Monday, January 19, 2015

Palin the political pole dancer is taking her act to Iowa. You know what that means folks! (Well nothing really.)

"Come on girls, we're going to Iowa!"
Courtesy of the Naughty North Star's Facebook page:

Iowa! Can't wait to be back next weekend. We looked back at pictures of our many fun, diverse adventures in the Hawkeye State over the years and wanted to share some here. Thank you to Citizens United and your courageous, selfless Congressman Steve King for putting together this awesome Freedom Summit. I look forward to joining you and our new and old Iowa friends to forge the future path – bright and successful – of our party and more importantly our country! If you can't make it to Iowa, you can watch the Freedom Summit live here: - 

Sarah Palin 

PS - Try to catch our friend Senator Joni Ernst's Iowa straight talk response to President Obama's Second-to-Last State of The Union speech on Tuesday night. Thank you Iowa for sending Joni to DC to fight for all of us!

Wow! One can really only speculate as to how this will affect Viagra sales for teabaggers as you just know this is going to give them wood.

Just the idea that Sarah Palin is going to Iowa where every politician wanting to be president, political book author wanting to sell books, and grifters wanting to scam the paint chip eaters, go in order to gain media attention and head fake the dipshits, is certain to cause the kind of excitement her last few pathetic followers have not felt since their mobility scooter managed to steer past that pile of dog poop on their way to pick up their disability check.

And Palin will not be the ONLY grifter in attendance either.

Also appearing is perennial presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, former UN Ambassador (Who actually hated the UN.) John Bolton, Donald Trump and his gravity defying hair, and Jim DeMint, as well as many other conservative clowns.

Not to mention a few folks who might actually have a shot at winning the GOP nomination, such as Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, and Rick Santorum.

I'm just kidding none of those losers have chance.

And the only two that do, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, are persona non grata among this crowd.

So I would expect a whole lot of flag waving, Ronald Reagan necrophilia, and piles of red, white, and blue bullshit. But nothing of any real substance.

In other words, the PERFECT venue for Sarah Louise Palin, and her amazing inflatable hooters.


  1. I can't wait for this, either, but I don't think it's for the same reason as ol' Quitty (snicker-snicker).

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Wonder if Sarah will wear her flag shoes? Or those by now filthy black jeans? Based on past observation, she certainly won't be wearing anything new, tasteful or appropriate.

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Here's why the old bitch has her knickers all wee'd weed up! Micheal Moore criticizes the EAstwood film "American sniper" Palin and Anchor baby "Twitchy" go bonkers! What flippin' idiots!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Interesting take on Kyles death
      " After all, it was they – the innocent people of Iraq – who were invaded, not visa versa. Here, it will be demonstrated that Kyle is in no way a hero but, rather a coward who has not even a brave bone in his body.

      Kyle is in major trouble. He had just published a book, American Sniper, in which he had proven to have lied. Moreover, the lie was against a prominent individual, Jesse Ventura, who called him on the lies and ending up suing him for defamation. It was a clear case for Ventura: he was in the right, and he could prove it. That meant the damages could be big, far more than the Kyle could possibly afford. Trial was set for August 1, 2013. Then, suddenly, people are to believe, the veteran sniper turns up dead, shot to death by an associate on a firing range."
      Since the Quitterqueen is bitching word is prob to create something to detract from the #SOTU tomorrow night which is sure to be gangbusters!!! And not for Cons!
      If Kyle did die, well live by the gun die the gun its called KARMA!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    P.S. "Try to catch...."

    That's a pretty tepid recommendation, Sarah. "Be sure to catch...." would be the way to go if you were really supporting and endorsing Joni Ernst. Something tells me that a little worm of jealousy has eaten into Palin's heart, now that Ernst is a real U.S. Senator, and was chosen to give the response to the State of the Union speech. So, "try to" catch it, if you haven't already turned off the tv, put the cat out, and turned out the lights.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      RIP Don Meredith!

    2. I think you are correct on the jealousy part toward Joni. Maybe Palin can throw in a couple of lap dances to get back her mojo.

    3. Sally inMI10:10 AM

      Down thread someone said Palin has already issued her rebuttal to the speech....eight hours before it is even given.

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Maybe Joni Ernst is the new Sarah Palin.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This means that someone let Scarah know that no one would take her serious (send money) if she didn't look like she was running (go to Iowa). She can't wait...

    We can't wait to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the Palins, any of them, all of them. Brissy Pissy is having a selfie contest. Trackmarks will be lead speaker at the Memorial Celebration at the Beartooth.

