Wednesday, December 31, 2014

USA Today's Year in Review chose 50 stories from 50 states. Guess which one they chose for Alaska.

Courtesy of USA Today:  

It was a birthday party gone bad, starring former governor Sarah Palin and her family. According to reports, the clan got into a big fight at a party in Anchorage, and Palin was even said to have screamed, "Don't you know who I am!?" In October, Radar Online and Extra unearthed what they say is the police recording from the scene. Listen for yourself. Palin eventually addressed the brawl on Facebook, pointing us to her daughter Bristol's version of what went down. Bristol said someone messed with her little sister.

That last part of course we all know is bullshit.

We know the true story and thanks to those police audio tapes so does anybody else willing to take the time to listen. 

Seriously, in my opinion it was the feel good story of 2014.

And do you know what? It's still paying dividends.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Note to Bristol. Do not ever wear the camo thong whatever again. It's senseless trying to hide something a couple dozen guys have already found.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM


    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Well agree, G the throwdown at the hoedown!!! And isn't it strange we saw (trolling) and then (silence) like NOW just like something BIG is about to break and it won't be a GOOD NEW YEAR for the Payme KLAN at all....
      Happy New Years Eve/and New Year to all IM'rs and
      that means not a good year for the payme's!
      "Don't cuss swillow"!

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I wonder what drugs were in Bristol's purse.

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I think the brawl was the nail in the coffin.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Me, too. So she's coming out to prove it wasn't. She has to, really, and she'll be brought down again. It really is quite comical watching her.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:35 PM

      This is one bell that she can't unrung. Isn't it odd we don't hear a blip from the Johnson family? Zip Nada Nothing.
      The Palins? HA HA HA HA HA HA it's in the year in review.

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      The part with Track is pretty Epic also! Track was falling into the cop hitting the mic, "sorry man" Todd says "don't touch the officer"
      so funny when I was listening to the WHOLE BROUHAHA the next day my neighbor goes "are you ok"? LOL I wanted to ask, why do you ask but he heard the swearing and bitching from the Payme KLAN!!! Bwhaahaaaa!
      So glad Thongazi or the HOEDOWN made it! NAIL IN THE PALIN COFFIn!!!
      now we just have to wait for the next shoe to drop....heh!

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    So let me get this straight. Someone assaulted Bristol. No one was charged with the crime. No one got beat up except for those named Palin. And in the aftermath no one was sued or a restraining orders issued. Just a typical night in the life of Sarah Palin and her drama prone drug and alcohol abusing

    Man, to get this loser of a family through rehab before 2016 is going to be a challenge.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      through rehab before 2016 ???

      Is that the secret Christmas black out?

      Whatever the story is I bet it beats the brawl if there was video, tape or pictures.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      NO one assaulted Bristol. SHE did the honors.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I am SO glad they added a link to the audio! The more people who hear the audio of the Palins cussing a blue streak, the more people will know they are NOT Christians and that Sarah Palin is nothing more than a low-class grifter who raised a pack of low-life trash-talking kids with a sense of entitlement.

    Happy New Year, and HOOHAH!

    R in NC

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      more people will know they are NOT Christians

      Well, there are Christians, and there are Christians…

      Following a good-thoughts-for-2015 link, and another beyond that, led me to Christian Discipline And The Desire To Submit. OMG, just imagine Sarah allowing Todd to do that! Maybe the other way around?

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Happy New Year to you, R. HOOHAH!

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The Palin BRAWL was the best story ever. It drove the final nail in Sarah's political coffin.

    We will see shortly how much the BRAWL caused PAC money donations to drop. Only brain dead morons will send her money now.

    Thonghazi will never be forgotten

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      "Thonghazi" priceless.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      " It drove the final nail in Sarah's political coffin."

      I hope you're right that the brawl will cut off some PAC donations. Amazingly, after the brawl, Walker accepted the Palin family's endorsement, Sarah has been interviewed on Fox News, and she's hosting 'Amazing America.'

