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Holly Fisher in photo first seen on Brancy's blog in July. |
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In a follow up photo directed at liberals. |
Conservative provocateur Charles C. Johnson recently contacted Fisher after hearing rumors that she had engaged in an extramarital affair last fall with Joel Frewa, then a video editor with the Tea Party News Network.
In a screen capture of their text conversation, Fisher strongly denies having an affair and asks Johnson why he would publish that information when the country is “literally going to hell.”
“Look, I have multiple people saying this and I have the messages your husband wrote,” Johnson said. “Do you want to stop lying?”
Fisher admitted to the affair less than an hour later in a Facebook post, saying she had been overwhelmed by the media attention but had since reconciled with her husband.
Her giggling daughter and God saved her life? Well we certainly know which demographic SHE'S pandering to.
Here is my favorite part of this story:
The affair allegedly took place during the Restoring the Dream event, a Faith and Freedom conference, and on Election night.
Nothing like cheating on your combat veteran husband at a Faith and Freedom conference right?
Gotta love those Christian values.
(H/T to Addicting Info.)
Here's why I don't give her a free pass. She's got her mea culpa moment. She talks all about herself and what happened to her. But did she for one moment compare herself to how she has treated others? Does she now have a moment to reflect how those she derided so freely deserves just as much forgiveness and compassion as she asks for herself? No? Thought not.
ReplyDeleteShe has sent tweets out in the past where she refered to other women as "sluts" . I wonder how she feels now that some people are calling her one?
DeleteAlso, maybe some of the conservatives have learned a hard lesson in that Chuck C. Johnson will do anything to draw attention to himself and his website. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because someone shares your political views that they are a trusted ally.
Haters gotta hate and these right wing nut jobs hate everyone who don't agree with them.
DeleteThis. Your statement is so true. She put herself in the public eye, first by her original pics & statements, then by capitalizing on it by playing up to the tea partiers. But, with the internet, that sh*t works both ways.
DeleteYou want to be super critical of people? Better be pretty perfect in your own life, or you'll be exposed for all the world to see.
Agreed. She put herself in the public eye. Now she whines that she "got thrown into the political spotlight last year", and apparently that mysterious force that threw her into the spotlight also threw her into bed with another man.
Deletefisher's got a bright future in the porn industry !
DeleteTotally agree with you Nefer. Plus, her "apology" is all "I, I, I, my, my, my" and full of excuses. IMO she apologized only because she was caught being a hypocrite and was called out (no less) by another Conservative. I especially like that part.
DeleteFisher whines about being a victim almost as well as Sarah and Bristol. LOL. Fisher also uses the term "my haters". Sound familiar?
Chuck Johnson is a narcissist scumbag like a certain family featured frequently here at IM, but when he does things like this, exposing the utter hypocrisy of other right wing nutjobs indiscriminately (his MO), he's doing all of us a favor.
ReplyDeleteSo how much of a Palin panty sniffer is he? Would it be worth sending his some info on the Wild Ride?
DeleteI wouldn't trust that POS with anything. The OTHER Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs) has made it a crusade of his to do unto Charles C. Johnson what CCJ has done to everyone else, and that's enough for me.
DeleteSounds to me like it wasn't just her daughter that got her down on her knees, ya' know what I mean!!
ReplyDeletemy first thought too
DeleteReligion is nothing but a "Get Out of Jail Free" card to faux-Xtian assholes like Fisher.
ReplyDeleteThese fake holier than thou folks are just too much. They quickly pass judgement on others, but beg for forgiveness when it comes to them.
DeleteImportant article with a large Palin reference.
ReplyDeleteParagraphs 28-32
'Palin was first inflicted on the American public by Sen. John McCain, who chose her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election for at least one big reason: He needed to shore up flagging support from the Evangelical Republican antiabortion base. McCain wanted to prove that he was fully in line with the “social issues” agenda that Dad, Koop and I had foisted on our country more than 30 years before. Palin lost the election for McCain but “won” her war for fame and fortune.
DeleteShe presented herself as called by God and thus cast in the Old Testament mold of Queen Esther, one chosen by God to save her people. Palin perfected the Jesus Victim “art” of Evangelical self-banishment and then took victimhood to new levels of “success” by cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America’s elites.
