Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nicolle Wallace on Late Night says that Sarah Palin's Iowa speech put on display all of the "gaps in her knowledge." Gee ya think?

In the last few minutes Wallace is once again infuriating in that she takes some of the blame for Palin's problems during the 2008 campaign, but then she follows it up with this:

"I think she had every right to blame her handlers, it's just as somebody who had worked in politics for over a decade I had never encountered somebody....like her."

I thought that was quite telling. And of course as somebody who has covered this lunatic for the last eight years, I concur.

I probably need to add to this last post of the day that despite the giant snowstorm dominating the news cycle, there are still plenty of articles, being written about Palin's speech this weekend.

The vast majority of them are far from flattering.

From the National Review: 

Some people contain within them a magical quality that leads their fans toward idol worship, and, for whatever reason, Palin appears to have it in spades. But, as she has discovered for herself of late, this can be a decidedly mixed blessing. On the upside, cults provide their beneficiaries with a ready-made army of apologists and sponsors — people, that is, who have primed themselves to push back hard against the most modest of slights and to exact a price from anyone who exhibits the temerity to criticize their focus. On the downside, cults can serve to inoculate their subjects from legitimate judgment and to ease their descent into inadvertent self-parody. Partly because the media has been reflexively unfair to her, and partly because they feel generally put upon by the culture at large, Palin’s fans have of late provided her mostly with the latter service. Last weekend’s speech was the direct result of that tendency.

Courtesy of CNN:

Her performance on Saturday dismayed key figures in conservative media, including some who thought she was unfairly put to the sword by the press in 2008.

And of course the Guardian:  

At this point, listening to a Sarah Palin speech is like being taped to a chair with conservative bumper stickers and having gimmick coffee mugs thrown at you. It is the natural conclusion of what would happen if a Big Dogs t-shirt became minimally self-aware and developed a politics. Catchphrases abound — some six-years-old and counting — held together only by the fact that Palin is saying them. Moose chili. Mama grizzlies. Don’t retreat, reload. Hopey-changey. Bill Ayers. Benghazi. Vladimir Putin. Lipstick on a pig. They’re laugh lines without thought, unlinked by a program or even syllogism.

There is of course more. Much more. But to be honest I am fairly gagging on Sarah Palin-isms today.

In fact I think I will skip her appearance on Hannity tonight and leave any write up until tomorrow.

I am sure that she will say something mind numbingly stupid and attempt to blame it on the President, because seriously what else could we expect?

You are welcome to treat this as an open thread for that appearance, and I will read all of your comments so that will have some idea as to the number of bodies left in the wake of the train wreck.

Now where is that bottle of wine?


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The National Review majorly echoes the Palin word salad crap.

    Did she fuckin' write that shit?

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      I thought it was pretty spot on.

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      5:30 PM Are you huffing Sarah's panties? Call an ambulance, you are toxic.

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      On the upside, cults provide their beneficiaries with a ready-made army of apologists and sponsors — people, that is, who have primed themselves to push back hard against the most modest of slights and to exact a price from anyone who exhibits the temerity to criticize their focus.
      Am I not reading this correctly? I think it describes Palin's cult following to a T. Idol worship, cult following, ferocious defenders. The "Partly because the media has been reflexively unfair to her" I disagree with. Granted I have Palin exhaustion but unless I'm not getting it, I thought it explained how her followers could not see what we did.

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      She sure dressed for the Cult to deliver the Iowa gargle.

    5. Anonymous9:47 PM

      anon 6:35 - you are reading it correctly.

    6. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Thanks 9:47

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    How Sarah Palin Helped Raise $25K for Ready for Hillary PAC

    How Sarah Palin Helped Raise $25K for Ready for Hillary PAC
    by Matt Wilstein | 6:25 pm, January 27th, 2015 VIDEO 252

    Sarah Palin may have had some trouble with the TelePrompter during her Iowa Freedom Summit speech this past weekend, but she came prepared with props.

    At one point during the speech, Palin pulled out a Ready for Hillary PAC magnet and told the crowd of conservatives, “I’m ready for Hillary, are you? Are you coming?” She added, “Hey Iowa, can anyone stop Hillary? To borrow a phrase, ‘Yes we can!’ And it starts here and it starts now.”

    How Sarah Palin Helped Raise $25K for Ready for Hillary PAC
    by Matt Wilstein | 6:25 pm, January 27th, 2015 VIDEO 252

    Sarah Palin may have had some trouble with the TelePrompter during her Iowa Freedom Summit speech this past weekend, but she came prepared with props.

    At one point during the speech, Palin pulled out a Ready for Hillary PAC magnet and told the crowd of conservatives, “I’m ready for Hillary, are you? Are you coming?” She added, “Hey Iowa, can anyone stop Hillary? To borrow a phrase, ‘Yes we can!’ And it starts here and it starts now.”

    Well, the Ready for Hillary campaign took notice and pounced on Palin’s unexpected plug, sending this tweet on Monday, along with a fundraising email to subscribers, seen below:

    The campaign asked supporters to donate as little as $20.16 — get it? — to receive the same car magnet on which Palin somehow got her hands.

    And according to multiple sources, the Palin stunt helped Ready for Hillary raise more than $25,000:

    How Sarah Palin Helped Raise $25K for Ready for Hillary PAC
    by Matt Wilstein | 6:25 pm, January 27th, 2015 VIDEO 252

    Sarah Palin may have had some trouble with the TelePrompter during her Iowa Freedom Summit speech this past weekend, but she came prepared with props.

    At one point during the speech, Palin pulled out a Ready for Hillary PAC magnet and told the crowd of conservatives, “I’m ready for Hillary, are you? Are you coming?” She added, “Hey Iowa, can anyone stop Hillary? To borrow a phrase, ‘Yes we can!’ And it starts here and it starts now.”

    Well, the Ready for Hillary campaign took notice and pounced on Palin’s unexpected plug, sending this tweet on Monday, along with a fundraising email to subscribers, seen below:

    The campaign asked supporters to donate as little as $20.16 — get it? — to receive the same car magnet on which Palin somehow got her hands.

    And according to multiple sources, the Palin stunt helped Ready for Hillary raise more than $25,000:

    Mediaite has reached out to Ready for Hillary and will update this post accordingly.

    UPDATE — 6:43 p.m. ET: Ready for Hillary provided Mediaite with a new email that will be sent to supporters later tonight, confirming the $25,000 figure.

    It reads, in part:

    Friend, we bet she wasn’t planning on this:

    Sarah Palin inadvertently gave herself a new title — Co-Chair of Ready for Hillary’s National Finance Council!

    Yesterday, we sent an email to our supporters telling you how Sarah Palin held up a Ready for Hillary car magnet during a recent speech.

    The response we got was overwhelming — hundreds of supporters stepped up and Sarah ended up raising Ready for Hillary over $25,000 in grassroots donations.

    Here’s the kicker — by raising $25,000, Sarah officially qualifies as a Co-Chair of our National Finance Council.

    (We will wait until Sarah calls before officially adding her name to the list.)


    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      But Sarah Palin don't need no title...except First Lady of the Outdoors! LOL!

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      More like First Lady of the Out House

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    What I find most amazing about all of the negative comments coming out about her speech this weekend is that I don't think it was all that different from what she normally does. I suspect the reaction has more to do with her finally coming out and saying that she's interested in running for president in 2016 and that scared the crap out of the mainline Republicans who are thinking they finally need to put a stop to her nonsense.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I agree 4:50 I'm quite surprised at how surprised some articles seem to be! I really didn't see much difference from some of the other bizarre speeches, but it must be true because even her own fans have shown disappointment in this particular speech.

      I guess it doesn't matter, as long as they are finally seeing the light.


