders in 2016.

Courtesy of TPM:

 Hillary Clinton has recently met with two of the names most frequently floated to be her campaign manager in 2016, should she choose to run, Politico reported Thursday. 

She met Wednesday with Guy Cecil, who oversaw the national Democratic Senate campaign arm during the 2014 election, according to Politico's sources. Clinton has also met with Robby Mook, who ran Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's 2013 campaign, though Politico could not secure firmer details of the meeting.

No surprise here, I think we all know this is a given at this point. 

But then check this out, also courtesy of TPM: 

Republican operatives in New Hampshire have told Real Clear Politics that they've been contacted by a Jeb Bush confidant about running his operation in the state for a 2016 presidential campaign. 

The unnamed GOP strategists told the news outlet that they had been told to "keep your powder dry" by those close to Bush. 

"I think the decision’s been made, personally,” one of the strategists said. Another added: “I’ve definitely perceived an uptick in the perception of him doing this."

Yeah I tend to think the decision has been made as well. 

In fact Bush said publicly that he was thinking of running, and let's face it you don't really say that in front of an audience unless you are convinced you are going to run.

And if he runs my friends, and I know that many of you don't want to hear this, he will more than likely win his nomination. And, your going to hate this part, he actually has the best chance against Hillary of ANY OTHER Republican candidate.

As much as people say they hate the idea of political dynasties there is a lot to be said for name recognition.

So in my opinion, barring some unforeseen event that derails one or both of these candidates, I think that image above represents the 2016 presidential campaign.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    No more Bushes, and no more Clintons.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM


    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      You totally laid down the law there! Hey guys! No more Bushes or Clintons! Cause this guy said so. Guess I'll just ignore this entire election since 6:17 AM has already settled it! Who's with me?

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I'm with 6:17.

    4. No more unqualified people, only qualified ones. I don't give a damn what their names are or who they're related to.

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      We don't need an elite ruling class in America. No kings and queens and princes and princesses. Its time for some new blood because the old blood has been mucking this country up.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM


    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      ugh and Im a democrat

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Oh, of course you are, 7:58AM. Next time, try saying "I'm a lifelong member of the democrat party" so we'll know for sure who you are lol

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM



    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      ugh no you're not. Warren 2016!

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Another Bush would finalize my exit from this country...wondering what it's really like to be an expat? Anyone?

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Unless you have lots of money, it isn't easy. Forget about seeing family and friends very often or at all - unless you have money for travel. Also, Medicare doesn't work in other countries. Check and make sure your health insurance is usable in other countries. Plus, unless you move to an English speaking country, you will have to learn a new language. I've traveled extensively and have yet to find another place I'd rather live, except Ireland.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Hubby and I have been living in Costa Rica for the last five years. Cheaper -- by far! -- than anywhere we could live in USA. Costa Rica has single-payer health care -- my MD studied in USA and UK; my dentist is a grad of Baylor. GMOs are outlawed. My Spanish is not great -- but my pantomime is! Move back to USA?!? No way, Jose! -- pun intended

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Can you imagine a completely ReThugliCon government with Congress as well as the president being a teabagger/ReCon?!

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Jeb Bush will never survive the primaries. The Republican base is too far gone. They are old, white, angry, irrational and they vote. He represents everything they despise.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I think that you are correct. That is why he said they would have to lose the primary to win the election. And I'm sorry, but the CONservative crowd will not accept his Latina wife and kids, none of which have stellar reputations. Jeb, don't let the door hit ya'...


    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      7:37 you are making a huge error in thinking what you think... about conservatives (not) accepting him because he has a Latina wife.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      8:07, 7:37 here.

      Why do you think that the party of self-deportation of them gosh-durn furriners will accept one that is here only because she married an American? (Anchor-husband) And just you wait until they hear Jeb speak fluent Spanish (good for him!). That should send them over the cliff for good!


    4. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Good luck with your racist generalizations and overt simplified categorizations of Americans JJ.

