Friday, December 19, 2014

Republican lawmaker in Missouri is pushing a bill that would require women to get the father's consent before getting an abortion.

Courtesy of Mother Jones: 

A Missouri Republican is pushing a bill that would allow a man who gets a woman pregnant to stop her from having an abortion. The measure would force a woman who wants an abortion to obtain written permission from the father first—unless she was the victim of "legitimate rape." 

Rick Brattin, a state representative from outside Kansas City, filed the bill on December 3 for next year's legislative session. The proposed measure reads, "No abortion shall be performed or induced unless and until the father of the unborn child provides written, notarized consent to the abortion."

Jesus, are they talking about "legitimate rape" again?

Rape is rape asshole!

And they say there is no conservative war on women.


  1. Written notarized consent?
    Fuck him.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    And next he will put forth a bill requiring all females who want birth control to get permission from their husband or daddy. Back to treating those with no penis like they are children. Fuck him.

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Yes, according to this guy, even in domestic violence situations, the father must give written notarized consent. And in order to claim "legitimate rape", the woman must have "reported the rape, and proved it."

    According to him, a woman can't just "walk in there and say hey, it's rape."


    I thought Ann Coulter was bad. This guy just leaves me speechless.

    1. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Whether or not you agree, this country has taken a hit. Example- VA frat that Rolling Stone wrote about...turns out, it was made up. Unfortunately, you have idiots that claim rape when there wasn't, I presume for attention??? !!??

      We still have innocent until proven guilty here. Even with rape.

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    how about the father pay for it? this is ridiculous - now a notary has to also know about the procedure? talk about breaking HIPPA.

    will they require a DNA test to be sure the right "father" notarized the consent? i mean seriously. there are so many holes in this idea and we haven't even got to the part that it is FREAKING NOBODY's BUSINESS but the woman's.

    guys that want to keep their babies ought to first be responsible for their actions. next - they should ask nicely if they would like to be a father. and be prepared for the answer being no thank you.

  5. May he rot in a hell of his own making.

    And happy holidays!

  6. I could "snip" the top of Kermit Gosnell's spine, seriously. (Those familiar with the case will get the reference) When that grand jury report came out, I KNEW...I knew despite the religious right crying over all the murdered babies (and in this case there actually WERE full term infants that were flat out murdered) that they were actually THRILLED because they would use this one "clinic", this one greedy man as a visual for what legal abortion is in this country when of course it's not even close- Gosnell's clinic was certainly the only one using a minimum wage high school student to administer anesthesia. But the right has used this case as a footstool to reach their ultimate goal: mass clinic closures and unreasonably strict regulations on legal abortion services. It's disgusting.

    And as it has always been with republicans...they'll say or do anything to get that fetus born. But once it's actually here and its poverty stricken mother needs help clothing, housing, and caring for it?
    Well then it's "fuck off, trollop. shoulda kept your legs crossed."

    I hate these people.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I think republicans don't much care about the fetus. They just desperately want to control women. Make them feel powerful.

  7. hedgewytch8:10 AM

    His own mother, sister, aunt, and any other female in his life should have slapped the shit out of this asshole for even thinking such a stupid concept.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So the notary has to see for certain that the "father" has a penis etc. and that he can produce viable sperm because otherwise the raped woman might be trying to get an illegitimate abortion.

    "Ok, buddy, let's see if you got the stuff."

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    So this "lawmaker" doesn't care if a woman goes overseas or to Canada for a safe, inexpensive, private abortion.

    This guy's brain is so rotted with his power trip dreams, he can't even suss out that he can only control women in the bottom economic tier.

    Stupidity and hate are a terrible combination.

  10. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Of course not, they don't even care if women get one in their local hospital. What they are trying to do is stop poor women from getting abortions, rich women have always gotten them without a problem. Otherwise all these republican politicians and anti choice crowd would all have 15-20 children which they don't.
    They want a larger poor population that will work for pennies.
    Next up, will be a woman will not be able to get birth control without her husbands consent. Watch for it, I called it months ago.

    Little Rabbit

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The legislation text is at:

    There is no mention of "legitimate" rape. Just that written consent is not required in the case of incest or rape. So at least Rick Brattin was smart enough to avoid the whole issue of proof of rape in the legislation. I think this is CRAP is just an re-election gambit for him, to hype his pro-life credentials to the fundies.

  12. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Previously at Immoral Minority-

    Missouri Republican Representative (Rick Brattin?!) wants to alter the definitions of scientific terms in order to make Creationism seem like science. Which it's not!

    also too! Google something like: Rick Brattin divorce NASCAR hottie FHM family values

    Or just go to

    1. Oh thank you so much. Just did a social media spread--snert. Should be good...

  13. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I'm a Missourian, and fuck this guy.

    I mean, seriously. "Written, notarized consent"- ignore the problems of blocking legal, safe abortions for desperate women.

    Let's go into the problems this is going to cause for men, too. What if the girl isn't sure who the father is? Pick one guy she slept with (or a good samaritan who believes in the right to choose who would claim to be the father to help her out), and suddenly she has a written, notarized (and henceforth Legal) document stating he is the father of a child that he really had little to do with- and opens him up to perjury charges and massive court fees to fight paying child support if she suddenly changes her mind and keeps the baby. (or planned to do so from the beginning!)

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Oh come on, you are using logic and thinking too much.

      this guy only wants to get women, he probable never even thought out the ramifications.

  14. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Is the father going to pay support for the child?

  15. Anonymous4:16 PM

    What happens if it is an emergency, will the woman die because there isn't notarized permission?

    Next on the agenda, women can't vote unless father, husband or son notarize the ballot!!

  16. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

    Yeah, of all the past talking points, "legitimate rape" made them SOOO popular with Women around the world. Once again, one need look no further than the Palin Family. Bristol "works" hard and could afford to raise Tripp to learn manners. Then she got married, to a woman, on paper only, to swap for a television show. At least she accused Levi of normal everyday rape in her book, then walked it back.

  17. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Well, on the plus side, I don't think there's any way to test for paternity at that point... So perhaps a friend can claim it is his and give you approval. In case this awful law passed, of course.


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