    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      I think it was the setting, one which (perhaps) serious candidates were speaking and which was covered by national media.

      No one has been paying any attention to her spewing of nonsense at bowling alleys or Elks Lodges in North Dorkville.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    IM commenters could write the whole Fox thing (even the edited out bits) in ten minutes. No need to turn the teev on.

    Sarah never says anything new and neither does Hanutty.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Wish I'd written that! Right on the money!
      She NEVER says anything new. Hence, always gushing word salad.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      It will be more on Chris Kyle.

      Tonight on Hannity: Sarah Palin and Scott Walker have insight.
      Sean Parnell, Friend of Chris Kyle, Col. Ralph Peters Fox News Military Analyst, Scott Walker and contributor Palin

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Wallace sucks.

    Sarah is going off in her fakebook on President Obama for encouraging foreigners to save us from energy crisis due to the funeral Saudi Arabia. Whoever writes that crap for her is deliberately twisting things to deceive their low info Palinbots. It has so little to do with reality.

    McCain part of A-list Obama-led delegation going to King Abdullah’s funeral

    "The President would ban energy developments in Alaska’s ANWR, and to make matters worse this ban on domestic exploration is ironically on the heels of his announced visit to Saudi Arabia where he’ll encourage foreigners to save us from energy crisis." Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      THIS is funny!

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      sweet,!!!!!!!! and funny

    3. Anonymous7:52 PM

      HUh? Hey Stoopid $carah- Saudi king died. Reason fro teh President's visit. A matter of state. Which you would know nothign about - becuase the state you are in is well, pretty disgusting.

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sarah that Nicole Wallace is one fine looking woman. Do you agree Sarah? Just ask Todd.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      I wonder if Nicole was in charge of buying Todd's silk boxer shorts.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      t's no wonder that Sarah hates Katie Couric & Nicole Wallace. Both ladies are classy, attractive and intelligent professional women. Poor Sarah meets none of these descriptors. Bless her heart (Fuck You, Sarah Lou!)

  7. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Kathleen Parker: How the GOP ruined Palin


    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      is that crybaby related to that preacher Parker? and I hear Walker put another Parker in charge of UA Regents? the debts that have to be repaid or what Sarah? keep on a yapping baby girl...babbling brook...

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM


      Wow, maybe don't jump to such ridiculous conclusions over a name as common as Parker. The newly appointed Regent is Lisa Parker, daughter of Walt Parker, a lovely man who recently died here in Alaska - not Palin's ex-APD Spokesman friend. Walt was a major supporter of Democratic Party and Alaska's environment. Though his daughter, Lisa, does work for oil industry, she's not a Palin apologist nor is she (at this time) "in charge of the Regents."

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Kathleen Parker? Of course she'd defend Palin, Palin is all that keeps Parker frm winnign the dumbest of the GOP "journalists" title. (or at least peopel with a journalism degree.

    4. Anonymous9:20 PM

      @7:54 pm:
      Actually Kathleen Parker was one of the first GOPers to speak the truth about Sarah Palin early on in the election (less than 3 weeks after her announcement on the ticket). The RW nuts considered Parker to be a RINO bc she spoke the truth about Palin's lack of qualifications & abilities. Parker was right at that time. I think she's just being contrarian now while lots of media talking heads on the Right who were kissing Palin's ass back then have now turned against Palin after being embarrassed by Princess FreeDumbAss.

      SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 12:00 AM
      Palin Problem
      She's out of her league.
      By Kathleen Parker



      And here's another from 2011:


      The Hard Right Skewers Sarah Palin, Vindicates Kathleen Parker

      The former Alaska governor is under attack from her former champions, who owe her earlier critics some apologies
      Kathleen Parker, the widely syndicated newspaper columnist, is owed a huge apology. The person who ought to make it? Red State's Erick Erickson, among many others. The nominal subject is Sarah Palin, but this story isn't ultimately about her -- it's about how folks engaged in political disagreements ought to behave towards one another. And the consequences when they don't.

      But we're getting ahead of ourselves.

      In late September of 2008, Parker wrote the most controversial piece of her career, declaring in National Review that the GOP had a problem, and her name was Sarah Palin.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The conservatives are echoing what we've been saying all along. I can't believe they just now are seeing the real Sarah. I believe they knew this but as long as she was useful they kept their traps shut. With the election looming in 2016, now is the time to distance themselves from the idiot. But like Sarah said the bench is deep - with plenty more idiots to choose from. I'd like to see Sarah as a third party candidate. That's a way to get back at the establishment. I knew this would happen to her because she is not only an embarrassment but sucks the oxygen out of the room for others. I know she reads here, so my message to her is, run Sarah run, and I'm a dem.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      The GOP wants this idiot out of the picture. They no longer want her to take any air out of the room and distract from' serious' candidates. $he is an embarrassment to the GOP and they will fan the flames of her demise. $arah is the only one who won't get the message because she is truly delusional and desperate.

  9. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Simply amazing a political party that strives to end abortion aborted Sarah Palin without a vaginal probe, ultrasound or a 72 hour waiting period.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      A back alley coat hanger quickie fer sure.
      Gotta love it!

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I refuse to watch this speech. So someone please explain to be how this speech was any crazier than the other wacko speeches she's given since 2009?

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      It's not, though it's worse than some of her outings. It's just getting attention from those who don't normally pay her any because she's got a wider audience.

  11. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I had trouble sleeping last night, so I flipped on the tv & actually caught the Wallace interview. No direct comments about Palin, only the usual insinuations. Wallace isn't going to cop to anything as long as Grampy is alive & probably not even then. But she knows....

    Write that book, Sarah! Come clean & really stick it to the Republican establishment!

  12. Anonymous5:23 PM

    If Sarah Palin was running in a horse race, the equine ambulance would be on standby to put her down.

  13. Anonymous5:25 PM

    As someone who has worked in local government for 25 years, you have to be very careful what you say on any level if you want to keep your job. Period. I am one of many that think Steve Schmidt and she were complacent in foisting Miss Priss onto the "global America" stage but it was what they were hired for. Deal with it, and pardon us if we roll our eyeballs.They know what they did, and both have said that, if she ever tries to run for president, they'll spill? Boy, did THEY get a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I have long thought that both Wallace and Schmidt are careful about what they say and don't say because they both want to keep working in their field. They would quickly become unemployable if they bad mouthed their last, very high profile client or if the broke a confidentiality agreement.

      They, better than almost anyone, know that SP will self destruct if left to her own devices. They know that she is not serious about seeking any other office, least of all the presidency.

      I actually respect both of them for saying what they have said. No one forced them to do that, and given how partisan the Repub party is and how high up they both were in the 08 campaign, I say kudos to them both.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Wallace and Schmidt deserve nothing but contempt.

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Sarah Palin deserves contempt. They are just doing their jobs. Sure, it would be nice if they would go further, but Palin IS imploding and effectively declawed and they didn't HAVE to do even as much as they did. I don't agree with them politically, but I don't hate everyone who is to the right of me. We have enough of the right wing nutters to loathe without going looking for more.

  14. Anonymous5:27 PM

    AND, as for Nicole, she is a lackluster tool. Her appearance suggests that she and Palin used the same stylist.
    Goofy hair and less than stunning wardrobe.
    She is afraid. Very afraid.
    For her to stand on her own extremely thin merits is never going to happen/

    To paraphrase a much-overworked descript: " We totally won't ever be into you."

    Wench. You coulda' made a difference.

