Thursday, January 01, 2015

Sarah Palin's New Year's wishes come with proof of negligent parenting and animal abuse.

So after remaining oddly silent since Christmas Eve, Palin has finally updated her Facebook page to wish everybody a happy new year: 

Happy New Year! 

May 2015 see every stumbling block turned into a stepping stone on the path forward. Trig just reminded me. He, determined to help wash dishes with an oblivious mama not acknowledging his signs for "up!", found me and a lazy dog blocking his way. He made his stepping stone. 

- Sarah Palin

So apparently Palin's advice in overcoming "stumbling blocks" is to simply step on those who you consider less significant than you and use them to get what you want. If there was ever a better analogy to describe the poor bastards who donate to SarahPAC I have not yet heard it.

You know was a parent, and animal lover, here's the thing that really bothers me about the series of photos that accompanied this post.

Why didn't she get off her lazy ass and help her child, instead of whipping out her camera phone and taking pictures while he stands on a poor defenseless animal?

There was a real teachable moment here and Palin completely fucked it up.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    OMG, that is SO dangerous for a dog!

    1. Not to mention for Trig.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Oh, what's a few broken ribs? Track has plenty of pain medicine he can give the dog.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      No kidding, if it hurts the dog she could either stand up so the kid bonks his head on the counter or even bite him. If not corrected he'll try to stand on the little dogs or any other dog laying in his path. But the seriously, sarah is a lousy parent, a lousy cook, a lousy speaker, a lousy writer, a lousy politician, a lousy wife, a lousy employee, a lousy dresser, why not add lousy animal owner?

    4. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Kids Trig's age like to bounce and jump. That poor dog. You know he gave her a few good gut busting leaps.

      Only Sarah or her ghost writer are claiming Sarah was in the kitchen with them. Piper or Willow may have been baby sitting.

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Sarah got Jill from the PUPPY JAKE FOUNDATION.

      Go checkout their Facebook page and see Sarah thanking them and HUGGING Jill.

      PUPPY JAKE FOUNDATION also has a website ... I contacted them by email to let them know how Sarah is treating Jill now ... send them emails.

      I also contacted PETA and Wonkette. If Sarah wanted some publicity ... we can help her get it.

    6. Anonymous10:32 AM

      The lady that trained Jill is ... ReneeJetter ... you can see her Facebook page.

    7. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Trig can't say a simple word like UP and needs to make a sign???

      That single admission by the Lying Loser says more about $arah's lack of involvement with Trig's needs, such as a speech therapist. Unbelievable that a child can't utter UP .....

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Posted a comment on their facebook and got someone named 'Lily St. Clair' sniping back at me. She posted a pic of Tripp holding a puppy, so is she a friend of theirs? A made up name? Anyway, I blocked her ass.
      M from MD

    9. Anonymous12:25 PM

      11:56 Lily St. Clair is non other than Brooky/Alicia/Krusty/Lucy/Michelle/ so many other names. It's Pointy! Our troll. She used the Lily name when she wrote to Kenny Pick.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Trig treats the dog like Sarah treats him. She even let it slip that Trig still can't talk. Sarah Palin is too stupid for words.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      That's not true - the kid speaks.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      He makes noises, he doesn't speak.

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      9:37 AM Bullshit!!! Keep up your Palin Panty Sniffing. You Palin Assclowns are Wasillabillies and nothing more. How's that 'TUBAL LIGATION' treatin' ya? All of you dysfunctional borderline retards are sick. Hangovers must be hell.

    4. Crystal Sage11:51 AM

      I'm still wondering which Trig this is.

    5. Anonymous12:05 PM

      9:37 read (if you can) what Sarah posted. She herself said she missed Trig's "signs for up". He doesn't speak. She is a neglectful mother who does not get her handicap child proper therapy and allows him to endanger himself and a pet by standing on the pet. God she is so stupid.

    6. Anonymous12:16 PM

      If you can't verbalize a two letter word, you cannot speak.

    7. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Infants can say the word "up". If a seven-year-old's facial muscles are so weak that he can't say even that much, then obviously his parents haven't been taking him to therapy.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, I didn't see Troll comments yesterday, did you filter her nonsense out? It was very peaceful on your blog all day.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      She is back, nuttier than ever. Alicia is insane and we should all a) write her parents and local law enforcement and b) ignore her.
      Why do you publish her posts Gryphen? She is very mentally ill and unstable.

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah Palin is an ignorant asshole. If she's willing to display such obvious doggie abuse I wonder how that poor animal is treated and not photographed.

    1. What amazes me is how ho-hum the Palinbot worshipers are about allowing Trig to treat the dog that way. They're calling the protestors "liberals", and rude for complaining on behalf of the dog's welfare.

      Gawd, their blind worship is surely proof that there still are paint-chip-eaters surviving after all this time.

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The cruelty that she gleefully displays toward animals is chilling. Presumably, from all evidence, she treats Trig no better. There is SO much pathology here. Where to begin?

