Monday, December 29, 2014

You ever have one of those nights?

For those confused as to what happened with the simple little Happy Birthday Tripp post on Saturday night, let me explain.

Originally I had the Sea of Blue post scheduled for that last slot at the end of the night.

However when I visited Facebook to see what my family was up to I happened to see a post from Mercede wishing her nephew a happy birthday.

"Oh yeah it's Tripp's birthday" I thought so I quickly put up a simple post wishing him a happy birthday, which I have done several times in the past. No biggie.

After that I kind of turned away from my computer and started doing other work while watching Netflix in the background.

At around 8:04 I received a comment suggesting that Tripp's birthday is actually two days away.

Wait, what? So at this point I have also had a glass or two of wine and am exhausted and not thinking at all clearly.

So I Google Tripp's birth date and find this. In my somewhat bleary eyed state all I do is read the date, which is December 29th, and think "Oh crap I might be premature." (The article actually says that Tripp was born on Saturday which would have made it the 27th. But hey. who reads the articles?)

I then went to my post on the day that we all learned that Bristol gave birth, and once again only read the date it was posted, December 29th. (The actual ADN article listed the birth date on the 28th. More confusion.)

So at this point I have confused myself completley since I am literally running on fumes. In response I quickly write a post saying that I might be wrong, and how weird it is that Mercede would have Tripp's birthday wrong.

Then I post that and go back to Facebook to ask Sadie about it. When I get there I see that Sunny has also wished Tripp a happy birthday and talked about spending the day with him to celebrate.

After that I changed the post once again to what most of you saw Saturday night and Sunday morning.

When I woke up in the morning I went back to see where I had screwed up and was able to figure out where I had, if you pardon the term, tripped up.

Tripp's birthday is, and always has been, December 27th. Which is something I have known because I have wished him a happy birthday several times in the past.

So let me apologize for my rather confusing post, and remind all of you that drinking and posting never mix.

I would also like to mention that though I may have bungled my birthday post for Tripp, at least I took the time to make one.

As of right now neither Bristol nor Sarah have bothered to do the same.

P.S. For those of you who are curious about the next post coming from my source, I will let you know that I sent her a list of the questions that many of you left in the comments and she has responded. I am still working on followups and clarifications, but the post is planned for January 2nd which will place it outside of the holiday slow period when blog traffic is traditionally down.


  1. All kidding and snark aside:

    (I have only good wishes for Tripp, whenever his birthday is...)

    Gryphen, I am sure you are aware that many of us think that Tripp is actually older than his stated age - which would be 6-- if we are to believe that he was born 12/27/08. He looks older, just as SP did not look pregnant in '08. None of the stories about his birth make sense. BP's "pregnancy" during the GOP '08 convention looked, er, ah, "wrong" or contrived somehow. We all know this is an old story. It is part of the baby-gate issue.

    So, I was wondering if your source had any comments on this matter. I was also wondering if you would comment on it as you have carefully chosen to note Tripp's birthday "correctly."

    1. That was not one of the questions that I asked.

      However I will say that all of the actual evidence I have seen, and first hand accounts I have heard, indicate that he was born in December and on the 27th.

      I think that Tank led all of us astray with some of what he told me back in 2009.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      I claimed the moniker mathgeek after looking for photos that allowed Tripp's height to be estimated relative to known heights of other people, and the result was almost exactly average for his age at the time. Another scrap of evidence: our little troll friend(s) clearly gets especially twitterpated when posts hit too close to the bone, in particular where Tripp is concerned, but comments about Tripp's age do not get a rise out of them. If anything I'd say members of Team Palin might enjoy the misdirection, and wouldn't put it past any of 'em to add to it.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      dude, if Tripp's loving mother is living privately WITH him, why do strangers continue to stalk him? weirdos

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      dude? Is that you, Willow? I thought that you were in the institution again. What's wrong, don't you have any more young men to invite to Wasilla then cry "stalker"? How many have you 'set up' over the last few years? Wasn't it because of you that the Drunken brawl got started? You are not satisfied unless some innocent young man is 'trapped' in the Palin web of deceit.

    5. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Oh poor dear. Another lie. Do tell, why do you stalk them? Dude! You are a stranger. You stalk them. Weirdo!

    6. Since I was the one who threw the monkey wrench in the works, Gryphen, I'll admit that I ASS-UMED that mentioning a time of birth as 5:03 AM on a Lorenzo Benet PEOPLE mag article posted at 6:05 PM December 29, 2008 would have been for that day, not two days prior.,,20245389,00.html

      That's why we shouldn't assume anything, especially with the family under discussion, I guess.

    7. Anonymous11:42 AM

      8:58 AM

      Dude where have you been? Tripp, his mother and Aunt are 3 of our world famous celebrities. We love Reality TV and the tabloids and love it when TMZ, Weekly World News, The Sun and other journalists write about our favorites like Tripp and his family.