    Wilblow has to skip this year as her ice pick lobotomy didn't work out so well. Sorry, Wilblow, they will let you out as soon as you recover.

    Can't wait for Cambridge, also, too. Make America proud Scarah! You are really on a roll with brother Chucky on your side.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Who is helping Tri-G eat a cheerio and putting ice on the bump on his head fro falling off Jill?

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Sarah Palin honors MLK Day 3... 2... 1...

      John McCain and MLK Day

    3. Sally inMI10:06 AM

      Martin who?

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Fuck John McCain. What an asshole he is. He fought making MLK day a holiday tooth and nail.
      I hate that man his obnoxious daughter. Also Cindy is here in Phoenix very actively involved in anti sex-trafficking activities. Yet she ignores Todd Palin's history completely and will never speak out.

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Let us not forget where the Palins will honor Martin Luther King. @ Patheos with Nancy French playing the part of Bristol Palin. The French family has an adopted child, they will want to intergrate her varied cultures and enlighten her about her new country.

      Meanwhile, Bristol is liking Duck and adopted daughter, Sadie in her new money making "Daddy Approved" style.

      "Pimp Daddy Approved" camouflage dress! Barefoot Bristol Palin showing off her dirt-covered black jacket and banged-up knees

      "Pimp Daddy Approved”

    6. Anonymous4:09 PM

      That Dakota guy had a beer with Obama. That must chap Sarah's ass.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Mark Barker Wouldn't mind seeing some sings with just your name on them.

    Go ahead, Mark, you have just the aptitude for making some conservative signs (sings).



    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I think I love you, Mildred.
      Shout out from Oregon! :-)

    2. Sally inMI10:05 AM

      I made that mistake once..I was seven, and we had to tape a picture on our desks prior to Parent night, with the admonition to "Sign Here" for our parents. My mom saved my picture. Like I said, I was 7.

  5. PalinsHoax9:24 AM

    Hey Gryphen, I sure do hope you send that above picture of Ol' Toothpick Legs to all the folks over at that Iowa Freedom Summit, as well as to the Des Moines Register and especially to Joni Ernst.

    That photo is an accurate representation on the Ol' Demented One.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      That photo needs to be put on display on a big billboard (vertical type) near where the Iowa Freedom Summit is being held! Anyone up to doing it? Need funds to do so? I'd help!

    2. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Wonder what BFF Becky Beach will have to say to Saree after the FUBAR of "TriGGer standing on Jill" of the scam Puppy jake Foundation....????

    3. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Becky Beach is in rehab.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "Political Earthquake PAC buys digital billboard for the Iowa Freedom Summit. ‪#‎PoliEQPAC‬ The Political Earthquake leased our first digital billboard in Des Moines, Iowa. It is located on Fleur Dr. 600' North of Bell St. a major thoroughfare connecting the Des Moines Int. Airport and Downtown. Our billboard will run during the Iowa Freedom Summit from Monday the 19th of January through Sunday the 25th. It will display three separate message each displayed for 8 seconds and all encouraging folks to join us and support Sarah Palin to run in 2016. If you happen to be in the area we would love to see photos or read any local news coverage of our efforts."
    Proceed, quitter, proceed. LOL

    1. Sally inMI10:03 AM

      HAHHAAHHAHHAHAHAHHA..what a waste of their funds. Oh my. Will they use the AA shot of her in her tight jeans and classy flag boots? Or maybe the open shoulder shirt? Or maybe the unbuttoned tie dyed thing from the other day? I really doubt there will be much news coverage of a billboard...unless seeing her at 12 foot height causes an accident.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      The Earthquake people think they are doing her a favor with this SuperPAC, however, they are putting pressure on her to put her money where her mouth is and for god's sake, run already! They are both calling her bluff and funding support for her. I bet it makes her cringe seeing that these people are "putting her out there" when she really has zero intentions of running for anything.

      It's kind of amusing.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      1:50PM - they think she has a servant's heart. Dumb to the nth and then some.

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Uncle G, this is one of your best posts yet. You've really sharpened your sarcasm/snark stick and had me chuckling a few times. Keep up the good work.

  8. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Oh, I bet even that crowd is going to be so excited to see her! snark

  9. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Oh for cryin out loud!

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      The pee pond has been saying forever that she'll run an unconventional campaign. I say, bring it! How much bigger of a fool can you make yourself, $arah? We await.

    2. Unconventional is right. She isn't going to put her name on a ballot like other people do. She'll, uh, well, oh yeah! She'll be a write-in candidate on facebook! Or maybe even twitter. Send money now!

