Thursday, January 22, 2015

Todd Palin has something to say about Chris Kyle and "American Sniper." You may have to lean in as he has a tiny feminine voice.

This is from Breitbart so remember to hold your nose if you click the link.

I love how they headline it:


Make is sound to serious and like Todd Palin has ANY idea of what he is talking about.

Here are a few of the portions without all of the Breitbart bullshit surrounding them to make them sound literate.

First on meeting Chris Kyle: 

And then it was an honor for me and others to participate in Stars Earn Stripes with Chris and others in the military. You can have a conversation with somebody but until you’re side-by-side in the trenches with somebody, then you really know somebody. These guys, being a sniper, being out ahead of his unit and saving lives, Chris was just a good man, an expert in his field and he was one heck of a teacher.

I sounds like somebody might have had themselves a little man crush.

And where are these "trenches" he is babbling about?

Does he mean the dangerous trenches of Los Angeles.

On Kyle's abilities as a teacher:

He and Dean Cain were partnered up in Stars Earn Stripes and he turned Dean into a sharpshooter—and Dean was an excellent student. I can’t say how much Chris was a great instructor, along with all the other military ops. And that just goes to show you with their training and dedication and discipline. From spending time with him on the show and out on the trail, and at different functions, was just a true honor and I just can’t say enough about our troops. It’s just an honor to spend time with them and to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and learn just a little bit about what they were trained to do and what some of the missions were. It was unbelievable.

Oh God he speaks just like his dipshit wife.

And what does "I can’t say how much Chris was a great instructor, along with all the other military ops" mean? Is that supposed to be a compliment, or is he saying that he was sworn to secrecy so he can't say?

Time to remind everybody that the Palins have a son in the military: 

As father and mother, Sarah and I witnessed our son [Track] go through boot camp. It’s just an unbelievable process. You have an 18-year-old go down to boot camp and then you go down there a few months later when they graduate from boot camp and they’re just mentally strong, physically strong and have all the respect in the world for their drill sergeant because their drill sergeant is right next to you climbing up that mountain or running the five miles. But it just shows years of training, dedication and protecting freedom and liberty. That’s the motto of our military.

Sucks they couldn't get him off drugs though, am I right?

Well that's enough kissing up to the military and playing fan boy to Chris Kyle, time to attack Hollywood:  

They spend their lifetimes trying to have a successful movie like the American Sniper so they’re jealous of the success of the American Sniper. So, of course, there’s a double standard where they say ‘do as I say, not as I do’ and when you look at the last few years in America, Chris Kyle is a true American hero. People are just craving for that and that’s why the movie is such a success. He’s an American hero and that’s why people are going to continue to pack the theaters to see the show and it’s going to break all kinds of records. My hat’s off to Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper—they did an outstanding job.

"People are just craving for that?" WTF?

Yeah Cooper and Eastwood are all right, but the rest of  the elites in Hollywood are assholes:

Their true colors definitely show. They like to bring that attention to themselves. That’s the motivation. It’s this group mentality of “I’m going to slam this guy and I’m going to get rewarded by my friends for standing up and making a statement” but heartland America can see through it all. And that’s why American Sniper is a huge success.

Yes Hollywood sucks so hard that virtually EVERY member of the Palin household has participated in multiple reality shows or appeared as a contestant on a celebrity game show.

And by the way Alaska is thousands of miles away from the "heartland of America." Or has he forgotten that we are "The Last Frontier."

Well one thing we know for sure, Todd did not borrow Sarah or Bristol's ghostwriter for this interview. That is clearly 100% percent bonafide Todd Palin stupidity.


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Could he look any more of a sissy than he does in that pic?

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Todd Palin, the only "man" would could make Ted Nugent look attractive.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      "Oh God he speaks just like his dipshit wife."
      Is dipsh** still his wife, Gryphen?

    3. Anonymous3:09 PM

      This was an NBC, Mark Burnett production. They had to hire people who would read the script. Similar to when DWTS wrote for Bristol. None of it is real. But these military guys that want to work in media have to follow the rules that are set up for them. They lie or get carried up in the fakelife and don't know the difference of reality and fantasy.

    4. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Mark Burnett is also a christian fool. My partner loves Survivor but dammit, I just really can't let myself watch any show that christian idiot produces. I don't support christianity and I won't support anything those types of people produce.

    5. Anonymous7:36 PM

      The Palins like to be photographed with pedophiles and other wannbe famous askew Christians.

      Grady Powell

      Survivor type. Where is Track Palin?

      Isn't it his job to pose with someone who wore a uniform?

      Why did the Palins stop doing those promotions for her combat vet son?