      Tripp is the cutest, I agree with his world famous mother that he is a Love Bug. She takes the best pictures of him. He is the most happy adorable kid. Don't believe everything her writer says. They do that for her image. As soon as it can be worked out Tripp will star in another show. Tripp's dad is a trouble maker and they are forced to lay low on their celebrity and pretend all that about a private life. The dad can make life hell for them if they don't.

    8. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Satire, right Dude?

    9. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Is that you, Alicia?

    10. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Sure thing Todd will race Iron Dog this year, all due to it being his private life and all. It was news that Track was going to try out for Iron Dog since he has such a private life.

      What hospital is the OD victim in? Only the one that Sarah can buy off will keep the Palin secrets.

      Which one is that? Has he been transported to a re-hab yet or is he still in a coma?

    11. Since Tripp is a reality star and much older now, wouldn't it be nice to have someone from the ADN (Michael Carey?) interview him?

      I'd love to hear him talk about his home life, how he likes school, stuff like that

  2. Maybe they wanna play like they don't put their kids in the media? I went to idiots facebook and it
    s all just alot of stuff about or military. However, I did see a pic of Bristol that appears she has a white torn sleeve shirt like the moron's black one. And-if posting and drinking don't mix, what am I to do?

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      If the pee pond's speculation is correct and Creepy Chuck Jr.'s hint means the Tundra Twat is going to announce for '16, maybe they've all been told to sit down and shut up. Or maybe Brissy is just too busy living "vibrantly." lmao

    2. Anonymous7:49 AM

      'Play like' or not, I don't see how Gryph can admonish them for -not- announcing his birthday on facebook. What purpose does wishing a kid happy birthday to the general public on fakebook have anyways? Maybe they are showing a little maturity or dare I say class? Never facebooked, myspaced, twittered or particitpated in any data mining annoying social media, and never will. Personally think people would find themselves a lot happier, a lot more protected, and more empowered if they shut down all their social media accounts and went back to living in the real world.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      No 7:31. Sarah is not going to announce any runs for office. There you go. That is your answer.

    4. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Of course not, 7:51 AM, but it sure is fun watching them get their dander up. No the brightest bulbs, that bunch.

    5. Anonymous9:01 AM

      The only people who continue to stalk these people, who no longer pursue media, are here. Get lives

    6. Anonymous9:01 AM

      im with you. LEAVE THEM ALONE.

    7. Anonymous9:02 AM

      anon 756, pot meet kettle

    8. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Beth, they no longer even post to public facebook. So leave them alone. There never should have been a IM post and there should be pics of Tripp on a random blonde's facebook.

    9. Anonymous9:56 AM

      9:01 twice/9:02 twice You are the only STALKER here. You are hearing voices again.

    10. Anonymous10:09 AM

      9:01 twice. The only person that stalks them is you. Stalker, got a life? YOU leave them alone. And everyone else you stalk daily. Leave them alone too.
      They're just living their private lives, living vibrantly. And along comes the pointy-headed stalker to make shit up about them. Grow up. Quit judging. Quit lying. Quit stalking.

    11. Anonymous10:41 AM

      By the way 9:02, you do not tell beth or anybody else what to do. You are nobody's fucking boss. What a rude bitch! You have no say over the comments here or the content of the posts.

      Stop your hate. You're not only off the tracks, you're sitting out in the swamp. Grow up hater.
      What the hell is a random blonde? Would that be one of those girls at fox?

    12. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Chuck Jr is trying to cover up for an overdose.

      He is trying to put together a made up announcement about a sick parent.

    13. Anonymous11:48 AM

      SEND MONEY. 9:01 AM

      Chuckie needs money and so does Sarah. How dare you try and cut off their income.

    14. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Anonymous7:49 AM -

      Well aren't we superior! Did you ever think that social networks actually do serve a purpose besides selfies and game apps or whatever? Believe it or not, there are people who use it to keep in touch with friends and family that they can't see in person very often, for whatever reasons. Not everyone can just hop on a plane and visit their far-away loved ones.

      Social networking also happens to be a great way to advertise small local businesses. It's a great way for artists to get closer and more personal with their fans. Heck, maybe you've even heard that our current President built a record-breaking, historic grassroots campaign that will be studied in political science classes for years and years to come, partly through extremely effective use of social networking. I don't care for facebook all that much, but it annoys the hell out of me when self-righteous ass-wipes act like everyone on there is posting cleavage pics in their bathroom or pictures of their dinner. But then maybe you think you're smarter and have a better grip on reality than the President and many other people who know how to use networking effectively. You sound like a major snob.

    15. Anonymous12:43 PM

      AMEN 10:41!!!

      Oh and the random blonde thing is a sad little swipe at Sunny Johnston. This troll has a real problem with her for some it would say, "weird! smh" because the troll sucks ass and it knows it. It's a total maroon lol

    16. Anonymous1:33 PM

      12:36- Yes I am superior and smarter and have a better grip on reality because I don't use social networking, and you are inferior because you just think it is the bestest. Was there ever any doubt? You have also apparently lost your grip on reality as is evident in your post.