    3. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I'd love the idiot skanky grafter to run. Make sure someone saves her post above givin' the shout out to Citizens United. Time to get on your knees and blow your corporate masters Quitter.

    4. Anonymous1:48 PM

      She blows her corporate overlords each and every day, where do you think the Herpes sores on her lips come from?

  10. I'm waiting for the bus tour again. Should be soon after the others start to announce their intentions.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Absolutely. She will get the bots all excited and the endless grift will continue on.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      She sold the bus

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM


      So far as we know, she "attempted" to sell the bus, it was parked in a lot on the Palmer/Wasilla Highway for nearly a year without being sold.

  11. Anonymous9:47 AM

    What a lineup! Are there ANY SANE people invited?

    1. Sally inMI10:01 AM

      They couldn't find any. All the sane people have left to become independents or Democrats. Who would want to hang out with that crew and their guns and alcohol and adoration of Cruz? Yuck.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Rumor has it that Becky from Puppy Jake is back in rehab after the Palin service dog fiasco. Maybe Sarah is bringing her some pills as a peace offering (if the rehab wasn't voluntary).
    Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING Sarah touches turns to shit for the people she grifts. You would think people would open their eyes and wise up!!

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Well, technically, Teddy Nugent turned to shit (literally & figuratively) BEFORE he met Palin.

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Becky Beach is on hiatus at Kennebunkport with her dear friends.

    3. "Anonymous10:09 AM
      Well, technically, Teddy Nugent turned to shit (literally & figuratively) BEFORE he met Palin."
      And now they swirl around in the same bowl.

    4. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Well, Sarah did use Jill as a service dog. She served as a step stool for a photo op with Trig.

    5. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Let's hope they are planning Sarah's take down for good.

  13. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Wow! I am speechless! Get her IMER's:
    At SPC this morning Sarah gives her rebuttal to what Obama will say at his SOTU.
    That's a preemptive strike from her.
    My take on the economy is that it is running on too easy credit especially when I saw my yard guy is driving a more expensive brand new truck than I, while his own son is stuck working in a restaurant for the last three years since high school at minimum wage. Something is wrong with this picture. There's a bubble building up.

    1. Sally inMI9:59 AM

      What did that even mean? Why doesn't the son get some education? If the yard guy works for Palin, I'm sure he's being paid a lot to keep quiet about what he sees while he's there. And I thought old Todd's Christmas truck was pretty loaded...thanks to SARAHPAC donors. Just like Sarah to whine about something she knows nothing about. "too easy credit?" How would that even be under the purview of the President? Does she want him approving all loans now?

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      @9:51 a.m Do you have a link for $arah whining about her yard guy, or is that sarcasm?

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      How can this multi-millionaire go off on who her “yard guy” is driving a more expensive truck that she with a straight face? It is alarmingly off kilter and I hope this comment follows her everywhere. I would imagine the comments about the bubble refer to her kids who have no education and no jobs are living on their credit cards. Ms. Palin is a world class projection personality.

    4. Anonymous10:12 AM

      She is such an idiot. It's not even entertaining anymore.

    5. "Something is wrong with this picture. "
      You know what's wrong with this picture, Palin, you brainless heehaw? It is you thinking that you know anything, anything at all, about the economy and how it functions.

    6. Anonymous10:14 AM

      A bubble building up. Fuck her! What does she think happened under Bush? I hate these stupid conservatives who refuse to give our President ANY credit for his accomplishments. It's immoral and anti-American in my opinion.

    7. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Is the message to us low to middle income Amurikans that we shouldn't have access to credit or nice things? That grifting for a living makes you entitled, but hard work doesn't? Or, was she just bragging that she has a yard guy? Restaurant work is something you only do, if stuck?

    8. Anonymous10:28 AM

      "yard guy?" To think she used to mow her own with Trig strapped to her back. Of course you did, sweet cheeks. Bring on the next lie and we'll fly swatter you into oblivion.

    9. Anonymous10:33 AM

      It is posted on her 'channel'.

    10. Anonymous10:33 AM

      There are plenty "yard guys" (and gals) here in Alaska that make plenty of money landscaping, mowing, designing and planting flowerbeds, building and maintaining decks and beautifying them with custom pots and baskets. It's hard work but with enough clients one can do quite well in this line of work, probably make enough honest money to even purchase a nice truck!

      For her to act so humble driving her "old" Toyota Tundra is just that, an act. We saw Todd's brand new truck and custom wrapped snow machine trailer, cha ching $100 grand!

      We just saw the instagram photos of Willow's $50,000 ride with $1600/each custom wheels. Cha ching!

