Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am not even going to comment.

In a Facebook post Palin claims that she received this image from her mom, which of course brings up all kinds of questions about parenting in my mind:

Ha! Believe it or not I received this from... my mom! 

Gee that is hard to believe.

I will leave this one for all of you.

I am too busy fighting my gag reflex to type any more..


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    LOL Sarah has a sense of humus! As if Sally knows where the "any" key is, and she's at an age where facebook is futile. She's crossing off people's names because they passed or are senile, and her daughter makes a funny!

    Good one Sarah! Who's Trig's daddy? lol Who's Tracks Daddy? LMAO HA HA HA

    Quit your day job and take up comedy!

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      She tried her "comedy" on Leno, they had to insert a laugh track. SNL? Bomb. She's the star she always wanted to be minus the adoration, excepting paparazzi, they jump at any freak.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Whoever created it has a somewhat less than stellar command of punctuation.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Well it came from her mom, according to her, and we know the stellar teachers in that family.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    That ain't no lady. That there is $carah Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Wull dad gum ya beat me to the punch with that there comment. I wuz just afixin ta write that that ain't no lady and wouldntja know itsa already been writ.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Vg-dat yew?

  4. Hope "this lady" has remembered that she has to contact her "member of Congress" in order to request a visit to the White House -- because that's the only way Sarah Palin will ever visit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW -- as a tourist.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      I betcha that John McCain has told the Whitehouse visitor liaison to deny all Palin's a visitor pass, except for Michael Palin, because he's cool, and he's funny and hopefully he's not related to Todd.

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Now Sarah can take the White House tour...

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Online. She's getting nowhere near it.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      No way. She is terrorist.

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Besides the many "I'll take you for a ride" and "hot mamma!" comments, there is this


    No, Nancy, that is shit not mud she is full of.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Her supporters are so precious!

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      She's 'hot' if you're into marionettes and ventriloquial dummies.
      Sarah's looking Howdy Doody-esque sitting on that suitcase, flinging her spindly little arm up.

    3. Donal1:04 PM

      I would have added an "L" to the "hot mamma".

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Questions raised by Sarah's ad:

    1) Her sign says "America." So, is she in Mexico or Canada or Costa Rica? Does she not know that she's already in "America"? Or does living in Alaska make one think that the Continental U.S. is "America," and somehow the 49th/50th state doesn't really belong?

    2) Her old-timey suitcase has travel stickers on it -- but those stickers used to be put on when a traveler was on a train or boat, to indicate where the luggage was headed. Surely Sarah doesn't have a suitcase with stickers from Italy, Japan, Morocco? How un-American!

    3) Why is her thumb pointing straight up in the air, instead of in the direction she wants to go? And why is she looking off at the shoulder of the road instead of toward a car or truck coming her way? Does she see some roadkill she thinks would make a good wig?

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      She misspelled Murica.

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    You could drop her off at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but they won't let her in.

    1. Anonymous9:39 PM

      If she were dropped off at 1600 Pennsylvania, she'd have to hitchhike back 20 blocks to 1400 Pennsylvania which is the address she "thinks" is the addy for the White House. She's such a slow-witted dullard.

      I do enjoy her consistently failing efforts to prove otherwise. She'll be angry when she finally realizes that folks are laughing AT her, not WITH her. Bless her heart! :-(

  9. Anonymous4:56 PM

    So, Sarah's mommy is a.) Encouraging her daughter to hit the road/hitchhike? Or, b.) Willing to drop her off at a strangers house, just to be rid of her? Such a bad mommy! Tsk...tsk

  10. She's glamorizing (or trying) hitch incredibly dangerous thing for a girl, young woman or any woman to do. Is there any end to her awful messages to the world?

    No. There isn't. She just goes on and on. Fortunately her importance is vanishing, along with her youth and looks.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      No. There isn't. She just goes on and on. Fortunately her importance is vanishing, along with her youth and looks...........don't forget money Hoohah!!

  11. Anonymous5:00 PM


  12. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I finally figured out who Sarah reminds me of, now that she has aged so much-anybody remember Michael Caineas the killer psychiatrist/transsexual, in "Dressed to Kill" ?

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      You are on to something. Also, too, she reminds me of Steven Tyler.

