Saturday, January 17, 2015

Bill Maher's take on free speech from last night's New Rules is a must see.

Here is a portion of what he said courtesy of Raw Story: 

“Liberals hate bullying, alright. But they’re not opposed to using it,” he said. “When they casually throw out words like ‘bigot’ and ‘racist,’ it does cow people into avoiding this debate. And if you’re doing that, you don’t get to wear the #JeSuisCharlie button. The button you should wear says #JeSuisPartOfTheProblem.” 

While anyone can come up with a reason why something that bothers them should be exempt from freedom of expression, Maher argued, opinions should not be illegal — not even those belonging to someone like Rush Limbaugh. So anyone trying to campaign for Limbaugh cannot call themself a “proper liberal.” 

“You don’t get free speech,” Maher said. “You’re just a baby who can’t stand to live in a world where you hear things that upset you.” 

After grousing about Pope Francis, Maher then ripped Donohue, who he called the Pope’s “American vigilante.” Donohue, Maher said, has called him an “anti-Catholic bigot” so many times he made it his ring tone, while acting offended that Maher was against pedophilia. 

“That’s the great irony of Bill Donohue,” Maher said. “He’s a staunch advocate for a religion which considers masturbation a sin, and yet he’s a huge jerk-off.”

I was actually laughing and nodding in agreement with Maher right up until his last joke.

“Kim Jong-Un hates jokes, he doesn’t get them, and he takes them too seriously,” he said. “Which proves something I’ve always suspected about him — he’s a lesbian.”

Yeah I find that joke in poor taste, and uncool.

But do you know what? I absolutely support his right to make it. 

And since the rest of his rant was right on, I felt it was worthy of being shared.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This is a hoot! Bill doesn't disappoint.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Sarah better watch her mouth when she hits Cambridge, because if she starts bashing our wonderful president, it won't go down so well...

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Finding things in common?

  4. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I do not agree with Bill Maher all the time, hanging out at the Playboy mansion I find disgusting, but I must admit he has great timing and he says it in a way no one else can. I try to never miss his show.

  5. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I totally support the Flush Rush campaign. Nobody is making sponsors shitcan his racist, misogynistic, homophobic ass. They're making sponsors aware of the hatred he spews and then it's up to sponsors to decide if Limbaugh is worth it to them. Did Maher reveal that he himself got shitcanned by ABC for his own controversial statements? Think that has anything to do with his despicable Limbaugh support? I sure do. Too bad.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Bill Maher thinks he's just a "tad" bit of all right, just like all of them but, just like Gryph's blog that he is called out for differing opinions at times, it is their view and they are allowed it.

  6. Anita Winecooler4:26 PM

    I like Bill a lot but sometimes he pushes the envelope and goes too far, but for some reason, I'm still hooked on his humor.


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