    5. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Aaah, no. The far-right crazies have defined themselves very well. And THEY are the ones that will vote and nominate anyone but Jeb. I am not a racist. I am a realist who can SEE what is going on around her every single day. If you can't see the truth, then I feel sorry for you, AnonymousE.


  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    You're correct Gryph. It will be a Clinton/Bush race and it will be a tight one.


    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Itll be interesting since Bill is close to the Bushs

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      A Clinton/Bush race might be more than tight, Bush might win. Sad but, Hillary will not pull the youth vote like Obama did and if the Hispanic vote is split, there go the chances of keeping the WH out of the hands of the wing-nuts. Bush on the other hand is being called a moderate Democrat by the conservative groups, which makes his chances of winning the primary bleak even against the pack of comedian fodder that has indicated interest so far.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      8:01, if it came down to Jeb/Hillary, Jeb stands a very good chance at winning, more than Democrats would like to believe. But it is doubtful a Jeb presidency would be a wingnuttathon, he is more of a moderate like Bush Sr.

  7. I think The Democratic Party should put a Phalanx of Progressive legislators out front and center, on a rotating schedule, to refute each and every Rethuglikan prevarication as they appear in the MSM. People like Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Kirstin Gillibrand, Richard Blumenthal, and Maria Cantwell, as examples.
    Far too many lies and distortions made by Rethuglikans go unanswered and work their way into the zeitgeist of one news cycle to the next, masquerading as truth.
    There has to be a concerted effort by Democrats to thwart this onslaught or there is no hope for the Truth.

  8. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I tend to agree with you Gryphen. Bush also is married to a Latina and if he chooses a women VP (e.g. NM Gov Susanna Martinez) I think he has a real shot. Crazy as that sounds I think he does. They could pull Hispanic vote from the Dems.

    And why the HELL is Hilary choosing the moron that ran the Dem Senate process this year -- look how well that turned out. And McAuliffe is known as slimy/not exactly brilliant and many Dems held their nose and voted for him. Are these the strongest people she could find ???

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      If YOU want to stop people from using race, then stop acknowledging the race of one's spouse

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      It doesn't sound crazy at all. Jeb is actually the Bush that a lot of people like- many had wished for a Jeb presidency instead of George, now they have their chance. I think in a toe to toe Jeb wins.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Thanks you Ann, I strongly concur.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Ann is concurring with 'herself'.

    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Hey Anne, stop expecting other people to control YOUR racism. Do you jump your idol Palin's shit when she says "If we're so racist how come we hang out with Ben Carson and Allen West?" Of course not, 'cause it's ok for YOU guys to bring up race. Go fuck yourself.

    6. Anonymous9:44 AM

      No 9:28, Ann was not concurring with herself.... Love how the Democrats always Uncle Tom anyone of color that strays from their base and label them as tokens. Talk about racist. That labeling will eventually backfire. Are people of color not allowed to support any party besides the one you choose for them 9:28? They don't get a choice, can't think for themselves?

    7. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Aaaaaand, now Annie is defending her other two personalities! You go, girl! How many more you got hiding in your head?

    8. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Annie your crazy is out there for all to see.

    9. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Hey 9:44 AM - Love how the Republicans always pretend they can read someone's mind and guess their political positions based on shit they totally didn't even come CLOSE to saying, but instead the Republican makes up out of whole cloth based on what they WISH others would say. But if "your" version of what I said is easier to argue with, just go with it, you idiots always do anyway. You are the only one using the word "token" and trying to control what others are allowed to think or say, moron.

  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Fixed it for you:

    In fact Bush said publicly that he was thinking of running, and let's face it you don't really say that in front of an audience unless you are convinced you are going to run or you are a professional tease named Palin.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Bush is an intelligent man and would probably make a good President

    2. They are already digging up his many financial associations. He's looking dirty.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Hey 8:02, he stole Florida for his baby brother and so shares direct responsibility in the 8 years of hell that followed. Maybe you've forgotten but those of us who were paying attention even BEFORE the "evil" black guy got in have not. It seems like a lot of people here just have to hear that a Bush is running to just give up and hand it to him though. How sad.

