Thursday, December 04, 2014

Proving once again that Sarah Palin reads the comments at IM her newest Facebook post goes out of its way to explain why she hosted Thanksgiving dinner in a garage.

Courtesy of Poco-not-hot's Facebook: 

Soooo, our Thanksgiving setting may be unconventional for those who spend time worrying about children spilling juice on the pretty carpets, sticky fingerprints on the good China, and gravy stains on the fine linen, but it's just right for those who want a few less worries when family gets together. Before that scrumptious holiday meal in the makeshift dining hall and a couple wild rounds of Eskimo Bingo in our dressed up workshop where no one worries about spills on the concrete (I just hose it down after dinner, literally).

In other words they eat like farm animals and dammit Sarah Palin wants you to know that's okay. 

Why she wants us to know that I have no idea. I mean hell it is a week later and still she feels the need to post Thanksgiving day pictures and explain her redneck lifestyle.

In my opinion that is undoubtedly because she read comments over here giving her crap over the tacky decorations, cheap furniture, and those god awful boots on her feet.

Palin also links to Bristol's blog as an excuse for this post, but she's not fooling anybody.


  1. vegaslib11:39 AM

    What the hell is wrong with Bristol's face? Has she had more work done? Egads, that is not working for her.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. The chin grows with each lie. lmao

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      she looks like an aging wednesday addams.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    How... festive.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      With Bristol in attendance it is practical and the only way to go. Hose the pee.

      For once I get why Sarah is having such a poor pitiful event. Why decorate with a family of out of control parents with their ill mannered spawn?

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Public pissing must be a Wasilla thing. It is how they have fun. Just be sure there is a hose if you have them over for dinner.

  3. Do they forgo the utensils and just eat with their fingers? Or face down in the trough?

    1. vegaslib1:13 PM

      HAHAHA! That was awesome!

    2. Lou Suave4:44 PM

      Buncha unkultured h8Trz here.

      Dontcha know a soo-war-re when you see 'em?

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Screech is going to start a fire the way she is carrying that burning candle in a wine bottle.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      It appears that the Palins are running the lights
      on the small utility vehicle in the background of the garage for ambiance.
      Most of America uses candles and lamps.
      I hope the Palins were were running their mood lighting off the battery and not spewing carbon monoxide
      into the garage / dining room.
      And nothing says Thanksgiving like the smell of a garage with oil and fuel and old rags.
      Our house , as did most US houses, smelled like turkey and baking pies.
      Americans for decades have been hosting large family gatherings that didn't require
      a high powered hose for clean up.
      The only other places that use the Palin type of clean up are zoos and kennels.

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Poor trig is still no where to be seen in any of the pictures

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Our little Sarah Palin hoses down the garage floor? Just like she did all the decorations, set up the tables and chairs and baked her pie! My ass! Don't believe her one bit. She had hired help and she didn't bake her pie! What a fraud! Remember, Sarah Palin doesn't like to work!

    Even I hire assistance when having a big crowd to my house and I'm never afraid to admit it!

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Well, now don't forget she also mows the yard in a tank top & shorts with Trig strapped to her back.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Look at the picture 11:45 posted and tell me "hired help" set up that pathetic table. What's with the empty platter? Is that the dessert table? SO SAD!!

  7. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hmmmm.... her logic is again convoluted. People who worry too much about the furniture relegate their ill-bred and ill-trained relatives to the garage. Then again with her drunk, brawling, peeing in public offspring, $carah has a bit more possible damage to worry about thant the rest of us, who only have a toddler or two with properly attentive parents to be concerned about.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Yes, I imagine her spawn pee on the rug and furniture in the house on a regular basis. Hopefully Jill came house trained, those little dogs probably pee all over the house. Sarah probably cleans it up the way my husband does, Throw a paper towel on it & pick it up & throw it away a day later.

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Not to mention if any of the kiddos want to throw a blueberry pie at their grandma or Auntie Piper.

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    bottled water for everyone, shouldn't they just slurp out of lake lucille?

    1. Bendy straws, anyone?

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      You can really see AGAIN that they are 'white trash'!

      Having the family Thanksgiving dinner in the garage takes it all! Suspect she hired things be done for the occasion - we know she didn't set up the tables and chairs, decorate the chairs and she assuredly didn't make the pie she donated to the cause! Remember, she doesn't like to work and she's already a proven liar and fraud.

      It would be so much fun to know what her family members (and Todd's) really think of her. She looked like an idiot in those obnoxious boots! And, she is the 'least' Christian in her life and as to her actions, is very anti America and a horrid American!

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      1:12 PM

      Palin appeals to her base. They are the only donations she can get. They are just like her and get her.

    4. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Queen Esther

  9. She's also desperate for attention. Remember, this time last year she was hustling her Christmas timey book. This year she's got nuthin'. She might even instigate Palin Brawl Part II just to get some buzz. BTW, whether she had Thanksgiving in the garage or the Taj Mahal, doesn't matter, she's still TACKY with a capital "T"!!!

    1. "She's also desperate for attention."

  10. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Looking at this from a male point of view,I'm seeing more work not less.Transporting dishes to and from the kitchen,moving furniture,setting up folding tables and chairs etc.It' a nightmare.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      She probably paid the kids to do it with sarahpac $$.

    2. Nope.

      They may have set up the table and chairs but the caterers brought all of the dishes and everyone served themselves cafeteria style.

      This is hands down the laziest Thanksgiving spread ever.

      Why not just go to a restaurant?

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      From my male point of view, I do see it being much easier if you just happen to have a big hangar space- or big rv type garage. Paper plates and tablecloths, big foil containers, roll it all up and throw it all away afterwards. I guess I'm not big on thanksgiving being too fancy. When I was a kid we would truck out to the grandparents farm in Wisconsin from Chicago where all the family would congregate en masse. When it is a big big group with lots of kids, it is about production and volume. Great times though.

    4. vegaslib1:17 PM

      I was thinking that as well. Why not rent out a convention room and have it catered. It's not like she would use her own money anyway.

    5. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Why not just go to a restaurant?
      Yep Chili's right down the street...WTF wrong with her???
      Oh right....retarded.