  15. It's all getting very interesting:-)

    LOT'S of blow back from the IA speech...I think it's a warning to her, or what the "adults" in the right wing have decided is a mechanism to keep her from infecting the "political" w/ her herpes fueled "reality show' moose shit. Notice, not a lot of negative re: the LV content/photos/crusty panties/swag asshole festivities?? Biz as usual...the right wing (who she knows has ALL the goods on her) seems to be ok w/ mouthy Sarah in reality show phase, not so much at 'political events." Plenty of negative from us "educated elites." re: Nuge/Dakota/Fuc_ poster, etc. A good barometer for me is Scarborough...he chimed in, as you all know...he is one of the most "scripted" of the RW talking goobers...his content is pre-approved, always: (the mechanism being the constant reminder to Joe that it would be a shame to ask someone competent, like the FBI, to try an figure out how/why that pretty little staffer girl went in to his district office, smashed her head off the desk, got up, went around to the other side, smashed her skull off it again, misplaced her cell phone, then died...think JFK magic bullet...magic banana peel?)...net out, some one told Scarborough and others it was ok to pick on simple Sarah.

    Re: Hannity and her appearance. I've always wondered just how much control old Roger has over block head. (remember...to SP and her family, Sean's a big brain..he did earn a legitimate HS diploma...but that's it.)

    To use a Fox tactic: "I've heard some say that Fox will NOT be renewing Hannity. This happened when the moved his show past his audience's lights out at the assisted living/c4p/home and gave Megyn the slot. He has to finish his contract. Remember is hissy fit about leaving NYC? His loving mention of Dallas? Some say that he'll hook up w/ Beck and put the show on the Blaze Network. Re-locate to DFW. I also heard that Beck, Hannity and Perry are fond of renting a room at a Travelodge and spending 9-10 hours huffing Nitrous, lighting farts and pegging each other."

    Hannity may be "going rouge" and having skank on as a fuck you to his present, but temporary employer.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      It is going to be for her to latch on the the sniper's movie and the popularity of Chris Kyle. Hero and winner for Palin to glom onto. She can be Fuc_ You cool for the cause. Fighting the left, bad guys. The Patriots are the only rill Muricans and only Simple Sarah can lead them to victory.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Interesting indeed. Yes, clearly it's been declared open season. Whether warnings will actually sink into her NPD skull, that is the question. Major infusions of $$$ might help, but money is a small part of what drives a NPD queen...it's the limelight she truly craves. Seems to me the GOP problem doesn't really go away until she goes away.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      You sir,are one funny mofo.
      As far as Megyn,I'm kinda digging her now after reading:
      And this has me hot for her:

    4. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Megyn is a hottie. No doubt. Sarah is now a joke among staff at FNC. Even Papa Bear BillO is jabbing Palin's idiocy again. Roger uses the talking heads to tweak Sarah on command. Sarah really needs the Fox gig, because she's making no real cash from her internet "channel" nor anything substantial from her other part-time job green-screen hosting of the micro-audience at the sports channel. Her family's unemployment is one of the main reasons she's letting Roger say "Fuck Sarah Palin" via his faux news channel.

      Sarah is such a loser, proving time & time again with each of her string of failed ventures.

    5. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Kelly is a rightwing echo chamber. If you think that's hot, you are as repellent as she is.

    6. Anonymous1:55 AM

      Interesting scenario. But, would they tolerate Sarah ablaze?


    7. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Seems to me the GOP has a real problem on their hands, reining in the monster they created. In actuarial terms I wouldn't bet money on Sarah Palin's life expectancy.

  16. Posted at The Pond: The Sarah Palin Ad for 2016

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Just saw it posted over there. Is it a parody? It has to be....

    2. It was done by Bloomberg Politics, so I think it's really a hit piece. The Bots, however, are very proud of it, including one who said; "That's good, hope it goes around the world." Stupid PeeBots!

  17. Anonymous5:30 PM


    Palin the Entertainer
    Sarah Palin's rambling Iowa speech shows what happens when populism isn't followed up with policy.

    It is yet another reminder to Republicans to draw a bright line between their politics and their entertainment, lest they give rise to more candidates like Sarah Palin, who inevitably fail at both.

  18. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Hello all, a Wasillian here (check the live traffic feed if you don't believe me). The thing about Sarah that never, never, no never fails to blow me away is her shamelessness. She. Has. No. Discernable. Shame.

    Also -- and please - I am not a troll - but I did stomach thru the entire Iowa speech. Bizzaro? Yes. Unhinged? Sure. But I didn't think it was in it's own special category of Total Crazy like so many pundits have said. It seemed very much in the vein of the other wacky, issue-free talks she's given the past couple years.

    It makes me curious (though relieved) that so many thought this one was beyond whatever pale is left. I thought it very much like her ridiculous CPAC diatribes.

    I saw her male handler (what's his name? Jason Recher, I think) in the pics behind her in Las Vegas. I have to assume he's coming up with whatever substance is in these speeches - so I assume Sarah is seriously ticked off with him for constructing such a poorly received speech.

    You know she thought she'd hit it out of the park, that's why SarahPAC was all ready to go with the little screen shots of her highlighted vitriol - as if she was going to capitalize on how awesome her speech was.

    Part of me would feel pity for her except that she has such a calloused conscience and has done such, such damage to this country, that all I hope for her is the truth to be exposed. I know those of you who aren't from Alaska or the Valley are always on the case of those of us who are - with the "come clean" mantra. But honestly, no one out here even pays attention to her anymore. No one brings her up in conversation, except to roll their eyes.

    Sarah will be the undoing of Sarah - and her little shenanigan on a stage in Iowa this past weekend went a ways (a long ways? we can hope) toward her final flop into irrelevancy.

    I know she's trying to position herself as the kingpin of the Republican Party; "she whose favor must be sought after" (to speak in Palinese). But what she really did was show how far away from her name and influence any real viable candidate should want to veer from her.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Her speech actually makes more sense if you listen to it backwards.

      Tom, in FL

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I would agree with most points except I tend to think that the speech was 100% Palin's creation. Just my opinion.

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I agree with Wasilla that $creech finally did herself in w/her Iowa screed. I also agree that Sarah seldom comes up in any Alaskan's conversations, except for eye rolling jokes.

      But come on Wasilla! Give us some photos of anything Palinesque for our amusement and scrutiny. I know it will be difficult because no Palin's show their faces in Alaska except for photo opps or drunken foul mouthed brawls. Bwahwhahaha

      A fellow Great Lander

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      lol, Tom!

    5. Anonymous6:25 PM

      @ 5:33
      Who is the birth mother of Trig?

    6. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I think Palin's resignation speech was just as crazy and laughable as this Iowa speech. What's changed is the media has given itself permission to actually listen to the crazy and report it as crazy.

      What caused the media to feel safe piling on? My guess is the drunken brawl tipped the scales.

    7. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Do you every see Sarah around Wasilla and, if so, do you point and laugh at her? What about Todd or the adult kids?

    8. Anonymous7:42 PM

      One of Trig Palin's many first words. "GoDaddy"

      GoDaddy.com’s Super Bowl Ad Yanked After Being Blasted By Puppy Lovers


    9. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Anonymous5:56 PM
      Her speech actually makes more sense if you listen to it backwards.

      Tom, in FL

      @Tom in FL:
      Okay, Tom, I tried your suggestion, but all I could make out was "Paul is dead." And "it's all Obama's fault."

      Oh yeah, I also heard the usual "Be a good Murican and send me all your money."

      I wonder if she was talking about Paul McCartney (who I saw on Jimmy Fallon a couple of weeks ago, or her one-time BFF Rand Paul. Instead of sending her cash, I think I'll send Sarah my recipe for cooking turkey.

    10. Anonymous2:41 AM

      It's reprehensible to those of us not from Alaska that you Wasillians just "roll your eyes at her".

    11. Anonymous9:08 AM

      2:41, you do not speak for all "those of us not from Alaska." Not everyone in Alaska or even Wasilla has firsthand knowledge/proof of Palin wrongdoings or can expose the family. What else can those people do but roll their eyes?