    4. @ 8:55
      a minor point - but-- "W" is older than Jeb--

      and yes, I wouldn't doubt that Jeb, as Gov. of Florida, was active in "ahem" securing the 2000 election for W & Cheney.

      But I think there may be a subtle point you are missing. Those of us who see there is a good possibility that Jeb may be the GOP candidate are not IN FAVOR of Jeb being the POTUS, we just recognize the realities of the situation. --

    5. Anonymous7:40 PM

      @conscious at last - You sure of that name? Yeah, both points you had to make were minor. The first one was pretty unimportant and the second was an answer to something I never claimed. Thanks for proving how badly you missed my "subtle point", though.

    6. The even less subtle point is that you are a bundle of anger. I wasn't being nasty, I was trying to engage in a conversation. It's unfortunate that this type of anonymous communication on the internet makes it so easy to project your own crap on others..

    7. Anonymous9:22 AM

      @7:40 PM Fuck off troll.

  10. A. J. Billings7:49 AM

    I concur with your assessment Gryphen, in that Jeb and Hillary will be the nominees and one of them will be the next President.

    Of course the rabid evangelical right would hate having a "moderate" like Jeb Bush as the party standard bearer, because he's not an in your face Christian fanatic, and he's not going advocate shutting down the government like the Tea Party.

    Without doubt, Bush faces a terrific and vicious fight from all the Teaparty, racist, KKK, and hard core Christian factors, but in the end they have to nominate someone who can win the election.

    One thing all IM readers know implicitly is that Snowflake Snooki $arah will NEVER seriously run for President.

    Oh, she may do a kabuki dance vacation tour in another bus like she did in 2011, just to gin up donations, and prove how vibrantly she lives and to get her name in the news.

    Actually running for President in 2015 is going to take a billion dollar operation and 120 hour work weeks for a solid year, and that's way too much work and commitment for rill 'Muricans like Caribou Barbie.

    Ain't that right $arah? Let's hear you say HOOOOHAHH again,

  11. Anonymous7:57 AM

    So, another Bush or the woman married to another sex addict?

    Great choices we have.

    Sometimes I wish, though I was a kid, that JFK could have completed his term so we have reference points as to how good or bad he would have been. Historians predict he would have been sub par. I say this because of the Kennedy name and the fact that they're the most dramatic family the US has ever seen.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Who do you think you are fooling?

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Pay no attention to "Ann Grimes". That's our IM Palin panty-sniffer resident troll.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      One of the highest rated Southparks deals with the electoral process in that their choices for school mascot or either a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich. All elections basically come down to voting for a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich, basically because the only people who become candidates are groveling ass-kissers of the highest order and did whatever it took to get nominated. Politicians are dirty and immoral by nature but our electoral process is such that we much choose one of them, if if they are both terrible people.

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      You are one stupid fucking piece of shit, Ann.

    5. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Ann I like your posts. You seem very even keeled. Although I thought the Ewings were the most dramatic US family.

    6. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Annie the Troll, how many Kennedy children were Teen Moms? How many Kennedy children gave birth to Bastard babies? How many Kennedy children were hooked on oxycontin, vandalized school buses, and were FORCED to join the Alaska National Guard? Which Kennedy woman FAKED a pregnancy of a DS child? Which Kennedy was a Pimp in Anchorage? When did the Kennedy Family participate in a Drunken Family Brawl at a party where they were not invited? Which Kennedy, while in High School, attacked a lone Middle School Black kid with his redneck buddies? Which 50 year old Kennedy Mother dresses like a teen hooker? tHE ANSWERS ARE NONE OF THE kENNEDYS are as low classed and Dysfunctional as the inbred Palins.

    7. Anonymous11:39 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, Grimy grimes the troll does not think that Sarah Palin married a sex addict. What a 'TOOL' you are. Even Sarah's 2 adult daughters are sex addicts, all of the undeclared babies prove that.

    8. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Wow 11:36/:39 is a little overly obsessed with the Palins, just a little. Is okay 3639, sometimes you can't control the crazy, and it is just out there for the whole world to see.

    9. Anonymous1:53 PM

      12:06 PM Is one of the crazies/Ann Grimes.

