Friday, January 02, 2015

Sarah Palin comes out against racism. Wait never mind, she is just using it as an excuse to attack the President.

While attempting to pimp Mark Levin's (The Great One?) admonishment of Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise for meeting with a group of racists ten years ago, Palin decided to add her own special sauce.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page: 

Defense of this (last decade) racist action is disgusting and wrong, as is defense of the even more recent immoral actions of our President’s with any association he embraced with the racist Jeremiah Wright and the anti-American domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. I’ll add to Levin’s list: Do political “leaders” think Americans are so stupid we don’t recognize the despicable double standard here, and that we’re so weakly complacent that we’ll put up with this? 

- Sarah Palin

See what she did there?

She framed her old transparent racist attacks on President Obama, accusing him of being anti-white and "palling around with terrorists," as frustration over the so-called double standard that allows the press to go after Steve Scalise yet leave Obama and his "associations" alone.

Here let me re-frame that last question for you, you moron.

Do YOU think Americans are so stupid that they do not see through the conservative redirection technique of turning every damaging scandal that comes out against a conservative into an attack on the President? Because the only ones that don't see through that are those who are desperate to destroy him in any way that they possibly can, and undermine his time in office.

And of course that includes you.

The President won, not one, but two terms in office. And unlike some people he is clearly going to serve until he has met his obligations and he is replaced in the next election.

So you and your butt hurt conservative pals can just get the fuck over it.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I am so tired of this mouthy bitch that I can’t even come up with a smart ass comment. Go shuck and jive yourself off a high cliff' hateful bitch.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      You and me both! Is this after she posted her 'stepping stone' message?

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      she is just spittin mad because she is an idiot and has once again let the world know just how big of an idiot she is and
      her scampac is down to 887k!!!!!! she is flaming down faster than she can screech and good riddance to smelly rubbish!

    3. Anonymous6:22 AM

      She so loves to use Ayers and Wright. She tried so hard in 08 to blow it up. And still brings them up when ever she can. She is such a turd. She truly believes that she is an authority on...well, everything. She has no idea that she is the court jester. A huge fool. The whole world is laughing at her.

      Anybody remember Joe Vogler? The founder of the AIP? I know Gryph does. Yea, he was a great Murican. He hated Murica so bad he refused to be buried here. I would like to think he's buried at the bottom of one of the honey pot dumps.
      Sarah knows a lot about the AIP, her husband was a member for 7 years. Of course she lied about that when confronted.

      Also pals around with that camo wearing, draft dodging, pants shitting, little girl diddling, fake wannabe musician, down right stupid, gut bucket aka ted nuggets. I really don't think she has any room at all to scold and judge anyone for their associations.

      She, like her stalker troll, has no idea what the definition of hypocrite is. She, like most repubes, are huge hypocrites. They waste so many hours scolding others for what themselves do daily. And they actually expect us to take them seriously. Not bloody likely!!

    4. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Well past Time for the Witch Doctor Muthee video of praying over Sarah, with tongues, to go viral.

    5. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Yes, 7:14, now is the time to get it all out there. Let her own words and actions bury her.

    6. Anonymous12:51 PM

      7:14 AM:
      I just embedded a video of that on twitter and attached her twitter @SarahPalinUSA to it. ;-)

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    She's in need of a good lay - by another black man! Remember, Sarah, what it was like?

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Someone should send her a good vibrator...maybe that'll do the trick.

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Fuck off, Sarah. We've seen how you treat dogs, so your latest screed is none-too surprising nor credible.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Boy, she loves adjectives and adverbs. "Despicable," "disgusting," "wrong," "weakly."
    Not to mention the active verb "embraced." Painting a visual of our President hugging Rev. Wright. The horror.
    Everything, and I mean everything, gets Sarah Palin itching for a fight! No, we won't "put up with it" says Sarah. We're going to fight for every inch.
    This has some faint traces of her ghostwriters, but I think they've either been canned in the new year, are off for the weekend, or Sarah took a red pencil to their work so she could make it her own scrambled mess: word salad with vitriolic dressing.
    She's mad as hell after the shellacking she took over the Trig on Jill debacle, and she won't take it anymore. Watch out, world. Sarah's on the war path.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Her brother needs money to pay child support. His wife won't help out and get a job.

      He is glad to do anything for her and he could fake being Sarah better than Nancy can fake being Bristol.

      I don't think she has returned.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      too bad nancy post double since she posts under her other FB "French revolution" & Bristol. She posts the same shit and that should be getting old.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    She boinked a black man.

    1. janice5:04 PM

      Yes, what did she think she would gain?

      She should have just shook his hand and said she was pleased to meet him. That is all our President does, shakes people hands.Sometime he encounters shady people. I am sure he shook their hands before he was aware of their pasts. But she never does things by accident, either stupidity or not thinking.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      No, a black man 'boinked' her, and she has been wearing non-prescription eyeglasses ever since to deflect from her wonky eye. She was ridden hard and put away wet.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Sarah Palin can go stand on a dog.

    4. Anonymous5:54 PM

      the bitch probably did already. The woman for no love for animals. This is the woman who rides helicopters as she shoots wolves!

    5. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I bet Chuckie Sr. was with her to reload her rifle. I really don't think she's a good shot.

    6. Anonymous7:35 PM

      or she can go fuck a that a bargain the best she ever had...the best she ever had...oh nevermind...the poor dog doesn't need herpes...

  6. janice4:54 PM

    It would be nice if Sarah put as much effort in raising her children as she does slamming Obama. Regardless of what she thinks of him as a President, he is stil a good husband with a wonderful, educated wife. He has two daughters anyone would be proud of who will definately go to college, like the Bush and Chelsi did and make their parents proud of them. Shouldn't Sarah be trying to figure out what to do with her clan? They are drunks, druggies, thiefs, preg out of wedlock and high school GED grads who will never step into college or work. Should she be talking about our president and his faults? I guess if she makes him look like a bumb, then people might think she is a success at something.....