Palin made a fortune by simultaneously proclaiming her Evangelical faith, denouncing liberals and claiming that she would help the good God-fearing folks out there “take back” their country. This “Esther” lacked seriousness. But born-again insiders knew that the “wisdom of men” wasn’t the point. Why should the new Queen Esther bother to actually finish her work governing Alaska? God had chosen her to confound the wise!
So she became a media star and quit as governor of Alaska. Then she battled “Them”—the “lamestream media” (as she labeled any media outlets outside of the Far Right subculture)—in the name of standing up for “Real Americans.” Palin used the alternative communication network that had its roots deeply embedded in those pioneering 1970s and 1980s Evangelical TV shows and radio shows that I used to be on just about every other day. She did this to avoid being questioned by people who didn’t agree with her. By not actually governing or doing the job she’d been elected by Alaskans to do, and by using the alternative media networks as an “outsider”—all the while reacting to and demanding attention from the actual (theoretically hated) media—Palin also made buckets of money.'
"Why should the new Queen Esther bother to actually finish her work governing Alaska? God had chosen her to confound the wise!"
DeleteIf that isn't a great example of the twisted, hypocritical, bass-ackwards "logic" of evangelicals/conservatives today, I don't know what is.
It's right up there with the twisted, hypocritical "logic" of Holly Fisher, and her shameless self-forgiveness.
Ah, yes Faith and Freedom. Faith that it would be kept secret, Freedom to screw around on her husband, while spouting scriptures. What a Christian, eh? Her husband had better wise up, she will do it again first chance she gets.
ReplyDeleteOnce a cheater, always a cheater. Leopards don't lose their spots, etc.... I also don't think this is the first rodeo for this woman; it't just the first time she was caught.
DeleteWhat can she say if He does the same thing?
DeleteAlways someone else’s fault ... in the right-wing blogosphere, the “I’m just human so I’m gonna hurt someone, but now I’m forgiven ... I got off track," sheesh when will people in this mindset realize they are responsible for their decisions? I’m seeing lot of excuses but not a lot of taking responsibility, so don’t expect real change will follow. And, Holly, lose the guns against liberals narrative, this isn’t a photo you will one day be proud to share with your children.
ReplyDeleteTo Flip Wilson (Geraldine) it was a joke line;
DeleteTo Evangelicals it's a responsibility dodge:
"The Devil made me do it!"
She probably also doesn’t realize that photo will become a problem when her kid becomes a teenager, not something to be proud of at all.
ReplyDeleteFisher is a Liar and a Hoohah. That Bible is a shield to protect her from the truth.
ReplyDeleteWhen c4p touched on this story, the general consensus was that nobody is perfect and who are we to judge. The Christian judge not mantra kicked in. That settled, the went back to the business of trashing anyone who isn't one of them or their sainted leader.
ReplyDeleteDid the drooling Pee Ponder's have jello fist? It's their favorite. They usually try to corral them in to a nap and and a group diper change after posting in the AM.
DeleteDinner at 3:45 PM, "Wheel" (repeats from GSN) then some Matlock.
SOTU's a little late for most, they'll comment en masse tomorrow.
Might be fun to visit the pond tonight and remind VG that the SOTU is being given by THE CINC, President Barack Hussein Obama! And, that I did all kinds of liberal shit today, enjoyed my life and didn't even consider thanking a vet...I'll stroke that old fucker out yet.
"...who are we to judge..."?
DeleteThe C4Pers do that every day! RWNJs on every social media site do it ALL THE TIME!
If they actually acted like they hypocritically say, they wouldn't delete critical comments from their Facebook pages and blogs.
Isn't Holly Fisher a good friend of Sarah Palin and Nancy French? Birds of a feather? So what happened to 'HOLLIER THAN THOU'? Those Conservative women do 'get around'. Right, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteFriends? Cohorts... Fisher was a poster child and made Bristol's alleged idea spark. In reality they were all failures.
DeleteI think Sarah had Nancy delete the Holly Fisher image. I'm not sure since I haven't checked. It is Nancy's job to not accept comments and get rid of the riff raff.
These so-called religious woman that cheat give "holier than thou" a whole new meaning.