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    These so called humans make me ill.Oh look, isn't that cute? No it is not! I hope when the dog takes a bite out one of the brats, they shoot the wench and not the dog.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Many of the sheeple commenting on her hatebook page are critical of her not only allowing but encouraging this behavior.. She has the judgement of a goldfish.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      I agree. Some dogs remember bad behavior.

      Eventually the dog could nip or bite at Trig when Trig tries this act again. Assuming that someone else in the family views what Trig is doing is dangerous to both Trig and the dog and if the poor dog hasn't been bullied into submitting to Trig's behavior. This isn't cute behavior that Trig is doing to the dog.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Maybe it's just me but I never had a dog that would pick out a spot like that to lay down. These pictures look like something else to me. Seems like someone was messing around with Trig and Jill and this possibly was cute to them. It has a Willow vibe. There are green and red decorations, it must have been within the last month.

      Does Sarah even write like that? "Oblivious mama" ? ? ?

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      9:23 She isn't any where near that smart. They should be critical of her.

      They are not animal people and it shows. No! She is not like everybody else. I hope the millions of animal lovers everywhere let her know that she is nothing like them.

      For anybody that knows, loves, understands, and respects animals, shit like that is not acceptable.

      I agree with the person that said, why doesn't she plop her ass on the floor and let the Trigger stand on her?

    5. Anonymous11:16 AM

      When my kids were young, I ALWAYS told them if they abuse the dog and he bites you, I will punish you, too. They were taught to be nice to animals, that animals have feelings, too. They all love animals to this day, and would never abuse one. To the PayMe family, animals are to be shot.

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    That picture pisses me off more then words can describe. That poor dog and that poor child :(

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I can't bare to think about Jill's back. She may already be injured. I don't see how she is not.

      How much does Trig weigh?

      Did Trig take Jill over to the sink so he could use her for a step while Sarah was out of it, clueless or whatever?

      She never has watched her kids. Why would she start now?

      She wants us to believe she woke up in time to get the camera and just happened to capture this.

      This looks like another staged picture of her prop. She may fancy herself a writer and thought this a 'deep thought' moment that would look natural with a cute kid and his dog. Team work you know.

  8. Anonymous8:53 AM

    That there are a series of pictures (3) of Trig first putting one
    foot on the dog and her allowing him to continue with his
    full body weight shows such poor judgment. Then taking
    pictures instead of stopping him is beyond common sense.
    There are real mixed reviews posted over on her facebook.
    My favorite "Don't let the liberals see these pictures if you
    plan to run in 2016!"

    1. Who can forget what Mitt Romney did to HIS dog -- made him ride in a cage on the car roof for, what, hundreds of miles?

    2. And the dog "disappeared" on that trip.

      Man can't keep a dog properly will never get a vote from me.

    3. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Excellent comment, Ivyfree. The treatment of an innocent dog is an indication of the direction of that person's heart - very bad.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Once again Sarah Palin, the breeder of drunks and druggies, broadcasts her stupidity for all to see. That family is a perfect example of dysfunction. That photo shows the cruelty that permeates the Palins.

  10. Suzy Q9:01 AM

    "oblivious mama" says it all. Lazy ass indeed!

  11. fromthediagonal9:02 AM

    I won't reward that woman by clicking on her page. This one picture says it all, as does her "up" comment. This is awful.

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Jill Hadassah is a trained service dog. Labs are by nature loving and loyal. The dog would take all sorts of torment and would probably never ever hurt Trig. BUT I remember Tripp kicking Jill out of the way in one of Sarah's stupid videos. Now Trig is allowed to stand on the dog. Can anyone imagine what happens to Jill when not on camera? Sarah is not teaching responsible treatment of animals. Buy a special stool for Trig with his name on it. Teach him to move it to wherever he wants to use it.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Even trained service dogs will defend themselves if they are being seriously injured. Trig is heavy enough that he could have caused significant damage to that poor dog.

      She might have bit him or rolled and dumped him off which could easily have resulted in Trig becoming seriously injured himself.

      There are soooo many ways this could have gone wrong and it should have been stopped immediately!

    2. whoever provided that dog needs to be informed about this.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM


      I agree. What a waste of a service dog. Not that I want any dog to be abused, yet the Palins could have given the service dog to a family who is in need of one. Obviously the Palins aren't using the service dog as a service dog. And ... They're abusing it.

      The Palins should have gotten Trig a stuffed toy animal to stand on or kick or abuse rather a service dog which isn't being properly utilized. Also in the future, it's obvious this family is not responsible pet owners, they should not have any live animal pets as they abuse them.

    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      9:55 AM

      They are Palin type people. The public has been watching Sarah Palin abuse for years now. A part from the few who do care about children and animals and have tried to call attention to the abuse Palin promotes, there are Palin drools, tools and fools.


      They watch it and get off. We all have had plenty of doses of Palin's child abuse. The authorities in Alaska and the USA just do not care if the Palins abuse anyone.

      Why would Palin people care about a dog? Some people have dogs because they can be easy to abuse.

      The trainers that gave her the dog checked out the family and they are not going to do anything to protect the dog if it makes Sarah look like she is bad. Politics are what matter. Not because she is running, because she will pretend she is going to run for an office.

