Saturday, December 27, 2014

Let's talk about George H.W. Bush's hospital visit.

Courtesy of MSNBC:  

President George H.W. Bush will remain in a Houston hospital Thursday night, but his spokesman said the 90-year-old “is in great spirits.” 

The 41st president of the United States was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital Tuesday after suffering from shortness of breath. A spokesman said the hospital trip was just a precaution. 

“President Bush had another terrific day and is in great spirits. He was visited by Mrs Bush as well as his son Neil and daughter-in-law Maria Bush, and has received well wishes from family, friends and fellow citizens,” his office said in a statement Thursday. “He asked that his sincere wishes for a very Merry Christmas be extended to one and all.”

Okay first off let me say that I really don't hold any ill will toward the senior Bush. 

In the Bush family of fuck ups and misfits he seems relatively harmless. I mean sure he is partially responsible for W and Jeb, but I blame most of their character flaws on Barbara. (I don't know why I just do.)

But I think George the first is not such a bad egg all in all.

So I want him to get better and leave the hospital. I want him to live.

And he is freaking 90 years old too. So leaving the hospital is by no means a given.

If I were 90 years old and I heard I was on my way to the hospital I would quickly finish off that bottle of 50 year old wine I had been saving for a special occasion, while frantically clearing the porn off of my computer, because I would not be expecting to make it back home ever again.

So yeah I hope the old guy does indeed make it back home.

But I have to admit my reasons are not completely unselfish.

You see if George senior kicks the bucket before 2016, that means all of the sudden there will be this incredible flood of good will directed at the Bush family. And as a result people will stop talking about the Iraq war, the bad economy, and the domestic spying programs that resulted from the second Bush administration, because that will be deemed "insensitive," and instead the focus will be on the first George Bush presidency.

So if that happens you just KNOW that Jeb will be the guy giving his dad's eulogy in front of the TV cameras, and the guy that will go on talk shows to reminisce about his dad, and the guy who will do everything he can to connect himself to the positive coverage that the old man's death will attract.

And THAT cannot help but give him a better shot at beating Hillary in the election. I mean I think he will still probably lose, but it could really tighten things up. 

So yes I want George H.W. Bush to make it home safely from his hospital stay.

I also want him to live the next few years without incident.

But after that he is free to kick the bucket anytime he wants. You know, anytime after November 4th, 2016 that is.

I mean he will be 92 years old by then for God's sake! That is a full life, and then some!


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    You are very naive to think he is/was not a very dangerous man and sick fuck. Like all the Bushes.
    He may have od'ed on the human growth hormone he was taking for years to stay young. Eventually he will have to die and if there is an afterlife he will pay for his crimes.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      He may be the worst of all Bush, worse than Prescott and his 2 little turds all put together. Yeah, he is saccharin sweet and can feign the folksy pretty good. When people get old they can seem sympathetic and cutesy, that doesn't mean chit except he can still maintain an act. Bush42 can do the same and he is so cool, being an artist and all I suppose.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      I'll never forget the first time I heard him speak. I was having a beer at the local pub. I was standing at the end of the bar right under the t.v. He gave a speech, I listened to the whole thing. First and last time I ever listened to him.

      At that time, I didn't even really know who he was. When he was done, I turned the guy next to me and said, jesus christ, who the fuck is that creep? He is one scary mutha. He said, well brace yourself, he's runnung for President.

      I guess the rest is history. There's nothing nice about that old piece of shit. Do a little reading about the bush clan. Very interesting.

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Isn't HWB a Nazi? And was present during the Kennedy murder? Was a CIA agent? A very evil man next to Darth cheney...

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      He was hailed as a "hero" when the truth is something different. Pilots in other planes saw him bail out before his crew got a chance. The pilot is supposed to be the last one out, but he was eager to save his own skin.

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      8:26 AM

      There is a picture that looks just like HWB, standing outside the book depository. Also strange missing items about CIA HWB. It is certain about Prescott Bush and Nazi times.

      I agree with him waiting to die for a few more years.

    6. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Yup, George H.W. Bush is a great big stinking pile of bull shit. I recommend this fascinating book for anyone who's interested in the real details: The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty by Kitty Kelley.

      His "kinder, gentler" crap is just that, crap. On the surface Bush I does not appear particularly evil, but he is. Look at the rotten children he raised. (Or rather... his nasty, very long-suffering wife, Barbara raised. Ol' George wasn't around much.)

