Friday, December 05, 2014

A Deficit of Dignity.

I read this New York Times article this morning by Timothy Egan that is ostensibly about the disrespect shown by Elizabeth Lauten toward the First Daughters. However the article makes the case that this is the kind of disrespect the President, and his entire family, have been receiving since the day he took office.

Here. take a moment to read what he says: 

We know President Obama wants a lasting deal on immigration, something to make taxes fairer, a little help from a caveman Congress on climate change. If he’s lucky, he might get some of the above. But one thing his worst opponents have never given him, and probably never will, is respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. 

From the day he took office, his legitimacy has been challenged, his American birth has been suspect, and he’s been personally insulted, lectured, yelled at and disrespected in public, by public figures, in a way that few if any American presidents have ever faced.

At this point Egan discusses the Lauten incident, which I think we all know quite a bit about so I will leave that out and instead share what he says a few paragraphs down:

I want to believe this is not about race, but it sure looks that way. Barely nine months into his presidency, a Republican congressman, Joe Wilson, shouted out “You lie!” at the president in the decorous setting of a joint session of Congress — a flagrant show of disrespect for the man and the office. For this, Wilson became a hero in conservative media. 

The biggest slap at the president was the smear about his birth. It’s insulting and humiliating that Obama — alone among presidents — has been forced to release his long-form birth record to satisfy a clutch of fact-deniers. Leading the attack on the president’s very citizenship is the professional vulgarian Donald Trump, who gets away with the kind of preposterous, race-based comments granted few black public figures. 

Trump’s displays of idiocy on Fox News are a staple of that network. I wait for the day when something Trump says that is both stupid and incendiary is held up as representative of all white people — and he’s asked to apologize for his race. 

Also on Fox, Sean Hannity recently blamed President Obama for the troubles in Ferguson — because, I guess, he’s black. 

The list goes on and on: Arizona’s governor, Jan Brewer, wagging her finger at President Obama while lecturing him on an airport tarmac, as if he were some errand boy and not the commander in chief. The complete fraud of the Benghazi nonstory — as even a Republican House panel had to conclude recently. The endless millions spent finding nothing scandalous about the president on Benghazi proved just one thing: how grass-roots conservative hatred of the president drives Republican congressional action.

The article goes on to talk about the disrespect demonstrated toward Michelle Obama as well, which included this rather satisfying paragraph: 

The first lady cannot go on vacation without the Drudge Report hyping elaborate travel bills, playing to race insinuations. But when the family of Sarah Palin was involved in a beer-fueled, fist-flying brawl in Alaska this year, conservative media did not call them out for bad white family values, or failures as role models.

Yeah, I always love when the brawl shows up in an article just to remind all of us that despite all of her attempts to make it go away this thing stuck to Palin and her family, like a dingleberry on a dog's ass.

I don;t know about the rest of you but I found myself yelling "Goddamn right!" over and over as I read this article.

And that is really the thing after all. When people argue that this President could have done more, or  that he failed to keep all of his campaign promises, or that he is "ineffectual," I want to grab them by the shoulders and shake them vigorously while yelling "What could YOU have accomplished with this level of disrespect, obstructionism, and  partisan entrenchment?"

In light of what this President has faced since the very day of his inauguration, he is a fucking miracle worker.

His list of accomplishments is actually quite staggering, even without considering that he is piloting the country into unrelenting partisan headwinds that essentially never let up.

I told my brother during Thanksgiving that history is going to completely exonerate this man, and that he would hardly recognize his presidency in ten to fifteen years. After the historians get the chance to wipe way all of the mud that is being thrown at him everyday by the Right Wing politicians and conservative media, they are going to reveal some amazing accomplishments of which I really think most Americans are not even completely aware.

Ultimately, and I think this is going to anger the racists most of all, President Obama might really turn out to be the "Magic Negro."


