Thursday, January 01, 2015

Remembering 2014. There will be tears.

The minute Robin Williams starting speaking I was gone. So many feels.

What an amazing, tragic, and eventful year.

But also immensely satisfying. 

As Maya Angelou so beautifully put it, "I've had rainbows in my clouds."


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I hate to say it but Maya Angelou is a huge Diva, despite her beloved image. Maybe for the rich and famous and powerful she is charming and accessible, but not for the common folks. I was at a high profile conference a few years back and she spoke and generally speakers will have lunch with some of the organizers. She was standoffish, insisted on being in a totally separate room most of the time, had her handlers keep everybody away, had a very forced smile when shaking hands with the main organizers for two seconds and then sped off in a car two minutes after she was off stage. Someone who was around her at another event more recently said the same thing. But she kept up a good image for sure.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I hate to say it, but..... I call bullshit. Maya Angelou's last speaking engagement was in 2013; she died in May of 2014. Next time you want to make up some crap, please remember Google is your friend

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Maybe she didn't feel well or was tired or gets tired of running the gauntlet. And recently she was in her mid 80s and people that age can't always keep themselves jolly for the public.

      She didn't insist on people not looking her in the eye or demand bendy straws or yell "do you know who I am???"

      I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

    3. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I can really tell you hated to say that.

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      I thought that Maya Angelou's words were a beautiful prayer that all of us, especially those of us who are, well, older, should think about daily.

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      The first speaking event I am referring to occurred in 2000 and the second one in 2008. So please don't lecture me about what I and someone else I know experienced or accuse me of making BS up. Fatigue on her part is one thing, but her snooty attitude is entirely another.

    6. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Still no indication that she is a "huge diva" based on your and another person's observations. There could be a lot of reasons other than "snootiness" why she left right after the keynote or why she didn't want to mingle or why she took off right after the keynote.

      I'd have to hear a lot more stories with a lot worse details to see her as a diva.

  2. Five things to think about when thinking about Maya Angelou, who died in 2014 --

  3. And now that I've stopped crying, here's a good laugh from the Raw Story about the year in Sarah Palin: Sarah Palin — former half-term governor, babbling-word-fountain, almost-one-heartbeat-away-from-the-presidency mother of Slam, Brisket, Pillow, Oreo-Double-Stuffed, and maybe or maybe not Lil Trigger depending on whether you are Andrew Sullivan, and America’s unhealing cold sore … in short: the Courtney Love of the GOP — had what some might call a banner year this year. She expanded her grifting ways by launching the Sarah Palin Channel for people who find using Facebook confounding (“I’m not a scientist!“), while be-bopping sound the country, shoving her Bumpit™ down people’s throats in an attempt to forestall the inevitable “Didn’t you used to be…?” decline of her public career.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    The NRA’s Most Insane Moments Of 2014. Yes, We Shortened The Very Long List

  5. Nikogriego2:37 PM

    What I liked was that at 5:33 of the video, during the segment showing disasters and other large and serious problems we face, there is a shot of a news program that contains the headline "Republicans take control of the Senate." How true.

  6. betsy s4:29 PM

    No Pete Seeger?

  7. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    I love/hate these end of year tributes, I try to remember the good these people achieved and not on the "how" of their deaths. Maya Angelou was one of my favorite poetesses, she truly had a way with putting into words all the things she's faced everyday of her life.
    And Joan was so YOUNG in the clips with Robin. Take a breath, remember the rainbows.... we've lost Mario Cuomo Sr.


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