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      She's a success at making herself look like a ass.

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    David Duke may start talking according to Huff Post

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      oh please oh please oh please!!!!

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Duke ... name names!
      Regardless of what party lets clean house.
      Oh POS!

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    President Obama acts like Sarah doesn't even exist, and that burns her to the core! She doesn't like being ignored.
    Get over it Sarah. You're a has-been.

    1. janice5:11 PM

      He will not stoop to her level.....

    2. And by ignoring her Obama shows how much more class he has than Palin, or will ever have. Palin attacks the undereducated, evangelical, and gullible people who can't think for themselves and must rely only on those who support their unsubstantiated opinions. I've notice from their comments at C4P (aka Sea o' Pee) that they try to copy what she says, by repeating her colloquialisms such as "don't retreat, reload". Many of them also seem very delusional and incapable of seeing how they worship Palin is extreme and unhealthy. Any facts that come out against Palin are considered "lies", and anyone who criticizes her using facts or something she said are seen as "haters", and are usually either "jealous" or "fearful" of her. They'll use just about any excuse they can think of to explain in their minds why a person is being critical of her, even if their criticism based on facts. In my opinion many of them are truly under educated and mentally ill, and have chosen to isolate themselves from the real world by using only religion to explain what they don't know and by self imposing themselves into an evangelical bubble to avoid knowing or hearing the truth.

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Reminds me of old dictator from the thirties. Now what was his name again?

  9. janice4:56 PM

    It would be nice if Sarah put as much effort in raising her children as she does slamming Obama. Regardless of what she thinks of him as a President, he is stil a good husband with a wonderful, educated wife. He has two daughters anyone would be proud of who will definately go to college, like the Bush and Chelsi did and make their parents proud of them. Shouldn't Sarah be trying to figure out what to do with her clan? They are drunks, druggies, thiefs, preg out of wedlock and high school GED grads who will never step into college or work. Should she be talking about our president and his faults? I guess if she makes him look like a bumb, then people might think she is a success at something.....

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Let's see. 3 grown adult kids with jobs. 2 happy dependents kids.

      YOURE the one with problems

    2. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Jill is the only one with a job and she is called lazy.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Who the fuck are you talking about. The Whore of Babylon does have three adult "kids" stuck at the junior high level. "with jobs" however is a fat ass lie as is "two happy dependent kids." All her kids are dependent on the Whore. Nobody in that family is happy. They are used, abused, neglected, dejected, unloved, hateful, narcissistic assholes one and all (except Trig and Levi's son), but happy they are not.

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      7:31 here is your name!

      a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
      a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

    5. Anonymous8:10 PM

      7:31 PM 3 grown adults with no jobs, and alcohol and drug problems. 2(Bristol and Willow) with bastard babies who have been farmed out to relatives.

    6. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Track has no job, hasn't even done the few weeks of family fishing,. According to Bristol's court papers she has no income, thus no job. Poor Willard couldn't do one persons hair, her Ho' sister Bristol for TeeVee.
      Piper, well last we saw her she was hitting people, probably working her way up to an Alaskan tent summer while Trig is being taught to abuse dogs for his Mom's amusement. Some screwed up family.

    7. Anonymous6:38 AM

      7:31 Hey there Lily St Clair/Michelle?Lucy/etc. It's Pointy the stalker/window peeper/liar/hater/mental case. You must be tired. You've been so busy.

      By the way Pointy, you need some new material. You've already made that exact same comment. It must be so confusing with all of your very special, different, personalities. You just can't remember what you printed where, can you? Uh huh, yea sure, we're the ones with the problem. You keep telling yourself that.

    8. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I think the "Jill" referred to in Anon at 7:51 pm is the dog that Trig stood on. Remember that Jill was trained to be a therapy dog so she was "hired" by the Palins to do a job. And Sarah referred to her as "lazy" because she was lying down, which most dogs do most of the time.

  10. janice4:59 PM

    It is ok for a woman to try to work her way to the top to jump in bed with a black man. What did she think she would conquer?
    If Sarah would have just shook his hand and went her merry way, she wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world. That is all our President did, attend a meeting someone else attended or shook a hand, nothing to be gained from him.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Hey just like Babs Walters.

  11. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Well lookie there... little Miss Schuck and Jive herself is taking on racism.. Kind of like a crack addict bitching she didn't get a big enough high.

  12. Anonymous5:04 PM

    She is so stuck in her anger as to the 2008 presidential outcome she has not moved forward in any way. She really needs to see a therapist and work some of this out of her system. I bet it is hell being in that family given her dysfunction.

    1. And she still believes McCain's handlers (particularly Schmidt and Wallace) were the ones responsible for how poorly she did in the interviews, and anything else she did wrong during the campaign that caused them to lose the election. In her narcissistic frame of mind she can't see anything she did wrong that was responsible for their loss, or even that she may have been the major reason for their loss. To her, she was the one who the people were voting for, not McCain. The women truly is mentally ill and doesn't seem capable of grasping reality, or even capable of seeing her own faults.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      yeah they didn't mind spying on the kid during the 08 fireworks blast at the houston lodge hu? what was that they laughed about? oh right...the kid chased someone away trying to offer her 20 yr old son beer...
      hmm...everyone got a laugh about it except sarah...and john boy

  13. janice5:09 PM

    Do you suppose the had babies those years she was in college and never finished but just went from one college to another. She could have popped out a lot of kids. No one will know. Remember her girls aways seem to disappear in high school or leave town for awhile. Maybe Sarah's parents sent her off a few times too.....

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Wellll... I guess that might explain why she was big as a tent when pregnant with her 'first', Track... (first time mothers usually still have tight abs and don't grow as big as she was, hint, hint!)

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What will it take to see this ignorant bitch in prison orange?

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      i think at this point i'd prefer to wake one day soon and read her obituary ..

