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Actually when she quit she left behind a 70% debt-to-GP-ratio in Alaska. Nothing responsible about that. |
The Political Earthquake leased our first digital billboard in Des Moines, Iowa. It is located on Fleur Dr. 600' North of Bell St. a major thoroughfare connecting the Des Moines Int. Airport and Downtown. Our billboard will run during the Iowa Freedom Summit from Monday the 19th of January through Sunday the 25th. It will display three separate message each displayed for 8 seconds and all encouraging folks to join us and support Sarah Palin to run in 2016. If you happen to be in the area we would love to see photos or read any local news coverage of our efforts.
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Seriously? |
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By who? |
I have little doubt that by then the Iowans will have had plenty of time to laugh out loud at them, and the morons ignorant enough to have paid for them.
At this point anybody who can still convince themselves that Sarah Palin would ever seriously run for President, needs to immediately check themselves into the nearest mental health facility before they hurt themselves.
OK, this digital billboard is just begging to be hacked :D
ReplyDeleteYou beat me to it.......
Deletewonder what "records" the palin's/heath's had stashed here >>> http://www.adn.com/article/20150120/after-hourslong-battle-officials-say-blaze-destroyed-wasilla-building-under-control
Happy Dawn's thrift store.
Bristol and Willow found out where Sarah has been procuring her wardrobe and they are trying to put an end to her source. Bristol wants to dress her in the new blood camo-thong style. Willow will be doing her the road kill hair extensions.
Vetted? Does that mean Jill was taken to the animal doctor for spinal issues?
DeleteI hope she got all her shots, especially Sarah and her wordsalad ringwom dressing.
DeleteWell yes she is vetted--and the vetters uniformly agree: unfit for responsibility, dogcatcher on up.
DeleteShe just wants to keep the donations coming in, she will never run...
ReplyDeleteI am reading a doggy chiropractor book and they say a dog should never be adjusted without supporting the back by holding the stomach...I wish I could ask them about a Huge kid standing on the dog's back with no support....uh huh.
Deleteoh and about the FS Dumbquake: Thonghazi go.shr.lc/1oY8asz Squeeeeee!!!!
And more fun! The pig castrator is doing the rebuttal to SOTU! Oh boy can't wait!! Gop putting up their best.... NOT!
I can't believe these fucking idiots!
Race don't run!
DeleteCan't wait for Iron Dogs to do what they do!
Todd Palin's #IronDog race winnings are going to The Chris Kyle Memorial Fund. #Team11 honored "American Warrior RIP"
Did Todd cheat or does he just glom on to stronger men?
Hey, I didn't know that the Amazin' Amurikan was a Vet, also too! Wowser, how impressive! Where did she serve--fighting alongside our ally North Korea in the Country of Africa?
ReplyDeleteShe was 'ringin' those bells and firing those warning shots to warn the British.
DeleteBetter bring the "Belmonts."
ReplyDeleteVetted? Vetted??? Rub a lamp!
Vetted? Maybe they took Jill to the vet to be de-wormed.
DeleteIs Becky Beach going to be there? Or is she too busy fending off SPCA trying to shut down her puppymill scam? http://go.shr.lc/1xNCff9
DeleteHey Thanks Sarah!
The Palin Curse strikes AGAIN!!!
Rumor has it Becks is back in rehab! Palin done out her over the edge and she's using!
DeleteLaugh all you want but she REALLY IS running this time. Millions want her too and she is the very best bet to beat Hilary.
ReplyDeleteEver notice that conservative women are far more attractive than libs? It does matter.
Fight like a girl! Palin/Cruz 2016 ! Just wait haters.
Deletesnark extraordinaire - well done !!
DeleteWhat's her "too" and why do millions want it? Is it like a laundry detergent, a floor polish, or a personal hygiene product?
Oh wait, scratch that last one--literally!
Oh anon at6:43 Thonghazi! http://go.shr.lc/1oY8asz
Delete"Don't cuss swillow"!
"Track, track talk to policeman...." Oh yea Run sarah run!!! All your secrets will come out!!! Todd The pimp, the druggie family, the fake pregnancy!!!
And all the "other" shit.
Squeee!!! Run Sarah Run!!!
And why "does it matter" if Libs are not as "attractive" as Cons? Tell us stupid? How looks contribute to running for POTUS?
And her looks have faded for sure from 08! Methface! LOL! You can't be rill!
We can hardly wait for her to run. Get in the ring and fight like a girl that's what she has been doing is fighting like a girl. A mean girl snipping and sniping and hating is not attractive even with the wigs, stage makeup, fake tits, and high rise shoes.
DeleteAll Sarah does is stir the shit and claim she is cleaning out the barn. Iowegians are smarter than than to buy her line of bullshit. Trig has learned to call her out on it verbally.
If Sarah runs GOP or XYZ, she will lose. And, the GOP would lose as a result of a third party bid.
We don't hate Sarah. We hate her hateful bullshit and the way she a promoted division in our country. She is always pointing her finger at those of us that don't agree with her....screeching hate on us and she doesn't have a clue who we are.
So Sarah the political pole dance is done. Your poll numbers are what count. And, by your statements and actions we know we really, really, really won't vote for you.
Game on
RJ in BBistan
Delete"Ever notice that conservative women are far more attractive than libs? It does matter"
Please, please go to palinquake.com and click on the Alabama photos in the albums on the right column. Scroll through the photos, the group one outside the house is especially good. The earthquake leader is the large lady in black, front right bottom. Yeah, that is one good looking group of women.
7:17-trying to make a point? How about writing in grammatically correct full sentences. Is that you CW ?
DeleteYou are off your rocker RJ. Your hate is seriously out of control. You don't hate? Yeah sure, smh.
DeleteHold the football steady, Lucy. This time, Charlie Brown really will kick it.
DeleteShe's NOT running.
DeleteShe'll be eaten alive.
GOP women -- Jan Brewer, Joni Ernst, Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle. Beauty queens, all!
DeleteDemocratic women -- Kirsten Gillibrand, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Jean Shaneen.
Beautiful and smart. Can't be beat.
@ the LUNATIC PALINBOT at 6:43
DeleteYou know what we enjoy a lot? The schadenfreude of watching you $arah worshipers weeping and howling when the Queen of Quitters announces yet again that "I won't be runnin' fur Prezidents"
And WTF are you babbling about that "conservative" wimmins look better than them librul hags?
