Sunday, December 28, 2014

Just in case you failed to realize that Sarah Palin's favorite Fox News talking head is a moron.

The above is a tweet from Todd Starnes Fox's pudgy little Christo-fascist warrior in the "War on Christmas."

And as you can see he is foot stomping mad that other cable networks did not cover the funeral of murdered NYPD officer Rafael Ramos adequately.

Except you know what, they kind of did.

This from Mediaite:  

Now, before going any further, we should make several things clear. Firstly, Fox News did cover the memorial multiple times over the course of the morning. Fox & Friends covered it in several segments and they had live shots outside the church where the service was being held. There were a few live reports scattered throughout Fox’s Cost of Freedom business block, and right after that two-hour block they did cover what happened at the memorial service in detail. 

Fox also made live streams of the memorial service available online for people to watch the speeches by Vice President Joe Biden, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton, but that wouldn’t exactly come close to the kind of reach it would have for Fox to cover the service live. 

But both CNN and MSNBC devoted more live, on-air coverage to the memorial service than Fox did. It was the only thing that CNN was covering for several hours, and that network carried the entire memorial service live. MSNBC only carried Biden’s speech live, but they also featured various live shots from reporters and interviews talking about the memorial service and the issues raised by it. 

Fox, again, covered the memorial service before it started but did not cover any of it live. Its regular programming went on as usual, interrupted briefly by various short updates.

What a tool.

No wonder Sarah Palin only phoned in her appearance on his truly terrible Christmas special. 


  1. Boscoe12:07 PM

    Well, at least Faux's efforts to promote their own bizarro self-serving alternate reality are consistent. :\

  2. Chenagrrl12:14 PM

    Nevermind that all the print media, tweeted and sent instagram reports from the streets and police formations surrounding the church. Clearly the guy is reporting from a bunker under Times Square.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    ALL lives matter!

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Sherlock, we know that ALL lives matter, we just have to remind people that the "ALL lives" include "Black lives".

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      And Latino lives, and Muslim lives, and Palestinian lives, and female lives. Not just Palin and white police and three cell zygotes.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      @1:06 I was responding to Starnes' tweet
      #PoliceLivesMatter, so you didn't need to call me Sherlock.

  4. I wonder why Fox didn't cover the funerals of the Las Vegas cops who were murdered by two of Cliven Bundy's "patriotic" militia buddies... Were they just watering the tree of liberty with the agents of "government overreach?" Hannity fanned those flames for months, but of course bears no responsibility when some embittered moron acts on his provocation.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      To your rhetorical question, oh oh oh please let me answer: because the Las Vegas killings didn't fit the mold of the NRA responsible gun owners meme and the perps were white.

      As usual, old $arah isn't asking why Fox can't be bothered to devote an hour per week honoring our military heroes who have died. Or, how about expose those Congress varmints who whine about the VA, then cut VA spending.

      Never mind. Reality, Fox and $arah will never meet.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    When is the last time that Sarah offered some of her political wisdom on Fox? Any bets on whether they renew her contract next year?

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      The term "wisdom" and any reference to the Palin's simply do not belong in the same sentence together.

    2. Does she actually have a contract for her pathetically few appearances on fox, or are they on a "don't call us, we'll call you" basis?

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Nefer -- it seems clear, to me, that it's the second choice: don't call us. They use her occasionally, just to change things up a bit, but it's not consistent, or regular. The Throwdown didn't help her position, and they'll probably find smarter and more articulate tea baggers to take her place.
      2015 will be a downward slide for Ms. Palin. A year from now, the general public will not really remember much about her, and she'll have done nothing positive or significant to maintain a place in the political arena.

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Every now and then, Sarah's friends in the Urinal get upset that Sarah hasn't been on. They all post comments about writing to Fox and demanding that they put Sarah on the air on some program-- which may be the reason why Sarah shows up every now and then.

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    A slow news weekend.
    If you're going to have a demonstration, do it when there's nothing more important competing for cable news coverage.

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Palin is no doubt a non paying high ranking charter member of the moron's club.Idiot!

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Koch sucker and she's paid well for it.

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Even better!!! The metric (SI) system causes air crashes!
    Fox Host Thinks Metric System Endangers International Air Travel: 'Is It Safe? Is It Not Safe?'

    1. Maple2:03 PM

      And the U.S. is the only country that doesn't use the metric system -- ergo, it's all the fault of the U.S.!

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Starnes is an intellectual child rapist.

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Did Track or Sarah have an overdose? Both are parents.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Faux is done with one $arah Palin and she KNOWS it.

  11. A few years ago wasn't Glenn Beck Sarah Palin's Fox favorite talking head? Then wasn't it Greta Van Susteren? Then Eric Bolling? Then Sean Hannity?

    Now it's the pathetic little troll Todd Starnes? That's just ....sad. It's no wonder she's reduced to her cheap amateurish "channel" for bare-visibility.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

      So true! I thought Fox would give Sarah Lis Hasslebeck's show as a "thanks for the laughs", but I suppose there's a limit to how much crazy Fox can carry at one time without a cat fight in thong dresses breaks out. When Fox is too embarrassed to have her on, what does that tell you about what Fox REALLY thinks?

  12. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "Just in case you failed to realize that Sarah Palin's favorite Fox News talking head is a moron."

    Is anybody really surprised?

    Sarah married a moron

    Sarah’s children are morons

    Sarah is a moron

    Sarah's relatives are morons

    Enough said

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      When you're right, you're right, 2:53 PM. HOW many chances were they given, again? More than many because she was, I do mean WAS, hawt for GOP fap purposes. Then they realized who she was.....and what they'd unleashed. The Queen Esther called by God who won't let "baby put in a corner." Quite humorous how God has given her enough rope to hang herself and they're doing a damn fine job of it with no help from anyone. Know why? Because they're FRAUDS.

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Any bets about whether Fox will renew their contract with Sarah Palin for 2015? Sarah made fewer appearances on Fox in 2014 compared to past years. I think that they also dropped her contract from a million to thousands of dollars. Even when Fox supplies the questions and answers, Sarah goes rogue, letting off steam about whatever is bothering her. Finally, Sarah was reduced to phoning in a couple of answers to questions that made it sound like a Katie Couric interview. Todd Starnes asked Sarah for her favorite Christmas memory. She couldn't think of one. (Just say something, anything, like the first time Trig's eyes lit up when he was the decorated tree. Oh, I forgot, it was probably just a blur to him).

  14. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    Calling Starnes a "Tool" is paying him a complement by making him think he serves a purpose (other than cleaning the toilets with his toothbrush). Looks like something off the editing floor of "Family Guy", he could be Stewies Priest or troop leader.

  15. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Sarah said that the reason that she started her own private TV channel, SPC, was to avoid the media filter. SPC is just a blog that people have to subscribe to in order to see the couple of videos that Sarah posts. Since there is no media filter on her Facebook, SPC really just seems to be about the money. People can post unfavorable comments on her Facebook, which would require a moderator. SPC allows comments by subscribers only, who have already been "screened."

    Could it be that SPC and in January, Sarah's new episodes for Amazing America conflict with her appearing on Fox? The only reason that they would pay Sarah so much money for so little content is because they would be the only place showing Sarah talking about politics. Now, Sarah spouts off regularly in her own home-made videos. If no one watches them on the subscriber blog, she posts them for free on Facebook.

  16. Anonymous8:14 PM

    $arah been quiet lately should I be worried?

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Don't worry. It is just another overdose.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.