  13. Being a Palin, she's proud to show off her inadequacies as a parent and a human being. It is not "cute" that her son is standing on the dog, it is further evidence that she is completely horrible as a mother and has no clue as to what is right and what is wrong. If she can't teach her children these basics, how can she ever hope to run for elected office? Although, I hope to god she does, it would be hugely entertaining. But the main point is, the Palin family does not deserve to have animals in their care, they can barely care for their children.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Agreed! One can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat children and animals.

  14. Suzy Q9:07 AM

    The kid still can't talk and has to "sign" for up? Seriously? How old will he be in April? 7? Wow! Is there no CPS in Alaska to take this kid and put him in a protective environment where he can get an education and have a somewhat normal life? The woman is nuts!

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      those people live like the hillbillies did in the movie deliverance.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      The critical years are 0-3 for Down Syndrome children. Although there is much that can be done for Trig now, he was on the campaign trail when he should have been in intensive therapy.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      He was only on the campaign trail from the end of August until Nov. Then he went back to work with Mommy Dearest hawking books in the cold with no socks or jacket. Whoever is really his parent should be ashamed.

    4. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Of course we don't know how severe Trig's learning disabilities are. Sign is a good way to start language learning in the case of speech impairments. My sister began signing as a young toddler, and the entire family was part of her rigorous therapy sessions. Trig should have started signing years ago and moved onto speech by now.

  15. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I can just imagine the abuse inflicted on the dog by Trig off camera. Most families with small children have foldable step stools so the child can reach the sink, Palin's use their canine.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Wouldn't it be dangerous for a child with Tri-G's limitations to be able to access the sink? Are there forks and/or knives in the sink? Breakable dishes? Hot water? According to Sarah, the kid can't pick up a Cheerio but he can "sign" for up? Looking at the 3 photos on Half-Wit's facebook page, she shows that the dog is first on one side and then closer to the sink but on his/her other side. The photo was staged. No doubt Simple Sarah thought it was cute. "Oblivious"? Sarah's still an idiot.

  16. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The dog looks like it has a distended belly. The Palins probably feed it all kinds of crap that will shorten his life. Animals need nutritious food to have a healthy happy life.

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Disgusting.And her fans eat it up.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Actually they're not, there's quite a bit of criticism of it over there. Sarah's first misstep of 2015, before noon January 1st. She's terrible at everything she does but especially parenting.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Yes, there is more criticism than normal and even "unfriending' but there are still those who defend her, saying it's "cute"!

    3. Anonymous11:05 AM

      @9:51 Those that defend her are probably our resident Troll, Alicia the unemployed uneducated Mama's girl who lives in the basement.

  18. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow, did she ever blow this.

    First error: Trig is being taught it's OK to step and stand on animals, any animals, even small ones. It also goes without saying he probably will think it OK to step on children. If his parents make him think it's cute to stand on a dog's back, then he'll assume it's OK to stand on a baby, or toddler. What they are teaching him, is anything goes. They are condoning him being "cute" at all costs. And he won't understand boundaries, those boundaries where one should never do something like stand or put pressure on people or pets that could cut off their oxygen or injure their bones or spines. If he thinks this is OK, he'll think it OK to perhaps lie on top of a special need's classmate or stand on them.

    Notice quite a few of the commenters on her FB made their concerns known.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      No kidding!
      My sister stepped on me playing around and I had a ruptured spleen and internal bleeding!

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      She'll yank it down now and scold everyone and call them liberal names for daring to have an opinion about her cute little picture of her precious special needs kid standing on his dog.

    3. She will also de-friend anybody who criticizes her on Facebook. Altho her ranks are thinning, so she may not now want to lose any easy mark.

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Now the post about the mean-spirited attacks upon her "special needs" child. Without saying she created the situation, of course.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    This is terrible. Yet - she needed a "photo-op" and displayed her ignorance and total lack of concern for the safety of the dog and the child.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Yep, Sarah's always talking about common sense. However, I don't see anything sensible about allowing Trig to stand on his service dog to help do dishes.

  20. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hey, at least the kid's not wearing shoes... wait a minute, WTF is the poor kid barefoot? He's probably stepping on the poor dog to warm up his feet!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Actually most Alaskans don't wear shoes inside the house, but we DO wear socks or slippers. I noticed that too and thought he should have something on his feet.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      It must be real warm in front of the sink.

      My dogs do not lay down on their own in a high traffic area. They might if it was the only warm place.

      They would think I went nuts if I put them there, but they would cooperate.

      Trig can't talk but he can do a lot of thought out things with his dog. That's interesting. Good for him. Someone does need to save the dog and find other activity for Trig.

  21. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I can't get over this. I mean, I understand that dogs and kids can be pals and that they romp about and cuddle etc, but letting a almost SEVEN YEAR OLD STEPON a dog is beyond my comprehension. You just wait - that poor dog will be crippled within the first part of this year because of a broken spine. A dog is no horse, and its spine is not made for being stepped on - especially not by a seven year old clumsy and heavy child.