Might I point out to you some of the more recent
pictures of your Idol $arah in her PUBLIC appearances? Please do explain how Granny Grifter is lookin' so good in these photos:
Please tell us librul haterz why a 50 year old Granny would go out for a public appearance wearing skin tight clam diggers, obviously fake tits, a fuck me belt buckle, a SUPERMAN shirt sized for a child, and the world's FUGLIEST shoes ever produced?
You call that nightmare on two legs "attractive"?
You really should go get some mental health counseling or something
Anonymous7:33 AM
DeleteShe's NOT running.
She'll be eaten alive.
Slayed like a Salmon!
7:03--- It isn't snark. The tell? "Hilary" is spelled wrong.
DeleteMisspelling---the trademark of the teatard.
Anonymous7:29 AM
Delete7:17-trying to make a point? How about writing in grammatically correct full sentences.
the Grammer troll...FFS go make your own blog! What a uptight asshole!Why come here and shit up the comments with your nonsense?
You Rilly are a idiot! Alicia is that you? Tallahassee or NYC troll?
I see you've woken up from your methrun of the other night.
Must be hard keepin' up with all Sarah's dumbassed comments? 'eh?
@ 6:43...need to know, most excellent snark? Or, are you making a serious comment?
DeleteA J Billings7:56 AM
Delete@ the LUNATIC PALINBOT at 6:43
Ooooh better watch out AJ you will make the troll maddd, and not being grammerful and all!
She is RILLY runnin' h8'rs! Y'all be sorry!
LOL smh lol!
A J Billings7:56 AM
DeleteThanks for posting those photos...lol...you've made my day. She looks like a retard...like a dork...and the one on the stage, with the ugly shoes & the "S" t-shirt.... In Palin's own words: "WTF!"
Slayed like a Salmon!
Clubbed like a halibut?
BWAHAHAHAHA Somebody has taken too many MEDS and is Frantically kissing Sarah's Hoohah.6:43 AM Is that you Alicia Francine Fix-Luke?
Delete6:43 AM
DeleteWe want her to 'really' run this time. That would make for some great laughs!! RUN SARAH RUN!!
I so love that she is using this proof again.
If only she could show more pictures of Chris Kyle and that she really did know him so well and his family. It is a great story that the Kyles were there when Trig spoke his first words at age 4. They were all so close. Track was "star struck" and Trig told his older brother...
"He told his older brother to quit picking on him, or something like that." Todd Palin
Mitt Romney received nearly 61 million votes in 2012. If the entire GOP Base, which is estimated at 25% of the party, if they all jumped ship and voted for Palin she'd only get 15 million votes,. Ross Perot received 19 million votes as a third party candidate in his last run in 1992 and no electoral votes. However, he had support from people of all political persuasions, not just conservatives.
DeleteThe last time a third party candidate received ANY electoral votes was George Wallace in 1968 and he was a 4-term Governor with a solid political track record and had run for President 3 times already. He was running on the Southern populist platform denying black equal rights. Even with the anti-integration sentiments present in the South at the time he still received less than 10 million votes, however the Southern states did give him some of their electoral votes, hoping to stave off integration and equal rights for blacks.
Given the current populist uprising in the South she could maybe garner a few electoral votes down there, if she runs a strong anti-immigration and anti-equal rights campaign and stands firm on God, Guns and Babies. What she won’t have is much, if any, crossover from the Independents and Democrats.
The best case scenario is that she gets 25% of the GOP vote and takes a few electoral votes from states that were already going to the GOP.
There is no way she can win this but she can certainly lose it for the GOP and then we’ll forever have Sarah Palin to thank for helping whoever is the Democratic candidate win the 2016 election.
So yeah, I look forward to her running. It will definitely make things interesting and I look forward to her answering some lingering questions once she is thrust back into the political spotlight. Running as a third party candidate she won’t have a giant political machine backing her and will have to put herself even MORE out there in order to win votes. She can’t hide behind Facebook; she needs to be kissin’ babies and shakin’ hands and begging the media to give her air time, and along with that air time comes interviews, often unscripted interviews involving policy questions and questions about the nuts and bolts of her administration.
Personally I don’t think she’s up to the task but hey, if you do then start raising money now, you’re going to need it, billions, not millions, and it is notoriously difficult for third party candidates to raise that sort of cash. That is why historically they are independently wealthy people who run third party. Ross Perot and Steve Forbes are good examples and Palin’s net worth is not nearly large enough to fund a Presidential campaign on her own.
So get to work and good luck!
DeleteBeing 'far more attractive' only sells sex, doesn't work for being President. ;-)
So many cliches, so little time, anon@643a? Almost inclined to think this is an IM plant, out to increase hits to the site.
DeletePlease proceed.
6:43 AM,
Delete"Conservative women are more attractive! Looks do matter!"
lol. Conservatives are so proud of their shallowness. No wonder they worship $arah Palin.
Well, $arah Palin's "good looks" didn't help McCain/Palin win in 2008, and Palin's been going downhill ever since! If you read the polls, Palin's "good looks" haven't stopped most Americans from hating her, either!
So, you think conservative women Barbara Bush, and Greta Van Susteren are "attractive?" Hahahahahahahaha!
$arah Palin is NOT running for president! And, even if she was, she could never beat Hillary Clinton. Conservative women are BIMBOS. Conservative women use their "looks" because they're not smart enough. Liberal women don't have to look, and act like sluts to move up in the world. The most successful women in politics are democrats like Hillary Clinton, not failed, unemployed, half-term D-Listers, like $arah Palin.
I don't think Senator Cruz is the type to take 2nd billing. His ego wouldn't let him.
DeleteJust for laughs!
DeleteThey look like they are related.
DeleteHillary mis-spelled ...
i noticed that but was giving the benefit of the doubt ..
6:43, Trig says bullshit!
DeleteI think we now know who Bristol modeled her chin implant after, her biggest fan!
Have you seen conservative women lately? I've seen the south end of northbound hippos with better looks, but looks aren't everything, amirite skislope chin?
DeleteThanks for my laugh of the day!!!
DeleteThe only way the Republicans would run her was if they wanted to lose again and I am sure if she tried to run as 3rd party, she would get a visit in the middle of the night.
I think McCain got scared with the economic melt down and knew he was in over his head. He told his advisors to find someone that would lose the campaign for him and they dug up Palin.
As for your idiotic comment" Ever notice that conservative women are far more attractive than libs? It does matter."
Is this the reason Sarah keeps using photos from 6 years ago? Because she really has lost her "looks".