    3. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Walker is (unfortunately) friends with Todd's father, hence the acceptance of the Palin family endorsement. Hosting Amazing America is the only thing she has left, which isn't' saying much.

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      #Thonghazi! #Thongahzi #Palin #Throwdown must be heard! #HappyNYE
      Don't cuss Swillow! ~Sarah palin

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Possibly someone leaked the news that this would be
    in USA today which has caused Sarah to stay away from
    posting lately?

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Someone is comatose. That is the main reason for Palin 2014 Christmas Greeting BLACK OUT.

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Someone could make a fortune with photos of Sarah from this missing Christmas time. Comatose or not.

      Think of how bad she looked when she thought she was presentable for the cooking mess show. She is going down hill fast.

      She may be at an eating disorder clinic or some prayer warrior deal trying to cure her diseases.

      In any event photos of Sarah or her family as they are now would be worth a fortune. Not the posed ones Chuck or the family make for donors. What they are in reality.

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    We need a list of Palin Predictions for 2015.

    1. Todd gets arrested for buying an Asian sex slave.
    2. Junker releases and sells a Bristol sex tape.
    3. Willow goes to Betty Ford clinic.
    4. Sarah signs up for DWTS.
    5. Trig learns to say ... fuck you
    6. Track hibernates in drug den and is never seen at all in 2015

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Heh, from Nostradoofus herself.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      6. is wrong.

      A bearded tattooed naked man will be seen running through the streets of Eagle River, Anchorage and various villages.

      People will think they have found SASQUATCH until they at last recognize Track Palin.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      The one most like is Trig saying "fuck you". For all we know he already says it.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:39 PM

      LMAO "Nostradoofus" is perfect for her! Good One!

    5. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Anonymous1:15 PM

      6. is wrong.

      A bearded tattooed naked man will be seen running through the streets of Eagle River, Anchorage and various villages.

      People will think they have found SASQUATCH until they at last recognize Track Palin.
      Bwhahhaaaaaaa!!! He only comes out for his necklace and to get some oxy!!! Bwhaaahaaa!

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Such a tough talking PissyBrissy!LOL whining and crying and moaning and bitching...Where's my shit? Where's my $300 sunglasses, wheres my shit?
      What a whiney ass titty baby!! FUCK off you klowns!

    7. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Pissy "this old lady fucking pushed me on the ground, sniff,sniff whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, "Oh fucking hell no, whaaaaaa, sniff, snifff" what a WATB!
      I wish Korey would of fucking clocked her skank ass!!!!

    8. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Call a Whaa balance!

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    About the rumor that Todd's brother's failed urine test is going to send the Palin family into a tizzy--- The Brawl beats a urine test big time. Failed urine test: alcohol and some drugs-- one guy. Maybe they want to know where he got the drugs in exchange for lighter treatment. The Brawl: Todd, Sarah, Track, (did Track bring a friend along?), Bristol, Willow, Tripp (who was up too late and left to sleep in the limo with the driver who is not a baby sitter.). Five Palins were already drunk, fighting, and swearing and not acting like responsible adults.
    fighting, swearing, alrea

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Bristol has been staying on the front page here all day......

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Nancy French is damn lucky. Anyone smarter and/or more politically and culturally aware than Bristol Palin, and/or who had managed not to humiliate themselves every time they showed their face in public and/or who possessed an iota of self-awareness and self-respect, would have long ago fired any ghostwriter who made them look like such an ignorant ass.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Maybe French has blackmail to take Sarah down.

      I doubt Bristol knows half of how they use her on that blog.

      Sarah lets French humiliate Bristol so French won't blackmail Sarah.

    3. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Well, it looks like Bristol has taken a couple
      of hits to that chin today!
      Can you imagine the whining?