    6. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Is Tripp at the Palin's house or is it a public place?

      It is feasible the Palins are banned for restaurants and the motel that is next door.

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    This defies description...I hosted dozens of folk...many who drank too much, spilled (a whole plate of spaghetti on a white carpet) and on and on... and I would NEVER consider having a Thanksgiving dinner in the garage....this is just too much.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      That would be the reality check. Reality as we know it on this planet, I mean. This person,and I use the term loosely, had the resources, and by that I mean other people's resources, to build the house of her dreams. If entertaining family had remotely been a priority, she would have designed a house that could host an extended family dinner.
      An idiot and a fraud,that's our Sarah.

      PS to Sarah: maybe turn the TV off next time?

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    It wasn't Thanksgiving, it was a photo op. I would never want to celebrate Thanksgiving with plastic tables, chair, and water bottles. Not because I'm a prude, but because it takes all the intimacy and tradition out of it.

  13. Anonymous12:10 PM

    No class!

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      She does have some 'class', too bad it's all LOW !!

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      And did they haul out all that furniture to the garage to make it more 'homey'?

      This is bizarre even for $arah. Paylin always yaps about how her house is wide open and full of family. She always shows photo opps at every holiday.

      I have a theory: $he was not in Alaska and knew "fans" would recognize a different living room, kitchen, etc. And that would account for the furniture in the garage - put there for storage after moving from AK to AZ. ..... A garage is not recognizable - problem solved as to duping "fans" into believing $he is home with family in Alassssska.

      As to who all the people are - who knows?

    3. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Notice that everyone in the garage is wearing light sweaters or short sleeves.

      We might be having a mild winter in Alaska but it is still in the 30s in anchorage. It would be damn chilly without bundling up unless the garage has some mighty fine heat.

      I don't believe they are in Alaska. All the trophies piled up on the furniture against the wall are a dead giveaway. It's stuff they stuck in their Arizona garage after moving.

    4. Anonymous5:27 PM

      In the garage? The garage for pete'sake! Classless, stupid and cheap. Palin etal are pathetic and have no idea about any taste, decorum or honesty in their ridiculous lives. Does Palin think she can use the motor oil for dipping bread?

      She and her ilk are beyond any loving, caring, helpings ways. Palin is beyond stoopid. She is one sick person and has tainted her children with no regard for their needs as they grew up. What a shame she always put herself first, last and always. Her children never had a chance.

    5. Anonymous9:03 AM

      4:19 PM

      The Palins can afford to heat that large space. It is the poor that don't have heat and a warm place.

  14. Pat in MA12:10 PM

    Seriously, the flag at the garage door? I suppose they used shop tools to carve the turkey, yee haw freedom! She is beyond ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      If Sarah "cooked" that turkey I bet they needed a Sawzall to carve it ;-(

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Where are all of Bristol's babies? Where are all of Bristol's Trial Daddies? Where can Track do his drugs with all of those folks there? Are any of Todd's prostitutes working the party, or are all of the men gone to Anchorage?

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Give Track a break, he's still sleeping off the Brawl.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Track has bigger fish to fry.

      A compilation.


      Sit down with Track.

      Mama's boy

      Family fuel.

      Does Sarah Know?


      Party on!

  16. "good China" = Taiwan?

    That stupid barnyard animal is so unfamiliar with food that is not eaten off of wrappers that she has no idea that China the country and china the food holder are two different things.

    1. 75% Off Sarah Palin Channel Membership!!!1:06 PM

      Brist-dull typed the same thing two months ago.

      This counts as Sarah's foreign policy experience.

    2. vegaslib1:19 PM

      Sarah/Bristol, your desperation is showing. I'm guessing they are losing subscribers faster than Bristol can pop out a baby and give it away.

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Yes, Sarah... pretty carpets, good china and fine linen! We all know that you have an eye for the finest and most tasteful home furnishings.

      I thought they lived in a hockey rink. Couldn't Bristles just throw on her thong dress and run the Zamboni after dinner?

  17. Those boots! My God, what a tacky, classless, tasteless lunatic.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      It's star spangled bling like those boots that keep the c4p donors convinced she is Murica's Best Patriot. It's all it takes to fool those clowns.

    2. Boscoe2:18 PM

      If she combined those garish boots with the tacky giant cross belt buckle, the embarrassing Wonder Woman bracelets and the redonkulous poker chip necklace, I think the universe would reflexively open a black hole to swallow the Earth in self defence.

    3. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Spew alert please, Boscoe, spew alert. It's just common decency. LOL

  18. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Quick somebody hang a flag on the hangar door, wtf?!

  19. sarahy, why is it okay for your many grandkids to run around in the grand palin's rink, excuse me, house? You are one cold insufferable witch.

    you make the most ridiculous excuses. your house is sticky, stinky and messy, already.

    Dear God get help.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      imagining the aroma...barf

  20. I fretted a bit about my kids' ability to eat neatly when serving a "fancy" meal, but it never once occurred to me that I should just shove them out into the garage.

    Teach them table manners, use plenty of bibs, placemats, etc., and you're good to go. If the carpet gets stained, so what? You have kids. If that is the worst thing that happens when raising them, you will have had a blessed life.

    Basically she doesn't think her family deserves to eat in a civilized manner.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Maybe throw a bed sheet down under the table?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      The 'bedsheets' are for later around the bonfire. They cut little eye holes in 'em and throw them over their heads like ponchos for 'warmth'.

  21. Why the hell are they playing Eskimo Bingo on Thanksgiving?

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      lol, mrs dumbass must have forgotten that's a christmas gift exchange game. That's what happens when you perpetually lie, you get caught in your own web.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Because they are still trying to giveaway all the crap people gave her when she was governor?

      "Oh look another six year old cheesecake!"

      "I got a BlockBuster Video Gift certificate. $50.00! Use before October 2009!"

      "Look- someone sent Todd their used underwear. Back in 2007! "

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      They also played basketball after they cleared the tables and chairs out of the way.

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Your grandma turned down some basketball scholarships...brown people...