I can't image Sarah is very happy with this PAC, after all it will be taking money away from her family slush fund and if they think she has already been vetted, they ain't seen nothing yet-the Internet is forever!!!
Also there is a mistake on the billboard-should have read PROVEN QUITTER.
On Chris Matthews' show yesterday (MSNBC), he put up a recent poll done by Republicans, showing those possibly running for POTUS in 2016 and Mitt Romney came in first with Sarah Palin coming in fourth or fifth with 30%! She was actually ahead of Chris Christie in the poll!
ReplyDeleteMatthews showed that he was shocked Palin was appearing in the poll and that she had that much support! Something is going on here - all of a sudden she has money to run these boards in Iowa and she's going there? And, she's 'vetted'? That especially cracked me up - countering the lack of vetting McCain did by any chance? This is going to be interesting.
Big day today - President Obama's speech tonight and the Alaska Legislature opens its session in Juneau.
See haters! She is running and little Jesse here can't stop her with his threats of exposure. Believe me, he will never find a thing.
DeleteShe IS vetted. By the horrible lib media. Everyone knows it but the 20 people who read here.
What's your next big reveal Jessie? Smh
From Trig: "BULLSHIT" hahahahaha
Delete@7:12 Sarah will never run for any office. She would actually have to show her tax returns and some documents that she never showed in 2008. Running for office is hard work. Sarah does not do hard work. That's for the little people. All that Sarah wants is attention and money.
DeleteWhat websites will you troll when you find out that Sarah is not running in 2016?
She IS vetted.
True. That's why she is persona non grata to Americans. The only ones who pay attention to her anymore are you handful of fans and us that come here to laugh at her antics. Oh, and a few venues that have her speak for entertainment.
It's quite entertaining. Thank you Sarah and Co.
7:32- what will you bitch about when she does?
DeleteThe world be calling her Madame President and you haters will still be here waiting for the big reveal!
Madame President? Seriously? The GOP will never run a woman in the top slot, and after the number Sarah did on McCain, they will not run one as VP for decades either. Did you notice the only woman in a recent poll put out by the GOP was Carly Fiorino, the failed CEO of HP? Not Sarah Palin. Not one of the female Governors. Oh no. White men and a failed CEO who is despised in California. So dream on, little troll. Sarah Palin will never be President of anything...not even the local PTO wants her.
DeleteAnonymous7:12 AM
DeleteSee haters! She is running and little Jesse here can't stop her with his threats of exposure.
Hmmmm stupid last time you said that the Thonghazi Audio came out! Keep talkin' idiot!
I'll believe she is running when I see her be interviewed on the Sunday TV shows (they won't give her the questions ahead of time!) and see her actually participate in debates with other candidates of the Republican Party and/or TeaBagger Party.
DeleteShe's vetted alright, that's why she wasn't even INVITED to the 2012 Republican Convention.
DeleteShe had to rent a pathetic little booth down the street outside the convention hall, and never even showed up there!
Poor, poor $arah, always the runner up, lost to the black beauty queen, lost to the black President, and quit in shame and humiliation.
By the way, the truth of why she quit as Governor is pretty explosive. That's just one of the reasons she will never run as President, because the people who know and can prove it will spill their guts
The world already DOES call her Madame President. In her own imagination.
Delete"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!"....
Snork. Someone needs to take their meds. Sarah will never run for POTUS.
DeleteShe doesn't have the guts, stamina, courage, fortitude to actually run for POTUS. All she wants is the attention and money. She really doesn't want the job.
She'll never be Madame President, not even of the Wasilla PTA, dog owner's club, motorcycle club, etc. She's can be president of her PAC because that at least pays well and she can fleece people for money.
Anonymous7:45 AM
DeleteOne of her best looks: https://austinisafecker.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/palin9n-2-web.jpg
Oooh, if she runs for president, then she will have to show her REAL medical records, not some lame letter put out the night before the election! Yes, yes, yes! Bring it on!
DeleteThis blog gets more traffic than the Pee Pond. I hear $arah Palin's channel isn't doing so hot, either. And, $arah Palin is too chicken shit to run for president. She would get her ass beat! lol.
Delete7:12 AM,
DeleteI don't know what poll Chris Matthews was citing, but the majority of Americans DO NOT want $arah Palin to run for president. The CBS poll said about 60% of REPUBLICANS do not want $arah Palin to run for president! Her own damn party doesn't want her, and neither does the rest of America!
DeleteShe can barely walk, maybe she's definitely segwaying? Riding a broom?
DeleteWhat is the deal on those boards at the bottom? Not endorsed by Sarah Palin, but it is her Earthquake PAC? Don't understand that? Does anyone?
ReplyDeleteA bunch of losers quit their jobs in 2012 to campaign for her, and at their own expense. She didn't bother to tell them she wasn't running even when she KNEW she wasn't. And they are doing it again.
DeleteIt's insanity. Doing the same thing unsuccessfully over and over.
this supposed PAC is the brainchild ( brainchild ?!? ) of some other inbred dipshit's ...
DeleteWhen those women were younger, they idolized some movie star or singer. This is just another case of fans worshiping someone. Let them throw their money away. Less for Sarah.
DeleteI am proud to call that dipshit my sister! OK, not proud, don't even speak to her, and although our parents were both from Kentucky, I don't think we are inbred. Sandy (the fanclub) leader reminds me of Sarah in soooo many ways.
DeleteSo so sorry you have to claim that for your sibling.
DeleteI have always wondered what $arah worshippers were like in the real world and suspected they were $arah wannabes locked in emotionally at 13.
Well, 7:30 was spot on. I have commented in the past, she shares similar religious convictions, parenting style, fiscal responsibility, knowledge of history, politics and many other traits as Sarah Palin.
DeleteBy the way, when I mentioned that our parents were both Kentuckians, in response to the "inbred" joke, I wasn't implying Kentuckians are inbred. I was trying to ward off the obvious implication. I love KY and my extended KY family are some of the most kind, decent, hard working, loving people on earth.
DeleteThe Earthquake PAC is a SuperPAC and there can be no collusion between a SuperPAC and a candidate. SarahPAC is a leadership PAC which she can use to support other candidates or to "promote political ideology", however, once she announces a candidacy she will be cut off from SarahPAC since leadership PACs cannot be used for the PAC owner's own campaign, only the campaigns of others.