  13. Suzy Q5:05 PM

    Alert the FBI, the Secret Service, and send out the blood hounds the Bitch is stalking the President. If that is sexy then I'm the Queen of England. Ole' chicken legs needs to go to the corner, sit down and shut up. We are so fed up with this pile of excrement! Seriously!

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I think her Mom meant 1400 Pennsylvania Ave.

  15. Anonymous5:10 PM

    White House staff are allowed to have hookers? Who knew? HOOHAH!

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    The difference between a REAL cowboys boots and Sarah Palin's boots? Real cowboy boots have shit on the outside.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      yeah, and the crosseyed skank's got shit fer brains ..

  17. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It's just another tease to excite the folks at SarahPAC/C4P. Keeping money flowing into the various GrifterPACs is all it is about. Sarah Palin will never run for anything. I expect to see many more of these teases as 2016 approaches and she tries to pretend she is a serious contender. The endless swindle will continue. I have absolutely no sympathy for the fetid imbeciles who fall for this dimwitted charlatan. If Sarah wasn't taking their money, some other huckster would.

    1. A J Billings5:41 PM

      Speaking of the imbeciles over at C4pee, one of them wrote something today as a comment that is just unbelievable.

      The comment is by some $arah worshiper named Mark55, posted under the fantasy article named "What if $arah run for President in 2012"

      Summarizing the most far fetched of this bloviation were these gems:

      1) "To understand why $arah didn't run in 2012, you have to know that her #1 priority in her life is her love for and commitment to the Lord "

      2)It is why she seems not to age and maintains her physical beauty.

      3)After saying all that, I firmly believe that her Boss has already given her the go ahead to run this time.

      4) I see everything else she has done since (2008) as part of her plan to run. That DOES NOT mean she will win as the Lord has His own purposes. Maybe her candidacy is the weighing of America in God's balance and her defeat brings God's judgment.

      5) All of this is exactly why the Left hates her so much because they are responding to the Lord's Spirit shining through in her.

      Her mere existence is a judgment against them.!!!!!!

      End quote

      Hello, I mean WTF? Her EXISTENCE on planet earth is a judgement against us mere mortals????!!!!

      How in hell did anyone live or function, or have any wisdumb til Granny $arah came along, anyhow?

      So, to summarize, $arah supposedly gets all her instructions from a spiritual entity that no one has any evidence of, who is God, of course. That's why she's still attractive too, dontcha know

      Also too, the Pbot knows that $arah is running this time, but if she were to run and lose, then God's judgement will be poured out on all us heathen athiest commie trash, cuz we don't luv us some Granny Grifter, and we refuse to acknowledge $arah as our savior.

      Anyone who doesn't love and follow $arah is just a hater, and we can't see God and sonny Jesus a' shinin' through her spirit, and we are literally rejecting GOD!

      Holy shit, that is the most delusional thing I have ever read on C4pee, and that's going some.!

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      They're in for a very rude awakening.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Steve_Flesher Moderator • an hour ago

      We can't ban folks who have a difference of opinion so long as they're respectful. If you don't like what someone is saying, my personal advice would be to ignore them instead of feeding it.

      I SO love when this happens, AJ. AmazedOne1 must have showed up. Didn't care to scroll to see the cat fight.

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Fetid imbeciles is right! Lmao!

  18. Anonymous5:17 PM

    If anyone thought Sally Heath was a good parent, this will end that fantasy.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Nobody here ever thought Sally Heath was a good parent.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      6:40pm :... EXCEPT the guys at this FB site that is a 'tribute to the Heath and Palin families to their contributions to America' - the 'Daughter of a Teacher... A tribute to Sarah Palin'...

    3. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Those guys won't change their mind. They think this is a lovely tribute from mother to daughter.

  19. Anonymous5:17 PM

    So let me get this straight, her mother wants her to hitchhike to the Whitehouse and her father wants her to sleep nude. What a duo those parents are, Chuck and Sally Heath, breeding dysfunction one generation at a time!

  20. Anonymous5:21 PM

    She looks like a spindly old tarantula trying to cross the road. Can you say, SQUISH.

  21. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I don't believe this for a second.
    palin sent the JPG to herself.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Of course she did.
      But mommy is on the payroll.