  22. Anonymous12:37 PM

    She who critics the POTUS daily, is actually trying to explain something?! Tells all kinds of lies and never backs it up with facts any facts whatsoever. Truly IM you have her. Genuine turd she is. Why is this granny menopaused always getting into young ones photos? There is no pic of toad carving the bird? Such backarsed family.

  23. Anonymous12:37 PM

    yeah ya betcha. does she pay folks to show up? or what care home did she use for a write off. I thought for sure that would weigh in on the similar events.....all the recent grand old jury activity and the similar event of the zimmy case.....a cracker prosecutor defending and representing a black victim.

  24. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Is that brassy? wow,,,,,changing face

  25. Oh dear lord! I just read something-is there really going to be a reality show based in The Valley called Slednecks?? Please tell me I"m just feverish or drunk.
    Love, Georgia, USA

    1. abbafan1:47 PM

      Beth - Yes, unfortunately, you read correctly, a Valley Trash brain-dead show on MTV. It will cater to simpletons like the palins. I have never seen such a tacky set-up like her "dinner". Seriously, in a fuckin' garage?? You lazy bitch! It was catered out and paid for via grifted funds, since all palins are fuckin' lazy and stoopid! Fuckin' right IM OWNS her bony ass!! P.S. - kiss my ass palin trolls!!

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Not only is it for real, it's been on for awhile now. But none of the Palin klan is in it.

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      It's already on MTV. It's terrible, as expected. The kids are all tatted up and spend their lives doing stupid stunts made up by the producers. There is a convicted felon, just out of jail, the Eskimo girl, the plain girl, the fat girl, and the hot girl covered with tattoos and a bunch of unimpressive 20-something guys that live in shacks.

    4. So…how would "Slednecks" be somehow more stupid than any other reality show?

  26. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why she will not let up on her foaming at the mouth hatred of the president. After she lost the election, all he had to do was fall all over her and plop her somewhere in her administration so she wouldn't have to go back to Alaska and could keep living the high life she had so quickly become accustomed to.

    But no, he ignored She Who Will Not Be Ignored.

    And now, oh how the mighty have fallen.

    She's eating Thanksgiving dinner in a garage, and nobody cares. No more book tours, no more adoring crowds, no more fox news (a piddly little squawk now and then hardly counts), no media attention except to point and laugh. Not invited to the last RNC convention. The Obamas, McCains, all those people she was around ever so briefly; they all spent their holidays in beautiful surroundings with cultured, educated, sophisticated people (however reprehensible their politics).

    She's in a garage on Thanksgiving and no one gives a shit.

    I can't help but laugh at the old screeching washed up hag trying to polish up this turd and tie a bow on it.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Wow, for 'not giving a shit', you really put a lot of energy, thought, and typing into 'not giving a shit'.

    2. "Anonymous1:59 PM
      Wow, for 'not giving a shit', you really put a lot of energy, thought, and typing into 'not giving a shit'."
      You know, I thought about clarifying that of course this means all the people who are not fans of laughing at Palin, but then I thought, no, of course the readers here understand the difference.

      Sorry I over-estimated your ability to grasp the difference. Maybe someday you will be able to figure out such concepts.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      7 comments (so far) on one Palin posting, must mean you don't give a shit the most!

  27. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Soooo, our Thanksgiving setting may be unconventional for those who spend time worrying about children spilling juice on the pretty carpets, sticky fingerprints on the good China, and gravy stains on the fine linen, but it's just right for those who want a few less worries when family gets together.

    Sounds like SHE is the one worried about spills and stains. Making my guests feel comfortable and welcome is more important to me. I let them into the house.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      The youngest children should be attended by an adult, maybe some in the family are not slobs? I don't see that many of the messy run around age (Tripp). Sarah is concerned about the older teens and twenty somethings that have been raised as crude and rude. Trig must be in a cage somewhere out of sight. He is not her problem, just get rid of him.

      Sarah has carpet? I don't think so. That is not a problem for her. The past holidays the family have photographs either show no sign of a dinner, like one of Heath Jr. gatherings, with only snacks. The ridiculous set up with Sarah and a nephew and a turkey only prove she can't cook and there is no sign anyone had dinner with that photo op. Sarah's dinners she serves on paper plates.

      They have never shown they are thankful enough to honor a traditional Thanksgiving. They claim to be patriots, patriots to what country?

      They look like un-Americans who are trying to fool folks with flag decor from Hobby Lobby.

  28. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Gryph, sensing a lot of sexual tension between you and Sarah playing itself out on the internet. Maybe it is time you guys just get together and bang it out?

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Ewww. The tension is shared by IM's thousands of readers, who come here to make sure that Sarah Palin never, ever has political power.
      She and her dogpatch family are also always good for a laugh. She's so clueless, so tasteless, so crazy. She's the best reality show around.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      EWWWW, can you imagine how jacked up she is "down there" after 4 kids and now being too thin and bony and plus menopausal and dry? That is a ride that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy!

    3. Not enough Viagra in the world Anonymous 1:18.

      Not enough in the world.

    4. cckids2:17 PM

      Wow. If I can be so bold as to speak for Gryph, "not eve with someone else's d*ck".

      I mean really.

    5. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Can you imagine screwing Sarah Palin? Yuk! I'm sure Gryph is no more interested in that act w/her than are others on this blog. She would not be a partner pleaser because everything is about her! Why do you think Toad has prostitutes, etc.?

    6. Anonymous3:30 PM

      i'm sure the useless crosseyed skank's HOOHAH's done haired up and healed over l .. that shit, err ship's, done sailed ..

    7. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

      Perish the thought. There isn't enough eye bleach in the world. Any red blooded man with a brain would rather gnaw through his own arm to escape such a fate, except Todd, that is. He speaks softly and carries big purses.

  29. Emily Post1:21 PM

    Clearly, she's never actually been to a real family meal.