DeleteShe might have to spend a little time on her knees, in front of her husband, to "get right" with him as well, just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteDepression, God...blah, blah, blah...never their fault...just pray away the horny
ReplyDeleteHoohah Fisher? Why is it that those who preach Family Values don't seem to have any? How ironic that the adulteress was exposed by a fellow Right Wing Nutjob. But in the land of Bible Thumpers, ALL IS FORGIVEN. "I have sinned, Lord forgive me so that I can do it again"! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
ReplyDeleteConservative women must not be so conservative after all. Maybe their 'God' has been watching their activities and is not too happy with them. Will Bristol Palin, the well-known Hoohah, post her support for Holly Fisher on the Brancy Blog? What say you, Alicia Luke?
ReplyDeleteDo tell, Bristol Alicia. Some resemblance there, I might add. Only she just barely writes better than you.
DeleteJealous much?
If Holly got pregnant by her Teabagger, will Hubby still hang around?
ReplyDeleteIt always amazes me how infidelity is so exciting and fulfilling right up to the exact second you are caught. Then, it magically turns into a huge regret, a mistake and the guilty party is always so sorry that they hurt others. None of the reflection ever kicks in before the drawers drop...interesting.
ReplyDeleteI married at 20, have had my share of depression, disappointment, struggles, soul searching, boredom, etc...and never felt I had the right to cheat. But, I am not a bible waving christian.
ReplyDeleteIf Fisher was such a devout Christian, and actually read the Bible instead of posing with it and sticking it into other peoples faces, she wouldn't have cheated!
DeleteThese hypocrites need to stop telling the rest of us how to live our lives and pay attention to their own lives.
ReplyDeleteI have said it before and I will say it again; those who yell the loudest about how religious they are usually are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Mind your own business lady and don't worry about my business (because my business is certainly much less interesting than yours...........).
And their hypocrisy isn't just sex-related. I have found that nearly every right wing women I have worked with has been unprofessional, petty, vindictive and has lacked a strong work ethic, notable talents and skills, things they accuse liberals of all the freaking time. And how do I know when these co-workers are right wingers? Well, they never shut up about politics and social issues. They love Fox News, Rush, Palin. It's really tiresome having to deal with these twits.
DeleteJennifer K
I spent 20 years in the Navy and with my wife of 55 years we raised five kids. Never once have either of us cheated on the other but I'm just another liberal who is about as anti-religion as you can get so guess I'm not a true amurican.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your service, Larry. God bless you, your wife and your family.
DeleteMy favorite part:
ReplyDeleteShe's got fans!???
hahahahaha! Sure, she does!
Of course Fisher has fans...ceiling fans and portable fans. Probably to help cool things off when things got hot and heavy with her side piece while her hubby was putting his butt on the line to protect her, their family, and this country.
DeleteTea Bagger gets Tea Bagged:-) 'Taint nothing but a thing...
ReplyDeleteThey are so pro life, they want to screw everyone!
ReplyDeletePerfect end to this story:
ReplyDeleteShe got knocked up by her lover because her company refused to cover birth control, her husband dumps her, her lover dumps her, she gets an abortion, her pastor then knocks her up, she vomits her Chick-fil-a and gets another abortion.
She must have purchased the Bristol Palin vaginal Jeebus Cleansing and Revirginization formula, which is conveniently sold in a 3 pack for $69.69!! so you only have to order every 90 days.
ReplyDeleteGuaranteed so wash away any sins caused by cheating and accidentally having intercourse with the wrong person. Also included in our special order, is our Magic Jeebus face cream to help rinse of any ejaculate left before your hubby comes home from deployment, FREE with ordering a yrs supply of JC and R Formula, shipped to your home quarterly.
Come one, come all good Christian women! A simple rinse can bring back your faith as the invading sperm are washed away along with your sins!
Also group orders of over 10 will be sold at an amazing discount of 20% off each order. Have a Vaggie party! Get your church groups together! Wash those vaggie sins away together!!!
LMAO! I wonder if she calls right away would they throw in and extra set for the same price?!
DeleteHer apology boils down to "It's everybody else's fault that I cheated and I am so wonderful because I survived all those haters."
ReplyDeleteTypical republican/conservative. Accepts no personal responsibility at all.
DeleteMy favorite part?
ReplyDeleteShe FORGAVE HERSELF and moved on. No need for intercession from some saint, confession, and change in the coffer. No need for her god's forgiveness. No need for her husband's forgiveness. She forgave herself, and that cleaned the slate and dusted the eraser.
how true. They all act like that, hypocrites. They want to live by the bible then step up and get the punishment from the bible. , but no they find they are so special that god forgives them, and only them. .