      There seems to be plenty of money floatin' around that family and I'm sure if the "humble" Mrs. Palin wanted to purchase herself a new truck she could afford it.

      Also too, from the looks of her sparse and barely landscaped property, complete with that stupid cement slab that they call a "deck" she doesn't pay this guy for any more than just mowing her lawn. There are no gardens, just the lawn and the slab and a few large pots sitting by her door.

      Oh, and by the way, I thought that Mrs. Palin mowed her own lawn in her tank top with Trig strapped to her back? Isn't that what she told us when she was so freaked out about Joe McGinnis moving next door? Looks like someone was caught lying again...

    11. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Well, the yard guy is willing to work. Maybe Chcukles Jr and the rest of the Palin/Heath family could give THAT a try? Or is grifting too easy for them?

    12. Anonymous10:54 AM

      10:33 -- I'm with you. First of all, calling him "a yard guy" is belittling. Real gardeners, landscapers, even plain lawn mowers, work hard to build up a clientele and put themselves into their work. That "yard guy" needs a good truck for his equipment and travel.
      Sarah's family all have new vehicles. Sarah's poor-mouthing her own truck just doesn't work.
      Employment, any employment, is worthwhile. "A man is worthy of his hire," said my grandmother, meaning that all those who are working are to be respected.
      She's picked up a little nugget of knowledge about car loans that are dicey, as well as some loan companies that can charge hundreds of percentage points -- but all in states that don't bother to regulate these businesses, which, of course, are owned by corporate fat cats.
      Sarah, why not work toward raising the minimum wage, so that poor people will be less poor?

    13. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Wait a minute, Sarah has a yard guy?

    14. Anonymous11:05 AM

      OK, Sarah, here's the deal on the truck. For the yard guy, it is part of his business. He hauls the rakes, lawn mowers and everything else around in the truck, and he uses it to go from job to job. It's is a legitimate tax deduction for him, where you truck is just another vehicle to go somewhere. And don't pretend that you have to make do with such a cheap truck. We saw the instagram of Bristol's car and truck. We saw Todd's gargage filled with expensive vehicles. Poor Sarah.

    15. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Waiters make more in tips than Sarah's offspring earn doing nothing.

    16. Anonymous11:07 AM

      The yard guy is running his own small business. You would think that Sarah Palin would cheer for him instead of insult him. And his kid could work with Dad if he didn't want the minimum wage job.

      Tell me again. What work does Todd do?
      What does Track do for living?

    17. Anonymous11:10 AM

      And then there's the $4500. toy vehicle for Tripp's birthday. This family has Kardashian-itis.

    18. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Using "guy" after a service name is very common where I am. People have yard guy, plow guy, maple syrup guy, tow truck guy, ice fish guy etc.

      BUT, it would never occur to me to imply that it's odd that one of these "guys" is more than affluent than I am. Particular in the case of "plow guy", the newness and size of the truck is always a source of pleasure!

      (People do compete a little about their plow guy. As in, MY plow guy shovels the roof too. And everyone trades the names of their maple syrup guys.)

    19. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Why the F do Alaskans protect this skank when she even insults her lawn guy??
      If she even has a lawn guy. I thought she and Tri-G mowed the lawn?

    20. Anonymous12:14 PM

      They thought they were the new Kardashians, Beaglemom, and goodness knows Hollywood gave them more than enough chances to be the next IT. That they failed is their own damn fault, and it's not because of "liberal" Hollywood as $arah would like people to think, more like WTF.

      Run $arah.....c'mon,'s been eight years,

    21. Anonymous1:46 PM

      So Trick/Track and Toddy Boy are too good to run the lawn tractor and mow the damn yard?

    22. Anonymous2:22 PM

      The only bubbles that I see "growing up" are the air bubbles in the Belmonts and also, too, the bubbles in Sarah's brain. Damn! She's jealous of her own "yard guy". Can't help but wonder if her yard guy is maybe a different color than Sarah? Maybe some resentment that one of "those people" dare to drive a nice truck? And what's with the snark about the man's son working in a restaurant? What business is it of hers? What does where the kid works have to do with the father having a nice truck? How does Sarah know the kid makes minimum wage? If he's a server or bartender he may make some pretty good money. If I was the yard guy, I'd quit working for her after I heard her public criticism of the son and truck. Sarah is jealous of everyone.

    23. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Maybe the 'yard guy' will disseminate some 'private' Palin information before he quits. Be careful who you throw under the bus, Lou Sarah.