    First, don't serve juice to the kids. But, if they spill, then it can be wiped up. She reserves her bile for anyone who has "pretty carpets." No, we had Oriental rugs, which show no stains whatsoever.
    Second, as has been pointed out, dishes that are made of porcelain are lower-cased "china." Upper-case "China" is a very big country in Asia. Look it up on your globe, Sarah.
    Sticky fingers on "china" are easily washed! What's the big deal?
    Next, gravy stains can be washed out of "fine linen." Again, a poke at anyone who has the temerity to own "fine linen." Anything more substantial than paper napkins must be high-falutin'

    Sarah, even if your garage is heated, your guests had to put their feet on cold cement -- a very uncomfortable way to enjoy a meal. You didn't worry about spills or stains because you just hired a caterer to put your event together. Finally, what kind of stains and spills could possibly need hosing? Did you have food fights, or was someone sick to his stomach in the corner?
    My grandmother ironed her linen, polished her silver, and leaves were put in our big dining room table. Card tables, with tablecloths, were scattered around the rest of the downstairs for children and extras. My grandfather carved the turkey at one end of the table; the plates were passed to my grandmother at the other end so that she could serve vegetables. All the children were well-behaved, and then excused to play when they'd finished eating.
    And we started our celebration with a touching grace said by my grandfather.
    You didn't mention, Sarah, whether or not anyone said grace before your meal. And whether the gentlemen removed their baseball hats when the grace was said.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      The Thanksgiving you just described sounds so lovely!

      I'm old school when it comes to holiday meals. We eat on real plates, at a table located inside the house, and I start cooking the Monday before Thanksgiving.

      Why would I give that up for the culinary equivalent of a TV dinner in a stinky garage?!? Ugh!

    2. PalinsHoax3:10 PM

      Dear Emily @ 1:21 pm,

      Your comment is so beautifully written. I especially enjoyed your last paragraph, having grown up in a home where:
      1. Grace or some version of gratitude was always expressed before or after a meal - holiday time or not.
      2. Hats and shoes were not worn IN the house - ever.
      3.No swearing or cursing allowed either. I would be mortified if my parents had ever heard me using the crude language that the Palin children spew so effortlessly in front of their parents.

      My parents did not have much money, but we were wealthy with love, traditions, and respect for each other. And laughter - lots of laughter - in our home.

      An appreciative IMer.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:31 PM

      I so agree, Emily. To us, just being together, sharing a meal and conversing was what made Thanksgiving special. We didn't have a lot of material things, but we had a house full of love, laughter and shared memories. The last thing any of us would have ever done was invite people and corral them into a cold, under furnished space.
      This wack job (Sarah) makes it sound like she doesn't have a dishwasher and her "guests" are incapable of basic manners. You spill something, dab it up the best you can, pour a bit of club soda, dab a bit more, problem solved.
      She posts earlier Trig eating with a puppy's butt in his face, in the house, so I know they're capable on some level.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      To our credit, few of us around here, who've enjoyed many wonderfully unique Thanksgivings with friends and family, had the class and grace to not make a money making video and photo-shoot out of our gatherings.

      I don't recall her 'thanking' all the generous donors out there who enable her this vibrant life. Isn't that what the day is about?

    5. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Clearly, she's never actually been to a real family meal.

      That is the TRUTH! I have never seen a picture of Palins or Heaths in an actual Thanksgiving setting. They wear the valley trash hicks moniker and have no clue about a sit down of any type. Remember Bristol and Joan Rivers, she tried to help bring Bristol with a social setting? Bristol went all paranoid, peeps were after her. Possibly she was traumatized at a young age by a Heath/Palin attempt at a sit down.

      This is the best Bristol could do with the entire crew of Wife Swap doing all the work.

      I think we know why the Heath/Palins equate Thanksgiving with a hose down. They raise rude brats.

      How to raise a brat that runs around on runways and drinks beer.

      Freedumb of Screech


      Dear Trig

      This is the mother.


  30. Anonymous1:30 PM

    fine linen my ass! She only knows paper napkins and tablecloths.

  31. Anonymous1:33 PM

    She's so obviously the oldest one of all those ladies. Time's a catchin up, Ms. Palin

  32. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Wait! Dumbass Sarah. Hosting an event in Your Garage means YOU are adverse to messing up YOUR hockey rink house. Fuck you get dumber every day if that is even possible.

    1. Cracklin Charlie2:52 PM

      Maybe she didn't want to CLEAN the hockey rink house.

      It's probably still a mess after making all those homemade pies.

  33. Anonymous1:39 PM

    5 tables of 8 = 40 people. I've never had a room that could seat 40 people. Having all 40 people break bread together is certainly a nice touch and suits the Thanksgiving spirit. I think the garage shows creative use of space.

    50 years after the event, my family still chuckles over the Thanksgiving we crammed ourselves and guests into the "front room" after the skunk perfumed the whole back of the house. I think some of the adults even got to sit at tables.

    Thanksgiving is about family, not dissing other peoples' decor.

    (Does hosing the floor imply a heated garage? Heat. Garage. Way above my pay grade.)

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Sarah is tacky the way she represents EVERY holiday, why should Thanksgiving be any different. Sarah is tacky in everything she does. The way she dresses, the way she talks, the way she decorates, the way she acts. Sarah is low class and skanky and she just can't help herself. She has to showcase her tacky self and her tacky family and their tacky goings on. We here at IM are well aware of the degree of tackiness she reaches. This is just another example of it.

      Sarah spends her foul mouth 'dissing' everyone and everything, so don't come here and try to shame us with your spirit of Thanksgiving crap and then wrap it up in a 'cute' holiday story. We ain't buyin' it, troll. FUCK OFF with your defense of Sarah Palin, she is trash. Stinkin' rotten trash.

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      @2:01 Alas, a troll I am not. A divergent opinion expressed pleasantly is the soul of debate. If you can not detect genuine trolls, imposing the troll label becomes mere ranting for ranting's sake. A trifle tacky is the term that comes to mind.

      If you'd had a skunk spray the pies set out to cool, you'd remember it a long time. Counting back I now realize it was 52 years ago. The only inaccuracy in my account.

    3. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Someone could make huge money incorporating skunk scent into a diet aid. A little atomizer spritz to ward off the munchies. Yow.

      So sad, ruining all those yummy pies made a bad thing even worse. Rotten little skunk. Imagine everyone's appetite was a bit off anyway.

