Wednesday, January 28, 2015

After the debacle in Iowa Sarah Palin loses one of her staunchest supporters.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast, from an article entitled You Betcha I Was Wrong About Sarah Palin:

Demosthenes, she is not, but there’s nothing new about Palin’s penchant for populism or lowbrow rhetoric. What does feel new is that she has finally gotten around to roundly losing conservative opinion leaders. (OK, this has been a long time coming. In 2011, Conor Friedersdorf noted that the hard right was skewering Palin, and that Kathleen Parker had been vindicated. And as recently as this past April, I wondered whether it was finally safe for conservatives to criticize her publicly. But it does feel like we have finally reached a tipping point where criticizing Palin isn’t only acceptable for conservative opinion leaders, it’s now almost expected.) 

Before we go any further, I should confess that I might be one of the most unusual Palin critics you’ll ever encounter. Before most Americans had ever heard of her, I was among the few suggesting she’d make a fine veep pick. My intern at the time even started the Draft Sarah Palin movement. A few years later, I edited a book of Palin quotes, titled The Quotable Rogue. 

I defended her when some on the left said she was to blame for Gabby Giffords’ shooting, and recently defended her daughter Bristol when the press laughed at her for being a victim of what certainly sounded like a physical assault. (For what it’s worth, I’ve also criticized Palin when I thought she was wrong.) This is all to say that I’m not reflexively anti-Palin; I don’t suffer from Palin Derangement Syndrome. 

In fairness, Palin was once a reform-minded governor who enjoyed an 88 percent approval rating. But something happened on the way to Des Moines. I suspect the most vicious attacks (especially the “Trig Truther” stuff) radicalized her and embittered her, but I also suspect she also took the easy way out. Instead of going back to Alaska after the 2008 defeat, boning up on the issues, continuing her work as governor, and forging a national political comeback, she cashed in with reality-TV shows and paid speaking gigs.

There have been a number of conservatives who have recently washed their hands of Sarah Palin, but Matt Lewis is certainly noteworthy in that he was once one of her staunchest supporters and somewhat instrumental in inflicting her on America in the first place.

So for him to break ranks is no small thing.

However I have to admit that what made me decide to write this post was this one line from the article: 

I suspect the most vicious attacks (especially the “Trig Truther” stuff) radicalized her and embittered her.

Lewis views these as "vicious attacks."  But the truth is that if there were no validity to the charges then they would have been the easiest for Palin to have laughed off. In fact she could have used them as proof positive that liberals will say anything to besmirch her character.

However the reason why the trig truther allegations drew blood is because they are grounded in facts. And as more time has passed the stronger the case that she faked her pregnancy and Trig's birth has become.

We now have photos which prove she was not pregnant,  e-mails that indicate access to information that she could not have had before the birth, and even a Providence Hospital schedule that seems to prove that CBJ could not have been the attending physician.

Yes I agree that all of this could have "radicalized" and "embittered" her. I just disagree that it was vicious.

If anything it was necessary. Even, if I dare say, patriotic.

So if there is ANY validity to the charge that the questions about Trig's birth had the effect of making Sarah Palin babble like a demon possessed lunatic in Iowa, which resulted in her losing the last vestiges of support from the conservative Right, then I call that a job well done.

At the end of the article Matt Lewis offers this mea culpa:

It’s probably time to concede that the early critics of Sarah Palin had a point, and that they shouldn’t have been tarred and feathered and (in some cases) nearly purged from the conservative movement. I’m not excusing the vilest attacks, of course, but for a long time, there was close to zero tolerance of anything remotely critical of Palin (or, at least, even mild criticism would evoke stern rebukes), and that was wrong. And, as evidenced by the spate of articles coming from conservative venues this week, it’s also over. 

It is not exactly how I pictured babygate taking her down, but a victory is a victory.


  1. Anita Winecooler4:44 PM

    Is Sarah's back strong enough? The house of cards is beginning to crumble, and this idiot, of all people, started the downfall. I've got a feeling this could open the closet and lay bare a lot we[ve all already known, now that she's open season for conservatives, keep that back stiff, Sarah, you're gonna need it!!
    Is it wrong of me to feel so happy?? Gee, I wonder what Brinan will be writing about now? Sarah better choose to run, at least she can blame it on someone else. The mailman rings twice but Karma doesn't ring at all.
    Dayum, the elections, inflategate football, and now this? Life is good. Can't wait to meet the rest of the grandkids. bwahahahaah

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Wasn't there a Palin panty sniffer that turned on her a few years back. A creepy guy who made a movie about her or something. I can't remember his name, but he was SMITTEN with her and then he wrote a long article about what a fraud she is. Anyone remember that? It wasn't the English guy and 'You betcha', it wasn't the 'Undefeated'. His name was maybe John something....

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      The Documentary Palin Will Hate

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      You mean John Ziegler. He's an incredible misogynist asshole so I'm not going to link him.

      The late David Foster Wallace wrote a fascinating profile of him:

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      >>You mean John Ziegler.

      Here's where he nails her ass for her political pricktease.

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I hope to God that when this thing breaks wide open that baby gate and all the other gates and all of Sarah's other shenanigans point to the immoral minority and Gryph. Without him I don't think she would be in the deep shit that she is. Oh by the way, where the trolls? Have they not been paid lately? Buh bye Sarah

    6. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I don't know why you are all doing victory laps. This dust up and apparently awful speech (never watch them) is really no different than anything seen before. Sure the GOP and some of the far right are putting some distance there, and even criticizing her, it is no secret that she will be bad news come 2016 for most candidates to stand anywhere near. But other than that I would expect it to be business as usual for Palin.

    7. I, too congratulate Jesse on his unrelenting attempts at exposing the witch, but it should never be forgotten from whence she was spawned and STILL lauded- the idiots of the Republican party. She may be on her final downfall- oh please- but there will be more to take her place.

    8. Anonymous8:12 PM

      7:23 PM

      I don't expect her to just disappear but she is becoming more and more diminished. Future PAC numbers will be very revealing.