      Besides, if I had insider knowledge and had reason to believe that speaking up would jeopardize my pets, my property, and/or my life, I'd be very reluctant to do anything except post anonymous blog comments. It's easy to criticize and tell people what they should do when you aren't the one taking risks.

  19. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Wallace et al. will never truly own up to elevating Palin. They will dance around it in an attempt to distance themselves and not take responsibility.

    1. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Nicolle Wallace has sure made a lot of money after she worked so hard to foist Sarah Palin on the world. Once she realized that her party's candidate was so lacking in credentials, she should have quit and told the world what she knew. It would have cut out the Sarah Palin viciousness that we've had to endure since 2008.

    2. Anonymous4:32 AM

      Nicolle Wallace had nothing to do with choosing Palin and didn't know who she was when she was introduced to her after the selection. Steven Schmitt on the other hand was a very active participant in her selection.

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Once Wallace and Schmidt realized what SP was lacking, they also realized that McCain was not going to win. So they let that play out, and then they spoke up. If that campaign had been poised to win and they ( and others) had done nothing, it would be a completely different situation.

      One thing I don't understand about those who rage at Wallace and Schmidt, is what about all the other McCain campaign staffers who also could see the truth about Palin, and even to this day have never said a word? There is McCain himself, who deserves and has gotten a good deal of contempt, but there have to be many others.

      Wallace and Schmidt get dumped on for going part way when we would rather that they went all the way. I have much more contempt for the cowards who didn't even say a peep.

  20. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Very professional pic of Palin... it must have been nippy at the speech venue. Please proceed Madame President...


    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Is that a nip pic?

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Now she has belmonts with nippies.

  21. Anonymous5:47 PM


    Whether she knows it or not, Sarah Palin penned her own political obituary during the Iowa Freedom Summit in Des Moines on Saturday.

    “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested,” she said.

    There are only two possible explanations for that answer. One is that she has so much confidence in her ability to win over voters with her folksy charm that she honestly believes no one will notice the complete lack of substance in almost everything she says. The other, and perhaps more probable explanation, is that Palin is much more interested in being a political celebrity than a political candidate, a la Donald Trump.

    Either way, it’s time to put the Candidate Palin myth to rest. She can flirt with a run all she wants, but voters should see her “will I or won’t I” for what it is – an attempt to remain relevant in a conversation that is way over her head.

  22. I read the comments over a c4p. Amazing. Sarah Palin could take an assault rifle into a VA clinic and mow down a dozen vets and her c4p cult would somehow find a way to justify her actions.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      It is frightening how obsessed they are with her. They have collectively lost their perspective and they reaffirm the delusion to each other. They truly believe it is a conspiracy that is keeping the majority of the country from seeing what they see. They have morphed from supporters to fans to a cult. I find them fascinating, in a troubling way.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Darn straight. At 1200+ comments, which is four times their usual, they have to encourage each other, when deep down they know, but it's never her fault. She be queen. LOL

    3. Anonymous7:25 PM

      They have been as high as 2000+ in the past week!

    4. Anonymous9:39 PM

      With none having jobs, they have nothing else to do while they are waiting to die while desperately praying for their queen to be put on the throne in the nation's Capitol. Hardly any can afford the $10/mo.for her fake tv channel.

  23. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Even "The Soup" reported on Sarah's word sludge...


  24. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Typo? Auto-correct get you, Gryphen? In your first sentence, "Wallace is once again infuriating" looks like you intended "intimating" or "admitting" as opposed to maddening or making angry.

    1. laurensd16:39 PM

      Wallace is infuriating.
      And intimating. And whatever blows.
      She is dust.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM


    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Gryphen had it right. GO write your own blog.

  25. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The witch is dying.hoohah, did I say that correct sarah ? hoohah.
    Payback is a bitch eh?

  26. Anonymous6:09 PM

    LOL!! She's pissed on Hannity!

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Please give us updates!

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      it was typical Palin hate oozing out. She claimed she doesn't read news stories about herself, but you could tell she was drugged up and looking to get revenege on those who spoke out against her yesterday

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Angry pissed? Or drug/alcohol pissed?

    4. @6:09PM

      "Pissed"...do tell:-)

      Pissed, as in barking raving spittle flecked raving mad? Or,

      Pissed, as in overly intoxicated mixing Valtrex, Red Bull, Aderall, Smirnoff and...Lady Centrum?


      You watch Hannity...you are braver and stronger than I. (Mike D bows out of respect)

    5. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Was it a crash and burn or a strong woman type thing? I can only hope it is more crazy!

    6. Anonymous7:45 PM



    7. Anonymous8:51 PM

      @7:45 Even zodiac didn't fake a pregnancy.

    8. Anonymous3:49 AM

      What does Sarah Palin mean by "war for the sovereignty of the United States [of] America"? As far as I can tell, it's Sarah's who's waging war on this country. Sarah and her fellow GOP teabaggers.

    9. Anonymous7:06 AM

      What does Sarah Palin mean by "war for the sovereignty of the United States [of] America"?

      She must be talking to her cult. I have actually read a few people that think she makes sense. They must know what she means. She tells them to go on the offense.

      She has grievances with the press and those that accuse of racism and sexism. She spoke quite a bit about Chris Kyle and Dakota Meyer (veterans) and Bristol. Going on into that strange bit about Bristol and leather to rationalizing about Trig and Jill. I take it she didn't want to mention Track Palin by name, but she is close to the humble sniper. She doesn't mention Dakota Meyer's name, he is just the energetic poster, she does mention Michael Moore.

      She tells her audience the next time one of our own is being crucified and falsely accused, whatever it is, the disgusting charges from the left, reverse them.

      I have troubled reading her words and I can't listen to her very long at all.

      This is all in a speech for potential presidential candidates. It couldn't be more inappropriate. She is full of hate and doesn't want anyone of her minions to take it anymore. Hollywood is bad, American Sniper is a box office winner and what the people want. Energetic poster is good, Michael Moore jerk. She was only giving a thumbs up with the energetic poster.

      I can't believe she would be rationalizing her actions from the Las Vegas gun show in a speech at the Iowa summit. She really crapped all over King and the others using them to tell excuses for her poor behaviors.

  27. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Gaps? I don't see no stinkin' gaps! I see nothin'!

  28. Anonymous6:16 PM

    She claim to not read media stories about her.. Lying sack of shit knows she fucked up in Iowa and has no one to blame but her bitchy own self. Gryphen, you own her ass!

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Will she ever have any new material?

  29. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Her first words to Hannity were a very cold hello. She is really mad. Mad at everyone because she's finally being called out.

    She is still in manic mode. She went back on a bizarre rant again.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      I guess my first question would be, "just how long did you expect us to take your crap?" She has no one to blame but herself and her Poindexter handlers. Notice the absence of trolls in Gryph's past few posts? There's nothing to say. Nothing.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I once lived with a speed freak. That is how they are. Once you figure out how it works you get it. Until then it is a mystery. No they do not like to be called out.

  30. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I think Scott Walker was seeing this interview before Sarah's as his opportunity; he expressed himself well, made his points, and talked about his goals and made the interview pleasant. He tried to sound presidential.

    Then comes on the harpy. She was cold, mean, slant-eyed, then went into a crescendo of finger pointing and her voice rising in anger. She can't control her anger, she has to get some help.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      A bit snippy with Hanny Boo Boo. Wait, I thought Sarah & Sean were the bestest of pals. Angry Much, Sarah?

  31. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Anon 5:33 said The thing about Sarah that never, never, no never fails to blow me away is her shamelessness. She. Has. No. Discernable. Shame.