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll....
      You're suggesting that it wouldn't have been possible to arrange seating for 40 (or was it 30?) people in that hockey rink house of hers? PUH-lease.
      If you want to insult people's intelligence may I suggest the Sea of Pee? It'd be way easier over there.

    5. Anonymous8:03 PM

      @6:34 Please forgive my insults. I bow to your superior intelligence. I regret annoying you with my comment. I had no intention of disturbing you. My stupidity overwhelms me. Of course, you know the best places on the internet for me to comment. I should have inquired whether I could comment here before proceeding. I have been ill mannered and insulting. But your gracious corrections have adjusted my attitude. Please give me more advice so that I might someday aspire to rise to the level that you would allow my meager scraps of comment to be at least ignored if not welcomed.

      Please accept my deepest apologies. Be assured I will continue to read here so that my education can continue. Of course, I will not risk commenting again for a long time. I do not want to offend in any way.

      What a jerk I have been. I am so sorry.

    6. Anonymous8:44 AM

      "Bad girl"

      Go away!!!!!!!!

    7. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Palins are about propaganda. Any excuse suits their exploits. People are dissing her pitiful propaganda. There is absolutely nothing family or holiday about what she manufactures.

      The people she is related to hang on to her brief glory (swag) from the fraud/hoax she and the pimp managed to pull off. They are all part of the criminal enterprise the family operates.

  34. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bristol lies again; in her blog post she said her mom had 50 people! But count the tables and chairs - 5 tables of 6 = 30. Nice try, Brancy.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      You act as if mathematics is their strong point.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Bristol is so the likeness of her idiotic mother and it's sad as can be. Everything they say and do can be checked and they are most usually proven wrong or to be liars! When will they ever learn? This has been going on for how many years? I'm seriously thinking they are both 'retarded' vs being 'idiots'!

  35. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Looks like Bristol has finally achieved her "looking like Kim Kardashian in the face" goal. I'm personally waiting for her to get the accompanying butt implants, then the transformation will be complete ;-)

  36. laurensd11:53 PM

    Sarah does not have the elan to graciously celebrate a holiday gathering. Even though she has been exposed to lovely surroundings in her travels, she is averse to doing anything which would require skills and effort on her part.
    I am guessing that Chuck and Sally did the garage thing, (of course it was hosed down before any get-together because that was the moose butchering site), so she really does not care about making extra work for her lazy ass absorbed self.
    Besides, it reinforces the hillbilly persona for donations. That is bottom line with our favorite spent hooker. Can't have people believing she's too classy for their benjamins.

    Disposable. Disposable. She and Todd won't have much of an adjustment to the prison mess hall.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      That's a wonderful comment. I doubt that Sarah even knows what the words "elan" or "gracious" means.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      lmfao at Sarah and elan in the same sentence.

      Look for that elan word to be deployed in an anti Obama rant soon.

  37. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Palin has her round tables like at a Whitehouse dinner and her Ronald Reagonesque boots for her folksy, hoe-down Thanksgiving in the hangar. I'm sure she was feeling redneck Presidential. Idiot she is!

  38. Anonymous1:59 PM

    OK....real reason for the chow-down in the garage is to more easily manage the various fights/brawls and urination that was anticipated. Can't have Track throw Tod through a plate glass window or Bristol peeing on the floor. Good thinking ol' stinky wig

  39. "Whatever"2:03 PM

    Folks, calm down, please.

    You are all looking at this from your perspective, not the Palins'.

    We all think of Thanksgiving as a family holiday filled with tradition. A chance to share our best with those we love.

    A chance to put out the good stuff, dress nice and teach children how to behave while enjoying the company of older people, nice foods, family china, etc.

    We LOVE doing the extra touches and sharing the tradition and all the "extravagance" that goes with the holiday. Heck, that's what holidays are for.

    NOT SO THE PALINS. (At least Sarah and Todd's branch of the family tree).)

    They have shown again and again that they are clueless on how a family is suppose to function. Clueless about how to train up children. Clueless about how to enjoy (much less how to actually use) the finer things that come with a big family dinner.

    (Cue the 2013 video of the upside-down partially cooked turkey being hacked with a cheese knife.)

    If you look at it from Sarah's point of view, this all makes sense...including hanging the flag from the garage door, leaving the basketball hoop in the middle of the dining area, leaving the TV on, and making no effort to separate the diners from the tools.

    It is soooooo totally Sarah! Including, the horrid boots.

    ps I do recall somewhere that the garage floor is heated. That's fairly common in high-end houses in Alaska--heated floors.

    pss I am surprised she go on and on and on about the prayer, her being so "Christian" and all. Maybe that will be in her next follow-up on the week old event.

    pss I giggled about hosing the floor afterwards. Imagine what the saner family members in attendance thought that said about them! And how they felt eating in the garage. I'd be insulted!

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      I think Sarah Palin needs to watch the turkey carving video a few more times.

    2. Well said, "Whatever"!

  40. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Well, something sure did get under that skank's reptilian skin, eh? She just can't keep her dick in her pants, can she? She's always waving it around like some crazed lunatic, isn't she? Look at me, look at me! What a pathetic and vile creature. Pushing her way into photos when she can, and when you see this 'gathering' no one is even talking to her, no one wants to be around her and it's right there in living color.

    She is shunned by her own family unless she forces her way into a shot. And she's the ONLY one clutching her goddamn phone, as if she's just so important.

    Sarah, we see through all the bullshit and we see how desperate you are for attention, and we also see how you continue to slide, slide, slide into oblivious so that you now have to have your twisted up daughter do your dirty deeds with more lying and cheating. Shame on you for the horrific mother you are. And the disgusting human being you are. And the pathological liar that you are. We see you.

  41. Anonymous2:14 PM

    She likes to make fun of the "elites" yet then tries to host an event in her garage that emulates a "fancy elite party". She's just a butthurt pretender that really wants to be a fancy educated elite, but is a person that hosts a Thanksgiving in her blue-collar husband's workspace because that's who she really is.

  42. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Sarah Palin is a millionaire.
    Sarah Palin has a big beautiful house.
    Sarah Palin wrote that she hosed down the cement floor after her sloppy guests left because it seems that no one in her large extended family has taught their kids any manners, and they got their sticky fingers all over the disposable plastic plates and cups. Yes, I saw the big garbage bin lined with the black plastic bag. You don't thrown your fine china and linen table cloth in the garbage.