    So: a challenge for you Alaskans: since you seem to be too chicken to call CPS for either Trig OR Tripp, will you at least call the humane society and report the animal abuse that is going on in that household? MAYbe, just MAYBE then there might be some consequences for this sorry excuse of a 'mother' who cannot even understand the sign for 'up' in sign language that she is supposed to have been studying for the last seven years so she could communicate with her willfully neglected adopted child!

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Trig and Tripp are both abused and neglected.

      It doesn't take a degree to figure out they will be abusers. What else have they learned?

      Do they know any other way?

      Sarah owns the complicit authorities who should be charged and jailed along with the Palins.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      I betcha that when Trig was "playing horsey", as per her comment a few days ago, that he was riding around on Jill.

  22. Anonymous9:32 AM

    As a trained service dog, Jill Hadassah can and should be removed from that house.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      I wish Trig could be removed from that house too. He looks like a tired bedraggled street urchin. What a pity that both child and dog are caught up in the Palin brand of chaos and carelessness.

  23. Anonymous9:33 AM

    First day of 2015 and already she's made a failure. Can't she ever just do something out of genuine affection? Can't she just post a photo of Trig snuggled up with the dog or a family member or even her?

    Her need to be muse of the year with her 'stepping stone' story is tragic. Couldn't she use other examples of stumblingblocks and stepping stones, other than using her prop child and his training dog's back? It's not cute or clever, it's sadistic.

  24. Anonymous9:33 AM

    If that dog isn’t removed from that home there is something wrong with the SPCA. And, the comment that Trig has to sign for help is incredibly sad. Given all the available Palin money, why doesn’t that little boy have a full-time, live in speech and physical therapist?

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      the spca and cps need to be contacted.

  25. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Saw that picture with animalabuse hashtag on twitter.

  26. Anonymous9:35 AM

    If I knew how to do it I would send her fb link to PETA

  27. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It's true that service animals are trained to be patient and not harm the people they serve. BUT helping a child understand what's harmful to the animal is part of the good that comes from having a service animal.

    I did a search on "image child on dog". Got a few pics of small children resting their heads of big dogs and a couple of pics of very small children atop enormous dogs. Not a single picture of a child standing on a dog.

    No one in their right mind would step aside with a camera while a child stands on a dog. But it is truly crazy to publish that kind of idiocy on the Internet. It reminds me of Romney's tale of the hosing the dog and returning it to the car top crate.

    If Sarah Palin follows her usual pattern, the criticism she gets for this mess will be to try to top it with a bigger mess. I expect we'll see even more gleeful animal abuse pictures in the coming weeks.

    I'm am so sorry for poor little Trig and for the animal. Sarah Palin is evil.

    1. AkMom5810:38 AM

      I found this one..........Note that it is saying NO, NO, NO. Do NOT let your child stand on the dog.

  28. Wendy9:38 AM

    Call me cynical but I suspect Palin posted these pictures to generate controversy, discussion, and PR. A *normal* picture of a boy and his dog would not pull much attention.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      She is just that sick.

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Nah, she's just f*cking stupid.

      2015 will be fun times for us.

    3. Anonymous10:36 AM

      9:55 Yee Haw! Let her buck!

  29. Anonymous9:48 AM

    As someone with a DS cousin, she has no freaking CLUE.

  30. Cracklin Charlie9:49 AM

    Looks like Trig has had a visit from the tooth fairy! My son was 7 and 1/2 when he lost the first one.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Hasn't he lost 2? I have one relative who lost 2 teeth at 4. Most are 5 and 6

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      6 is more on target actually.

  31. Anonymous9:50 AM

    When was the picture of Trig taken? They can afford heat and it is warmer in Alaska.

    The 'voice' sounds more like Chuck Jr. He has a similar parenting style. Remember at his house when the little toddlers were around and he had a TV in a precarious place on the frig?

    Sarah or Piper could have taken this shot or anyone else at anytime.

    She may be coming out of her stupor but I don't believe the this means she is back from her black out. It only means someone put the pics up for her and someone wrote something for her. Making the donors happy.

    If Chuck Jr. told VA the parents were sick I guess they are going to ignore that now. And Miss Christmas Greeter says nothing about Christmas. It is all too strange for the alleged Christian.

  32. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hey, $arah, aren't you oblivious to ALL your kids?
    Why do you think they turned out the way they did?
    It's all about you, thanks for verifying.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      So, 3 grown kids who have jobs and 2 happy dependent kids are bad now?


    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      What jobs? List them. Dare you! You can't do it because it's a lie. Prove us wrong sicko.

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      10:09 You dip shit! Who are you stalking today?
      I heard they all work at Daddy's bordello. Is that true?

    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      If they're paid to troll here, then okay....sure, they have full time jobs....LOL

      The Palin Gravy Train is reaching its whistle stop.
      TOOT! TOOT!

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      10:09 AM Why don't YOU have a job? Are you unemployable?

    6. Anonymous11:21 AM

      That's right Track is Black Ops and doing highly secret and dangerous missions.

      Willow does Trigs hair and is too terrified let anyone know she was hired.

      Bristol has the same old blow job she's always done.