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      For Palin:

      Family = Prop.

      Family = Useful Idiot.

    3. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Right you are! But if Sarah said, "Lookie at the gif I made!" her mouth-breathing fans would sqweeee!! "She's running, she's running!"
      But if someone else does it, she can pretend she had nothing to do with it so it won't be so obvious that she was setting them up when she once again fails to actually run for office.

  22. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Here's how Sarah Palin gets likes on her FB. The like button sticks so you have to hit it multiple times thus adding to over 4,500,000 likes/fans.

    Jere Guin Does anyone else consistently have trouble "liking" Sarah Palin's posts? I always have to "like" them numerous times before it takes -- and this doesn't happen with anyone else's posts that I can think of.

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:27 PM

    "Hi, Mom? You'll never guess.I just did this ADORABLE ad thing of me in Photoshop. I'm going to email it to you, then you can email it back to me, then I can tell all those stupid bozos out there that you sent it? Like I had nothing to do with it or anything? YES, I'll pay you, OK? Thanks. Later!"

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Hey Mom? You now what? I forgot to tell you to bill all that work as postage! P.S. We are booked into the Casa Bella Motel for when we are in Iowa! But keep that a secret also too!

  24. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hell, if I had that dysfunctional brood and Todd waiting for me at home, I'd hit the road, too! Maybe she isn't so stupid....

  25. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Oh fuck off, Sally: Your twat daughter is as useless as tits on a bull. But go ahead, drive her to the White House. Chances are she'd backtrack to 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyways.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Nice work raising Sarah and Chuckles, Jr, Sally. Two wastes of space who do nothing but pollute the air with their foulness. I'm sure you're very proud.

  26. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Just wandered over to the c. Seems they are watching what they post, because others are copying and post at some guys page, hmmmm.......this came from Theresa---like she ever posts ANYTHING of value or interest! Don't worry take, your comments are safe.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Oh yeah, that TheresaAK is the "do as I say or else" mutha of the board. At least she has the brain to figure out that their stupid posts will be copied and pasted for laughter purposes on other sites. That she will ever figure out how she and her illustrious polarbear scripture-quoting husband have been taken in by her golden calf? Probably never.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Or how ugly her old soul shines through her comments. She does Christianity a disservice.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      One of these days they will figure out they are famous for their Beelzebub ways. It's all been documented and it is too late for them to try and change how they present themselves. It would be funny to watch them try.

  27. Why is she sitting in the middle of the road?

  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    This is a WTF moment.


    Come on Sarah, at least make the effort to match your hair pieces you "Crayon Eating Motherfucker "!

    1. Please tell me she didn't really say that. Disgusting.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      she's also totally

  29. Anonymous5:42 PM

    What a disgrace that woman is and to buddy up to
    Ted Nugent, a total loser, is not just embarrassing but
    There is no comparison to our President Obama and this
    side show.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      This is exactly what she wanted from day one and she got it, fame and fortune. She's not Ivana, she'll never hold office again, it's all a sham and she's a freak show. The psychoses is full bore.

  30. Shouldn't it be 1400 Pennsylvania Ave?

    1. Donal1:23 PM

      Yeah. Like out on the sidewalk in front of 1400 Pennsylvania Ave. at 2:00 am, dressed in tight jeans, American flag cowboy boots, flashing belt buckle and expanding breasts.

  31. Anonymous5:59 PM

    SarahPAC bait.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Exactly. Disgusting. That whole family plays the game.

  32. Shouldn't it be 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue?


  33. OH Sarah honey,
    This is the only place I would drive you to in DC.
    Like before in a drunken stupor your family has given you the wrong address, here is a list of all the Washington DC Methadone Clinics.

    Have a nice night juicy, don't forget your knee pads!

  34. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I see Mom (yeah, Mom sent her that) knows the real address of the White House. More likely, I think Sarah is trying to cover that little 1400 Pennsylvania Ave faux pas; along with a hint to keep the fans sending $.


  35. Anonymous6:13 PM

    First, Sarah lies. This could be hers, but as usual, she inserts at least one family member in every action she takes.