    9. Anonymous8:40 PM

      The bad thing about Nick Broomfield is he tooks statements out of context and purposefully left things on the cutting room floor to slant it. There was a GOOD friend from high school who gave an honest and positive interview he left out. she knows EVERYONE in Wasilla. She also called out that Egyptian lady as a liar.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Sarah, you were always your own worst enemy. Goodbye, and good riddance.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Palin Derangement Syndrome" i thought this was when the Right feel in love with Sarah, they worshiped her for no good reason... now I find out it was really when us on the Left used common sense and refused to believe the false narrative about this dingbat.

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    This has been a longtime coming. Thanks to Gryphen,Shannyn,Malia, the commenters on this blog for I was not alone in my desire to see palin exposed for what she really is and what I feared when she first appeared on the national stage.
    My sincere thanks to those others that had her number as well.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Hey it ain't over on till the skinny lady sings. Let's not pop the champagne corks just yet. I still want to see here in an orange jumpsuit.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      More than likely you'll see Sarah in a padded room rocking back and forth on the end of a bed watching her crappy tv shows on DVD.

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      This sounds horrible, but Sarah has provided me with such an affirmation of being normal. I don't want her to go away.... It is like like a "junkies fix" reading of her speeches and screeches... Sarah is the comic relief of an ugly world gone mad...

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      SPHASH as well.

    5. Anonymous6:53 PM

      It's like watching Judge Judy. When it's all over you feel really smart. That's how I feel after listening to the Palin.

    6. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Mudflats too, my first stop with the google search.


  5. She is a fraud folks4:57 PM

    "Vicious attacks" regarding the birth of Trig is such horse shit. Palin could have made the issue go away is seconds. She doesn't because nearly everything she says is a lie. Palin is a fraud and a hoax. She is a perpetual and professional 'victim' for no other reason than to keep the money rolling in from her near brain-dead sycophants.

    Actually, the real vicious attacks about birth have come from Palin and others of her ilk about the birth of Obama, even after he produced a birth certificate or two. Not that that even matters since one of his parents was born in the USA anyway. Right, McCain and Cruz?

    "Republican" is just another way to say 'massive hypocrite.'

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      As the saying goes, "give 'em enough rope and they'll hang themselves."

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      All the Dirty 'Rumors' About Sarah Palin's Sexual 'Fetish' and Cocaine Use

    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Obama was not radicalized or embittered by the unfounded questions about his country of birth, nor by the vicious right-wing attack on his daughters' attire and behavior during the turkey pardoning. Unlike Sarah, he can laugh at himself and shrug off the BS that doesn't matter.

      She must live in perpetual fear of any of her many secrets bubbling to the surface. THAT may have radicalized and embittered her.

    4. Anonymous8:38 PM

      anon 534, thought i was reading all those stories about obama

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah is dumb ...

    all she had to do was use Photoshop to make a fake Trig birth certificate ... then show it to a visiting reporter.

    Damn Sarah missed your chance.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      She already messed up the Cathy Baldwin Johnson "medical letter" presented just hours before the election began....remember, the header was all crooked on the page? Fake, Fake, Fake!

    2. Not really so dumb. She had it all planned when she announced her pregnancy, right after McCain was nominated, that her due date would be about four-to-five weeks after Bristol was suppose to deliver. Then, after Bristol delivered Trig, I think on April 17, 2008, Sarah would say he was premature.

      If she did what I think she did, talked Dr. CBJ into treating Bristol and putting all the paperwork in Sarah's name, using her insurance information as an employee of the S.O.A. Benefits Div., they would pay for Trig's delivery and all the bills.

      If Dr. CBJ did this, she also probably sent the birth information via hospital computer to the "Bureau of Vital Statistics" in Juneau. If so, it would print out a "real" birth certificate.

      There was no need to fake a b/c. There is an e-mail from the S.O.A. Benefits Div., asking Sarah for it. She forgot to sent it in. All the paperwork had to be in her name if they were e-mailing "HER."

      Pretty darn clever if this is what she was able to pull off.

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    (I posted this on the Hillary thread at 7:17 this morning in response to a post there with a link to the Lewis piece and thought I'd paste it in here as well.)

    Matt Lewis is a big fucking putz...the whole article is little more than a scrambling for some ass coverage.

    "I still say she was an incredibly talented political force, but she squandered her opportunity for greatness, and instead became a fad. And it’s worth considering that maybe her early critics saw some fundamental character flaw—some harbinger of things to come—that escaped me.'"

    Well big fucking DUH asshole. You made hay for years propping up Palin's fraud and now you want a pardon for having failed to grasp the glaringly obvious? Go fuck yourself.

    She was traumatized by Trig Truthers and became embittered? Lewis is clueless...or a sniveling sycophantic idiot. All Palin ever had to do was show a birth certificate and she'd have owned and skewered every last one of her "haters" for ever and ever.

    Matt ..the Rat... Lewis abandoning Palin's rotten sinking ship and wanting to be forgiven for not sooner seeing the that his imagined luxury liner was a festering garbage scow. But now that the stench of that reality is so deep in his nostrils he's finally starting to get a clue.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      The only talents that Palin had going for her were her looks and her charisma. Now some would debate the degree that she has or had either of those things, but IMHO, that is what drew people to her.

      Those two things, however, can in no way be considered political talent. She is an empty suit and nothing more. She is a pig wearing lipstick. She is an idiot with the ability to fool some people for some of the time.

      Matt Lewis is also an idiot.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Incredibly talented? I beg to differ. Matt...she sold sex because it's all she ever had, she hired people to do the actual work and, when they figured out who she was, tossed 'em like roadkill for crowd. Watch Nick Broomfield's "Sarah Palin: You Betcha" on YT. Read the books Nothing, and I do mean "nothing," has changed.

    3. Anonymous6:59 PM

      What amazes me is that there are two or three good/excellent books out there about Sarah Palin! I purchased and read them all a few years ago. They are all well written, factual, numerous proof sources, interviews with Alaskan folks, etc.

      And, of course, the Palins and Palin fans put them down - every one of them!

      I recommend those folks just now getting to know the real Sarah Palin and her family to read the following books:

      "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - by Frank Bailey (who was a member of her Administration in Juneau), with Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon

      "The Lies of Sarah Palin" - the untold story behind her relentless quest for power - by:
      Geoffrey Dunn

      and, "The Rogue" - searching for the real Sarah Palin - by Joe McGinniss.