    The reason that people make fun of Sarah Palin is because Sarah puts herself out there, calling for attention for herself. Notice her! Please, oh please notice her! She can't breathe unless you notice her for putting a gold ribbon on each chair, turning it into a throne. Shiny ribbon on the table makes up for the china and linen. Each person got a personal plastic bottle of water. Classy.

    Did I mention that Sarah is a millionaire? That's why it is so tacky for her to hold her family party in Todd's workshop-garage. Then, she posts the photos on her facebook so everyone can read that the kids have greasy fingers and would smear the china and table cloth. You know that stuff can be washed and used again. Do you really think of fine china, fine crystal, linen table clothes and Sarah Palin all at the same time? (stop laughing). Sarah is trying to sell an image, and when she does, it always falls short because she is a fake.

    Advice to Sarah, since she is reading here at IM: Live your life vibrantly and privately. Then, we won't write comments about you. Stop trying to show off when it comes off looking so tacky. You can take the girl out of Wasilla but you can't take Wasilla out of the girl. Sarah will always be tacky.

    1. truman capote3:03 PM

      Clearly this family proves being rich doesn't have the cachet it used to.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Palin hoses down the floor in the garage after the humans eat, names her dog after a human president (Ronald Reagan) and names her kids after objects/things (Track, Willow, etc.). I assume the dogs were dating in the house while the humans ate in the hangar/garage. She is a strange, strange women.

      Why didn't she just rent a shack someplace, put the red couch on the porch along with the tables & chairs, and in the yard, too. Palin is just plain tacky.

      I don't care what her excuse is. That is just an awful, drab, depressing place to eat Thanksgiving dinner amid red couches and garage/hangar equipment & junk. I wonder if her guests liked hearing it had to be "hosed" down after they left.

    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      @3:25--I meant dogs were "eating" in the house--not "dating"

    4. "Whatever"5:54 PM

      5:25 Ha. Ha. Ha. LOL!

      I liked it better the first way. I thought you were being polite in describing what the dogs were doing. "Dating" instead of "mating."

      LOL! My first thought was, "I wonder if they got any of those dogs fixed, or are they gonna end up with lots of puppies to be 'gotten rid of?'"

  43. Anonymous2:25 PM

    What did you expect from a woman who claims to always be in charge of the turkey and the photo showed her craving the bird's spine. Sarah doesn't know which end of the bird is up.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      She has spent so much time trying to prove she is some kind of turkey expert for the traditional family dinners. Where is one photo of one of their traditional dinners? Not this last pathetic 'hose the pee' themed Thanksgiving photo op.

      What a horrible group of adults that raise such filthy out of control kids?

  44. Shootin' Butterball turkey hoops right from yer table, too! HooHawww!

  45. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Is that Morticia Addams sitting next to the woman holding the balloon?

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I could only count about 6 or 7 small children at Sarah's fancy feast. Tri-G, Tripp and Track's daughter not in attendance? Wonder if the adults who were invited left their kids at home just in case another drunken brawl broke out? I wouldn't take my kids or grandkids anywhere near the Palin trash but then I wouldn't go either.

  47. Oh hilarious! Like anyone thinks there might be nice carpets, decent china and linens in that house.

    We lived in the country for awhile when husbandman managed a rural conference center for a university. We got to know the neighbors, mostly wonderful people, really. But garage and barn parties were standard, and the paper/plastic dinnerware industry depends on them.

    But there were also plenty of educated, financially successful people there who knew how to set a table with ceramic objects, and proper placement of silverware [whether silver or stainless steel], as well as fabric napkins and tablecloths. And they did that for everyone, including the barn party crowd.

  48. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Off topic from reddit

    Pregnant woman blasts anti-abortion protesters outside a clinic in London

    Religious zealots lying? gtfo...

  49. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Give Sarah a break. All those kids having all that sex an all those kids and not one fancy wedding. Sarah didn't get a fancy wedding either (no time for one). So, she fixed up her garage to look like the ballroom at the Best Western, complete with the bows on the chairs. Sarah wanted something that looked like a wedding before she dies.

  50. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Nothing says family Thanksgiving like a garage and some generic "fancy" table settings.

  51. Anonymous2:55 PM

    What's with the four LED screens hung on the hanger door?

    1. abbafan3:11 PM

      Those are door panel windows, so they can see if the neighbours are fuckin' laughing at them!

  52. AKinPA3:21 PM

    Aw, come on. Why all the fuss about having Thanksgiving dinner in a garage? The Clampett's had a cee-ment pond; the Palin's have a cee-ment dining room.

    And maybe if you taught your family some manners, you wouldn't have to "literally" hose the place down after a meal.

    And, as someone mentioned above, how do you play Eskimo bingo without gifts? I didn't see a group of presents lying around "wrapped" in food market bags like last Xmas. And where's the precious gift from God?

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      I only *wish* the Pay-mes were as classy as the Clampetts. Any guest to their house was immediately offered the best of the Clampett hospitality. Their house was always clean. They were always as nice as they could be to everyone.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      The Palin family is the only family in America that has to hose down the floor after a meal. They are truly ferral.

  53. Anonymous3:38 PM

    When I was growing up, the Thanksgiving children's table had a Thanksgiving-themed plastic tablecloth and everyday plates, and the adults got the nice linen tablecloth and the fine china. It was quite an honor to be promoted to the adult table, where you could display your adult eating skills.

    The Pay-me family members all act like animals, so I guess it's appropriate that they're fed in a garage and the floor is hosed down when they're done, just like in the zoo.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I can't imagine why she wouldn't know about children's tables. It is pretty traditional. She really knows very little about America or American culture. She has a very limited view. Just the secessionists and some of her pedophile, militia and patriot types.

  54. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I seem to remember that last year she spent thanksgiving eating fast food at an Aunts house in Washinton? I might be remembering this wrong. If that's the case, this Thanksgiving celebration was a really big deal girl the Palin family.