    7. Anonymous11:22 AM

      In addition to all of the above, google George H.W. Bush and Larry Franklin, and see what you come up with.

      Also, this is the man who was probably behind Reagan's October Surprise trip to Paris to make peace with the Iranian Ayatollahs just so that they would refuse to free our American hostages before the election, thus ensuring Reagan's election and Carter's defeat. Plus, we are still paying for his Iran-Contra caper to this day.

    8. Here's a must read on the Bush Klan;

  2. Maple6:21 AM

    You guys need him to stay well for at least the next 3 years! But don't paint him all sweetness and light, either. He is not the benign Bush that some people believe him to be. Check out some Bush family history, going back to his GHW's grandpappy and you'll find enough skullduggery to keep anyone (if it were widely known) from ever voting for a Bush again!

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I get your point, but if you think 41 is a "good guy," you need to do a whole lot more research. Conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination aside, GHWB had his nasty Spook hands all over the Bay of Pigs and much, much more.

  4. Crystal Sage6:31 AM

    I was thinking along the same lines. Already Papa Bush is in the headlines. Any time a Bush Family member gets publicity, I get nervous. Now that Jeb is eyeing a presidential run, I too am hoping that HW lives long enough to see his son lose a presidential election (which should have happened in 2000 if not for Jeb and his Flawed Florida way of counting/not counting ballots.)

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      But to be totally crass and cynical, if he's going to die before the election, wouldn't now be better than, say, mid-Oct 2016?

  5. I doubt very much if anyone would have entrusted 41 with the JFK assassination; he's brighter than W, but not by much. Nor do I consider him trustworthy.

    However, I've always felt it was odd he doesn't know where he was during the actual assassination. I was 10. I was home from school, sick. I had just walked out to the kitchen to get a drink of water and the floor felt icy cold to my feet. Mom was ironing in the kitchen and she had her soap operas on the little TV. And then there was a announcement... "breaking news..." Mom listened, gasped, prayed, and then called Dad at work.

    Again, I was TEN. I remember it in that detail, and believe me, at ten I wasn't interested in politics at all.

    And 41 doesn't know where he was that day.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I did not know that Ivyfree. Very interesting. JFK killing is like 9/11.....everyone knows exactly where they were at the time. It's almost an "in your face" smug kind of comment - that he doesn't know where he was.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      PS I was 3 1/2 months old, but the story of where my mother was at the time of the killing has been told to me over and over....we were at my grandmothers house, I was in the baby seat, the tv was on....


    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Some JFK conspiracy theorists say that Bush Sr was in Tyler TX during the assassination, and for whatever dark reasons, he didn't want that known. Tyler, my hometown, is 100 SE of Dallas, and a hotbed (then and now) of John Birchers and rabid, angry oil rich and rightwingers.

    4. Anonymous8:37 AM

      NO ONE in this country over 5 years old and who did not live under a rock does not remember exactly where the were on the day that JFK was shot. And, probably in vivid detail

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM

      He knows where he was. The picture that looks just like him shows he was in Dallas.

    6. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I was 16 and walking down the school corridor on a sunny day. An office TA was running toward me crying, "He's dead. Someone shot President Kennedy!" Shrub senior is a lying son-of-a-bitch.

    7. Anonymous10:38 AM

      You are right anon 8:37. I was 5 and remember that day so clearly. Like it was yesterday!

    8. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Check the photos: he was standing in front of the Dallas Book Depository. Then read everything you can with respect to the history of the events that preceded that date. THEN, you will probably come to the same conclusion that I did.

    9. Maple1:31 PM

      I was in grade 11 history class in Ontario, Canada, when we got the news -- we were ALL in shock and then in tears. That's what JFK meant to us in the Great White North.

    10. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Here's an article about HWB being in Dallas during Kennedy assassination.:

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    If he dies now, all that good will will dissipate before the primaries. Also, the GOP are going to shred apart the Bush Legacy if Jeb runs, no matter what.

  7. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I don't want to see either a bush or a clinton getting the nominations. What's with this sense of entitlement ?

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      6:57 I agree.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Not sure how you equate Hilary running for president as a "sense of entitlement." It's clear with the Shrubs though.