      Sarah Palin has always been a liar and fraud!

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    So glad this is FINALLY happening. I don't feel sorry for the skank not one bit. It has always been a scam. all smoke and mirrors from the time mcain tried to put lipstick on the pig that is seditious sarah. Long overdue! buh bye now bwahahahahahaha

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I wonder if Dr. CBJ is following any of this?

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      When babygate comes out, CBJ better call her lawyer (and make sure it's not the same guy the Palins have).

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    So funny several regulars are awol at the pond, but brand spankin new posters are suggesting a money bomb for Sarah.

    It's so obvious, I can't figure out their stupidity.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      VG is ill and pbp is giving updates. . .

    2. Sallyin MI6:12 PM

      Wanna bet the new 'posters' are Brissy and Willow..they probably get a cut.

    3. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Poor wittle $arah is all butt hurt.What a fuckin fraud.

  10. Leland5:16 PM

    The day after Palin strutted her stuff onto the stage at the repubes' convention, I told a woman at work that Palin was a complete idiot and dangerous. She didn't believe me then and voted for the McCain/Palin ticket even with all her gaffs like N. Korea and Paul Revere.

    I was in her office two days after the Iowa speech and damn if the woman didn't apologize! She said I was right about SP!

    I nearly fainted.

    1. Sallyin MI6:12 PM

      Took her long enough! Anyone who bought into the Palin act is almost as stupid as she is...but I'm glad your friend finally escaped the dark side! I hope she never sent her any money.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      It was amazing to watch folks that I knew actually support Sarah Palin throughout these past years. But, they now realize how horribly wrong they were. How come I was so much smarter? Haha!

    3. hedgewytch8:41 PM

      I was in Sedona, AZ this past summer and had to deal with a hostess's ire when I was gushed at about "my" Sarah Palin. She got very perturbed when I tried to tell her as gently as possible that Sarah was not what she seemed, as was an idiot in fact. I wonder when I go back this year if she'll say anything to me?

  11. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I am just as happy as anyone else to see Sarah get a taste of it from some of her own. However, she still has a couple of speeches coming up, and I don't think that Sarah is going to go away quietly. In order to get noticed, Sarah has resorted to tackier clothing, bigger hair, more eye makeup, and a crazy wild speech in Iowa, probably amp'd up by some extra substances, more than she usually takes. Even her appearance on Hannity was awful. Sarah is her own worst enemy. She never prepares for an appearance on Fox or a speech. She can't. She is unable to read and process information. She can't remember anything. She is a fake who has been getting away with fooling people for years. What, and give up show business? Sarah has been acting-- playing the part of a mayor, a governor and a VP candidate-- badly, but it was a gig. Now, she plays at being a celebrity and a commentator at Fox,-- and she doesn't do well at those jobs either. But, I don't think that Sarah is willing to fade into obscurity. She will g.o there, kicking and screaming

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Her McDonalds video and now her latest "ask Sarah" segment show her attempt to channel VP candidate Sarah. Problem is, she is 8 years older and time has not been kind to Sarah Palin. No longer smooth and shiny, now she comes across as the harsh, tired, bitter church lady.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Yea, she'll go kicking and screaming - to her own detriment! She's a friggin' mess!

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Why are the rethugs just now noticing that she is a profoundly stupid hateful asshole? Every one of her speeches sucked. Someone must have given the green light to shut her up.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      That's exactly what I think as well. This speech was really no worse than most everything she does. We're getting closer to 2016 and they just want to get her off the stage. I'm surprised there wasn't a hook hauling her off from the side.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      You are pretty quick to let your imagination run wild with what most republicans do or do not think of Palin. Most republicans have close to zero respect for the woman, and it has been that way pretty much since 2008, you can stop trying to pretend that she is a bigger deal than she ever was.

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Pretending she is a bigger deal than she ever was? Why, she's the fresh face of the GOP! They created her, they promoted her, they have withheld the real dirt that could sink her, and now they'll go down with her. Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of folks.

    4. Anonymous9:21 PM

      They had little or no respect for her, but they were willing to use her as an attack dog and call the rest of us sexist for criticizing her. Now that she's past her sell-by date, they want to disavow her.

    5. Anonymous9:36 PM

      I agree about the green light. But I do think there was something different about this Iowa speech. Sarah has gotten bold with her "Screw them!" "Get outta here!" "Balls to the wall!" persona. It has gotten her traction. But she's tone deaf. She doesn't understand that this is the beginning of the 2016 presidential race (which everyone knows she won't be part of). The schtick Sarah is still promoting is passe. It's so 2012. And it didn't work. President Obama was elected. So the new message is a kinder, gentler republican party. "We love us some Mexicans!" "We love us some gays!" "We love us some women!" Now, those are not true, but the repubs do not want Sarah Palin reminding people of the nastiness of the 2012 republican party. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Listen to our 2016 messaging. Please. PLEASE.

  13. Anonymous5:22 PM

    " ... and recently defended her daughter Bristol when the press laughed at her for being a victim of what certainly sounded like a physical assault. " Matt Lewis

    Typical with all things Palin on the right. Just believe the Palin narrative in all instances and don't look even bother looking at all the evidence that is out there. Fools.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      They don't need no stinking facts! The c4p brawl spin is that is was a trap set up by enemies of the Palin's to embarrass them. They won't betray Sarah by listening to an ambush tape.

    2. A J Billings6:53 PM

      Hey Matt, read the official police transcript

      McKenna's official statement is that
      Bristol punched Kory Klingenmeyer

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      yes Bristol went to attack an older woman and got knocked down in an interception. She cold cocked KK before showing everyone at the party her naked ass. Must have been trolling for daddy's business.

    4. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Mckenna's babymama and them are still friends. His daughter and Tripp are little gf and bf

  14. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Little OT but how did Sarah figure out how to put nipples on the
    Belmonts? Maybe she's good for something after all.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      You can buy nipples too.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Victoria's Secret sells padded bras with nipple "nodules".....done deal. ;0)

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Breast prosthesis actually come with, or without, nipples now. I bought some because I've had breast cancer, but the ones with nipples are too noticeable. They are visible all the time no matter what. One would have to put a piece of duct tape on them to hide them! Actually I can't stand them but they do look quite real in a bra.

