Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sarah Palin is mad as hell, and well hardly anybody cares anymore.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said the House Republicans who passed $1 trillion-plus funding bill late Thursday “flipped American voters the bird.” 

“It’s baffling really,” Palin said in an interview with Breitbart News on Friday. “The Republican Leadership in the House just flipped American voters the bird by sidelining the new Congress we just elected.”  

Palin’s criticisms come the morning after the House passed a spending bill by a 219-206 vote. While the bill will keep the government open for another year, Palin and other conservatives are not happy that the legislation will fund President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration and the Affordable Care Act — or as Palin calls it, “the mother-of-all unfunded mandates.” 

“It stinks to high heaven,” Palin said of the bill. “Did arrogant politicians not get the memo that Obama’s agenda was decisively defeated in last month’s historic midterm landslide?” 

She continued, “Good Lord, America said loud and clear, not just ‘no,’ but ‘hell no’ to Obama’s failed policies.” Palin said she hopes that the 162 Republicans who backed the bill face backlash and called this an “example of the GOP establishment campaigning one way and then governing another.” 

“It’s quite nauseating,” she said. “They promised they would do everything in their power to stop Obama’s executive amnesty — I heard their darn campaign speeches promising to do so! — and yet when they have the power to do so (power that we the voters just gave them) they tacitly endorse Obama’s failed agenda.” 

Aww, her's feelings are hurt because the Republicans are not doing what she is gosh darn telling them to do. 

You know it's almost like you DO need a title to get things done in this country.

At this point Palin has become reminiscent of the old lady who constantly writes letters to the electric company complaining that the power lines next to her house have rendered her parakeets sterile. Or the amateur astronomer bitching to the Mayor's office because the new highrise is blocking his view of Venus.

Nobody listens to them either.

Gosh kids remember when that Sarah Palin woman could make a statement and it was covered by hundreds of media outlets? 

Yeah, whatever happened to her?


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    "You know it's almost like you DO need a title to get things done in this country."

    LOL, yeah Sarah, unshackled, you seem to be a little impotent?

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Not only impotent, but barren, and infertile also, too.
      Sterile, depleted, fruitless, infecund, wrinkled, limp, and sagging.

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Can anyone bring Sarah Palin up to speed?

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      This calls for even bigger boobs and hair Sarah. Belt buckles must be bigger, gaudier, and slung lower. Heels must be higher. More more makeup and sexual innuendo. Git 'er done.

    4. Anonymous7:36 AM

      The older and less sexually potent Sarah gets, the more she's also really pushing her guns and hunting "skills" to compensate. She really knows how to shoot her big steel rod. So macho!

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:35 AM

    I, Auntie Knishes of the County of Kings, NY, hereby bestow upon Sarah Palin the title of America's Babbling Old Aunt Who Everyone Backs Away From At Family Functions, with the subtitle of ...And Who No Longer Knows How To Use A Mirror.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      The Palin Family Album. Dangerous mad fool that can not be photograped with his own child. In fact he is in hiding from the public he is such a shameful dolt.

      No wonder she tries to do so much damage control with these derelicts.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      His eyes are creepy. Why does he always look like a serial killer?

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Check out the old guy he hangs with.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      No respect.
      It is a dead animal, not a Harley.
      Creepy. Disrespectful. Bad karma.

    5. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Is Kyla 3 already?

    6. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

      Wow, three? And it seems like three years since they didn't get married. My how time flies!

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    She can take that pointy finger and shove it up her ass.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      She's aging like milk.. lumpy and getting more sour by the day!

    2. PalinsHoax6:58 AM

      Anon 6:36 am

      Slight correction if I may: it is her her pointy bony finger and her shrivelled smelly a$$

    3. Anonymous7:04 AM

      pointy arthritic finger
      fixed it

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      I bet it smells to hell and back. Don't even try to imagine where it's been.

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "..and yet when they have the power to do so (power that we the voters just gave them) they tacitly endorse Obama’s failed agenda.”
    Am I reading this right? Those Rs just voted in won't be taking their seats till the new session. Right?

    That woman is an idiot.
    PS the pee people are suicidal after all the work they did for these Rs in this election. And this is what they get? hahaha

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I have to add, since the captcha is gone, the trolls can and have taken over the Palin threads. I find it hilarious that they can't get in when they have to pass a test any monkey could do.

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Gosh kids remember when that Sarah Palin woman could make a statement and it was covered by hundreds of media outlets?

    Reporting the same shit literally for 6 years got old for the media. At least six year old Spam has a use. Palin not so much.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Yes, there was a time when Sarah's ghost writer could write and there were people that paid attention to her con.

      I even recall the cray cray word salad when some would pretend she said something they could understand.

      Those days are over.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I wonder if Becky has been let go, or is handcuffed to a radiator in the Palins' basement and is slowly deteriorating, which would explain the fact that Sarah's word salad has been getting more and more rotten.

  7. Anonymous6:46 AM

    And Sarah. There are great things in store for you come Monday, so hang in there dimwit.
    You will be so unshackled that Siberia will look inviting for you and yours.
    But first, you would have to have some grasp of geography to find it!

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Don't hold your breath

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      7:51 AM Are you holding your breath? Are you one of Bristol's nannies? Are you a part of the 'Bud Paxson/Van Flein/Vicki Iseman Trig fraud?

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Her Clown Posse is irrelevant.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      The real $arah: a scraggly hag. But I'd bet Ted Nugent would hit it. If i dressed up like a 13 year old.

