Thursday, January 08, 2015

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair may face charges of war crimes after release of report. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney chuckle quietly to themselves.

Courtesy of the Telegraph:  

Tony Blair could face war crimes charges as a result of the Iraq war inquiry report, the House of Lords has been told.

Okay let me confess that if Tony Blair gets convicted of war crimes while members of the Bush administration are still walking around scott free I ma going to lose my shit.

We just had our own report released which illustrated a number of criminal activities that were undertaken by this country under the direction of that criminal administration and NOTHING came of it.

And not to give Blair a pass because he deserves to swing as far as I am concerned, but the Iraq war was the brain child of Dick Cheney and George Bush. Blair was just the cowardly piss ant that allowed himself to be bullied into signing on so that they would not take his lunch money and give him a wedgie.

Let me ask one more time, what the fuck is wrong with us America?


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    That's what I'd like to know, Gryph, and why we have to suffer a third shrub running.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      My thoughts exactly. But the great unwashed American public has forgotten all the wrongs done to this country and the world by the last Bush presidency. And the one before that had some serious problems too.

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      But Beaglemom, Bush and Cheney kept us safe! 911 happened on their watch, and yet Obama is the Muslim terrorist President who wants to bring down America!
      It's so sad so many in our country are so ignorant. Too many citizens with no critical thinking skills.

    3. Suzy Q10:01 AM

      They don't call them the Bush Crime Family for nothing. BartCop, may he rest in peace, used to call them that. He had an interesting blog unearthing all the crimes.

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Count me in, and I still remember Dubya in some interview after 9/11 and his false lead-up to war saying that his newly formed DHS had just staved off a terror attack on Los Angeles. I looked straight at my husband and said, bullsh*t!" Lying POS.

      All the lives he ruined, and he gets to spend the rest of his days painting. Eff him and that whole damn clan!

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    damn the truth hurts. the bohemian heathens are at it again. The grove party should be fun this year.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Cremation of Care.

  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I expect the war crimes charges filed against Bush in Italy a few years ago have something to do with why he never seems to venture further away than Canada.

  4. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Fucker is knockin' down some serious bank these days.....

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Of course he is, when you are someone wealthy's pet poodle you get showered with gifts....

  5. I guess America really is what blinkered, uneducated Americans keep saying, that "America is exceptional."

    That is -- exempted from doing the Right Thing, from taking responsibility for its government-sanctioned torture, from prosecuting torturers, from passing stricter gun laws, & from ending police racism and legislated misogyny (to name just a few its ironically anti-Christian transgressions).

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      We are going to have to pay the piper. Big time. Time for sane people to expatriate themselves.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      We'll welcome you with open arms. A lot of us came up here during the last great expatriation: the Vietnam war which was definitely Canada's gain.

      With what is coming down the pike with the Republicans now in charge of both houses, and IMHO, the loss of the Presidency (via Hillary's Wall Street leanings & all the cheating election tactics, dark money, etc, etc.) to them as well, get prepared to run far, run fast.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Need to renew my passport.

    4. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Thanks for the welcome Anon 7:11. However, Harper is a lackey for big oil also and is led by the Koch brothers. His government is destroying Canada in much the same way America is being destroyed by its elected officials!

    5. 10:57 -- you are quite right, but the majority of Canadians want him out. In fact, in the last election he won, but did not win the popular vote -- we have same unfair voting system: wins grouped by what are called Ridings.
      Harper thinks he is a Bush-like president of Canada and hope he will be disabused of that in 2015.
      But our banking system is far superior to yours and we survived the 2008 debacle far better.
      Even 35 of your Democrats just voted against bank regulations that would help prevent another melt-down. What is wrong with them? short-term thinking; certainly not statesmanship. Obama can veto that vote, thank gawd.

  6. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What's wrong with us? Hey, if it were up to me, Cheney/Bush would have been long since officially accused, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for their war crimes, along with Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, John Yoo, John Bolton, and Condoleezza Rice. It's the Obama administration that's giving these war criminals a pass. Which makes the latter complicit in those crimes, just like the poodle is complicit.

