Sunday, January 18, 2015

The newest Fartknocker finds a tie dyed Sarah Palin resplendent in rhinestones and the usual mooseshit.

The first thing I noticed is that a the beginning of the video it shows a number of scenes with Palin interacting with Trig (Well somebody's been visiting IM lately.) and working with food. (Eeew.)

Yeah, like we buy that.

Here is what Wonkette had to say about this "Ask Me Anything" segment: 

First, the numbers: Palin published just under six minutes of video content in the last week, which means she’s back to running the laziest grift in American politics. More than half of this week’s content centers on one question from “John,” who writes in to Ask Sarah Anything. (Incidentally, Palin’s Ask Me Anything segments now have a new acoustic intro; it sounds more like Prairie Home Companion‘s interludes, only somehow more self-righteous, if that’s even possible.) Here is John’s question, with all punctuation and capitalization sic’d from the original. 

“There was a ‘gift’ in the Cromnibus Bill for the ‘too big to fail’ banks that puts the taxpayer on the hook for their speculation in derivatives. Given the pain, harm and loss that Americans suffered from the last financial collapse, made worse by the policies of Mr. Obama and his allies in Congress, and as this proposal greatly increases the likelihood of another financial collapse with even more devastating consequences, will the members of the Senate forego the blandishments and largesse of the financial sector and stand up for ‘the Forgotten Man,’ or will they forsake their duty as public servants? What are your thoughts?” 

The last financial crisis was made worse by President Obama?  Well somebody is certainly getting all of their information from Fox News.

Palin stumbles through her answer in her usual unprepared state, with her voice rising to a high pitched squeal a couple of times in an attempt to appear cute.

She also voices some surprise at how "sleazy politicians behave" which means somewhere there is a kettle screaming "stop calling me black" in her direction.

The next question posed to Palin is "Do you have a candidate in mind (for 2016) that you feel would protect the constitution?"

Now of course this poor idiot is hoping that Palin herself will declare that SHE is finally ready to declare her candidacy and save the country from the reasonable and incredibly helpful policies of Barack Obama, and drag us into another unnecessary war and of course financial ruin.

But dammit that is not the way this game is played. So instead she says the following:

"It's too early really to say. (In other words let's see how things go so that I can jump on at the last minute and pretend that I am a king maker.) A lot of us are considering what, any of us are going to do in 2016. (But here let me wiggle my wrinkled ass in your face again so that you don't stop sending me money.) The bench there of candidates is very flexible. (WTF?) I can say this though, we need a Reagan-ite candidate. We need bold conservative colors, not pale establishment pastels. (Once again WTF?)

Usually it is always a safe bet for conservatives to bring up Ronald Reagan, but I don't think that using Ronnie as a metaphor for a painter's palette really makes a whole lot of sense.

However I have to admit that I spent much of the video trying to figure out just what in the hell Palin is wearing. I think it was an unbuttoned tie dye shirt thrown on over some slinky nightgown.

I assume that she was attempting to draw attention to her chest but once your eyes wandered there all you saw was a flattened breast bone covered by precancerous skin, and some inflatable breasts working desperately to create the illusion of cleavage.

I think Palin needs to decide if she wants to be taken seriously as a political pundit, or go all in as a cam girl on Chaturbate where she can show off her dried up old cootchie for some real money.


  1. Chenagrrl4:49 PM

    She apparently missed the outrage on MSNBC over the derivative gift in the Cromnibus. She keeps talking that way, though,and she will make liberals out of all those tea party minions.

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Yeah, I'll just bet there was a "John," asking that word salad question. It was basically the Couric bank bail-out question all over again and her answer is still basically the same. Same old Sarah, the breath of fresh air and new energy that is so sorry the state of conservatives in this country (oh, but she thinks Romney is stale.)

    2. Anonymous3:58 AM

      That's the knit of the tie die combo some poor schmack had to go buy her because her luggage was lost on the way to a speaking gig. Wonder if she ever paid her back for it. Long way from the $150,000 RNC wardrobe, but old lobster hands and small lobes loves her some free stuff, and since she still doesn't know how to dress, needs to corrupt it as a mix-and-match with a neglige to cover her flat chest.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Wow! Wall Street is going to Vegas play the slots and lose a bunch of money? and when the "binks fell"..we the schmucks have to bell them out? It's Palin speak but it may be what she said, it's hard to tell without my SarahPac decoder ring.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      She only mentions Vegas because she's headed there for the Golden Moose Nuggets Awards. I'm sure she'll pack her "Golden Globes" in the suitcase.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      "Golden Inflatable Globes".

    3. Anonymous3:55 AM

      That's there remains, a Category 5 Moron. Our Sarah.

    4. Anonymous4:36 AM

      I'm gonna see you get that Golden Globe Award, for both of your globes.

      You can put them in my face just any old time.
      Oh, those Golden Globes there ain't none better, I gotta have them both, cause they both go together.

      Gonna see you get the Golden Globes Awards.