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      The duck guy likes 13-year-olds, nugent likes them younger even. He likes 12-year-olds.
      Scarab and barstool are sick women hanging out with pedophiles and bragging about it & being proud of it.

    3. Sally in MI8:17 AM

      Isn't it interesting that her BFFs are all men who think 13 year old girls are fair game? Robertson and Nugent. Child molesters and friends of Sarah and Todd.

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Sally--two words--Chuck Heath.

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Sarah has a "party" problem: Democratic party laughs at her, the Republican party ignores her and she's not even welcome at birthday parties in Anchorage. Poor little Sarah...........

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The next time Lindsey Graham wants to speak he really needs to remove the dick err Koch from his mouth first.

    And then Graham lit into the 139 House Democrats who followed Warren and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s lead on Thursday and voted against the omnibus in the House, where it narrowly passed. Their votes, Graham said, were for a shutdown, and he warned Warren not to take the same kind of hard line he witnessed his Republican colleagues take last year.

    And then Graham lit into the 139 House Democrats who followed Warren and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s lead on Thursday and voted against the omnibus in the House, where it narrowly passed. Their votes, Graham said, were for a shutdown, and he warned Warren not to take the same kind of hard line he witnessed his Republican colleagues take last year.

    Read more:

  11. Anonymous6:55 AM

    She's screaming louder and louder and she's not getting media to pay attention to her. She can't even get on Hannity on a Friday night anymore. Even Greta isn't posting her rant.

    In fact, Greta is quite involved with Samaritan's Purse and their drive to send Christmas packages to Iraq and elsewhere. Where is Sarah? She's no where to be heard of, or mentioned in Greta's posts. Why wouldn't Sarah show some interest in this during this holiday season, or is she too pre-occupied with scopes and rifles and killing hogs and running after emissions and her awesome vibrant life?

    Expect her to post about Samaritan's Purse in a few hours, after she reads this.

    1. Sally in MI8:16 AM

      Oh goody. Samaritan's Purse. Get other people buy stuff to fill shoeboxes. Get other people to pay to ship it to Samaritan's Purse, which then only has to sue donated funds to ship it to Iraq or wherever, so they can then say THEY are so Godly and wonderful. Meanwhile, Franklin Graham takes a million off the top in salary because he is so special to God. I wouldn't waste a dime on Samaritan's Purse.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      The samaritan purse keeps 90% for "administrative" & "consultant" fees. a bunch of thieves all of them

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      A couple of years ago my grandchildren brought flyers home from school asking for shoe boxes to be returned filled with numerous items for children. I thought that sounded like a great idea until I got to the bottom of the page and saw it was being requested by Samaritan's Purse. It really irritated me that these were handed out at school. When I first read the flyer I assumed the items were to go to local children. I would never support that organization.

      Pat Padrnos

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Scientology and Franklin Graham...what a perfect match. Made up religions used to bilk people out of money.

    5. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Who opened the flood gates of ebola patients coming to the U.S.? That Doctor and Nurse received the only known drug dose (created by Philip Morris of Franklin's home state, btw). Sam's Purse got permission from 'some Congressmen' to bring them to the states before anyone knew anything. The Doc's family had returned to Texas earlier without being quarantined. A dangerous political game.

    6. Martha again5:25 PM

      Remember all that crappy junk that they brought to Haiti? People starving, and they gave them plastic trash that would break in a day.

  12. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I bet she said "felled," not 'failed."

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      When I read it my head put in "felled"

  13. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The old cross-eyed hag is still spewing her nonsense and nobody is listening. Bwahahahaha. Can't she BUY Bristol a Lumbersexual Daddy for her 4 babies? Is Willow pregnant again?
    Is Track Menard still posting while drunk?

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      you know, lying isn't making YOU look good.

      And who is track menard? I've never heard of the Menards having another son? They had 3

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      8:06 AM

      You need to crawl out from your rock and get with it. Linda Menard can answer your question as soon as she grows a spine or finds love for her own son. She is a witch to forsake the child that was Jr Curt Menard's god child. Curt showed he cared, Linda Menard didn't have the love or respect to show she cares about Curt Menard legacy. So she just abandoned it.

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      8:06 AM Sarah Heath was impregnated by Curtis Menard Jr. Track is not Todd's biological son. Track has Menard genes, he doesn't look like the 3 Palin girls at all. Sarah was a real floosie, and all of Wasilla knows it. Just stop by the Mugshot Saloon and listen to some of the 'convo's' (your word) about Sarah Palin at the bar and her cocaine use.

    4. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Hey Pointy,willful ignorance isn't making YOU look good, but here you are, once again throwing your shit all over the place like some retarded monkey. Take your rude, crude self on out of here. You're stinking the place up.

    5. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Track looks like Curtis Jr and Linda. Anyone with eyes can see that. No wonder he's pissed off all the time. He could have had a nice life as the son of a successful dentist. Instead, he got Todd.

    6. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Anonymous8:35 AM

      8:06 AM Sarah Heath was impregnated by Curtis Menard Jr. Track is not Todd's biological son. Track has Menard genes, he doesn't look like the 3 Palin girls at all
      Piper looks like a Menard also and PissyBrissy & Wallows look like Joey Schmidt, check out Joey's widow's peak/Wallow.
      Its common Knowles in the prison population that those "late night snowmachine rides" WGE talks about were NOT with Todd!
      And Fuck off Troll also too!!!