      Answer that Palin, Dummy1 or Dummy2, answer that.

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Sarah recognizes deflated balls when she sees them... "Have you seen Todd?"

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      At least he has some ball to recognize, he wasn't so lucky with the other part.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Methinks you're jealous and deflated yourself. Todd is a nice average guy. What, are you going to mock BIll clinton, who is no bigger?

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      5:07 PM

      Check facts.

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      So when and how did you find out about Bill Clinton's junk? First hand? Rumors? Enquiring minds would love to know :-)

    5. Anonymous7:31 PM

      5:07 PM,

      Why would I be "Jealous" of an unemployed, sissy of a man? The Toad a 'nice average guy?" lol. Yeah, right.

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    My wish is to have Gryph have his own reality show about how he brought Sarah Heath and Todd Palin down to the ground for all the crimes they have committed and for all the lives they've ruined.

    1. Gryphen's don't do reality shows.

      We mock them.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      No reality teevee. Maybe a documentary, though.

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Oh great. Now we've got Gryphen talking in the third person!

    4. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Lifetime movie would be good, with Channing Tatum starring as Gryphen.

    5. Grrrr !3:38 PM

      There is no such thing as "reality television."

      It's a contradiction in terms i.e. wherever there's TV, reality has been altered -- especially when there are 6 off-camera "producers" jumping in with "suggestions."

    6. Anonymous4:55 PM

      When it comes to the Palins there is no such thing as reality.

    7. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Maybe he can finally retract the lies HES told

    8. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Palins do not retract lies. The Palins pile on.

    9. Anonymous7:34 PM

      5:07 PM,

      The Tundra Tart (Palin) has had more than enough "reality" t.v. shows, and media-whore t.v. appearances to retract, and apologize for all of the lies SHE'S told.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hey tawddd, your daughter just posted a pic of your wife standing in front of a bunch of paparazzi in Vegas, all Hollywood like. Yep, you hate those Hollywood types but you don't mind taking their money. And Bristol is with her in Vegas. That hard working single mother sure gets a lot of time off. It's cute how she also posted a pic of her new Louis Vuitton wallet that goes with her purse. All paid for by Hollywood.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Oh, and check her nightstand... She forgot her wedding ring....AGAIN!

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      In Vegas, Sarah Palin is wearing black boots with stiletto heels and open toes. Just when I thought she couldn't get any tackier.

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      WARNING. When I opened that up it came out with a big crotch shot of Tripp Palin. I was hoping he was at home with Sunny, his dad and the two little ones.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I can't believe this beotch keeps on posting these lewd pictures of Tripp (BTW, what mother would call her six y/o her 'chicken nugget' [on the birthday picture]???)

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Bristol is the kind of mother that took her young boy to a brawl, out past midnight with drunken PTSD angry brother.

      Nothing would surprise me about her and what she would do to Tripp.

      But I wouldn't think she would take him to work in Vegas.

      If she is true to her routine she will have a photo of her and Sarah feeding the poor in Las Vegas. Next she will delete her Louis Vuitton wallet.

    6. Anonymous7:38 PM

      That poor child. He looks like his creepy Chucky grandfather.

    7. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Luv the close up of the Louis Vuitton, especially after she slammed Cindy McCain for having Vuitton luggage.

  5. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What a dummy. No wonder the Palin kids are uneducated losers.

  6. Anonymous2:15 PM

    You have an 18-year-old go down to boot camp and then you go down there a few months later when they graduate from boot camp and they’re just mentally strong, physically strong
    -Mrs. Todd Palin

    But was Track free of drugs and alcohol?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      She meant to say Rehab, but he failed that.

      He was 19, not 18, when the DoD did all the propaganda about Track joining and outshining the Biden and McCain military kids.

      Yes, only Track Palin's mother and backers could go against military protocol and blab about Track Palin.

      Why is that? Because it was all made up and only a false narrative to promote a war monger's war built on big lies.

      Track Palin deserves to go to prison for allowing himself to be bought, sold and used to get other young men blown to smithereens or killed dead as a door nail. For what reason did young Track do that?

      So he could live off the military at his parents prison for the rest of his life? Taxpayers pay his benefits and for the many drugs given to any vet.

      The frauds should all go to prison.

      The same with the daughter that gave abstinent speeches and did all those jobs based on lies.

      Prison is too good for all of them. It may not be such a good idea to close Guantanamo just yet. Or rendition to Sierra Leone is up their alley.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      So, just HOW MANY blowjobs did you guys give? ('go down'...)