Chuck Heath, Jr. is not a candidate. He is unemployed. His wife won't even get a job. What's a guy like that to do? Take kick backs, deal on the black market, help bil with a secret trafficking operation?
DeleteI love KY and ancestors. If you go back far enough and not so far you will likely find "inbred", it's not a joke and not just KY. It happens a lot in places, like Alaska, also, too. Not that rare, just very secret.
DeleteSarah's PAC is not a leadership Pac.
DeleteAccording to the Federal Election Commission, a "leadership PAC" (or leadership Political Action Committee) is defined as "a political committee that is directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained or controlled by a candidate or an individual holding federal office, but is not an authorized committee of the candidate or officeholder and is not affiliated with an authorized committee of a candidate or officeholder."
The terminology regarding Non-Connected and Leadership PACs does usually refer to the PACs being held by political leaders or those currently holding political office, however, it is not a requirement.
There are only 4 types of PACs and SarahPAC is neither a Connected PAC or a SuperPAC thus it must fall somewhere in the realm of Non-Connected/Leadership PAC.
The links above give more detail on defining PACs.
Aha, here is the actual SarahPAC report and it is listed as a Leadership PAC/Republican Leadership PAC.
Deleteinbred in alaska ?
just like the palin's/heath's for example ?
however, once she announces a candidacy she will be cut off from SarahPAC
And this is the real reason she will never run.
Oh gosh, the family will have to get real jobs-
earthquake ( bowel ) movement page >>> Linda LaFianza, Caye Durbin, George Meyer and 26 others like this. <<<
ReplyDelete29 total likes, fukin' mind boggling ...
How many FB pages does this woman have!!!! These people, and I mean her entire KKKLan, have a monopoly in FB pages. And it's all to get FREE STUFF & FREE MONEY! These LAZY people are the lowest of the low.
ReplyDeleteShe is far more successful than you,smh.
DeleteHow so? My kids graduated with honors from Big 10 schools, are married, have professional jobs, and will never get into a drunken brawl. Ever. My husband just retired after 37 years with the same company, and we will have a great retirement. I teach music and love every second of it. I don't need to see myself on TV, blurting nonsense about history and government and blasting the President and his family for no reason. Sarah is sick. Not successful.
DeleteWant to see what the people who know her best from Alaska have to say about her?
DeleteGreat website for finding the truth about $arah the Queen of Quitters
That's the joke. You believe it. Lol.
DeleteInsane Palin worshipper.
Anonymous7:46 AM
Delete"She is far more successful than you,smh."
If you call success getting money without working and lying on your ass... I work for a living and I am very proud to have a job, and proud to have worked my ass off to get an advanced degree--A real one, not like lying $carah's.
In which case success is not the same as what you teabaggers call success.
To teabaggers success is beng a liar and getting FREE STUFF, and of course being rabid racists.
Delete@7:46 AM Why are you always 'Scratching My Hoohah'? Alicia Fix-Luke are you successful? Have you found a job yet? Do you still live off of your Parents? Are you still inserting strangers' names onto Porn sites? You are a sick Bitch.
DeleteA J Billings8:07 AM
Great find AJ!!! Thanks!
7:46 AM,
DeletePresident Obama is more successful than both you, and $arah Palin. lol.
8:49 AM
DeleteTry The Oklahoman.
The "proven leader" quit halfway through her term of office as governor. The "fiscally responsible" person runs a PAC that spends more than it takes in. Sarah Palin has yet to show Trig's birth certificate, her own hospital records showing that she gave birth to him, and the transcript of her grades and record of graduation from University of Idaho. Sarah was never vetted. Oh, and she will never run for president. She just does this to get more contributions to her private slush fund otherwise known as her PAC.
ReplyDeleteWhy should she show Trigs BC? That isn't part of vetting. Has any other candidate been asked for their children's birth certificate?
DeleteSo what if she adopted him? It will just endear people more that she helped this boy and protected his mother. You are foolish.
So what????? After years of lying about it???
DeleteNo, but they ARE asked for their tax returns and their medical records, neither of which she or Mitt provided. A letter from your doc the night before the elections saying you are healthy is NOT medical records. And yes, medical records for a female would include the number of pregnancies, miscarriages, and other information, none of which we got on dear special Sarah Louise.
DeleteShe just does this to get more contributions to her private slush fund otherwise known as her PAC.
Isn't that called MONEY LAUNDERING? Oh boy just in time for the IRS to do another Audit on her! :)
7:48 AM Sweetie, think you foolish!
DeleteWhen you 'fake' a pregnancy and say you birthed a child with DS (for the 'supposed' benefit and actual 'loss' of a national campaign), when many facts show no pregnancy (!), there are those of us who do want to see actual 'proof' that the DS child actually came from her loins!
Sarah Palin is a known liar, unethical and fraud! Check the facts - especially in Alaska!
DeleteIts called Ins. Fraud.
And RILLY all the Palin kids should be DNA'd to determine IF they are really native....IE: Todd's spawn.
And her is TriGGER that Sarah says can't talk Anonymous7:48 AM
Which TriG can't talk? Too many questions swirling around her kids and TooBull...after pips!
Deal with dum-dumb she isn't running for anything....
except maybe from the law when certain things come to light.
7:48 -- Great, if she adopted him. But she wrote a book in which she gave plenty of details about being in labor and giving birth. She also spoke about the experience.
DeleteThe time to say he was adopted was in April, 2008.
Two years later, she wrote a book about being pregnant.
She's a liar and a con artist, is what you're saying.
"Anonymous 7:48 AM Why should she show Trigs BC? That isn't part of vetting. Has any other candidate been asked for their children's birth certificate? So what if she adopted him?"
DeleteThe cluelessness of a Palinbot never fails to amaze me.
The obvious answer to everyone but you: BECAUSE SHE LIED!!! About EVERYTHING.
In Dallas to other governors, to Alaskans, to her own staff, to her children, to McCain and his crew, to evangelicals, to all Americans, over and over again.
The wonder is, she's changed her story apparently forgetting previous lies about Trig, that her devoted followers haven't picked up on her discrepancies.
Blind faith, apparently an ingrained characteristic of the right wingers.
7:48 Just fell off of the turnip truck and bumped her head. Tri-g was not birthed by Sarah Palin=FRAUD!
DeleteIf you are a genuine charlatan the way to make money off of suckers is to have a heath/health scam. Like get sympathy with your incurable cancer when you have no such thing. Or maybe you could stuff your tight abs with a square pillow and make a video about how you are a physical specimen of the great pregnancy. There are just so many ways to run with the fraud and you can include your whole family. Think of the greatness they can all achieve being part of such a wonderful successful family. Think of all the money they can all make just by starting one original fraud quest.