      Just a little ditty by John Hartford from decades ago. Speaking of Golden Globes.

    5. Anonymous5:14 AM

      I only need the proof of purchase from three more word salad dressing bottles and I'll get my magic decoder ring!!

  3. janice5:00 PM

    She really loves herself. McCain is running again in Arizona, do you suppose he will have her onstage again. Two losers. Who dresses this woman. We will start seeing more cleavage now and maybe soon some new boobs.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Doubt seriously that McCain would fly her down to AZ to campaign for him. He knows she'd be the kiss of death! Plus, his wife and daughter cannot abide her!

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Betty Bowers tweeted Meghan McCain about the $arah flub and Meghan blocked her. LOL

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Everything that Sarah described happened before October 2008. Maybe she should be blaming George W. Bush instead of President Obama.

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    No WAY am I clicking on that. Listen, $arah, you twit, gussy yourself up all you want to get that money coming in for an office that you will not only not run for but you CANT run for.

    As for your Saint Reagan, do we need to explain "trickle down economics" to you and how it has devastated the middle class in this country, his closing down of mental health clinics that put many on the street that, like you, are in serious need of it? Shall we talk Iran Contra? Bring it, witch, run or shut up.

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Yes, you do need to explain, with pictures. Although everyone knows she isn't capable of comprehending a damn thing. The only thing she knows for sure about Reagan is his name.

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Isn't that tie-dye top sweater-jack for that dress she wore in Idaho when she tried to tell us they lost her luggage and sent someone out to pick up something quick in about 15 minutes. She looked like a granny hippy. Maybe it was in her suitcase when she was hitch-hiking to Amercia! The dude must have thrown her luggage at her when he tossed her out of the car after he got a better look!

    Wonder if she lost her beaded flag bracelet? Haven't seen that in a while. She looks undressed without it and the Star of David and cross. She is such a mess anyway you look at it. She just keeps digging that hole deeper and deeper! Hey Sarah, this is the time to quit, you lame-brain. Learn to speak R E A L English! Put the lid on the pot and turn off the heat. She is done! Geesh. To the compost pile with the manure. That voice could kill weeds!

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I have never in my life seen someone destroy themselves as she has for, "look at me, dammit, LOOK at ME!"

    2. Yep she bought that in Boise in 2010! She came to town to stump for a carpet-bagging Vaughn Ward. She was unexpectedly met at the airport by an enterprising TV reporter, and she abandoned her luggage to get away from him. I wish I could find that clip online it was hilarious.

    3. Anonymous2:36 AM

      I always suspected that that sweater was bought for her by a Democrat.

    4. Anonymous4:01 AM

      But that rill American remembered to slap a flag pin on that free sweater. She's so Americana.

  7. Anonymous5:36 PM

    At the rate Sarah Palin is dropping her neckline, it should be less than a year before we are blessed with a view of her nipples.

    The woman is mentally unstable. The fact that there minor children (one special needs) in her orbit is alarming.

  8. Olivia5:47 PM

    "It's too early really to say" Really????
    She has a Magic 8 Ball sitting there to give her the answers?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Translation: Send me $$ (remember she needs someone to go 'rogue' and preferably women). This is her schtick...."God appointed me the second Queen Esther." NO He didn't, which is why she makes her Judas money but continues to fall flat on her face. Someday she'll get, but I doubt she cares.

  9. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Sure...... Like Sarah Palin actually has an idea of what a derivative is.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Are we supposed to buy that she is always wears a flag pin?

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      It's better when she's wearing her flag pin, her flag heels, and her gaudy Star of David, with the Bible perched on her desk beside the Constitution. Gotta cover all the bases.

    2. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Does the AIP have a flag?

  11. Anonymous6:34 PM

    By the way, I love the "Join the NRA and get a free duffle bag" ad.

  12. physicsmom6:38 PM

    The portion of the intro that shows Palin interacting with Trig is about 2 seconds long. That sounds about right. I know she is expecting people to extrapolate from that to conclude that she does this all the time. Nope. I really feel for that kid.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      And she was feeding him baby food. Kept her hand in front of the jar

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Tri-g is almost 7 years old, and she still feeds him baby food? He can't feed himself yet? He can say, "Bullshit", when he is fed baby food, while everyone else is eating moose nuggets. Alicia, you have latched onto the wrong group of imbeciles to worship. But you wouldn't know any better.

    3. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Jarred food is the easy way out. If he can eat that, then there's NO REASON he can't have most regular food that has been quickly run thru a food processor. He has very different nutritional needs than an infant.

      But then, that's a couple of extra steps--food in processor, blitz it, dump it into a bowl, rinse the processor & put it in the top of the dishwasher, rinse the bowl when Trig's finished. Yep, that probably adds 2 whole minutes to his feeding routine.

      I'm just wondering if she ever bothers to warm the jarred food, especially if she takes the leftovers from the fridge.