    7. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Willow no longer works at Forget Me Knot hair salon and she doesn't have a presence online for services so not sure where or if she is working. Bristol may still go the Derm Clinic in Anchorage, but really, what kind of job could that be if she is allowed to take months off for travel, etc? Never knew if Track had a job or not but I've seen him twice around town in the last few months, during the middle of the day, so if he works maybe it's a night shift?

    8. Anonymous11:51 AM

      3 adult kids with a love of alcohol living off of their parents. Not one of them makes enough money to support themselves and none of them are expected to. They're spoiled dilettantes who think their possessions and the mother's money make them superior. Piper won't turn out any different.

    9. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Wait... WHO has a job?

  33. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Fox is even mocking her ass!

    Fox New Year’s Eve host derails Palin’s ‘death panel’ talking point: ‘It is easy to laugh at her’

  34. Anonymous9:54 AM

    This is SO sickening. I really don't even have the words to express how disgusted I am. I hate Sarah Palin. What an ignorant, inbred piece of garbage she is. Culture of life? My ass.
    I've never seen a more dysfunctional, abuse-filled family. Some people should not be patents or own pets and she is one of these people.
    I'm sure she finds the critical comments entertaining and yes she is posting them for attention. That's how evil she is-using her kid again as a prop.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      You need a life and perspective. I can guarantee you that he sleeps side by side that dog

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I've never seen a family who gives more hugs and loving actually. But then again, IVE seen them with Trig

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      You don't even know the family 10:08 and 10:09.
      Do you?
      Guess what? I do and they do NOT want you talking about them and obsessing about them. They think you are a very deranged stalker who needs therapy.

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM

      !0:08 &9, So you've taken up window peeking now. Stalking wasn't enough? You have never seen that family. Unless of course it was from a rope line at a signing somewhere.

      You can't guarantee a damn thing. Except that you will continue to stalk them. You should try to curb your hate and stop telling lies.

    5. Anonymous11:00 AM

      10:08 AM Does he eat and shit side by side with the dog also too? Sarah would photograph that too. You inbred scoundrel, you are unwanted and unliked. If Gryphen 'blocked' all of your comments, you would commit hary kary.

    6. Anonymous11:08 AM

      10:08 AM
      "You need a life and perspective. I can guarantee you that he sleeps side by side that dog"

      Sleeps side by side with the dog, huh? Ain't that cute? Inside the house or outside the house? If Tri-G can't pick up a Cheerio (according to Sarah), then I wonder if Tri-G can pick up any of the dog's food?

      Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Hard to think it's possible but you make Sarah and her family of mentally retards freaks sound even worse than they "rilly" are. Dumbass.

    7. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Why won't they bother to get him the therapy he needs? It's not that hard to comb his hair.

      What a crazy family, if they were so hug lovey. Most of what they show the world is how much they neglect and abuse.

      Their best tape is Thongazi which depicts their language and anger. It's a better show than the TV shows Bristol made of her abuse and how Tripp has learned to abuse.

    8. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Maybe the troll is renting McGinniss's old rental and is "peeping" in the windows?


  35. Anonymous10:06 AM

    lol EVERYONE would take a picture. You are delusional and ignorant. This is cute and the dog is obviously fine. smh Trig loves dogs.

    People are MENTAL over this. Even mashable says "what most kids would do"

    Let's NOT create fiction to go with this by assuming she didn't tell him not to do it. That would be wrong.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Go fuck yourself head case.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      But she TOOK pictures as it was happening.
      That is sick. You do NOT take pictures. You take the kid off the dog immediately.
      Don't bother SYH or trying to justify this picture.
      It will be used against you.

    3. Anonymous10:27 AM

      It is NOT cute, it is animal abuse and you are enabling this fucking idiot to do it. The dog should be yanked from the home immediately by what ever STUPID fucking dumb ass gave it to the Palins.

    4. vegaslib10:43 AM

      So I guess you are OK with animal abuse you fucking sorry excuse for a human.

    5. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Alicia/LUCY THE BRAINDEAD SKY URCHIN go fuck yourself, since nobody in their right mind would touch you.

    6. Anonymous10:58 AM

      The drooling Palin panty sniffer is nothing if not predictable. Of course it would say that the pic is cute. Meh.

    7. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Yea, well it's wrong to stalk people too. But it doesn't seem to stop you. It's also wrong to tell lies. You do not know what Triggy loves. You don't them. You are so delusional. Do you have any other imaginary friends?

    8. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Anonymous10:06 AM
      She did NOT tell him to stop. She proudly took pictures & posted them, and the called the dog LAZY!

    9. Anonymous11:12 AM

      ANYone that has a service animal knows that this is NOT how you treat them, she waited days to post, and made this her first of the year. SMDH

  36. Anonymous10:07 AM

    O/T but this is pretty fucked would be pretty funny if millions of women registered just to wind this guy up!

    ‘Manbook’ founder threatens lives of women who sign up for his men-only Facebook clone

  37. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Thanks for calling every parent the same gryphon, as you always do.

    You're such a hypocrite. This is cute

    I just hate what you think of the average 8 yr old who gives a pet a haircut.

    Grow up. Trig loves animals

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Fuck you. You are the dumbest, most mentally sick demented Nutjob.