    17. Well, shit anon 9:02-it was only the seoond time I'd had the courage to venture there; how I was to know they lived quietly and vibrantly?
      Anon 10:41-LOVE from Georgia, usa!

    18. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Actually, 12:36, you're an obnoxious prick and about as smart as a bag of hammers. My 12-year-old is smarter than you. Trying to act like you're "above it all" because you don't use social media, yet here you are typing away madly on a BLOG (which is linked to and fits the category of social media, btw) about how stupid other people are for using them. Whereas I pointed out that YOU apparently are willing to make blanket generalizations without having a fucking clue what you're talking about, much less the good things that social media has done in the world, along with the bad. Truth stings a little, huh? Oh and I hate to break it to you, but there is plenty of data mining going on by many corporations, not just on facebook. Dumbass.

    19. Anonymous5:03 PM

      No no no 3:46.

      I am the superior being and the wisest of them all.

      You are a inferior peon, a window washer of the internet world.

  3. Suzy Q7:19 AM

    But that's a Friday, Gryph. Better save it for Monday, January 5th then you'll get lots of traffic. Hope you get 700+ comments like the last one. btw when there are that many comments I don't have time to read them all and besides when I go to the bottom of the page and try to "load more" it never works so I only get to see one page of comments. :( Disregard my suggestion for the 5th, you know best. Whenever and whatever I'll be here to read what your source has to share. Stay safe and don't go flying in some small plane.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      It's sad that you gain joy from trying to hurt people.I will pray for you Suzy

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      9:03 am Bitch, pray for yourself. You have a multitude of problems with no cure in sight. Crazy must be your Family name. Take your meds and play with your 2-toned Palin Dildo, while looking at the pictures of Sarah and Bristol on your basement walls.

    3. Suzy Q9:55 AM

      9:03, did you just get out of rehab?

    4. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Do you get sad when you hurt people? You only seem to be joyous when you are stalking people you don't know and telling lies about them. Get a life!

    5. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Supreme Leader of Iran Loves Trolling America


    6. Anonymous1:06 PM

      9:03 AM =
      God just texted me and asked me to tell you to shut the fuck up and fuck right off, you lying, sniveling, whiney ass kisser.

    7. Anonymous3:03 PM

      @ 9:03 - I thought the Palins were big and bad and rough and tough, so what the FUCK do you care what we say about them. You're pathetic. Why do you constantly make these weak-ass attempts at controlling or derailing the discussion here? What a miserable little worm you must be. There are plenty of Obama-hating forums and blogs on the internet, imagine if the regulars here spent their entire day, every day, bitching and moaning on every one of them about how mean conservatives are and how they shouldn't say stuff about President Obama that hurts our wittle fee-fees, because it would be a huge waste of time. If you don't like the things we say about the Palins, then fuck off. It's really that simple.

  4. Sean O'Reilly7:33 AM

    You snobby elitist librul, Gryphen, drinking wine instead of good old American beer, favored by our warrior heroes, and good old American bourbon, favored by the victims of the War of Northern Aggression.
    I'll bet you didn't even rent a limo or crash someone else's party, either. Just sitting around writing your librul blog and probably watching some wretched left-wing documentary on Netflix.

    Anyway, 27, 29, whatever. You're always so picky. God knows when he was born; ask Him.

    1. Suzy Q9:57 AM

      Conehead? Is that you using a new moniker? I hear your "voice" in that comment.

    2. Balzafiar11:36 AM

      O'Reilly is spot on; beer is what makes warrior heroes with warrior bodies for Scarah to lust over, don'tcha know?

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I read Sunny's Facebook, and she sounds like a wonderful person with a mature attitude towards life and people. It is such a contrast with the stuff that Nancy French writes in the voice of Bristol Palin, still sounding like an angst-filled teen aged kid. The photo of Levi, the proud papa says it all. All of the best of luck to him and his family.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Why are you stalking people you REALLY don't know?
      lol And Bristol's blog is positive and filled with lovely stories. But she herself is living privately raising her loving son oblivious to liberal lies.

      But you are judging (if in a positive way) a blonde girl you definitely do not know

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM


    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Excuse me 9:05. But how is having a blog IN YOUR NAME living privately? She had a TV REALITY SHOW WITH HER SON'S NAME. How is that living privately? I don't expect you to answer, you never do reply to FACTS.

    4. Anonymous10:01 AM

      9:05 Your jealousy of Sunny & Levi is showing.

    5. Anonymous10:08 AM

      barstool's blog is a blog allegedly written by an immature young woman with no morals who judges the rest of the world in her childish posts. Seriously, who cares what the little self-absorbed nitwit or her hypocritical ghostwriter think?

    6. Anonymous10:16 AM

      9:05 Why are you stalking people you REALLY don't know? Why? Do you not have a life?

      Why are you stalking the blond woman that YOU definitely do not know? Didn't you get a visit from the police for stalking? Be careful. You haven't even noticed the van yet, have you?