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Maybe she forgot to take her pasty's off?

  15. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Congratulations, Gryph. This is a HUGE victory for you and all the bloggers who have worked to expose SP and bring truth to light.

    I've followed you since '08 but don't comment much but I so appreciate what you do.

    Maybe there will never be an iceberg and maybe we don't need one. As I posted on another thread today, the insane captain of the ship has sailed it into the rocks, so it's blub, blub, blub and she's going down. We win and the nation wins just as soon as this horrid woman is declawed forever. As of today, that is absolutely inevitable and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  16. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I take a slightly differing view of Lewis's comment about "Trig Truthers." Had he really cared to spare her feelings, he never would have mentioned TT by name. But to bring it up, in print, gives the idea of Trig Truthers having a kind of validity. As if, as if, just maybe, it's a wink and nod, to say, Hey Sarah, watch yourself. There are those of us who know and you know we know.

    Wishful thinking, maybe. But still, to name a "rumor" is to give it power. And Lewis knows that.

    1. Ha! I don't think you're right, 5:31, but I do admire the way you think!

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      My goodness but that is so true 5:31. Something is definitely in the wind. It's almost eerie the lack of trolls on Gryphen's Sarah posts today. It's like they have dried up and have disappeard... or like they haven't been paid and are on strike...


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I want the McCains to talk and tell us what they know about the Palin family as well as the handlers (Steve and the gal that is on The View) that both have first-hand knowledge of the 'real' Sarah Palin!

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      6:43 they have no reason to talk about anything Palin. McCain was re-elected, and will likely be again in 2016 and he is happy as a high ranking senator. Why would he waste his time rehashing his personal loss and mistakes made?

    6. Anonymous7:57 PM

      oh everyone knows alright. Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann..etc. they all know and they gave her a pass, because there are no laws against lying.

      When it is'll start with the british tabloids and then spread.

    7. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Found this on bristol's public page awhile ago

    8. Seems to be a lot of "hidden messages" going around. Maybe Sarah was sending a message to Ailes last night via the Hannity interview that he better keep supporting her crazy. To quote Bill's response to Sarah, as reported on Mediate Wednesday evening, "...if no offense is intended, don't take offense. Your life will be happier."

      What's really going on here?

    9. Anonymous9:52 PM

      eww instead of baby gate being john boy and reporter's baby...may be we got 'part two' of Englands ordeal...this time it's Andrew's baby from his prostitutes...would be like Palin to 'set it up' after all she got to see the 'full monty' on 'how it's done' when it comes to boy here we go...the dna test is the only answer to all..;)

    10. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I don't understand Lewis' logic. If the rumor was false, why would it hurt so much? OTOH, if it were true, she would be tormented that her huge lie might be exposed. So your point makes sense. However, I don't think Lewis is that far away from the Koolaid cup. He still buys the poor widdle Sarah everybody was sooooo mean to her BS.

  17. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Live by the sword as it were ... If she knew any history, she might have seen this "night of the long knives" coming ... can't let the brown shirts run amok once they start being inconvenient, and embarrassing.

  18. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I suspect the most vicious attacks (especially the “Trig Truther” stuff) radicalized her and embittered her.
    First of all the most vicious attacks were made by Sarah against Obama.

    Sarah wasn't radicalized and embittered by the Trig truthers, she was already embittered, she can't take criticism and can't handle the truth. Poor little Sarah always the victim, everybody is out to get her.

    I imagine she will try to show a "birth certificate" and say I told so. 6 years too late and I am certain this is the reason she never released her medical records.Only independent DNA analysis will convince me.

    Like most socipaths, Sarah thinks she is smarter than everyone else, but sooner or later the truth comes out.

  19. Anonymous5:47 PM

    her daughter Bristol when the press laughed at her for being a victim of what certainly sounded like a physical assault.

    Don't you mean "when the press laughed at her for lying about being the victim of what certainly sounded like a physical assault"?

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      So he supports a drunken young mother who brought her child to an adult party, let him run around unattended at midnight, and was throwing punches? Oh, Matt, you are so blind to the truth about this family.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Matt sucks Koch for $.

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Bristol was a victim in 2008 when stalkers were distorting and taking random shit out of context to fictionalize unrelated teens lives.

      Truly sad for the world of journalism and politics. Teens are teens. So what, Sherry johnston and other parents could never be a politicians due to their out of control former teens.


    4. Cracklin Charlie10:13 PM

      Bristol, you were not a teenager this past fall, when your family showed up uninvited to a party, and proceeded to get in multiple fights in just a few hours' time.

      You had not been a teenager for a long time.

    5. Anonymous10:25 PM

      Poor pissy Brissy. Always, always, always the victim. Somehow, she manages to be the victim even when she's the one throwing the punches, as about 8 or 9 witnesses stated to the police. That level of BS is tough to pull off, but, being a chip off her mother's block, poor widdle pissy Brissy is yet again a victim. Boo hoo hoo.

  20. Anonymous5:49 PM

    has that time sheet been sent to any investigative reporters?

  21. Olivia5:49 PM

    I sure would love to hear her Tricky Dick speech. "You won't have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore!" I know, I know, whack a doodle narcissists never quit.

  22. Anonymous5:54 PM

    O’Reilly Responds to Palin Scolding Him over ‘Reality Show’ Dig

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      He concluded, “If no offense is intended, don’t take offense. Your life will be happier.”

      Truer words, Mr O'Riley...not that she would listen to any kind of wisdom from you...

  23. Anonymous5:55 PM

    At the Lewis link:

    The people who truly last in this business don’t rely on shortcuts or good looks or gimmicks; they survive on work ethic, wit, and intellect. (That’s why, no matter how grandiose he gets, Newt Gingrich will always have a gig. Newt will always be interesting, because he will always have something to say—something to contribute.)