    10. Anonymous3:21 PM

      1:53 you have already displayed your paranoid delusions, too late to back that car up now.

    11. Anonymous4:04 PM

      11:36 AM...... where did the Kennedy fortune come from? Well, that would be insider trading in the stock market, and running rum during prohibition with gangsters as partners. That connection might even be why John and Bobby were killed, for turning on the mafia when they got into national power. People who's heroes live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    12. Anonymous6:57 PM

      anon@946, now that was funny =)

    13. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Why don't you pick a fight with the idiot who says, (regarding a President who has been consistently been called one of our greatest, in spite of his early death, by historians and the people of America and the world alike), "Historians predict he would have been sub par."

      No, you want to bring up family shit that this "sub-par" President had nothing to do with while attempting to make Palin not-responsible for shit she's directly involved in. Turning on the mafia? Nothing more than gossip-mongering over something that was a rumor over half a century ago! Yet I suppose all the Palin's recent dirt should be ignored, because JFK's dad sold bootleg liquor in the '20's? You trolls are hilarious. You really are.

    14. Anonymous4:56 PM

      7:04.... nobody was even discussing Palin till you shoehorned her into the conversation. She doesn't belong in a conversation about presidents and their families. She doesn't belong in every conversation. Personally I wish she was in no conversations, as she is a powerless meaningless reality star now. Save your Palin talk for Entertainment Tonight.

  12. Anonymous7:59 AM

    They are both wearing special lenses that protect and disguise their reptilian eyes. The reptilian takeover is almost complete.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Wierd Al may be able to hook you up with a foil hat.

  13. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Hillary Clinton and the Men Who Hate Her

    Here’s what happened the last time Hillary Clinton ran for president: she drove men wild. Well, certain men. Especially certain men on the right. You could recognize them by the flecks of foam in the corners of their mouths when the subject of her candidacy arose. And they’re already girding themselves for the next time around, because there’s something about Hillary that just gets them all worked up.

    But what exactly? Despise her they do, yet they’re also strangely drawn to her, in some inexplicably intimate way. She occupies their attention. They spend a lot of time thinking about her—enumerating her character flaws, dissecting her motives, analyzing her physical shortcomings with a penetrating, clinical eye: those thick ankles and dumpy hips, the ever-changing hairdos. You’d think they were talking about their first wives. There’s the same over-invested quality, an edge of spite, some ancient wound not yet repaired. And how they love conjecturing upon her sexuality! Or lack of, heh heh. Is she frigid, is she gay? Heh heh. Yes, they have many theories about her, complete with detailed forensic analyses of her marriage, probably more detailed than their thoughts about their own.

    My point is that you can tell a lot about a man by what he thinks about Hillary, maybe even everything.

  14. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The prospect of listening to months of Benghazi/Whitewater/Vince Foster/Monica Lewinski vs. Florida 2000 Election has my eyes rolling already. On the brighter side, if Bush wins and the country gets to see what Republican governance by religious fanatics, corporate shills, and outright dumbasses is really all about, the backlash in 2020 could be astonishing.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      NO, a million times no. Bush would add one to three SCOTUS judges and it would be game over for democracy and religious freedom. So NO NO NO etc.

    2. "...the backlash in 2020 could be astonishing."
      Unfortunately, I think they would make damn sure there would be no backlash at the ballot box. It wouldn't matter how much America regretted its idiotic 2016 choices.

  15. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Did a job with Hillary yesterday. She waved at me hoo hoo.

    Hillary at Massachusetts Conference for Women.

    The moderator asked "Since you were a First Lady for eight years, do you have any advice for a First Man? Hillary, "Clever, very clever." Then spun something I can't remember.

    I'm not sure how I feel. I honestly don't think she is the strongest candidate. Things are so far gone... to many people drinking the Kool Aid in this country.

    I wish our Democratic Leaders would push back more!! My husband, who is a moderate Dem, often bewails the lack of push back against the untruths, which are constantly spewed on a daily basis, in the American news cycle.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      8:20 am She waved at me hoo hoo.