    4. Anonymous7:27 AM

      How is this child thriving on baby food? He needs protein and calcium and vitamin c and all that stuff so how is baby food gonna provide all the nutrition he'll need? He's 7, for god's sake! Poor kid.

    5. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Anonymous4:31 AM

      Does that mean she might have to put her phone down? Because that is not happening lol

    6. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Somebody call Social Services and relay how Trig is treated.

  13. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Looks as if Sarah knows she's done. She's heading straight to the full monte. Nothing left.

  14. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Why don't you liberal losers find a Palin policy you disagree with, explain coherently why it[s wrong and state your policy and why it's better? Jesus, you sound like a echo chamber circle jerk of childish name-calling. Get a life and make some sense. I know you're practically suicidal that your halfrican president is turning out to be the most inconsequential president in modern history. Well, him and Jimmy Carer

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Palin has no policies and is no longer a politician. I disagree with 9 out of 10 things she says. Next...

    2. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Suicidal are we? No, we are very proud that our President has stopped the bleeding caused by GOP policies, and turned the economy around. See, the Palin questioner is wrong. Obama did not make things worse. He saved this country from economic collapse. Have you noticed which nations are struggling? Greece, for example? You know why? Because the Rand idiots think you can starve government and all will be well. No, government is the engine, and the fuel is our tax dollars. We are seeing similar results in Kansas and Michigan. The GOP took over, cut business taxes, and instead of the businesses giving and paying fair wages, they gutted the unions, went to art-time workers, and cut jobs. Now, I realize this is hard to understand, but the way to grow businesses is to pay workers a living wage, because WORKERS grow businesses when they spend money on goods. See how that works? Give a business a cut, and the owner gets wealthy. Give workers what they earn, and everyone benefits.

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Anonymous6:52 PM
      Hey Troll, that's FOAD to you! Just b/c we don't kiss the ass of the methqueen here? STFU!
      And that PRESIDENT OBAMA I don't give a flying flip if he is half black or half white and really you are a ASSHOLE!

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      "A Palin policy"? She has no policies. No coherent sentences come out of her mouth.

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Run along.

    6. Well finding a Palin policy has always been the big logjam. Seven years, no policy discovery. What are we to do!

    7. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Anonymous7:28 PM
      great comment but fall on deaf ears, my dog probably understands more than the tard @6:52 PM otherwise he would know palin has NO policies except GRIFTIN'!! Just sayin'! (oh and meth also,too!)

    8. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Excuse me, barely coherent 6:52 PM? You're on. Name one policy she has. ONE. I've got tomorrow off and have all night.

    9. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Palin policy? Sarah Palin isn't relevant enough politically to discuss her policies. Is she currently in office? Running for office? She is currently a reality tv personality. Discussing her policies is akin to discussing Kim K's policies. And, if President Obama could serve again, he would have my third vote!

    10. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Your "halfrican" will go down as one of the best presidents we ever had. Is that what's bothering you? Keep sending her your nickels and dimes, we all know she's a fraud. Just waiting for her excuse....and the Whos down In Whoville will all cry BOO HOO.

    11. Anonymous8:01 PM

      The clown at 6:52 speaketh. Are you one of the slimy bottom feeding Palins or Heaths, a low IQ ignorant RW nincompoop, a mentally ill stalker, or a kid getting his/her jollies trolling? Palin policies? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    12. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Typical racist Palin supporter.

    13. Anonymous8:10 PM

      The country was going in the toilet in October 2008. When Obama took office, he began to turn the economy around. The Dow is more than twice what it was 6 years ago. Other stock indicators are also up. Oh, you say that you don't have money invested in the stock market. Yes you do. Your retirement pension is invested there. The money in your bank account is invested there. No one just lets money sit around. The people holding your money invest it to make it grow and keep pace with inflation.

      I don't think that we have heard one constructive proposal from Sarah Palin since she was nominated for VP. In the last 6 years, she has shown that her skill is playing the mean girl from high school, the one throwing around all of the insults at others before they find out that she is such a loser herself. Palin's only policy that she promoted was "Drill Baby Drill." Thanks to that kind of thinking, Saudi Arabia and OPEC flooded the market with cheap oil to undercut the price of our oil. It is now too expensive to Drill Baby Drill, or Frack or extract it from tar sands. What we should have been doing was developing renewable energy based on sun and wind.

      It looks like the only one who has resorted to childish name calling is 6:52, with that cute "halfrican."

    14. Anonymous8:10 PM

      I think Sarah's only policy is attacking the sitting President. She herself has caused a decline in so much progress made in the past 30 years of race relations. She's totally unprofessional and lacks any respect for the office.

    15. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Sarah Palin is an extremely well know ignoramus. She doesn't 'do' policy. All she does is agitate and fool greater ignoramuses ... people like you 6:52.

    16. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Until Gryph updates, I count fourteen replies and I ask one policy of hers and let's debate it, 6:52 PM. Just ONE. We do civil discourse. Waiting........