    Second, if her mom really did send this, they've got real dysfunctional problems. "For this lady, I'd pick her up and take her to this address"? Isn't there a classier way for Sally to promote Sarah? These people pimp out their daughter, sister, mother, wife, aunt, etc. She is a means to an end for them.

    What does going to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (White House) have to do with "Amazing America"? In their minds, Sarah is the First Lady of the Outdoors and should be First female President of the USA. But she really is the First Lady of the Outhouse.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Frankly, that family is all trash and no class.

  36. Anonymous6:16 PM

    We all love Obama's zinger moment but why did it happen?
    Again the Republicans clapped because he wasn't
    going to be in the race next time. They showed their hatred
    by clapping. They showed their disrespect towards the President of the United States. Yell out during a SOTU address or clap because he won't be in the mix next election.
    They should be very afraid...Never in my 65 years have I seen such disrespect of our President of the United States
    of America.
    How dare Sarah Palin think she or any of the people sitting o the red side last night could do a better job with the negativity
    the Republican party displayed over the last 6 years.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I agree with you. What's wrong with those people? The GOP sure did show their color last night.

    2. Glenda Korn6:48 PM

      I agree

    3. Anonymous7:42 PM


  37. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Her mother did NOT send that photo to her. She just can't find any more tricks to post herself without being too obvious that she's desperate. lol

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      damn straight sally didn't send that, shit that old bat's so far out in left field she doesn't have a clue what day it is..

    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      Yeah, this ps as obvious a fail as her "make-up free after yoga" photos that she tried to pass off as unposed.
      She is like a child with her stupid and transparent tricks.

  38. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The woman is desperate! now she's using her mother to advertise> BTW I thought that was sally with a wig...maybe her mom did pose as palin to make fun of her...HA!
    Another thing, she reads this blog and she's been using our lingo! lol

  39. hahahahahahaha.
    Damn this woman is delusional.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      About what exactly? Running the big con act?

      Thats not delusional, just seedy.

  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    We knew it We knew it!
    According to her brother SARAH PALIN IS A MAN

    "Sarah is my blood brother," Nugent said. 

    Also look at all those pictures of some varmint sitting on Sarah’s head. Sarah is not even trying to hide it.

  41. Anonymous6:41 PM

    WTF the mean time barstool is pushing abstinence y the "horrible sin" of abortion as she is partying it up in vegas...

  42. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Are you having fun Sarah? Well at least give us a rill smile , dummy.
    When are you going to break in your f#/- me boots? Huh?
    You are full of shit and you know it. Do yourself a favor .Get a rill
    Job. Get a life. You are so so never mind.

  43. Anonymous6:48 PM

    "I don't think about Sarah Palin."
    -- TWICE elected President Barack Hussein Obama

  44. Anonymous7:37 PM

    What for, to clean President Obama and the first lady and first daughter's toilets? Lol she is not qualified, not with that raging herpes she's got.

  45. PalinsHoax7:46 PM

    Hey Psssttt Ol' Cadaver - that cardboard sign beside you that says "America". You need to flip it over and display your actual destination: "Going NoWhere".

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Sarah isn't going to be in the driver's seat. She is just along for the ride.

  46. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I could be wrong, but I doubt "mom" created that sign. This is just a way for her to attempt to raise "Sarah for President" buzz (gag) without it seemingly like she is encouraging it herself. Yes, she is that pathetic.

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Yes--that seems obvious. She is about as clever as a ten-year-old.

  47. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Just look at the size of those boots.

    With feet that size she could walk there in half the time.

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      They are almost as big as her head.

  48. Anonymous8:11 PM

    How's those $arahpac Membership Cards working Scarah, not so good huh?

  49. Anonymous8:13 PM

    load of pics from Vegas today:

    several outfits; big blingy belts; leather pants and gladiator sandals; scrawny neck; Belmonts!

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      They may have allowed one or two of the homeless to be in one of the photo-ops with Sarah.

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -

      One-time politician Sarah Palin is doing a different kind of campaigning......
      Oops, One Time Politician !!!!

      guess Fox 5 didn't get the memo from the troll

    3. AKinPA3:32 AM

      OMG! That neck!!!! Somebody better start wearing turtleneck tops before they call the hospice team in.

      And when is Mini-Me going to go the Belmont route? Maybe she'd have better luck with the lumbersexuals that way.