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      revealing a life time of 'domestic terrorism' to an individual who is super rich and not from this country...
      child rape is God's laundering...attempted murder...stalking...internet stalking...I could go on...

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM


      I look for it every day in the Frontiersman or the Anchorage Dispatch. When it is published I have a list of people that will show up for a party with lots of special wine from my collection and an impromptu party of the highest order. Not that I wish her any ill will, but I have no doubt that her demise will be epic and celebrated by many, not just us, here in Wasilla.


    4. Anonymous7:23 AM

      lol So what are you waiting for Wasillians? The rest of us to do the hard work for you?? You people are the ones that could expose her, starting with pressure on CBJ and MatSu.

    5. Anonymous7:45 PM

      607 by all means go on...i heard about a kid who was 'strategically placed' in Alaska in accordance with a Catholic Social Service adoption...something about England and a large trust fund...let me see...hmmm..
      as I recall the kid in question - who I met a few times by living in the area - was a good child...a little highstrung and needed something to do...then I didn't hear about the kid...I recall there being those around the kid who wanted to turn in the parent for abuse or something fraudulent going on...I wonder what ever happened to that child?
      for all the barking about how the thing never minded seemed to be a non issue when I needed help? may be they crucify those they cannot forget? either way hope the kid is fine and got the $$$ that was around this poor child...poor little rich kid is what I will always think...everyone knew but the kid...what a much life wasted due to greed and glutenly of those around the child...

  15. Anonymous5:10 PM

    You know what, bitch, or whomever wrote this for you even understand that we are so damn sick and tired of you spouting your crap when your own life exemplifies none of it? You've got mafia of your own, would you just please shut UP.

  16. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Last decade? She obviously can't do simple math.

  17. Palin can speak with authority on the question her supporters are so stupid and clueless that they can't see through her lies, her baseless claims, and her obvious self promotion. Reading the comments left by her C4P(aka Sea o' Pee) by her supporters is a definite awaking on how some people are so gullible, narrow minded, and ignorant of current affairs. I'm also doesn't hurt that they're also in likely racist and will believe anything negative against Obama, and Palin certainly caters to that crowd by giving them comments that can be seen as racist by using such words as "lazy" and using other comments that border on racists thoughts.

  18. Anonymous5:19 PM

    That is something Sarah Palin would say and her name is attached to it.

    Is that proof that she is did that and if again posting on Facebook?

    She is MIA until you can see the white's of her eyes and she is not in some smoke and mirrors staged setting.

    Where is Sarah?

  19. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Dear Sarah, ( Yes I know you read this blog)

    Why are you so jealous of Rev J Wright? Could it be that he is a decorated combat veteran? Unlike anyone in your antiAmerican family?

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Hey Trick Track Doodle Whack was a driver for the brass in EyeRack, what more do you want.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      The driver in EyeRack story was retracted. He never made it that far. Trick Track Doodle Whack is now said to be working incognito to save America.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      7:36 PM Is Track working undercover as a Drug Addict? He would be well qualified for that.

    4. 5:21, you are absolutely correct. Reverend Wright served honorably in the armed forces, which is more than anyone in Palin's family has done.

      Also, anyone who has read his sermons in their entirety is less than honest if they just unthinkingly characterize them as anti-American. He pointed out serious mistakes and wrongs committed by our government against not only people in other countries, but in our own.

      If we cover up those things in our history and pretend that they either never happened or were okay because USA!, and make no effort to improve, that is not patriotism at all. Anyone who cares about this country will never stop working to make it a "more perfect union."

  20. janice5:36 PM

    Sarah, Obama will be gone in a couple years. No need to bash him any more. I will love to see how she handles Hillary. You can bet Bill or Hillary will nip her bud.

    1. angela6:34 PM

      Actually, the only way to handle Palin is to ignore her.
      She feeds on a fight. The best thing any of us could do to shut this heinous piece of damaged goods up is to completely ignore her. That would destroy the witch.
      But you are correct---Bill and Hilary would probably destroy her.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Plus, Sarah is going to be pissed when she sees President Obama has been declared to be one of the best POTUS the country has had!

      Boy, oh boy, then what is the racist slut going to say? He's already doing outstandingly well which she cannot bring herself to acknowledge! All

      All of her evil and hate will be for naught! And, look how it has aged her in such a short period of time. She tain't what she use to be!

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      6:34 I Totally AGREE!!

  21. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Does she still believe in tweeting radio personalities to "reload" with N words? Still describe the first black prez as "shuckin and jiving"? Note how she waited to jump on levin bandwagon instead of acting on her own.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Sarah Palin does not have the insight to act on her own. She jumps on any right winger's bandwagon after the fact. Maybe Hannity will invite her on his pack of lies show to explain Trig's dog stomping.

  22. Just got off the phone with my source.

    I think you guys are really going to enjoy Monday.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      About what time can we expect your post G?

    2. janice6:02 PM

      Give us a teaser. Who is it about?

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Monday is my 30th wedding anniversary. Thanks for giving me another event to celebrate!

    4. Anonymous6:17 PM

      everyday at IM is enjoyable

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      This year has started out so very great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Anonymous6:51 PM


      Can't wait for Monday

      Who knew Sarah would help you prove what a fool she is.

      Mission Accomplished...

      Be safe

    7. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I love how masochistic liberals are

    8. Anonymous8:05 PM

      YAAAAAYYYYYY!!! I will patiently wait and will put a bottle of bubbly into my fridge...

    9. Anonymous8:05 PM

      I love how fearful of the truth conservatives are.

    10. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Somebody got a thesaurus for Christmas.

    11. Anonymous8:10 PM

      7:30 again-here you are:

      a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
      a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

    12. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Pretty busy for a defunct blog Uncle Gryphen :)

    13. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Yay Gryphen! Tell your source THANK YOU!

    14. 6:07, happy anniversary to you and yours in advance, and many more...!