    Anon 5:33 that shamelessness runs in the Palin family. Why did Bristol ever accept the invitation to go on DWTS Allstars? It was shamelessness and for the money. Same reason why her mother accepts speaking gigs. Sure wasn’t because Bristol had any talent or a chance of winning.

    Why would anybody with Bristol’s abilities go on national tv and not just a popular show, but an Allstars show full of talented people? Then to see Sarah sitting in the front row with her dumbass smile not embarrassed for Bristol or for herself.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      You have to be retarded or want money so badly that you don't care that you look ridiculous.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Track Palin may be the most shameless of them all.

      Or is it Todd?

    3. Anonymous7:48 PM

      How about Bristol's first DWTS appearance while PREGNANT? They had to put her in a Gorilla Suit.

    4. Anonymous9:49 PM

      If any members of that ridiculous family have an ounce of self-awareness, they have been humiliated beyond repair. But they're all so self-medicated, they don't feel anything other than anger and the buzz from their drug/chemical cocktail du jour.

    5. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Faux once ran a crawl saying, "Bristol Palin said she won't rule out running for president when she is eligible." ...or words very close to that.

      I used to have a screen grab of it, but can't find the file. Anyone else happen to have it?

      Fuax needs to be reminded of just how far up this family's grifter asses Ailes insisted they all shove their heads. Pitiful.

  32. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah Palin knows she fucked up big time in Iowa. Todd probably hid all the canned food in the house so Sarah won't throw them at the hoohah.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      But she doesn't really know why. She thinks she is being picked on. She doesn't understand the consequences of her demagoguery. She is extremely unintelligent.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      After hiding the cans Todd flew over the rainbow to the Lodge where he is safe.

  33. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Sorry, I can't stomach Inhannity, but I did like this little gem over at the Washington Post, Sarah Palin channels her inner slam poet: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2015/01/27/sarah-palin-channels-her-inner-slam-poet/

    And comments: OleLadySquawking
    3:15 PM CST [Edited]
    Imagine her as president and how hard it would to translate her words into another language! McCain must cringe every time she opens her mouth. She had to have talked like that during his vetting conversation. She can't help it.

    Rush Paul
    3:32 PM CST
    Heck, imagine how hard it would be to translate them into English!

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      McCain doesn't think abotu her, or any woman. In his misogynistic chauvinism females simply don't exist except to satisy his bas needs. End OF Story.

  34. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Palin Jabs O’Reilly for Suggesting She Would Make 2016 Race a ‘Reality Show’

    If you tuned into Fox News earlier today, you may have noticed a brief Bill O’Reilly promo that mentioned Sarah Palin. O’Reilly teased 2016 talk on tonight’s Factor by bringing up Palin, Donald Trump, and Chris Christie to say all of that in a presidential race might turn the whole affair into a “reality show.”

    (And yes, before you ask, Palin is currently still a contributor for Fox.)

    During his show, O’Reilly only briefly mentioned Palin in passing, along with Trump, saying she’ll have a very uphill climb in putting together the kind of serious national organization the other candidates have.

    Palin appeared on Fox just hours later, chatting with Sean Hannity about her 2016 ambitions. She spoke of conservative unity and admitted the right hasn’t been quite as united as it could be.

    And that’s when Palin observed that this is a problem on Fox News, which she described as “a quasi––or assumed––conservative outlet.” She brought up O’Reilly chuckling at her and Trump making things a “reality show” and said he can yuk it up if he wants, but “this is war.”

    Palin elaborated, “Hopefully the media, even the quasi-right side of the media, won’t be looking at this as some kind of reality show.”

    Palin did not address whether her inclusion in the 2016 race specifically would make it a reality show.

    You can watch Palin here, via Fox News:


    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      But, but, but during the interview, she said she doesn't read the praise or criticisms from the media??

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      but “this is war.”

      You better believe that. She means business. Sovereign war on the USA. That's Sarah... fight, fight, fight those enemies.

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      And her minions would blindly follow her in to battle, believing they are the true patriots.

    4. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Did she really think that she could do reality tv shows and be taken seriously as a presidential candidate? I mean, I know she isn't very bright, but really? *boggle*

    5. Anonymous12:09 AM

      She seems to be delusional the reality shows paved a road to the White House.

  35. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Bizarro. Hillary Clinton May Testify on Benghazi Again

  36. Anonymous7:02 PM

    pissed off Palin


    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      HAHAHAHA... that was funny watching the blockhead hannity's dick go limp ...

      LMAO !!

      skank's totally fukin' unhinged too, moreso than usual ..

      HOOHAH !!

  37. A J Billings7:07 PM

    Her appearance on Hannity tonight is just plain outrageous.

    You can see how vicious, angry, and full of hate she is.

    Hannity played the clip of the "get the man off your back" to start, and she was PISSED. He introduced her, and all she said was a clipped thank you with no smile, just plain hatred.

    Sean asked her twice if she was running in 2016, and the same word salad came out about "considering it, blah, bloviate bullshit".

    Same bullshit, my family, seeing if God wants me to, my faith, etc, bloviate

    Now she's almost ranting about how concerned she is about the working class, more bullshit

    Ooo, now Sean is mentioning how Baby was criticized, and she is spitting at Sean, saying she doesn't read anything critical.
    Instead of addressing the issue, just like a child, she changes the subject, and is bragging about her "standing Ovation"

    You can tell she is SOOO PISSED OFF, just trying to hide how angry she is, cutting Sean off.

    Now Granny is dissing FOX for not being conservative, and whacking Bill O'reilly for saying, "what a reality show" about her and Trump running.

    Going to war with O'reilly is a very stupid idea!

    She calls FOX a Quasi or assuming conservative media outlet,
    and the dumps on their programming!

    HOOOHAHH! Reality show $arah, that's exactly what you are, and you can't deny it.!

    Now Sean is asking her AGAIN what would you do if you ran for Prez?

    Drill baby Drill, close the borders, slash the corporate income tax, no federal Dept of Edu, crone capitalist (groan) God can she ever just shut up with her bullshit!

    Granny says we are ceptional, we are losin' that today, blah blah, fighter candidates, talking about herself of course, no shit, but you are a quitter $arah!

    Psychopath Palin is up to her usual self aggrandizing horse shit, listing her supposed "experience" as a credential for running.

    Sean finishes up by asking her "Odds you're going to run?"
    She was not pleased again, you could see that she was pissed off, defensive and angry the entire interview, and especially that he played the clip about the Man bein' on your back

    HOOHAHH! $ARAH, schadenfreude, and you are now getting what you've earned by 6 years of hate, racism, and lunatic rhetoric.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      The entire world is her enemy. I love it. Keep it up 'Queen Esther'.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Thank you, I enjoyed your version of what happened. Can't wait to see it

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      At the very beginning Sean asked her about someone asking her if she was going to run...She said "yes, a PESKY reporter asked her while she was trying to promote her show, Amazing America with Sarah Palin" and she told him yes...next question. She is always going to get some plug in for herself. As if anyone cares about her stupid show.

      Sean attempted again to ask her and she went off on her tangent about her family and God. She is so predictable. She has no new material since 2008.

      The Repubs should refuse to ask her to CPAC, just as they did the RNC.

    4. Anonymous7:56 PM

      A J
      Hilarious! Ailes must have busted his gut with laughter.

    5. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Are those new Rick Perry glasses she has on? Looks like they are trying to make the change already. Her hair has been combed, and makeup looks decent... the transformation is starting! Unfortunately, she still sounds stupid. Also, looks like Fox is coming after her since the clips they showed were the two dumbest ones (includes the "bent man"). She wasn't so much pissed as attempting to be subdued.


  38. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Bitch can dish it out but she sure can't take it. Buh bye widle Sarah Heath.