  10. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I wish it wasn't "for Alaska"... I'd like it to be a year in review story for John McCain and REPUBLICANS.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The other night I was looking back at "Deer in the Headlights" (Levi's book, which I realize we have to take with a large shaker of salt) for a project I'm working on. I noticed a detail I missed before but that takes on more significance in light of the throwdown and Gryphen's source's reports of physical violence at the Palin home (esp Bristol grabbing her dad's crotch during a fight).

    Levi is talking about Bristol's labor with Tripp, which Sarah and Bristol later said he missed. (Do we know who's telling the truth? There are so many lies and contradictions that I can't always remember which of them have been refuted.) He says,

    "She grabbed for me, hit my chin....Sarah and I were trying to talk Bristol down and it made her angry. Again, she went after her mom, verbally and then physically. Sarah ducked" (p. 139).

    I haven't gone through labor, but I have NEVER heard stories about anyone I know punching or hitting or being physically aggressive during delivery. I don't remember rumors about the Palins' tendency toward violence circulating back in 2011, when the book came out, so I don't see why Levi or his ghost writers would have had a motive to lie about this particular detail (although I think they lied about other things). And since physical violence isn't a common aspect of labor stories, it seems odd that he would make that up. All of which make me inclined to believe him. Plus, it certainly dovetails with what we have learned about Bristol in 2014.

    1. Caroll Thompson1:12 PM

      That is a great observation 12:32. Violence seems to second nature to Bristol. I have gone through labor more than a couple of times and I have never been violent. I have known many woman who have had children (and don't they all like to tell their stories of labor at the baby showers) and I have never heard of anyone who was violent.

      It does sound like Levi was telling the truth. That Bristol wants to kick some ass I guess. One day she is going to go off on a strong woman and have her ass handed to her.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      From folks I know - that know Levi and his mother - say they are wonderful people! Levi was young when tied to Bristol and Sarah and Todd dealt with him as they do with folks they dislike! Horribly, in other words.

      I'm so happy he is leading his own life now and is happy! He also has a wonderful wife in Sunny!

      I purchased his book when it initially came out and read it. The majority (from what my friends indicate, that know him) say it is majority truthful!

      The Palin klan issued lies about him and his family. Most of the Palin crap can be verified today. Remember how Bristol talked negatively about Levi to Tripp. It's all on video - showing her shooting up his book if I recall correctly! Bristol is a friggin' mess just like her parents! Nasty and evil!

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Levi has a lot of 'splainin' to do.

    4. Anonymous2:01 PM

      The PALIN FAMILY BRAWL didn't involve Levi. Why are you trying to insert Levi into it? Isn't it enough that his child was put at risk, left alone in the car with a stranger late at night, and heard screaming in terror on the police tapes?

      Levi was at home that night being a loving, responsible and sober husband and father.

    5. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Anyone who's had a long or bad labor can tell you that FUCK YEAH they hit someone or wanted to or threatened to.

      So why is it necessary for you to call Levi a liar? What does Levi have to do with the Palin Brawl? Why do you feel a need to attach Levi's name to it?

    6. Anonymous2:57 PM


      Violence seems to second nature to Bristol.

      No one thinks Levi was brawling. When you pay attention to Tripp people wanted him to be with his dad. They wanted to police to take Tripp to his dad since the brawlers were so crazy selfish and abandoned Tripp to run on runway and drink beer and all the dangers they exposed him too.

      Violence, Tripp would have been better with Sunny and Levi and far, far away from the violence.

      More and more we are learning about the pattern of violence with the Palin family. They are not treating their violent or anger issues and Tripp is in danger.

      No one thinks Levi had anything to do with the violence or neglect and abuse of Tripp that night in Anchorage, September 2014. NEVER FORGET.

    7. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I made the original comment. I absolutely did NOT mean to imply that Levi was involved in the brawl or drag his name into the mud, and I frankly don't understand how anyone who read my comment could think that. My point was that I found it very interesting that his book provided another verification of Bristol's tendency toward violence, dating back to a time well before anyone was talking about it.

