Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Frank Schaeffer writes about the conspiracy of religious home schooling, and how it was shaped to overthrow secular America. (Schaeffer also suggests that all of this helped a certain nobody from Alaska briefly rise to the heights of power.)

Courtesy of Salon:

As someone who participated in the rise of the religious right in the 1970s and 1980s, I can tell you that you can’t understand the modern Republican Party and its hatred of government unless you understand the evangelical home-school movement. Nor can the Democrats hope to defeat the GOP in 2016 unless they grasp what I’ll be explaining here: religious war carried on by other means. 

The Christian home-school movement drove the Evangelical school movement to the ever-harsher world-rejecting far right. The movement saw itself as separating from evil “secular” America. Therein lies the heart of the Tea Party, GOP and religious right’s paranoid view of the rest of us. And since my late father and evangelist Francis Schaeffer and I were instrumental in starting the religious right — I have since left the movement and recently wrote a book titled “Why I Am an Atheist who Believes in God: How to Give Love, Create Beauty and Find Peace“ – believe me when I tell you that the evangelical schools and home school movement were, by design, founded to undermine a secular and free vision of America and replace it by stealth with a form of theocracy. 

This happened because Evangelical home-schoolers were demanding ever-greater levels of “separation” from what they regarded as the Evil Secular World. It wasn’t enough just to reject the public schools. How could the Christian parent be sure that even the Evangelical schools were sufficiently pure? And so the Christian schools radicalized in order to not appear to be “compromising” with the world in the eyes of increasingly frightened and angry parents. (My account here of the rise of the home school movement is not aimed at home-schooling, per se, but at parents who want to indoctrinate, rather than educate.)

Schaeffer then goes into incredible detail as to how the religious home school  movement came to be, and how it has shaped policy in this country, as well as inspiring a new wave of evangelism, attacks against public schools, and helped create religious and conservative heroes.

And guess who one of those heroes happened to be?

Yep you guessed it. 

In the first decade of the 21st century the Evangelical and conservative Roman Catholic (and Mormon) outsider victim “approach” to public policy was perfected on a heretofore-undreamed-of scale by Sarah Palin. She was the ultimate holier-than-thou Evangelical. What my mother had represented (in her unreconstructed fundamentalist heyday) to a chalet full of young gullible women and later to tens of thousands of readers, Palin became for tens of millions of alienated, angry, white lower-middle-class men and women convinced that an educated “elite” was out to get them. 

Palin was first inflicted on the American public by Sen. John McCain, who chose her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election for at least one big reason: He needed to shore up flagging support from the Evangelical Republican antiabortion base. McCain wanted to prove that he was fully in line with the “social issues” agenda that Dad, Koop and I had foisted on our country more than 30 years before. Palin lost the election for McCain but “won” her war for fame and fortune. 

She presented herself as called by God and thus cast in the Old Testament mold of Queen Esther, one chosen by God to save her people. Palin perfected the Jesus Victim “art” of Evangelical self-banishment and then took victimhood to new levels of “success” by cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America’s elites. 

Palin made a fortune by simultaneously proclaiming her Evangelical faith, denouncing liberals and claiming that she would help the good God-fearing folks out there “take back” their country. This “Esther” lacked seriousness. But born-again insiders knew that the “wisdom of men” wasn’t the point. Why should the new Queen Esther bother to actually finish her work governing Alaska? God had chosen her to confound the wise! 

So she became a media star and quit as governor of Alaska. Then she battled “Them”—the “lamestream media” (as she labeled any media outlets outside of the Far Right subculture)—in the name of standing up for “Real Americans.” Palin used the alternative communication network that had its roots deeply embedded in those pioneering 1970s and 1980s Evangelical TV shows and radio shows that I used to be on just about every other day. She did this to avoid being questioned by people who didn’t agree with her. By not actually governing or doing the job she’d been elected by Alaskans to do, and by using the alternative media networks as an “outsider”—all the while reacting to and demanding attention from the actual (theoretically hated) media—Palin also made buckets of money.

So in a nutshell these religious zealots used homeschooling to disenfranchise and under educate a segment of Americans to such an extent that they began to see themselves as detached from the rest of society in such a way that it made them the perfect targets for unsavory politicians, con-men, and grifters to take advantage.

Cue Sarah Louis Palin.