It is a never ending saga, to live long after they are all in prison and can write better books with better ghostwriters.
Anon at 7:48 am. And, in addition to lying about her pregnancy for political purposes, she has used it and the child to get money from people who can probably ill afford to spend it. Sarah Palin is a criminal.
ouspensky Yeah, I agree. After years of lying about it Bill Cosby should get a pass about drugging women in order to fulfill his little penis desire for control.
Delete"It will blow you away. It was awesome. It's all about American values."
Sarah Palin
7:48 AM,
DeleteWhy did President Obama need to show his birth certificate, and his college transcripts? No other president has ever had to do the same? Becoming president doesn't require a college degree. Trig's real parentage does matter, because $arah Palin made up some story (which Trig says is BULLSHIT!) about giving birth to a Downs-Syndrome baby so she could pander to the pro-lifers. If she was "protecting" his mother, why didn't she just say so? And, what would she be "protecting" his mother from? If Toad had Trig with another woman, it would only endear her to the already brain-dead morons who like her. She would look like a lying hypocrite to everybody else. You are foolish.
I personally don't care about Trig's birth certificate but a full medical history on Mrs. Palin will be part and parcel of her run for POTUS, and boy howdy, will that be a barnburner!
DeleteYeah, birth certificate would mean which bc and which Trig.
DeleteSarah's DNA, which has been checked and any and all of the Trig's DNA. Not all has been taken. Those in the know just need to get this to a grand jury somehow so the DNA can be done legit with chain of evidence documented by both sides.
Not that much longer.
"Fiscally Responsible"?"Proven Leader"? "Vetted"?
ReplyDeleteThat is just truly, truly funny.
"Fiscally Responsible"?"Proven Leader"? "Vetted"?
DeleteAs Trig would say over and over again: "BULLSHIT!"
Gryphen, You just make my days worth living!
ReplyDeleteThe Earthquake Movement's FB has been operational for at least 3 years and as of today they have 3058 "likes" : what a success !...
ReplyDeleteYup, and they want everyone in Iowa to take selfies with their billboards to prove they were really there! What a bunch of losers...they have to rake in enough cash to pay themselves and then rent a billboard for a few days in Iowa? Gee, Sarah should hire these folks right away...they are brilliant! But wait, where's the sexy photo of Our Sarah? Just words? The paint chip eaters don't read...they like visuals! Sarah with a gun. Sarah with a dog..or a kid. Sarah in a sexy outfit!
DeleteIn the palinbot world that translates to "Millions"!
Isn't that Bristol's idea?
She just got the signs so she makes sure she is noticed above the others. She did the same to Romney, appeared to ruin his day. This is all she can do. So what, she is not spending her money on these signs so she can do what she wants. I doubt anyone else there speaking will want her around them at all, she is garbage and bad luck. See McCain, what she did for him? She will be on her own with a little table selling books and charging for pictures with her. What a lonely person she has to be to play games like this.
ReplyDeleteActually the Earthquake people did the signs all on their own as they cannot consult with their candidate due to campaign finance laws regulating SuperPACS. Boy are they going to be disappointed when she tells them "thanks but no thanks".
DeleteThe Earthquake people have Chuck 'kickstarter' Heath. He knows how to beg for anything. When that doesn't work there are other sneaky ways known to Alaska. No one will talk.
DeleteChucky doesn't seem to have any special talents as a fundraiser. As a matter of fact his $30,000 Kickstarter request has stalled out at less than 10% of that amount and seems to be a loser.
Chuck has little time for fundraising, he is chief custodian to the little redhead. She needs a mother and has the kickstarter.
DeleteChuck Heath Jr. makes parental carelessness look so cute. His daughter was dancing around in a costume, it must have been too long or something. He claims she tripped and fell into a chair and fractured her ring finger. I hope that was all it was. He posts a cute picture of her in cast. I guess the mother was not around, she might belong to the Sarah Palin style of parenting (doing some other guy). If the klan of bad parenting weren't famous for so much child neglect, endangerment and so on it might not look like Chuck is such a thoughtless idiot. All Sophie was doing is dancing like Bristol, at least that is he said dancing. She takes cute pictures. Otherwise poor Chuck is doing a lot of mooseshit.
They mean "Proven Quitter" not Leader...LOL
ReplyDeleteThey can't spell; they meant "Bedded" not Vetted
DeleteThe Money IS drying up and she's buying signs to grift more money. You know it's all about advertizing & she needs to be visible.
ReplyDeleteI guess the hoohah is not workign out right $carah.
The woman is really going all out to advertize for the FREE cash, huh. Maybe she should place that photo of her with the pink blouse while in New York, or the chick-fil-a t-shirt in the signs. So at least if they don't buy her bullshit, they'll throw money out of pitty. Oh wait...maybe they are already...lol
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone send money to a stranger just because they both support the same candidate? Do the people who contribute to the POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE PAC ask any questions about the individuals running the site, especially the treasurer? Basic questions. Do you have a background/education in politics? Accounting? Have you ever been arrested/convicted of a crime? Have you ever filed for bankruptcy or had debt collections that were filed in court? Foreclosures? I would want to know the financial history of any stranger I was sending money to.
ReplyDeleteShe might be serious THIS TIME she just got collegen lips....BHAAAAAAAhahahahahahha
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has to be the least vetted moron in the world
"Well it looks like this bizarre group of people are willing to flush their money down the toilet in homage to Miss Moosepoop herself, Sarah Palin."
ReplyDeleteAnd why not? She will do all the sniping they want until she takes her last snip at the President. SHE WILL NEVER RUN.
What a great opportunity for the attention craved Palin. Sniping is one of her talents. (malicious, underhand remarks or attacks)
Sarah Palin blasts America’s sissies in Hollywood criticizing ‘American Sniper’. The former Alaska governor took aim at Michael Moore and Seth Rogen, who mocked the country's hero worship of Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, the subject of Clint Eastwood's new film.
Memories, questions of famous Texas snipers. What makes them tick?
American Sniper," a film based on Kyle's memoir, has been nominated for six Oscars.
How Clint Eastwood’s ‘American Sniper’ stoked the American culture wars
Dead sniper.
LOL! Yeah, that's the ticket and BLUE sign for a RED candidate? Idiots.
