Thursday, January 01, 2015

In Arizona old man McCain is kicking ass and taking names.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Nearly a year ago, tea party agitators in Arizona managed to get John McCain censured by his own state party. Now, he’s getting his revenge. 

As the longtime Republican senator lays the groundwork for a likely 2016 reelection bid, his political team is engaging in an aggressive and systematic campaign to reshape the state GOP apparatus by ridding it of conservative firebrands and replacing them with steadfast allies.  

The ambitious effort — detailed to POLITICO by nearly a dozen McCain operatives, donors, and friends — has stretched from office buildings in Alexandria, Virginia, where strategists plotted and fundraisers collected cash for a super PAC, to Vietnamese-American communities across Arizona, where recruiters sought out supporters eager to help the incumbent defeat the tea party. 

Team McCain’s goal? Unseat conservative activists who hold obscure, but influential, local party offices. 

You know there are a lot of unflattering labels that are appropriate for John McCain; opportunist, warmonger, crazy old fart. But calling him a pushover is certainly NOT an appropriate label. 

The man has been crushing his political foes for over thirty years now, and it looks like he is not quite finished digging fresh graves as of yet.

So considering that many of these conservative firebrands talked  about in the article are exactly the type who would push for Sarah Palin to run in their state, and support her campaign if she did, it looks like whatever office Palin may or may not be running for in the near future, it most certainly will not be for John McCain's Senate seat. 

Let's face it while Sarah Palin may like to call herself a pitbull with lipstick John McCain is the kind of guy who chews people up and spits them out. Probably literally.

Too bad really. Seeing John McCain have to face off with the creature he carelessly brought to life would be incredibly entertaining.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    What wife-abuser John McCain has done to Cindy McCain and what he did to his first wife Carol McCain is so creepy it is hard to read anything remotely praising his sick, old ass.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      He left that one wife because she had MS and he couldn't handle it!

      What I really suspect is that he didn't think she'd show well on his political arm. I've always thought the guy an asshole - even before he and his crew picked the loser from Wasilla, Alaska!

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    To think that back in 2000, I actually liked him.
    And then I woke up.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Where were all these savvy operatives when he picked $carah as his VP?? Biggest blunder EVER in US politics. We all saw what a bird brain she was immediately, where were lumpy little Johnny and his operatives?? He is as big a fraud as she is, all smoke and mirrors and sealed records.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    So how is the queen of the t-baggers taking this?

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Last twitter from Sarah Palin is Dec. 24. Maybe she is in twitter jail.

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      She is back on FB

      All I can say is get off the dog!

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I'm sure Gryphen will add her recent FB post soon.
      It's appalling, and demonstrates irrefutably how clueless, vain, and really stupid Sarah Palin shows herself to be without fail.
      Perhaps she doesn't know that calling herself "oblivious" is not a light-hearted joke but an honest confession that she knows very little about Trigg, how he communicates, and what his needs are.

      There are three FB pictures of Trigg climbing on the back of a supine Jill, the dog, to elevate himself to kitchen sink level. Evidently there are no step stools in the Palin house. Also, there's no active mother on duty.
      Read her description of what happened. You'll be left speechless.
      (btw, Sarah, a dog lying down is not "lazy." Do you know anything about animals? Even wild animals rest 90% of the time. What Jill was demonstrating was patience, but, with a new and growing dog in your house, do you really know how Jill would respond if Trigg stepped on a nerve or a sore hip? What you allowed him to do was not safe and definitely not cute.
      Instead, you took PICTURES of this event, instead of helping your son and getting the dog out of the way. Incredible.)

      Here she is:

      "Trig... determined to help wash dishes with an oblivious mama not acknowledging his signs for "up!", found me and a lazy dog blocking his way."

      It occurs to me: when she says she was not "acknowledging" his signs, was it because she was ignoring him, or because she had no clue what he was signing? Either way: epic failure on her part.

    3. Anonymous9:01 AM

      I bet there are lots of cat mammas and dog daddies among her faithful and I'd love to know how they're taking this. I will not, however, wade into the slime to find out so I hope some of you brave folk will keep us cowards informed.

    4. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I feel sorry for the dog living in that house! Poor treatment of it as well as the retarded child. Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot!

  6. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Interesting. Seems he has courage to challenge anyone except Palin.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      That thought occurred to me too.

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    C4p has a list of top ten Palin moments on their web site, i am sure IMers could find some of our own.

