Saturday, January 17, 2015

Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio is being charged with contempt for failing to follow a judge's instructions during racial profiling trial. Sounds about right, I have always held this guy in contempt.

Courtesy of AZ Central:  

After months of fiery hearings, legal filings and stern warnings, a federal judge presiding over a racial-profiling case has announced he will take legal action against the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. 

Sheriff Joe Arpaio will face a civil contempt hearing in federal court this spring. 

U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow announced during a Thursday telephone conference that he will oversee a civil contempt of court proceeding against the six-term Maricopa County sheriff during a four-day mini trial in April. 

Snow has repeatedly threatened to level criminal- or civil-contempt proceedings against the office, and the judge spent the past week reviewing pleadings in which attorneys for Arpaio tried to persuade Snow not to take the monumental step.

Apparently the judge is pissed off that not only is the sheriff's office NOT providing all of the documentation requested by the judge, including body camera footage, but that they have continued conducting the kinds of traffic stops that got them into trouble in the first place.

Arpaio's attorneys are trying to explain away his behavior but the judge is simply not having it.

The trial is set for sometime in April.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    The Judge should have him thrown into jail.

    1. fromthediagonal4:57 PM

      Hope the judge refuses to be intimidated and follows through.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Arpaio. Title is wrong.

    1. Irishgirl4:46 PM

      So, it needs to be corrected to reflect the name of the dopey sheriff. Do you get that?

      Sew feck off.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Celebrating St. Paddys early, Irishgirl?
      This is Gryph's blog, NOT yours.

    3. Irishgirl5:38 PM


    4. Anonymous5:55 PM

      YES he is!

    5. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Irishgirl is one of the good gals and is 100% correct.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    O/T but OMG, did you see this? Talk about narcissistic behavior!

    and some Sarah doozies:

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Even Rmoney's magic underwear couldn't get that asshole elected in 2016.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The guy is creepy and one nasty dude. Hope the Judge throws him in jail for a good spell!

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    why do i have the happy feeling this teabaggin' racist will windup going down in a hale of bullets ?

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    ... but... but...butt he gave Sherry Johnston those soft pink hand cuffs.

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Sarah is butt buddies with this asswipe. Creepy is right. He looks like the fat brother of Dickless Cheney.

    So here's an example of the family values this Skank has been screeching about. Apple doesn't fall far from the parenting tree, eh? Sure aren't any values my family would embrace.


    This is a hoot! Bill takes it home!

    Last night was the first episode of Season Two of Sarah Palin’s Amazing America. At least that’s what Sarah said on the last three Facebook posts. However given the lack of people watching, it is simply speculation that the show aired.

  8. Anonymous3:56 PM

    – why did we hide this documentary?

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Speaking of contempt and WTFness, when have we EVER put down Trig? EVER?

  10. Anonymous4:07 PM

    This is bound to put a big ol' bee in the constitutional sheriff movement's bonnet....big time.

    "Richard Mack, who along with Joe Arpaio founded the Constitutional Sheriffs Association, is one of the founders of the Oath Keepers, a group focusing on police and military personnel which, though it may occasionally reflect slivers of militia ideology, advocates that members lay down arms and nonviolently refuse to comply with orders they view as unconstitutional[2][3].

    It is Mack's view that "[t]he greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our federal government…

    One of the best and easiest solutions is to depend on local officials, especially the sheriff, to stand against federal intervention and federal criminality."

    The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA, for short) is a US Peace Officer group that believes that sheriffs are "the highest executive authority in a county and therefore constitutionally empowered to be able to keep federal agents out of the county".[1] It promotes this viewpoint as a method of saving the country from tuh overbearin fedrul gubmint. Their membership consists of a staggering fourteen sheriffs, one county commissioner, and one chief of police, drawn from thirteen states (mostly southern and western). The organization draws much of its philosophy from the similar sovereign citizen and Posse Comitatus movements."

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      see my post @ 3:37

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      We need to pray for that federal judge. Can't imagine the threats that are coming his way now. Seriously, this is like taking on the NRA or Cliven Bundy X 1000. Hope he is well-protected at all times. And yes, Arpaio deserves whatever is coming to him: contempt of a federal judge is a serious offense (not to mention all his prior shenanigans).

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM

    'Why Bundy Ranch Thinks America's Sheriffs Can Disarm The Feds

    The sheriff, who cited a 1984 class with W. Cleon Skousen, who the Southern Poverty Law Center described as "a leading light of right-wing radicalism, a theocrat who believed the decline of America began with passage of the 14th Amendment and its guarantee of equality for the former slaves and others," as his ideological awakening, lays out his worldview on the Constitutional Sheriffs site:

    The county sheriff is the line in the sand. The county sheriff is the one who can say to the feds, “Beyond these bounds you shall not pass.” This is not only within the scope of the sheriff’s authority; it’s the sheriff’s sworn duty."

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      These idiots sure know their U.S. Constitution, don't they? @@

  12. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Its been obvious all along that this turd thinks he is above the law.

    There is nothing worse than a "lawman" who breaks the law.

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    This too shall pass. Asswipe will get over. Ultimately untouchable. Hope I'm wrong. Stay tuned....

    Paul in Indiana


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