Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mayor of Paris, France to sue Fox News for "insulting" their image." I'm totally going to need some more popcorn.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Last week, various individuals on Fox News made some questionable claims about Muslim no-go zones in France, which made them quite the subject of ridicule by a French TV show

Fox did issue apologies over the weekend for some of the claims they made about no-go zones.

Well too little too late Fox News, now you are going to get sued!

Man do I love this news!

Of course the thing about Fox News viewers is that getting sued by France probably makes the cable channel even MORE appealing.

Stupid Fox News viewers.

Here is the mayor on CNN stating her plans to sue.

Personally I want to see that crazy ass Jeanine Pirro cross examined in a French court.

That might be so good I could put away the popcorn and eat french bread, wine, and cheese while watching instead.


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Thank you Gryph for posting. Now I get it. FoxNews was quick to profusely apologize for the bald-faced garbage-mouthed lies about the 'no-go zones.'

    Has a real fire has been lit under the wring ranting butts belonging to Roger and Rupert?


  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Off topic....Hilarious "Funny or Die" response to the religious abortion apology video you featured a while back. (By the way my comments about having an abortion were not posted but that's okay I'm not offended) Thought you might enjoy:

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Can't wait for Sarah Palin's take on this "attack" on the free speech rights of her buddies at Fox News. Last week she was all for France (although I do not think she knows where it is) but tomorrow she'll be calling for an invasion!

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I'm amazed he gave an apology, but it was such an obvious lie and scare tactic from a supposed expert. I'm glad there was (and still continues to be) a strong response from so many people. This is the kind of shit Fox News has been pulling for years.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      This is also a guy Republicans call on to testify at Congressional hearings as a terrorist expert - kind of explains why they are constantly in a shit-flinging panic.

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Fox New is the real No Go Zone.

    What is their defense going to be this time?, we are an "entertainment not news station" or Freedom of Speech to spread lies. Going to have a few problems with "our constitutional right" in France.

  6. AKinPA6:12 AM

    "That might be so good I could put away the popcorn and eat french bread, wine, and cheese while watching instead."

    Hey, Gryph, what a commie, pinko, unrill amurikan thing to say!! Get a grip! You need a giant dose of Freedumb Fries!

  7. Fox news has already been sued, in 2002, in Clearwater, Florida. It was sued by two newscasters for wrongful termination when they refused to read what was handed them. Their defense was that what they were told to read was obviously, verifiably false. Fox News attorneys said, "Show us where the law says it has to be true."

    Fox won. So while I'd love to see Fox News go down in flames (their entertainment division isn't bad) I doubt this will go anywhere. I suppose it depends on what court the lawsuit lands in.

    1. Leland10:31 AM

      Um, Paris is in France, which is part of the EU. Paris was the victim of the false broadcast. Paris will sue in the EU courts or in the French courts. I hope for the EU courts because then Fox can't claim prejudiced courts. (They will anyway, but hey, let them try!)

      I sincerely hope that what happened to SP when she tried to have the suit against her moved to Alaskan courts, happens with this. The person DOING the suing files in THEIR jurisdictional courts!

      At least, I hope so, because if they do, Fox won't stand a chance. I still think happily of what happened to Microsoft in the EU courts. The usual crappy claims made in American courts won't hold water. Hell, they won't even TREAD water!

  8. So Paris has more balls than anybody in the US. Viva la Paris! (Pardon me if my French is incorrect, but you get the idea).

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    You go girl! Je suis Paris!

  10. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Is there a fund we can donate to help the fine mayor of Paris? They had Fox news on where else, in a waiting room today. Between taking jabs at POTUS and patting everyone on the back, I heard the term "Freedom Fries" and other immature French bashing and wondered WTH was going on. The honorable judge Botox Perrino sort of, kind of tried to explain "a fry for a fry" to some male idiot who understood her, now I know and it STILL makes no sense. No worries, maybe Sarah or Brancy (Hi thongdress! have you tried it with black fishnets yet?) Ohh Laa Laa! ) will expand on it, and make it more folksey and patrioticy.

    The upside, I got a good look up the dentist's nostrils. It's a jungle up there ------- ughhhhh. When he said "rinse and spit", I "missed" and got him on the nose.


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