    Number One: The Throw down at the HO down.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy

    It is usual at the end of another calendar year to look hopefully at the New Year, but at this point, and judging by the events of 2014, there is very little to look forward to in America in 2015. In fact, it is getting extremely difficult to look ahead at the coming year with anything other than dread and despair as America devolves into a theocratic, racist, and fascist police state that the government cannot, and apparently will not, even attempt to stop. It is not that 2014 was devoid of good news; quite the contrary. But no amount of jobs, Wall Street profits, economic growth, or falling gas prices can counterbalance the distress Republicans, racists, and religious Supreme Court justices have wrought on this sad nation with no end, or hope, in sight.

  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I wonder how John McCain got permission to do something like that. After all, everyone knows he does whatever the powers that be tell him to do, and right quick.

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Admiring McCain? ...seriously?

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Great metaphor. "Seeing John McCain have to face off with the creature he carelessly brought to life would be incredibly entertaining", as you wrote, G., is a perfect description of what is happening. Am expecting lots of entertainment and lots of rage from the Palin camp.

    If the creature dare raise it's head teasing and interfering in AZ politics now, one wonders how high McCain's threshold for endurance is. He's been a gentlemen in addressing her so far, but I think his threshold for endurance has reached it's peak.

    1. "He's been a gentlemen in addressing her so far, but I think his threshold for endurance has reached it's peak."
      One of the articles I read about this remarked on how McCain has made sure to leave all the dirty work to his operatives so that his fingerprints aren't evident.

      If he doesn't want her interfering in Arizona politics, I have no doubt that she will not be able to, but she won't even realize why she can't get the backers, donors, and support that she needs.

  12. abbafan8:27 AM

    Happy New Year IM'ers! It appears that McCain still wields plenty of clout in AZ; he is exacting his revenge on the fringe kooks, palin's "base". He is smart enough to know that the party must be rebuilt and re-branded to its former grandeur so that they may recover from the damage wreaked by the lunatic fringe. I feel that the reason for $arah's silence over the holidays is that someone sent her a succinct message to not entertain any idears of running for anything in AZ, let alone AK. Remember, his campaign team sanitized the Johnston computers in '08; they have the goods on all of them! If she "goes rogue" again, they will unleash the hounds of hell on her and her moronic brood!

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Palin could not have run for anything in AZ. She is not a resident there! Her residency is in Alaska. She has a second home down there, same as many other Alaskans. They winter outside of Alaska.

      Plus, Sarah Palin would not win any race she tried to enter. Voters know too much about her and the fact she is a fraud and liar! She and Todd have way too much baggage that would be brought out - Alaskans are already aware!

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      wow your full of cain is crooked as dogs hind leg...I saw aviation data that indicated his dad could have 'saved' him but thought he was a 'hot shot' so 'left him behind' and that is what fuels his's not who you's what you know!

    3. abbafan2:32 AM

      Anon @ 6:31 P.M. - abbafan here - of course his old man knew of sonny-boy's hijinks; so he wanted him to learn a lesson! McCain's reputation as a "songbird" precedes him; he ratted out to save his own ass! All I alluded to is that if palin tries to piss him off with shit talk about "running" on his turf, he has the goods on her! She is well-known for back-stabbing others to achieve her goals, and take credit for it! If McCain wants to retain any shred of decency he may have left, now is the time for him to play "songbird" and shut her up once and for all!

  13. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The News: End Of The Year Edition

  14. Anonymous10:43 AM

    He looks like part of the mafia in that photo.

    Sorry, but if I lived in AZ, McCain would NEVER get my vote. Find it amazing that state keeps him in Congress. He's a horrible person!

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      "He looks like part of the mafia in that photo."

      He gets that from his wife's side of the family.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I don't see it, I imagined the photographer, after clicking the photo, asking someone to slide the stainless steel drawer shut.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      global leaders think he is a stinky ol dog with fleas!
      lol...oh poor poor john boy...viagra won't save him...

  15. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Oh Johnny, how many times do we have to tell you whenever someone hears "McCain" they immediately think "McCain Palin"
    The Curse, John, look it up. Give your buddy Lindsey a swift swat on the butt with a wet towel. He's all you got left, cause a LOT of folks will have Christina Green and Gabby Gifford's photos on posters.

  16. Anonymous3:25 AM

    McCain was so desperate for support in the last election he had to beg Palin's help. 2016 should be interesting...


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