    7. Anonymous11:55 AM

      The "living private" liar is pretty funny to only have back up to prove their lies.
      Everyone knows the charlatan blog that Nancy writes as a teen with a bastard is stupid. Even Pat Robertson knows it is correct to call a bastard a bastard.

    8. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Our neighborhood troll has to write "a blond girl" because our neighborhood troll got into some trouble for stalking Sunny and Breeze on facebook last year.

      Isn't that right, neighborhood troll who was identified as living with her parents in Florida?

  6. Wendy8:11 AM

    This is a little off topic but it seems unfortunate, I guess is the best word, that the plan is to name Tripp's new sister-to-be Indy. It's a great name but it happens also to be the middle name of Piper Palin. I wonder if the parents know this and if it might not be a bit awkward. Maybe it's intentional, though.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      And this is a problem...why?

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      8:57 AM Are you writing a book? Are you a Fox News employee?

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Perhaps they're naming her after Indira Ghandi, "Indy" for short.


    4. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Oh my. Indira Gandhi? Seems to me when Sarah was in India, she never stepped out of her hotel. She wouldn't even know who Indira was, and wouldn't respect her anyway, because she wasn't white and Republican. By the way, I suspect Indy is short for Independent. It's a wonder they don't name her Vibrant or Old Glory.
      And who is pregnant?

    5. Anonymous1:30 PM


      Levi's wife is having another baby.

    6. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Indy isn't a great name. It's rather silly.

    7. Anonymous3:15 PM

      2:06 PM I just saw where a movie star just named her newborn, Indy! So, others do think it a great name and I suspect the popularity of it to grow.....just watch!

    8. Anonymous5:04 PM

      First thing that popped into my mind was Indy as in Indiana Jones!
      Then ...Huh? Indy?
      M from MD

  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    No problem with getting confused, G. with birth dates having anything to do with Palin. Why is it magazines, including ADN, always get mixed-up with these dates?

    Having followed the Palin saga since the 2008 election, Tripp's birth was known as the 27th. Why would the ADN make such a stupid mistake and print the 28th? The whole 'aunt from Washington' tweeting a congratulations and media clamoring to report the birth announcement from 'her' is mysterious. Why did she have to be the first of the family's source to make that announcement?

    Is it because the Palins didn't want to be incriminated for lying? Is it because Tripp 'might' be born on a different date and they needed an unknown family member to just tweet out a faux date to get Sarahs lamestream media all confused? Why didn't "People" in their article, write out the full date, day, month and year in their announcement? Why did People leave out the significant portion of a birth announcement, the calendar date?

    We all know. It's a 'con' operation that gives Sarah her jollies, making her all loosy goosy and feeling like the invincible prankster, mental case she is, in knowing she's confusing her 'haters'. But, the only one she's hurting in the end is little Tripp. He'll know about this and he'll wonder why his grandmother could be so cruel?

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Anon 8:45, what the heck are you on? You just created an elaborate mythology the way Gryphen does for fun.

      Get. a. life.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I agree it is so the Palins can claim ignorance and no responsibility for the wrong birth date. These people are nuts with their false birth days and years. And max security on their records. Its absurd. But will be handy if they all end up in witness protection program

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      @9:11/8:50/8:52/8:56/8:57/8:57 AM You are addicted to Trolling. You have no life, and you are stupid. You will keep up your Juvenile rants until Friday, and you will not change anyone's mind about the Dysfunctional, Baby making, drug using, pregnancy faking, thonghazi drunken brawling, pimping, grifting Palins. After Friday, You will be in a Straight Jacket for your own protection. Enjoy posting your childish comments until then, Troll.

    4. Anonymous9:52 AM

      9:11 Grow up.

    5. Anonymous10:25 AM

      It's simple, all the Palins are just stupid and when that much stupid is concentrated in one family getting birth dates messed up is the norm so is naming a kid Tripp just so you can remember what drug you were on when he was conceived.

    6. Cracklin Charlie11:17 AM

      Why didn't they sell Tripp's newborn pictures to People magazine? They were offered 300K.

      Would the Palins leave that kind of money on the table, when all they had to do was sell a few snaps of the baby?

      Was the baby too big to pass off as a newborn?

    7. Anonymous11:45 AM

      9:11 Mrs Palin brought this all on to herself and the family members she used as bait and props for the past six years. Talk about 'mythology', it became her only job to attack the President with her made up shit stories when McCain lost his bid for the presidency.

      Had she just sucked it up like other losing candidates and gone home, back to that wonderful, vibrant life she crows about, we wouldn't be talking about her or her attention starved family. Lord knows, we sure hadn't heard of her before McCain dug into his jock strap and hoisted her up beyond her level of competence.

      Well over half of the voters elected President Obama so it's laughable that Palin feels her lies and distortions represent the majority or that they could change the outcome. It's pretty obvious those Koch dollars were the only inducement for her 'new' career of lying for a living when she became too ashamed to serve out a full term of the job AK elected her to do after exposing herself to be such a political dunce.

