Friday, January 23, 2015

Climate scientists release study saying that in order to save the planet fossil fuels need to stay right where they are. In other words, for God sakes stop drilling!

Courtesy of National Geographic:  

Canada's tar sands need to stay in the ground, the oil beneath the Arctic has to remain under the sea, and most of the world's coal must be left untouched in order to prevent global temperatures from rising more than 2°C, a study released Wednesday says. 

The research, unlike other bleak assessments of the world's climate predicament, zeroes in on which regions should halt their production of coal, oil, and gas—and by how much. It comes ahead of climate talks in Paris later this year that aim to broker a new global accord to cut greenhouse gas emissions. 


In addition to abandoning more than 80 percent of current global coal reserves, the researchers say, the world should forego extracting a third of its oil and half of its gas reserves before 2050.

And that my friends is why the "Drill Baby, Drill" philosophy should be shoved out onto the same iceberg of irrelevancy that Sarah Palin currently occupies.

By the way Climate Scientists are not the only scientists pushing the panic button: 

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced Jan. 22 that it is moving the hand of the “Doomsday Clock” two minutes closer to midnight. Through a combination of nuclear weapons and increasing global warming, the Bulletin’s executive director Kennette Benedict said that there were some “truly terrible prospects” for the fate of humanity on the horizon, and implored “the citizens of the world to think clearly” about its future.

The threat of nuclear war was also mentioned, though the panel suggested that the global inclination to replace carbon-based power plants with nuclear power was more of an issue. The panel was concerned with the Russian incursion into Crimea, but was less concerned that someone was “going to press the button” on a nuclear weapon, and more concerned that about having to maintain nuclear material at all, which increases “the prospect for nuclear accidents,” Benedict said. 

Great so now we are less in danger of being blown up by enemies then we are of killing ourselves due to ignorance.

How comforting.


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    The Republicans in Congress will not believe the report because Charles and David Koch have told them not to.

  2. But according to the Republicans, our only concern should be cheap gas. And a handful of jobs and contracts for one's cronies. And yet they accuse Democrats of not caring about future generations.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Great YouTube video one of the commenters posted a link to on IM yesterday, about the tar sands Keystone pipeline and its connection to the Koch brothers. It was a frightening look at how the operate and how many in our Federal (and) state government are in their pocket. Wake up, people!

  4. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Thanks for this informative, important post.

  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Both of Alaska's US Senators embarrassed the people of the state by voting that global warming isn't human caused. Sad.


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