  14. London Bridges7:02 AM

    Might be time to dust off the theory that Sarah was not born in Sandpoint, Ida-ho because at the time of her birth, they did not have a hospital. More likely that Sarah was born in Creston, British Columbia, Canada. At minimum the possibility that Sarah like her buddy Cruz - not a natural born citizen. Might want to be a little kinder to our immigrants ...

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Sorry, but wrong:
      "Floating Down The River"

      ...The many small, ill-equipped old buildings had done their job but the time for change had come. The area needed a new hospital. A group of concerned citizens headed by Homer Woodard, J.M. Brown Jr., Don Diehl, James Breinich, Ross Hall, and E.F. Hitchner worked to find a solution for the health care problem and eventually the answer appeared. Someone had heard that there was an infirmary building for sale at Farragut and off they went to take a look.

      Building 1027 seemed to be just what the doctor ordered and plans were made to purchase it. There was a small problem that confronted the group and that was how to move a building, that was almost a city block long, to Sandpoint. Moving by land was out of the question. Someone had the brilliant idea of cutting the old infirmary into sections and floating them up the lake the 45 miles to Sandpoint.


      Over months the sections of the infirmary were piled along Sand Creek...The doors were opened for all to see in 1950.


  15. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The tantrum isn't doing anything Sarah. It won't work this time. No one is paying attention, at least no one significant in your world.

    Shake, stamp feet, scream on Breitbart News, make fists, but you aren't in control. The trance has been lifted off of people's eyes.

    The Washington elite are ignoring you. How does it feel to be used? Using people isn't such fun when it's being dished back to you, huh?

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      There are enough PAC doners paying attention to fund her next american flag shoe purchase... and that is all she needs

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    She can't even mention a huge matter like TORTURE from the Cheney/Bush Administration. She can't engage in a discussion with John McCain when they have opposite views.

    I would say she is washed up. People know she is bootless, inept, unemployable, hopeless, ineffectual and a fruitless mess. Even the most crazed idiot robotic lunatics that worship her are going to catch on. Thanks to the Cromnibus Bill and her associations with the likes of Brietfarts more folks will know who she really is. Soon to learn about more fraud from this numero uno toothless REPUBLICAN.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Obviously someone told her to keep her fat fucking trap shut about the CIA torture report. Not so ballsy as you claim huh chicken shit sarah?

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I thought Palin was a rogue and a maverick. Why would she do what she is told now?

      Has she turned yellow belly chicken shit?

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      She said the most horrific things about torture and even some religious groups called her out about it. I think she's been told to sit down and shut up.

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      8:48, too bad they didn't tell her to eat shit and die.

  17. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Whatcha talking about? Sarah who?Is she a rill merikan?

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Uh, huh...just like the American people said hell-to-the-no to you, Sarah and John McCain back in 2008. Remember that?!?
    Of course you do that's why you're so bitter and hateful. And your word salads have become sillier and sillier by the syllable. I won't be surprised if Sarah attends her next speaking engagement wearing a dress made out of drapes with the curtain rod still attach to it. (H/T to the brilliant Carol Burnett).

  19. Maple7:11 AM

    She doesn't read, she doesn't watch the real news (only Faux News), and I can tell because she keeps talking about Obama's "failed agenda". Digging out of the deep, deep hole left by his predecessor, Obama's presidency has been THE most successful in many, many years. And he accomplished this in spite of incredible GOP obstruction.
    So, Simple Sarah, start learning stuff or else shut the f*ck up already! Because, you see, whenever you open your mouth, you prove once again how incredibly ignorant you are.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      She doesn't watch Fox news either. She doesn't do anything but the bare minimum. Somebody writes some words down and she reads them.

  20. Anonymous7:13 AM

    It's Christmas time at the Palin house ...and when someone says, "Ho, Ho, Ho" ...

    Sarah thinks Todd brought home three of his girls.
    Todd thinks somebody is calling for Sarah, Bristol and Willow

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      You're so mature. Not.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Liberals and slanderers are synonymous

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Trolls and Stalkers are synonymous. You, 8:05 are both. Are you out of your meds?

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Anon 8:05--Yet your response carries all the gravitas of a tween. Only juveniles use that kind of slam against each other. Are you Piper?

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Shouldn't you be defending child molesting SS agents and Bill Cosby, 8:05?

    6. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Anonymous8:05 AM

      You're so mature. Not.

  21. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Now that Sarah Palin uses her PAC for a family album to promote her fake family crap why would anyone care about trying to keep pretending she knows zip about anything political?

    She has so much as admitted she knows nothing. When there is something about politics, it is written by someone else and she won't give them credit. She steals anything that can be comprehend and can only spit out lousy word salad. What a sick and stupid sham she has put her name on. Her most riveting Facebook entries are links to the other idiot, Nancy French. An old charlatan pretending to be a 20 something immature teenager that was knocked up in a tent. Now claiming to have faith but begs to get an old baby daddy back.

    Her sad sack of a family could have told her what the PAC was intended to be. She could have put an effort to supporting candidates. But know. She needs to try and pretend she has friends and Willow is worthy of trying to redeem her reputation with bs pictures of that daughter.

    Sarah and the Palins will be remembered for the infamous brawl that was documented for them, in spite of the corrupt police and prosecutors they paid off or threatened.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      ooops... "But know'

      BUT NO...

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      What are you talking about? They hardly talk about their lives? Did she talk about Piper winning a bball championship?

    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      You make no sense

    4. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Fake family? How is a family that spends every day together fake? How do you fake that? The grown kids who don't live at home anymore are there daily for a bit. Are you jealous?