      Good that she still has enough bucks laying around to fund troll patrol patsies like you and to keep her grown children in tow as toddlers of the muddled mind.

  8. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Is this really a big issue with anyone?

  9. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Does Tripp read this blog? Probably not, so what does it matter if the date is correct or not? Sarah and Bristol probably wished him "happy birthday" right to his face, so what would be the point of doing it online and why are you trying to shame them for doing things differently than you?
    Stick to the truly horrible stuff that they do, not this silliness.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Palin's don't learn how to read until at least the 5th grade, so no, Tripp wouldn't be able to read here.

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      It's just interesting that the ADN got it wrong..I thought birthdates were public record and had to be correct. Personally, I think he was born before that. And if they lied about his birthdate, then that is another 'truly horrible' thing they have done.

    3. Cracklin Charlie11:11 AM

      What kind of truly horrible stuff?

    4. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Trippy Palin Johnston is a world famous bastard and that is why so many care about this crap. He is related to Palin and Heath and no one expects he will read. Unless the Johnstons can create a miracle.

      Trippy has been molded by the Palins and that is fact. Watch his world famous celebrity shows. He is Trippy Palin.

      The Palins tradition is to confuse everything and leave no paper trial. Just the ones they want their public to read.

      The latest hoax is Sarah hiding now and the adulterating brother begging for other people to send him money.

      He is manipulating that 4CON old man to make a show about a parent they want you to feel sorry for and make up a deal about Sarah P. and the run or runs.

      With her drug abuse and diet she does have diarrhea. So you can say she runs.

    5. Anonymous2:53 PM

      There needs to be a contest for

      Where was the Palin Christmas and why are they doing it in secret this year?

      I think it is Sarah. She has been hospitalized for an overdose. They finally had to do an intervention.

      She may be getting help for her eating disorder and drug addiction.

      Being the greedy family they are they are attempting to distract from this latest scandal.

      They hope they can use her for another photo op or video soon and will pretend nothing happened. She was just celebrating and working hard.

  10. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I still don't understand why you even bother since you don't know him, anyone in his family and it doesn't matter to you. No one lives publicly and Bristol lives the most privately, as it should be.

    At the risk of sound bot like, get a life

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Sarah used to bring her kids to work so no one asked her any hard questions. The kids are props. She wont do a fake birthday post but rest assured when she doesnt run there will be a big post about the needs of her kids which preclude her from running.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      8:56 You are a bot. Living in a world of delusion.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Complete and utter bullshit. Did you forget that Bristol has a blog where she discusses the kind of men she likes and a host of other things? Of course you didn't forget. You probably have it bookmarked a hundred times.

    4. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Private citizens don't appear on reality shows or copyright their names.

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      How many private citizens pay ghostwriters to blog for them?

      Can anyone name one? No! Private people do not need or have ghostwriters on salary.

    6. Anonymous5:43 PM

      LOL So big B lives alone, as it should be. Did big B finally look up the words "nun" and "none"? Poor big B. Every day she gets up off her knees, buffs her chin, powders her nose, slaps on her thong dress and marches to the beat of her own accordion player. What part of "Someone writes her crap FOR her" don't you get? She got so bored, she even stopped by to see Gryph on Twitter, and not even a spare tire for a prius (aka fruitcake) as an acknowledgement on his blog's ratings.

  11. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I saw this meme today, it's circulating twitter.

    People who judge you by your past do not belong in your future.

    Nothing is more true.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      So disappear, Troll.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I hope this means Palin will quit stalking the President of the United States and focus on the only ones who belong in her future - her immediate family.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Yay, "bumper sticker slogans to live your life by". Thanks, but no thanks.

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      So, "forgive and forget?" You may want to run that one by old cranky Sarah, who is still mighty ticked that she got beaten by yet another African-American...6 years ago!

    5. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Okay, so "judge" is a strong word. Judge not, lest ye be judged, and all that. But if you don't form your opinions of people based on their past actions, what, pray tell, are you supposed to go by?

    6. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I agree.

      Charles Manson

    7. Anonymous3:01 PM

      I probably wouldn't want to be judged by my teenage self (way too uptight and conservative) but c'mon- If I had taken part in a drunken brawl just a few weeks ago you'd be quite justified in thinking me a drunken brawler. And if I'd spouted nonsensical word salad a few days ago well then, I'm an idiot.

    8. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Right, asshole, now tell us about how President Obama is a fucking terrorist cause he sat on a board with Bill Ayers for a couple years. Always a different standard for the Palins, so, no judging them by all the secessionists, pedophiles, thieves and murderers they have associated with over the years, right? It's not FAIR they are measured by the same standard they set for everyone else. Fuck you AND them!

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Gryphen stalks people he doesn't know and makes judgments on it. A definition of immaturity

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Gryphen knows the Palins and YOU don't, Stalker. Why do you stalk Gryphen so much? Did you spend all of your xmas commenting on blogs? Don't you have someone who cares about you? 'Obvi' you don't, you are having 'convos' with yourself daily. You have the maturity of a 6 year old. Gryphen is the only reason that you wake up each day, you have NOTHING else. You will be a frantic mess on Friday, chels/lucy skywalker/just no/jessie/julezz/no comprends/school dropout/bristol lover/on one, BWAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Pointy stalks people it doesn't know and makes judgments. Who's immature, Pointy?