    24. Anonymous4:06 PM


      Also, remember that Sarah always likes to spout about her time being a waitress and making a very low wage but being so happy to have learned how to work hard and it wasn't about the money but about learning a strong work ethic. Kinda like how she called Bristol a "hard ass worker" and we all wondered what that meant.

      Working menial labor jobs has been bragged about by Sarah for her entire time in the limelight: Track as an enlisted man, Sarah as Waitress, Todd working production on The Slope, Willow as Barista in a coffee shack and Bristol as receptionist at the Derm clinic. Are their menial jobs somehow better than the "lawn guy's" kid working in a restaurant for low pay? Isn't that the path to greatness? Start small and build up from there? Isn't that how you Palins accumulated your ungodly wealth? Oh, wait, not so much, it's called grifting and undeserved opportunities, just like Bristol making over half a million for dancing on a TV show twice, once while morbidly obese in her midsection. Now we see where you're coming from Mrs. Palin....your "hard work" is much different than every one else's.

      She so totally forgets her roots since she's been given so much money from other people and become tragically wealthy. It's laughable when she tries to actually relate to where she and her hillbilly clan originated from.

    25. Anonymous4:11 PM

      "Disseminate" is not a word that should be thrown around lightly in the presence of Palin females, unless you want to be on the hook for a few thousand a month in child support.

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Just a few fun facts about "conservative" Reagan:
    Reagan was a serial tax raiser.
    Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit.
    Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts.
    Reagan grew the size of the federal government tremendously.
    Reagan did little to fight a woman’s right to choose.
    Reagan wanted to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
    Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants.
    Reagan illegally funneled weapons to Iran.
    Reagan vetoed a comprehensive anti-Apartheid act.
    Reagan helped create the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      I'd like to see that on a billboard.

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Isn't it amusing how they've created a "Ronny Raygun" that is the complete opposite of the actual guy? The history books tell the true tale of Reagan, as you did above, however, these people do not read, they watch Fox News, who through the years have created this completely false picture of who and what Reagan was. I've told more than one conservatard that "your Reagan and my Reagan aren't even the same people".

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      I was young when Reagan took office. I wasn't interested in politics yet. I remember my interest rate on my home during those wondrous years was 12%. Good times!

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Darnit, if only we'd all gone to hair school and skin school, instead of getting a higher education, we too could be driving $50,000+ custom rigs and giving our children $4500 mini-ATVs for their birthday. Looks like all the money is in skin and hair, who knew?

    5. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I wonder how long Reagan had Alzheimers before it was leaked? Imagine if he had been a Democratic politician, all hell would have broken loose. Tjey all covered up for him, so who was running the country?

    6. Anonymous11:08 AM

      And, don't forget, Reagan is not the one who ended the Iranian hostage "crisis." All of the work was done by the Carter Administration; all of the credit was taken by the Reagan Administration.

    7. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Poor Jimmy Carter. He was too decent for the job. I have a great deal of respect for him and the work he has done since he left office.

    8. Anonymous11:59 AM

      10:48 Didn't they get as high as 18%? I remember being a new nurse just outta college and some of my coworkers newly married and pregnant had 18% mortgages!!

    9. Anonymous1:43 PM


      I know, isn't that crazy? Our rate is 2.75% on our main residence and even less on the fourplexes that we own as rentals. My father built a home in 1975 and paid upwards of 10% for a building loan. Times have certainly changed and in this current era of political hardship at least homeownership is affordable for everyone. Thanks Obama!

    10. Anonymous2:19 PM

      By the time they went public, it had been common for two or three years to hear references to Pres Nancy because of his conspicuous absence - kind of like the Where's Palin buttons while she was gov. I suspect his mental decline followed closely behind his physical decline - he never really recovered from being shot.

    11. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Don't even get me started on Nancy Reagan and her whole pseudo science astrology thing...damn, those two were about as dumb as dumb as you could get.

  15. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Hey Mrs. Todd Palin,

    Will you be competing in another half marathon during this trip to Iowa?



    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I plan on jumpin' on in again there near the end of the race and with a great appreciation for runnin' and such I will be proud to run a few miles with my great jogging Patriots in the beautiful state of Iowa.


    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Make that ex - Mrs.Todd Palin but he carries my purse when I need him to and I cover the prostitution ring. We are making money hand over fist and vibrantly living.


  16. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I just love that photo of her! She looks like a piece of work on the job with the Belmonts in full display. How does she show her face, the embarrassment factor is jaw dropping.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      It looks like she's trying to check out her shoes but the giant balloons on her chest are getting in the way. Those suckers are easily TWICE the size of her belly when she was "pregnant" with Trig.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I love that observation! And like her amazing pregnancy belly, they tripled in size practically overnight!