    17. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Anonymous8:32 PM...the woman doesn't know what a policy is let alone implement one...I took policy-making in college and it's hard. And we ALL know the woman never attended college.

    18. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Good god please explain what she says. Please post your results on all her word salad. What are you defending? hahaha Ask her why does she sing song?

    19. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Well, for starters, while Governor, Palin entered the state into a contract with Trans Canada to do the front end work for a pipe line that will never be built. The contract was worth half a billion dollars, then her project failed and Trans Canada got to keep $350,000, for nothing. I'd call that a "felled" policy.

    20. Anonymous9:20 PM

      I love that you misspelled Jimmy Carter's name as "Jimmy Carer" because, ya know what, he did care and he still does care and he's dedicated his life to serving others, unlike some people I could mention.

    21. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Following are some of Palin's "policy" ideas that she shared with a reporter during the McCain/Palin campaign. They seem very interesting, kind of the polar opposite of what her running mate was saying in response to these same questions, but hey, at least she was trying, right?

    22. Anonymous10:16 PM

      6:52 Alicia Fix-Luke are you a School Dropout like your dysfunctional asswipe Palin idols? Your grammar and spelling are atrocious as is your mentality. WTF is a halfrican? Is that like Todd, Bristol and Willow are halfcaucasian? Your playing the race game defines your bigotry. Being an outcast and lonely must be a terrible feeling for you. BTW who is Jimmy Carer? Stupid is as Stupid does.

    23. Anonymous1:19 AM

      Typical comment, from a typical ignorant, racist, inbred, $arah Palin titty-fondler! The majority of Americans are sick to death of your kind! The sooner your kind shrivels up, and dies off, the better!

      President Obama is turning out to be one of the BEST presidents we have ever had in history! Unlike Jimmy Carter who had his legacy almost ruined by the Iran Hostage Crisis President Obama is working on a nuclear deal with Iran. And unlike Jimmy Carter, President Obama is a TWO-TERM president! FUCK YEAH!

      The economy under President Obama is rebounding, his poll numbers are rebounding, the stock-market is soaring, and gas prices are low! You lying, dipshit conservatards were wrong about everything, and that pisses you off! Good! Historians already rate President Obama as accomplishing more than both Bill Clinton, and Saint Ronnie! Go ahead, and be in denial, and keep your lice-infested head up your ass, and stay in your Faux News bubble, you fucking wing-nut!

      Name ONE fucking $arah Palin policy, you asshole! All she has done for last 6 years is whine, and bitch! She doesn't understand any of the issues, or even know what the fuck she's talking about! $arah Palin is already the dumbest, most inconsequential, lazy, half-term governor, failed GOPig VP loser!

      Why don't you conservatards and $arah Palin come up with real, intelligent reasons to oppose President Obama's policies, other than that he is a "half-rican? Oh, wait.

      Oh, wait. Tea-tards aren't intelligent. They do nothing sit around in their basements with their lubricants masterbating, while watching Faux News, and getting cheetoo-dust on the remote, as they whine about the "half-rican" president! Oh, Republicans don't have any better alternatives, so shut the fuck-up!

      I would rather have an intelligent, hard-working, classy "half-rican" president, than lazy, dumb-ass, two-bit lying, angry, bitter, ugly, half-term-quitter, WHITE- TRASH BITCH, $arah Palin!

      FUCK YOU!

    24. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Anon at 1:19am. Remember that Jimmy Carter had reached an agreement on the hostages in Iran but the Iranians and the GOP did not allow it to be announced or happen until Reagan was inaugurated. All of the work was done by the Carter administration; all of the praise went to Reagan. It seems to me that Papa Bush was in on the conniving but it may have been another Republican. At any rate, the US media never told the true story.

    25. Anonymous3:58 AM

      First of all, it's "he and Jimmy Carter," not "him and Jimmy Carer." You need to learn basic English grammar.

      The truth about how the Reagan team diddled the release of the hostages will come out, as they played politics with our foreign policy to win an election.
      Jimmy Carter inherited huge inflation from 12 years of Republican rule, and the after-effects of the oil embargoes and several recessions. He didn't have enough time to correct it all.

      But, to the gist of your comment: we don't know one of Sarah Palin's policies. She has lots of opinions, but she's never spelled out the first thought about a real policy. She's just against anything that comes from the White House.

      Many independents voted for our President, and many of them will vote on the Democratic line in 2016. You make a straw man out of "liberals," but you don't really understand what liberals, progressives, and independents really stand for.

      You and Sarah and the Pee Pals simply enjoy sneering.

      For your information, my first ancestors arrived here in 1640, probably long before yours did. I consider Barack Obama, born in the U.S.A., just as much an American as I am. Your nasty racism is showing.

    26. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Her abstinence only policy did not work for her mother, herself, her oldest children, her sisters or her bro.
      She should have SOME success on the homefront before telling the rest of the country that it works.
      But that's just my opinion.

