Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Well it's all I want for Christmas.


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Happy Festivus, IMers!

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Happy Festivus to you, also, too! I wonder what Festivus would look like in our favorite family's home? You know, with the airing of grievences and the wrestlin' and the Christmasy rice krispy treats? Is the pole brought into the house or are the festivities moved to an out building? Merry Christmas to some and Festivus for the rest of us! Hoohah!

    2. I got a LOT of problems with you people!


      And todd and track do the FEATS of strength!


  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    War Criminal will die before he ever stands trial. When he finally does I'll feel as Clarence Darrow said, "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM


    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The world will be a less dark and evil place without him.

  3. This has been my wish as well for a very, very long time. If, and I do mean if they do end prosecuting Cheney and Co. for war crimes against humanity, I could die happily. The Evil one days are numbered though.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Bill Cosby can join him.

      F*cking predators.

      Don't care about people at all.

  4. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Although it is high on my Christmas list, Gryphen...er....Santa knows what my heart desires most.

  5. hedgewytch8:53 AM

    Big Corp will never allow Cheney to be prosecuted. Discovery would bring out how Haliburton committed treason and murder by colluding with others and the military to start a war in the Middle East, steal millions out of Iraq, try to control Middle Eastern oil fields,and bankrupt the US Treasury.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Naive little ones.

  7. hedgewytch8:55 AM

    Yes, and we are hoping Uncle Gryphen will give us a really nice post tomorrow for Christmas on that very subject!

    Please, please, pretty please?!

  8. If this could happen I might have more faith in this country, but it never will.

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    We are not a signatory to the ICC, Internat'l Criminal Court. Bush refused to sign for this very reason. Not gonna happen.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      As dick was right over his shoulder

  10. Anita Winecooler4:06 PM

    I often wonder where his new heart came from. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for organ donation, but why waste a perfectly good heart on Dick Cheyney? What he's done and how he's conducted himself in office were, are and always will be unconscionable. And someone more deserving couldn't get one because he couldn't afford the pump to keep him alive.

    I'd LOVE nothing better than to be a fly on the wall when the family meets for Christmas Dinner. I imagine Liz wearing mashed potatoes and gravy. No one puts Mary's spouse in a corner, no one.

    OT Darryl Issa exposed for the liar he is while painting himself in a corner.



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