      January 5 is my birthday, also, too. Though surely it's a coinky-dink that Gryphen will post his new goodie then, I will sing a few bars of "Happy birthday to me," pop open a cold Diet Coke, and settle in for some fine, fine, superfine reading.

      Thanks, Gryphen, in advance, also, too... That last is an $P tic that I may never unlearn, and probably it's for the best: Those who forget the Screetchy Wretch are doomed to live through something--can't say "someone"--similar in the future.

    15. Anonymous12:24 AM

      I suspect we will see the 'dude' poster again. My suspicion is it is a Palin/Heath trying to minimize anything said here.

    16. Anonymous6:47 AM

      9:40 MrsTBB, I acquired that same tic. I've been asked once or twice why I say that. I just laugh and tell them it's a long story.

  23. Anonymous6:05 PM

    yeah one source...what about the one that made her resign...
    ah such lengths they take to avoid that conversation...
    might want to tell Sarah that her 'domestic terrorism' does have consequences to actions taken against that rich kid ya know...

    1. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Please share. All your posts are so interesting, but driving me crazy!

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Agreed, 10:44! 6:04pm, PLEASE start spilling the beans! You always hint at stuff, but never really give any concrete hints/sources. Drop names and real places and incidences, or tell us a concrete date when all will come out!

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      granny gear here...oh that...sorry folks...old news.ok..chucky's best bud chuck adopted a kid with gerry...they had two boys...couldn't afford it...then they could..they divorced a few years later..gerry was doing all she could to get to the 'money' and tried in the late 70's...failed miserably...chuck came and got the a new lake house too...well then they figured out a way to keep the house...they sent the kid back to gerry...that failed as well...then the 'events' began to take recordings...they are all linked to those that 'seek' the money to try and take out the 'birthright owner' and thought they could by taking out people around the kid...that also now it's almost 49 years later and all that 'domestic terrorism' that was taken against the child will be discussed in a court of law from what I understand...and by the kid...oh if incompetents cannot afford attorneys what will you do when they become judges? send in dave parker to keep a 'fox' out the henhouse? let me know how that will work out for sarah and crews...sounds like it's all coming out in the wash...nothing like a good cry to cheer a body up...sounds like you will need it in court sarah...good luck with all that

  24. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Why can't something just be wrong? Why does it have to be "Yeah, well, but Obama...!" Grow the fuck up! Please!

  25. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I'm a vociferous critic of President Obama and consider him to be, on balance, a big disappointment as president, one who sold out liberals and progressives way more often than he had our backs, putting the lie to so many of his empty campaign promises.

    That said... this goddamn fucking pile of hot stinking moose turds makes me want to DEFEND President Obama.

    That is how much I fucking loathe her and how much of an ignorant hate-mongering BIGOT she so clearly is. Just OWN IT, Sarah Palin, own your hatred and racism, because there is no use trying to pretend otherwise. You are such a KKK-inspired racist that anyone could see it from outer space.

    1. Paul in Minnesota5:49 AM

      Yeah, I agree with you about selling out liberals and progressives. I still imagine if President Obama had given us single payer healthcare. The heart attacks, implosion of the GOP or their heads exploding. Also if he hadn't bailed out the banks (Wall Street) and let them fail, or if the terms were, they had to be split up to get any assistance from the feds. Plus closing Gitmo. Getting us out of Bush's/Cheney's wars sooner. Stopping torture. Perhaps more people would have gotten out to vote in recent elections?

      Yet I agree with you. I'll stick up for President Obama as the loser from Wasilla is a half term racist quitter who had so many people fooled with her fake Christianity, fake small town charm and fake wholesome pretend family values in 2008. At least she was never in DC in an official position and in the White House as VP or potentially as POTUS.

      Now, I still get angry when people say it doesn't matter if they vote. That Democrats and Republicans are the same Wall Street party. To me, voting especially at a local and state level does matter as a few hundred votes meant in Minnesota a Democratic Al Franken in the US Senate and a Democratic Mark Dayton as Minnesota's Governor. At least we're not another republican governor run red state.

      Sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm lecturing you. I wish we could elect more progressives and liberals at a national (and state, local, etc.) level. Republicans are now gerrymandering themselves into a majority and that scares me about the future.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      President Obama could never have gotten "single payor" healthcare through Congress. What President did get was limited by the GOP, but at least he got something for us. Something that can be built on. I want the US to have universal health care like our friends in Europe have but too many Americans are too cowed by the GOP and their corporate masters. If you really thought that President Obama could wave a magic wand and give us all universal healthcare just like that, then you know little or nothing about American politics. You probably voted for Ralph Nader twice too.

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Yes ha has been disappointing in some ways but still far far far better than any alternative.
      I have to keep reminding myself this little point!

  26. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This is one of the sickest public figures ever!!!! STFU you racist bitch!!!

  27. Anonymous6:13 PM

    According to Sarah, she and Todd 'live it everyday' (racism?) in Alaska and she was going to profess relations with the Arabs of the North unshackled by her title of Governor and whatnot.

    Palin statements in November of 2008:

    Palin, to reporters captured by MSNBC:
    We're raised up here to to know that, um -- you talk about equality? You see equality in Alaska. And so that's a good question, because I think that was a bit of a surprise on a national level, was -- what, you mean the other 49 states aren't quite there, like Alaskans are? Well come on, follow Alaska's lead and start allowing the equal opportunities and the equal treatment.

    AND THEN YOU HAVE in the enclosed footage:

    Brad Bailey to V.P. Candidate Palin at a rally: I'm the only minority here, my question is, how can you encourage more people to show up? How will you make that happen?

    Palin: We've got to be all about equality. The constitution preaches - Todd is Alaskan and if you go up to Alaska, we have a problem with Todd being a minority up there. We live it. We've got to do a better job about that. Thanks Brad.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Todd is half native Alaskan. Sarah's children, Bristol and Willow are 1/4 native. She loves to preach about her two kids from Todd and Todd himself that is native but Sarah doesn't really like natives and never helped them during her brief governorship.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Why are you lying? Her native inlaws love her vica versa.