  24. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Good news Palins! Momma took care of things so those pesky little trips will start to dry up. She'll be home a lot more now, all PO'd, and you'll get to experience it all, right next to her. Good times! Living vibrantly!

    Bwa hah hah...

  25. Balzafiar6:02 PM

    Everyone seems to be thinking that it's over, that the fat lady has sung. But it is NOT over, not by a long shot. Until the absolute irrefutable truth about Trig appears, Sarah is not done.

    So to the good people of Wasilla and surrounding areas, let me point out that your chance to come forth and make some substantial cash by going public with the truth is beginning to fade. Don't waste the opportunity. You can secure your own financial future by talking.

    1. Could the newly disillusioned right wing finally be ready to believe Palin is crazy enough to have faked a pregnancy? As Balzafiar says, now is the time to come forth, people of Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Balzafiar, while appreciating your enthusiasm, it really is doubtfull that anyone is going to retire off of spilling dirt on has been Sarah. Her story just isn't worth much money.

  26. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Someone should ask Matt Lewis why the Trig Truthers are to blame for her being radicalized and embittered. All Sarah Palin had to do is prove the allegations by providing media a copy of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

    Sarah could have vindicated herself in the eyes of the world. She could have shamed Trig Truthers and asked them for an apology. But she didn't. Nor did she show prove with a birth certificate that she was the biological mother of Trig.

    No one, including Matt Lewis and Palin defenders, can feign indignation at anyone questionning Sarah as true mother of Trig. There is so much inconsistency in her story and if she lied to the public in order to get elected, that is a travesty, and it's the right of any citizen who votes to know if she lied or not. No one wants to elect a fraud. If someone could lie about a fake birth, then they would certainly lie about anything else.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      The thing that sinks Sarah Palin IS Sarah Palin. Every time that she opens her mouth, she sounds more stupid than the last time. Her talk in Iowa made little sense. Watching her makes one thing that she also has a problem with substance abuse. (The only person with more facial tics was Boehner sitting through the State of the Union speech).

      Trig Truthers haven't been doing anything lately, other than criticize Sarah for letting Trig stand on the dog or for neglecting therapy for him to be able to speak and eat solid food.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Sarah Palin is a physically and mentally worn out 51 year-old woman that is so mean spirited, nasty and evil it just rolls out of her pores and mouth.

      She is finally done and will have zero significance anywhere. Her family members can have her even though I'm sure they don't want her either!

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      EXACTLY. Palin has great power to bring all of us to shame if she would only produce a (legal) birth certificate for Trig. She would get TONS of genuine sympathy from the outrage of her supporters as well as the "Trig Truthers" . Sarah....?

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Pretty sure the general public was absolutely SHOCKED at what appeared to be a stoned out of her mind meth head making a speech representing the GOP.

    5. Anonymous9:48 PM

      what if john boy and that reporter made that baby?
      wouldn't be the first time that 'situation' has been...
      sarah sucked off the trust fund teat of that kid her parents best buds adopted...heard that kid is getting a dna test done...and an international attorney...yikes! paybacks are hell sarah palin!

    6. Anonymous10:07 PM

      what if prince andrew and a teenage prostitute did it?
      wouldn't be the first time the royal family 'screwed' up!
      Alaska seems to be a 'great place' to stash mistakes and funnel money thru the USA with sarah

  27. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Sarah brought out old controversies when she made her speech in Iowa. No, not giving birth to Trig. She is still defending him standing on the dog. Sarah was obsessed with an episode form 2011 when she claimed to have jumped into a half marathon. She takes shots at the media. Trig Truthism? No, it was Sarah's unhinged behavior that makes Sarah so unappealing.

  28. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sarah Palin and her onetime fans on the right: It’s so over

    They’re over her.

    Sarah Palin’s odd, rambling speech last weekend before an audience of committed conservative activists in Des Moines has many influential voices on the right saying that the time has come to acknowledge that the romance has gone cold and the marriage is dead.

    “The foreordained culmination of a slow and unseemly descent into farce,” added Charles C.W. Cooke of the National Review.

  29. Anonymous6:47 PM

    A bit of-- But there was a comment about the Belmonts above & then I've seen comments about Bristols breasts at the RNC. One thing some people use to stuff their bras is fiberfill. You can buy it by the bag full. I use it to create my "belmonts" after Breast Cancer--nothing like Sarah's. I make mine normal. Lol

  30. I have not read all the comments yet, but I just want to say that this is EXACTLY the time to go full force on baby gate.

    SP has been completely discredited as a political commodity. She has little value to the political class. The media got a lot of mileage out of her. They'll now slow down, ya just don't get the cluster f@#% brawl every day.
    BUT, as she is so discredited, the media might just be willing to run with baby gate at last! What a sensational scandal!!! You've got all the info and evidence right here Gryphen - think about it- CHEERS. :-))

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      and the reason she resigned...oh sarah...the parkers can't stop progress...but nice you and walker are even...oh sh!t here comes wyatt earp...loaded too!

  31. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Ever since the Palin Brawl people have looked at Sarah a little more closely and now everyone is seeing what we all see. Ever since the Palin Brawl people have looked at Sarah a little more closely and she has become even more insane under all the scrutiny.

    What a happy coincidence: just when Sarah should really have been trying to sound intelligent and dressing like a grown woman she doubles down on the streetwalker attire and becomes incoherent.

    BabyGate is next, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      agreed...the drunken brawl, the language, the whore clothing, all showed the lower 48 what this family, and especially SP are all about.

      Add to that the scandals involving drugs, thefts, vandalism, prostitution and multiple bastards....there's not much left to sell as middle america.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      lol Tripp is the only illegitimate technically. Breeze, a bastard, isn't related.

      And vandalism has nothing to do with Sarah, neither do drugs

    3. Anonymous8:32 PM

      lol and the brawl wasn't a big deal

    4. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Hey, TROLL@ 8:31 : Breeze was born to a happily married couple, thus she is NOT a 'bastard'. TRIPP is the 'bastard', since he was born to an unwed mother. Breeze and Tripp ARE related - they both have the same father.
      Learn some biology and genealogy before you spout off your drivel!

    5. Anonymous10:49 PM

      If the Brawl wasn't a big deal to you, that tells me everything I need to know about your values and background. You may have even less class than her.

