Monday, January 19, 2015

Betty Bowers, America's best Christian ever, sets Meghan McCain straight.

You really should never leave an opening like this.


(H/T to Joe My God.)


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Touche! Well played, Betty Bowers!

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Thank you, Betty Bowers!

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    That was the funniest darn thing, especially when Meghan blocked her. Gee, Meghan, can't admit your Dad effed up big time in VP choices? Just like the poster in the Palin thread yesterday, just like the pee pond, there can't be any civil debate. Nope, we'll just block your @ss. How immature can you get? (Don't answer that, it's only going to get worse).

    Boy, that pee pond is getting to fever pitch on Queen Heifer running. As some said here yesterday, like seeing Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich they're sure she's running and, as soon as she announces, it's going to set modern politics on its ear. REALLY. Are they ever going to be disappointed....holw cow, today they're comparing her to FDR. lmao

    1. A. J. Billings7:31 AM

      A few days ago, that sagacious repository of all wisdom and knowledge, Pete Petritech actually said on C4pee that $arah was comparable to George Washington.

      Are the PBots so ignorant to think that $arah was ever a 5 star General?

      As Comannder in Chief of the continental armies, GW held a position equivalent to the 5 star Generals in World War 2

      George Washington led troops in battle, was unanimously elected President, and had THE paramount position as a Founder of the USA

      How these delusional Pbot worshipers could possibly compare the Idiot Wasilla Grifter to George Washington is illustrative of just what degree of lunacy they possess.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      4 minutes ago
      So how does Sarah overcome 6 years of being called stupid, an idiot, and a dumb hillbilly? If her genius is exposed to the country, many will reject it as being telepromptered or coached. Better than claiming genius, there is another approach that she could use. She could parlay her supposed ignorance into an asset....

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Hell, Pete compared her to the prophets of the bible a week ago. Amazed one chided him for that and the group beat her with their canes & walkers!

    4. Anonymous8:05 AM

      It's name recognition, A. J., I'm telling ya, everyone is going to vote for her if she'll just say she's running! I wonder when they'll realize that when the name of "Sarah Palin" comes up, people laugh. Run, cupcake, we dare you. :-)

    5. Anonymous8:34 AM

      I get a HUGE kick out of AmazedOne1, 7:45 AM, especially when they get into their petty fights. She doesn't give up.

      Had to laugh yesterday when someone said, "do you realize PDSers come here to cut and paste our comments to other sites?" How can we help but not? LOL

    6. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I actually feel sorry for Amazedone1 and Marion. If it weren't for their support of Palin, they would seem almost evolved.

    7. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I must have missed the news reel where FDR waited on the side of the dusty road for a wheelchair accessible vehicle to pick him up. I can only imagine him uttering,"you comin'?"....
      Over the past several years I have from time to time read criticism of Gov. Palin's professional choices since her resignation from AK's Governorship. In light of the results of that poll and the historical fact that she is the first VP candidate from a failed ticket to maintain name recognition since FDR after his 1920 loss, maybe her choices weren't random; perhaps they were (at least in part) the result of a very shrewd and brilliant strategist whose strategic view basically extends not only out to the far horizon but also goes way, way "outside of the box" in a way that is frankly breathtaking

    8. Anonymous8:56 AM

      If it weren't for vg1, 8:37, the likes of TheresaAK, hubby PolarBearPapa, and JanuaryRose8 would have had them banned long ago. Same for KenM and Quit Or Work.

      I absolutely hooted when our very own Dave M got on and started messing with 'em. "T'was a thing of beauty."

    9. Anonymous9:04 AM

      George Washington?!? I'm certain the man could speak in complete sentences and never wore inflatable breasts, which puts him miles outside Screechy's realm. Also, too, I'm sure he never thought Africa was a country.

    10. Anonymous9:47 AM

      They all absolutely worship and revere her over there, but I've very rarely heard any of them say that they donate to her PAC or subscribe to her channel. We know for sure that ThereseAK and PolarBearPapa don't donate because there have been no Alaskan donations on the PAC reports for over two years.

