She has her hair styled right, her makeup applied professionally, and she even manages to appear sane.
This may seem like a small thing, but for Palin it's quite the accomplishment these days. (However it should be pointed out that she talks incredibly fast, is at times somewhat manic, and may have partaken of some chemical assistance to help her along.)
The interview starts off with Hannity presenting Palin as the victim of liberal attacks and then asks her what she makes of it all.
"Well yeah the ridiculousness of it all Sean. Background though, PETA has been attacking me for years, and those of my ilk. They've been attacking me because they know that I eat, therefore I hunt. And you know I tell my kids that many of their meals will be..coming wrapped in fur not cellophane. And that we eat organic, you just gotta shoot it first. So you know they've never been a big fan. And then when I was governor...uh...aggressive predator control in order to allow many of our herds to thrive and see good return on our herds...uh..they didn't like that either and they were brutal back then too. But this one? I have to admit even though it seems like I've seen it all, this one kind of took me aback. "
Hannity then suggests that PETA will not like the pictures he posts of fish that he has caught, which is a fairly ridiculous statement. He then quotes PETA, including their dig at Palin (Which I enjoyed hearing on Fox News.), and suggests that PETA want animals to have constitutional rights.
Palin's response:
"Well I guess they don't know where their leather belts and leather chairs crocodile purses, many of the elites that are part of that leftists PETA group, where those come from. animals. I'm in love with our dog Jill Haddassah, who is a service dog for our youngest son. Trained in Iowa at the Puppy Jake Foundation, we love her...uh...we'd never abuse her, so I think what we've done is proven the irrelevance of PETA, and many on the left, because the double standards they hypocritical. Here Ellen DeGeneres was PETA's woman of the year and she posted the same image. A child standing, using as a footstool, her dog. the little dog."
![]() |
Little dog? |
At this point Hannity tells Palin he is putting "all these pictures up" because, you know, this is totally unrehearsed.
Hannity then says that for the record this is a dog "specially trained for your son."
"Oh absolutely, and the Puppy Jake Foundation they're so good, they train these dogs to help disabled vets, that's their main purpose here. We were privileged to, having been supporters of the foundation, been able to adopt the dog that's been trained for a child with special needs. Yes there is a bond there, he's part..uh..Trig of course needing and knowing the love of this dog. Teaching him so much. And Jill yes she's a great part of our family. We're very, very happy to have her and nobody would ever hurt her."
Okay so to be clear Palin is saying that this dog was specially trained to work with special needs children even though the Puppy Jake Foundation trains dogs for injured vets, not children. And that the people of PETA are hypocrites because they chose Ellen DeGeneres as their "Woman of the Year" even though she posted a similar picture featuring a small child on a large dog, and Mayor De Blasio once accidentally dropped a groundhog.
Is that about right?
Man she just cannot stop digging this hole can she?
Later in this same interview Palin also endorsed Louis Gohmert to take over Boehner's position as House Speaker.
Thank you for the support @SarahPalinUSA!
— Louie Gohmert (@replouiegohmert) January 6, 2015
Well why wouldn't she? After all there are not many politicians out there that make her feel smart by comparison.Update: Holy crap, she was on the Today Show this morning as well and more unhinged than ever:
"I thought, absolutely hypocritical double standard, as usual, applied to, I don't know, perhaps a constitutional conservative,'' Palin told Savannah Guthrie on Tuesday.
In an initial statement to NBC News on Monday, Palin referred to President Barack Obama, who admitted he tried dog meat as a 10-year-old in Indonesia, when she wrote that "at least Trig didn't eat the dog." She stood by those comments on Tuesday.
"Oh heck no, that was the best line in the post that I wrote,'' she said after Savannah asked if it was a cheap shot. "It was the kickoff line."
And the hole gets deeper.
I hate that vile old hoohah with every fiber of my being. My hatred of her grows daily. AIP Sarah Palin....
ReplyDeleteThe old bat can't run for office, and too much talk of Jeb and Hillary. She's being ignored. What to do....what to do....presto gizmo.
DeleteThen she has you exactly where she wants you 8:36.