      She has 4 native children

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Nope, Todd is 1/4 Native, his Native forebear being a grandmother. His offspring by Sarah Palin are therefore 1/8 Native. That small fraction was obviously still too much for Bristol Palin, who had her Native features surgically altered so that she can look like a Hollywood troll instead. Being Alaskan wasn't good enough for Miss Palin.

    4. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I thought Todd was one-quarter native Alaskan, through his maternal grandmother. That makes his children only one-eighth native Alaskan, unless he fathered any with a woman with native ancestry.

    5. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Really 7:29??? Only "four"???? What about number five?

    6. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Damn! I didn't break the troll. Maybe I should have stood on the stupid thing! Literally. Hoohah

    7. Anonymous8:04 PM

      7:29 PM WTF is "vica versa"? Track Menard is not Native, and Rill(sic) Natives don't have their faces carved up to look White like Bristol did.

    8. Anonymous8:11 PM

      7:29 and because you are soooo thick headed:

      a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
      a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

    9. Anonymous8:17 PM

      7:29 : FOUR kids??? I thought she has FIVE...
      ALSO, TOO: at the most TWO of them are part-Native - maybe Bar$tool and Willblow. Track is a Menard and as such not a Native American. Piper most likely also is either a Menard or a Hanson.
      Two-toned Toad has been cuckolded at least once, if not twice.

    10. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Has anyone noticed that our troll either slips-4 kids, instead of 5 & yesterday saying Trig is almost 8, instead of 7-or is playfully giving us answers? 4 kids & 8 yrs old seem correct to me!

    11. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Great post 6:13!

    12. Anonymous7:13 AM

      8:11 Keep it coming.

      6:13 Excellent reminder. Now is the time to attack her with her own words. I know many people have kept a file. Pull them out. Show the world how she lies with her own damn words.

  28. Caroll Thompson6:17 PM

    That Sarah is a one note wonder with her hatred of the President of the United States of America. She will never get over losing the election, even though she has had over six years to do so.

    And what has she got to show for all that hate? She is washed up politically, her hair has thinned and is falling out, she has lost her good looks, which were always so important to her, and it appears she has been hitting the bottle way too often. Her donations have dried up, she has no speaking engagements and her TV channel is a joke that has not made a dime.

    And as long as she continues her hate, I don't see things getting any better for Sarah. Her hero Reagan was a lot of things, but he didn't spend his time hating on others. He didn't make hateful jokes and snide remarks. I didn't often agree with Reagan, but he was a cordial and happy fellow.

    Unless you are a white supremacist or other extreme character, no one wants to spend their time listening to hate speech. And that is why not many want to listen to Sarah Palin anymore. And the number of folks that admire her is dwindling every day. She really is her own worst enemy.

    If you want to keep the grifting going Sarah, you are going to have to reinvent yourself. The economy is roaring back, the stock market is at record levels, people are starting to make more money, gas prices are low and getting lower, companies are hiring again, people who could not afford it or could not get health insurance now have that opportunity.

    It's a new and brighter day Sarah. No one has time for your old grudges or your hatred; get over it.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      'he was a cordial and happy fellow"

      He was a cordial, happy and demented fellow.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Your random posts are rivoting. I wish I could figure them out!

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Every time she reinvents herself, Caroll, it's into something worse and she comes across as an even bigger fool. I highly doubt 2015 will be a good year for her.

    4. Anonymous7:14 AM

      7:10 I didn't have a problem. Would you like me to translate for you?

    5. Anonymous7:45 AM

      lol happy and cordial or mean and angry...those are the options of the Alzheimer's suffering personality.
      Wonder what would have happened to the country if he was angry and mean

  29. Anonymous6:18 PM

    She did not write that.

  30. angela6:29 PM

    Poor Sarah. Always trying to deflect. But who cares what she babbles about racism underneath her white pointed hood.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      She can't deflect anything from this crew. Proceed Governor. Hopefully people in the know will grow a pair.

  31. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Can't wait for Monday!

    On Sarah's racism post, she's just holding a grudge. She's just a teenager who got eliminated from the Ice Festival pageant. She can't function as a political contributor and make an intelligent argument about Scalise and discuss the hows, whos, what's, where's and when's from her journalism class. She must take every subject of discussion and veer off course and attack the President.

    If Hannity asked Sarah about the strange weather patterns, she'd have no answer, but blame President Obama for it, using it or any subject to make a dig at the First Family vacationing and golfing and how they're enjoying the best of the good weather, trying to enrage the upper MidWesterners who have to put up with the worst weather. She'll say anything to make someone hate on the President.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Yes, and why isn't scaree helping fox with dish network? She's always saying things about helping. I never see it. Where's the help. Grifting is all I have seen. And her meanie ways. She just takes. Like took rice for a ride huh toad.

  32. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Can't wait.

  33. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Didn't she address the AIP while Governor? Message to Sarah, YOUR SHIT DOES STINK!

  34. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Ok, which one of you guys broke the troll?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Obvi I did. Literally.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Sorry, I only bruised its spine when I stood on it. It looked fine and seemed to enjoy it at the time.

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Oh Britta

  36. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Everyone sees through her. She projects and does that narcissistic mental thing, gaslighting. She lies and dodges truth and gets people to question their own reasoning by manipulating their emotions.

    Every subject can be modified, by Sarah the gaslighter, to make a person get angry and they don't even know why they are angry. Then she sics the name "Barack Obama" in the equation and they salivate with anger and project their anger onto him.

    Gaslighters make people believe they are going crazy. The gaslighter is a master manipulator, having mastered the art of getting the right reaction out of people, by flirting, pretending they are someone's best friend, etc. They know their victims and can dominate them. They pretend they love their victim, and turn their victim against their (gaslighter's) enemies. If a gaslighter wants to perjure or slander or destroy an enemy's reputation, they'll use their victims to do all the hating, and they look like the inocent.