God they never had a chance.

P.S. Doesn't this put an interesting spin on that Jon Stewart interview with Mike Huckabee that I posted yesterday?


  1. Yep, the raging stupid have elected a leader, Sarah Louise Palin...she seems firmly entrenched on her throne, but as stupid always is, and as stupid always does, we will have a new leader soon, very soon......

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I began homeschooling my oldest kid in 1981, and I have to say that Frank is absolutely on target with this. I ran into this crowd early on our homeschooling days by attending a homeschooling picnic, my first encounter with other homeschooling families. I thought maybe we'd make some friends but they were so bizarre, so uptight, and so anxious to keep their children away from the evil world, that I knew friendship was out of the question. They were so weird and uptight about religion (and everything else) that of course I couldn't help baiting them a little before leaving early. :).

    But I never dreamed their movement would get so large....

  3. Maple7:05 AM

    Well, isn't it curious that Palin didn't homeschool her brood, to keep them from being indoctrinated into those wicked secular ways? Oh wait -- that would mean she'd have to spend time teaching them. Nope, being Mayor, then Governor, then wannabe VP was much more important than her kids. Anything to get her out of the house I guess. Quelle surprise! And her followers regard her as the embodiment of Queen Esther? Her phoniness knows no bounds, does it?

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      She is also very concerned with popularity and sees her kids as extensions of herself. So when her kids go to school and have friends and go to parties and participate in athletics, it reflects positively (in her eyes) on herself. For example, who in their right mind would go on and on about how she is a "hockey mom," as if that's the end all be all of parenting?

      That, and the fact that she is a lazy piece of nothing who never wanted to spend any real time with her kids and who has nothing to offer them even if she did.

    2. hedgewytch8:07 AM

      Wasilla public schools barely tow the line when it comes to separation of church and state. Many, many of the residents have evangelical beliefs. They allow all sorts of stuff to happen that wouldn't in most public schools. So it wasn't that much of a problem to not home school for Palin, as far as the "fear of indoctrination" for her children went.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I’ve heard the same thing about Wasilla schools. One friend moved her kids out of the district after a couple time substitute teaching. The same can be said of other districts in Alaska though.

    4. Anonymous6:24 AM

      In most states there are standards that a Homeschool must meet,like curriculum,etc. One important requirement is for the "Homeschool Teacher" to be knowledgable,which "definitely" disqualifies Sarah(Africa is a Country) Palin!

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Very good article by Shaeffer. As a believer, I see how man's greed and need to control others turns the great NT, not into a labour of love, but a labour of fear and intimidation. Not all, but some, as explained in his article, have yielded to the temptation of turning the NT into a government-controlled political party.

    The part about Sarah. She was told by one of the many dangerous ministries, an evangelist/prophetess, that Sarah would be the U.S queen Esther for these times. The bible says that if a prophet prophecies something that doesn't come to pass, pay no attention to this fake prophet; that he prophecies the out of own will. This was before the election. With all the dysfunction that poor Sarah has to work with, she gets this savior-complex anointing poured on her by the right-wing. And many others in the right-wing GOP, Huckabee, Jindal, Cruz, Perry, Santorum, and others, no doubt, have been approached by these fake fame-seeking prophets and told they have been chosen by God too. Raphael Cruz would certainly come to mind.

    The difference with Sarah Palin being coronated by these groups, is that she is obviously delusional in her own little world. She has to be in some denial, hiding her constant lies and living a double life, protecting the family secrets, all the while pretending to be a pious moral believer. The whole psychology of Palin is already messed up, and add the icing on the cake and tell her she's been chosen by God to lead christians against Washington, D.C. and plant their patriotic flag (God, guns and Freedom) into the mix spells a dangerous concoction of radicalism. Whether she actually believes she is that new special anointed Esther is not clear, but if she thinks she serves the God of the NT, then she is clearly delusional. Or she knows she's faking her 'born-again' christian persona and has no conscience, and just cares only about money and fame.

    I think the fakes, including Huckabee, are being exposed. What we don't know is how many would follow them into the hell they are preparing for these folks.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I homeschooled my youngest in 2003, for one year while he was recovering from an illness. Thank goodness he was a bright kid, because I taught him very little. But it didn't matter, because my state doesn't verify your curriculum or do any visits or testing. It scares me to think of the kids whose only education comes from lazy parents or parents with an agenda.