  8. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Gryphen your "selfish" reasons are totally justified. NO MORE BUSHES!

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He is a selfish, evil man. Google Jennifer Fitzgerald, she was his girlfriend of over 10 years. Everyone in DC knew her, and it was kept quiet. Babs almost divorced him over it, but a divorce would have ruined his political career, and SHE did not want that. Also, when he was running for the WH, he contemplated putting a woman on the ticket as VP, to improve his chances. Kathleen Schroeder, a politician from Colorado got the laugh of the day by saying "Yes, but he still needs a MAN on the ticket" He had a reputation as a wimp, there was a cover story in Time mag. about it. Rumors abound that he WAS in Texas when Kennedy was assassinated. Maybe true, or maybe he was with Jennifer Fitzgerald, and could not say THAT!! He once said, when the Kennedy's were in power "Wait till you see what MY boys can do" Well, we saw, and are still suffering from what the sock puppet did. This entire family has made more than enough money from taxpayers of this country. They are not smart in the high I.Q. sense, but use their name to get favors. Jeb is looking porky, and dim witted in his latest photos.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I'm a retired Fed, and I worked with a woman who knew Fitzgerald. All true.

    2. All Fitzgerald Not-So-Fun Facts are true. Also, too, while Jennifer F. was swanning around bossing her underlings in the federal government, she had a mink coat but no college degree... nor any evidence of any college coursework whatsoever. I mean, not even Mat-Su Community College, my dears!

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      What's the difference between Democratic mistresses and Republican mistresses? Republican mistresses spell Jennifer with a J.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Um, I used to think that too about Bush 41 (that he was pretty decent). But read Family of Secrets by Russ Baker, a well regarded investigate reporter/writer. Not so much......

    But good point about the good will toward the family and the "insensitive" meme. Just like it was "disrespectful" to ask Sarah about Trig's birth circumstances.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Totally agree with you Anonymous 7:15. I have been reading Family of Secrets by Russell Baker...very interesting and I highly recommend it to readers of IM.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    HW was NOT a good guy as Maple said above, and if the citizenry of this country will vote for Jeb just because his dad dies out of sympathy there's not much to say.

    I still would like to know just how Dubya considers Hillary a sister-in-law. I think they're ALL rats, and that's why the skank in Alasssska is throwing such a hissy fit. She wanted to be in that circle sooooo bad and they kicked her to the curb as well they should have.

  12. Anonymous7:27 AM

    HW's warranty expired many years ago. Time for him to go.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      As my father used to say about someone that old "He'll get his arse kicked for being late"!!

  13. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sorry Gryphen, like father, like son. They learned it all from him. He was part of the Nixon team. Campaigned to pull large donors of money during Watergate. Remember, "follow the money?" When people were falling like flies, they sent him to China quickly to keep him out of the foray. He was one of the very few that did not spend time in jail, but probably deserved it. They sent him as far away from DC as possible to keep the tint of Watergate off his record.

    U-uh (is that a real word?) I don't wish him well. He's just as ugly as the rest of the family.

    10 cats

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      He took Jennifer Fitzgerald along to China as his secretary!! They travelled, and if there was a late night message, SHE answered his hotel room door!!

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      HW was the first politico of any stature to hire Karl Rove. What does THAT tell you, Gryph?

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Would your opinion of the old dude change if it was shown that he was in a conspiracy to kill JFK, RFK, etc, etc?

    Plus the Gulf War...OMG he killed a lot of people for oil.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Yeah, and just remember all those servicemen that died because Dubya had to finish off Hussein for daddy.

      Man, Gryph, I can't believe you're sticking up for these pricks but I know why. Make it stop, indeed.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Honestly, I think he's the evil master. I don't want him to ever witness a 3rd Bush in the White House.

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Some reasons that I do not like George H.W.Bush
    1. He traded arms for hostages and lied about it
    2. He pardoned the people involved in trading arms for hostages
    3. On September 11, he was having brunch with members of the Saudi Royal family. They were able to fly out of the country in spite of a ban on all airplane flights.
    4. He is part of the secretive, rich, powerful, influential Carlyle group.
    5. His son, GWB, would never have been elected if it had not been for Daddy's powerful, moneyed and connected friends.
    6. This is just a start. His choice of dumb Dan Quayle as his VP is just another reason to dislike him. Dan Quayle was the insurance that G.H.W.Bush would never be impeached for Iran Contra.