    1. PalinsHoax6:21 PM

      Was that the same Thanksgiving that Tawdry had stayed back in Alaska, fixing the roof?

  55. Anita Winecooler4:15 PM

    When I read this yesterday, I just couldn't stop laughing. It reminds me of one of those Norman Rockwell illustrations in the old days, when people shoveled food into fodder bags and tied them to the guests necks before standing on the driveway or basement for dinner (workshops aren't as popular in the lower 48). But what she can convince none of us are her cooking skills.
    And she learned this from "eskimo" Sally? Then, obviously, passed it on to the brood crazy glued to the sofa. Did Bristol get an extra fodder bag? That chin takes up a lot of space.
    The one I recall was Piper making a cake with Sarah, and Sarah saying the instructions were written in spanish! LMAO

    You got her pegged, Gryphen. Guess that's where the company stayed when the weather got better to attend the wedding of her "warrior" and Britta. Plenty of room for cots, sleeping bags and mattresses. Todd's got a REAL man cave!

  56. Anonymous5:19 PM

    So, can you all imagine a fancy feast, held in a garage that usually holds a truck and maybe a couple of other cars and a couple of snowmachines? Well, OK, we can see that in above picture. But be glad that you were not there, and that we do not yet have smellovision! Mmmm... Some tasty turkey and gravy, with the smell of old car oil! Add a couple cans of gasoline to this, and you can just imagine the very welcoming garage-odor hanging over it all. BARF!!!

  57. Anonymous5:58 PM

    So, $he still has not learned that 'Eskimo Bingo' is an absolute no-no for a name. Also, too: just WHO has heard of THAT (I guess, a gift-exchange) being done on THANKSGIVING??? Did $he mix up Thanksgiving and Christmas?
    BTW, it looks like on of the tykes might have had a birthday, and THAT was what the gifts maybe were for?
    CLASSY to have that duneBuggy in the background! (Do you guys actually have dunes up there, or is this a dead give-away that it was held in AZ?

  58. Anonymous6:09 PM

    TWO bottles of Martinelli Apple cider for FOURTY people?

  59. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Why is everybody drinking bottled water? Sarah and Todd don't want to relive drunk Bristol wearing her thongs and getting dragged around the shop by her ankles or Track getting his ribs busted up again and Todd getting his nose pushed into his hoohah and Sarah hollering don't you know who I am?

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      It may be some Jeebus juice with vodka.

  60. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Where's Track's daughter? The thanks for giving to Sarah's pac garage party is not good enough for his daughter?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Track may not be allowed to see his daughter. Or he has to be supervised. I doubt he can take her out anymore. Britta is weak but hopefully she has found some strength and can do right for the child. Would you want your child to go with a father and his family that brawls and lies non stop?

      What happened with Track as a PTSD counselor? Wasn't he in the National Guard? Is he one who is being investigated for smuggling or his sex problems? Like at the brawl, his treatment of the married women. How many tattoos does he have now? Does Mommy Dearest still think he has a hot body?

      She loves her two sons so much they can't manage to have Thanksgiving as a family?


  61. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Sarah's Achille's Heel is fear, fear and obsession that no one will believe her make-believe persona. She is obsessed with keeping up appearances, and in this case, keeping everyone thinking she's an average plain old gal, who doesn't care about lavishness and putting on the ritz. She wants 'them' to believe she's fun, easy-going, unpretentious, etc.

    She doesn't convince us here; it's obvious she can't let anything go and when some comments come in wondering why she behaves or does something different, she goes in complete uncontrollable, yes, uncontrollable compulsion mode. Her mentally disturbed reaction shows how seriously she needs intervention.

    1. Anonymous12:14 AM

      Her entire persona is artifice and it's very fragile. She is in a constant state of fear of being 'found out'. The whole "Mama Grizzly" stuff is a defensive shield.

  62. Anonymous6:46 PM

    So the drunk Wasilla hillbillies crashes and ruins a birthday party in Anchorage and starts all kinds of shit but when they have their own party they seal off the festivities rolling down the garage doors.

  63. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Looking at Sarah's pictures you can see that Bristol's face Is getting big again. What is she swallowing that is full of calories?

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      So is her belly. Also the chin already needs a do-over.

  64. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What excuses she makes. Kid spills and damage to fine linens, bone china, and carpets? Is she kidding? She has none of those. When has Sarah ever entertained guests with those things? Aren't her kind of Alaskans the rough round-the-edges types, who serve wild meat and seafood on picnic tables? That's what she's always selling about her brand.

    Now, she's worried about kids ruining her nice stuff? How come she had tv crews right in her kitchen, serving them chili and hot-dogs? Her own family for Thanksgiving and she puts them out on the cold concrete in the garage in late November. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

  65. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Anybody see Joey Junker? Bristol did you lose another one?

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      He is trying to get back to selling his snowmobile crap and other garbage. He hates the environment and is determined to make sure climate change is a big problem. Bristol was a curse as he found out after that wall gave him a wake up call. Poor sucker, he thought she was easy money, her dad, the pimp, is a big Iron Dog cheat.

  66. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I did it. I finally read all of the comments. To those of you who worried about Sarah and Todd dragging all of the furniture and food out to the garage from the house-- surprise. The chairs, table cloths and tables all look like the standard issue rental furniture. We rented the same stuff (down here in the lower 48) when we had a big party and held it outside in the garden during summer time.

    The plastic utensils were rolled up in the paper napkin. Can't have the kids soiling any fine linen, as if Sarah had fine linen table clothes and matching napkins. The plates and cups look plastic too. Otherwise, the big garbage barrel is sitting out there just collecting dust. It's for disposing of stuff like plastic dishes and utensils and cups. Do you see real wine glasses or cups on that "bar table" with the two bottles wrapped in foil? Champagne or the cheap stuff? Is that a thermos on the table, too?

    I like the idea of Todd leaving all that stuff around for the kids to play with-- tools, climb all over the truck and snow machine, there are wires dangling from his work table. Yeah, I'd let my kids play in a garage work shop, too. Remember, those are the same kids who are going to smear the good china with their greasy fingers and all that gravy.