DeleteShe forgave herself but will other forgive her?Bwhahahahaha. I love it when chickens come to roost and frauds are scrambling for cover.
DeleteShe was just spreading the word. The word was 'LEGS'.
ReplyDeleteNot that's funny. I am so going to steal this!
Deleteif you look closely at the picture of her with her gun, you can see the jisz on her face...
ReplyDeleteshe looks like a four drink girl at the bar, and a quick trip into the back of the bar
Hey, Larry Flynt, is that you? Arent you on the wrong blog?
DeleteThat's not Larry Flynt @1159! Larry has known how to spell jizz since the days when discos were full of heavily bearded clams!
DeleteParis Mayor Plans To Sue Fox News
ReplyDeleteParis Mayor Anne Hidalgo told CNN Tuesday she intends to sue Fox News in the wake of the channel's coverage of supposed "no go" zones for non-Muslims.
She said the channel "insulted" her city.
"When we're insulted, and when we've had an image, then I think we'll have to sue, I think we'll have to go to court, in order to have these words removed," Hidalgo told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honor of Paris has been prejudiced."
"Under U.S. law, I would say there is no chance of bringing a defamation case against the Fox network," CNN legal analyst Paul Callan explained. "Under French law, however, if they can get jurisdiction over Fox, there's a law from 1881 -- believe it or not -- that says if you insult the honor of a French body or person, you can sue for defamation. So under the 1881 French law, they might have a case against the Fox network in France."
CNN media critic Brian Stelter pointed out that there was precedent for cities suing television networks because a town in Brazil had sued CNN and won. But that verdict was eventually overturned.
Legal analyst Danny Cevallos advised Fox News to settle with Paris and put the lawsuit behind them as quickly as possible.
"If you want to defend a defamation lawsuit, it's pricey, it's costly, a lot of times you want those things to go away," Cevallos said. "People may be surprised to learn that the French, in fact, do not take such a liberal view of the First Amendment as do we. Of course, they don't have a First Amendment, but they have laws criminalizing defamation. Whereas here in the United States, defamation is merely a civil action."
"You say you lost your faith, but that's not where it's at
ReplyDeleteYou have no faith to lose and you know it."
Read more: Bob Dylan - Positively 4th Street Lyrics | MetroLyrics
I sure love me some Bob (but not in the way of Ms. Fisher of course).
"Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible."
"Now, this matter is between me, the two people I love most -- my wife and our daughter -- and our God. I must put it right, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to do so."
Yep--that's how one takes personal responsibility. Strange that it is so hard for Republicans to do, since they claim to be the party of personal responsibility.
DeleteShe is just one more of "those" people full of the "Holy Shit."
ReplyDeleteWho’s the daddy?
This woman is sick in the head.
Does Fox News Terrorize Us?
"When I got thrown into the political spotlight ..."
ReplyDeleteHar har!
She THOUGHT she could just set herself up real sweet as a sort of post-pubescent Palin -- spew a little God, wave a little gun, show a little cleavage, and --- POOF! -- all the bills are magically covered ...
IOW, she modeled herself on a failure and FAILED at it.
May she join Christine O'Donnell on history's ash heap.
Depression/Anxiety + guns = disaster waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteShe's right- her image and story does make liberal heads explode...with laughter!
ReplyDeleteGod, I love stories like this.
Thanks Gryphen!
I don't know why this girl is so down on herself, we all slip, some of us slip better than others depending on what brand of personal lubricant we buy, but we all slip. What I adore about these folks is the "us against the liberals" mentality. There's no contest, not even close, and I suppose those dang libruls will get blamed for that as well. Take, for instance, Brancy. Nuff said? a grown woman pretending to be an awesome woman in her twenties. Entertaining? Yes. Believable? Hell no. .
ReplyDelete"I don't know why this girl is so down on herself, we all slip, some of us slip better than others depending on what brand of personal lubricant we buy, but we all slip.'
DeleteThis had my howling...thanks for the beer belly laugh!
Maybe she should change the shirt to "Ho Life", seems more fitting for her lifestyle
ReplyDeleteShe should open up that book she's holding like a prop and fill us all in on which commandment she broke... wasn't there one about canoodling and spooning with someone other than your spouse? She probably did it doggie style as well instead of the god approved missionary position.
ReplyDeleteAfter she explains that maybe she can enlighten us on how this should affect her life:
"And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."
What we need now is Betty Bowers and her purse full of stones.