DeleteFrankly, you guys might not want to believe it, but this whole chain of events was well played by Palin. She did it again. Any publicity is good publicity.
I disagree completely. It is an old Hollywood clique that as long as they spell your name right, any publicity is good publicity. But, politics isn't Hollywood & with a few exceptions we do still prefer our leaders to have a basic concept of our Constitution and more than a 3rd grade grasp of our history. If AIP Sarah Palin is competing with the Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, Rhianna or Kim & Kanye, then yeah, she is getting the attention she desires. But, if she is trying to connect with and prove herself as capable to hold a high office, I see this as a huge misstep. Hoohah!
DeleteAND-10:30, She doesn't have me where she wants me due to this latest rant. She had me there the first time she opened her shit filled fucking hateful mouth when introduced at the GOP convention. My opinion of her hasn't changed, only the depth of my hatred!
Delete11:09 AM
DeleteAgreed. She did herself no favors pulling this stunt. I believe she underestimated the love people have for dogs. And her ugly attacks on the POTUS just shows more and more people what a childish, vindictive bitch she is. I can't imagine any sane person thinking she could make it to the White House or any other high office. I have no doubt she will continue to be used to throw red meat to the extreme RWNJ's at CPAC and the like, but that's about it. Thankfully.
Wow, it is absolutely amazing to me how easy it is for her to lie! Jill is NOT a service dog. I'm starting to think she did this all for publicity and the attention she soooo desperately craves. Crazy bitch.
ReplyDeleteOf course she did!
Delete@8:41 Starting to think she did this all for publicity and attention--- EVERYTHING that Sarah says and does, writes and posts is for publicity and attention, not to mention donations. Those are the things that drive her, getting noticed and conning people into giving her money.
DeleteJill's a service dog, Track's an combat veteran, Bristol's a born-again virgin and Sarah's a hunter and energy expert.
DeleteStarting to believe it is about publicity? That is always Palins game... don't you guys get that yet? She doesn't give a shit about politics or the left or the right policies really, it has been about publicity since before she left office. She is a reality star wannabe.
DeleteAnonymous10:33 AM:
DeletePalin doesn't give a shit about anyone, but herself.
...not even her own family.
She is SO full of Shit! How much service training can you give a 4-month-old puppy, which is when the Palins acquired her. People, so very gullible, believing her outrageous lies, especially the one about giving birth to Trig.
ReplyDeleteWell, no, the dog was acquired in August, and was in Sarah Palin's arms in April. So she had to be at least 8 months old when they acquired her.
DeleteI raised and socialized a future Service Dog puppy from 8-18 months of age. There was a lot of basic training done, so that the dog learned to behave in as many new environments as I could provide. He also learned the very first steps of many of the complex tasks he would perform for his person. BUT he then went back to the training center for a solid year of professional training before he qualified as a Service Dog. To get a dog to that level of knowledge and performance is a 24/7 job. Calling Jill a Service Dog is an insult to all the people who do the real work of training.
DeleteIt's probably a puppy that didn't make the grade. Lots of them don't!
DeleteThe fact the Today Show had her appear is another example of the decline of our MSM.
ReplyDeleteWell "The View" made fun of her this morning...
The View cow laughed at her!
DeleteI haven't watched the Today show since the day they put Sarah Palin on when Katie Couric was on Good Morning America.
DeleteIt's also an indication that NBC is NOT "liberal media". Nor, really, is MSNBC.
DeleteYes, I agree with Bill F. above. The MSM has turned to CRAP.
DeleteI think this was her attempt at distraction from the great work that Gryphen is doing here lately with his new source.
This distraction "worked" in the sense that it got SP the attention, but it also turned off more of her base and exhibited more of her crazy.
Now, I do think there is some important symbolism in all this for us truth seekers.
So, SP is bullshitting about how she named the dog. I think it is her vicious way of striking out at Jill Biden and Hadassah Lieberman. SP wanted to be the VP. Joe Biden IS the VP and Joseph Lieberman is who McCain actually wanted to be his VP-- not Palin. Moreover, it was Joe Lieberman who famously prevented SP from getting near Pres. Obama at the White House dinner.