    Sarah's victims are her skeleton fan base now. Her gaslighting techniques aren't working on gullible people anymore. Gaslighters think they are superiorly clever, more clever than anyone else, and become over-confident and delusional to the extent that they finally make a huge mistake and reveal what they really are.

    The only way out is a miracle and a strong need to change and stop wanting to hurt people. But, the ball is in their court.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Wonderful comment, thank you.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I just hate her because she is stupid and inept. It doesn't even take a person smarter than Forrest Gump to realize that she is a dangerous idiot.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      People here are the only ones who enjoy hurting people

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      7:28 PM Is that you Lilly/Lucy in the sky(LSD)/JUST NO/JUSTTINE/QUEENIE/QUARTZ/BRISTOL'S STALKER? What is it about this blog that keeps you here posting non-stop comments like a juvenile delinquent?

  37. Anonymous7:03 PM

    This is a distraction so you won't remember that Sarah thinks it is cute for trig to step on Jill.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM


    2. Anonymous9:02 PM

      7:27 PM Lusting out loud? You are a freak who is obsessed with the Palins. You just might be our secret weapon in the war against stupidity.

    3. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Ahem, Anon at 9:02 pm, I think that Anon at 7:27 pm is agreeing with the statement that this latest Palin utterance in her never ending "war on President Obama" is meant to distract the world from her "cute" Trig fiasco of New Year's Day.

  38. Anonymous7:07 PM

    She has a new SPC post up but I'm not a subscriber if any of you are you could check it out and and let us know what it's about.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Anyone who'd give Sarah Palin ten bucks a month wouldn't be able to read.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Fartknocker over at Wonkette will most likely review it soon.

  39. janice7:12 PM

    The Huffington Post and Politico are really slamming her in her facebook post.... good reading

  40. Anonymous7:23 PM

    the queen of racism calls Levine a great

  41. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The more you call a non-racist person racist, the more it says about you than that person.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Are you suggesting she's NOT racist?

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      NO one is calling Sarah at all, ever. That's why she keeps ranting between visits to the psych ward. She is just another unemployed mentally ill middle aged woman.

    3. A J Billings8:30 PM

      When $tupid $arah found out that President Obama had won the Dem nomination, she was overhead in a restaurant to say

      " Well, I guess Sambo beat the bitch"

      Chuckie Sr WROTE IN HIS OWN BOOK that the reason $arah left University of Hawaii was because "there were too many Asians"

      So suck on that, and $arah is a god damn racist

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Ding, ding, ding! Now go tell Sarah that on her rant about the President being a racist!

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      7:27 PM Is that true for calling a Troll a Troll? Sarah Palin is a RACIST Bitch!

    6. A.J., you are right about $P leaving Hawai'i because there were, she thought, "too many Asians," but allow me to clarify: She never even enrolled at UH-Hilo, a smaller and less prestigious branch of the state university. When most people think/talk of UH, they're mentioning the Manoa campus of the University of Hawai'i, on Oahu. The Hilo campus was, at least in my college days, much easier to get into than crowded and competitive Manoa, as well as being located on the sleepier, much more non-haole (white)-populated Big Island of Hawai'i.

      $arah reportedly put in two semesters at Hawai'i Pacific University, whose campus is not far from the tourist mecca of Waikiki Beach. This area is arguably the whitest part of the whole state, but still, too many people of color (sunburns don't count) for the Heaths' $arah.

      My family of origin moved to Hawai'i when I was in high school, and I fought a long and ultimately successful battle to attend a mainland university. Not that I had/have anything against the state or its universities: I just thought no, this is not for me. Also, too, I admired UH's efforts to make it their first priority to take care of its own, to admit and house and educate students born and raised in the fiftieth state--a category into which I did not feel I fit, although I was accepted, honors at entrance, by UH-Manoa.

      What the state university did NOT want to become, or to be known as, a party school for Mainland slackers. Mainland applicants had to be spectacular basketball players or, preferably, excellent students with high test scores and GPAs. (I wasn't the former.) HPU was one of the private universities founded in part to accommodate the Mainland part-tay types for whom UH-Manoa had no use.

      Hmmm, now that I've hula-hula'd down Memory Lane, it's occurred to me that Hawai'i Pacific is ANOTHER institute of higher learning that has never asked the former Miss Heath to address a graduating class...

    7. Anonymous10:18 PM

      So tell that bitch to stop calling Rev. Wright and Pres. Obama racists then you hypocritical piece of shit.

  42. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Palin Blamed for Death Threats Against Obama
    Sunday, 09 November 2008

        Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.

        Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.

        The Republican vice presidential candidate attracted criticism for accusing Mr Obama of "palling around with terrorists", citing his association with the sixties radical William Ayers.

        The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric.

        But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further.

        The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks.

        Michelle Obama, the future First Lady, was so upset that she turned to her friend and campaign adviser Valerie Jarrett and said: "Why would they try to make people hate us?"

        The revelations, contained in a Newsweek history of the campaign, are likely to further damage Mrs Palin's credentials as a future presidential candidate. She is already a frontrunner, with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, to take on Mr Obama in four years time.

        Details of the spike in threats to Mr Obama come as a report last week by security and intelligence analysts Stratfor, warned that he is a high risk target for racist gunmen. It concluded: "Two plots to assassinate Obama were broken up during the campaign season, and several more remain under investigation. We would expect federal authorities to uncover many more plots to attack the president that have been hatched by white supremacist ideologues."

        Irate John McCain aides, who blame Mrs Palin for losing the election, claim Mrs Palin took it upon herself to question Mr Obama's patriotism, before the line of attack had been cleared by Mr McCain.

        That claim is part of a campaign of targeted leaks designed to torpedo her ambitions, with claims that she did not know that Africawas a continent rather than a country.