    1. Olivia8:03 AM

      I have a cousin who decided to "home school" her kid because she couldn't get her ass out of bed in the morning to get him off to school. When he got old enough to get himself off to school by himself, she put him back in public school. Fortunately, the kid was quite smart and caught up quickly.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Some homeschooling by parents is simply an avoidance of responsibility. I work in a library and am stunned by the illiteracy and anger some of the homeschooling parents exhibit. These parents were obviously abused children who are angry they fell through the cracks when they were in public schools. Amazingly, they are the same people who would be horrified if a public school teacher reached out and found help for students who are victims of abuse. The religious homeschool parents abhor government. And, half of them are on some type of state help. Go figure.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM


  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I remember watching a PBS Front line about Rove and Bush. It told of how Rove realized that the evangelical right would be a powerful part of the voting right. He had GW in front of church groups talking about his "past" addictions with drugs and alcohol and how he found Jesus. That was a big part of his voting block. It didn't matter that he had failed at pretty much everything he attempted, just that he once was lost and now he's found....AMAZING!

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      And, of course in evangelical eyes he was “forgiven” when the reality is he is a dry alcoholic, a person who never sat down and tried to understand why he disappointed and hurt everyone around him.

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      And don't forget that Rove is a self-defined agnostic.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Sarah Palin was not home schooled - she attended public schools. However, she had horrible parenting and is/has provided the same to her own children.

    Sarah Palin is truly a fraud. She does not live her Christian doctrine - has committed adultery, lies, cheats, steals (Alaska Legislature caught her and made her repay - travel as to her kids when she was 'quitter' gov.) Plus, the Alaska Legislature found her to be unethical.

    And, on top of all that, she has a husband that is/was a pimp -refer to Shailey Tripp's book who was HIS prostitute. (Book name is "Boys Will be Boys".)

    She's also a horrible embarrassment to Alaska and women across the nation! Who in the hell would even want to walk in her ugly shoes?

  8. Anonymous7:41 AM

    It worries me that so many of my Christian acquaintances vote for candidate's based on a single issue-usually abortion-or how they are influenced to vote from the pulpit.

  9. A J Billings7:42 AM

    Great article Gryphen.

    With people like Ted Cruz vying to be President, and a congress full of militant theocrats and Christian Taliban, our country is daily threatened by intolerance, racism, and wilful ignorance.

    Palin is symptomatic of the Domioninist crowd pushing a bible based jihad on us.

    They are pushing for the single most damaging political move they can muster, which is a Constitutional Convention under Article 5.

    Some Dominionists, the Teaparty, and associated radicals really want a State driven Constitutional Convention so that State Legislatures can amend the Constitution itself, bypassing Congress and the President.

    By doing so, they could establish Christianity as the state religion, forever outlaw abortion and contraception, and enshrine gun laws that would make todays restrictions vanish.

    Great art work, with Granny Grifter and her North star mythology!

    By the way, that picture of $arah would be better if some talented person could have her STANDING on top of a black dog named "Athiest"

  10. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I read this article on Salon yesterday and was wondering if you saw it. He really nailed Palin, it's sure to chap her a**. But it's the truth and we all--except for a few thousand paint chip eaters--know it.

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    , Palin became for tens of millions of alienated, angry, white lower-middle-class men and women convinced that an educated “elite” was out to get them
    I know someone who is very involved in the Palin movement. She did not graduate from high school (GED), did not attend church, nor live a Christian lifestyle at any point in her adult life. Now she is a savy political activist, thanks to Beck, Limbaugh, and Levin. 60 years old and she has voted in a whopping THREE presidental elections! She is also a "foot soldier, in an army of Davids" in the fight of good vs evil and the holy quest to place their queen on her throne.
    Yeah, uneducated, angry, lower middle-class white woman is a pretty accurate description.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      I’ve met quite a few too. They strike me as scary puppets mimicking the anger their partners seethe on the internet. We are in deep trouble unless we can get more vocational-tech classes in schools and bring back industries where people like this can earn a working wage. Not everyone is able to graduate with an academic degree, we must accept this reality. But thank goodness our president is trying to make a two-year degree that would include vo-tec options available rather than the military service only option to getting ahead.