  39. Anonymous7:14 PM

    And the gap between her ears.

  40. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Be sure to watch this. (better than Insannity/Palin)


    The Last Word

    How Accurate Is American Sniper?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Lawrence O'Donnel had a great program. The truth about the movie American Sniper.

      What it teaches us about war.

  41. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Why these people do what they do is beyond reason. The sad thing is that they believe they are doing good. Wonder what Todd thinks? Maybe doesn't care as long as Sarah buys Todd his airplanes, trucks, trailers, snowmobiles and gets him out of Shailey Tripp trouble.

  42. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Love the concise and intelligent answer to this question about what happened during the Iowa speech:

    Hannity, regarding criticism of speech, "Did teleprompter go down? Did you have trouble with the copy?":

    Palin: “I’m used to teleprompters not working, remember at the GOP acceptance speech in ’08, the teleprompter broke there, too, and I kept going. …I don’t know. I received a standing ovation throughout AND at the end of the speech, so I don’t know, I think a lot of the herd mentality of some of the reporters kind of exacerbates some of the criticism. But I don’t know what anybody really would, when you really talk about the meat, the content of the speech, would criticize when I talk about courage and integrity and a track record of any candidate that is needed in order to be able to sincerely serve the people of America, who deserve real hope and real change and not more of the same, not more of the status quo, this Old energy, if you will, but we need new energy, new ideas, and, as I say, very, very important having a track record of proving what works.”

    Could someone please do a sentence diagram of that baby?

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      I now have a head ache.

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      The nuns at Cardinal Newman High wouldn't even tackle this one.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Oh good god! She doesn't say what she thinks she said but when she hears what she said she thinks she said what she meant to say yet obviously she has never understood what the hell she says.

      The only smart one in the family says bullshit!

  43. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Even The Right Scoop is being to be disgusted with her antics...

    Sarah Palin: “I along with others on a deep bench are no doubt thinking about 2016…”

    Hannity tried to pin Sarah Palin down on whether she’s really interested in 2016 and he didn’t get very far. She continues giving these general, vague answers to the question of whether she’s interested in a 2016 run:

    “I along with others on a deep bench are no doubt thinking about it but it’s much too early to say whether I, and others I’m sure would answer the same way, they, would be throwing their hat in the ring.”

    Honestly, that sounds like an Obama answer. Why can’t she just say ‘Yes I’m interested’ or ‘No, I’m not’. Why does she have to couch her answers by including everyone else? It’s that right there that makes me think she’s not running because her answers are hard to take seriously.

    Most other potential candidates are very clear about their intentions. The vague non-answers are so 2014.

    Later in the interview Palin also responds to criticisms about her speech and hammers BillO for stupid comments he made about the GOP candidates.

    I know some will call me a Palin hater or something. It’s as I’ve said before. I genuinely like Sarah Palin a great deal. I’ve always been a supporter of her and believe she is a common sense conservative. But I’m gonna need to see more concrete actions before I’ll believe she’s really interested in a 2016 run.


    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Let me help you out, she's not running because if she does, she'll have to give up faux noos, FYI Nothing she says could EVER be compared to President Obama

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      "...believe she is a common sense conservative"

      This probably accounts for the writer's inability to analyze Sarah Palin's answers.

  44. Anonymous8:08 PM

    C4p tonight;
    Sarah is talking in code to her supporters. The rest of the folks think she is giving her opinion on the qualifications the GOP needs to look for and that;s OK with them as they wonder if she will run or not. She is telling all of us that she is running and just wait for the announcement because her description can only apply to herself. Tonite, she told Hannity twice that the candidate must have a record to back up the rhetoric which he and most everyone would agree in general but what that does is eliminate all non-governors because you can't point to a governing record if you haven't governed. Then you look at the other Governors under consideration and no one but Sarah has a record of fighting corruption and crony capitalism. She is eliminating everyone else from consideration.

    1. Anonymous11:34 PM

      recently, on the puddle of urine;

      excopconservative aaron66krohn • an hour ago
      Everything about it was great. Her appearance, better than excellent, attention given to hair, makeup, clothes. We've gotten used to seeing her on SPC as a normal person, and this wasn't a normal person we were seeing, it was an executive dressed for action.

      Her agenda for the interview was clear, to call out Fox News for criticizing conservatives. She pointed out that the liberal networks never attack liberals. She singled out Bill O'Reilly who had made demeaning statements about her and Trump earlier in the evening on Fox. She didn't pick a fight with a third tier personality. She went for the top dog.

      She proceeded to spell out her agenda without hesitation. Most candidates have to read their agendas because they don't know what they stand for. And most importantly she said that "We" are going to do it. This is leadership. It would be hard to watch this interview without concluding that Sarah Palin is a fighter who knows where she is going and that she is going and that we are coming along with her and that she will beat Hillary Clinton hands down.
      6 • Reply•Share ›

      HOOHAH !!

    2. Anonymous11:39 PM

      moar pee puddle dribble;

      Elston Gunn • 2 hours ago
      Mr. Ego Tripper got Kicked in the Groin tonight, Sarah has had it with Fuax, they have had all their little soldier sheeple bashing Sarah Palin for several years now, that is why Sarah said "Quasi Conservative Network" she got her digs in for all to hear! The BOR bashing was loooooong overdue, look for him to send out his Pet Yorkie Megan Kelly to go after her....I say Bring it on, This is War!
      5 • Reply•Share ›

      spiritof76 • 3 hours ago
      Sarah is talking to America and it is resonating! And as it does she is becoming articulate and focused. The paths to her talking points are sometimes lengthy but once she makes her point.... Boom, it makes so much sense.
      3 • Reply•Share ›

      carolhaka • 3 hours ago
      I think that was the Palin version of a resignation! As in, i'm mad as hell and ain't gonna take it any longer!
      3 • Reply•Share ›

      AZnonna • 3 hours ago
      Better than her Iowa speech., clearly listing points in the Palin Plan. I wish she had mentioned foreign policy and national security, big issues with the public right now. But yes, she was on fire.
      2 • Reply•Share ›

      hope4palins AZnonna • an hour ago
      My personal wild guess is that we will see an interesting take on those subjects when she speaks at Cambridge.
      • Reply•Share ›


      whew ...

  45. Anonymous8:13 PM

    6:35 PM
    On the upside, cults provide their beneficiaries with a ready-made army of apologists and sponsors — people, that is, who have primed themselves to push back hard against the most modest of slights and to exact a price from anyone who exhibits the temerity to criticize their focus._______

    She is still wearing the Cult costume for Hannity.

    Her eyes are flying all over.

  46. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I never watch hannity, but I had to see how she spin that speech she gave, she had a serious butt burn and it was PRICELESS! I don't think she even mention President Obama by name, o'reilly is her next target, getting out my popcorn cause this is going to be good,lol, and she better hope she don't paint herself into a corner, cause if she lose that job at faux she's giving up steady income, which is why she won't run in 2016, even one of their host said that, oh my what's a grifter to do?

  47. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey C4P did you hear that? She is NOT running! She has just shown the world that she cannot handle it! She went off on a rant instead of calmly facing the questions.

    This is "Your Sarah" a petty demigod full of hate and venom.

    This is not being tough, this is her being a bitch! and do not mistake one for the other,she is pissed that her act is getting old ya know like her.

    Run, Sarah or don't you have the cajones to? All blow and no show, get off the sidelines and put your botox mouth on shows that really demand a debate, and no Fox news as your employer doesn't count.

  48. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Anonymous5:33 PM

    Hello all, a Wasillian here....

    anon5:33 since you live in Wasilla, would you like to volunteer to do a Wellness Check on Sarah Palin?

    Aww fuck it, does anybody really care? If Sarah strokes then Trig will have another step stool.