      Much like those who think SP is so smart. Um, only if you are even dumber than her.

    6. Anonymous10:52 PM

      8:31 PM Please explain Bristol's 2007 pregnancy, her DWTS pregnancy, and the Joey Junker pregnancy. We all know about Tripp, but there are mysteries around Bristol's other pregnancies.

    7. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Breeze lives with her Mother and Father. Tripp is the BASTARD with many Bastard Siblings and an unmarried Mother. Isn't Track also a Bastard? Teach Bristol to keep her legs closed and there might not be so many mysterious pregnancies.

    8. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Sarah's adult kids are druggies and vandals. Sarah is also a druggie. She proved it in Iowa.

  32. Anonymous6:59 PM

    No no no...if the past 6 years have showed anything, Palin will "surface" again. She's a turd that won't flush. Trig's birth certificate is and always was the nail that's needed for her coffin. She's going to pop up sooner or later.

    I say keep tightening the bolts and torque the hell out of them this time.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      DNA tests by an independent organization is the only thing I would trust.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      "She's a turd that won't flush."

      that's the greatest description.

    3. Anonymous9:43 PM

      755 got any ideas? we can start a go fund for that!
      Part of the Palin clan - or are you - get tested today!

  33. Anonymous6:59 PM

    So, according to Matt Lewis, conservatives who had Sarah Palin figured out from the get-go may have had a point after all. But non-Conservatives who similarly criticized Palin were somehow unfair.

    Good grief, Matt Lewis is one sore loser and profoundly intellectually dishonest.


    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I guess that is how the right is going to play it. Hypocrites!

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Matt Lewis is also a turd that pops back up after being flushed.

      He is very mealy mouthed about what he thinks he was wrong about and what he isn't admitting. Anyone with any shame would not still be defending her in any way, after the last six years have played out.

  34. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Any moment of rage Sarah Palin felt regarding concern about how Trig’s birth was received or not received as truth could easily have been repaired by the showing of the birth certificate. Instead the rage looks like the result of a very guilty woman who attempted to side step the real story about her “gift from God”.

  35. Randall7:09 PM

    Conan just did a riff on Sarah's Iowa "speech" and ended it by saying Sarah Palin's new campaign slogan is

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Jon Stewart did a great number on Sarah the other night.

    2. Anonymous10:02 PM

      bill o reilly told her keeps growing...

    3. Anonymous10:52 PM


  36. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Message to Palin: Karma's a bitch!

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      But honestly, except for the people who've met and hung out with her, is this really news? She's got lots of friends she hangs with, in Alaska and outside. Dinner parties with Todd (the non fancy kind obviously), kids games, all that shit she did when she was supposed to be in meetings. She's always been more family oriented. She plans vacations during special winter session, igniting more Lyda Green (not a peach of a woman) drama.

    2. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Dinner parties or DRUNKEN PALIN FAMILY BRAWLS?

  37. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Sarah Palin if any one person who would know if you are running for president or serious about running for the presidency, it would be you.

    So Sarah we are confused that you are confused.

    Sarah you said "I was if I were to be interested in at all in running for office, maybe presidency" (see A. below).

    That doesn't sound like someone who is interested in being president.

    A.) "I was asked by a pesky reporter while I was promoting my Sportsman Channel show 'Amazing America with Sarah Palin.'  I was if I were to be interested in at all in running for office, maybe presidency, and it's certainly not newsworthy for me to have answered 'Oh yeah I'm interested, yeah. Next question?'

    But Sarah, it sounds as if you are seriously interested in being president. (see B. below)

    B.) Palin says she’s ‘seriously interested’ in 2016 campaign - Washington Post

    Sarah Palin speaking at a trade show this week in Las Vegas. (John Locher/AP)

    DES MOINES — Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin told The Washington Post in an interview Friday that she is “seriously interested” in running for the White House in 2016.

    “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested,” Palin said, when asked to clarify her thinking about a possible presidential bid.

    Palin, the GOP’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee, said she stood by comments she made Thursday in Las Vegas to ABC News, where she first expressed enthusiasm about potentially competing for the Republican presidential nomination.

    “I am. As I said yesterday, I’m really interested in the opportunity to serve at some point,” Palin said Friday, as former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, a potential 2016 rival, looked on.

    Sarah Palin maybe we should ask Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper if you are or not interested in being president since you seemed to be confused.

    We think that you are throwing around that you want to be president because :
    1. You want to feel important.
    2. You want to feel equal to the people who are serious.
    3. You want people to beg you.
    4. If you show interest in running for president then people would donate to SarahPac.
    5. You are feeding your Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    But once you are being cornered by the media to clarify your intentions, then you back peddle
    on your statement that you are seriously interested in running for president.

    That's why people think you are full of shit.
    You did that in 2012 and doing it again.

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Granting an interview to the Washington Post and telling them, “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested" is in no way being "asked by a pesky reporter while I was promoting my [stupid reality] show ..."

      Once again, Sarah is blatantly lying.

  38. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Once the Superbowl is over, Triggergate will implode. Too bad, so sad, but you're all adults now. Time to take the heat for Pete and Repete.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:09 PM

      It would seem that the "seat of heat" will need to be a sofa. Maybe even one of those sectional kind, that wraps all the way around the room.

  39. Great story, awesome comments as usual.....I wish I had something clever to add to this discussion, but it's been covered...The Grifter Queen/Skank is toast....She is toast because the rats are deserting the ship..this isn't temporary, when rats scatter, the end is near, trust me....Ding Dong, The Bitch is Toast

  40. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The one sad thing is, there are definitely lies told about her, online, in books...

    An old friend of herd from the 70s dined a reporter in 2008 and gave a pretty detailed interview about their lovely lives growing up in Alaska. Sarah really did have a charmed, lowkey life where she was really well-liked as a kid and teen in Alaska.

    Well, that reporter, clearly being left-oriented, distorted everything and spun every word the man said.

    When he went back to Alaska 2 years later, the same interviewee stranded him on the side of the road he was so pissed he was thrown under the bus by the media.