    27. PalinsHoax5:35 AM

      Anonymous 6:52 PM
      "Why don't you liberal losers find a Palin policy you disagree with, explain coherently why it[s wrong . . ."

      Palin's policies, Palin's policies. Let's see. Well her best ones are . . .

      1. Building a Road to Nowhere, even though the Bridge to Nowhere was cancelled.
      2. Building a sports arena on land that Wasilla did not yet own at that time.
      3. Weasel out of school car-pooling duties because she had a TWOBULL.
      4. Then a few years later strapping on a faux pregnancy belly and going on a Wild Ride.
      5. Supporting a husband who is a pimp.
      6. Her biggest and best policy: Grifting, Grifting, Grifting. Gimme, Gimme. Gimme.

      There - those are Palin's policies, codes that she lives by, and reflections of her character.

      Do we really need to explain to you why these are wrong, 6:52 PM?

    28. "Anonymous 6:52 PM Why don't you liberal losers find a Palin policy you disagree with, explain coherently why it[s wrong... "
      Coherently? After Palin, you racist drooler.

      President Obama may indeed be "halfrican" but you are completely stupid and worthless.

    29. Anonymous6:34 AM

      FUCK YOU - you fucking inbred fucktards who follow this stupid bitch can't even name one of her policies. SHE can't name one of her policies because she doesn't have any. BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW A FUCKING THING ABOUT ANYTHING. You fucking racist piece of shit. We're not upset our "halfrican" 2-term President, but Sarah sure is! President Obama is a giant in world history, his name will be remembered as long as America exists. Sarah is a piece of shit, a nobody, a worthless idiot. People won't remember her stupid ass 20 years from now. So fuck you, you can troll the blogs all you want but it will never change the fact that SARAH WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR AMERICA. SHE WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT. You know it and she knows it. Eat a bag of dicks you fucking psycho. Your queen is a fake-ass idiot loser, and you think those are presidential qualities, so you're even DUMBER. Fuck off!

    30. Anonymous8:22 AM

      The only Palin policy I can think of is always try to make out the Victim in any negative story on you or your family.

      There never were any Palin political policies.

    31. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Being a "halfrican" is preferable to being a halfwit.

  15. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Good god, the voice does get more sing-songy with each passing day, doesn't it? Nice Reagon-ite touch there , Sarah.

  16. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I watched the video with the sound off as per my usual custom. I stopped it at the beginning where she has Trig on her lap. He looks like he's about a year old & sound asleep. The other Trig reference has him with his back to the camera as she's trying to feed him. Could be Trig, but then, it could be a different kid entirely.

    In the food scenes, she's featuring her Jewish friends who came to visit. I don't see her actively cooking, just slinging up the moose hash. I think her mom may be in the mix, too.

    Her outfit--what else can you say? I do find it curious that there's what looks like a screensaver of Tripp by a truck. Why not her darling, special God's gift instead?

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Well, the New Jersey guys were there months ago. And shouldn't Trig be able to eat by himself now? Why show him when he was a baby?

    2. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I can't even watch her anymore, even without the sound. Her facial expressions are as annoying as everything else about her. She looks demented.

  17. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Here's your Saint Ronnie:

  18. Anonymous7:49 PM

    She is a miserable failure at playing grownup. She only fools 'morans'.

  19. That voice - that childish, sing-songy, little girl voice - it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  20. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Sarah is a little late to the party. Elizabeth Warren has been saying, "Too big too fail is TOO BIG" long before someone wrote the script for Sarah.

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    OT Sarah has a facebook video where for 3 minutes, she tells the people at the South Carolina Tea Party meeting that she is sorry that she couldn't accept their invitation, but she spent 3 minutes saying that she was sorry that she couldn't be there. (Redundant). Why couldn't Sarah go to SC? Ted Cruz and Louie Gomert were there. Oh, didn't they offer her enough money for private travel and five star accommodations?

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      OMG! she's got the lip collagen going on in that video & she looks totally botoxed-up and like a her liver-spotted chest!

    2. Anonymous5:12 AM

      South Carolina's Tea Party must have been the only state that gave her this message because it is very clear to the rest of us that Ted Cruz has the majority approval of the national Tea Party. He would be picked over Sarah Palin to be their candidate.

      No party wants anything to do with her except perhaps for that weird group that operates in Alaska that Todd has been a member of for years.

      Wasn't it Mitt Romney that locked her out of the last Republican National Convention in Florida? Sarah Palin hold grudges and that is why she won't endorse Mitt - although I'm sure her endorsement is the last thing he'd want or accept!

  22. Anonymous8:02 PM


    “American Sniper” may be a massive hit at the box office, raking in a projected $90 million in its opening weekend, but sadly some people seem to be walking out of the movie theater with a terrible new anti-Muslim fervor.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      I couldn't imagine sitting though that movie. That guy Kyle just seems like a candidate for the "worst person ever" award. Of course it will stir up anti-Muslim sentiments, that is its purpose!