    Sarah went to all that trouble to show us how to make an apple pie and there were cupcakes lined up on the table (with the bushel of apples decoration). We missed the photo of the lavish buffet with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, corn bread, and more good treats. Maybe the pans of food from the catering company didn't photograph well. Too much glare from the aluminum foil pans. It would have been nice to see that Normal Rockwell picture of Sarah carving the turkey with her cheese knife.

  67. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Isn't that special, Thanksgiving in a garage!!! Notice how she has to put down other folks to justify eating a smelly garage. It is amazing how they manage to keep lower the bar even for white trash.

    Gotta luv that aroma of gasoline, where were her guests raised, in barn, that they are unable to sit down to a table for dinner in the house, must be if they have to hose down the oily floor afterwards.

  68. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I don't get the issue of having a party for 40 in a room much larger than any in the house. And it's got the cleanest floor of any garage I've ever seen. It doesn't even look like it's used as a garage much. Maybe it's the "garage" for the airplane.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      I'll bet it's a heated garage too. No one is wearing a jacket.

  69. physicsmom9:08 PM

    I despise Sarah Palin, but I must admit I am a little sickened by the over-the-top criticism here. Speculating on the state of her genitals? Really? And for a holiday that is meant to engender gratitude and fellow-feeling, some of the folks here are pretty mean. (Don't call me a troll; I post here a lot).

    As to the garage - weren't they cold? We had garage parties growing up - graduations, first communions, etc.when they took place in warm weather. Our house wasn't air conditioned, so it'd be uncomfortable to squeeze a bunch of people in my parents' small house. Now I agree a Thanksgiving celebration in the garage when the hosts have a large house is something of a visual non-sequitur. She is a clueless person and a terrible parent, but some of the vitriol spewed here is just unnecessary and spiteful. It would be great if we could squelch our basest impulses and be critical without being crass.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Thanks. (and I post here a lot too).

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Yes, This is why I rarely come here. unless I see on a blogroll G talk about something in the news I haven't seen. But his lies and hate on top of the commenters nastiness is a bit much. When the scum at the Euro pond think people here are "too much" youve got a problem

    3. Anonymous11:45 AM

      What a shame. Can you believe anyone would believe this?

      It is all nonsense. Why would you bother to come here at all? It is not your cup of tea. You can get any news other places. No excuse about your snooping and bitching around here.

  70. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Palin's defense about food stains on carpet and linens suggests she believed her interpretation of "fancy" would impress people. Epic fail!

    She is definately low class redneck who is incapable of learning. what a misfit to have been tapped for VP candidate. No doubt the campaign realized their mistake as soon as the Palins unpacked their suitcases.

    Considering their wealth she must like the cheap plastic table cloths. Nothing like entertaining in a garage to hose it down afterwards. Her mean remarks belittling indoor entertaining, formality versus her garage party demonstrates how trashy she is.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Well, it is smart to use plain clear disposable plates for that many people. People don't have 50 sets of plateware. Though sarah does have nice dishes for their daily use

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      They're not even wealthy.

    3. PlainsHoax9:22 AM

      Anonymous 8:42 AM
      They're not even wealthy.
      - - -
      No, the Palins are impoverished! No amount of money in the bank or play toys in the yard and garage, could make up for how destitute they are in common decency, a code of ethics, and respect for others.

      Their motto of "What's in it for us?" shows you how bereft they are.

    4. Anonymous9:41 AM

      8:42, you can rent dinnerware & flatware.

    5. Anonymous10:21 AM

      You are right, they have nothing. It is all other peoples money.

    6. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Palin's defense about food stains on carpet...........

      She has carpet downstairs?

  71. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I guess I'd worry about children's fingerprints too, if my family was trying to say my half dozen grandkids was only two.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      This comment is pointless and mean

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Anon 8:41, so is most everything that spews out of sarah and mini-me's mouth. So what's your point?

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      The worst of all is this baby

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Republican Lyda Green and Sarah Palin's meaningful wit

  72. Anonymous7:17 AM

    If you want to see a perfect example of Sarah Palin's OWN writing skills...this post is it. What the hell is she trying to say. By hosting Thanksgiving in the garage....SHE is the one who is obviously afraid of the spilled juice on her carpets and fingerprints on her china. What? She doesn't wash the dishes afterwards? A garage setting seems "unconventional" to those of us who value our families and the holiday and realize that the memories we are creating are more important than potential wine stains on the carpet.
    The kicker is the capitalization of China.
    What an uneducated idiot. Did they eat Turkey for dinner?

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I think she just wanted to drag it out. I know they've had big crowds for holidays and even IN homes. But despite the open design in their house, it's still a little awkward for that many people. And she still had these chairs and tables from that Walker meet and greet pre-election.

      It's not odd to use a big garage space for something like this. Especially when people gravitate outside at some point

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Thanksgiving with aerosol can of artificial whip cream.

      Plastic utensils. Tin foil crammed in with the TV that could fall off onto one of the little ones. What a bunch of maroons!

      Deep thoughts. How to get rid pests.

  73. Chenagrrl8:59 AM

    I see a well-stocked booze cart, but where is the food? Stay away from the apple pie folks, she wiped her nose with her hand while making it.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Can someone find and post the photos of past holiday dinners and food? I don't recall they eat anything but junk food on holidays.

      How much does it cost to heat a space like that?

  74. Anonymous10:18 AM

    How to have give a party and sit down for dinner.

  75. Anonymous3:38 PM

    How interesting that her sons were not there. Did she even mention Trig to her fans? They care about him, right? Sarah cares about him? They didn't just forget him, did they?

  76. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I noticed that a couple of days before Thanksgiving Sarah Failin' posted a big pile of steaming bullshit about how she was baking a truckload of blueberry and apple pies for T'giving dinner.

    Check out the photos on her Facebook page -- NOT A SINGLE PIE IN SIGHT. The only food on the dessert table is a bunch of bakery-produced pastries of some kind. It's obvious this entire event was catered -- the caterers brought in the plastic tables and chairs and all the food.

    Where was Trig? In jail? Where was Trig's kid and ex-wife -- I saw photos of Trig's ex-wife and family and they look like decent folks -- probably don't want to associate with the Palin trash.


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