    5. Anonymous8:27 AM

      8:05 AM Troll, you are as fake as the Dysfunctional Palins. They stay together because that is the only way that Sarah can control them. Without SarahPac, they would all be jobless. They all are 'POSTAGE EMPLOYEES'. Posting Sarah's nonsense on different blogs is their job. Why don't you find a job, crazy assed stalker?

    6. Anonymous8:33 AM

      A family that spends every day together is a symbiotic mess. That is not healhty in the least. Especially for the reasons the Palins have to be unable to lead independent strong lives. Why would you want people to know the Palins live like prisoners who are unable to escape the world they created? Drug addicts cling like that also. Why are you revealing so much about them?

    7. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Oh, look. The Palin fairytale stalker is dropping nuggets of information gleaned from who knows where. We are all SOOOOO impressed, Palin fairytale stalker.

    8. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Anon 8:05--Busy aren't you? All I can say to your comment is hahahaha. Hard for the whole family to be together when Sarah's on the road and Todd's "gone on business," and Bristol is chasing after Joey Junker and Willow claiming to live in Seattle. Don't you at least try to keep up?

    9. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I thought that crew was still 'stalking' it shifted from Wasilla to Willow...oh shit...and they cannot 'penetrate' the peoples or 'extort' them...oh I hear Barstool has a pearl necklace...I mean what happens when REPO shows?

  22. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Why is her hand whiter than her neck? Did she run out of spray tan?

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Her whole family is unskilled at anything to do with grooming and beauty enhancements.

      She should have spent the money she wasted buying her kids "diplomas" and hired a stylist.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Why are you lying? For being at a liberal site, you sure are close-minded.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      8:03 AM You sure do LOVE this Liberal site, 'dontcha know'? You are here 24/7. Is that because you have been banned from most other Liberal sites?

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Not so closed-minded that he doesn't allow dissenting comments--unlike a certain half-term governor's Facebook page. Now that's close-minded.

    5. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Many people have opened their minds up to all the fraud from Sarah Palin. Also, too, all the people that try to support her, they can only support her with lies.

      The more they do that, the more both conservatives and liberals and everyone else opens up.

  23. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Monday, December 15, 2014 Sarah Palin locked in her room curled up into a fetal position.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Highly doubt that

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      7:55 AM Glen Rice, Curt Menard Jr., Brad Hanson, Joe Schmidt: do those names ring a bell in your tiny cranium? How Christian of Sarah Palin to marry Todd Palin while pregnant with Curt Menard Jr.'s baby. How Christian of Sarah Palin to sleep with Todd Palin's business partner while Todd was Pimping on the North Slope. Do you highly doubt that Dr. CBJ will spill the beans about Sarah's fake
      pregnancy? Do you highly doubt that Sarah Palin and her Family are Frauds? If you do, go ahead and donate your money to SarahPac, they are ready for another 'rube' paid vacation.

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      7:55 has no money. Her parents pay for her internet service.

    4. Anonymous9:25 AM

      7:55 Is that you, Alicia? Have you found a job yet? Are the Palins paying you postage to post constantly?

  24. Interesting why this toxic weasel of a woman didn't stop talking when Barack Obama was elected by an overwhelming group of Americans---- once then twice.

  25. Anonymous7:58 AM

    it's not because they're not listening TO HER. It's because they dont care about what is right.

    Notice that G ignores how pissed DEMS are

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      When you refer to Gryphen as "G," it makes my skin crawl. Do you think stalking his blog for the past few years means you are on a familiar basis with him?

  26. Anonymous8:01 AM

    No ones cares about nights out. EVERY single person here does that. it is healthy.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      How would you know?

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      It is not only the Palins but all their so-called friends and the gullible suckers she attracts... they are all out of control drunks and addicts that party and brawl like the useless nutcases they are.

    3. Sally in MI8:12 AM

      I don't. I don't drink. Don't go to bars. Have never ridden in a limo. Have never been drunk or stoned. I actually did graduate from college. With a degree. I can speak, sing, and write in English and French. And Italian. What can Sarah do? Whine and screech and threaten. So very healthy. Did she cut the turkey with an actual knife this year?

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      How about nights out that end in drunken brawls in the street? I had an active youth myself but never had the cops called out on me.

    5. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Sally, for being at a democratic blog, you're very close-minded. You think that ANYONE who doesn't do exactly what you do is a lesser person, despite the fact that these people you stalk, completed school, continued school in some way, support themselves, and have had jobs for years.

      What about that can you now comprehend?

      I feel for you

    6. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Good for you. But don't demean millions of others who live a different way. Social drinking or celebrating something isn't problematic.

      You're pretty close-minded.

    7. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Sure, they're out of control, which is why they're all resposible,working adult who support themselves.


    8. Anonymous8:53 AM

      I wouldn't take my angry, drunken kids and my young grandson out to late night parties, especially when one of my angry, drunken kids has a serious substance abuse probem.

    9. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Oh, please post more!

      I think Gryphen removed the captcha to drive you insane. It can't be good for your already tenuous mental health to be commenting so much.

    10. Anonymous9:24 AM

      8:43 AM There is no hop for your sorry ass, Liar.

    11. Anonymous9:49 AM


      Electroconvulsive therapy or different medications may offer some hope for 8:43. At this point, she is untethered from reality.