  49. A wonderful recap AJ! Many thanks:-)

    I can see it in my minds eye...Fox intern in the booking dept gets the bad news at 12:07 PM NYC time on Monday...he/she is given a folder and told to call a 'Palin staffer." An entire continent away a cell phone rings in Wasilla, AK..."Helaumphwhankfluar...this is Bristol! ( she had a mouth full of junk food or, Junker???). Fox kid..."ahhh, we can do Hannity Tue night, she needs to be camera ready and miced up by 8:45 PM eastern...just have her sit and watch the feed, we'll break in when Sean's ready...ok?" Bristol...(farts first)..."thanks for the convo!! That'll be totally awesome and I'll work my ass hard to get my mom the message.!" Fox intern hangs up, pukes in wastebasket, leaves building...he'll be found 4 days later, dead, in a snow bank, as a Felafel cart guy digs out a space...cause of death will be listed as immediate onset toxic stupid contact. (similar to Ebola, he just liquefied inside, then bled out.)

    6:22 PM eastern...Menard Hockey Arena Annex on the dead lake...interior shot, Bristol splayed on couch eating KFC (young voice in background screaming Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit!!)...Bristol..."dad, Mom's on tonight, get her up..." Todd begins to sweat and moves toward master suite (were you would usually charge the Zamboni...oh, Bristol farts.)

    Todd to SP..."come on, we need to get you ready." SP..."what, what, what...what am I talking about, who will be on with Sean, did Bristol get notes????? (imagine her manic and pissed...and smelly) Todd...'no, booker said Sean would ask you some general questions." SP...(getting more agitated) "where's my phones? Where's Willow? I need to see what they are saying about me...GODDAMMIT!! Fucker O'Riely!!! TODDDD!!! I'm thirsty...!!!"(he brings the "special punch", her wig and mic...off they go to the studio.

    5 min before Hannity will break in...SP sits in the chair in front of the camera. (Todd has set it up so Fox NYC can manipulate the shot...he's now 29 miles away racing down the hwy in his truck hoping a log truck crosses the double yellow, or moose jumps out...Todd is a man of hope) Willow is sitting in a corner frigging with her phone...Jill Hadassah cops a squat next to her foot...same small boy voice can still be heard, but muffled...Bullshit! Bullshit Bullshit!

    SP is now breathing, shallow, strained...she's muttering to herself..."black bitch, they laughed at my flute solo, what do you mean i cant fire the librarian, old fucks on this commission, he said i had the chest of an 14 yr old boy, all right, i'm ready, that Wooten fucker is toast, mccain...cindy, what a bitch, leave my standing alone in the dark on a stage in Scottsdale, i'll show...what do you mean we have to pay for the attorneys, i'm the govenorshipness...i'll show them all..."

    One single klieg light kicks on and the camera light flicks to red, Sarah's wonky eye locks on that light...her other eye is looking at her left tit, a voice comes thru the earpiece (the Fred Flinstonesque dulcet tones of the smartest person in the Hannity house and the dumbest fucker ever born in Levittown, NY)..."Glad to have Gov Sarah Palin joining us tonight..."

    Now kids, you know how the magic was made, right up to the point where AJ gave us that wonderful description of Skank's interview.

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I especially the Sarah Palin self-talk. You have talent.

    2. Anonymous1:29 AM

      Mike D - hysterical rendition!! You do have talent and I especially love your description of Bristol aka Brisket. Given the crazies at the Palin Compound, we need your descriptive take on Sarah's behaviour! Thank you! I laughed and snorted myself silly!

    3. A. J. Billings5:00 AM

      Fantastic description!

      If Netflix wants to get a new TV series with criminal subjects, intrigue, high drama, and explosive current content, you should write up a sketch, and pitch them a story of the

      "Seven Years of Palin- from Diva to Despair"

  50. Anonymous8:32 PM

    This out of control idiot needs to go down in flames Gryph if you have more info on this idiot now is the time to release it.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Strike while the iron is hot is what I say.

  51. Anonymous8:33 PM

    O/T but I got a huge laugh out of this Gryphen!

    These Men Catcalling Their Undercover Mothers Is the Best Payback Ever


  52. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Politifact Updates Data On News Sources, Finds Fox News Lies Even More Than Before

    Last September, when Politifact compiled their list of which TV station lies the most vs. who tells the truth the most, one shouldn’t be shocked to see Fox News took the cake for most lies with 58 percent of statements being made being rated “Mostly False,” “False.” or “Pants on Fire.” NBC and MSNBC came in second place with 45 percent of statements being false, and CNN came in third with only 22 percent.

    Well now we’re in January, and Politifact has updated their list to see, again, which station lies the most and who tells the truth the most.

    Politifact measured their statements “made by a pundit or a host or paid contributor on a particular network. They do not include statements made by elected leaders, declared candidates or party officials.”

    Again, it should be of no surprise that Fox News takes first place in the lies department. Even less shocking, their number of lies jumped from 58 percent to 60 percent. NBC and MSNBC dropped to 44 percent, and CNN dropped to 20 percent.

    According to Politifact:


  53. Anonymous8:38 PM

    C4p TK:
    She is definitely running. I believe, last Thursday, Todd said something like this to her... "Honey I will see you after election day 2016, We are all good here in Wasilla.. family covered! Go do what God has directed you to do! I will make sure everything is ready for the move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue... God's will is a restored America!. Let's do it! We KNOW your are ready for Hillary

    Gee, I just don't think that is how it went...

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Well, "Honey" is the tip off that is C4p-er is really in cloud-cuckoo-land.

  54. Anonymous9:04 PM

    What we have witnessed for years are all the signs that Sarah Palin is a by-the-book sociopath. Sociopaths are mostly made that way through nurture -- disturbed childhoods. Psychopaths are born the way they are, with a mental defect.

    Sociopaths and psychopaths both show:

    A disregard for laws and social mores
    A disregard for the rights of others
    A failure to feel remorse or guilt
    A tendency to display violent behavior

    Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage. They are likely to be uneducated and live on the fringes of society, unable to hold down a steady job or stay in one place for very long. It is difficult but not impossible for sociopaths to form attachments with others. Many sociopaths are able to form an attachment to a particular individual or group, although they have no regard for society in general or its rules. In the eyes of others, sociopaths will appear to be very disturbed.

    Generally, sociopaths won't admit to any failings, and, therefore, are unable to benefit from therapy. Psychopaths are unable to change in any respect; they know they're right and won't listen to anyone else.

    Both sociopaths and psychopaths are dangerous, because they feel no guilt or shame, and will do virtually anything to promote their own ends.

    Stand back from Sarah Palin and look at her life, and listen to her talk, both in speeches and in her tv shows. Evaluate her dispassionately. And then say that she's not a living, breathing example of a sociopath in our midst.

    1. A. J. Billings5:06 AM

      Could not agree more. I have a relative who is sociopath, and she has burned nearly all her bridges with our family.

      She reminds me of $arah in many ways, although she is not a fame whore desperate for the glamor life of Ivana Trump.

      That's what Palin really wants, is a life of glamor, fame, and notoriety, but she doesn't want to have to do any work.

      Ivana married a billionaire.

      Poor $arah had to have a few Half jobs to get famous, but now Baby just has to keep pretending to run for President, pageant walk, and bloviate on Faux news.

  55. Okay I lied and actually DID see Palin on Hannity tonight.

    And all I can say is "HOLY SHIT!"

    It is like a continuation of her Iowa speech, all frenetic, and half baked.

    She would not let Hannity get a word in edgewise and she was making ABSOLUTELY no sense.

    I think the wheels are really coming off the old bus these days and she is careening around completely out of control.