    So, yes, Sarah was victimized by immoral reporters who only write trash with no semblances of truth. One cannot deny that.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:48 PM

      Damn, you're right. Ya'll go on home now. Everything about Sarah has been distorted and spun by the media. Thanks for letting us know.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      You must be dreaming. Put down the Pipe, you are incoherent. "an old friend of herd"? "dined a reporter"?
      BWAHAHAHAHA, you are absolutely crazy.

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      I'll deny it, Alicia.

    4. Anonymous9:22 PM

      This is a piece of trash that has no semblances of truth. Welcome back, honey, I thought that Sarah's speech might have driven you to drink. But, no, you're back.

    5. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Well to be fair, I was talking about her innocent childhood. Her friends and classmates, most of them anyway, were super hurt that the media is so nasty and lied about their lives and town.

      Wasilla doesnt deserve to be called a huge meth town. I highly doubt any of her friends or her known methheads.

    6. Anonymous9:41 PM

      aww then lets talk about why sarah's mommy came out to see someone and wondering why they moved home? or we can talk about the domestic terrorism?
      ya know...started in 89 with 'hang em high' when those that refused to be a part of a 'racket' hu sarah?

    7. Anonymous10:44 PM

      9:39 PM WTF does that mean? Do you know how to proofread?

  41. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Her fading looks don't help either. If palin had been an ordinary looking woman, we wouldn't be here talking about her idiocy. She's not aging pretty cause her inner ugly is showing more as time goes.

  42. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I think Sarah's been happiest in her normal life of being mom, grandma and a random person who takes to facebook to leave an opinion on some issue like everyone does. I mean, she picks up her remaining 2 kids from school and her grandson, goes to ball games, grills dinner when Tripp wants caribou hotdogs. This is all true.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Astrologically, she has the north node in Cancer. The nodes of the moon point to where you were in a past life and what you need to do in this life for you soul to grow. South Node in Capricorn means she was a big shot in a past life and she keeps wanting to go back. The North Node in Cancer shows that she should be working on parenting and nurturing skills and learning how to provide security for those she loves. So, I'm not surprised she is happiest when she is taking care of her family. Unfortunately, she can't resist the allure of the klieg lights and power.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Sarah has 1 kid in School, Piper. Trig is Tripp's brother.
      What happened, you were absent while the Rightwing media was skewering Sarah. The Truth gets to ya, eh?

    3. Anonymous9:17 PM

      You are a clown.

    4. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Sarah was never a mom like June Clever, wearing her apron, busy making dinner, helping the kids with their homework. Are you kidding? I thought that the troll disappeared after Iowa.

    5. Anonymous9:37 PM

      She is aquarius isn't she?

    6. Anonymous9:58 PM

      937 lol...oh that song came to mind...this is the age of aquarius...aquarius...

    7. Anonymous10:41 PM

      9:37 She will be 1 year OLDER soon. Sarah can't accept the fact that she is deteriorating right before our eyes.

    8. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Another Facebook Alert?

  43. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Come on folks move along
    Nothing new to see here.

    The people who were easily conned to believe Sarah Palin was interested being the 2012 GOP presidential nominee by Sarah Palin and SarahPac will be her same victims to believe Sarah Palin is interested in being the GOP 2016 presidential nominee.

    Move along folks and don't forget to donate your best to SarahPac.

  44. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Interesting how our troll has been absent. I doubt it's because she sees the light or could or troll be Sarah?

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      When the troll saw Sarah's speech in Iowa, it was like looking in the mirror. She couldn't handle the truth.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      No, sorry, there are troll comments. Weird comments.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Sarah and/or her mini-me.

    4. Anonymous9:27 PM

      You mistake longtime IMers that actually use rational and independent thought, for 'trolls'.

    5. Anonymous9:39 PM

      sarah being a weirdo like her whole clan...

    6. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Our 'regular' troll is absent, but we certainly have a new one...

    7. Anonymous10:20 PM

      You losers and your troll talk.

      ooooooohhhh troooooll. Dorks.

  45. Anonymous8:27 PM

    People are writing she's history. But has she ever been anything??

    Sure, everywhere she goes under the radar, she's well-received. Not like she's a hermit.

    She is a social person.She hangs with friends, has people over, her house is never empty, goes to dinner parties with Todd, She's seen at games, rodeos in AZ in the last few years, Disney (SHE WALKED AROUND DISNEY WORLD WITH MOST OF HER FAMILY WITHOUT CREATING A STIR)

    That should tell you something.

    Big star she is not. She's a mom

    1. A mom? Seriously?9:43 PM

      Hey, 8:27 - read this to learn about what a great mom she is:

    2. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Oh, for cripes sake! Stop with the fairy tale troll schtick. No one believes you here. Or anywhere.

    3. Anonymous10:38 PM

      @8:27 PM Thanks for the Facebook Breaking News. That is where you get your information. You are so gullible.

  46. Anonymous8:37 PM

    The Washington Post in an interview Friday reported that she (Sarah Palin) is “seriously interested” in running for the White House in 2016.

    Wait a second? Pump the brakes!
    Is Sarah Palin a slow learner? A retard?

    Several years back didn't Sarah Palin piss off Roger Ailes for not giving FOX, her employer, the exclusive to Sarah Palin's announcements?

    Last night FOX was trying to get Sarah Palin to announce something - anything on FOX.

    Why the Washington Post and not FOX and Roger Ailes?

    Why did Sarah Palin bad mouth FOX and FOX's commentators while doing a FOX interview and getting paid by FOX?

    We'll see if Roger Ailes is a slow learner who could be had by Sarah Palin again.

    Will Roger get his camera equipment back this time?

    Here's a suggestion, how about Roger Ailes donating all that camera equipment to the University of Alaska for a tax write off. I'm sure the university would be more than happy to pick up the equipment themselves.

  47. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Even FOX is laughing at her

  48. Anonymous8:37 PM

  49. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Hey 8:06, why are you waiting until after the Super Bowl?

    Anonymous8:06 PM

    Once the Superbowl is over, Triggergate will implode. Too bad, so sad, but you're all adults now. Time to take the heat for Pete and Repete.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      what is triggergate

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      9:36 PM What is trolling?