SOOO , she names a female dog, a "bitch," after these two women that she is jealous of.
BUT, there's more because who is standing on these "pretenders to the throne" in Palin's twisted mind?? Why -- it's Tri-g!! It's Trig who was supposed to stand on them for her. HE (Tri-g) was supposed to get the Vice Presidency for her... !! But we know the truth about that Sarah - and we won't let go of it, you know-- like a stubborn, noble BITCH!!
C.a.L.: you hit the proverbial nail on the head with your anaylsis!
DeleteSorry Sara, the genie will not go back into the bottle. Years back I took a college class "Writing For the Media" which instilled in me the habit of fact checking before posting any comments. In researching the bit where it was stated Trig's dog was not trained by the Puppy Jake Foundation, I discovered this juicy morsel. This really needs to go viral:
Wow...quite interesting! Definitely needs to go viral!
Someone who uses facebook should post this on Sarah's page. Yes, it needs to go viral. Good find!
DeleteSarah's dog is not a trained service dog. Jill does provide services for the Palin family, though:
Delete1. Attention and facebook posts
2. Provides companionship for Trig because Sarah is oblivious to him
3. Stepping stool
4. Photo op
5. Just another way to get attention
This needs to go to Today and all like shows, but you need fucking accounts to post there. Anyone already have an account?
DeleteI just wanted to post that link to the Alsaka SPCA, where they had quite a lively discussion about the topic. Found out that they deleted the posts...
DeleteDismayed and 'wondering' just WHY they deleted the posts.... Hmmm...
Anonymous8:46 AM:
DeleteThank you.
I put your URL up on my Twitter timeline.
I'd give just about anything to be able hear their pre-interview discussions about what may or may not be allowable topics for on-air. Why doesn't she just interview herself?
ReplyDeleteBecause nobody tells AIP Sarah Palin what questions she can ask. Because nobody asks AIP Sarah Palin questions she didn't pre-approve. Kind of a catch 22.
DeleteI eat therefore I hunt....our mills come wrapped in fur not cellophane....blah effing blah. Someone please write something new for this ditz to spew forth.
ReplyDeleteAnd notice all the pictures of Trig that she gave them to use are several years old and he was MUCH smaller.
When Sarah pretended to make an apple pie, there was a sausage wrapped in plastic that is her "moose stew." It comes wrapped in plastic, unless that printed package was a piece of intestine.
ReplyDeleteReal service dogs require 18-24 months of training. Jill arrived at the Palin house when she was just a puppy, too young to have had even a year of training. Every video that includes Jill shows that she just wanders around. If she was a true service dog, she would stick to Trig's side and never leave him, and never be distracted to play with anyone else.
Do yourself a favor at watch Sarah's video where she is seated on the red-orange sofa in Todd's workshop, with Trig and Tripp and assorted dogs coming and going. Tripp kicks Jill and later pushes Jill away with his hands. No one, not even a child, would treat a trained service dog like that. Sarah does not tell Tripp that Jill is Trig's service dog. She does not correct him. She just utters a weak, "no fighting" to the boys when they lose interest in the dogs and start fighting.
Sarah tries to distract people by pointing out that as a child, President Obama ate dog meat, Ellen posted a picture of a child standing on a dog (which got lots of criticism too) and that Mayor DeBlasio dropped the groundhog, who died a week later. That does not erase the picture of Trig standing on a dog while Sarah admits that she is oblivious, but no that oblivious because she was able to take at least three photos. Sarah took the time to post them on her facebook, thinking that it was cute to abuse a dog. She is never sorry for anything.
There is nothing funny about standing on a dog but Sarah has turned it into a personal attack because she is a professional victim. She still plays the victim to PETA's attacks on her when she was governor, telling people to shoot wolves from planes. Sarah cannot take criticism. She has very thin skin. And she has to respond to every criticism, even though it keeps the silly story alive a little longer.
There is no good reason for Trig to stand on a dog. Get him a step stool. Teach him to respect animals. Pay attention to him. He could hurt himself.