    4. Anonymous5:43 AM

      In one of those pics, she's signing an autograph -- handling someone's filthy, e. coli-laden pen, while wearing her food service gloves -- what an idiot.

  50. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Nobody writes D.C. addresses in that way!

    It's not "Northwest," but N.W.

    That's a rube mistake.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      I caint do nothing write.
      -Louis Sarah

  51. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Doesn't Sally know about the elections held every four years? You don't become President by having someone drop you off at the White House. All that you will do is look at it through the fence like any other tourist.

  52. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hitchhiking is probable the only way Sarah will get to 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, it certainly won't be by winning an election.

  53. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper,
    Tonight I will post Gryphen's advice to your mom from many years ago that she should have heeded.

    Your mother Sarah reads Immoral Minority and she read Gryphen's comments but your mother was too thick headed to listen to him.

    Your narcissistic mother was hell-bent on being loved by everyone and being elevated to a God-like figure, an expert who is knowledgeable of many things, but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

  54. Caroll Thompson8:49 PM

    America hears you knocking Sarah, but you can't come in.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      We nailed that door shut, and put up steel bars. Go find some other door to kick in, Sarah.

  55. Anonymous8:56 PM

    "See!? I do TOO know the address of the white house!" Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous1:36 AM

      Sarah can't and won't let anything go.

  56. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Sally your ass clown daughter may be able to hitch a ride to Washington DC but those Congress members will not step aside to allow an old loser beauty pageant Facebook blogger who hasn’t done anything since 2009 walk up and be crowned POTUS.

  57. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Sally this is the White House, if we are in desperate need of a pancake turner we will notify Sarah.

    Until then don't call us, we'll call you.

  58. Anonymous9:23 PM

    She is sporting the big head eating disorder look again. Sometimes she looks like they have fattened her up.

    It would be healthier not to roller coaster if that is what is going on with her now. Todays looks is not a healthy one.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Fattening up or coke bloat?

  59. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Late to the Salvation Army, in a Cadillac Escalade, needed a "green room", two bodyguards.....

    LAS VEGAS — Former vice presidential candidate and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin was cozy in her Cadillac Escalade as it wheeled through a segment of Las Vegas few tourists and certainly very few politicians ever see.
    Palin was a bit late, so Leysath and the Salvation Army crew and volunteers from the Las Vegas Police Department and Nellis Air Force Base started serving the needy before she arrived from the SHOT Show at the Sands Expo Center.

    “It’s really important for them to get here early, eat and then make it to their shelters before dark or they lose their spot there,” Leysath said.

    Never in all the events Leysath put on for the Sportsman Channel did he or anyone associated with the show see anything like the stir surrounding Palin’s appearance at the Las Vegas Salvation Army. She arrived with two bodyguards who looked as though they could be UFC or MMA stars. Upon arrival, she was sped off to a “green” room to get outfitted for the show and then led to the kitchen area to serve food. Local and national TV shows were there to follow her every move.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Upon arrival, she was sped off to a “green” room to get outfitted for the show and then led to the kitchen area 

      "to get outfitted for the show"

      It was all a show (photo op) for Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Wild Boar Chili Verdi? It looks like macaroni and some soupy crap.

    3. Anonymous10:08 PM

      The “D Street Corridor”, is it that much worse than Wasilla?

      But on this afternoon, the homeless were being fed Wild Boar Chili Verdi that was prepared by the Salvation Army’s culinary school students under Chef Bill Baker. And it was going to be served to them by volunteers led by Palin, who hosts her “Amazing America” on the Sportsman Channel, and Sporting Chef Scott Leysath, host of the Hunt.Fish.Feed Show.

      Sportsman Channel, and Sporting Chef Scott Leysath he would know about the paper work of the wild meat inspection.

      They didn't even try to make the food look appetizing for the photo op.

    4. Anonymous10:19 PM

      They didn't even try to make the food look appetizing for the photo op. 

      I'm an outdoorsman and I wanted to puke after looking at that pig crap.

    5. Anonymous10:46 PM

      The food is vile and not like anyone was ready to put on a show for the homeless production part of the Palin Las Vegas debacle tour and promotion.