      I betcha even that a lot of the financial backing for the film came through circuitous financial channels from the US Military itself, just as they finance violent video games. First rule of world domination? Indoctrinate your population, brainwash them, create patriotic fervor, especially in the young-uns. This is nothing more than a patriotic crapfest celebrating a severely mentally unstable man who was sent to the Middle East and given a license to kill. Spare me. It's nothing more than US "rah rah" propaganda of the highest order; camo-porn, if you prefer.

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Exactly, brain wash. I wouldn't watch it.

    3. Anonymous9:17 PM

      The timing of the release couldn't be worse for international relations.

    4. Anonymous2:51 AM

      that is because they can't make the world hate Muslims...even if they created ISIS and then renames it ISIL when they realize oops...ISIS means Mother of Egypt...couldn't scare them with Ebola - smoke a Camel and cure it...then we got the Paris ordeal...they just gotta make humanity hate those folks this is nothing more than PROPAGANDA...War is a it and listen to it or read it!

    5. Anonymous3:48 AM

      I had not known anything about this movie so, when I first heard of its existence a week or so ago, all I could think of is that it was not a good idea. This Kyle guy was someone of questionable virtue and here we go again making a hero of someone who shouldn't be. And all because he's "good" at killing people. Some American ideal, that is. My movie preferences this year are quite different: "The Theory of Everything" and "The Imitation Game" and "Ida."

    6. Anonymous4:40 AM

      I'm concerned about the effect this movie might have on vets with PTSD. My son is a disabled vet, & when he said he wanted to see the movie, it really troubled me.

      Most of the men in our family have served in the military so I well understand the sense of unit camaraderie the military strives for. It does make me wonder if vets will feel like they MUST support this movie.

      I haven't seen the movie yet, but one reviewer stated that there wasn't any background music, just the real sounds of the street & battle. I'm worried the sights & sounds might be a little too real.

    7. Anonymous5:02 AM

      The attendance at this movie shows where Americans are today - guns, war, fighting, killing and hate!

      War has been going on so long, it has effected all of us. I've heard thirty and forty year-old adults talk of the wonderfulness of this movie! It makes me sad!

      Our country is screwed to the max! Just look at the people in government (on all levels) throughout the country. We have police forces that act like the military. Just look at their equipment that they parade out off and on!

      War, war, war is all the Republicans want and promote. i.e. John McCain, etc. They don't even know the term 'peaceful negotiations' which President Obama works so hard at doing.

      We are in such a frightening world and worry so for my grandchildren!

    8. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Eastwood directed it.
      Eye candy Cooper stars.
      Total propaganda.
      I was going to see it but I'll wait for netlix.
      I agree the timing is awful.

    9. Anonymous5:41 AM

      What a family.

      Former Navy Seal, and man who taught Todd Palin to hold a gun on TV, shot to death at shooting range. Really?

    10. Anonymous5:47 AM

      @4:40 AM

      I have PTSD from seeing cops kill someone (who had just shot up a gun store).

      This is the kind of movie that triggers flashbacks for me. Even understanding that one has PTSD doesn't eliminate the stress of flashbacks. But when something triggers me, the flashbacks continue to occur for a couple of weeks. It helps a lot that close friends and family understand. So if your son sees the movie, your support will be very important to him. Good luck to you both.

    11. Anonymous6:01 AM

      4:40 AM

      The movie itself sounds like a tragedy. PTSD vets and kids would be groups that will be attracted to this film. Eastwood is (was?) a talented artist and could win awards. I don't get how at any level anyone would think a movie like this needed to be made.

      First off this Kyle person goes to an illegal war. He's working for war criminals Cheney/Bush. Kyle is proven in a court of law to be a liar. The job of a sniper is not of any valor at all, to shoot at individuals as opportunity offers from a concealed or distant position.

      What an embarrassment on the world stage that this is what American culture glorifies and offers up for youth to emulate.

      What records did 'American Sniper' break?

    12. Anonymous6:54 AM

      I haven't seen American Sniper, but correct me if I'm wrong: An occupier mows down faceless Iraqis but the real victim is his anguished soul

      Clint Eastwood’s film about Navy Seal Chris Kyle has hit a raw nerve in America, with right wingers calling for the rape or death of anyone ungrateful enough to criticise his actions

    13. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Oscars’ “all-white” nominees. It is a good year for an anti-Muslim movie to win best picture. Gun nutters rule the culture wars.

    14. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Rival crowds at anti-Islamophobia event in Texas

      Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King's birthday.

    15. Best part of the movie American Sniper is the rubber babies! I lol at those scenes!
      As a service connected disabled veteran, I was APPALLED at this movie, as an American sniper he is a hero (who in his autobiography claims she shot two armed Texans that were trying to steal his pickup, shot 30 Katrina looters from the top of the dome of the football stadium and punched Gov Jesse Ventura) all while obsessed with killing his Muslim counterpart, the "evil" Muslim sniper.