    11. Anonymous11:00 AM

      8:56, did he get banned? I finally did. Sigh. eyeseau

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I truthfully feel sorry for Meghan. Her Dad (John McCain) made a horrid blunder in picking Sarah Palin (as his running mate) and Meghan will have to live with that negative historical fact ONLY because she is his daughter.

    The one solution I see is if Palin dies soon and is quickly forgotten. (which would be a godsend for all of us!)

    However, John McCain will always be attached to her in the history books and will never be able to rid himself of their association. When he dies, you can bet that the name Sarah Palin will be associated with all of the death notices published. How sad, sad, sad for his small family!

    It is well known that McCain's wife and daughter could not stand Sarah Palin and her family. Plus, we know they garnered more knowledge of the Palins than the rest of Americans have. Hopefully, Meghan will discuss these matters after her Dad leaves this earth.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      And there you have it. Ol' Walnuts answered the press in 2013, "there's a statute of limitations on Sarah Palin," when asked about her. NO there isn't, and they'd like nothing better than for all of it to be swept under the rug and for all of us to forget. Sorry, ain't happening.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Meghan McCain isn't bright enough to realize that any mention of Sarah Palin is toxic to anyone interested in presenting an image of political intelligence. The best that Meghan McCain can hope for is that people will forget McCain's treasonous choice for vice-president candidate.

      Meghan McCain's tweet was stupid on several levels. I don't feel one bit sorry for her.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Meghan 'bomb. bomb, bomb' Jr. is pathetic. At one time I thought she was a stand up type of person. She blocked Betty Bowers!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO

    4. Anonymous8:56 AM

      6:41, I don't wish death on Palin, that's cruel, and then there's the Xtian factor, she'd be put up on the cross as an iconic representation of the new breed of "Americans," gun humping bible thumping born again virgin grifters who think they have the corner in moral superiority and patriotism.

    5. Anonymous12:31 PM

      The only way for the Palin references to stop is for Daddy to admit his blunder and stop pretending he and Sarah are pals.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM


  5. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I LOVE BETTY!!!!

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM



  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Poor thin skinned Meghan, can't handle the truth.

  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Well you know what? I bet if SP would just sit down and shut up, quietly fading into her vibrant private life away from the airwaves, he COULD put it behind him. Unfortunately for him, she can't be stopped. Perhaps he or his people could share what they know to end this era of stupidity.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      McCain will never be able to dump that binder full of Palin.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      then he has to admit he screwed up.

  9. Anonymous7:35 AM

    'm sure Meghan McCain knows she has to live with the connection to Sarah Palin, but she assuredly didn't ask for the responsibility of doing so! Her Dad did that! She was NOT and is NOT responsible for his actions!

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      No,she is not responsible for his decision to pick Palin. But, she rides her daddy's political coattails, and it isn't a free ride.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      No she is not, but that's politics. She's ridden the coattails of her dad, that people make comments is our right. Why do all these people think they're untouchable? "I'll say whatever I want, but don't YOU dare." Sorry, Meghan, it doesn't work that way.

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      She supports him all the way. She did that blog and covered the wonderful Palin family. Did McCain have a grenade he would pull if Meghan wasn't attracting all those young conservatives?

      Even the Reagan kids were allowed to be more individuals.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      That's right, Meghan McCain is not responsible for the choice of Sarah Palin for vice-president. But Meghan McCain is well aware of Sarah Palin's mental instability, ignorance and low intelligence. It's not hard to miss for any of us.

      Meghan McCain should be smart enough to avoid any semblance of recognition or sympathy for Sarah Palin. The more distance Meghan McCain can put between her and Sarah Palin the better. Because it attracts all the wrong kind of associations, pettiness being the least of them.

    5. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Meghan's not responsible for her father's terrible actions but she is profiting from them. So she's also stuck with the Sarah Palin stigma.

  10. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The characters are coming! The whole world knows what a "blunder" Palin was and continues to be. It's only the slow dimwitted that refuse to admit it. Pride I suppose?