    If any of you find a You Tube video of the interview send it my way and I will post something up tomorrow after my coffee kicks in.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      And... at around 7:30 into the clip, you can see Sarah Palin's top gap open to the point where you can see the separation of her 2 breasts. (saggy)

    2. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Watch "Sarah Palin slams Bill O'Reilly on Hannity 1/27/2015" on YouTube


    3. Boscoe9:33 PM

      I'm telling ya, I believe $arah's new strategy is to be so over the top batshit, that the Kochs' pay her to go away!

      Think about it, at this point what could be worse than an endorsement from the crazy Tourette's lady?

      I have to expect that soon she will claim her first victim as a warning shot across the Koch's bow. I wonder whose presidential hopes she'll harpoon to make her point? Someone meaningless like Christy or Paul or an easy target like Perry? Or will she show she means serious business and take out Walker first?

      I'm on the edge of my seat now!

    4. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Hannity asked Sarah if she had a campaign team and Sarah responded with she has a small campaign team. Sarah would this be your SarahPac employees? You can tell Sarah is lying, making it up as she goes along.

    5. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Enjoy.Mr. G and, as always, great work on this.


    6. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Attn G:

      Video.foxnews.com Sarah videos from Vegas, Iowa last week.

    7. Anonymous10:41 PM

      "I think the wheels are really coming off the old bus these days and she is careening around completely out of control. "


      Are you sure it's the wheels? Perhaps Track cut the brake lines.

    8. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Sarah Palin rambled on and on to prevent Hannity from asking questions. Sarah Palin is afraid to answer critical questions.

    9. Anonymous11:29 PM



    10. Anonymous1:29 AM

      She looks supremely pissed in the beginning, perhaps because Hannity's team chose to open the segment with the "Ride me, big Sheldon" clip?

    11. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Anonymous9:45 PM
      "'Hannity asked Sarah if she had a campaign team and Sarah responded with she has a small campaign team. Sarah would this be your SarahPac employees? You can tell Sarah is lying, making it up as she goes along.'''

      That small campaign team she is talking about is Todd, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. LOL

    12. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Hannity seemed really uncomfortable, like he was sad to have to do the interview and witness her coming undone.

    13. "'Hannity asked Sarah if she had a campaign team and Sarah responded with she has a small campaign team. Sarah would this be your SarahPac employees?
      Better not be. I don't think she can suddenly start using SarahPAC funds as her campaign funds.

    14. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I thought Hannity pushed her with pointed and repeated questions and was much less of a lapdog than ever before.

      I gotta think her gig at Fox has got to be just about over.

  56. Anonymous10:02 PM

    at 7:47 you can see that Sarah Palin is not wearing a bra

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      She doesn't need one. She's a rill women, doncha know? And the Belmont stay up on their own.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      She is wearing one with nip.

  57. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Nicolle Wallace on Morning Joe talking about Palin's Iowa speech:

    Wallace then doubled down with this dig: "This is who she is. This to me is evidence that she has finally shed every last one of those annoying handlers." Reeoorw!

    Video and text at NewsBusters, so click at your own risk:

  58. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Wasilla, BE ALERT!!! PayMe is in her manic phase, and $he is ARMED AND DANGEROUS! Remember, just the other day, someone gave her a custom Glock - loaded and all!

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      No problem if you move around, she will miss.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      She is targeting a guy in Michigan.

  59. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sarah Palin admits her teleprompter DID switch off during bizarre Iowa speech as she declares war on Bill O'Reilly for calling her presidential hopes a 'reality show'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2929404/Sarah-Palin-admits-teleprompter-DID-switch-bizarre-Iowa-speech-declares-war-Bill-O-Reilly-calling-presidential-hopes-reality-show.html#ixzz3Q6E8nzpP
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    1. janice2:01 AM

      She just is a lying lady. Professionals said the telecompter in 2008 did not freeze. She said she never said she would run for sure or really wanted to run, like previous reports that she said she was really serious. She must have lied her whole life. College degree, her fake pregnancy... why would anyone believe her.

    2. janice2:04 AM

      Bill O'Reilly came out on his show and made a joke of her which ticked her off. Now, Hannity asked real questions which she did not answer and I don't think he ever agreed with her, first time. I think Fox is finally telling Sarah what they really think of her.

    3. Anonymous3:40 AM

      I don't believe for a minute that the teleprompter "switched off." For one thing, Sarah Palin always makes a big deal about not using a teleprompter because President Obama usually does. (So do about all other national politicians or officials when making major addresses.) The Iowa "speech" was pure Sarah Palin. When President Obama speaks without a teleprompter he sounds like a rational person who knows what he's talking about. Sarah just sounded like herself, the only person in her little weird universe.

  60. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Pretty good mention on DailyMail about Palin's performance tonight on Hannity. They discuss her contention that her teleprompter malfunctioned ..... but she's used to that because it also failed in 2008 also and she just soldiered on.

    They also quote 2 journalists who were present during her introductory national speech in 2008 and they both attest that they could see her monitor and that it did NOT break down.

  61. Anonymous11:15 PM

    That was funny subtle humour.

  62. janice1:40 AM

    You watch, I can see her Arizona house going up for sale. She knows McCain will never have her anywhere close to his campaign. He learned his lesson too late. No one in Arizona wants her there, so watch...

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      The Scottsdale home cost her $8600 in property taxes alone last year. She's done her damndest to portray herself as a member and champion of the middle class, but her homes convey a different story.

  63. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Another conservative (former Palin fan) let's her have it! This time it's from ultra-conservative (former) Palin defender Matt Lewis: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/28/you-betcha-i-was-wrong-about-sarah-palin.html

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Wow, that's huge. He has been one of her biggest and most loyal defenders since before the 08 campaign.

      She's toast politically. Things are going to get ugly for her. I'm sure she'll still have some paid speaking gigs, but no more support from anyone who matters. What a fool she has been and continues to be.

  64. Wow, she really is angry. And yes, Sarah, please do take on Bill O'Reilly. *pops popcorn*

    Did anyone else notice the tacky Harley Davidson leather and rhinestone cuff? Very presidential.

  65. Anonymous4:05 AM

    ...Instead of going back to Alaska after the 2008 defeat, boning up on the issues, continuing her work as governor, and forging a national political comeback, she cashed in with reality shows and paid speaking gigs...


    That's our Sarah From Alaska

  66. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Paul Deemer,
    Greenville, United States, about an hour ago

    Sarah Palin just can't accept she is a nobody. She messed up her political future by abandoning her state as Governor. After She and McCain lost in 2008 that was the end of her political future. It is just laughable to think that The Republican Party would give this woman the Nomination. So really anyone who donates to her campaign is throwing money down the toilet. Fools are soon parted from their money

  67. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Does all this criticism from conservatives mean the powers that be are going to stop protecting her and let baby gate come to light?

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Don't count on it. The only way it will come out is if Palin really loses it and point the blame on Republicans.

    2. 5:46, the way she's going, that's not outside the realm of possibility.

      I doubt babygate will ever come out. It just seems too implausible to normal folk, even though it's pretty clear if you look at the evidence with an open mind.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      As she gets more and more marginalized, people are going to care less and less about babygate.

      I do think it will eventually come out, but even if it came out now, most people consider her such a has been, it wouldn't really matter. To me, to us, yes, it matters that the truth is told about this horrid woman.

  68. Chenagrrl5:45 AM

    But did you notice her girls pulling at the buttons on her blouse?

  69. TwoBlueJays7:15 AM

    Just watched with the sound off. WHAT THE HELL was going on with her and that dress/shirt?? No bra, lots of wriggling and squeezing her boobs together. At one point Faux put a banner across the bottom of the screen in an attempt to cover her up. That was a ridiculous amount of cleavage. Yuck.


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