    12. Anonymous11:00 AM

      8:42.....these people may have completed high school in a very restricted way (correspondence school and most of that does not give you an education...just reading and answering questions for facts, not critical thinking skills,) hair school? lol.....none of the kids have gone to college. sarah attending 5 colleges (2 0f which were community colleges , one of which was part time in mat-su) and get a degree that didn't happen...(degree which was changed during vp campaign, from political science then to journalism (refuted by Idaho because to get a degree in journalism, had to do some writing for local papers, published....couldn't validate that so the degree became communications....ahhhh...that one might slip by.....but she wasn't on any graduation list by the university for 3 yrs before and 3 yrs after her supposed graduation.) (sarah absolutely did not graduate from college) if she wants to prove me the BA degree......yeah, about like she showed the birth certificate of trig....DID NOT HAPPEN! ok, I think I covered their education.....though I think Bristol and willow for sure, should continue getting an education due to their inability to speak and write like educated people. Too late for sarah as she gloats over her disrespect for educated people. The fact is Bristol does not, DOES NOT, write her own blog, that is nancy French, a poor little hypocritical Christian who thinks jesus would approve her writing Bristol's blogs as if she were Bristol and getting paid for it. Of course, if it is important for sarah to look educated, she pays one to write her material, otherwise, she throws it out in a word salad. Educated??? No.

      Works???? No, grifters? Yes! Bristol has been pretending to work at the dermatologist's office for years.......she shows it when it benefits her to say she has this job....otherwise, she has been an overpaid liar about her sex life, her values....I shouldn't be so hard on her and the kids as they are from sarah and this dysfunctional life....having a dad that is a pimp, sleeping around prostitutes....a mother that is crazy, narcissistic, compulsive would be very difficult to have anything that resembles stability, which is also why Bristol's kid is so out of control....without good manners.....sad...and trig, not having the skills he needs, but the saddest is all is the "service" dog they got him to impress their crazy palinbots that would believe that if this were a certified service dog, then trig would also be trained to treat it well, and not choke it....and sarah caring enough when trig is hurting the dog should intervene....but the dog is just a prop....he won't be in the picture in a year. I betcha!
      as for other jobs....they just want more tv work....and are working tirelessly to convince someone they (the kids and parents) would be great to watch....more reality tv....that's it....that is all they have for work....sarah's fb post about willow in a reality tv show about snowmobiling.....they really believe they are a part of something big....they were for a season but it didn't last and now they are laughed at by everyone except the low hanging fruit of tea party people. Sarah is looking worse everyday....she wears her heart on her face and it ain't pretty!

    13. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Barstool is eating tacos from Taco Bell...not working..

  27. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Yeah she looked REAL mad the day she posted that. NOT.

    This is happy family season, though it's always happy family season with them

    1. Sally in MI8:10 AM

      Yup. Happy happy happy. Especially Bristol, still looking for Mr. Right. And Willow, still convinced that AZ hair schooling will net her a job, someday. And Track. So very happily divorced and drunk. And Todd. He always looks so happy in the background carrying Sarah's false titties in her purse. And she still playing the cornet? We never see her practicing. We never hear that Sarah attended her latest concert. Guess the Heath musicianship stopped at Sarah. What will Piper use for talent in her pageants?
      I won't mention the youngest, as he only looks happy when he's with foul-mouthed cousins. Maybe it's good that he can't speak yet?
      They sounded real happy at that party they crashed while drunk.
      And yes, dear, Sarah is always mad. As the hatter.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      How the fuck would you know, 8:02 AM? Their entire life is not posted on your Palin news source(Facebook).

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Anonymous8:02 AM
      look again at the picture she herself posted on FB. She looks angry, hard and ugly...don't forget old looking with that ugly Vaseline on her lips.

    4. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Hey anon 8:02: I just looked at the picture on facebook. She doesn't look happy. The first thing I noticed was were sagging eyelids and the old lips. AAAAAAND she sure looks angry

    5. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Yup, they were caught on video and on audio being rilly happy at the birthday party they crashed. They're recording in all their glory, shrieking, cursing, lying & makin' up stuff.

    6. Anonymous8:37 AM

      You forgot the part where you saw them just the other night at Applebee's having a happy family dinner living vibrantly. And how they laugh at h8ers but not in a mean way because they are just such gosh-darn nice people that it's obvi that they would never attend late-night parties in a stretch Hummer and pick fights and curse and all that nonsense such as recorded in police reports from Sept 6th events.

    7. Anonymous9:14 AM

      I missed The Applebee one. It must have been a hoot!

      I like the one where Brissie and Mrs. Junker were having a 'convo' about Joey's junk.
      I am still laughing. Poor Joey is trying to walk again and have a life. He tried to dump the arrangement he made with Todd to be a Brissie trial.

      Now Brissie is stalking his mother. She may be too nice to hurt her feelings. They have 'convos', you know?


    8. Anonymous10:19 AM

      8:02, happy family season all the time, of course because they're drunk and/or high all the time.

    9. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Maybe they are banned from Applebee's? Nothing about all together, living vibrantly, eating there lately. I would not be shocked if the entire clan is banned from places in Alaska for causing brawls while drunk. Maybe the "convo" between Mrs. Junker and Bristles is about child support??

    10. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Bwahahahaha Junker got away, and Bristol is trying to stay connected. Lumbersexual Trial Daddies are not interested in the Wasilla sex toy.