  1. Grrrr !9:18 AM

    Maybe the worst of all was this report in The Telegraph, 11/8/08:

    "Sarah Palin blamed by the US Secret Service over death threats against Barack Obama

    "Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign."

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Agreed!!!! She went rogue and Johnny was afraid to stop her....and he still won't speak out. If he had been elected, Sarah might have been the one hit with a "silencer" or declared incompetent and removed from office. Impeached for not being vetted and emotionally unsound to serve,

      RJ in BBistan

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      She's the one who started this disrespect for our president. That is why I won't rest until her hateful scrawny ass is scraped off the national stage. Oh and sarah, I'm not the only one who feels that way. I don't know that there's been a politician since Joe McCarthy who has been as reviled by Americans as sarah palin. I'm just so glad that as much as the rubes can deny it her and her family's behavior at the slug fest in Anchorage shows exactly what a classless ignorant klan this family truly is.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM


    1. Never truer than now, that.

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      AMEN !! Those words could have been written with President Obama in mind.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    When Sarah is President ... all State Dinners will have plastic water bottles for the visiting heads of State... and paper plates.

    A drunken brawl with the Queen of England or King of Saudi Arabia will show the true Palin family class.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Oh, definitely. I can see it in my mind's eye, Track wrestling Prince Phillip to the ground and their out-of-control dogs licking his face, while the Queen is being handed a paper plate and shown the way to the buffet line.

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      They'll just hose down the State Dining Room after it's over.

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      11:49 Only if Pissy Brissy attends.

    4. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Hope they have it in the garage so they can hose down the floor afterwards!!!!

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I'm glad that Timothy Egan included Sarah Palin in his comments. She is consistently the ugliest and most hateful of them all. I have been frustrated that she hasn't been called out more for her sick, immature comments about President Obama, but I think that public opinion is finally taking care of that.

    1. Caroll Thompson11:31 AM

      I remember her campaign rallies back in 2008 where she got the audience so fired up with hate that they were yelling 'kill him'.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      11:31 McCain aides were shocked, they asked him to tell her to stop. War "hero" little lumpy Johnny said "But then she will come after ME"and did nothing.

  5. Crystal Sage9:36 AM

    Also too, it has been reported that the jobs situation is as good as in 1999 (under Clinton.) The best since then, yet the Right Wing ignores that factoid. Bet FOX won't even report it.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      It was reported this morning; you have to wait a couple days for Sarah Palin to wake up to this fact and find some way to spin the truth into something unintelligible.

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    It's so obvious from day one that this President was continually being tormented by his tormenters. He was bullied, mocked, dozens of public leaders were found to be sharing racist e-mails and cartoons about the President and his family. The insinuations, verbal attacks, day in and day out, non-stop, from the right-wing, the fake christianists, the all-out racists.

    And these people projected everything other scandalous Republicans and conservatives ever did behind closed doors on President Obama. If one was caught cheating on their wife or spouse, the next day some hothead would be suggesting the Obamas marriage was weak.

    If the RW were frustrated at the equality progress for gays, the next day some site would be suggesting the President was gay and having illicit affairs; if the Palins' kids were exposed during their brawl, soon after Liz Lauten was scolding the Obama children for looking trashy and showing disrespect.

    Any negative behavior a conservative does is subject to scrutiny, ever. But, as soon as a conservative does exhibit a scandalous behavior, instead of priming their condemnation to the conservative offender, they go right smack to the White House and complain that the President chews gum.

    Has anyone lately read the ignorant rants of Dinoush D-minus, whatever his name is; it's just pathetic the things he says. They are all pathetic. They use this black President as the scapegoat to ease their guilty consciences.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Exactly, the beautiful girls were just standing there along side there father. Scarah brood were cursing drunk fighting ... where was lauten then? But again who knows her anymore and in peoples mind probably just a thought of yeah nasty people nobodys.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Lauten was reportedly caught shoplifting at 17. She was given probation and a slap on the wrist. Lucky she was not black, she would have been shot. So, in insulting the President's daughters, she opened up that woulnd for her own family once again. Poetic justice. She must have thought the record prwas sealed. Surpriise surprise!!

