Saturday, January 17, 2015

Former Guantanamo Bay guard claims that CIA murdered three detainees and made it look like suicide.

Courtesy of  

A Former Guantanamo Bay guard has spoken for the first time about what he claims was a CIA murder of detainees, covered up as a triple suicide. 

Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman was on guard at the Cuban prison camp on the night they died, and calls the official version of events “impossible”. 

“They would have had to all three tie their hands and feet together, shove rags down their throats, put a mask over their face, made a noose, hung it from the ceiling on the side of the cellblock, jumped into the noose and hung themselves simultaneously,” the ex-Marine told Vice News in an explosive video interview. 

“In a cellblock where guards are ordered to check on detainees every four minutes.” 

There had also been an inspection of the cellblock only a few hours earlier, Hickman said, and guards had found nothing detainees might use to make the nooses and rags. 

Hickman tried for years to put the nightmare of his time at Guantanamo behind him, but eventually he was forced to confront his past. 

He has now written a book, Murder at Camp Delta, which he hopes will be a step towards finding out the truth.

And just when I thought I could not be any more disturbed by what the CIA did with terrorism suspects. 

If this is not disturbing enough for you trust me it gets worse.  

The three men were Salah Ahmed Al-Salami, 37, from Yemen, Mani Shaman Al-Utaybi, 30, from Saudi Arabia, and Yasser Talal Al-Zahrani, 22, also from Saudi Arabia. 

Al-Zahrani had been imprisoned at Guantanamo since he was captured at 17. None of the men had been charged with a crime.

Now you may be asking yourself WHY the CIA would do such a thing, the answer is both simple and horrifying.

But why would the authorities want to kill these men and make their deaths look like suicide? 

Hickman says it’s because the three were regular hunger strikers, who incited others to do the same. 

“They had a policy that if a detainee is hunger-striking, he cannot be interrogated,” said Hickman. “In 2006, they were doing roughly 200 interrogations a week, so any massive hunger-strike would, what they consider, cripple the intelligence value. 

“I believe the number-one mission in JTF-GTMO (Joint Task Force Guantanamo) at the time was, stop the hunger strikes at all costs. 

“I think you get rid of the people that provoked the hunger strikes and you get rid of the problem. 

“After the deaths there were no hunger strikes for a long period of time.”

You know as much as I don't want to think that our government agencies are capable of this kind of thing, from what we have learned this last decade  they are capable of not only this but much, much more.


  1. Randall6:29 AM

    Hate has turned us - US - into criminals, torturers, terrorists.
    WE have become the bad guys.
    Thanks, Fox News and Dick Cheney: the United States has become a police state where it is legal to torture human beings as a matter of course.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      In full agreement.

  2. Not to quibble over a point in a horrifying story, but the lead sentence states Army Staff Sergeant....and then later in the paragraph, describe him as an ex-Marine. What other details are scrambled?

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      He was both.

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    We murder our own President(s), so why would anyone be shocked?

  4. hedgewytch8:49 AM

    The CIA has been a mess, a very big mess, for I would say, since the IRAN/Contra. Look at Bengazi, that was a CIA fubar exacerbated by GOPers on the hill who cut funding. But you never heard anyone accusing the CIA of anything, just all the POTUS's fault.

    Someone needs to clean house, but how and who? The CIA has a LOT of power.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      It makes you wonder if the conspiracy theorist's are crazy, or if the rest of us are just naïve?

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Some of both, 9:11. CT's are used to provide cover by deflection. If an op is exposed, accusations are always tossed out that whistle-blower is a CT. Operatives will defend exposure of the Op and Attack the messenger, especially via 3rd parties. For them, divulging the truth isn't as important as creating a smokescreen to protect the OP. Obfuscation, alt theories, misinfo. are all tools of the trade.

      Some people will believe "anything" as long as it supports their political ideas. Hence, "religious" persons are most likely to be scammed. I use religious as a generic term for any affinity- or partisan-based group.

      Being naive isn't hard to fix is one has the ability to ask questions, think logically and solve problems. You might not be able to assemble all the pieces to see the entire picture, but you can get a sense of whether something passes the smell test. Some things aren't important enough to make a difference, so avoid those rabbit holes. Remove emotions and personal feelings (bias) and you'll recognize the persuasive techniques used by others to influence opinions. I've found that asking objective questions of all sources (whether friendly to my own personal preferences or not) leads to more confidence in some sources and less (or none) in others. Developing those filters keeps me from even bothering with dissecting or analyzing some of the noise, a big time-saver for me.

      I try to spend my time seeking actionable data that I can actually do something with, not "prove" or disprove someone else's opinion or "facts" unless I or those I support have skin in the game.

  5. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The Bush family has been tied to the CIA since its inception. The CIA has a very dark history and most of it links directly to the Bush family. Read about the possible connections to the Kennedy assassination and attempt on Reagan. Reagan was so worried that he had Navy guards around his hospital room, to protect him from his CIA detail. Makes you wonder...

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The FBI too. They've both been out of control forever. WHO controls them? Good question. Those with the most bucks and powers? Isn't that the way it always is?

    These people don't have to follow any laws of any land, unless they get caught. Then it seems they simply hunt them down and disappear them. Most pussified, willfully ignorant, scared of everything, shaking in their boots Muricans couldn't handle the truth about what these and other of OUR organizations have done in the name of Murican justice all over the world. Most of them and the lords and masters they serve are bigger scum than the scum they hunt.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Couldn’t say it better. But I still fear religious nut jobs in all religions.

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    This makes me sick. How could we have gone down this sick road after 9/11 still keeps me up at night. I’m so proud of the French as today they basically said no to the Patriot Act!

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Good for the French for refusing to turn their country into a place where the government has almost unlimited power over the populace. It makes one question the 9/11 story that so quickly turned the US into a country that went to war in so many places, for so long, with so many deaths - and we continue down this path. It is no wonder that Americans are disliked by so many people around the world! We do not come in peace for sure.

  9. Anita Winecooler4:17 PM

    When you're a hammer, all you see are nails. These "Detainees" or whatever the semantics one chooses to use were UNDER our watch, I don't care how they died, their blood is on our hands.

    And, again, we have a movie, american snyper, celebrating our killing of others by trained assasins. Switch places, put the Americans in peril, and we're the first ones screaming "Geneva convention" and "They're americans, you can't do that" Good luck with your campaign, Jebbie!!! That brother you're so proud of has a lot of explaining to do, not just to us but to the world.

  10. Thanks for the tip, I had not seen anything about this book yet. It is set to be published on Jan 20th.

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM

    why all the sh on things we all have known for a long time political hench men at their best.


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