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      You have to NEED rehab to go to it. Stop insinuating people who dont need it do

    4. Anonymous5:30 PM

      His mother admitted he NEEDED PTSD and she came back to Anchorage and went on a drunken rampage with her angry son. Like his sister, he tried to beat up Todd, who is the father figure.

      Track most definitely needs some kind of rehabilitating. It may not be only for alcohol.

      Just because a few believe Track had a miracle cure does not make it so.

      Oxy is a real demon drug. If he was exposed to his parents speed, he probably needed oxy to come down and got hooked. It is clear that the Palins party and brawl together.

    5. Anonymous7:37 PM

      3:25 PM,

      Not as many as Palin gave Glenn Rice. lol.

    6. Anonymous7:38 PM

      5:03 PM,

      The entire Palin kkklan needs rehab.

  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Why didn't Todd ever enlist in the Army?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      He wouldn't be able to drill holes in walls to peek at women's nipples.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      I think you can't be mentally retarded.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      He's a pogue just like his wife.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      With his voice, he would have been the bitch of the whole squadron...

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM


      Todd's daddy Jim got him a job on the slope. Once he realized that Todd wasn't college bound.

    6. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Because he was too busy joining anti American groups.

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Todd were you proud of Track after the newlywed got a divorce, took the bank account and guns then left his child and wife behind probably having to live with her parents?

    America would be ashamed of him if he was our son.

  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I love me some Bradley Cooper, but I am not going to see this movie.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      It's a character study. What crap. They could have found so many worthy characters if they cared about bringing attention to the matter.

      Kyle was a commercial product and a sell out and Clint and others went for the shiny object.

      If they had an ounce of artistic integrity they would have never used a scene with a rubber doll. Their excuse was pathetic. I can't believe the Oscar peeps would have nominated this movie for anything.

      They all really need to delve into the character of Chris Kyle but not in the way they are selling their movie.

    2. If Clint Eastwood had an ounce of integrity he'd have followed Chris Kyle's post-military doings right up to when he took a mentally ill friend to a shooting range.

      Fade to black...

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      4:59 PM

      I agree. Some will say he can't be blamed since he is senile now, I am not buying that one either.

  10. Anonymous2:32 PM

    How could it happen that Todd is even stupider than Sarah? I'd say he's almost illiterate.

    1. Well, Sarah is stuck with Sarah. But the Toddster chose to marry her. And stay with her. So possibly dumber than her? Yup. There's a lot of room at the bottom of IQ curve and those two flatworms are right there.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      That would be every nasty mouthed liberal here.

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      We aren't nasty mouthed, 5:02 PM, we're smart enough to see right through it.

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Dummy and Dummier.

    5. Anonymous7:29 PM

      5:02 Why are you here? Nothing else to do in Vegas?

    6. Anonymous7:46 PM

      5:02 PM,

      "Nasty mouthed liberal." lol! I consider that a compliment.

      It's been more than 6 years, and the majority of Americans are still waiting for nasty mouthed, nasty attitude conservative $arah Palin to shut the fuck-up, and go away!

  11. Anonymous2:33 PM

    As father and mother, Sarah and I witnessed our son [Track] go through boot camp.

    How did you witness Track going through bootcamp? Mommies and daddies aren't allowed to watch them day by day going through their training.


    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Where did he go to boot camp?

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Also, too: does two-toned Toad imply that $arah is the father, and he is the mother? Because that is what he actually said... "As father and mother, Sarah and I...)

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      3:07 PM

      He is confused.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Oh yeah, it's common knowledge that everyone who goes through bootcamp brings their entire extended family along, you know, to cheer them on. Unless you're on a book tour, reality show or playing "stay at home daddy" I hear if you bring ten along, you get continental breakfast and a green army soldier happy meal free for the young un's .

    5. Anonymous4:15 PM

      When was that alleged boot camp? If the Palins were able to give some locations and time they might be more believable. But people would inquire and find out they were never were they claim.

      I guess if the fraud is working for them, they will stay with it.

    6. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Todd doesn't actually know what words mean or how to string them together to form a coherent sentence.

    7. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Both Sarah and Todd string together words that halfway sound rational to them and their followers fill in the empty word spaces. It works fine for the ignorant saps.

  12. Anonymous2:34 PM

    But it just shows years of training, dedication and protecting freedom and liberty. That’s the motto of our military...
    Uh, no. US Army moto, "This we'll defend", USMC motto, Semper Fidelis", US Navy motto, "Non sibi sed patriae" (Latin: "Not for self but for country"),USAF motto,“Aim High… Fly-Fight-Win”.