She isn't a service dog at all, let alone a highly trained one.
DeleteScream all you want 8:52 it doesn't matter. She can say what she wants, what are you going to do, sue her?
DeleteWell at least the so-called trained 'Service Dog' will get that phony 'trainer' in deep shit.
Of course 'Princess Dumb-ass of the North Woods' (h/t charlie Pierce) lies all the time, but this time, she inadvertently revealed her lying liar of a 'friend' as well.
Saw this on another link---sorry I don`t know how to do live links----Service Dog Free Press--you can google it. It recaps the whole Palin mess, but most interesting for me was the fact that Puppy Jake is not accredited.
ReplyDeletePuppy Jake Foundation CEO Becky Beach is a Convicted Criminal!!!
DeleteRead the story by clicking here!!!
(Pic) -Sarah Palin with Puppy Jake CEO Becky Beach. Note the retractable lead in this photo are not approved for use with service dogs according to legitimate service dog trainers.
... However, in light of Sarah Palin's New Year's post on facebook, people are asking whether the Puppy Jake Foundation has committed fraud. There are serious concerns that publicly solicited donated funds were used to train Sarah's disabled son Trig's service dog, "Jill Hadassah", that was provided to a high-profile politician and Fox News talking head, rather than a needy wounded combat Veteran. These concerns have merit although it has been alleged but not confirmed that the Palin family is a supporter of the Puppy Jake Foundation and their own donations may have covered the cost of the animal and his training. The waiting list for a service dog can be as much as 5 years but it seems the Palin's did not have to wait very long. The Palin's are not listed as supporters on the Puppy Jake website.
This is not the first incident of abuse toward the service dog according to a video posted by Sarah Palin on her facebook page.
Puppy Jake is a big huge SCAM
DeleteAnon 932 The Palin's do not donate cash to anyone but themselves!
DeleteBTW this whole broohaha was a way to get the attention of all the RWNJ for donations to her $camPac!
The man-on-dog story is proof that Sarah is now completely irrelevant. The only way that she can get noticed is by posting photos of Trig standing on a dog. Then, when people criticized her, she took it as a personal attack, especially on her special needs child. Who is in the news? Potential presidential candidates and people returning to Washington DC. Sarah doesn't matter any more, unless you count the Tea Party's backing of Gohmert as something important.
ReplyDeleteTerrible thing to do to your own child.
DeleteA word about Sarah's appearance--
ReplyDeleteThe amazing Tina Dupuy was the in-studio guest on Stephanie Miller this morning, and the topic turned to Fox News' stellar make-up team. Apparently they spare no expense, so that probably explains why Sarah looks so stylish and CLEAN when the Fox "magicians" prepare her. It also explains why she looks like Patty the Daytime Hooker when she does it herself.
So as soon as the meds wear off she's back to allowing Trig to stand on the dog again.
ReplyDeleteNote to Palin: when you're in a hole, stop digging.
I think she did this whole damn thing on purpose. BABY wasn't getting enough attention, you know, and the unhinged fast talk is "everyone FINALLY gets to hear my words of wisdom" textbook narcissism.
ReplyDeleteI agree. She's off her rocket.
DeleteI meant rocker !!
DeleteI agree. Even the idiots at C4P think she did this on purpose to rile up libs....failing to understand that if this were true, she is actually USING her special needs child! Putting him solidly in the path of the media fire. That's our Scarah for ya.
DeleteAnd failing to realize that enraging a good portion of the population isn't the same as energizing them! Even some of those who didn't think the pictures were a big deal are disgusted by the hateful cheap shots she fired to defend herself. Always classy Sarah.
DeleteAnonymous10:09 AM, a good portion of the population is completely oblivious to this whole fiasco.
DeleteThe View’s Nicolle Wallace Admits to Experiencing ‘PTSD’ When She Sees Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete...As O’Donnell explained, Palin found herself on the wrong side of PETA after she posted a photo of her young son Trig standing on top of the family dog to reach the sink.
When Wallace started to defend Palin by saying “her kids are beautiful,” Griffin shot back, “Don’t play the kid card!” To that, Wallace admitted, “I’ve got nothing else except the kid card!”