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      "She's just like ME!"
      Well, that is not an attribute.

    2. Leland8:29 AM

      Well, not a POSITIVE one, anyway, 8:15.

  11. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Meghan McCain, the Melissa Rivers of Politics, rudely deleted my response to her tweet about James Taylor. Even after I showed forbearance Jesus covets by not rebuking her for lower-case “gods” plural!

  12. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Meghan ... Sarah is a Stage IV Cancer that has invaded your life and you will not find a cure for it.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I would have gone with herpes.

  13. Anonymous7:50 AM

    The Australian Treasurer, Joe Hockey, in an effort to justify his tightening of the budget (ie making cuts to medicare services) made the unfortunate claim that we have to cut services because people born today will live to be 150. Now while there may be a bit of truth hiding in that claim, certainly the entire population will not suddenly begin to live that long - and certainly not soon enough to affect this treasurer's budget proposals.

    But the best part of this news is the opposition's response as
    LNP leader Bill Shorten was quick to note: "...(that) was Joe Hockey's Sarah Palin Moment".

    Sarah Palin's uneducated, uninformed gaffes are now so ubiquitous, politicians worldwide use her name to illustrate the stupidity of an opponent.

    You'll love this story:

    and you're welcome - LOL

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Thank you! At least we can find comfort in knowing stupid is global!

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Well, that IS quite a legacy, isn't it? Who says Sarah has no achievements? Being the dumbest asshole in history and a international joke is quite a feat.

  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I can't imagine anyone having any interest in Ms McCain beyond her connection to Palin. Like Nicolle Wallace, people wait to see if Meghan will spill the dirt that will send the Palin family back into living a vibrant, private life.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      If they wanted to live a vibrant, private life, they would and certainly have the bucks to do so. It's all about OPM and, believe you me, they'll ride that train to the end of the line.

  15. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Slam Bam, Thank you Ma'am

  16. ShootingBunnies8:13 AM

    Oz - Trouble is Palin, in her mind, is saying "They love me, they really, really LOVE ME"!! She is too stupid to understand that the majority of the people are making fun of her. What a full scale idiot she is, and will be, forever more.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Apparently you did not read my earlier post. We are the clueless ones...from ç4p today
      So how does Sarah overcome 6 years of being called stupid, an idiot, and a dumb hillbilly? If her genius is exposed to the country, many will reject it as being telepromptered or coached. Better than claiming genius, there is another approach that she could use. She could parlay her supposed ignorance into an asset

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Oh, 8:26 AM, I am waiting for that!

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "parlay?" She'll have to look that one up for sure. And since we have yet to see our Sarah deliver anything that even seems the least bit intelligent (which is why she is called ignorant, expo) I doubt she can parlay anything but her fading looks and her shrill baby vice into an asset. Really, her speaking gigs are diminishing into "Golden Moose" presenter, and has-been at the Freedom Festival. How much lower can she go?

  18. Anonymous2:13 PM

    once old john has permanently retired to the culdesacs of his rapidly disintegrating mind Meghan can come clean about the palins.

  19. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

    Megan is pregnant with sextuplets? Explains a lot, Poor Daddy's Girl, she spent all that time poppin pills with her head under the covers, but hey, at least Brissy learned to spell "Louis Voitton" the correct way. She had called him "Lou Mutton" before that!

    Yes, Dear Meg, Daddy really stepped in it big time, when people say "McCain" "Palin" is always and forever next. You should have told daddy not to hire the same people shrub hired, remember? They intimated that your sister Bridgette was a "love child" of Daddy Warbucks. Read it again. Daddy hired the same people to run his campaign that called your sister an illegitimate child of his. Daddy deserves Sarah, just feel bad for "mommy". Whatever possessed her to marry John?

  20. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Meghan McCain is an airhead. When asked why she thought she was qualified to speak out about politics she said (no I'm not kidding) Because her mother was pregnant with her during one of her father's campaigns. She also said Michele Bachmann was more smarter than Sarah Palin. She's stupid too.

  21. Oh that was just perfect. LOL.


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