  13. Anonymous2:42 PM

    You have an 18-year-old go down to boot camp and then you go down there a few months later when they graduate from boot camp and they’re just mentally strong, physically strong and have all the respect in the world for their drill sergeant because their drill sergeant is right next to you climbing up that mountain or running the five miles.
    Gee, when my son completed basic, no drill Sargent was right next to me climbing up that mountain or running five miles. We just went to a ceremony and had a brief, sad visit, before flying back home.

  14. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The first time ever I heard Todd's wimpy voice he fascinated me when he reference Trig's first words.

    Todd Palin quote about Trig Palin.
    "When we were filming, he said his first words. He told his older brother to quit picking on him, or something like that. And when J.W. went back to New York on one of the dark days, he said his name, so that was pretty exciting."

    According to interview summer 2012:
    Trig Speaks For First Time

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      What does that say about Trig's "big brother" whoever that may be, picking on a DS pre-schooler? Nothing that ever comes out about the Palin family is ever good.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Is Trig's big brother Willow? She is mean.

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      People who call those they don't know names are mean

    4. Anonymous6:09 PM

      5:02 PM You must be at the wrong comment. No one called anyone a name here.

      Todd said

      ""When we were filming, he said his first words. He told his older brother to quit picking on him, or something like that. And when J.W. went back to New York on one of the dark days, he said his name, so that was pretty exciting."

    5. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Maybe he said Jew.

    6. Anonymous7:50 PM

      5:02 PM,

      That would $arah Palin, and all the resident trolls who come here.

  15. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anonymous2:15 PM

    Why didn't Todd ever enlist in the Army?


    Couldn't enlist in the Army because he wears mom jeans

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      His parents didn't have security to drive him to sign up.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      are you on something?

    3. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Todd never enlisted in the Army. That is fact. What is 5:01 on?

    4. Anonymous7:52 PM

      5:39 PM,

      The Toad couldn't enlist in the Army, because back then gays weren't allowed in the Army. That is fact.

  16. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Jayzus H. Kee Ryst!! What kind of education did he receive? What the HELL is in the water up there on the dead lake?? He writes like a semi illiterate mentally challenged slob. THIS is who was co-Governor of Alaska?

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      And co-POTUS neverbe.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Sarah probably helped him. And maybe Bristol, Track and Willow too.

  17. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Lordy, that family is dumber than a box of Palin's.

  18. Anonymous2:56 PM


    WTF is on palins head and what the F is she wearing in Vegas

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Looks like $he put all her wigs on top of her head AT ONCE.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I can't stop

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Willow, in Alaska, shot them out of that gun she won and they landed on Sarah's noggin' in Las Vegas. And ye of little faith doubt the Palins expertise in handling their weapons.

    4. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Sarah's dressed all in black...again. She must be mourning her continuous loss of hair,

      Whatever animal was on her head posing as a wig must of been coming to and it got zapped again with a tranquilizer gun that would explain the mysterious different color hairy hump on Sarah's head.

    5. Anonymous4:54 PM

      The Belmonts are in fine form, I see.

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      How many sexual innuendos can she fit into two paragraphs? At least two.

      Deflated balls? Sarah's really pushing it there. Wonder what her Christian followers think of the comment?

      " “I’m not going to talk politics except to say the GOP had better go on offense. Man, they are not going to win any game on defense,” she told TheBlaze. “Being in the majority there in D.C. — we’re blowing it if we just bend our back.”

      She added, “That GOP leadership, that establishment, they’ve got to their stuff together. I love what they believe in, I believe in it too. But they’ve got to get tough, man. You know what? It’s not just the New England Patriots who are dealing with deflated balls right now.”

    7. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Also, too, I don't see any homeless anywhere near the "soup kitchen." Looks more like just a photo op with kitchen counters to me.

      Is it even in a Salvation Army kitchen? I don't think so. Looks more like it's totally staged. Which would be good for the homeless. Keep them away from her. Take the photos somewhere. Send the food out the the real places.

    8. Anonymous7:43 PM

      6:39 PM

      Was it Paul Ryan? She may be stealing from his play book.

  19. PalinsHoax2:57 PM

    From the sound of his voice, it seems like Tawdry got punched in the throat one too many times.

    Was that when one of wifey $carah's tin cans went sailing through the air errantly, missing the fridge and instead dinging Tawdry's larnyx?

    Or was that when daughter Bri$$y, in a brawl with her daddy, reached to grab his privates and instead mistakenly nabbed his adam's apple?

    Either way, I imagine that when he sang "You Light Up My Life" to Shailey, his rendition was painful to hear.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      LOL I'm picturing "our gang" with Alfalfa blowing bubbles while singing to darlene.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      "From the sound of his voice, it seems like Tawdry got punched in the throat one too many times."