      What is Alicia's last name again everyone?
      Time to call her parents and the police where she lives.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      You are SICK and you have the gall to tell others to grow up.?
      You are one sick fuck. Get help!

    3. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Tri-G loves animals like Sarah love her kids.
      It's all semantics, eh?

    4. Anonymous10:21 AM

      THIS IS NOT CUTE. It is animal abuse, Bristol. Plain and simple.

      A sane person would not allow any child to stand on their dog.

      Thanks Gryphen for pointing out all of her flaws. There are many.

      Poor dog.

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Holy shit, you will forgive anything in your defense of this horrible excuse for a parent. This is inappropriate, potentially dangerous behavior and it's not the first time we have witnessed such a thing. Kids need to learn to respect animals, not only for their and the animals' safety, but also to learn empathy. Even kids with DS can be taught to not hurt or disrespect the family dog. I hope you are blowing smoke and behind your computer screen you aren't such an ignorant asshole.

    6. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Not cute, fuck head. It is abusive and wait till this gets more publicity, even her supporters don't like this (except the stupid ones like you who abuse animals.)

    7. Anonymous10:30 AM

      More like a kick as we all saw in a recent video, you stupid fuck.

    8. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Alicia is on one. She is caressing a photo of Bristol while typing comments. 'Obvi' Alicia doesn't proofread her comments. Maybe she thinks that her writing is proper English, FAIL.

    9. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Are you judging 'gryphon' (snort)? How can you do that when you don't even know him? How long have you had this crush on him? Are you going start peeking in his windows too? You are already stalking him. Ewww, creepy. Did you get to move out of the 6th grade or will you be repeating it again?
      The only hypocrite here is you.

    10. Anonymous11:52 AM

      So.. Since when is Trig 8???? Explain you demented troll.

    11. Anonymous11:54 AM

      So Trig is 8 now? Thanks for sharing that little tidbit, the more you spew the more truth comes out about this family, I bet they really appreciate your honesty :-)

  38. Anonymous10:09 AM

    If EVER one needed evidence to support the fact that Sarah has an IQ of 83....this photo and message is it!
    Jesus Christ.
    Are there any Alaskan animal lovers willing to report this abuse??

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Anyone can e-mail Alaska SPCA. I just did and I don't live in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      No. And don't expect any of the abuse the Palin kids live with will be reported and dealt with either.

  39. Anonymous10:10 AM

    And it obviously did not occur to Sarah Palin that her child should never ever be allowed to stand on a dog's body like that. Instead of lifting Trig aside and explaining that a dog is not a piece of furniture, she snapped a photo, probably laugh all the while. She's lucky the dog did not startle and turn around and snap at the child's leg. Ever the great parent, our Sarah Palin!
    Good grief. Not a good omen for the new year.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Exactly, and now the kid knows it's not a big deal and will do it again.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Next time he may stand on the wrong dog.... (Question, how mentally handicapped is this child?)

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Like when Willow pushed Piper's face into the birthday cake and ruined it, they all laughed and filmed it instead of telling Willow "No, bad girl" they let her ruin Piper's day and her cake. The live like wild animals.

  40. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Wonder what Greta Van Susteren thinks of this? She, being the animal lover and advocate she is, would have to find it a bit shocking her favorite pal Sarah would allow an animal to be abused this way.

    Wonder what the trainers for Jill Hadassah think also?

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      The trainers are stupid as all get out to give a family this fucked up a service dog. The dog needs to be removes stat before that kid hurts it.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      10:10 They didn't vet the wench either.

  41. Anonymous10:11 AM

    You have no idea how this ended. Probably with a kiss knowing Trig.

    Why would you write fiction once again with your judgment? THAT is how lies get started as liberal bloggers know

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Who cares how it ended. It SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.
      You are a fucking idiot.

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Fuck you, dog hater.

      Do you think a kiss will erase animal abuse?

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      10:11 AM You are insane and make no sense. Go take your meds and get off of the internet, Troll. And YOU don't know Trig nor anyone in that Horrible Dysfunctional group of drunks, drug users,grifters, and a lousy Pimp.

    4. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Sure, a kiss fixes everything, right? Does Sarah kiss Trig at the end of the day and it makes it all better that he can't eat solid food or talk? Did she kiss all her heathen kids after they got their assess kicked at the Brawl and make it all better? That fucked up family needs more than just a few kisses to improve their messed up lives.

  42. Anonymous10:12 AM

    And if Trig started jumping up and down on that poor animal the bitch would think that was funny too.
    A family pet is not a stepping stone you useless fucking PIECE OF SHIT.

  43. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I rescued a dog with a chronic back injury and they can experience awful pain . To see Palin's gleeful abuse of the dog is sickening. I bet Trig also jumps on his back .
    The PuppyJake Foundation should be ashamed for placing the dog in this dysfunctional home in the first place.
    Becky Beach is the CEO of PuppyJake and a tea party supporter .
    Palin also allowed Tripp
    to kick the dog in the face in her Thanksgiving video, so, obviously Becky Beach and the PuppyJake Foundation are untroubled by this continued abuse of one of their dogs.
    The PuppyJake Foundation is a non profit located in Iowa.
    Authorities should investigate their tax status because they are ignoring their stated mission by a) placing the dog in the home of a civilian and not with a wounded veteran
    and b ) not removing the dog from an abusive situation.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Beach is an enabler of animal abuse if she doesn't get this poor dog away from those idiots.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I just e-mailed the photos to Puppy Jake (as well as toAlaska SPCA) and urge everyone to do the same.