      Why can't anyone get a straight answer about the wild hog?

      it says the homeless were being fed Wild Boar Chili Verdi that was prepared by the Salvation Army’s culinary school students under Chef Bill Baker.


      Outside, hundreds of homeless lined up for their one big meal of the day, and on this day it was chili made with wild boar pork that Leysath ordered from Sierra Meat in Reno.

      As Palin said, “The program has helped provide nutritious, responsibly-harvested meals to more than 25,000 people in more than 40 cities across our amazing country.”

      Who can be believed?

      It looks like the homeless are being used and no one can give a straight answer. This is sad.

    6. Anonymous3:50 AM

      A Cadillac? Body guards? "Green Room?"

      Yeah, that Sarah--what a servant's heart. Can't even show up on time for her photo op with the poor.

    7. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Hey, homeless! If you want to eat today, you're going to have to pose with Sarah Palin and eat this crap, even if Sarah Palin wipes her nose with her hand before spooning some into your bowl.

    8. A. J. Billings6:06 AM

      Yep, that's Our $arah, one of teh Little People with her late arrival, Escalade, entourage, big bodyguards, Green Room, and of course her "outfit".

      But I guess that show she's appearing in as "host" isn't part of Hollywood, that is so despised by the rill 'Muricans like Heartland folks

  60. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Cowgirl belt: Check
    Flag bracelet: Check
    Wedding Ring: Naw
    Wig: Check

  61. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Sarah thinks she's all that...

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Corridor of Hope Brings Downtown Uplift

    2. Donal1:31 PM

      Thanks for that link, Anon 10:15. It's good to see real Christian charity in action. They deserve support.

  62. Anonymous9:46 PM

    The Belmonts showed up in Vegas to present the moose nugget award to Ted Nugent.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Presented in the same outfit that she wore to the Salvation Army. WTH?

    2. Anonymous1:32 AM

      The human funk on that stage must have been staggering.

    3. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Holy fuck it's a smelly skanky Dolly Parton wannabe!

    4. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Forgot to add, with an ass flatter than the pancakes I made this morning.

    5. Donal1:33 PM

      I swear she has a hidden air tank and valve for those ever shifting lumps.

  63. Anonymous9:49 PM

    LOL they got the address wrong. According to Sarah it's 1400 Pennsylvania Ave.

    If she's supposed to be a role model for conservative women then this is a bad move. They shouldn't want their daughters hitch hiking. Of course for the Cliven Bundy types I'm sure they imagine getting a blow job after they pick up this aging chick and screw her in HUSSIEN the muslim communist negro's bed. What a dangerous image Sarah Palin is promoting for young women.

  64. Anonymous10:01 PM

    How old is Bristol? Why would she start botox in her 20s?

    1. Anonymous10:17 PM

      My guess is the daughter of a fish picker wants to look like a fish?

  65. Anonymous10:15 PM


    Some say Gryphen is a little man
    Some say Gryphen is jealous of Sarah Palin
    Some say Gryphen doesn't know what he's talking about

    Well lets hear from Gryphen himself. Below was a post written by Gryphen on Friday, August 14, 2009, a little over 2 weeks after Sarah quit being governor to do Sarah Palin's Alaska.

    Sarah’s last day was July 29th, the post below was written Aug 14th.

    Gryphen gave six pieces of advice to his ex-Governor, do you think Sarah Palin took the advice of a smart man?

    Does the post below sound like Gryphen knows his ex-governor?

    Does the post below sound like Gryphen was jealous of his ex-governor?

    Does the post and advice below sound like Gryphen was out to get his ex-governor?

    Does the post written by Gryphen in 2009 sound like excellent advice for Sarah Palin?

    Question for Sarah Palin, if you took Gryphen's sound advice in 2009 (especially #1 and 4), where do you think you would be today?

    Friday, August 14, 2009
    Gryphen's six pieces of advice for his ex-Governor:

    1) Don't incite hate against the President. He won the election, you didn't, and acting this way just make you look petty and hateful.

    2) Don't keep using your children as props. It does not make you look warm and motherly, it makes you look creepy and manipulative.

    3) Don't blame all of your mistakes on others. Eventually there will be so many bodies thrown under that bus that it will be too high centered for its wheels to even touch the ground. Then what will you do?