ReplyDeleteYou know conservative s "don't see color" , right?
Delete"Fiscally Responsible" -- gave $350,000 to Canadian company for pipeline that never was built.
ReplyDelete"Proven Leader" -- who quit her job, the one where she was supposed to lead people.
"Vetted" -- picked by McCain's operatives at the last second, who were shocked when they looked into her background AFTER she was on the ticket. Medical letter given to press the night before the election. She drifted on hot air for ten weeks until she sank the ticket. Next time, the press will do a thorough investigation, as it does for all candidates.
Sarah's stomping her hooker shoes in fury because the Earthquake money's not going into her pocket.
Well said!
DeleteWay worse than $350,000 for the non existent pipeline to nowhere dill!
"Despite promises and legal guidance not to talk directly with potential bidders, Palin had meetings or phone calls with nearly every major candidate, including TransCanada.
The leader of Palin's pipeline team had been a partner at a lobbying firm where she worked on behalf of a TransCanada subsidiary. Also, that woman's former business partner at the lobbying firm was TransCanada's lead private lobbyist on the pipeline deal. Plus, a former TransCanada executive served as an outside consultant to Palin's pipeline team.
Under a different set of rules four years earlier, TransCanada had offered to build the pipeline without a state subsidy; under Palin, the company could receive a maximum $500 million.
"Governor Palin held firmly to her fundamental belief that Alaska could best serve Alaskans and the nation's interests by pursuing a competitive approach to building a natural gas pipeline," said McCain-Palin spokesman Taylor Griffin. "There was an open and transparent process that subjected the decision to extensive public scrutiny and due diligence.""
DeleteActually TransCanada did not receive the entire 500 million bucks, since the deal fell through they actually only walked away with $350,000,000. Regardless of the outcome they were guaranteed something.
Well there's the proof she is running. Forget the bus, some simple electronic billboards will do the trick. See, Sarah doesn't want to do the hard campaigning, the debates, show and tell of taxes....all that would be required to run for POTUS. She will never run because her performance in the debates and on the campaign trail would become legendary failures. She would destroy her "brand: and dry up what little support she still has from a easily suckered group of idiots. On the other hand, those idiots would find a way to defend her if she went crazier and gunned down a group of vets at the VA clinic.
ReplyDeleteHello...I trust everyone is well? Bueno...let's begin.
ReplyDeleteTroll(s), supporters of Sarah, other assorted stunned and stupid citizens of our republic, various Palin and Heath family members. hangers on, etc...Sarah Louise Baldy Valtrex Needing Heath Birther Of Tweakers Palin will not be running for any "political office" (local, muni, county, state or federal) ever, really...never ever fucking ever. Let this sink in...contemplate this great yet simple truth...meditate on the concept and let it wash over you, embrace it's calming effect.
As happens at times, various "ingredients" came together independently to form the entity that is "Queen Esther's dim witted drooling doppelganger." (that's Sarah)
It began with a not that attractive learning disabled mouth breather with poor basketball footwork who felt that competing in beauty pageants would elevate her beyond her pre-determined vocational choices of either 7-11 clerk or urine leaking baby maker. A brief foray into media (imagine some poor weekend camera guy in Anchorage being fired b/c he fucked up the shot trying to follow SP's wonky eye.) A toe dipped in to BBC/college dorm porn, but alas, she came up lacking.
Known for her propensity to "bitch, piss, moan, whine and shoot her mouth off" our Sarah entered into that most American of douche bag pageants/retard reviews...the local election.
From that she progressed due to the fact that (sorry folks) apparently Alaska's electorate was stocked w/ Viagra chewing old men and slow learning women who felt a certain kinship w/ Sarah.
We then saw Sarah "wow" the national electorate w/ comments ranging from "what the fuck is she talking about" to "someone should have told Sally Heath to lay off the Sterno when she was knocked up w/ SP."
No talent, no ability to reason, no marketable skill set...Sarah was only left with a massive grudge and a psycho-sexual frustration that, one day, could be the ticket to one of Mike D's offspring getting their PhD...(yes, Sarah supporters, a PhD trumps a GED...no matter what Todd told you)...we're already outlining the thesis!
Sarah is a lazy, poorly made up, bad smelling carnival barker, that in times past, would have been tarred and feathered and chased out of town and out of our collective memories.
Her ability to earn is quickly constricting and her choices are limited. (no, there will not be AA season 3, she had to pre-pay Tapp's cut of SPC). She's going to begin to be queried, aggressively about why she stole some native kid w/ DS and passed it off as her own(?) (pro tip to Van Flein ESQ...I'm passing on a rumour I heard that your client hasn't refudiated...bring it bitch!)
So, what to do? I'm here to help...you should pass this on to Sarah so she won't continue w/ teasing you and stealing your couch change...you need the money...hoverround tune ups, Ensure, etc. cost money.
Sarah should go on to QVC and hock "Sarah Palin's Cooter Grease." It's a feminine hygine product geared towards SPs' base...women who are of a certain age like her where moisture is a problem, and fat guys who need something to stop the squeaking in their snow machine's gear box.
Tag line: "If your a straight shooter with a dried up cooter, use Sarah's Grease, it's made with real Alaskan ingredients like moose, even your Amazin American hubby can use it, also too, on his caboose! (Tawd comes in to camera frame w/ that greasy grin of his silly ass face)
I expect their to be discussion about this over at the Pee Pond and an outline of a biz plan a fucking sap! You'll notice I didn't trade mark...yet.
Have a blessed day:-)
Delete*sighs loudly*
ReplyDeleteSarah's leghumpers are building their castles in the sky again.
Unflippinbelievable! those signs. But go ahead waste your money.
ReplyDelete"God bless our troops, especially our snipers." Sarah Palin, screw the combat vets. Look what worthless son did to her after all she did for combat vets.
ReplyDeleteFrom SP Fakebook...
She doesn't have much, but here she is with Track's "IT" hero.
Breitbart is also going with the image
Oh... IOWA...
When the "Undefeated" was DEFEATED IN IOWA. Sniper Kyle was protecting the Palins but couldn't save them from their own sniping.
Jeremy Morlock was a combat vet, Track Palin played one near the Best Western.
The Killa from Wasilla... it will be in the book about small town Alaska.
Before fashionista career took off
Sarah Palin and the Convicted Murderer.
We will never forget
ReplyDeleteAnonymous8:25 AM
ReplyDeleteSlayed like a Salmon!