  44. Anonymous10:14 AM

    haha don't lie and say you wouldn't take a picture of the cuteness. Dogs aren't stupid. Trig clearly has a good relationship with him and his family. And Im sure Sarah told him not to, kind of like how she repeatedly told Bristol not to lie down with that dog in high school (while remembering that teen girls one job is to rebell and date loser)

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Fuck you.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      You really are quite mentally ill.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      10:14 am Bristol laid down with several 'dogs' Dylan Kolvig, Ben, Gino, and any male student willing to accept a blowjob in the stairwells of the High School. It is no wonder that Bristol had nine month Mono quite often. BTW the DOG was Bristol, not the young men. CLOSE YOUR LEGS BRISTOL, you are stinking up the place. "Trig clearly has a good relationship with 'him' and his family"? Who is 'him'? The dog is a female. You, Troll are a fraud and a Liar. Happy New Year lonely lady, good luck finding a job and a companion. Try to stay away from stalking this year, it might help you to stay out of jail.

    4. Anonymous11:28 AM

      10:14 Bristol screwed a dog in high school? Who knew? Is there a tape?

      You don't know anything about that family. Except what you learn stalking them. That hate festering inside of you is ugly.

    5. Anonymous11:32 AM

      10:14 AM that's not cuteness...that's abuse! Learn and know how to tell the difference.

    6. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Just wait till this wretched child does something like this to a dog that won't take it.
      The dog will pay for the Palins' lousy parenting skills.
      M from MD

    7. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I'd have waited to photograph until he broke some dishes in the sink or ran across a knife or burned himself on the hot water. He could then look at those photos again and again and remember that he was a bad, bad boy that shouldn't have been standing on the dog to get tot he sink, and shouldn't be at at the sink period. Lessons, sometimes they are painful.

  45. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I wonder if we'll get to see the cute pix of Trig, traumatized when the dog (1) moves away to avoid injury and causes him to pitch face first into the counter; (2) when the dog suffers a punctured lung or other internal organ because of being used as a step stool, and bleeds out & dies in front of a terrified child or (3) finally has enough abuse, forgets her training and growls or bites at a child not capable of understanding why his "friend" has turned on him. I'm sure those photos will get a lot of likes...

  46. Smirnonn10:16 AM

    Hi $error!

    Hey, seems the world hasn't forgotten about your awful VP campaign interviews. In what respect, Charlie? Check out Alaska:

  47. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This is exactly what should be expected from a person of her abilities. She isn't bright.

  48. Anonymous10:26 AM

    On behalf of the innocent Tri-G and dog, please ban the troll who defends this atrocity.

  49. Anonymous10:29 AM

    $carah is the type of low-life who would step on her own grandmother's throat to get what she wants. My conservative friend tells me that's how the real world works & I refuse to believe it. But looking at that photo $carah not only tells us the retards, her and her kkklan, considers everyone a dog and won't hesitate to step on them even when they're down to get their FREE STUFF.

  50. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Another parenting fail, coupled with a pet owner fail.

  51. vegaslib10:32 AM

    That is BULLSHIT. The SPCA should be paying this bitch a visit and remove all animals from that house, and the pets too. That is one messed up effing family if they think that is appropriate treatment of an animal.

  52. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Looks like the only thing Sarah Palin has taught Trigg is that family members are to be used and stepped on to get what you want.

  53. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I just e-mailed Alaska SPCA and urge others to do the same.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I just commented on the The PuppyJake Foundation facebook page about what is happening to Jill. They can not plead ignorance and they need to rescue the dog. No animal should have to be abused the way the Palins are abusing that dog. If they will post photos like those, then who knows what goes on and is not photographed. Not just to Jill but to the other animals they have. We really need to stop this abuse.

  54. Anonymous10:46 AM

    It is pretty spectacular that Trig has trained the dog to go where he wants so he can have a step up. I hear that Trig can only communicate with grunts. Maybe he has 5-10 words he can say? Trig must be very intelligent for his age and condition, this is not a simple feat for him to do alone. He had forethought about his intentions at the sink. Is he doing dishes? I wonder how long his weight was on the dog's back.

    How long has Trig had the dog and been training it to do what he wants? I take it the dog knows what the grunts mean and Trig is very patient to work the dog like he does.

    True the situation is dangerous for both of them, but it is the Palins. I am reminded of Curt Menard Jr. when he was concerned for Track being neglected and abused. Same old oblivious Sarah Palin.

  55. Anonymous10:53 AM

    MAN, I can't wait for the "I'm gonna run" tease.
    Can you imagine this trash in the White House?

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Nope, neither did the majority of Americans! Sarah should learn from the blow back Mitt Romney received when the Seamus story broke.