    3. Anonymous2:06 PM

      She looks like she's holding in a bowel movement until she can totter to the nearest bathroom.

  17. Caroll Thompson10:15 AM

    I predict nothing but polite applause when she goes into her 20 minute diatribe on how Obama is all evil, etc... It's old news and not even this crowd is going to think it is new.

    But no doubt she will bring the belmonts with her and maybe she will wear her black hooker shirt and those god awful black jeans with a big belt buckle. In the meantime, the professionals will be in suits and modest dresses (as will the audience).

    Somehow I am not feeling the love in Iowa for Old Sarah. Her time has passed and there are new faces in the crowd now.

    1. I think you are right. Ernst is the new sparkly bulb on their tree. As stupid as she sounds every time she opens her mouth, she at least dresses appropriately and is in a real elected position with the power to cast votes on real issues and bills.

      Palin? Ehh. She's working that unemployed aging biker old lady barfly hooker tacky old desperate cowgramma hitchhiker look as hard as she can, but there are limits as to how far it will take her.

  18. Maybe she'll even wear the stunning outfit pictured above.

    1. That picture should always be used to illustrate her uh, qualifications, preferably along with one of how she looked when the GOP was hosing her down and dressing her up.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Sarah Palin is the poster girl for the Iowa Tea Party. Wouldn't you just love to have a 51 year old Mom dressed like that? Bristol and Willow is that your Mama? BWAHAHAHAHA what a joke.

  19. Anonymous10:21 AM

    They will love the wild hog huntress in Idaho or iowa, wherever she will hitch a ride.

    The star of Amazing America! And Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer.

    Dakota in our backyard with family.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      He's the guy who asked if he could have a beer with the President and Obama invited him to come share some suds.

  20. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I'm hoping that Iowa will give the Palins, (any of them , all of them who she brings to shield her), the COLD shoulder. Puppy Jake Foundation is under scrutiny, Becky's back in rehab and Becky has many friends in the GOP. The whole recent mess with Becky can be directly linked to Sarah. Iowa may circle the wagons and leave Palin out among the wildlife .
    Time to get her frontier grizzly mama game on lol!!!

  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Be careful Sarah. The Iowa GOP may not like you right now. Better fly commercial and decline the offer of private jets.
    Just sayin'
    All in a work day for these freaks.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      She ain't flyin' she's gettin' a ride to Iowa in her fancy red convertible, doncha know.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Ass gas or grass! Nobody rides for free!

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

    It's going to be interesting to see who in her family travels with her as we are not seeing anything of the kids or her husband (?), Todd! It's pretty apparent they are no longer a tight family unit!

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Yes, the kids (her shields) have grown older and are controllable only for money.

      Todd is hiding and Track (Menard) Palin is wasted somewhere.

      Perhaps Bristol and Willow will be doing skin and hair respectively in Alaska, and therefore unable to travel. (snark) As if those two entitled lazy butts would consider working on the weekend...if they even had employment outside of Sarah PAC.

      Piper should be home, preparing for the upcoming school week---not that Sarah or Todd give a darn about any of their children completing high school and continuing their education into college.

      Poor Trig. Now that he is no longer a baby and without the training and therapy he should have had from birth, it would be impossible for Sarah to present him to the public. Not that she even cares enough about him to even consider taking him with her to experience a change of scene and meet her fans (who I do believe would be kind to him...more so than Sarah, his "mother" and his "sisters").

      It will be very interesting to see who is forced or paid to accompany Sarah. Maybe Chuck, Jr.? Since he is begging for money online.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Well, recently she has been seen trying to get Jill Hadaaaaasssaah to follow her commands. She doesn't seem to be listening to Sarah anymore than her kids do, though.


    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      she certainly can't take a chance on Trig blurting out "bullshit" or any of the other profanity his mother has taught him.

    4. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Are you kidding? A free trip to the UK? Where is the private jet? It sure beats riding in a stretch Hummer.

  23. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Off topic here - national media just announced that President Obama's approval ratings are back up to 50% again! Yea! That's really going to tick off Republicans.

    Everything has improved under President Obama and his administration. (VP Joe Biden too!)

    And, President Obama has many more great ideas before his second term is over. Veto pens here we go - - - - - - -

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      It will also piss of that stupid fuck-head troll who came here yesterday talking shit about President Obama being the most "inconsequential" president in history!

      50% job approval-rating! Suck it, troll!