      Actually it is a condition whereby the vocal cords become shortened due to continued ingestion of semen; that causes the rise in pitch.

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I think it's caused by your daughter grabbing your junk when you drag her along the ground.

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      I am with 4:21 PM. A few punches to the throat would not lessen his manhood so much.

      A young daughter grabbing his junk in anger could do severe harm.

      How often does that happen to him?

      How long have they been having those brawls?

    5. Anonymous5:00 PM

      lol ever get sick of lying?

    6. Anonymous7:05 PM

      We aren't lying, 5:00 PM, we're just going on facts and what we see while you say different. That your queen is an self-serving idiot is not our fault.

    7. Anonymous8:01 PM

      5:00 PM,

      Do the Palins ever get tired of their lying, and grifting?

      And, do you ever get tired of trying, and failing to shut this blog down? I hope not. Because I quite enjoy the sad little trolls who come here, only to be outnumbered, and trounced by people who are smarter than them.

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    HO(W)LY SH*T!!! Just WHAT kind of teachers do you guys have up there in Alaska???!!! This whole KKKlan has no grasp of English - and especially logic! WTF do they teach in English class in high school up there? Word salad?! UGH!!!

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Toad is all Dillingham. Wait until the book comes out. You will get it a little more. I hope that is before they bilk too much more cash out of those poor people in the lower48 or 47, 50, 49... the Palin math.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Maybe Todd didn't have bread bags and was too shy to go to school? Anyone ever see his high school diploma? College degree? Takes brains to sing "you light up my life" to some random masseuse, who happened to service his "pregnant" wife, also, too.

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      3:39 PM

      It's all coming together... a boy without bread bags would grow up to save rubber in a warsh clothe.

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Sarah Bristol have said he had a rough early life. Doesn't take away from his family's closeness.

    5. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Yes, that is the reason for the closeness.

    6. Anonymous6:12 PM

      5:4 PM Yes and that same closeness to the Morlock family of whose Jeremy has a nice little jail term for atrocities.

      That's the standard reply anymore from families,,,,"he was such a nice boy."

    7. Anonymous8:04 PM

      5:00 PM,


      Not! Who cares? They're still assholes!

  21. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I hate Bradley Cooper that's why I'm not going to see American Sniper.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I would like to know that all Bradley Coopers former fans write him letters, letters and more letters. Not just about their disappointment in his failure but also educating him on a few matters.

      I can't believe the crap I have heard from Cooper about this movie.

      He is hot to trot that it is getting Oscar buzz but that is also sick.

      Rubber baby alone says they put together a piece of crap to sell the public.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Bradley Cooper is just a terrible actor, period. I liked the first Hangover movie, but he almost ruined it for me, even though he was only in it for a few minutes.

      I do love the fact that he's so heavily closeted that he takes his mother to awards shows and has never really had a girlfriend (or more appropriately) boyfriend to accompany him. He's just a Hollywood hack that will do anything of money. He also ruined Silver Lining's Playbook for me and I only watched 1/2 hour; loved the book but he wasn't the person that should have been in the role.

      Yuck, I hate nothing more than gay men in the closet. I'd respect him if he just let go and came out.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      The only thing Bradley Cooper was good in was Wet, Hot, American Summer.

    4. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I hope Cooper and the Academy get tons and tons of mail. I can't believe their stupidity and the harm from going with the old senile fool that made that film.

      Who uses a rubber baby, this isn't the silent film era. Who could get an academy nod in a ridiculous scene like that unless it was paid for? Cooper is a moron. Fine, use the prop to practice a scene, but shoot the scene right or don't shoot at all.

    5. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Bradley Cooper gets by on his "good looks," but he's not even that good-looking, IMO.

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Why didn't Todd ever enlist in the Army?

    Because being a member of the Alaska Independence Party, Todd would have refused to take the United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment:

    "I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; so on so on

    This is where the conflict is: defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    The AIP is considered a domestic enemy of the United States of America.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Ding! Ding! We have a winner and, not only can they not deny it, there's video of GINO opening their meeting!

      Keep talking, Tawd, when your WINO declares for '16, it will all come out.

  23. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The cutesy crunch.

    You have to give her credit. She didn't wear the triple D inflatables. They almost look like a real 50 yo Sally.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      The woman does not know how to dress. Where if the HELL is her beauty school barstool to tell her how to dress.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Where are her tits? Seriously I'm a 34 DD and they are with me all the time, I don't go down to a B and the up to a C and then blow up to a DD and then back to a B, I'm a DD all the time. Her tit situation is weirder than her inflatable/deflatable Trig belly.