  7. London Bridges9:44 AM

    A Clinton supporter from Texas known as Linda Starr was particularly fired up by what she later told me was "the daily misogynistic hate speech against Hillary" during the primaries. As a Democratic precinct captain in Medina County, Starr had volunteered for the Clinton campaign during the hotly contested June Lone Star State primary and served as a Clinton delegate at the state convention. But Starr's real talent was as an amateur opposition researcher—she'd dug up dirt against Republican congressional leaders like Dan Burton and Bob Livingston during the Clinton impeachment hearings in the late 1990s. She was also cited as a key source for CBS' discredited election year investigation into George W. Bush's National Guard records that led to Dan Rather's replacement after 24 years as the evening news anchor.

    After Clinton's concession, Starr turned her attention to Obama. "I determined that I was going to start digging up every bit of dirt that I could find on him," she told me after I hunted her down in late 2009, "and that hopefully that I would find something against him that would convince the Democratic Party to dump him and make Hillary the nominee."

    In the first week of August 2008, as the Democrats were getting ready for their convention in Denver, Starr called Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg and offered a challenge. Berg recalled the conversation for me: "She called me up and said, 'Have you heard about Obama not being national born?' I said, 'Yes.' She said, 'Well, now it's for real, and you're the only attorney in the country with brass balls enough to sue Obama.'"

    Berg also had been a Clinton supporter, but he was best-known as a former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania and a serial unsuccessful Democratic campaigner for statewide office. He also had a reputation as an enthusiastic litigant: In 2004, he filed a 9/11 Truther lawsuit against Bush, alleging that the government allowed the terrorist attacks to happen and that the World Trade Center was destroyed from within. Now he had a new conspiracy to push.

    • Peter Beinart: The Tea Partiers’ Phony PopulismOn August 21, 2008, Berg filed the first Birther lawsuit, requesting an injunction to stop the Democratic Convention from going forward and alleging that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii. He faxed notices to the DNC and Obama campaign headquarters, and the next day, he launched the Web site with Starr's assistance. The lawsuit went nowhere. Berg still fumes when recounting his frustration: "[DNC chair] Howard Dean at that point should have called Obama and said 'What's the story, are you natural born or not?'…Obviously there was collusion there and I think when it's all said and done they should all be tried and put in jail." Journalists ignored his efforts, as well. "I wish I could sue them," said Berg, of the media. "If the American public knew what was going on here Obama would be out of office or we never would have had him in office."

    Of course, the rush to delegitimize Obama once he was elected president fell to wingnut conservatives, who continue to confuse losing an election with living under tyranny. But this new evidence of the conspiracy theory's roots on the far left is a reminder that wingnuts exist in both parties, wherever anger and absolutism drive people to believe that their political opponents are their personal enemies. Unhinged activists can have a disproportionate influence on our debates.


    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      much of the disrespect aimed at this president originated in the hillary camp.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Actually, I don't think Palin would've gotten anywhere without the support that she got from disgruntled Hillary supporters behind the scenes. Obviously, there were not enough among them to give McCain and Palin the win, but there were several who helped Palin mold her image post election. But for those people, Palin would've disappeared from the scenes long ago. She was just too amateurish.

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Nothing has changed, she STILL is "amateurish"

  8. Olivia9:52 AM

    The Republicans, throughout this presidency have been working to block and/or deny everything he worked toward so that they could use that word,"ineffectual", to try and obliterate his legacy. Fortunately, his accomplishments can't be denied forever. He has been an amazing, extremely effective president.

  9. Anonymous10:14 AM

    It makes me almost cry at how a part of the population can size up on one man and continually attack him relentlessly. It's like a sick parent who would abuse a child. Or a bully at school who has no mercy, continually harassing one weaker kid.