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Harmless??! Have you read FAMILY OF SECRETS? Very possibly he's been the mastermind behind major oil and political evil since the 1950s. One theory holds that he created Watergate to disgrace Nixon, who was not part of Bush Sr's plan.

    And a salacious side note. A childhood friend told me that he saw Bush Sr at gay clubs in the late 80s/early 90s. Swore to me that every gay man in DC knew it. That at that time, there was a great network of secrecy about being gay if you were in DC. My friend worked for the SEC, and alas, he died of AIDS. May or may not be true, but for some reason, Barbara Bush makes me believe it. Doesn't he call her Mother or some such??

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:37 PM

      Nixon wanted to investigate the Kennedy assassination. He had to go.

  18. It's a shame that most Americans can't check into a hospital for shortness of breath due to lack of having medical insurance. I'd rather my taxes go to helping the men and women on the street who need care than this awful man.

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      With all his hospital visits, he has cost taxpayers a fortune over the years. Think of how much it costs us to have the old SOB jump out of a plane with all the security each time the old phart gets the idea he wants to do that. Maybe it reminds him of jumping from the plane during WW11, leaving his crew to go down with the plane.

  19. Anonymous8:29 AM

    If you harbor no ill feelings towards Bush I, it's because you don't know enough about his past history. Look into his dealings with the CIA, and then take a closer look at the First Iraq War, which together with the embargo that followed killed over two million Iraqis, most of them women and children. It was a war of choice engineered by Bush's administration; they gave Hussein the green light to go into Kuwait, then lied to the Saudis about the Iraqi troops massed on their borders. And then there's the Highway of Death, where mile after mile of Palestinian civilians fleeing Kuwait were slaughtered by the US Air Force, and American journalist bought the story that the children's clothes found in the luggage of the burned out cars was "looted." Look into it, Jesse; I think you'll change your mind. Remember, Hussein was linked to the CIA, and who was in charge of the CIA?

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Don't forget that he also was the head of the CIA.

    His sons speak volumes for the man: they're meretricious, incurious, puppets. The Bush clan has been corrupt for at least three generations. Good riddance, whenever he goes.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Yes, 8:29. There is a word for that: genocide. Does Gryph have a short memory or merely a selective one?

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      In connection with Poppy Bush's CIA-- when GWB was involved in a traffic accident, they found cocaine in his car. Thanks to some knowledge about tracing things, GWB's then-lawyer, Alberto Gonzalas, told GWB to let his drivers license expire. Then, wait a while and apply for a new one and get a new number. GWB was going to run for governor, and when people would vet him, they would not find any record of the accident with the cocaine because that would have been lost along with the old drivers license number. Alberto wasn't smart enough to figure this out. The book that described it said that it was Poppy's CIA background that was responsible for the info. They know how to create (or destroy) personal files. (The book is called "Favorite Son," and although it is poorly written, it has a number of stories like this. The Bushes tried to hush it up, and destroyed the author with all kinds of court cases. He was so overwhelmed that he eventually committed suicide. There was a documentary film made about him which briefly aired on one of the cable channels).

  21. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Don't forget the connection between H Dumbya and John Hinckley's parents.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I would love to hear about that. The Hinkley's went to our church in Evergreen. Lot of Texas oil people did. They never came back after John's fiasco. They moved to DC to be closer to John. The house sat empty for a few years, and the Gray Line tour bus stopped in front of it for 2-3 years and all the Oriental tourists would get out and take pictures of an empty house. The neighbors in the country club were very glad when that stopped. Never heard any rumors about the friendship of the Bush's and Hinkley's while they lived there? I can see where they might have not wanted it known!

  22. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Don't forget this bush pardoned his son Neil for the S&L scandal where all that money went missing. They're all criminals, all of them

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:34 PM

      Thieves, they are. Common thieves, robbing our Treasury.

  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gryphen methinks absence makes the heart grow fonder. If you think the senior Bush is a good egg, read Family of Secrets by Russ Baker.

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    He looks like Chaney in that photo. Omg, I wonder if they are related. I wouldn't doubt it.

  25. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I did respect Bush 41 for resigning his lifetime NRA membership and making public the blistering letter in which he did so. He said he could no longer be a member of an organization that characterized federal employees as "jack booted thugs" which at the time was a major break with his party and their money machine.