      Re: the honesty of the book, I should have clarified this but didn't want to go on a tangent. Levi's book confirms Sarah's story of the Trig pregnancy and birth, which we KNOW is untrue. So yes, it contains some lies, and that makes me a bit leery about taking anything else in it at face value.

      I don't necessarily think that makes LEVI a liar, though. Maybe he believed Sarah's version of events. Maybe his ghostwriters included the Trig story without his permission (sure, his name is on the book, but if they were hired/paid by Tank and Rex, then Levi might not have had the final say). When the book came out, Bristol and Sarah were trashing Levi all over the place, and Bristol was playing games that kept him from seeing Tripp, so maybe he felt like he could say other negative things about Sarah in his book, but confirming the Trig story was the only way he could see his son. I don't know. I just thought it was important to note that I don't believe everything in the book, because if I did, I would be claiming to believe the Wild Ride and that Sarah gave birth to Trig on April 18, 2008.

      I trust Levi FAR more than I trust the Palins. Unlike Bristol, he has obviously matured over the past several years. Every indication is that he's a good father and husband, has married a wonderful woman, and provides a stable home for his children. I am 100% Team Levi and Sunny.

    8. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Levi is the proverbial "one that got away." Gorgeous, educated wife with one child and a new baby on the way....and then there's Brissy. This was the life she wanted. DEAL with it, hun.

    9. Anonymous8:28 PM

      I don't believe any woman can or should be characterized by her behavior during labor.

      You're drawing a very long bow and being unfair. You admit you've never experienced childbirth so why don't you just stop pontificating and stick to things you do know?

    10. Anonymous3:58 AM

      I was in labor 26 hours, then gave birth to a BREACH baby. Tell ME about wanting to punch someone? I DID NOT want to, I just wanted the ordeal over with.

  12. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The Anchorage Brawl (proven by two sources that are accessible to the public) has been the killer for the Palin klan and will always be used against them.

    Remember - Sarah and Todd have used their kids - not loved and parented them - used them - and it finally backfired due to the proof that is out there verifying the brawl! They've always been able to cover things up before this event!

    The kids are NOT the angels Sarah has made them out to be. Especially Track and Bristol!

    They are ridiculous and non inspiring as to being a 'family'! Know I'd not want to spend one second in their household!

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Better yet, hope that they don't spend time in your household, see exhibit A. Willow and friends breaking into and destroying Audrey Morlock's house.

  13. Caroll Thompson12:37 PM

    I think your earlier post of Sarah getting ready to make an announcement is dead on G. Apparently Bill Kristol added her to his list of possible Presidential contenders just last week. And the Republican writing the article is none too happy about it.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      The Republican writing the article, who publicly ADMITS TO LIKING SARAH PALIN, is none too happy about it!

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Kristol has always had a pants pointer for her since the Juneau visit. This is an absolute DOLT they're promoting that has no clue of anything but will do whatever they tell her to.

      Again, she's NOT running.

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      I think her running will be the nail in the Palin legacy coffin. We can prattle all we want here but wait till she announces, Even if the media goes easy, too much dirt will come out. Look at those who have her number, Wonkette, TBoggs, Costsa et al. They would rip her to shreds.

      With the World Wide Audience she deserves and craves reading every little detail. heh heh.


    4. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

      Don't mind him, he's got the runner world cover stuck to the ceiling over his bed with one of those protective binder covers. She can't run, she's liable to start a fire!

  14. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Some argue it's just an oil spot doing a photo bomb. After all we have heard from the Hoohah Mama® and her Feral Foul Mouthed Self-entitled Brood™, it is obvious the truth is Bristol piddled on the pavement while spouting an endless stream of profanities while wearing a face of smudged makeup and beer. I call these folks 'The Gutter People'.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      They are called the 'white trash' from the small town of Wasilla in Alaska. They are NOT quality people in the least!

    2. hauksdottir5:16 PM

      That wasn't dried beer foam on her upper lip! If it was just beer, she wouldn't have fretted about how it would appear in photographs.