  24. Aunt Ethel10:55 AM

    Sarah is going to have the Belmonts turned up to eleven and will dress in a very unprofessional manner to try and draw attention away from Joni. She will fail and will be in a jealous rage when her silly ploy doesn't work out the way she intended.

    After Iowa, she'll produce some extra-snarky posts and videos in a childish attempt to draw attention back to herself. The c4p crowd will rush to the defense of their addle-brained savior and Joni will feel their wrath.

    Lather, rinse, repeat

  25. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Also appearing is perennial presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, former UN Ambassador (Who actually hated the UN.) John Bolton, Donald Trump and his gravity defying hair, and Jim DeMint, as well as many other conservative clowns.

    Just how many people does that clown car hold?

  26. An antidote to Sarah Palin: from MLK Jr's speech on Vietnam:

    "It is with such activity that the words of the late John F. Kennedy come back to haunt us. Five years ago he said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” [applause] Increasingly, by choice or by accident, this is the role our nation has taken, the role of those who make peaceful revolution impossible by refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that come from the immense profits of overseas investments. I am convinced that if we are to get on to the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin [applause], we must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered."
    * * *
    "And if we will only make the right choice, we will be able to transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of peace. If we will make the right choice, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our world into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. If we will but make the right choice, we will be able to speed up the day, all over America and all over the world, when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

  27. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I swear that the Mooseshit MoFo pictured above is checking to see if the right boob is bigger than the left one, while not recognizing that she looks like the Dimwit from the 5 and dime! I so want to see someone take a pin to those fake hooters and watch her fall on her ass! I would pay too see that happen and then posted on that damn billboard, also, too!

    When will we see the end of 2014 PAC filing? I am waiting with anticipation!!

  28. Anonymous11:21 AM

    She means Ernst's straight cackle response.

  29. Anonymous11:30 AM

    "Wow! One can really only speculate as to how this will affect Viagra sales for teabaggers as you just know this is going to give them wood." Priceless! This is why I love your blog ::))

  30. "Wow! One can really only speculate as to how this will affect Viagra sales for teabaggers as you just know this is going to give them wood." Priceless, I laughed so hard :)

    New to the commenting system here, so I hope I did not post this twice. Just wanted to say I love your writing and your blog. Best!

  31. Anonymous11:37 AM

    She's really running this time. I can already see your hateful heads exploding from my porch.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Let the games begin!!

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      11:37 Snark, right? Or deluded. We need a signal sometimes so we can tell.

    3. Anonymous12:43 PM

      11:37 AM You live in your Parents' basement so it is not your porch. Is that photo above for Sarah's campaign purposes? BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

    4. Anonymous1:00 PM

      If Sarah Palin runs, it will be a laugh riot. She will suck all of the air out of the Republican Debate room. And, if by some strange act of God, Sarah was actually the Republican candidate, LOL, I can't wait to see them swear in the next Democratic president.

    5. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Memo: If Sarah Palin could not win when she had the big money backing of the Republican Party, she didn't have to debate anyone, she didn't have to run in any primaries, then there is no way that Sarah will be able to run on her own.

    6. Anonymous1:24 PM

      exactly - she had handpicked audiences and the best clothes RNC could buy.

    7. Anonymous1:38 PM


      Just remember, sweetie, running isn't the same as winning. She's been running since 2008, but unfortunately no one of consequence has been writing her name on any ballots. She's a runner, we get that, however, she is not a winner. Big difference.

    8. Anonymous1:56 PM

      She can't run and she knows it. All her secrets will come pouring out. No college degree, a faked pregnancy, Todd's prostitution ring, her drug use and SO much more. She is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! Fake family, fake Christianity, Fake boobs and lips, fake loving husband (it is just a business arrangement) They keep each other's secrets as long as she keeps the money flowing to oh, so many people.

    9. Anonymous2:00 PM

      lol, hold your breath, k?

    10. Anonymous2:04 PM

      We WANT her to declare and run! It would be the best case scenario for us, to have other hopefuls (Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, etc) not to mention the Republican machine, itself, go after her. Our heads might explode with the absolute joy of it all.

    11. Anonymous2:27 PM

      As Trig says..... " BULLSHIT"

      But I hope she does!!! Bwhahahahaha !!!!

    12. Anonymous3:55 PM

      She is running and dern proud.

    13. Anonymous4:19 PM

      @11:37 AM:

      Hey, President Obama's job approval-rating is rising, and the new Washington Post poll has his job approval-rating at 50%! I can just see $arah Palin's head exploding, and her dirty wig flying off!

    14. Anonymous4:20 PM

      11:37 AM,

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That's snark, right?