  50. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Waiting for this announcement :

    Sarah Palin this FOX's HR Dept,


  51. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Sarah Palin there's always Dancing With The Stars

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      She mocked herself when asked if she's do dwts. GREAT sense of humor she has. and 4 left feet she laughs

    2. Anonymous10:33 PM

      9:36 PM You write like a 6 year old.

  52. Anonymous8:51 PM

    With all this hatred being directed towards Sarah Palin, does this mean no Sarah Palin SarahPac's One Nation bus tour any time in the near or far future? What's going to happen to the shrink wrap?

    1. Anonymous10:32 PM

      She tried to sell the bus and could not.

  53. Anonymous8:53 PM

    So, from the hints on comments in this thread: watch the British tabloids next week for Babygate info?

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      oh is sarah going to 'kiss and tell' now? which baby?
      kates that is george's cuz william is gay as can be?
      that would be old news in england...but sarahs lost...

  54. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Answer the door Sarah or Jill Hadassah, we're concerned and trying to perform a Wellness Check on everybody in the house.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Why are you a lying stalker, creep?

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      You will find laughter and happiness as always. Probably post-ball game

    3. Anonymous10:31 PM

      9:35 PM Why do you have multiple postings with the same time stamp? You are acting as angry as Sarah Palin when Hannity asked her those 'gotcha' questions. Stalking is YOUR addiction. Go find a life if you can, troll.

  55. Anonymous9:02 PM

    MSNBC's Chris Hayes Highlights Conservative Media Criticism Of Sarah Palin Following Iowa Speech

    Hayes: "Many Of Us Did Not Need Six Whole Years" To Realize Sarah Palin "Has No Business" Being President

  56. Anonymous9:04 PM

    How many times will FOX let Sarah Palin shit on them before they figure out that Sarah Palin's shit does stink?

  57. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Johnny boy you still lovin' Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Hillbillies?

    Didn't think so.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      You say all that like it's a bad thing.

      Notice that you're nothing in life and they have jobs

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      9:35 PM Sarah, Todd, Track, and Willow have no jobs, and how do you know anything about 9:10 PM? You are an attack dog with a nothing life.

  58. Anonymous9:15 PM

    If Sarah Palin can’t be president, there's always the United States of America Energy Expert.

    John McCain how writing a job referral for your energy expert?

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      aw sh!t he needs to take her with him to Syria...this time leave the child behind...the bushes are ok with it!

    2. Anonymous10:52 PM

      I doubt that President Obama will appoint Sarah to a cabinet position. And the way that the Republicans are going, Hillary won't want Sarah around either.

  59. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Why wasn't Sarah Palin showing as pregnant in their Family photo of November 14, 2007? Bristol was showing her pregnant belly in that photo. It was a photo of Sarah, Todd, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. If Trig was born 5 months later, it fits Bristol's 'condition' in that photo.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:01 PM

      That was Bristol's second pregnancy. Tripp was born 5 months later.

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      So Tripp would be 6 years and 9 months old?

  60. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The woman who tears when Trig learns something new, who tears when her daughter was asked to prom via a sweet video, at every achievement and milestone

    "Our Sarah" THE book

    "Many have mistaken her approach to life and politics as an assertion that she is somehow perfect or at least better than others. Nothing could be further from the truth. She’s not perfect, and she would be the first to tell you that. (she tells people that via her words CONSTANTLY) She’s not simple, either. Sarah is the most complex person I’ve ever known. Labels like conservative, patriotic (Trig's babysitter's husband loves her and he is a Vet,) faithful, believer, and friend all apply to her, but they do not begin to adequately describe the depth of character she holds or define the response she makes to the range of issues that pique her interest.
    She has a good mind, a kind heart, and a great spirit. (people say she is sunshine on a dreary day) Whatever she decides, I’m sure it will come as a surprise to all of us and then we’ll be off on a new adventure.

    Nothing is truer than that.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      As Bristol taught Trig to say, "BULLSHIT", yuk yuk yuk.
      You are crazy enough to assume that you know all things Palin, but you DON'T!!!! All of that BS ABOVE IS THE SAME SHIT POSTED EVERYDAY BY THE QUEEN OF TROLLS, Alicia.

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      The myth that Sarah and her minions continue to promote is wearing thin. No matter how many times you write it down, it won't make it true. Sarah is an utter failure at EVERYTHING she does, except grifting and whoring. That's all she's ever done and most likely will ever do. She is not a leader, she is a shit for brains, pathological sociopath who is propped up with drugs and alcohol and her own raging narcissism. She abandoned her children, she fucked with her marriage, she lied to the world about a pregnancy that never happened, she is directly responsible for lives and careers being destroyed in her tyrannical reign of horror in Alaska. She has the darkest of souls, the dankest of spirits. Complex? Ha! We had her simple little act figured out nearly instantly, her faux patriotism, her using kids as props, her middle school mean girl, her sexualizing language pointing to incest, her insatiable need for attention. Nothing complex about that. Sarah isn't going to run for anything, she can't. If she does, everything that she so mysteriously quit over in Alaska will come back to take her down. She knows that she was told to NEVER, EVER attempt a run at a political office or the hammer will come down hard. She's a lying, cheating, smarmy grifter and that's all she will ever be.

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      That's some great piece of satire. Sarah doesn't care about Trig other than to use him as a photo prop, otherwise he would have real speech therapy instead of some immature girls teaching him to swear like Tripp. I'm glad that Trig's baby sitter's husband, the Vet, loves Sarah. Maybe she'll run away with him and find true love because that is one person who is completely consumed by hate.

  61. Anonymous9:56 PM

    So neither Sarah or any of her republican supporters on the right have made the connection to Sarah being a vicious attack dog and her getting the same treatment back?

  62. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Golly, she looks a lot like her 'spaced cadet' mother in that picture...maybe it's a combination of lighting and make-up tones?

  63. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I wonder what this last weekend tells the people at Cambridge who invited her to give a screech at their debating venue...
    Buyer's remorse?

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      They also had Louie Gomert, who is another political joke. He was actually elected to office. Palin quit her last political job. Look at all of the attention her Iowa speech got. They just booked the Train Wreck.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.