    He was by far the Bush with the most most interest in actually governing, and brought the most common sense and even handedness to that job.

    But really, he was just the next Repub in line to be put up to run.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Google Neil and Marvin Bush. Besides the rescue for W for sale of the ball team, these other two brothers have cost the taxpayers TRILLIONS! Savings and Loan debacle is just one of the losses we have covered for the Bush family of criminals. Marvin was connected to the WTC buildings through their security system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Check it out. Never read or hear about Marvin and Neil in the news but they march on with their next scam plan for us to foot the bill for their losses, likely.

  26. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My thought...I wish he had pulled out, several times.

  27. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Recent onset of shortness of breath is a common sign of embolisms in the lungs, a common ailment in the very old. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  28. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Papa Bush is likely the last living person that knows what happened in Dallas in 1963. He was there that morning, standing in the shadow of the Book Depository entrance. There is a photo of him standing there just before shots hit the President. LBJ's girlfriend has acknowledged he was in Dallas the night before, at a big party along with Hoover, LBJ, Nixon and all the other evil doers. He knows what happened to JFK and who orchestrated the assassination, he was part of the team that knew and allowed it to happen, he is not such a good guy.

    Yeah and about Iran Contra......he may be a nice old grandpa in his final decade of life, but does that excuse his evil life.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Evil, he is!! No excuses just because you get old!

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      A month after the invasion of Kuwait, the British press obtained a transcript and tape recording of a meeting between Bush41's ambassador to Baghdad and Saddam Hussein which took place one month before Saddam invaded Kuwait, and while his troops were staged near the border. The Bush41 admin made it clear that they were tacitly green-lighting the invasion of Kuwait. All they had to do to avoid the first Gulf War was tell Saddam that the US would defend Kuwait. Instead, they baited him into invading, and then sent Honest Dick Cheney, then Sec of Def, to Saudi Arabia to scare the Saudis into letting the US have bases there. Those bases were cited by Bin Laden as his motivation for attacking the US on 9-11. Could the US survive another Bush presidency?

  29. Raz Lemons10:28 AM

    Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to have such decent health care ? It may just be coincidence but doesn't it seem that his health fails him during holidays ?

  30. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You have badly misjudged this evil monster. He has done so many criminal things, you would not believe it. He has blood dripping from his hands. He is a monster. I could list his crimes, but you wouldn't believe it unless you had done the research I have done, so it is pointless.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Give sources please. I am very interested.

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:31 PM

      Read "Family Secrets" by Russ Baker

  31. London Bridges12:04 PM

    George ran Iran contra and might be involved with the John Kennedy assassination. There is even a possibility of being involved with the reagan assassination attempt and supposedly had lunch with John Hinckley brother thsy day. Did I mention lunch with the Bin Laden family on 9-11? He is pure evil. C-I-A.

  32. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Interesting comments....
    I guess the Jennifer Fitzgerald aspect never stayed on my radar. But, now, maybe the Papa Bush and Bill Clinton friendship makes better sense in a way?

    Interesting read...
    Jennifer Fitzgerald, Described As George H.W. Bush's 'Other Wife'

  33. Anonymous12:46 PM

    That Bush family is really sneaky. Jeb wants to run for president so he left the financial organization that might have been a problem for him. He was also involved with a company that published the educational materials that would have been used in-- surprise-- the school plan that he endorsed.

  34. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Bush the senior is just as bad or worse than his boys. He's just smarter than all of them put together.

  35. Anonymous1:34 PM


    Don't forget Neil Bush's dick getting caught where it shouldn't have been!

    The deposition where Neil Bush gets questioned about his venereal disease and having sex with women not his wife who knock on his hotel room door and do it for free! In Hong Kong and Thailand? What's your favorite flavor Neil?

    "I had sexual intercourse with perhaps three or four, I don't remember the exact number, women, at different times. In Thailand once, I have a pretty clear recollection that there was one time in Thailand and in Hong Kong."

    Bush: "I've had one veneral disease."

    Brown: "Which was?"

    Bush: "Herpes."

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Well if you're going to have just 'one', might as well be one that lasts 'forever'. That way he can pass it around so others might later claim they only had 'one' kind of VD too.