  28. Anonymous8:04 AM

    The picture she posted on her FB for her breitbart rant makes her look oooold and UGLY and not too mention HARD and mean. WTH happened to her. I guess she's stopped trying to look "normal" lol

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      That is normal for her. Did you see the without-makeup, bird-flipping photo? That's normal Sarah.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      ha! like barstool said "she's taking one for the team" and then he posted a bad picture of Hilary followed by one of the elder palin with makeup, claiming her mother looked good without makeup!
      you see people lie so much it all comes back before you know it. Just check it

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      What happened to her? Without hundreds of thousands of dollars of Other People's Money (the GOP) and the help of professional stylists for clothing, hair, and makeup...the Wasilla Wendigo's true nature can't be hidden!

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      8:12 AM Sarah Palin looks worn out without makeup.
      She looked even worse wearing those Chest Balloons in NYC. She couldn't possibly think that she is attractive to men.

    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      One of the most hilarious vanity posts of "Sarah Palin, Politician" for a so-called political Sarah was the time she tried to re-do the pictures of her without make-up as she was leaving a massage session at a salon (she called it Hot Yoga since it was in the same building). She posed for pictures in the same outfit but on a drive way and had someone take pictures of her. She thought she looked better than what the professional photographers captured. It only revealed more of her fakeness.

    6. Anonymous10:06 AM

      The "bird flipping" photo really revealed the real Sarah Palin. In addition to being ignorant, dumb, and amoral, she is mean, hard, and vulgar.

    7. Anonymous10:23 AM

      lol, she thinks everyone is as stupid as her, her family and her fan club. What an idiot, she raced home to slop on the make-up...ha ha.

  29. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Isn't it wonderful! I do miss the days when she was late-night comic gold....

  30. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I can't figure out why someone couldn't explain to her how dumb that WILLOW! WILLOW! WILLOW! OVERKILL is for Facebook SarahPac.

    Anyone outside of the cult that knows Sarah would think she is doing some damage control. Deflecting from something.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      lol Or she had a few minutes. They're all getting ready for xmas, their favorite holiday

      But that probably is a running joke though. Levi has talked about his son having his own gun. They're alaskans. Are you surprised by a post about a raffle involving a gun for hunting - during hunting season?

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Schools throughout Alaska do NOT raffle off guns except in Wasilla, AK, home of the retarded family, the Palins/Heaths.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Your Alaska fetish is really sick, 8:40. But not as sick as your Palin fetish. Do you lie to your doctor and tell her you're not having those obsessive thoughts any more?

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      What is this recent fetish of Sarah's with her own daughter WILLOW! WILLOW! WILLOW! ?????

    5. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Who's Alaska fetish is sick? EVERY single nasty mouthed person here obsesses over Levi despite not knowing him.

      That is weird. Leave him, his family and Bristol alone.

      There is no drama. Stop adding it. you're doing none of them favors

    6. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Just in case you have a fetish....

    7. Anonymous4:39 PM

      You, 3:38! YOU have the Alaska fetish, along with your Palin fetish. I understand you can't see that. If you could, you wouldn't be posting here nonstop. Take your hands off the keyboard and join the living.

  31. Randall8:14 AM

    Sarah who?

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      That's what everyone outside the 12 people who comment here and PG say. Explains a lot about lib haters obsessions and their own lack of life

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Not you, 8:39. You call out Sarah's name in your sweet, sweet dreams.

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Well, Anon 8:36--I guess this lib has such a "lack of life" that I don't even know what "PG" is, yet evidently you do and assume that everyone else is as obsessed as you are and know what that means.

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      LMAO....okay, we'll switch over to c4p and the twelve that post there, speaking of lack of lives.

    5. Anonymous9:57 AM

      8:39 AM - you are all over this blog projecting. You are very ill.

  32. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Sarah Palin gets white trashier every day in her statements. She has zero class and it becomes more and more apparent as the months go by.

    Sarah, so few pay attention to you anymore. Please, please, please go play in the traffic!

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I'm actually enjoying watching her try to be in the conversation. She doesn't realize how much more stupid each comment/post she puts forth makes her look.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Most of us are just plain bored with her! She lends nothing of substance to any conversation!

  33. Anonymous8:24 AM

    They're the attention whores yet they're not the ones who publicly post BATH pics of 2 yr old girls. You all stalk that blonde despite not knowing her either. SHE lives more publicly than anyone to maintain her facade

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Only a sick person such as yourself would see a problem with posting a picture of a 2-year old in a bath.

      Didn't you get busted for stalking Sunny and Breeze? Is that why you won't mention their names?

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      8:24/8:05 United States Troll Is this your only activity? That is not healthy, you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The only break that Gryphen had from you was when the Robot feature was activated. Now you are all over this blog every 10 minutes, nonstop. Do you read what you write? Do you think that your posts are logical? Do you enjoy being laughed at and beaten up?

  34. Anonymous8:39 AM

    8:24 AM Are you stalking Sunny again? Fuck off, Troll. You must be a very unhappy, lonely old woman.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      I wonder what Sunny would do if she knew her FB stalker was back and writing about her and Breeze on other blogs.

    2. Anonymous3:36 AM

      lol liberals stalk Sunny daily. It's sad

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Projection, 3:36. Ask your doctor about it.

  35. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I just looked at the elder palin's FB and I see she stop posting the jumbo looking photos of willow. Maybe she feels bad that all her arms and legs looked jumbo sized and she's trying to make up for it by posting willow with her new chin & weight loss ...awwww..

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      She has Piper.

    2. Anonymous3:36 AM

      huh? You sound psychotic and just mean.

      I actually feel badly for you. A happy person doesn't spend their time attacking.

      Heed Sarah's advice. Write POSITIVE things

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      she's trying to make up for it by posting willow with her new chin & weight loss ...awwww..