    3. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Why didn't she by one of her wayward children a Tit Arranger Diploma? There must be a school for that somewhere on-line. She could have an expert at all times that would know how to make her tits look similar and more realistic. It would well be worth the money to buy another diploma.

  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Love those Vegas pics. Looks like sarah's wearing her last kill on her head and in one pic some titty touching by her new boyfriend uncle shitty.

  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    ROFLMAOPIMP!!! At the bottom of that 'pictorial' site from Vegas, there is a link to 'The Teacher's Daughter... A Tribute to Sarah Palin". So, now that we have established that $arah is a total idjit and has no comprehension at all, now they have to emphasize that her dad (supposedly) was a teacher, and that because of that, $he MUST BE intelligent???

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Didn't her dad go to the tiny little state of Alaska when there were no teachers and anyone could get work as a so-called teacher?

      Did he ever do anything but substitute?

      There are many who join the Boy or Girl Scouts for reasons other than legitimate. Check out how Chuck Jr. turned out (found some young meat, too).

      Chuck Sr. has his own reasons to be around young people. It had nothing to do with him being intelligent.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Oh, yeah, and that FB group is a 'closed group', dedicated to the PayMes and Heath families for whatever sh*t they did to America...

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      People here sure have no perspective in anything

    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      The Heath/Palins have an extensive past regarding pedophiles. They are proud to stand up with pedophiles and this has gone on for years. It is a pattern. Also they accuse others of being pedophiles or stalkers and there is no other indication that David Letterman and others they accuse are as Heath/Palin accuse.

      On the other hand, the Heath/Palins are close and stand up with and to known pedophiles.

      After decades patterns do make a statement.

    5. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Yes we do, 4:59 PM, and we aren't buying your crap.

    6. Anonymous6:41 PM


      Those 2 will give you some perspective.

  26. Anonymous3:27 PM

    And, by the way, Todd, back in the day, before Sarah's state and national political ambitions got in the way, you were all about the AIP. Has he forgotten about that or does he think that the AIP represents America's "heartland" as well?

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      John Birch and AIP is heartland to the Palins. Where is that AIP guy, Vogel?, the video where you can hear his voice?

  27. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Hey Two Toned Dick Tood, no one gives a shit about your opinion about things.. Btw, Shailey Tripp owns your ass, motherfucking pimp!

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      nice to insult millions there Anon

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      YOU are SO correct! Shailey owns Todd and all things Palin.

      As they say in northern MN, "You bet your sweet bippy!"

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Two tone is a fact.

      Sarah and Todd have the ball in their court and they could sue if it were not true.

      They have proved the two tone dick is fact. As soon as they prove they will sue they can change all that. All they or their minions do is make up empty excuses.

      The Palin must sue!

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Hey! It's our penis expert from Malia's blog. The gal who has done lots of research on the color of men's penises and can speak as an expert.

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Many women and men are experts when it comes to penis. There is nothing wrong with that. And nothing wrong with the oldest profession.

      The problems are with the law and hypocritical judgmental religious types.

      No one saves info on others quiet like old Todd. You think he doesn't know a thing or two about penis?

  28. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Sarah & Ted. God bless America

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Uncle shitty's gut is a sure sign of a heart attack waiting to happen. Let's hope. And he looks about 80. scarah looks like sally in a dime store halloween wig.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      She has the inflatables. He may have borrowed her empathy pad.

  29. Caroll Thompson3:30 PM

    So Mr. Todd said "Their true colors definitely show. They like to bring that attention to themselves. That’s the motivation. It’s this group mentality of “I’m going to slam this guy and I’m going to get rewarded by my friends for standing up and making a statement” but heartland America can see through it all."

    Nothing like projection, eh? Put the Palins in that sentence as the 'they' and you will find the truth.

  30. Anonymous3:33 PM

    lol, little pantywaist purse-carrying idiot.

  31. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Gee, I used to say the same thing about the cowboy in "The Villiage People" but reading this makes me think if every villiage count's it's idiots, one near lake lucille is missing along with his constant companions, the bevy of macho purses the better half makes him carry around.
    And now for something completely different. In light of "inflate gate" Todd would like to demonstrate the proper technique for inspecting your balls. Yes, fellas and those who love them, testicular cancer is a killer and breast cancer kills. After a warm bath, take each testicle and roll it around in the scrotum. If the testicle is at eye level, it's not yours, just sayin'. Ladies? Especially those with foam enhancements, just swish your hands around. You're looking for things like dings, cracks, dents and dry rot. Again, if the breasts are at eye level, fling them over your shoulders a few times till they're facing front.