        The advisers have branded her a "diva" and a "whack job" and claimed that she did not know which other countries are in the North American Free Trade Area, (Canada and Mexico). They say she spent more than $150,000 on designer clothes, including $40,000 on her husband Todd and that she refused to prepare for the disastrous series of interviews with CBS's Katie Couric.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Just one more reason to hate this scourge to mankind. Also too, she's really a bitch.

    2. Anonymous4:07 AM

      And another reason to dislike John McCain who set her on the American people.

  43. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Sarah was never a politician, not rilly. She was an attention junkie from early on in her life. She proved from a young age that she would do anything for attention. She ran for Wasilla Council but didn't do a good job. Then Wasilla Mayor but wasn't competent at that, had to hire a city manager for a tiny 5 or 6,000 population town. Then won Governor of Alaska but again couldn't even pretend to do that job so had to have her Shadow Governor Todd sitting at a desk right in the governor's office. Sarah's "job" was to rake in the attention, to look in the mirror every day and dream of becoming President of the United States. She was stupid enough to think she could do the job when she had no idea what the job entailed.

    She's a lost, empty headed fool. She has no foundation -- not in intelligence, not in education, no morals, no values. All she has is bad habits, hates everyone around her including her family -- yeah, I'm saying she hates each of her kids and for sure, her husband. She latched on to the Mark Levin column not because she had any thoughts about it but because Levin is probably one of the few who will still answer the phone when she calls so she has to support his views. But what could she say? Her brain was blank. The only thing to do was to show her hatred of Obama.

    She is a craziest politician that I've ever seen and I've been watching politicians for 60 years, ever since my dad woke the family up to listen to the late-night election returns in 1952 when Eisenhower was elected. Had Reagan not closed down all the mental institutions, Sarah would be a resident of one of them. If liberals were half as bad as right wing extremists think, we'd open up asylums all over the country, throw all the RWNJ in them, then let them loose one by one only when they could prove they had IQ's of 90 and could function for a few hours at a time without drugs. Sarah would remain locked up forever.

    Since we're not that bad, the country is left to watch Sarah self-destruct. It's taking her too long. I can't wait for Monday.

    1. A J Billings8:25 PM

      Great post.

      We know why a small handful of rill 'Muricans don't see what an ignorant feckless nasty shill she is for the religious right.

      Even my dad, who is 86 years old and has voted
      Repub all his life told me he thought she was an idiot,
      and didn't vote for McCain because of her. He stayed home that day.

    2. Anonymous10:19 PM


    3. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Excellent except for the IQ quip. IQ is normally distributed: half the population is expected to have a score below 100, with 17% or so below. 85. That's a lot of people, and, while the "low normals" do have a greater propensity for violence, most of them are quite sane, i don't believe there's a correlation between low IQ and mental imbalance.

  44. Anonymous7:39 PM

    When she runs for office, heehee, please journalists ask about rice and interview rice. Ask toad about rice.

  45. janice7:47 PM

    The only thing positive that came out of all this Palin mess is Levi and Tripp. Levi grew up, married a wonderful girl and is crazy about his wife and children. He is such a positive person in Tripps life now, he does all the nurturing a good father should do. Tripp is so lucky to have him back in his life and I hope when he gets older, he chooses through the courts to live with this wonderful family. As long as Levi is in the picture, Tripp may have a chance to not pick up the baggage left from his mother and grandmother.

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      True except for the fact that Levi has lied, alot, for some unknown reason. He could be a gazzillionaire if he just spilled the beans and left for another lumbersexual enjoyable terrain.

    2. janice5:48 AM

      He was a kid though who trusted his attorney, etc. He at least grew up, Bristol never did...

  46. Anonymous8:20 PM

    This woman has so much venom, she extrudes a very poisonous outlook for serious political discourse. She does nothing to further the good of the nation.

    1. Anonymous11:43 PM

      In the above photo she appears as evil, physically, as does the rhetoric from her very black heart!

    2. Anonymous5:38 AM

      She extrudes? What do you mean? exudes?

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Extrudes might be a better term than exudes when it comes to a loud mouth like Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      The dense shit she puts out there had to be extruded.

  47. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I need to rant! I stopped by the pond today and they are STILL using the "polls are for strippers" & "living rent free in liberals heads” lines. Can somebody please troll over there and feed them some fresh lines? God, can't they come up with any new shit on their own? And if anyone on this blog can explain the dynamics of that dysfunctional tribe of social misfits? What the hell is up with the hateful, bible spewing old couple who are married, but spend their day communicating on separate computers? The januaryrose bitch who brings nothing to the site but attacks, and the virginiagent, who uses words like "nevah” for never & " milady"-are you putting me on? I honestly think he is a fraud. I am from southern stock and no one writes "nevah"! There are a few whose names I don't recall that are certifiably batshit crazy. I have only seen a couple of Pete posts & the love birds weren't around. Anybody know any back stories? I hope they are old & on their last election cycles, because they bring nothing of value to our country.

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      I can explain it to you.
      There are ONLY 3-5 real posters over are C4Pee.

    2. Anonymous10:14 PM

      You mean Pete,on Food Stamps and Section 8 and extended Unemployment and applied for Disability Pete who complains about "takers"?

    3. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I swear I am going to write some stupid palinesque lines & feed them to them.

    4. Anonymous10:50 PM

      But, I have to get wasted to get make it authentic..Swillow...

  48. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Sarah palled around with an Alaskan terrorist, Todd. What's the difference?

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      they will be held in a court of law to answer questions they thought they could buy away or threaten away...
      doesn't work that way folks...can't scare the fearless...
      but keep up the antics now...the latest being Barstool?

  49. Anonymous9:26 PM

    bless her heart

    1. PalinsHoax8:25 AM

      Anon 9:26 pm. That would be bless her twisted, empty, craven, lifeless heart.

  50. Anonymous10:38 PM

    She just recycles the same old crap over and over. She still can't get over her crush on Obama.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM


      Also too she is determined to let the world know she is living in 2008.