After playing a clip of Palin trying to turn the whole thing around on President Barack Obama during an interview with the Today Show, O’Donnell asked Wallace, “Do you have PTSD when you see her?”
“A little bit,” Wallace said, laughing. “I start to sweat out.” O’Donnell said she could see the color “drain” from Wallace’s face. “Who do I get to try to kill me today. PETA or Palin?” Wallace wondered aloud.
Good for Kathy Griffin on calling her out on the 'kid card'! I sure wish more journalists would do that! Call Sarah out on her attempts to dodge these criticisms that come from a circumstance that she CREATED HERSELF!
mediaite is breitbart lite.
Delete"Who do I get to try to kill me today"
DeleteShe said that on television? Kill? Associated with Palin???
Like the talented grifter she is, time to fleece the remaining rubes outta some extra cash. The pool is dwindling, so she will squeeze what she can like an old experienced stripper hugging the pole for one more go around...
ReplyDeleteMan, she is ramped up... or pehaps tweaked up is a better description. Please ask your source some more questions and post the answers. It makes for great daytime TV, and it keeps C4P's servers offline
ReplyDeleteActually, it was AIP Sarah Palin herself who cause c4p to go offline. She linked them to her original Ellen rant and everyone tried to view the link. It is Sarah's only accomplishment, other than putting a spotlight on the Puppy Jake group.
Deletejust a vile hate filled liar. high as a kite!!
ReplyDeleteFor all the people who don't watch cable or read her FB but do watch today, now they've too seen Trig standing on the dog--& most people don't like it. Media keeps her "out there" which she wants. So once again she gets the attention she craves. Media should have dropped her hateful ass after the target maps. But it's all about clicks & ratings//and people watch because she is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteShe was absolutely manic in the Today Show interview. Extremely low cut sweater showing off her bony chest. Ugh! I really think she enjoys ANY kind of attention. If there are any mainstream republicans left they must loathe her.
ReplyDeleteShe is grotesque
DeleteAnd she shows depraved indifference.
DeleteThere are just no words. No words left. But see: Sarah is getting just exactly what Sarah wants - attention. Attention, attention, attention. There can never be too much attention for little Miss Third In Line (behind Chuck and Heather). And this will never stop, folks.
ReplyDeleteAs long as she can float The Crazy and have sane people resond (ie PETA, but they did only after so many of her own supporters weighed in on how inappropriate the pics were).
I live here in Wasilla. I know Sarah. Here's one thing I know about her - she can't not fight.
She Can't Not Fight.
And so this goes on and on. I was dismayed to see a columnist from both CNN and Time weigh in on this whole utterly stupid Dog Mess and come out in support of her.
But the media loves Sarah - both the right and the left. She makes their jobs easy. They love to love her (the right); they love to loathe her (the left).
All I can say is what I assume most IM'ers are saying ; "ARGGGGHHHHH. Make it stop."
But that's the point. It won't stop because she won't stop. Sarah Palin Can't Not Fight.
DeleteRight on!!!
"Sarah Palin Can't Not Fight."
DeleteExcept when her eldest son is getting his ass kicked by "little bitches," her eldest daughter is getting "beat to the ground," and Swillow is getting spanked by a "60 year-old" woman. When it was time to walk the walk Sarah ran away and hid inside the limo.
Rhymes with CAIN'T GET RIGHT!
DeleteLike mother, like son.
Very very true
DeleteCould you elaborate on your use of the "Little Miss Third in Line" comment?
DeleteWhat are they in line for?
Third in line maybe refers to her birth order?
DeleteMaybe she had to wear hand me down clothes?
Hear this, Americans, you are screwed!