      That's nice of Sarah to try and show off Willow's new work.

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      "You sound psychotic and just mean. "
      "A happy person doesn't spend their time attacking. "

      Is your brain actually attached to your fingers?

  36. "Obama’s agenda was decisively defeated in last month’s historic midterm landslide"
    You would think that even someone as astoundingly stupid and ignorant as Palin would understand that the lowest mid-term voter turnout since WWII is not any kind of landslide.

    Roughly 20% of the of American electorate trundled off to their voting booth to vote republican. Hardly a "landslide", let alone one of "historic" proportions.

    Palin needs to ratchet down her narcissistic grandiosity and crank up her critical thinking ski... oh, wait, wee're talking about Princess Addlebrain here.

  37. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Did we ever find out what big secrets Levi is referring to in this interview? Whenever I see a picture of Trig, I can't get over how much he looks like Levi. Could Sarah have done the dirty with Levi? He's always said she was a big flirt...maybe she took it to the next step.

    1. Olivia3:02 PM

      He may look like Levi but Sarah didn't give birth to Trig.

    2. PalinsHoax5:23 PM

      Highly doubt the Ol' TWOBULL gave birth to Trig !

    3. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Sarah never approved of Levi as a good mother wouldn't. Levi wouldn't approve of himself as a teen. I think most people look back with humor and shaking heads at our adolescences.

      And remember, Levi was saying in early 09 "I still like the family a lot." That is on video

      I know he knows nothing about Trig and was rarely around him compared to most other of their friends, but he would probably know he isn't hers despite being unsure in an interview.

    4. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Who was pregnant?


      A pregnant woman would not have a square belly and make a ridiculous video.

      Elan Frank

    5. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Yet Sarah (that "good" mother), let her daughter do whatever the hell she wanted, even giving Bristol the opportunity to go on a co-ed camping trip with her boyfriend. No matter what you say, you freak, Sarah and Todd did not monitor their children one iota. If Bristol chose the wrong boyfriends and got pregnant, the blame lays squarely on her shitty parents.

  38. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I guess the Palin fairytale stalker's new words are "open/closed-minded."

    This is a familiar tactic of the RWNJs. Being open-minded doesn't mean we can't call people out on their bullshit or their shitty parenting. Being open-minded doesn't mean we have to accept people being racist or sexist.

  39. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Mark Levine running for office with Sarah and Todd supporting him. Very professional politicians.

  40. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Depending on what you believe,it could be "God gets back to you," karma, whatever. She's a bald faced LIAR and used His name to promote her narcisstic fame agenda. It can only last so's never been about GOD but her. Even Piper told her so.

    I remember the days when HuffPo had their own link for her, now their posts are "WTF, here she goes again." Comical.

    Legend in her own mind. Woe to the idgits that think she's the savior for what ails us. Who would want that cluster* in our White House?

    You brought it on yourself, Sarah, pardon us as we guffaw at you. You made your bed. Lie in it.

  41. Caroll Thompson9:17 AM

    Sarah, the establishment Republicans won the election after they defeated 95% of the teabaggers looking to take them out in the primary.

    The establishment types not only know how to win elections, they also know that we Americans want them to govern. And governing means passing a budget to keep the government running. Shutting down the government is a failure to govern and do the work we elected them to do.

    And yes, there are wingers on both sides of the aisle that do not want this budget to pass. But much of that is for show and this budget bill will pass with bipartisan support.

    I feel lucky to have two Senators, Collins and King, who will both be voting for the bill. They have made a pact to vote together whenever they can and try to put bipartisanship back on the Senate table. I imagine that the two Senators from Alaska will also be voting for the bill.

    If you really wanted to make a difference, you should have run for Senate yourself. Titles brings power and now that you have no need for a title, you are finding that you have no power either. Even FOX news doesn't want to hear what you have to say.

    But don't let that get to you Sarah, because come Monday, we all want to hear what G has to say.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      She never would have run for the senate, Caroll, she would have lost BIG time and she knows it. Better to be the latent projectionist queen. It's more lucrative.

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      And yes, there are wingers on both sides of the aisle that do not want this budget to pass.

      On the Democratic side, that's because of the poison pills that were slipped into it at the last minute, without debate. Most notably, repeal of Dodd-Frank, the law that's been keeping Wall Street from gambling with the taxpayers' money and creating another 2008.

    3. Caroll Thompson10:58 AM

      Very true Ted Powell, a last minute rider was inserted into the legislation repealing a portion of Dodd-Frank. However, I am not willing to shut the government down over this poison pill. I think Elizabeth is right, the banks should be broken apart.

      However, that will not happen until the Dems control both Houses of Congress and the Presidency.

      What some people do not realize is that Obama is nobody's fool. The taxpayer made quite a hefty profit from the bailout as the banks had to pay the money back with interest.

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Alaskans would never elect the quitter and idiot! Look at her history. She's an embarrassment to the residents/voters of their state.

      Truth be told - the majority wish she'd move to AZ as she'd fit right in with their government style! i.e. McCain and Jan Brewer! Ick!

    5. Anonymous11:49 AM


      The taxpayer made quite a hefty profit from the bailout as the banks had to pay the money back with interest from profits made by the near criminal rip-off of consumers.

      The bankers ALWAYS get richer.

    6. Anonymous2:54 PM

      1149 yeah until someone pulls the funds from the banks...'all of em' ...oh shit I hate it when that happens...smirk!

  42. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Our Sarah has always flaunted her ignorance and stupidity like a Sheriff's Badge. She only fools the mentally ill, the exceptionally stupid, and the profoundly ignorant.