  56. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Funny how many people on her face book page comments posted that the dog could be in pain and this picture was abusive.
    Sarah Palin is not fit to hold office anywhere ...She knows it and her former almost VP-self has been reduced to the fringes of reality show world too. Irresponsible, incompetent and cruel human.

  57. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Palin belongs in an insane asylum, in a straitjacket sitting in her own wast with a pit bull standing on her back. Satan is alive and well and living in Wasilla.

  58. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Just shows once again Sarah Palin's complete lack of judgement. She cannot protect an animal, just what would she do to America!

  59. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Here's some welcome news!

    Fox News Ratings Plummet As Dish Network Proves
    Ideological Bullying Doesn’t Buy Air Time

    The folks over at Fox News had hoped to bully Dish Network into giving their toxic channel the cheap air time it demands, but going into a second week of being banished from the television lineup is only proving that Dish has more clout.

    Because Fox News has played the victim instead of offering a fair price to for its weak programming, Dish dropped the conservative propaganda channel, including Fox Business, much to the delight of Americans who value their brains.

    Of course, this made Fox News go ballistic and conservative heads everywhere begin to explode. Fox even urged their viewers to declare war on Dish Network, telling them to drop their subscriptions in an effort to force Dish’s hand. According to Dish Network CEO Charlie Ergen, Fox is the first channel to throw such a temper tantrum.

    “Ironically, Fox News would be the first network to decry this kind of deal-making,” Ergen said. “There’s nothing about this extortion attempt that was fair or balanced.”

  60. Anonymous11:07 AM

    The photos prove Sarah is running ... for President of PETA.

    I will predict a ton of shit is about to fall on Sarah for these pictures.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I sure hope you're right. There are millions of pet lovers out there, I can't wait for the shit hit the fan.

  61. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The poor dog is just taking it! I bet this isn't the first time Trig has used her as a stepping stool. I don't blame him for this behavior. I do blame the adults who are standing around taking pictures and thinking that standing on top of another living thing is reason to boast and celebrate.

  62. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Isn't it just like Sarah to post photos of dog and child abuse on New Year's Day. Drunken, drug-addled Sarah doesn't have a clue but knows what will upset people. I'm anxious for January 5th to roll around and Gryphen's post from The Source.

  63. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I just reported this to PETA and PUPPY JAKE FOUNDATION.

    Please, PLEASE everyone do the same before this dog winds up "missing".

    We all know that if Trig hurts this dog, it will "disappear" and the Palin's will say it ran away.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Someone should start a "Palin family missing pets" page, just like the one someone put together for the Kardashian family. They too have received all kinds of pets through the years and after a few photo ops they are never seen again.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Will do the same...

  64. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Go here and make a comment....

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      So far I've seen only one message about this incident on their page.

  65. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Does anyone know how to start a petition? That might put some pressure on the PuppyJake Foundation. I only see two negative comments about this on their FB page, which makes me think they're scrubbing.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Just posted a third one and got sniped at by a Lily St. Clair who called us posters bullies.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I bet sarah has the whole family posting on her fb under fake accounts about how "cute" animal abuse is. The ones posting how offensive it is are "real" face book accounts. This is going viral, once again she really "stepped in it".

  66. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I hope someone stomps on the vile troll's back, see if it thinks it's cute.

  67. Anonymous11:37 AM

    What a fucked up group of imbeciles. Alicia is to brain dead to understand. Why is Fox News laughing at Sarah Palin? Because she is a joke.

  68. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Favorite new Scarah FB comment:

    "Geez your kid is as stupid as you are"

  69. Anonymous11:44 AM

    This must be the big event that Chuckie Heath was getting everyone all excited about. LOL

    What happened with the sick parent ruse? Did they decide not to tell that fantasy after all?

  70. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The lead-in sentence in an article on Addicting Info., "Fox News demonstrated once again that its hosts are the intellectual equivalent of a box of Palins. On Thursday, the wonderful talking heads of Rupert..."

    "Dummer than a box of Palins." (sic)

    I see bumper stickers.

  71. Anonymous11:59 AM

    You notice Trig is not wearing glasses or hearing aids.

    1. And his moron "mother" posted on her FB page that she didn't understand/ignored Trig's sign for "up". So, why is there not a small stepstool nearby for Trig to use?

  72. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This behavior from Mrs. Palin is just as brain dead as her standing in front of the turkey beheading area in the Thanksgiving video.

  73. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Just who is this Trig fella, anyway. Inquiring minds would like to know. Where did he come from. Not from a tubal ligation.

  74. Anonymous12:06 PM

    So the dog is just a stepping stone, not a therapy dog? Call the Society for prevention of cruelty to animals. Call PETA!

  75. Anonymous12:12 PM

    They won't think that it is funny when Trig pulls the dog's tail and gets bitten n return. Take a photo of that, Sarah.

  76. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I won't go to her Facebook but if, as I've read above, there are comments critical of her over this, I suspect there may be another "don't make me give you a Mama's chewing out" comment coming from her soon. Poor dog!

  77. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Hope SPCA AK isn't afraid of the Palin mafia, otherwise, any pets the Palins own can constantly get abused, and no one has the power to stop it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.