      Stuck with superglue to never leave her dream of glory.

      It may not be Sarah Palin that is able to function since the black out last year. The Palin Brand Team (whatever is left) is on repeat same old routine and post like they are Palin 2008.

  51. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Sarah can't get over the fact that President Obama won't give her the time of day. Sarah Palin has shown her ignorance and her vindictive nature, and decent human beings want nothing to do with her. Exit stage left, inflated chest skank.

  52. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Sarah, you'll never be able to deflect the criticism of your espousal of animal cruelty. The Obamas know how to treat the family pets; the Palins do not. So there,

  53. Randall4:17 AM

    Is there some way someone could ask Sarah how Trig passed the Obamacare death-panel? The law has been in full effect for an entire year now...

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Trig and her parents should be gone by now, along with Ted Nugent.

  54. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Can't figure out why Sarah Palin posted this crap about Bill Ayers and President Obama on her Facebook but if you look at the comments on her Bill Ayers post you can still see that people are still pissed off about Sarah posting pictures of animal abuse in her house:

    Theresa Marie Stockheimer
    The lab is a service dog. That could be the reason why he didn't move, among others. 

    But ok, let's say the dog DID move. What would have happened to Trig? Gotten hurt, that's what. This could happen if he continues to use his dog as a step stool.
    Hide · 2 hours ago

    Jared Buettner
    I think we can all agree that yes, you are stupid Sarah.
     Hide · 4 hours ago

    Juan Miguel De Ulibarri
    How's your dog doing? Still able to walk?
     Hide · 4 hours ago

    Lori McGovern
    No i will not like her
    Hide · 4 hours ago

    Karen Maurer
    When is okay to burn a dog, hang a dog, rough house with a dog, sleep on a dog, oh, how about the dog the sleeping on top of a kid! Wouldn't that be child endangerment. You people need to stop bringing politics into it, and learn to pick your fights!
    Hide · 5 hours ago

    Donna Miser
    You SERIOUSLY let a kid STAND on the dog? OMG ! Just sent you some KARMA !!!
    Hide · 6 hours ago

  55. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Are you looking forward to Monday, Sarah? Who will you have Tri-g stand on next, Tripp? Or will he choke the small dog again?

  56. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Appropriate photo of the finger wagging fool.

  57. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Sarah will you be posting pictures of Glenn Rice stepping on your hoohah in your sister's college dorm room? I'm sure Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper Diaper would love to see the Womb Shifter pounding your hoohah.

  58. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook :

    Krista Kalbaugh:
    Teach your child that this is NOT ok. This is not cute. It shows ignorance. Would you let a moose stand on your child's spine?

    Hide · 4 minutes ago

  59. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Sarah is running out of material. its the racecard then back at you Sarah. go home. we don't care. you're Old news. you aren't electable. you're an embarrassment to your own party. your only admirers are loons like you. get a job. tacobells hiring.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I don't think Sarah has recovered from her hiatus. She is lazy and someone else is doing her Facebook and the blog where she instruct French to write for them.

      How can the Palin brand team be so ignorant to have French playing like she is a brawling, balling unwed Palin with a kid?

  60. Anonymous8:22 AM

    When Sarah reacts this way, it's her childish reaction of retaliation, like the bully in the schoolyard who gets knocked down, and instead of admitting defeat, screams to his opponent, "your mother is a goat".

    Any time she's been defeated, she spews accusations, whether logical or not, at anyone anything, because she's enraged at how so many people reacted negatively on her facebook.

    She realizes she's not the great One, the Pitbull with lipstick, the adorable adored exemplary super-woman, so she's lashing out at the One who took her crown. It's so so obvious, even to a child, that she's stuck in a juvenile mindset and is trapped in it. Emotionally, she's plateau'ed at a 13, 14, 15 year level and can't go any further.

  61. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Boy, she is just stewing in hatred, isn't she?

  62. Seriously, she (or one of her idiot "consultants") is so brain-fried that the best they could do is trot out bullshit memes from seven years ago?

    Really? Is she sprawled somewhere whining into her red bull about the good old days when she could screech about Jeremiah Wright! and Bill Ayers! to enormous, adoring, worshiping crowds and chants of "kill him"?

    Well, here you go, cookie. You are verses two and four of this Springsteen song. Before you perk up, it is not meant as a compliment. It means you're pathetic:

    "Well there's a girl that lives up the block
    back in school she could turn all the boy's heads...
    Her and her husband Bobby well they split up
    I guess it's two years gone by now
    We just sit around talking about the old times,
    she says when she feels like crying
    she starts laughing thinking about

    Glory days well they'll pass you by
    Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
    Glory days, glory days

    Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
    and I'm going to drink till I get my fill
    And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
    but I probably will
    Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
    a little of the glory of, well time slips away
    and leaves you with nothing mister but
    boring stories of glory days

    Glory days yeah goin back
    Glory days aw he ain't never had
    Glory days, glory days

  63. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Sarah Palin represents all that is bad about western society: racism, imperialism and repressive capitalism while Obama represents everything that is good about western society namely progressivism, scientific dilligence and liveralism.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      I'm there with you on the first two but 'liveralism' concerns me :-)

  64. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Scalise and Boehner went to visit Palin in Alaska and they all color coordinated
    Palin, Scalise & Boehner--she has no room to talk or bring up Wright or Ayers.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      HA!! any question they are racists? they might as well wear their white hoods...wait..maybe they're wearing their blood uniforms.

  65. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Commenter Jerry Bell wrote on slimy Sarah's FB page: "we need palin to be our first president."

    And that's the intelligence level of a Palin supporter in 2015, folks. Jerry Bell is waiting for somebody to be our "first" president.

  66. janice2:01 PM

    Now Sarah is slamming PETA on her new FB post. I think she is flipping out and hitting bottom now. No Christmas family pictures and no Christmas decorations in her home. Something is up.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.