Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Nothing to see here. Just the President of the United States being scanned for 3D printing.

Courtesy of CNN:  

The first-ever 3D-printed bust of a U.S. President -- a life-size replica of Obama -- is now on display at the Smithsonian Castle after a project that was inspired by the life masks of President Abraham Lincoln. 

But unlike Lincoln, Obama didn't have to get plastered up. Instead, he took a seat as 50 LED lights, eight high-resolution sports cameras and six wide-angle cameras sparked off for about a second. 

"This isn't an artistic likeness of the President, this is actually millions upon millions of measurements that create a 3D likeness of the President," 3D digitization program officer at the Smithsonian Adam Metallo says in a White House video released Tuesday.

 So cool!

Now why do I have the inescapable feeling that this will freak out the Right Wing for some reason?

It will undoubtedly make creating decoys for him that can show up at events while he is plotting to overthrow the world that much easier I suppose.

Oops did I type that out loud?


  1. Will they be using a 3D printer to make a "hard copy" to put on display?

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    OT-c 4 p has a video up of Palin on Stuart Varney. She really is an idiot talking about drilling when the price of oil is down. Companies aren't going to start new wells if it isn't profitable. Her spill is truly about greed--& not the benefit of oil drilling. Oil is hurting--(I'm in the oil business in TX--and I can definitely say it's hurting. What an idiot she is---and people believe her.

  3. Olivia9:55 AM

    That is soooo cool! And yes, the righties will freak out. I love it!

  4. angela10:05 AM

    Very, very cool.

    I got a 3D copy from our local library. I swear I drooled
    at the figure for about seventy-two hours.

    At this point all anyone but complete lunatics hear from the idiots on the other side is wah wah wah wah.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      You got a bust from your library? How does that work?

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      OMG, I HATE captcha! Fuck you Captcha!

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Maybe Miss Priss Of The North would like one for her bedroom dresser?

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You are exactly right, Gryphen. I can't wait to hear how Beck and Limpballs spin it. Be sure to let us know what the fallout is.

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    In the years ahead, the Republicans, who won't want President Obama noted as a past president of the USA, will now never be able to alter his exact likeness!

    Plus, they will never be able to delete the fact he was the first half-black man to hold the highest office in the land.

    And, what are they going to do when President Obama goes into history as one of the best presidents to have served our nation?

    The history books will also note that racism and obstruction (by the Republicans) was rampant throughout the land during his two terms and that he was a huge success in spite of them!

    I am so glad I voted for this man both times! This is coming from a white female that is retired and on Social Security!

    Thank you President Obama for being the wonderful man and leader! People across the world love and respect you!

  8. Anonymous11:25 AM

    OT Open letter to the good people of Alaska:
    How many of you have held your Thanksgiving dinner (or Christmas dinner or Easter dinner or Birthday Party) in your garage because the kids have sticky fingers and would get gravy stains all over your good china and linen tablecloth? How many of you have had to hose down the place after your family leaves? Is this a quaint Alaska custom? Am I missing something by living here in the lower 48 where we usually eat in the dining room. OK, sometimes we put up a special table for the kids. Even Jerry Seinfeld complained about being at the children's table after he had grown up.

    What am I writing about? Sarah Palin's late facebook post explains why she held her family's Thanksgiving dinner in Todd's airplane hanger-snow machine-truck-workshop-cement floor place. I liked the yard sized garbage container for what-- paper plates? The gold ribbons on the chairs lent a festive touch. I can't wait for the Christmas party.

    1. Anita Winecooler3:50 PM

      I suppose the local landfill was busy?

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Science plus President Obama--two things right-ards can't stand!

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    You know what I see? The bottom edge is a white collar and it looks like a black robe surrounding it. You know a black robe sort of like those worn by the Supreme Court justices. After all, he's going to still be a young man in 2 years when her "retires", right? Gonna need something to do, right? Looks good to me!! Wouldn't the heads explode then? I'll need to send a memo to President Clinton.

  11. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I love President Obama, FL Michelle, and the girls.

  12. Anita Winecooler3:55 PM

    The rwnj's heads will explode. No one did this for any other president, not even Ronald Reagan, and this technology could be used to clone the President. They, uhm, read it somewhere.

    Joking aside, this is quite an amazing use of technology, imagine all the possible things it could accomplish.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.