      Stop projecting your actions onto others.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM


      You're missing a period, better go pee on a stick...

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Really, THAT'S your definition of immaturity? Let me guess, you were home-schooled by your inbred cousin-Mommy and cousin-Daddy? Somebody needs to buy you a fucking dictionary cause that isn't what that word means at all, idiot.

    5. Anonymous4:14 PM

      10:06 AM LMAO

    6. Suzy Q7:15 PM

      Agree, 4:14! It took me a minute but then I was LMAO too!!!! lol

  13. hauksdottir9:19 AM

    With all those comments and questions on so many various topics, I can't see how you'd make a single coordinated post. Several posts (a topic a day) would better keep the information organized, and the comments on point.

  14. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Hey Palin Troll, is trolling your job?

  15. janice10:04 AM

    OT... is this a year when the Palins didn't celebrate Christmas as a family? I noticed Sarah's only post is about "her" and no mention of their holiday as a family. Maybe they did and she is photo cropping her pictures before posting. Maybe they spent all day as a family in church and didn't have time for Christmas celebrations, feast, presents, tree?

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Sarah never misses a photo op, especially one like Christmas.. Maybe Thanksgiving in Todd's garage backfired. Maybe she headed for Arizona and the cactus doesn't match her fake image as an Alaska outdoors person. Maybe Palin is having a hard time with Fox over 2015. Or maybe Sarah is in one of the depression states and she has completely shut down.

    2. It might be because they did not spend Christmas at their house. They went to Track's old house where Todd's sister is now apparently living.

      Or so I am told.

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      I love your personality! They'll be worked up by Jan. 2 lol!

    4. janice10:52 AM

      Track's old house? Thanksgiving in a garage? Maybe they are not living in the Palin house anymore. Who lives in Arizona? It has to cost of ton of money if Bristol and Willow are flying back and forth all the time. Bristol must live in Alaska if Tripp gets weekend visits. No one can afford to fly everywhere on weekends. Have we found out if Bristol or Willow finally have a job somewhere working 40 hours a week? Someone must see them working in Alaska.

    5. "It might be because they did not spend Christmas at their house. They went to Track's old house where Todd's sister is now apparently living."

      Would that be Diana Palin, the OTHER Palin drug addict?

    6. No not Diana.

    7. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Don't forget we are told
      "The 19th was the day Sarah threw her annual holiday party with her friends. Trig taught everyone how play “horsey”"

      Won't it be a joy when Sarah shares “horsey” play with all those in social media that love her so and send her money. What it the name of the Virgin Gent website? She and her brother are going to share the best of her holiday. They respect and honor those donors.

    8. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Todd's sister (how many does he have?) lives in Track's old house and it can't be photographed?

      It must be where drugs are sold. I thought Diana was the only half sister addict and child abuser. Is the one that they keep hidden worse?

      That is too bad. It must be an awful Christmas. It makes sense that someone did OD. I hope it wasn't one of the young kids.

    9. Anonymous1:28 PM

      I thought Todd only had his brother James and his half sister Diana? I didn't know there were more. Todd is from Blanche Kallstrom and Jim Palin but Diana is from another woman and Jim Palin. Perhaps Todd's mom Blanche had a daughter with another man and that is this half sister? Nothing simple about tracing the genealogy in this family, that's for sure.

    10. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Wonder if "playing horsey" is what Chucky Sr called it when he showed the girls why they didn't need to wear their undies to bed.


    11. Anonymous2:18 PM

      1:28 PM

      This could just be more made up lies or more to make the family more confusing.

      It could be another illegetimate offspring or someone with a criminal background they wanted to hide for years.

      Criminals have to hide a lot and it is no wonder they can't take photographs. They can always pose and solicit money from her poor suckers another time.

    12. "Whatever"5:46 PM

      She sure is working hard to cozy up to Todd's side of the family. Who we never heard about from her perspective until Walker looked like the up and coming new governor.

      Must be because one of the Palins is good friends with the new governor.

      Give it up, Sarah. Walker will not kowtow to you.

      You must be really scared your state secrets will get out.

    13. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Before Walker, Todd's family was only good for Sarah's exploitation of their native Alaskan heritage. Holidays were Heath family affairs as far as we can tell from Sarah's facebook posts.

  16. Anonymous10:54 AM

    To the troll who comes here: Don't deny, stop pretending, face the truth. Never lie. Why? Because it's a poison. It's starts fairly innocent at the start, but slowly turns everyone's life upside down. It has a power of it's own, it's wields, deceives, and forever controls the person/persons who started it. They are slaves of it. They can't live a full productive life. They carry the burden of trying to protect the lie, hide the lie, and it pops up it's head and the good book says the light will uncover the darkness. No lie is justified. It's doesn't protect, it stifles, it destroys people. There is no safety in numbers with a lie, the lie is the product of Satan, the Father of lies.