  43. Crystal Sage9:54 AM

    An online Liberal friend of mine suggested, now that Michelle Bachmann has "retired" from the House, that she and Sarah co-host a cooking show on TV. Such a hoot since we know how well Sarah cooks turkey and bakes pies. Bet Marcus does all the cookin' and primpin' at the Bachmann house.

  44. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sarah likes to wag her finger while spouting her nonsensical mishmash.

    1. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Well, people here write nonsensical shit every day

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      You're welcomed to never come back, 3:31, if you're so offended.

  45. Anonymous12:33 PM

    This might be the the creepiest picture of the Chester that caused Sarah Palin to diddle with the likes of Uncle Nuge and the Duck Dienasty Klan.

    I suppose this is typical Republican parent if you are a Republican?

    Who would try and protect George Koenig? Others who are just like him, that's who.,GEORGE+KOENIG&source=bl&ots=24xXZEmvaS&sig=OoVnePKVGPlQd2feSKvTaqIharI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3J6MVMjbEI3moAT39oFQ&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=RAY%20CARTER%2CGEORGE%20KOENIG&f=false

    Read all about it!

    Molesters are a crafty bunch who like to rub shoulders with the pillars of a community, you often find them working around young children.

    1. Anonymous3:31 AM

      What are you talking about? YOU need serious help if you think it is alright to slander people with such lies

      Gryphen complained about being labeled a pedophile.

      He is DISGUSTING for allowing his nasties to do the same

    2. Anonymous6:32 AM

      3:31 AM


    3. Anonymous9:14 AM

      It is not merely Chuck Heath's profile that points out what he is. Other members of the family fit the profile of family members.

      Sarah has lashed out more than once by accusing men of rape, being perverts and pedophilia. That alone makes it clear about her childhood.

      Her brother was deep into his hypocrisy and look at how he lied and defiled his sacred marriage. Why did he go so wrong?

      Dottie Sandusky is still in denial of facts and her denial. (Abuse allegedly occurred over a number of years in family home)

      Help mate

      Someones were tampering with evidence.


  46. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Look at me.
    LOOK at me.
    Look AT me.
    Look at ME!
    -- Sarah

    1. Anonymous12:36 AM

      "Look at Me":
      With all due respect to the lovely and talented Jennifer Lewis.

  47. Anonymous1:20 PM the stark raving idiot lunatic Palin upset with the Congress? DO SOMETHING, Sarah! Oh, right YOU CAN'T. Because you're a fucking moron who doesn't even realize how your own country's government (that you're ALWAYS ordering around as if you are Queen Shit of Turd Mountain) WORKS. You're a stupid fucking embarrassment and that's all you'll ever be. Maybe the assholes at Breitbart who are always so eager to write down this moron's stupid comments, could explain to her how elections work, since she apparently thinks you're elected on Tuesday and sworn in on Wednesday! A former GOVERNOR! Jesus she is insufferable and dumb as a fucking ROCK. “It’s quite nauseating.” If only she had half a clue.

  48. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    Is it just me, or does it seem like crazy lady doesn't like President Obama? She's like a broken record, if she wanted to change things, she should have jumped off the truck bed and put HER name on a ballot. POTUS won twice by a landslide, Sarah loses by a landslide every day. And she has her tantrum on info from Breitbart? What did she do, hold a seance?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      I believe the problem is she secretly yearns for the president's attention and praise.

  49. Anonymous5:58 PM

    She continued, “Good Lord, America said loud and clear, not just ‘no,’ but ‘hell no’ to SARAH PALIN BEING AN OLD MAN'S HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENCY ! ! !

  50. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Well for one I certainly don't care.I could care less anymore what "Sarah" has to say about anything. Her ilk is trash. I'm just waiting for the take down.

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Nice to slander responsible people who have jobs and support themselves. It's not like they take money from Sarah.

      whats the point in lying?

    2. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Are you posting from an opium den?

    3. Anonymous8:30 AM

      3:29 "What's the point in lying?" We've been asking Mrs Palin that same question for six long years as she lies about the President for a living. Since you know her so well, please ask her and get back to us in your next troll comment.

  51. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Palin has an absolute mess of a Facebook post supporting torture. I wonder what John McCain thinks of her post.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      "Whose Side Are You On"; Necessarily Directing This At Our President

      It would have been more effective to address John McCain. Who better to have a meaningful discussion with and cover both perspectives.

      Unfortunately she is a coward, doesn't know how to do the right thing and has an unhealthy addiction to Our President.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      You're on one side or the other. - Sarah Palin

      Palin wants to know if you are on John McCain's side or her side on torture.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      She finally got around to finding someone to help her write a seriously bad idiotic post about a subject she drools over.

      She is still too chicken to engage in a civil discussion of diverse views on the subject with Senator McCain.

      THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE: The Sacrilegious Sarah Palin

      "Well, if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists."

      Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for deities, to religious or holy persons or things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable

      There are decent Christians and Conservatives that know how black her heart is. She is just the darkest and biggest loser. Reiterating and the fact she stands by her ignorant callous statements proves it.

      The publicity hound's remarks suggest that there is still a significant conservative pro-torture constituency, and that the taboo against torture has not yet recovered.

      Religious Groups Demand Sarah Palin Apologize for Saying 'Waterboarding is How We Baptize Terrorists'

      Why Sarah Palin's Torture Remarks Matter (MAY 02, 2014, no one pays any attention to her now)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.