  23. janice8:09 PM

    Not one person in the whole world has ever giver her a positive comment on her clothes or appearance. They do not want to touch it. Sarah is sad, living in a world of her own. Does she even have a friend? Will she campaign for John Mc now? What is going on in her head. She looks horrible for a woman her age.

    1. Anonymous5:24 AM

      When the GOP was washing and dressing her she looked nice. I will say that.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      The Only reason "she looked nice" was due to other people who dressed her. They already knew she was a cheap bumkin yahoo with no sense of class or decorum.

  24. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The end is near.

  25. Anonymous8:29 PM

    LOL... DANG! at the end hoe looks down at her bumpy liver spotted fake

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM


    2. Anonymous5:25 AM

      She probably heard a hissing sound and thought she had sprung a leak.

  26. Anonymous8:34 PM

    She obviously purposely glanced at her ol' fake boobs to make sure her gentleman-callers noticed her low-cut. Now there's no question--like there ever was--that she's not running for anything except to the bank with the cash thrown at her by the little horny white men. Hey Bristol, your mom is following on your foot steps.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM


    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Wtf? Flexible? Who is? Gee you have one stupid arse old flat arse bag creepy individual. 5th grade report..

  27. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Ooohhh, Mrs. Palin gettin' all serious now and takin' questions about derivatives, wow, how impressive. Now that's presidential right there, oh, but wait, she danced around the question and pulled some crap non-answer out of her butt, never mind...

  28. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Sarah you're a whore. Come toss my salad (it's about all you're good for.)

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      You don't have to go there. Seriously. Take your misogeny elsewhere.

    2. 4:09 misogyny

  29. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Her FB "couldn't attend video to SC shows her new lip-collagen. The woman gets botox, implants, face-fillers, etc...she's a total fake inside and out. AAAAND here she & barstool were criticizing Joan Rivers for her face work & she's the same!
    What a hypocrite And of course she's showing her bumpy & liver-spotted chest!

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      i lasted 42 seconds in with her bullshit about missing not attending that and thawing out - then showing fraudulent stills of ice covered turnagain arm with the snow on the mountains coming all the way down to sea level, that and some sled dogs with a foot of fresh on a substantial snowpack >> bull_fucking_shit - fukin' liar.
      the temps are practically the same there as here and we don't have any freakin' snow as it's been downright " tropical "...

      lyin' useless white trash fraud piece of shit ... OD already bitch !!!

    2. Anonymous6:00 AM

      9:28, maybe the only thing to look forward to with climate change is the Tundra Turd will then be just a Turd.

    3. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Are the swollen lips a result of fresh botox or is she suffering from an eruption of herpes?

    4. Anonymous8:01 AM

      nah...she's got collagen. She now wants to show a "pouty mouth." She officially has an entire fake face.

  30. Anonymous8:58 PM

    So now the woman in doing "almost" porno video ..tsk tsk tsk..I wouldn't doubt it if she took "private calls."

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      ask the kid who's sitting in jail after the skank had phone sex with him and luring him up here -

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Never mention Peter P.W. Ferrero. He will be spending life behind bars and no one will know where.
      You don't want to hear that story.

  31. Anonymous9:01 PM

    THE neck! it's almost merged with her chin. My mom is 50 and I would be embarrassed if she dressed like a hooker with fake boobs and her neck all wrinkly & merging with her chin.

  32. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "John" kinda sounds like a proofread version of Sarah. Proofread by a peer, I mean.

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Exactly, it was all Over the place, just like her 'answer.'

  33. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Wtf? This is a dating video. Hahaha. Sally cant do communications media news video.

  34. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I think Scarah has made it official that knows she's done & will not get "contributions" much longer. Thus her clothes are getting more and more ridiculous. She might as well take off that blue thing and flash them liver spots etc.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      I feel sorry for Sally trying to fill in for sarah, and making her like a ridiculous granny.

  35. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Can't stand listening to her voice and how she speaks. It is so condescending. She speaks to her paid viewers as though they are little children. Her tone and manner is all an act, as though she is addressing a Kindergarten class, trying to be syrupy sweet with that melodramatic voice rising and lowering tone. She sounds like the wicked witch (Wizard of Oz) talking all sweetly and in the same breath screaming threats.

    No one could even care what she says, because how she speaks is like watching a drunk. I can't believe she put that video out and thinks it's normal.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Well, except for Wonkette, can you imagine how dumb a person would have to be to spend money to receive Sarah Palin's internet drivel? Her audience is dumber than she is, if that is possible. I'm willing to read about her - here on IM - but I won't listen to her voice and I sure wouldn't waste a penny on her.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Wonkette got a donation from someone with the screen id of fartknocker to access the Palin payme "channel".

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      "Her tone and manner is all an act, as though she is addressing a Kindergarten class"

      That's why they love her, because she talks to them at the 5-year-old level. She's one of them! And they love it when she reads Dr. Seuss to them! That's about the intellectual limit for these trogs as far as reading and comprehending words goes.