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    This article makes it pretty clear how Trig was icing on the cake.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      My thought as well.

    2. Smirnonn8:42 AM

      Exactly!! Gives very clear motivation.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      And given Trig's favorite word “bullshit” I’m even more disgusted by Queen Esther’s little drama. Obviously he does speak and he can hear. Unfortunately he lives in a pretty screwed up family.

    4. Irishgirl9:54 AM

      I thought exactly the same thing. One can also see where she gets this victimhood from and how she uses it to her advantage.

  13. Thanx, for following up Gryph. I interviewed this gentleman a few years back when I had a radio show in Clearwater Fla.. I suggest highly that you read his books, especially, Crazy for God. It will better explain where he came from. Extremely engrossing. He can be a very important voice in fighting this Evangelical Right problem. The more exposure he gets the better chance we all have of escaping their tyranny. See if you can get an interview with him. You won't regret it.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Great idea. Im fantasizing that he'd look and listen yo the fake pregnancy proof and comment!!

    2. No future in being a smart ass.

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I’ve read all his books and what a journey his life has been. Good reading. And he is a fairly cogent thinker about how his parents’ dysfunctional marriage was the reason for their bizarre religious take on marriage. His mother was an emotionally abused wife.

  15. Anonymous10:42 AM

    'That is what scares the Rev. Howard Bess. A retired American Baptist minister who pastors a small congregation in nearby Palmer, Wasilla’s twin town in Alaska’s Matanuska Valley, Bess has been tangling with Palin and her fellow evangelical activists ever since she was a Wasilla City Council member in the 1990s. Recently, Bess again found himself in the spotlight with Palin, when it was reported that his 1995 book, “Pastor, I Am Gay,” was among those Palin tried to have removed from the Wasilla Public Library when she was mayor.

    “She scares me,” said Bess. “She’s Jerry Falwell with a pretty face. '

    from a 2008 article at Salon:

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Talk about flying monkeys. Bunch of theocratic bullies. Xtian Imams.


  16. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "Cue Sarah Louis Palin."

    Freudian slip?

  17. Anonymous3:00 PM

    As I was reading that I was thinking EXACTLY that this is what F*ckabee is doing (cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America’s elites) with his "Harvard" crap.

  18. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Keep in mind, they only became the lamestream media when they weren't buying her crap anymore. She dumped tons of state money into PR efforts to sell her narrative and build her brand as a serious, moderate reformer. When that withered under the hard glare of the MSM, she realized it was easier to be an Esther. Don't give her this much credit, she wasn't that calculating (through she may have faked the Trig pregnancy) only a lucky opportunist. Trig standing on a being is an iconic representation of the Palin mindset, stand on others, throw them under a bus, when they serve a purpose of upward mobility or deflection.


  19. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

    I realize the difference between real home schooling and indoctrination methods and am glad Frank makes that differentiation. We have a branch of mega theater evangelcal christian church members, they go to jesus camps, hang around similar people, damn people to hell because they have the wrong "god", you know the schtick and the nuances.
    Their meme is "Suffering brings you closer to the lord", and yet they all married rich, accept any pregnancy God blesses them with, and the wimmenfolk are second class citizens. What good is living in a 600 grand mansion and going to a free dental clinic for the poor? Food Stamps? No problem, MY TAXES PAID FOR THEM, so their kids put apartment numbers and the number of kids and their income, qualify, and share the goods with the family. If the church has a drive, woo hoo! Bring huge tote bags, it all freezes well, and besides there's government programs for "Them". No wonder the church got smart and takes the tithes out of their pay automatically.
    But they wail and moan and bitch about tax dollars going to public school. Well, it's there for you, your choice not to use it isn't their fault.
    We've gotten into it over the years (I don't go to any church, so they send me bullshit to save my soul, I imagine hell is one big folder marked "junk mail"

  20. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Anyone ever hear of "unschooling?" I was researching some information on spices and came across this blog by a self-described "unschooling Mom" who blogged about "nutrition" (she was fat, of course). I wondered if this was just another word for "home schooling."

    I follow a few DIY and home interior design blogs and I keep seeing these blogs by home schooling moms (most are really as tacky as you can imagine). Somehow, with all the "schooling" going on with multiple kids, they still find the time to sit on their asses for hours at a time and blog about all the DIY projects they're working on.


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