    How did these two flipping idiots find each other? Kyle was a trained snyper who got killed by some towhead with a gun, so where does the "hero" part come in?

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      ... where does the "hero" part come in?

      Script writers. Including the ones at the Pentagon that wrote script about Track Palin. Track was a super guy and hero before he did anything. Did you read all that early propaganda? It was disturbing at the time. More so now that we know why they lied for Track and all of them.

      Look what happened to Pat Tilman for being smart and seeing through it all.

      Kyle went full throttle gung-ho for believing the propaganda and then he embellished his own for his personal greed and to be glorified.

      Track is a little man who can't speak, like his step father.

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      I seriously doubt that anyone at the Pentagon even knew who Track Menard Palin is.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I'm with you, 3:58.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      That's a load of crap 5:57. They absolutely know when the child of an sitting Governor joins up and goes oversees.

    5. Anonymous6:54 PM

      5:57 PM

      You can read what was scripted and put out for the Palins in 2008. Yes, many. many articles on Track Palin. Yes, the Pentagon was very central in the propaganda about Track and others. Don't kid yourself.

      If Pat Tillman had lived we would know more about these things. As it is there is the Congressional Committee that did listen to the Tillmans and Jessica Lynch. The whole truth wasn't allowed to come out in those instances. but more than nothing. We got a little glimpse of how they can work. There are others. Most things are shuddered, like when McCain stole personal property from Mercede Johnston's PC. There are many stories where they get by with cover up and lies.

      Many articles about Track are still around. Now they are a statement to how he was lied about to create the fake image for the Palins and McCain.

    6. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Hey, 6:46, did you mean "overseas"?

  32. Grrrr !3:41 PM

    I'm a regular reader with deep admiration for all your efforts re: exposing Palin.

    But WTF does this mean:

    "Make is sound to serious and like Todd Palin has ANY idea of what he is talking about."

    Not to quibble but proof-reading counts, especially when criticizing the Palin's ignorance.

  33. Anonymous3:48 PM

    He sounds just like $carah. I have a feeling HE"S the dummy or retard who writes al lher speeches. LOL

  34. Anonymous3:55 PM

    that's my favorite "todd stand" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    he looks like a loser.

  35. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Scarah is sure showing her wonky eyes and wrinkly everything. I don't mean to be mean, but she really does look like Sally with a wig.

  36. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Twad, may I call you twad? You don't know the difference between make believe and reality. I don't have the time,interest nor desire to educate y'all.Therefore just stfu! Fool.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I bet Sarah doesn't change her outfit before the award presentations tonight.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      You know Sarah. The last time she thought she was sexy in black she wore that same top for about a month. I think she beat Todd out of his blue shirt saga, you know the one that kept looking dirtier and dirtier?

    2. Anonymous4:58 PM

      I did notice that in one of her SPC vids she's wearing Todd's shirt. Denim, HUGE

    3. Anonymous6:57 PM

      4:58 PM

      If it is HUGE, are you sure it is Todd's? The dirty blue one he kept wearing and never laundered was blue, but not denim.

      How dirty is the HUGE shirt?

  38. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Poor Sarah and Todd, it looks like they’re at the bottom the end of the barrel, at the bottom of the heap...or whatever...they have gone low low low...
    BUT, maybe barstool too her junky beau with her and they'll make a couple out of them and he'll make a decent woman out of the mother of his child.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Are you literate? Do you possess a heart?

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Actually, 4:57 PM, spot on. The "heart" doesn't work here, They've shown who they are. Keep trying to keep the lie. Better yet, run her '16 and you'll find out what RILL 'Murika thinks.

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Palin has a heart. It is very black.

      Who would feed the hungry meat that is not inspected and could give them a miserable death?

      Someone with a black heart. She knows they poor and the hungry won't have anyone to look out for them and it all sounds so good to have charity loving celebrities give up a few minutes to feed the hungry for photo ops.

      I am sure when someone does care about these poor people in Las Vegas there will be a serious check into what the Salvation Army is up to and all about the wild hogs.

      Meat inspections are very important.

      Remember diseased meat can be fed to other animals and that meat goes into other product.

      You could also be a victim of meat that is not inspected. So I really don't get why no one cares about that.

      A vegetarian could have a child that sneaks a hot dog at school or at the movie theater and be a victim. Everyone thinks it won't happen to them.

      I do know a man whose very healthy wife contacted a mystery disease and was dead withing a few weeks. He was never given an official answer. It just happened to have the signs of what they call Madcow.