Clubbed like a halibut?
* * *
TWOBULLed like a Two Bit Hoaxster
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I look at for a leader is their family.
Did this potential leader bring up their family with values?
Can you look at this potential leader and say that he/she did an excellent job raising their children?
Do I have to worry about one of their family members trying to recruit my daughter, son or the neighborhood children into their sex trafficking world?
Can I live next door to this proven leader, go on vacation and come home without my house being broken into and used for sex, drinking and drug parties? Do I have to worry about each room of my house being used as a bathroom or for a sex den? Can I go to sleep at night without having to hear their daughter mooing like a cow while having sex in their canvas tent in my backyard?
Do they have a dysfunctional family that's always getting into trouble?
What's the history of this proven leader? Does this leader quit on their commitments? Can I trust this leader?
Are they always scamming for their personal gain?
Scamming for per diems?
Scamming for free travel and free vacations for their family?
Does their family swarm locusts for free things?
Do we have to pay to dress them up, pay for their hair styling and pay for silk underwear for their family?
Are they making laws to possibly do underhanded things like not requiring building permits, not having to file building plans or have building inspections? Are they abusing their powers by using their title to keep their family and spouse out of jail?
Do they have history of doing things that normal families wouldn't do like Babygate, Travelgate, Pimpgate, Troopergate or family drunken brawls?
Did their children graduate from high school without taking their children to their graduation? Did their adult children graduate from high school or at least completed their sophomore year of high school?
I think you get the drift of it? I need to shop for a leader who can at least lead their household.
You missed the movie tax credit thing sarah put into law before quitting to pursue their reality show careers and fucking over Alaska yet once again in the "underhanded" category of your comment.
DeleteWell, all her half-breed minority children (Native Alaskan IS a minority) just sponge off the government for free healthcare.
DeleteDon't see that working well on the GOP debate circuit.
"Fiscally responsible"? "Proven leader"? "Vetted"? Obviously, they're talking about President Obama, not Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has no understanding whatsoever of fiscal matters. She even garbles her usual crazy word salad any time she's trying to talk about fiscal matters and I seriously question any grandmother of a small child who is given a $4500. toy vehicle for a birthday present. What did she ever teach her daughter about responsibility of any kind, including fiscal?
She's no "proven leader" either given that she quit her job as governor of Alaska in the middle of her first term and has failed miserably as a parent. Parenting means leadership in a family. Sarah cannot do it. All Sarah has proved is that she is a quitter.
And Sarah Palin won't be vetted until the New York Times, the Washington Post and every major news outlet starts the day with the true story of the fake pregnancy. Sarah Palin is the least vetted politician on the stage today. George W. Bush would come a close second - remember his questionable past including the missing AWOL period during his military service. And then Mitt Romney's whole life is a bit of a mystery. But Sarah Palin! What a joke!
The great Iowa wildhog lovefest. Castraters and hunters!
The Trig promise will be there!
Trig and tight ab Palin
Like mother like daughter
The Castrating Hunters are a great ladies team.
DeleteYou know what they say. If you can castrate a pig the next step is that man you are pissed off with. Sarah will snag 'em, Joni will do the deed.
"Fiscally Responsible" - building your own home by pilfering supplies from the local sports arena under construction.
ReplyDelete"Proven Leader" - leading the way in always appearing slovenly, unclean, unkept and malodorous
"Vetted" - as in "fixed" or TWOBULLED before the "birth" of your youngest child
A Secret Meeting Unmasks Four 2016 Republican Koch Brothers Puppets
ReplyDeleteMeet the Republican Koch puppets for 2016: Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Mike Pence.
Four of these Republican presidential hopefuls have been invited to a closed to the press donor meeting of the Kochs’ “nonprofit” Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce in Palm Springs, California, according to Politico.
It’s a gathering of the rich who intend to stay rich by imposing austerity and deregulation thinly disguised as “ideology” (based on a work of fiction) upon the rest of the country. The Kochs were named the 10th top polluter in 2010 and they’ve been fined millions for lying about poisoning people.
Sources told Politco that the four include Koch “favorite” Governor Scott Walker, Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio. They are expected to attend, though none would confirm their attendance at the secretive meeting. Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) is another Koch favorite, but he is not expected to attend this event.
Kenneth P. Vogel reported:
Rumors Swirl: Obama To Kneecap The Koch Brothers With Citizens United Executive Order
It is being reported that one of President Obama’s surprises at the State Of The Union will be an announcement of an executive order that will take on the Koch Brothers and Citizens United.
Eleanor Clift of The Daily Beast reported:
Somewhat off-topic: I just got a call from a right-wing relative who attended the South Carolina Tea Party Convention, held Jan 17-19 in Myrtle Beach. He said he was dismayed that most of the attendees "90%" according to him, were grey-headed seniors.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous10:08 AM
DeleteWas it REALLY soldout, and why didn't scarah attend....maybe you can find out a little more. thanks!
Sarah is failing. She is to deliver the new blood. It is time she fires Nancy French and find someone to do Bristol. Someone that isn't so long in the tooth.
DeleteRight. They can't alienate young people, women, and people of color fast enough. Just the ticket for long-term leadership.
DeleteIn the meantime, Bristol is still infatuated and obsessed with abortion and black people's abortions, and wrong doings.
ReplyDeleteWTF is wrong with this woman. I am positive she must have had a few abortions and therefore she's trying to deflect her "sin" as THEY call it.
Why is it any of her business what other people do. Where are the other children she had. If this woman had a job she wouldn’t be a busybody and insulting others.
Brisket, too, has BEDDED...she's her daughter's daughter for sure.
DeleteNo matter that nancy writes her bullshit (that's trig saying it), the woman gets paid for the writings so she alone is responsible for the hatred.
barstool acts like she's the chosen one to point fingers at the rest of the world...what a fake Christian.
DeleteSarah is proud. Bristol got the part about revirginating down to an art form. Now if they can just train her to stop peeing in the street.
DeleteTo which Trig says of barstool's purity: "BULSHIT!"
DeleteIt's just my opinion, but if Bristol could live her life over, I thk that she would have rather had the abortion and finished high school instead of being presented to the world at large as being an unwed teen mother.
DeleteToday, it's not the disgrace that it used to be. Both Sally Heath and her daughter Sarah found out that they were pregnant and they promptly got married. Times have change. MTV had programs about Teen Moms (who regularly got into fights with anyone), glorifying unwed teenaged motherhood. The thing that is problematic for a lot of teens is that they are still kids themselves, and they are not mature enough to be responsible for another human being, let along themselves.