    It's like gangs beating up on a stranger, or terrorists continually sending rockets into another's airspace. It's a pathology is what it is. A population that has been cursed with a notion that it's OK to bully and throw mud at someone who was selected and elected to do a job.

    The thing is that this man doesn't daily criticize, condemn, judge, verbally spit at others. Many of these false christians will spit in his eye, thinking they are more righteous, but they show themselves as the hypocrites that they are. They spit in the eye of a man who is neither looking for a fight, or looking to hurt others. He is doing his job, the same job other Presidents had to do.

    It's true no President has ever been shown the disrespect on such a grand scale as this one. There's no other explanation. It's white folks who can't stand being lead by a black man. This presidential term has at least done one thing. It proves that racism is still alive and well, unfortunately. There has been no progress. As long as they stayed in submission, everything was OK, but as soon as AA's have opportunities to rise up to challenges and lead, it's downhill for the haters.

    Every time I read about this, I feel sickened. It is discouraging, but we have to continually hope. This is why I believe in God. There is no other that knows human pain and defeat, including being in the situation that this President and many others like him have had to endure, being hated and betrayed by religious zealots. Sending His only Son to take the sin from everyone and endure the cross, it proves He knew what frustration and being bullied and mocked and slain was like. There's no justification for the Right-Wing to put any human being through this torment. It's evil, deranged and from a christian perspective, demonic. In summary, IMO, they christianists and right-wing are behaving like the Sanhedrin and Pharisees in Jesus' time. And I'm NOT saying President Obama is Jesus(but Jesus did say that whatever we did to our brother, it is regarded as us doing it to Him). I'm looking at this and seeing a repeat of what the frenzied fanatic zealots did to their Messiah. They also did it to the apostles, disciples and those associated with Christ, because they didn't like his ideas that an earthly kingdom was not His plan.

    These people are dangerous. Hating anyone different than them. They have no love, just hatred, pure and simple.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Anonymous 10:14, thank you for your thoughtful, heart-felt post. How our wonderful President Obama maintains his "cool", after the constant hatred and negativity inflicted by the GOP/Tea Party, is awe inspiring. It makes me admire him and his lovely family even more.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I have always believed all the disrespect shown to him was because of his race. All the talk about voter fraud and changes made to voting was a way to restrict minority voters especially blacks from voting. They're doing this to discourage any future black candidates from running for the highest office in the land.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Imagine the likes of Jan Brewer shaking her finger in the face of Lyndon Johnson or Dwight Eisenhower. Harry Truman would have sidestepped her and walked on in a huff.
      Imagine the likes of Sarah Palin commenting on Woodrow Wilson's "cajones" or Geo. H.W. Bush's "mom jeans."
      Imagine the likes of a Rush Limbaugh making fun on air of Ronald Reagan as he slipped into senility.
      There was a sense of dignity about the Presidency of the United States, which all these baboons have demolished because he is black. It's the only reason they feel entitled to scorn and mock.

  11. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It always pisses me off how horrible the right and media have been to our wonderful President Obama, the First Lady and now their children/daughters!

    I love and respect them so much. President Obama has always kept his cool in spite of the crap they've thrown at him and it drives them nuts! Plus, he is much smarter than the majority of them and has accomplished things by having to work around them vs being allowed to work 'with' them. I wonder how many times he's asked them to work with him and/or he'd be happy to work with them?!!!! The U.S. Congress has blocked him every step of the way. I can hardly wait to see what will occur during his final two years! He's calling their bluff and bullshit now to get some final things accomplished. Yea!

    He'll go down in history as being one of our best POTUS. Just watch!

    And, I'm happy I cast my ballot for him both times!

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Thank you for reprinting that piece, G. I wish there was some daily way those of us who support the president fully could show that. He's the best president I've had in my 70 yrs. By far.

    1. Caroll Thompson11:28 AM

      And the best in my 59 years as well. By far.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I'm 72 and he is the very best!