    1. Bill F5:31 AM

      Since her return to private life Condoleeza Rice has decided to serve mankind by joining the Augusta National Golf Club and serving on the committee to chose the teams for the NCAA football championship. She needs to have a talk with Malala.

    2. Suzy Q10:08 AM

      And don't forget Nancy Pelosi who said when the Democratic Party took a majority of the House for 22 short months and she became Speaker of the House that we weren't going to look back that we were going to look forward to the future. I was so pissed off about that! I wanted the Democrats to win so that Cheney, Bush, et al would be brought up for war crimes but Nancy knew that she would have to brought up too because she went along with the Bush Crime Family and voted for the war.

  7. Gryphen, it is distinctly an error to refer to the Iraq invasion and occupation as the "brain child" of George Bush, because no evidence exists that Bush actually has a functioning brain. His head is filled with a sort of cottage cheese-like substance instead.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      He's only smart enough to do what he's told.

  8. Leland5:03 AM

    Aw. Breaks my heart. Couldn't happen to a "nicer guy" - unless the "nicer guys" were Bush and Cheney!

  9. Blair wasn't bullied into it. He was a willing partner in the Iraq war shenanigans. He thought it would make him into a modern version of Churchill. He and his cronies had a WMD report "sexed up" to make it look like Saddam had missiles that could reach Britain in 45 minutes. They even had one expert who dared contradict the report die of a "suicide."

    1. ManxMamma7:04 AM

      I was living London then Regina and that 45 minutes pushed me reluctantly to support Blair's actions. That didn't last for long thank goodness.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      yeah and others are involved in Alaska as well...being as it's a great place to put your money and launder it globally...whats a few 500 million hu? lol...oh boy!

  10. Anonymous5:21 AM

    God bless you Gryphen for the work you do

  11. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Og god, G. What is wrong? Were to even start....

  12. Anonymous5:52 AM

    What is wrong with us? Many of our brains have been colonized by the hate and fear mongers ... That's what. Plus we don't know much history and we don't care that much of the world lives in near slave conditions so we can have cheap fruit and cheap clothes and cheap cell phones etc.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Actually economic conditions are improving in much of the world, and a great portion of the world enjoys a much higher standard of living than we do here in "exceptional" America. Here in "exceptional" America we are seeing and increase in social services because much of our work force is underpaid for the jobs they do, we are witnessing what basically amounts to "slave conditions" for the average American hourly worker.

      The media likes to keep our populace ignorant of the fact that so many, Europeans and Canadians are a good example, have it so much better than we do. That's why the media will focus on stories from economically depressed countries, or countries such as China with even worse labor practices than ours, to keep Americans complacent and keep us thinking we're more "exceptional" than we truly are.

  13. The problems with the Bush family did not start with dubya. You have to go back to prescott, he was involved with all types of nasty shenanigans during the 30s' and 40s'.

    1. Suzy Q10:12 AM

      Have you ever watched Conspiracy TV? That very subject was covered last weekend on that show. Prescott and the Nazis. Prescott and Stalin. Compelling TV.

    2. Anonymous9:42 PM

      yeah didn't Prescott Bush dig up Geronimo grave and steal his skull? This is a crazy bunch of bastards...and you all are dumb-asses who elected live with what you did....

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Yes indeed. And I think its about time those old skeletons saw the light of day. They are still haunting the world.

  15. hedgewytch7:53 AM

    You can't blame Obama on this one. Yes, he could start the ball rolling, but historically its Congress that brings up charges, investigates, and makes the final decision. And its Congress that should have done it 8 years ago.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Congress is the body that financed the whole thing, both Democrats and Republicans. They are co-conspirators. And let's not forget that Obama extended and expanded the Bush Doctrine with acts like the NDAA.
      They are all guilty.

      orlin sellers

  16. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Speaking of MORE OF THE SAME, this guy is slippery and wiley and a disaster.

    Jeb Bush: 'Respect' My Opposition to Your Civil Rights Because 'Religious Liberty'

  17. Anonymous8:31 AM

    O/T but a followup to a previous post by Gryphen:

    Thousands Sign Petition To Cancel TLC's 'My Husband's Not Gay' Over Show's 'Ex-Gay' Message

    Thousands have already signed an online petition calling for the cancellation of a forthcoming TV special about a group of Mormon men who say they are attracted to other men but have chosen to marry women.