    4) Don't Facebook. Even if you hire a room full of ghostwriters the messages coming from that source make you sound less like a future leader and more like a spoiled teenager complaining to the world that nobody likes her because they are all jealous of her good looks and cool clothes. This is not how serious adults get their messages heard.

    5) Don't twitter, it makes you sound insane.

    6) And finally, just don't bother.

    You are finished.

    The media knows it.

    Alaskans know it.

    The Republican party knows it.

    Even Todd knows it.

    The only ones who don't know it are you, your small group of crazy-ass sycophants, and people who still think they can make a buck off of you.

    Do yourself a favor, prioritize your family, make some money with public appearances, and try to find some peace. Learn to like yourself again, and perhaps you will be able to break your addiction to the limelight and accept that you have value even if the world is not looking at you.

    Gryphen at 1:46 PM

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      If Sarah took Gryphen's advice in 2009, what would Sarah be doing today?

      My guess is Sarah would still be throwing cans at her refrigerator and at Todd for bringing Trig home and she has to still pretend she's his mother.

    2. Anonymous4:35 AM

      No, I think that if Sarah had taken Gryphen's advice she might be a relatively normal person by now. She would have climbed down from her fantasy life and accepted reality for a change. She would be a better person. Gee, and maybe Trig would have gotten some of the therapies that he has been denied for years. In 2009 Gryphen gave her better advice than anyone close to her.

    3. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Sarah was too far gone, even in 2008. She wasn't going to learn anything or take anyone's advice.

  66. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I'd only take her to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave SW if they were looking to rendition her.

  67. Paul in Minnesota12:22 AM

    Ha, Sarah, tour the White House with the rest of us little common people, otherwise known as the hoi polloi.

    I doubt they'll let you beyond the ropes. Give you a special tour. You're nothing special. You're not running in 2016 for POTUS in anything other than in anyone's delusions.

  68. Anonymous12:59 AM

    OT..bu I just noticed the nose job done on Barstool

    1. Anonymous1:20 AM

      It's Mr. Peabody and Sherman!

  69. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Drop her off at the White House so she can get in line a do a tour.

    1. Anonymous5:15 AM

      Yeah she might learn something. For instance, how a truly loving family behaves. Hint: no alcohol. No brawls. No crying about $300 sunglasses. No TV shows. No standing on innocent animals, nor killing them for that matter. No supporting groups only interested in taking down this country. No whining. No taking children out of school to use as props. No lying.

  70. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I say Bullshit...Sally did NOT send that. This is all part of Sarah's presidential campaign striptease.

  71. Anonymous3:06 AM

    $arah darling, your beggar's pose needs more work. At least put some effort and class into it if your livelihood is living off of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY. Palin Welfare (OPM).

  72. Anonymous4:25 AM

    What in the hell did Palin need a goddamn "green room" for? She and the 'Stool flew in on Wednesday and had no other commitments until the Boar bash. It's a 20 minute drive where they went, and the bitch thinks she's Hollywood. LOL!!!

  73. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Any mother who would show a photo of her daughter hitchhiking is not much of a mother. It's a dangerous thing for women to do, even Sarah Palin.

  74. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Section 9 • 18 hours ago
    I like this. I also believe these things don't happen by happenstance.

    Good grief, astute observation there sec9

  75. Anonymous9:22 AM

    "Normally, I don't pick up HOOKERS but for this lady. I'd pick her up and take her to this address: 3700 Piper Street, Anchorage, AK *"

    *--Alaska Psychiatric Institute

  76. Anonymous11:56 AM

    the only god she reminds me of is the Greek bitch dog with kids-hanging from her tits.

    1. hauksdottir1:29 PM

      The Capitoline Wolf is Italian, not Greek, and is a she-wolf, not a bitch.

      The famous bronze sculpture of a she-wolf suckling twin boys was inspired by the legend of the founding of Rome, when Romulus and Remus were abandoned and rescued by the wolf (who showed more mercy and patience than the so-called civilized humans).

      Sorry, but Lupa Capitolina is voluntarily maternal and solicitous, worthy of honor... Palin, not so much, and her children would have turned out better if they HAD been raised by a wolf.


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