Sunday, January 18, 2015

In yet another sign of just how far Chris Christie has fallen, even Sarah Palin is currently polling better.

Courtesy of CBS News:  

Republicans have a particularly broad field of prospective candidates, and it's seemingly growing by the day: Just last week, the 2012 GOP nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, told a room of donors in New York City that he's seriously entertaining a 2016 bid. 

Fifty-nine percent of Republicans would like to see Romney jump into the 2016 race, while only 26 percent believe he should stay out, according to the CBS News poll. 

Fifty percent of Republicans would like to see former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on the campaign trail as well, while 27 percent disagree. If both Romney and Bush run, analysts expect them to wage a competitive battle for the allegiance of the Republican establishment.

It is not at all surprising to see that the Republicans are leaning heavily toward establishment marquee names like Romney and Bush, but what is somewhat more surprising is that former presidential front runner Chris Christie is now relegated to no man's land.

Or is that "no woman's land?"  

Another potential candidate viewed favorably by the GOP establishment, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, is sought less eagerly by Republicans. Only 29 percent say they'd like to see Christie launch a bid, while 44 percent say otherwise. (Only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's numbers are more underwater: 30 percent of Republicans say they'd like to see her run, but 59 percent disagree.)

Sure Palin's negatives are worse than Christie's, after all she is currently starring in a cable show whose demographic is inbred hillbillies.

Yet her favorable are still one percent higher than New Jersey's largest land mammal.

The rest of the loser include Rand Paul at 27/34, Marco Rubio at 26/19. and of course Ted Cruz at 21/25.

Damn how much do you have to suck to be beaten in the polls by a woman who received the most news coverage last year due to her family's participation in a drunken brawl?


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Look how deep underwater she is among independents -- 15 over 69!

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I'm sure she'd LOVE that!
      Hey, someone had to..... :)

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The Republican Politburo Threatens To Censor Their Own Presidential Candidates

    ...But has the RNC gone too far by dictating this mandate:

    “To give their push to control the debate process teeth, any candidate who participates in a non-sanctioned debate will not be allowed to participate in any more sanctioned debates.”

    That is an awfully strict decree that borders on totalitarian control of what is supposed to be a democratic process.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Any "non-sanctioned debate" would just be a wingnutfest of wingnuts by and for wingnuts. It wouldn't change the voting because a wingnut is a wingnut is a wingnut.

      Perhaps the GOP is trying to put a lid on the crazazy, which will never happen.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Most folks have noticed a different kind of Barack Obama these days – and we like it. He’s got sort of a, ‘I don’t give a shit about the non-compromising GOP – fuck ‘em. I’ve got the veto power, and I will use it. I’ve got nothin’ to lose, and this country has everything to gain. So, get out of my way, McConnell, you freakin’ fruitcake. I’ve got real work to do.’

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I love President Obama's approach to things! He's offered compromise to the Republicans ever since he was elected the first time and they have obstructed him horribly! McConnell has and is leading the Republican assholes in the U.S. Congress in doing so!

      President Obama has every right in not trusting them to work with him now - in his final two years in office.

      And, I think he should veto every fucking bullshit Bill they give him to include Keystone! They do not want him to be successful and he knows it!

      You go for it, President Obama! The majority in America support your actions and your approval ratings are going up!

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      The status quo will remain only as long as Barack Obama is half black.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hillary tromps on all of them.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Poll: Hillary Clinton Comfortably Leads Mitt Romney And Crushes Jeb Bush

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Oops, Mrs. Palin didn't bother to attend this TeaParty convention today, she issued an apology on her Facebook but still, this is another indication that she has no intention of running in 2016.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Also too, she mentions in her Facebook screed thanking the South Carolina Tea Party for her invite that she will see them soon, which has led to the inmates at the "Asylum" making the giant leap that she is running in 2016 because South Carolina follows Iowa in the primaries and she will be in Iowa this week and if SC is next then really, she is running, but just getting ahead of the "establishment" candidates and basically running her own "independent" campaign.

      Woo, hoo, what will it take for these people to see the light?

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      There's plenty of BS piled up there, she knows they won't miss her, she just wants attention.

      Why doesn't she ever actually DO something worthwhile to get attention? I guess because she's an indolent, self-absorbed bitch.

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Glad, then, that she has no intention of runnng, because this is right up her alley! "... any candidate who participates in a non-sanctioned debate will not be allowed to participate in any more sanctioned debates.” All she would have to do is participate in an early "non-sanctioned debate" and she then wouldn't have to be in any of the other televised legit debates. Perfect!

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I have two hats here, and I'll eat them both without salt, pepper or ketchup if she ever gets close to running for anything.

  8. Anonymous3:50 PM

    3:29 PM It's probably phony baloney as to the Tea Party in So. Carolina! That is the type stuff she did as quitter gov of Alaska - making her look as though someone, or a group, actually favored/favors her!

    The Tea Party will go with Ted Cruz before they will Sarah Palin! She is a joke to Republicans and Democrats and is at the bottom of the pile as to the Tea Party (nationally).

    She's not running for anything! And, don't give money to her PAC - she and her family live off the funds (none of them have jobs!) and she uses the money to keep traps shut as to her fraudulent ways throughout her life!

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      A couple of them have work but zero Palins support themselves except for Sarah.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      $100,000 to Matsu Regional Medical center was a Payoff from Sarah Pac for the Tri-g Hoax.

  9. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Who the hell did that fat fuck think he was gonna' fool? We're not all from New Jersey Crispy Creme. Visit Chicago with your tough guy yelling at school teacher routine and we'll show you the door. Don't let it hit you in the ass.

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Even considering Palin's negatives, 30% wanting to see Palin run is disturbing but expected given what we have seen of the RW in this country. They, like her, are scary ignorant and scary dumb. They also feed off the type of hate she peddles.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I'm not a RWer and I'm not unintelligent and I would ADORE seeing her run. She'd deserve every ounce of the humiliation she'd bring on herself. Every ounce.

      Run, Sarah, run!

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      I'm with you there 4:46PM. I doubt the 30% in this poll included any folks like you. :-)

  11. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Slightly OT/ Someone on c4p asked why Sarah hasn't called Uncle Poppy Pants on his retarded rant. After defending her, the logic is that she is waaaay too busy to stop & acknowledge every wrong she sees....tell that to "Man of the Year, Ellen" or "he ate dead dog" Obama. Yeah, way too busy to deal with anything that minor.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Uncle "poopy" pants aka Ped Nugent.

  12. A Christie/Palin team might be just the thing to attract every Republican. Of a certain type...

  13. Do u really think that she would be in any debate? Seriously?

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      her participating in a debate is a thing of wet dreams.


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