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM


    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      I'm 71 and he is the very best and his family is wonderful. His two girls are beautiful and so well-behaved.

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      57 here. Yep!

    6. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Write a letter of support to the White House.

    7. Anita Winecooler4:46 PM

      He does read the letters people send, and some get a hand written letter in return. One of my former co workers wrote him a two page letter after his second election win and the letter she got in return blew me away. I had tears welling up as I read it. She had it professionally framed on a special acid free matting so it doesn't yellow, fade or fall to pieces after a few years. You could tell he was sincere and appreciated her taking the time to write.

  13. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "After the historians get the chance to wipe way all of the mud that is being thrown at him everyday by the Right Wing politicians and conservative media, they are going to reveal some amazing accomplishments.."

    Everyone except the homeskoolers and the Texas Textbook Rewriters of History.


  14. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Was Sarah Palin's 'magic negro' Glen Rice? Or is it Todd Palin?

  15. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Obama has the patience of a saint. It kills me that the irrational hatred that overwhelmed so many people who should have known better and interfered with this country's well-being.
    M from MD

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    We are one nasty racist nation! The 'people of different colors' should go after the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, Glen Beck and the racist cops across the nation. I say stop being nice!

    I'm white and I know I'd have a very difficult time being 'tolerant' were I one of them! They are treated just as horribly as is President Obama since the day he took his oath the first time!

    To Hell with our politicians! They have created this problem in the U.S. Congress throughout many, many years - meaning Republicans!!!! They need their asses whooped!

  17. Randall3:23 PM

    Not only will history correctly portray Barack Obama as one of history's most accomplished presidents, history will also show the presidency of George W. Bush as one of the most disastrous.

    And Sarah Palin will be a dirty little footnote and nothing more.

  18. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Timothy Egan's column was priceless. What a shame that it had to be written. We are going through an incredibly ugly period in our history. I only hope that when we emerge from the racist, hat-filled tunnel, things will finally be better for all Americans. Maybe by then Sarah Palin and her ilk will have shut up permanently.

  19. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    I liked Egan's take on the job President Obama's done so far. What a shame he had to mention that "woman", but we all know exactly why he felt the need. I agree, history will be kind to this great man, only time will tell if Sarah's mentioned at all, and if she and her shenanigans are, they'll be just a footnote and not too complementary.

  20. Anonymous5:27 PM

    our president is Top Shelf. palin is down underneath the very bottom shelf rolling around in the dirt and dust bunnies.

  21. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Finally, someone has the courage to come out and say what we all have been thinking, never in the history of this country has there been so much disrespect for a president. I don't care if they don't like his policies, he is still the President of the United States and it should have been stopped from the very beginning, starting with the kill him chants during the republican campaign.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      It's more than just his policies, MOST of all it is about his race.

  22. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Gryphen, you are a good guy. Thank you for posting this.
    It has both saddened and disturbed me tremendously, how President Obama and family have been mistreated and disrespected by the right.

  23. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Race likely has a lot to do with the abuse BUT I feel very strongly that the INTELLIGENCE President Obama possesses has maybe even more to do with the ugly misguided treatment of the enemy camp - GOP'ers.

    Michelle Obama is made of the same strong stuff and the both of them look at how they can help us to improve all our lives.

    To defy the status quo and attempt to design and implement thoughtful circumstances that will have a lasting impact on their constituents, is not appreciated by those with lesser strength and ability.

    The constant pelting by the opposition only gives the Obamas more chances to continue to exhibit their classiness and INTELLIGENCE which places them far and away above those ignorant do nothing RWNJ's and so called xtians, who can't even practice their own tenets of religion.

    The entire Obama family is owed an incredible amount of apologies and a super amount of thanks for the behaviors they exhibit everyday! We are so fortunate to have all of them in the White House, and I am happy Grandmother is there with them.

  24. Anonymous6:48 PM

    she will be mentioned in the same context as ma Barker . Tokyo rose. typhoid Mary.


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