    15. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I hope $arah Palin does run! It will be hilarious watching her dumb-ass get humiliated again, on the national stage! And, Tiny Fey can play her on SNL, again! You trolls are adorable. lol.

    16. Anonymous4:28 PM

      11:37 AM,

      If $arah Palin runs for president our heads would explode from all the laughter! rotfl.

    17. Anonymous7:23 PM

      The Republicans won't run her so she'll have to run 3rd party, like a Nader or Perot. In that capacity she may garner a few hundred thousand individual votes, and certainly zero electoral votes, but hopefully enough far right votes to to end up derailing the Republican candidate. That is the function of a third party run, not to win, but to wound a party that you feel has betrayed you, leading the opposite party to victory. By all means Mrs. Palin, please proceed.

    18. Anonymous2:03 PM

      She's really running this time.
      Running for what? After the Jill fiasco she can't even run for dogcatcher.

  32. Anonymous11:38 AM

    She looks like a cartoon character. She even has her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.

  33. PalinsHoax12:13 PM

    Anonymous 11:37 AM
    "She's really running this time. "
    - - -

    Oh she's running alright: as hard as she can towards all the money she can grift from her scam and as fast as she can away from actually declaring herself a candidate.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      The only running that Sarah does is running around in the whirlwind money machine, trying to grab all of the dollar bills and stuff them in her bra.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      She's going to have to really crank it up. Only a handful left at the Pee Pond and when they aren't attacking one another they are lamenting - see Food Stamps Pete Petretich - that they can't afford to giver her anything. She's running right at their couch change.

  34. Anonymous1:55 PM

    God, I love that picture. She looks like such a empty-headed little bimbo.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Well, she is an empty-headed little person. She's too old and plain to qualify for "bimbo" anymore.

  35. Mommy! Mommy! Look at the retard mommy! I see her dear. And isn't trig adorable?

  36. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I don’t understand, our "Sarah From Alaska" is going to fly to a summit party in the lower 48 but our "Sarah From Alaska" completely skipped our 2014 Freedom Fair & Convention at the Menard Sports Complex here in Wasilla?

    What's sad is our Freedom Fair is only 4 minutes driving distance down Parks Hwy from our Sarah From Alaska's house here in Wasilla.

    Who cares anyway?

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Holy Shit! I too only live a few miles from the Menard. Can't believe there was a Freedom Fest and I didn't know...shit, guess I'll have to pay attention next year, FREEDUMBS!

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Sarah didn't want to drive her "old" pick'em-up truck to the Menard center so she decided to hitchhike 'cos that's what an Amazin' Hawt Grizzly Mama does. 'Cept nobody stopped to pick her up and she had to turn tail and go back home.

      Or maybe she wasn't invited and didn't want to crash the Freedom Fair since crashin' doesn't work out too well for the Palins.

  37. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Hey, Sarah, does it bother you to know that draft-dodging, poopy pants, pedophile Nugent was invited to the State of the Union but you were never invited?

  38. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I don’t understand, our "Sarah From Alaska" is going to fly to a summit party in the lower 48 but our "Sarah From Alaska" completely skipped our 2014 Freedom Fair & Convention at the Menard Sports Complex here in Wasilla?

    What's sad is our Freedom Fair is only 4 minutes driving distance down Parks Hwy from our Sarah From Alaska's house here in Wasilla.

    Who cares anyway?

  39. Suzy Q4:11 PM

    I haven't read any of the comments yet so, . . . What?! No Rand Paul?! Where's Rand "Road-Kill-for-Hair" Paul at on that stellar list, Gryphen? Major faux pas.

  40. Anita Winecooler4:20 PM

    Does she know there'll be leftie hollywood types hiding among the crowd with "gotcha" questions? I can't wait. What, exactly is it that a party pooper wears to a pooped party? LMAO Let the parasite "vacation" part deux start again! Last time wasn't embarrassing enough. This is what Sarah's relegated to, sucking the oxygen from other people's venues. Is it just the pole dancer or is all of family crasing the party? Note to Bristol, wear comfortable shoes, a thong dress and spray some of that "hail to the V" flea repellent.

  41. Anonymous4:25 PM

    By the way, how did the crotch lady do on the primer of her
    America show. Did the crotch shot, while waiting for a ride
    increase her viewers like she hoped. The fake front boobs,
    fake side boobs, fake hair, fake face, fake books she did not write, fake speeches she does not write, fake Governor ,
    as Todd was the Governor, flag shoes and boots ground into the dirt and fake hunter have all been used. All that
    is left that is new, is her flat as a pancake rear end to take to
    wow Iowa!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.