      Bristol and Willow were sashaying about in their sunglasses, well after dark. My bet is that they were selling/delivering drugs (cocaine). Why else would Bristol insist that Willow run and hide her purse in the limo when the cops showed up?

      I wish the cops had done their job. If they had bothered to look inside the limo (Tripp's crying *loud enough to be heard on tape* being probable cause for checking upon his welfare), they would probably have seen lines of coke laid out and powdery fingerprints everywhere.

      The Palins were already drunk and drugged and ready to rumble when they arrived at the party.

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      it is obvious the truth is Bristol piddled on the pavement while spouting an endless stream of profanities while wearing a face of smudged makeup and beer
      Not called PissyBrissy for nuthin'!!! And what a fucking WHINER she is!!!

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    They used an especially bad photo of palin in the article.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Name a good one.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      There were no good ones. It was the best possible.

  16. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The audio is mesmerizing. To get to the bottom line quickly, Officer John Daily's report boils it down and shows the Palin version to be an outrageous lie:

    Bristol Palin: Suspect/Offender
    Korey Klingenmeyer: Victim

  17. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Bill Kristol adding Sarah to his list of possible presidential contenders once again proves Kristol's stupidity.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      He's the one that also suggested her as John McCain's running mate! Thank god they lost!!!!

      She'll never run for POTUS. She has to go through a primary first and she'll flunk big time! She can't handle interviews (unless provided the questions first!) nor can she handle debates (unless prepared) and we know how that all went when she ran w/McCain. Read "Game Change" or watch the award winning movie!

      There is way too much out there about her and Todd that will stop her in her tracks. Todd is a proven pimp "Boys Will be Boys" plus many other things.

      But, it would be fun to see her get knocked upside the head and continue showing herself as the angry, evil, racist and ignorant Alaskan she is!

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Kristol's stupidity is legendary.

  18. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "There's nothing on my face but beer and makeup"!

    --Bristol Palin, quote of the year

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      +++++ 100000000000 +++++

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      My vote is tied between "Hoohah". & " it's a God thing, see?". Sarah Palin

  19. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Viva la Thonghazi. Hoohah.

  20. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

      You beat me to it. What a year it's been. Wish everyone good health and tons of laughs at that zany crazy Palin Family.

  21. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sarah's never, to my knowledge, taken aim at USA Today, which she might have called part of the lame stream media except that it's assumed to be, and is, a plain-vanilla, national paper, with no obvious axe to grind.
    That the paper chose this one and only story as its Alaskan news of 2014 is telling: it means that mainstream editors will
    not hesitate to keep referring to the Throwdown in the future.

    And that the paper linked to the tapes means that, even if a reader doesn't go to the tapes, the paper is offering a primary source for its story. "It's legitimate, folks -- listen for yourselves." And any future editor and writer for other publications and broadcasts will look up the USA Today article when doing a Palin piece in the future.

    Face it, Sarah. Todd's 50th birthday will go down in history as your final push down the slide to oblivion. There's no way you'll ever be able to spin this. Just listening to Bristol swearing and looking at the picture of her in her camo-thong dress are enough for 98% of the electorate to see you for what you really are.
    Yes, we do know who you are. And what you are. We'll never forget.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Kudos to USA Today for legitimate journalism. She's not running for anything, IMers, she can't and she knows it.

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Times have changed. Remember when USA Today did a special interview with Sarah for Mother's Day.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Yes, and then they found out what a "mother" she is.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      They learned what a mother she 'wasn't'! She and Todd have major delinquents in their household and we've watched it all - especially Alaskans!

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I meant, as in "mutha."

  23. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The story of the year for the entire state, wow, now that's an accomplishment.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Didn't she quit on the state because she didn't need a title to progress Alaska? She just needed new titties to progress.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Oh, come on, it's from USA Today, the newspaper for illiterate people. USA Today has to use pictures to tell their stories because words are hard. Seriously, USA Today? It's not really even journalism, just pictures and graphics for people who can't read.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Soooo...,the Palins will all read it & Sarah will have an answer to that "gotcha" question?