    Slated to air on TLC on Jan. 11, "My Husband's Not Gay" promotes "the false and dangerous idea that gay people can and should choose to be straight in order to be part of their faith communities," according to the petition's founder, Josh Sanders.

    “I started this petition because these men deserve compassion and acceptance," Sanders, a devout Christian who said he was previously subjected to reparative (or "ex-gay") therapy, said in an email statement. "Instead, TLC is presenting their lives as entertainment, and sending the dangerous message that being gay is something that can and ought to be changed."

    He added, "No young person should ever be told to be ashamed of who they are -- especially by a television network.”

    At the time this story was published, Sanders's petition (which can be viewed here) had drawn over 75,000 signatures.

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM

    O/T but Gryphen, your science guy is getting his own late night show! The right wing is gonna have their minds blown!

    Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets His Own Late Night Talk Show

    America’s favorite astrophysicist and host of Fox’s rebooted Cosmos series Neil deGrasse Tyson has made numerous appearances on shows like The Colbert Report and Real Time with Bill Maher. But this spring, he will get the opportunity to host his own late night talk show of sorts on the National Geographic Channel.

    Star Talk, which is also the name of the host’s popular podcast, will be taped in front of a live audience at the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium in New York City, where Tyson serves as director. It is scheduled to premiere some time in April.

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Tony Blair was an adult fully capable of making his own decisions and is fully culpable for his actions. If he is prosecuted and the Americans are not, it is solely our fault as Americans. I do think most people would see the injustice of he being prosecuted while that pussy Cheney and Co are not.

  20. Anonymous9:23 AM

    As a nation we have to come to terms with the idea that we have no problem going to foreign lands and killing people we will never meet and who have done nothing to us. It is a terrible thing and we have been doing regularly since world war 2.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      We've been waging war on foreign soils a lot longer than that:

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I guess the ex Prime Minister is held to a higher standard than the Bush Administration. Meh.

  22. Anonymous10:32 AM

    As much as I would love to see it, bush and cheney will never be prosecuted for their war crimes. They are rich white males who come from privileged backgrounds and are well connected to other rich white males who come from privileged backgrounds. That all but guarantees them a pass.

    That said, fuck them. Bush, cheney and their ilk are greedy, entitled, festering, fetid scum on the pond of society. And while we're at it, fuck their supporters and apologists. By turning a blind eye and ignoring facts (or clinging to partisan ideologies) they are accessories to shrub & co.'s crimes.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Isn't there something that "we the people" can do? They can't just get away with this forever. Let's start something- petitions, protests..anything.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      1251 now your RED HOT...go global and file in international court...start a website...hire an attorney and get donations and send them to Geneva...easy can do this! pass it on!

  23. Anita Winecooler4:24 PM

    Imagine the first elected African American President putting these two before the hague on war crimes. All hell would break loose, reverse racism, ya know. We needed to do this ages before bush, Ronald Raygun armed Iran during the Iran Contra thingy, with our ammo and tax dollars, and what did it get us? We're still paying for it today. That's why my blood boils when idiots call America exceptional.

    1. AKinPA3:38 AM

      Everytime I remember the obscenity of Rayguns funeral and the corresponding rush to sanctify him and whitewash his record, I want to vomit.
      I know a similar whitewashing took place after JFKs death, but we saw him assassinated on TV and he was killed early in his presidency leaving us wondering what might have he accomplished had he lived. Our grief was stunning and real. Rayguns ceremony was over the top for someones whose presidency was overshadowed by Alzheimers and guided by Nancys fortuneteller and hyped as I recall by the likes of Hannity and Limbaugh and others in the mainstream media.
      im sure when W goes he will be memoralized (is this a word or a palinism ) in the words of his morinic press secretery as thebpresident who kept us safe from terrorists attacks on exceptional Amurikkkan soil.
      My passport is up to date and I have a full set of Rosetta Stone cds in Swedish on order.


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