  39. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Palin at the Salvation Army this afternoon

    Notice her "bodyguards" -- Jason Recher is on the SarahPAC parole

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Well, at least they made her wear gloves...

    2. Cracklin Charlie4:55 PM

      Wow, she looks THRILLED to be there.


    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      freudian slip... parole should be payroll

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Did you read about the wild meat? I doubt it was inspected. Those poor poor people will possibly contact a disease like mad-cow. No one will know or question why they start dropping dead. It will be another one of those mystery things.

    5. Anonymous5:54 PM

      The Salvation Army is a religious scam.

    6. Anonymous8:01 PM

      She is looking at the boar chili with an expression that says" what is this crap"

      Don't see any homeless, looks like just another photo op to me.

  40. Anonymous4:24 PM

    It was two tweets. Give it a rest. I guess they only want freedom of speech when it is something they agree with...

  41. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Jason Recher. You mean she does help the needy?

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Jason is a good man. Married with kids

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Sarah has served people food every Xmas for at least a decade

    3. Anonymous5:59 PM

      4:56 PM

      No sign of her last year. Many others for a fact. You need to have some back up.

    4. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I have for over thirty. Great snark, 4:56 PM! LOL

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Sarah and her family didn't show up at the Wasilla Dinner for Christmas this year, and no one was sad that they didn't.

    6. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Jason Recher is needy or he would find a decent job and work for good people.

  42. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Wow! Talk about a perfect match! Although, looking at that picture, I do understand why Sarah travels so much. Hell, I would show up to cut the ribbon at the new Kroger!

  43. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Ted, Sarah & Bristol

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Oh, $arah is smitten. Someones getting his poopy ass liked tonight :p

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Ah, so she took Bristol as her bodyguard. How in the world does that 'hard ass worker" get so much time off work?

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Jason Recher is the body guard.

      Bristol is the hook.

  44. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Todd Palin shouldn't do interviews, it just proves how bad his communication skills are, and how he views the world through a very narrow lens.

    So he thinks critics of "American Sniper" are jealous? He sounds really immature as well.

  45. Anonymous4:56 PM

    A lot of people in Wasilla "liked" this and "shared " it.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Ivy Frye will beat them up if they don't... lol

      Stop blogging, just "like" Todd and Sarah!

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      A lot of people in Wasilla are absolute cretins that drive big loud trucks and use meth and smoke crack, I know because I live just outside of town and must deal with these uneducated loud and proud retards on a regular basis.

    3. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Who the fuck cares?

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      6:43 PM

      you do.

  46. Anonymous5:02 PM

    What you get for fathering all those teen girls: you start to talk like one. What a stooge.

    Love the pic, Gryphen, whose fighting stance is that?

  47. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Chris Kyle was a flatout bullshit artist. You could always tell when he was lying because his lips moved.But the movie isn't about that right?I have lost all respect for Clint Eastwood.

  48. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Gryphen is a little person

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Why, 5:09PM, because he won't the likes of you get away with the scam? That, to me, is a giant.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      I've met Gryphen in person a few times, and what he lacks in height he more than makes up for in overall fitness and muscle tone.

  49. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Looks like he is wearing a muffin top (empathy belly?) and mom jeans.

  50. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Stick to ridin' your snow machine and pimpin' your whores Tawd because writin' and expressin' yourself ain't your strong suit.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      When you are in a polluting sport with a bunch of corrupt assholes it is easy to 'win' at riding on a modified lawnmower.

      That's the high light of his life, he lied to Shailey.

  51. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Troll is getting no satisfaction tonight, none at all.

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Todd looks like such a dork in that picture!!!!!

  53. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Would someone please fill me in on why they are attacking the Hollywood "elitists"? Other than that is what the palins do.

    Clint Eastwood, before he was talking to empty chairs, worked in Hollywood, seems like Bradley Cooper works in Hollywood.

    I am sick an tired of the Palins telling me who is an American hero. Personally a sniper does not fill my expectations of a hero and a hero does not necessarily have to be someone in the military.

    All the criticism I have seen of this movie, which is little, is the fact that they are glorifying someone that job is to kill people.

    And Toad, exactly why didn't you volunteer for the military?

  54. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I see Toadie Boy can't speak in full sentences either. Geez, Alaska education must suck. How did you escape unscathed, G?

  55. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Todd Palin is one of those 'little bitches' that Track fought at the Drunken Palin Family Brawl. If Track Menard had not been forced into the Military to avoid Jail, he would not have joined.
    Track was given the opportunity to 'clean up his act' but he came out of the Military still addicted to drugs and alcohol.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.