    4. Anonymous8:16 AM

      "Her tone and manner is all an act, as though she is addressing a Kindergarten class"


  36. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Fucking wonk-eyed, square-jawed, man-girl asshole teenager-minded whore.

    You're a failure, Sarah.

  37. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Hey Sarah, I was wondering when you might come and suck me off seeing as you'll blow most anyone for a cheap buck. Christ you're despicable.

    1. Anonymous2:36 AM

      I know right...almost like she's preparing to strip..yikes!

    2. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Says you 10:08, half the readers on here are women Anon, we have plenty to say about that horrid woman without resorting to your vulgar crassness. You are foul.

    3. Anonymous5:58 AM

      It's ok 4:13. Remember, it's hard for some women to realize that there are still some guys that evolution has bypassed and no matter how ugly, repulsive, mean, or stupid a woman is they will still want to hump it.

      I say "it" because that sometimes includes inanimate objects that can't run away from them.

      Excluding all good and decent men, of course :)

    4. Anonymous7:28 AM

      4:13 -- agreed.

    5. Anonymous7:51 AM

      It was a joke people, lighten up!

  38. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Why?.....Why? Why did I click play? I don't care what she has to say but I noticed this time she is reading, so the hypnotic urge to bang my head to the wall will continue for as long as this cadence is my head; blah, blah, blah co-LAP-se-d (bang!)

  39. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Dunning–Kruger mixed with a snarl, a smirk, and a whole lot of childish 'come hither' pubescent sexual suggestiveness. This is our Sarah. Or, as Keith Olbermann eloquently stated, an idiot.

    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      She is an iconic representation of the Dunning-Kruger Affect, as well as crony capitalism and the Peter Principle. History will not be kind to her. As unkind as herself.

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      bristol, you better start googling for mommy dearest.

  40. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Those beginning scenes in the video are always the beginning footage for most videos.

    He is her son. Why wouldn't she be?

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      @3:40 AM

      "Why wouldn't she be?"

      Be what? Your question doesn't make sense.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Trig may be Sarah's son, but she did not give birth to him. She also does not seem to take good care of him. She admitted that she was oblivious. That's called not paying attention to a child with special needs. But at least we know that he can talk. BS. what an achievement.

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      3:40 AM How would you know? You get all of your Palin information from Facebook. 'Obvi' you have NEVER had a 'Convo' with any of the Palins. Right Alicia Fix-Luke? Were you up all night again, Troll?

  41. Anonymous3:48 AM

    All those candidates sitting on a flexible bench --- must be uncomfortable.

    She does love the word "there" -- it's someplace she refers to often, someplace that isn't here, but somehow isn't "there" either -- it can mean anything or nothing. It's an odd construct that she refers to repeatedly. Perhaps, in her mind, there's a there there. For the rest of us, it's an illusion, an Oz.

  42. " I can say this though, we need a Reagan-ite candidate. We need bold conservative colors, not pale establishment pastels. "
    Somebody's getting into the fancy drugs.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      She never ceases to amaze! Just when you think she can't possibly say anything stupider, out it spews. What a talent lol

  43. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Sarah Palin you are too old to do your cutesy baby talk in that video.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I have said it before, I think that baby-cutsey voice is her" tell". When she does that, she has no idea what she is talking about or she is lying.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM


      When is she not lying?

  44. Anonymous5:13 AM

    It is a pastel rhorschak (sp?) test from her last mental institution admission. She is a common sense conservative after all and repurposed it!

  45. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Jesus Christ bitch, will you fucking overdose already! It's the only way you'll ever quit your insane babbling. Do it for America!

  46. Anonymous6:22 AM

    So, Sarah, I take it President Obama, the love of your life, still hasn't called? poor little moron.

  47. Anonymous6:27 AM

    She stumbled over blandishments. Did she think it was a typo? Or that maybe John was another word manufacturer like herself?

    Either way, it was obvious it was a word she didn't know.


  48. Anonymous7:52 AM

    the tie dye thing was bought by a supporter. seems she'd lost her luggage. didn't they have to take her shopping in Louisiana too also? the grifter's gotta Grift!

  49. Anonymous8:24 AM


    Like sounding it out it for the very first time.

  50. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Someone needs to brandish the words "Wasilla House of nuts" on the back of her blouse. Why is she referring to Todd in this speech? America's little man?
    Did anyone 'splain to the subscriber how Govmint debt works and that we need some debt to keep the economy going. Hey subscriber, how much is gas a gallon and why is it so low? I don't see anyone whose read the constipation marching with signs saying "Gas is too low, I want to pay more" Sarah's such an idiot, she wants folks to think people "pay" for her pearls of whizzdumb, when all she spews is sham and scam.
    I got a question. Where, exactly, was Trig gifted to you from God? Anchorage, as you said once in a speech, or MatSuRegional as the original "greatest story ever told" was worded, along with a letter from his maker.

    Wake up, Sarah, this is where you answer. Someone nudge her, think she fell asleep at the keyboard, (nice wallpaper btw, any relation?)


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