  36. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Also too:

    In 1973 the FBI was apparently a tool that GHW Bush could use for Republican Party purposes when needed.

    "At Bush's request, an FBI agent questions Rove."

    How does this happen? Hmmmm. That looks corrupt as sh#t to me. No FBI investigation, just some free legwork for Poppy Boosh and the RNC? Or maybe the agent got paid before the other side got Booshed in favor of Karl Rove?

    "Rove leaves school to campaign for chair of the College Republicans and he gets help from a young Lee Atwater, who would later run George H. W. Bush's presidential campaign. The heated campaign splits the College Republicans into warring factions at the national convention where Rove and his team challenge the credentials of delegates who oppose them. Both Rove and his opponent claim victory and the matter is sent to Republican National Committee Chairman George H. W. Bush for resolution. In the meantime, one of Rove's opponents leaks a tape to The Washington Post of a Rove college seminar, in which Rove recounts a tale of dirty tricks. At Bush's request, an FBI agent questions Rove. Atwater signs an affidavit swearing that the dirty tricks story was told only in jest. A GOP investigating committee eventually clears Rove, and he takes the reins of the College Republicans. Politics has become his passion. But because of this, Rove never gets his college degree.

    As the College Republicans' chairman in Washington, the 22-year old Rove also performs small tasks for Bush, who is becoming one of his mentors. In November, Bush asks Rove to take a set of car keys to his son George W. Bush, who is visiting home during a break from Harvard Business School. Rove is instantly taken with the young Bush's charisma. The two hit it off."

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Netflix has an excellent, bone-chilling documentary about Atwater. GHWB is just as dirty as the rest of them.

  37. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Barbara Bush deserves some credit for bold statements.

    During a Today Show interview, she was asked if Jeb should run for president:

    Mrs. Bush replied, "We've had enough Bushes."

    And there was the time BB offered an honest assessment of you-know-who:

    "I sat next to her once, thought she was beautiful," Bush said. "And I think she's very happy in Alaska -- and I hope she'll stay there."

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Well, yes I do give her credit for such spot-on cleverly-stated observations.

      Then, I remember that she also said of the (poor and/or black) victims of Katrina...."I think this is working out very well for them".

  38. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    Why is it that the closer to death one gets, all the bad things melt away to nothing and they drag out some old lady he helped cross a six lane highway? When Syd Vicious died, he was still vicious, not "Syd, not such a bad guy when you get to know him"?
    I have to admit, I've held my breath when he jumped from planes, exactly because of how Gryphen feels. The fish stinks from the head down, The whole family has issues of one kind or another, but none of them good.

    1. Anonymous4:37 AM

      I agree, Anita. Papa Bush is still a Bush and the whole family, even back several generations, has nasty connections.

      My other reaction was that Papa Bush and mouthy Barbara Bush have sure benefited from the largesse of the American people with regard to their healthcare. Frankly, former presidents, when they reach the appropriate age (66+), should be on Medicare with their supplemental insurance paid for by themselves. Just like the rest of us. I have no complaint about my treatment under the program, but I think leaders who did not support it when they were in office it and whose political party continues to oppose it should not get any different treatment than the rest of us. If any of us over the age of 65 had been taken to the hospital with "shortness of breath" we would have been there for several hours, not several days.

  39. Give a look see at this article: More Bush Deviousness on POWs/MIAs. I have a long memory and have always been interested in the MIA/POW from the VietNam era. And I sure would like to see this issue back in the light with all the sqawking about Cuba. Remember Ross Perot....he's the reason GHB was only a one term president. But more than anything Perot was not able to bring the POW's home that he knew were ignored.

  40. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Was the Bush family also involved in the airplane accident of JFK Jr.? That crash was so suspicious.

    Some say his magazine, "George" was one day going to spill the beans about George HW Bush's involvement in killing his father, JFK. That's why he named it "George", and the Bush family knew it. HW Bush first killed the father and then the smart, charismatic son.

  41. He probably also orchestrated Watergate to bring down Nixon. Nixon, like JFK, had gone soft on the war and the oil depletion allowance. He had to be taken out. Too soon after JFK to assassinate another president so they killed him politically and 41 was right there for it all, along with his band of Cubans and other CIA Bay of Pigs miscreants. You should Read Russell Baker's book on the Bushes - "Family of Secrets." It's serialized on his website,


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