      Don't hit me, but for the life of me I don't know why I read that with an Eliza Doolittle cockney accent.

      Now back to topic,

  16. He may have the best chance over any other Republican candidate, but he'll still lose.

    Plenty of people don't want a Bush dynasty. Plenty of people still remember George W. and what he did to this country.

    Plus, what does he have going for him besides his Dad and brother? "I'm the smarter brother"? He was a governor. Big deal. No foreign policy experience or anything on the national level.

    No more Bushes in the White House.

    He'll lose.

    But let them run him. It will forever taint him as a future candidate.

    That's what the Republicans are doing. They couldn't win against Obama so they chose two sacrificial lambs; John McCain and Mitt Romney. Two candidates that didn't have a chance and that the party wanted to shut up and go away. Now the GOP can tell both of them "you had your shot". Same here. Plenty don't want Jeb Bush. Whether it is him or Bobby Jindal, Cruz, Walker or Paul, the nominee will be the sacrificial lamb against a Hillary win. Plus it will shut them up and get them to go away for any future elections where the GOP actually has a chance of winning.

    This will be like the last two elections. They'll hold back their stronger candidates in favor of a future shot and put forth someone they don't care about and want to take out of future runnings.

    I'm surprised they aren't putting for Chris Christie. I can't believe they think he has a chance in 2020 and are saving him for that.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      After eight years of George W. Bush raping the economy and the Middle East to satisfy something, God only knows what, I don't want to have to envision another Bush running for president.

  17. (Smiling to myself) Yes, I've been saying this for a while. Glad to see that others are aware of it too.

    I have such mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand, it's sort of a "ho-hum" who cares. National elections have become entertainment events. I truly wonder how big the differences would be between the actions of a H.Clinton vs. J. Bush administration.
    OTOH, yes Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court. One thing that's for sure, the Bushes are NOT social conservatives themselves-- it's just that they rely on the wing nuts for their votes while the Dems don't.
    This contest would be VERY different from the last two.

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM

    O/T. Does anyone have more info or comments on this story about the Christys? It has infuriated me how the Palins were able to 'frame' this story for the press and the courts.

  19. Anonymous9:19 AM

    At least he's not a tea bagger. Jeb is almost a moderate Democrat by today's standards.

  20. "In fact Bush said publicly that he was thinking of running, and let's face it you don't really say that in front of an audience unless you are convinced you are going to run."
    Well, unless you're Sarah "Fleece the Rubes" Palin.

  21. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Puke...there has to be a better Democrat than ClintonCorp. Please. Bernie Sanders is a better Democrat and he's not even a Democrat. Sherrod Brown. Elizabeth Warren. Hell, how about Udall. Unfortunately, he needs a job.

  22. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I have read recently that Americans unconsciously would like a monarchy type of government. This obsession with Hillary and the more subtle one developing with Jeb Bush are convincing me there is some truth to this. No political dynasties should exist in our country. I tend to believe if you want Clinton to be the democratic party choice you are actually channeling your inner republican. We can do better!

  23. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

    Yep, unless there's a tidal wave gunning for a Sarah run (ha ha ha), then Jeb it is. Who else do they have, seriously? I'm one who doesn't mind having another Clinton in the White House, and of all the possible GOP folks, Jeb seems to be smart enough to change his last name before running. Maybe GW can do some oil paintings of Jeb's feet in the bathtub to really GOTV. No one mentions Neil Bush, hope he keeps his powder dry too.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      These people bitching about "political dynasties" should start a movement to amend the Constitution to forbid more than one person per last name to be President. I don't think it's gonna go over too well since it tends to be these families who produce people with at least the chance at the experience/education/fundraising ability required. So two people named Clinton are within a shot of the Presidency within 20 years and that's a Dynasty now? Now you can't vote for anyone else somehow? Whatever. Pres. Obama was "new blood," how do these crybabies treat him? Oh right, by virtue of being able to win, he's now corrupt and the one responsible for everything bad. Somehow this will work better for some other "new blood?" I don't think so. As long as they are qualified, they got my vote.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.