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      USA Today has the highest circulation of any newspaper in the country. Granny Hoohah and her demon spawn have hit the big time for sure

    5. Anonymous3:33 PM

      1:43 USA Today might be for people who don't read, but those are the people who still have a favorable impression of the Palins. Maybe their eyes will be opened.

    6. Anonymous4:33 PM

      @ 1:43: "Oh, come on, it's from USA Today, the newspaper for illiterate people." I think you have covered pretty much the entire Palin base with that statement.
      @3:33: "Maybe their eyes will be opened." If Palin's backers still blindly follow "Granny Hoohah" their eyes will never see the light of reason or truth at this late date.

    7. Anonymous6:24 PM

      USA Today is journalism lite to be sure, but they do report news, as opposed to, say, Fox News. It's widely distributed in motels, airline lounges, etc. And it's read by people who might not be rocket scientists but at least care enough about current events to at least read a newspaper. People who don't read, aka the Palin faithful, don't read USA Today. So the recent "honor" is just one more nail in the coffin, obliterating what's left of Palin's good standing among anyone with half a brain.

  24. Bristol comes off as both a whiner and a liar in the tapes. But, that's not surprising from what we know about the Palin family. Sarah has taught them well and has been a great example to her children on being narcissistic and a vindictive liar. After all, when you believe you're better than everyone else, everyone else should know you can do and say what you want, and if you don't like it we'll crush you with our money and our influence. Or, at least with the little influence we have left.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      And a drunk!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:00 PM

      She reminds me of a Lucy Riccardo type, only brunette, super dumb and into material things. Three hundred buck sun glasses. What for? Ten dollar red eyes from beer? A buck or two will fix it with a bottle of visine.

  25. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Stopping by to wish IM a Happy, Healthy New Year!

  26. Anonymous2:13 PM

    People have serious priority problems

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Who, the Palin's? Their priorities are $, fame and drugs.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      2:13 PM Your priorities are: Palins first, Palins first, Palins first.

  27. I love see-thru camo sarongs. They are the latest rage. Said no one, Ever

  28. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The latest contribution from Bristol Palin, Constitutional scholar and religious spokeswoman:

    "I'm so sick of hearing about the separation of church and state," she barks, while alleging that the elimination of Kentucky tax dollars being given to a Noah's Ark replica is "anti-Christian."
    The state had discovered that the park would not hire anyone but Christians, among other discriminatory practices, and therefore cancelled a plan 10-year subsidy for the project.

    Bristol, dear, the story of Noah's Ark appears in the Book of Genesis, which, as a good Christian, you'd call part of the Old Testament. That's the Jewish part of the Bible. The story also appears in the Quran, and in several other ancient legends, including a similar Sumarian story.

    To be fair, therefore, the Kentucky park should be sure to hire Jews, Musllims, Iraqis, and other cultures that have an Ark tradition.
    Or maybe it should hire anyone who's qualified for a job, no matter what their beliefs. To insist that the tax dollars of the entire state population be used to support a private enterprise that openly discriminates against many of those same taxpayers is pure hypocrisy.

    Happy New Year, and a belated Merry Christmas to you, Sister Bristol. The world isn't out to get Christians, but neither is it required to bend its fundamental rules to assist Christians over other citizens. This is a pluralistic society, which has always been its strength. Look it up.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

      Whatcha get, Bristol? Lots and Lots of things? And who got them for ya? LOLOLOLOLOLZZZ

    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Anonymous2:25 PM
      As IF....PissyBrissy "Where's my shit, where's my $300 sunglasses" is a christian!!!! The biggest lie evah!
      Happy New Year's IM'rs
      Trolls can just fuck off.... :)