Let's face it. Bristol is not writing those posts. Nancy is in the voice of Bristol. It's Nancy who subscribes to some kind of news service that sends her an alert about every person who publicly talks about their abortion. Nancy makes it look as if Bristol might have wanted an abortion, too. Thanks Nancy.
Deletethat was trig spelling up above..lol
If Bristol would have had an abortion she couldn't have spent his child support payments on $800 wallets, just sayin'.
"Proven leader"? "VETTED"? Are these people on drugs?
ReplyDeleteHi phoebes....
DeleteHave you never gazed upon the vast archives of ZH100 over at C4P? ( it's an online community of like minded droolers with poor hygiene and limited earning potential bound together by their faith in a scrawny bewigged chlamydia carrier who pulls out her hair and eats crayons)
Anyhoo...according to ZH100 there is not a person, fictional or real, that has been more deeply looked at/investigated/researched than Sarah Palin. Their world view is a wee skewed however, most of the "questions" were from some guy named "Joe" in the AK Gov's Residence who only wanted to know why Sarah and her brood:
1. didn't flush
2. stole the cheap flatware from the commissary
Mike D, I venture over to C4P as little as possible. The last time I was over there, the comment section was filled by love notes between two of the major participants - a Catholic man and a Jewish woman - who were in love even though they'd never met and only communicated on C4P. It was hilarious.
DeletePhoebes in santa fe and mike d.
DeleteToo hilarious but unfortunately your descriptions of the pee pond is spot on.
Terrifying that idiots like this A exist and B send money to $arah!
What proven leader quits when the going gets tough?
ReplyDeleteRegistry Domain ID: 1888851140_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
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Updated Date: 2014-12-05T10:58:33.00Z
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Domain Status: ok
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Registrant Name: ELLEN MAYO
Registrant Organization: HOMS HOSTING
Registrant Street: 1780 COUNTY ROAD 1123
Registrant City: CUMBY
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Registrant Postal Code: 75433
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9039942325
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Cumby is 97.56% "White"
DeleteWhat more proof do you silly people need? This says it loud and clear.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin runs.
That logo is so awful. They clearly don't have anyone with any graphics experience. They probably couldn't get permission from Palin to use her image. It's in the shape of a caution sign. Caution Sarah Palin running for President could be hazardous to your country. What a bunch of idiots.
ReplyDeleteMaddow doing her job- vetting VP pick Palin and the AIP
Remember last go-round on this carousel when she even visited with these losers in Iowa to give them some encouragement?
ReplyDeletePerish the thought that any of these fuckwits would spend their money educating their children instead of throwing it away on someone they already know America personally dislikes.
Speaking of carousel, does anyone know who's riding barstool or is there a line?
DeleteShe's still "dating" the junker...and what kind of man is he when the offspring they had in AZ has never been presented.
DeleteHey cforpee'ers, be sure to watch the last minute of this palin interview, heh
If Trig is the son of Todd and a prostitute or a girlfriend then what Sarah is saying on this video could explain why Sarah took Trig in?
DeletePalin did let her kids go to public school so she knew full well the kind of education they'd receive, science trumping religion. I've always been rather amazed that she didn't send them to christian schools, but I guess she felt that she could brainwash them sufficiently herself.
DeleteSarah won't pay for anything out of her own pocket when she can get it for free.
DeleteAnonymous2:13 PM
DeleteI don't know about that, barstool claims her kid, piper and trig go to private schools.
It may be the older ones didn't make it through an entire private school-year & that's they went to public schools.
And it's true that $carab does not pay it out of her own pocket since WE ALL now those people don't work.
Vetted? he why does she still need a rabies booster?
ReplyDeleteat the end of the day most of what barstool and swearah is projection. race. abortions?? poor parenting. terrible role models. uneducated. slick liars. lack of honor. no moral code. conscience is completely lacking. noooo Fashion sense!! ma's sportin' her inflatables. brizzled has her jayleno/playdoe chin. goals? $$$$GRIFTING$$$$!!!
ReplyDeleteProven Leader of the AIG/ birch society. She's still number one at quitting before someone fired her scrawny ass,
ReplyDelete"Vetted" She was on the same turntable as a chevy car at a sports show. Someone separate real Sarah vs what Sarah thinks she is before it's too late! On second thought, nevermind, who else is stupid enough to reveal her mental illness in all it's glory?
So the Wasilla sports complex boondoggle is an example of Sarah's fiscal responsibility? What did it cost the little town of Wasilla ... $20,000,000? The $50,000 taken out of the town's general fund for her office redo was just peanuts for Sarah ... after all, it's other people's money. These folks deserve to be taken by this swindler. They are ignorant buffoons shouting "fleece me!". They just don't know it.
ReplyDeleteAnd the scam continues, SarahPac 2015 membership cards are here! C4p is excited and here are the words from it's treasurer to promote the scam "Gov. Palin considers whether her future includes another run for political office"
"Proven Leader"
ReplyDeleteQuitting halfway through your term to cash in on national fame and a cultish following of rubes is how these idiots define a proven leader. It's a shame stupid of this magnitude isn't painful?
By 'Vetted' do they mean sprinkled with flea & tick powder?
DeleteDo they really think Iowans are really stupid enough to believe this crap?
ReplyDeleteYes they do because they have no sense of their own stupidity. Its that Dunning-Kruger thing. They live in an echo chamber where the shared idiocy bounces about in sympathetic resonance.
DeleteMama loved her job. It hurt mama to leave it. Mama's decision was in the best interest of Alaska. Mama said she expected to continue her involvement in public affairs as a private citizen and the lack of an official title would not bother, nor hamper mama's effectiveness.
ReplyDeleteMama said she won't close the door that perhaps could be open for mama in the future. Mama don't want any American to ever close the door in their personal or their professional lives and put themselves in a box and say, 'Heck, yeah, I'm going to do that,' or, 'No way, I'm not going to do that,' when we don't know what the future holds. Mama want's to Be a Voice for Commonsense Solutions
Mama's first and foremost focus is on her children. Mama said she wants to be a good mom. And mama want to raise happy, healthy, independent children. And mama want them to be good citizens of this great country."
To those who made fun of mama about North Korea, well mama knows that North Korea and South Korea are two states of the country of Korea.
- Louis Sarah
Can the Earthquake billboards really be hacked?