    Why lie? Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not bear false witness against a neighbor. If one, lies unknowingly, thinking that a lie is truth, then that person is innocent, but when that person finally realizes that they've been lied to, then it's their duty to turn the light on that lie and correct it, and ask for forgiveness and make right. Then and only then, will they live a free, clear-conscience vibrant life. No one who calls good evil and evil good or who lies lives a vibrant life.

  17. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Boy, Gryph, you can sure get people's tail in a knot! One has to wonder just WTH is up when the troll hasn't slept in days!

  18. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Tripp's Daddy sure makes cute kids!

  19. Anonymous1:58 PM

    A coworker had Xmas dinner with someone who lived in Alaska for 40 years and served in a state department. My friend said he said:
    1) Sarah only won governor because former gov was so hated.
    2) She is dumb as a rock and has no business serving on a school board let alone gov or vp candidate.
    3) She was never at work, so her people made decisions they thought she'd make, and when she disagreed she fired them.
    4) Track was forced to go into military in lieu of jail time and he did in fact cut the brake lines and not the engine warmers .
    5) He didn't care about the Tri-G issue
    6) Wildlife and the environment is Alaska is goinig to hell.

    All stuff we already know but confirmation via a new source from someone who has no reason to lie , told to a source who knew nothing that we know.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Any specifics on our environment "going to hell"? Aside from the obvious issues from our rapidly progressing climate change I haven't heard too much about "wildlife and the environment in Alaska goinig (sic) to hell". I'd personally be curious to hear examples from your friend, aside from our fisheries, and yes, they are rapidly being depleted. Most other critters, except for Polar Bears, seem to be doing okay, from what scientists tell us. Remember, over 60% Alaska's 586,000 square miles is under Federal control and much of that is dedicated to National Parks and other protected/managed areas. Over half of our land area is locked up and protected, thankfully, so that it will be here for future generations, except of course for the that which we've decimated through over fishing and the poor Polar Bears whose habitat is changing due to anthropomorphic climate change.

      As far as numbers 1-3 go, yep, Sarah was unqualified for most of the jobs she was elected to, just read McGinniss, Dunn, Frank Bailey and other's books regarding her epic fail as an elected official and decent human being. She was only elected Governor under absolute perfect circumstance for an idiot to walk right into that position, those who voted for her soon realized the error of their ways.

      4. Unless Track was involved in the crime in Eagle River, where brake lines were cut a full year before he perpetrated his crime in Wasilla, then that's a false statement, only the heaters were messed with in Track's crime, and tires were deflated, which is heinous enough to have made his parents ship him away for his senior year, but many people often confuse those two bus vandalism incidents. Still Track is a loser of the highest order and I'm sure he's done worse things than he was arrested for. He's very much known around here as a loose cannon, ever since he was very young.

      Too bad he didn't know more about Trig, that's the Palin's biggest secret, except for Sarah and Todd's "maybe divorce".

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      He was most concerned with the wolf population and the climate change and flooding. Some EPA stuff as well.
      He said brake lines cut. Is there a chance Track was involved in Eagle River?

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      My friend said he just shut down Tri-G baby mama question - like it was less important than the havoc she wrought on the state as gov.Although he was appalled that she was so close to VP dom.

    4. Anonymous5:33 PM

      4:39 PM

      Track mentioned Eagle River last September in Anchorage. He thought he was in Eagle River.

      He sees the police and thinks he is in Eagle River. Go figure.

  20. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Also, Sarah is HATED in Alaska and they spend alot of time in Arizona he thought because they are so hated

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Isn't it interesting that a certain young woman who posts multiple, drooling comments in support of the Palins now uses the phrase "blond girl" or the like to identify Sunny? Is it because the police paid the pathetic young woman a visit down there in Florida and told her to knock off the stalking? Perhaps the pathetic young (but not too young) woman's parents should take away her computer.

    1. Well, she's stalking Gryphen now so I think she needs another visit.

  22. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Did one of Track's needle buddies od?

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      The Heath/Palins would not have a Cmas black out for a needle buddy. It is someone closer, a blood relation.

      They are having a difficult time making up a story to distract and cover up this latest reality.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      2:42 how do you know this?

    3. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Please link to all the Christmas activity and celebrations from the Palins this year. Thanks.

      Chuck Jr. always has pictures and also writes about his sister. They get together and he will not be leaving his favorite blogs and friends out. He always has photos. He loves to show Sarah being warm and traditional.

      She is selling her Christmas book again and Chuck will help her. She is not about to sell a book by having no warm family photos of them celebrating. Jesus birthday means to much to them.

    4. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:45 PM HOGWASH.

    5. Anonymous5:42 PM

      ...Christmas activity and celebrations? MISSING.
      ...Chuck Jr. pictures and writes. TRUE.
      ...selling her Christmas book. TRUE.


