Friday, January 02, 2015

Guy has perfect response when Fox News asks to use his video.

Apparently it was just a video that captured a tornado at the Rose Bowl.

In fact here it is. 

But still, he's not wrong.


  1. abbafan2:17 AM

    Good response! Knowing their penchant for distorting and altering facts, he fuckin' threw it right at them!

  2. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Good answer!

  3. Leland3:03 AM

    Wanna bet they try to use it anyway? You know and claim the response wasn't specific enough about WHICH video he was refusing them permission to use?

    Don't laugh. I think they ARE that dumb - and dangerous.

  4. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I love it! Calling Fox news out on its horrible-ness.

  5. Caroll Thompson3:45 AM

    That is perfect, and so true.

  6. Anonymous3:47 AM

    It made the cow stand up on his hind legs

  7. Well, the owner must have given permission to at least Weather Channel; I saw it repeatedly yesterday. They weren't calling it a tornado though ...a 'dust devil,' maybe...? Wind, but no rain?

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      He didnt' say he was opposed to the video being used. He said he was opposed to giving FOX news permission to use it.

    2. Anonymous5:45 AM

      LOVED the visual of the cow running. That was funny (given that no one was hurt).

  8. A. J. Billings5:41 AM

    In case you think his reasoning to deny them the use of the video is far fetched, here's the Franklin Graham/Charles Dobson proof that President Obama caused this dust devil.

    Church attendance is down, and non Christian doctrine is being taught in schools. Athiest/agnostic belief in Murican is more prevalent than ever before

    There is a war against Christians that is part of the vast Satanic conspiracy among everyone who is not a far right evangelical Christian.

    The unbelievers, the athiests, and Muslims from Kenya who become President are actively working to destroy rill Murican values so that abortion is legal, birth control is available, sex education is taught in public school, and gays and lesbians have equal rights.

    When gawd looks at rill Murican through his binoculars and sees that we are no longer keeping slaves, repressing women, and forcing Christian doctrine through law, he's angry. Dontcha know that gawd is an angry Gawd?

    And he will strike you down!

    Now that Gawd is angry because of librul pantywaists, commies, birth control,, women voting, women working outside the home, and a Kenyan, Muslim President, he has to do something to get our attention.

    So Gawd calls up the department of Weather law, and arranges a dust devil because of the war on Christians, athiests, selling condoms, and President Obamas Kenyan Muslim gay Mom Jeans, shuck and jive leadership.

    There, proved if fur you, and rill 'Murican has tornado because Gawd is angry

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Well said. And it proves my dog is better than your dog. MY dog would have ordered a cyclone! Amature!

  9. Anonymous5:57 AM

    And the crown goes to...

    Best Scandal -- Sex and Generalized Carnality: The Palin Clan

    Dan Savage: The Palin Clan

    Whenever the Palin kids make the news—teen pregnancies, on-and-off-again engagements, hate speech eruptions, drunken brawls, etc.—I like to pretend that the news is about the Obama girls and then imagine what the RWNJs on Twitter and Breitbart and Redstate would have to say about it. The Obama girls were slammed for failing to treat the annual pardoning of a Thanksgiving turkey with the solemnity it deserved. (Sorry, but looking bored and rolling your eyes are the only appropriate responses to this idiotic ritual—and this ritual isn’t just stupid, it’s soured by how few human beings President Obama has pardoned during his presidency.) So imagine the reaction if Sasha and Malia got involved in a drunken brawl at a party—with mom and dad there, screaming and yelling and throwing punches themselves. The commentary and handwringing would be loud and long—and the dog whistles would be loud enough to wake Lee Atwater.

    Susie Bright: The Palin Clan

    Despite the absence of bonafide insertion shots, the bodacious Palin borrachos nevertheless make every media occasion a dead ringer for early 90s VHS sequel porn. Suckers are played for Money Shots; we endure interminable boredom between blasts of sweat and hairspray. It's not their fault they're tan, photogenic, and prone to Zappa-esque "Valley Girl" loops of brio. They're just drawn that way.

    Hendrik Hertzberg: The Palin Clan

    The Palins. As Josh says, no sex—but plenty of flesh, much of it bruised and bleeding. It’s a whole country-music song cycle, with lyrics by the Anchorage police department and stunt work by the first family of political reality television. The violence is spectacular but family-oriented and resulting in no serious injury and probably not even much physical pain, given the analgesic properties of such prodigious quantities of booze. Sarah, her brawling brood, and their fellow revelers deserve special commendation for choosing, in this instance, not to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

  10. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Fox Spews

  11. Anonymous6:30 AM

    So how have things been going for our bored, exhausted, and disengaged president? He's been acting pretty enthusiastic, energized, and absorbed with his job, I'd say. Let us count the things he's done since the November 4th midterm elections:

    Obama's a wily quarterback in the fourth quarter of a big game

    ...Obama has generally held steady through his years in power, even while facing the most virulent and uncompromising political opposition any president has faced since Abraham Lincoln. In the process, as Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman contended in a recent Rolling Stone article, this White House has racked up a pretty strong list of achievements.

  12. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Photo of the Year

  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Brilliant response!


  14. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    Does anyone think Fox can comprehend such a technical response?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.