  29. Anonymous2:30 PM

    In Bristols book Not Afraid Of Life: My Journey So Far she talks about how her visit to Haiti made her "recommit to living for God and serving others" [ well..ok she could have meant serving others as in a waitress at the local bar] It get's better, "maybe i'll go into politics,maybe i'll write childrens books [ I don't think publishers like the words shit and the "F" word for kids books but hey] she continues.." or maybe i'll help my mom become the first woman President!" [ or maybe you blew that one Bristol]

    I cant wait for Bristols follow up book Stilll Not Afraid Of Life:Or the cops, or Hummers, Beer and Brawling, My Wasted Life And Life Being Wasted.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

      So that WAS her washing people's feet with her hair at the mall while mommy was saving Christmas.

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      In order for Bristol to write a book, she is going to have to read something harder than Hunger Games, grade school level. On the other hand, Nancy is her ghost writer, and Nancy's style is mid-teens.

  30. Anonymous2:59 PM

    My favorite part was when they tried to spin it as Bristol being assaulted by a man. Boy did that not work for them at all! Only the dumbest of the dumb fell for their dog whistle cry of "War on Conservative Women!!"

  31. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Media Liar Of 2014 Winner Is...

    It was a strong competition, but one clear winner emerged.

  32. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Damn...runner up again?
    Everyone in the car...It's New Years Eve for Christ sake!

  33. Anonymous4:26 PM

    From the crooksandliars article:
    "Sarah's 2014 achievements include launching her family's new career as the WasillaBillies, screwing up the White House address while playing aggrieved conservative, counterspinning her entire family's awful conduct while drunk and disorderly in public, standing up tall to defend the Redskins' good name, riffing on fast food and evil liberals, launching the "Yes I Am A Narcissist" Sarah Palin Network,...."

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    But...but...but...."Bristol makes my heart SOAR!"

  35. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

    Don't take it personal, Alaskans. It's just that the paper says the first thing that comes to mind when someone names a state. That, and they can't keep their hands off the damn fame utters and are milking it for all it's worth. Yoo Hoo-
    no need to lie down to milk a cow. *they need remindin' REAL bad

  36. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Sarah Palin probably got her fucking loser children under lock down for New Year's Eve so those ignorant drunk fuckers don't go out and embarrass the Palin name again as if it wasn't already damaged and embarrassed.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      She caught the ones she could and promised them goodies to go to the cabin and ride snowmachines.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Not enough snow up there to get snowmachines in. And now it is raining and over 40 degrees. Let's see her talk about a "fresh layer of fluffy powder" They must all be hunkered into the garage,,,,snicker.

  37. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Lets hope there are no Palin limo bookings tonight and the police have a Palin free shift.

  38. ibwilliamsi5:43 PM

    Where's your fuckin' shoes and your fuckin' $300 sunglasses, Barstool?

  39. Anonymous6:34 PM

    To all of the Palins/Heaths 'Have a happy 1st Monday of 2015'.
    BWAHAHAHAHAHA. That refrigerator will have to be replaced by January 6, 2015. Bristol will have to bring all of her babies out of hiding. Track will be 'hiding'. Willow will try to refrain from inviting 'stalkers' to Mommy's and Sister's houses. Todd will try to keep his Prostitutes quiet. Sarah will give all of America the middle finger. Dr. CBJ will take a long vacation. And last but not least, Sean Hannity will eat crow.

  40. Suzy Q7:38 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for making the comments troll-free! It was so much more enjoyable to be able to read without having to read all of the harpy pro Palin comments. Please apply whatever filter to the comments to your story on Monday with your source. Happy New Year!

  41. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Whose Lumbersexual dick will Bristol be sucking on at New Year's Eve?

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      She will be too drunk to know.

  42. Anonymous8:52 PM

    If this is the one that's been made public, I wonder what's been covered up and/or not reported. This can't be the Palin's first rodeo.

  43. Anonymous11:17 PM


  44. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Bristol everybody including your mom, dad, Track, Willow, Piper and grandparents knows you suck dick and swallow.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.