      If you mean this BIG LIE IS HOGWASH you are correct. False advertising also too.

    6. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Christmas is over five days ago. Yeah, Chuck will help her he while tries to get his own free money to launch his coffee table picture book.

    7. Anonymous8:16 PM

      It wasn't that long ago that Sarah was promoting Willow. Is Willow the one having a medical emergency?

  23. Caroll Thompson2:39 PM

    Truth be told G, I have upon occasion commented on your blog while drinking. Yes, it is true. I used to drink wine, but my drink of choice these days is single malt scotch.

    To the troll who doesn't know the difference between a public and a private figure (regarding our Dear Bristol). There is a 1964 Supreme Court Decision, New York Times vs Sullivan, which has been the standard in determining whether someone is considered a private citizen or a public figure.

    Bristol is considered to be a public figure, so this talk about living privately is just nonsense. Besides various reality shows, she has a blog where she runs her mouth telling people how to live their life when she herself has no clue.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      True that, Caroll, but there are people both politicians and Hollywood stars alike that truly did choose to leave and live their life privately. As you say, that there is still the belk-worthy Amazing America Season 2, the SPC pay-to-see-me, and Bristol's "looking for a lumbersexual" God page, that they want to be private is a pile of hooey. The troll loses yet again.

  24. Anonymous3:03 PM

    related ot

    How Bill Cosby's team of high-profile lawyers and media experts silenced rape rumors for decades by threatening accusers and playing hardball with the press

    keeping the media from reporting their claims.... Now who would do a thing like that?

    pattern of intimidation goes all the way back

  25. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Sunny and Breeze. I wish they could have stayed with the weather theme.

    Blizzard, Supercell, Haboob, Avalanche the list is endless and so many would be cute with a weapon. Colt is my first choice.

    Cloud Colt Johnston
    Gust Glock
    Zodiac Zud
    Rime Remington

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:55 PM

      I know a lovely young woman named Stormy. Her best friend is Breeze.

  26. Anonymous6:03 PM

    LOL Keeping track *pun intended of the births in this family and what's happened to them, any of them, all of them is hard to do sober, don't blame you one bit for making a mistake or twenty. Bristol so famously wrote in her memoirs "I was on the pill for complexion problems so I thought I couldn't get pregnant" Um, it was one time in a tent, all it takes is one time. Ah I lost my moral compass, and he kept buying me nice things, so I just kept the door unlocked for Levi because, did I mention he bought me nice stuff? And since I lost my moral compass, I figured, "What the heck, Jesus will forgive me.............eventually" This, of course ONLY makes sense if you accuse him of rape first. If you don't do that, then you come across like a materialistic flooze who uses sex to "get stuff" and "keep them knocking" She's such a role model- for Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, not to mention the girls in her own family.
    Tripp is lucky to have a dad like Levi, Bristol had it better than most single mothers, and she tossed it away for quick bucks.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Bristol attacks Todd's nuts when they fight. That is the type of relationship they have. She probably knew all about getting paid for sex, what's in it for her and the Palin lifestyle since she was very young.

      Levi was her best friend's boyfriend. He was an object to her and she didn't care of feel for Nesia. She stole Levi as someone elses property when she stole Levi from her bff.

      That is who Bristol is and why she is spending the holiday with Krampus instead of a Levi Lumbersexual or Sunny's husband.

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      6:55, one cannot "steal" one person from another person. If Levi left one girl for another girl, that was his CHOICE.

    3. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Don't all of Bristol's 'layovers' leave her after getting bored?

    4. Anonymous6:26 AM

      One cannot "steal"? What do you call it? Police records are full of "stealing". There have been court cases when a partner sues for alienation of affection. You can call it what you want. (semantics)

      Psychopaths do not regard others as human beings. Others are objects to them, like when a child is used as a prop. Objects can be stolen. Whatever you call it, it takes a dark empty cruel and evil person to do "it".

      What do you call it when one insidious parent takes from the other parent time and more of a child that is by birth both parents? It is the same as stealing, whatever you want to call it.

  27. Anonymous4:35 AM

    9:13 PM

    Levi had his own attitude and had 2 sex partners by his own choice. Until he had one sex partner, Bristol. That is separate from what Bristol did.

    Some cultures are different. Bristol was in Wasilla and up there it was popular for teens to get knocked up. Young girls wanted to be pregnant. It was Wasilla and maybe all girls were anti-best friend and was fine with lying and cheating on friends. Other female cultures it is taboo and females are very loyal to one another. Except for a few that do steal what is not theirs from a best friend. Whether is be bathing suit they take or a boyfriend they take it is stealing to go after what belongs to another. The boyfriend makes his own choice just as Bristol did. Nesia didn't know right away and it wasn't her choice. She also felt betrayed by Sarah, who had been like a mother to her since about age 6.

    Bristol herself was impressed by possessions.

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Gryphen - Thanks for clearing up my confusion about Tripp's birthday. I'm also happy to know me and my brain farts are in good company.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.