ReplyDeleteAccording to Republicans The 114th Koch Congress Is Focused On Koch Priorities
...It should be a wakeup call to Americans that the first order of business for Republicans is not governing according to the American people’s priorities, but governing according to whatever means will enrich the Kochs to the tune of a hundred billion dollars, increase Boehner’s stake in Canadian tar sand companies, and provide profits for a foreign entity Canada will not let build its rupture-prone pipeline on Canadian soil. Senate Democrats devised a really clever ploy to expose the Republicans’ true intent in subverting the Constitution and Executive Branch’s power, but Republicans will strip those amendments out of the legislation with extreme prejudice because the Kochs’ priorities are not about creating American jobs or promoting clean energy. If nothing else, the Democrats may succeed in exposing the true nature of Keystone, and finally inform an ignorant population that there is no benefit to America in building the pipeline; particularly with gas prices plummeting due to America and the world being flush with cheap oil. Possibly, Democrats can convince Americans that building a pipeline to enrich the Kochs, and make it easier for Canada to ship its oil to Europe, China, and Japan is folly, but one should never underestimate Americans’ stupidity.
The other ‘crucial’ legislation Republicans will push right away is a measure that would change the new health care law’s definition of full-time workers to deny millions of virtual part-time employees from receiving healthcare insurance. The Koch, ALEC, Heritage Foundation legislation changes the ACA’s definition of full-time employment from the current 30 hours to 40 hours to allow corporations to maintain a workforce with fewer hours and still deny them healthcare coverage. There is no benefit to the American people whatsoever in the so-called “job creating” healthcare legislation, but it does allow the largest corporate businesses like Walmart to deny affordable healthcare insurance for its employees.
According to Republicans, doing the will of the Koch brothers is very important to, and a high priority of, the American people by passing two so-called phony “jobs bills” that the Democratic Senate blocked. However, both the Keystone approval legislation and denying healthcare to workers are as much job-creation bills as the religious right’s impending personhood legislation to ban birth control once and for all. Both bills are also the opening salvo of a concerted Republican effort to compensate the Koch brothers for buying control of Congress that, according to Republicans, was obviously a very high priority of the American people who were either too lazy to go to the polls in November, or so incredibly stupid that they fell for the same lies Republicans told four years ago.
I can always tell when an article is from politicususa.
DeleteShe is one sick bitch. She thrives on the attention. Her stupidity, and nasty, vile, personality are her vehicles to attention and notoriety. What monster.
ReplyDeleteI happened to catch her on the Today Show this morning. She's unbelievable and Savannah was softballing her big time. Sickening. She was gleeful for all the attention. She can't help herself. Any publicity is good in her addled brain. Notice they never talk about how many people from all walks of life condemned her not removing Trig from the poor dog's back. No, she focuses on PETA and being the biggest narcissistic victim in the whole world. The woman is a mess. And an idiot.
ReplyDeleteSavannah Guthrie is NOT a serious journalist.
DeleteA pretty face, nothing more.
First of all, Palin, it wasn't PETA that came after you. It was thousands and thousands of people on your facebook page, many of them conservatives and your devoted fans. That stings, doesn't it? You just can't admit that and are trying to bury it. Your brilliant plan is not going to work.
ReplyDeleteMany of those thousands of people calling you out for your ignorant, incompetent, bird-witted, irresponsible parenting contacted PETA. That's how PETA became involved. You just can't stand it, can you? You just "can't handle the truth", you chickenshit coward.
"she wrote that "at least Trig didn't eat the dog." She stood by those comments on Tuesday. "Oh heck no, that was the best line in the post that I wrote,'' she said after Savannah asked if it was a cheap shot.
You are so damned proud of your mind-boggling stupidity, aren't you? You seriously think sneering at and attacking someone for obeying their parent as a small child is clever? Is witty? Makes some sort of brilliant point? Really? You are proud of saying something that stupid (and vicious)?
My God, you make Louie Gohmert look intelligent.
Your Grand Damage Control TV Tour is not going to work. But keep blabbering, you gibbering dunce.
When Ellen posted the picture of the little girl standing on a much bigger dog, she got lots of criticism, too. People do not like to see animals abused.
DeleteWell, to be honest the whole thrust of her dig at the President is a criticism of a well behaved and obedient child.... not anything she would have any experience with as a parent (or as a child I'd guess)
DeleteLittle Barry respected his Elders and host diners, listened to his parents and ate what was served. Meanwhile, when asked what Palin wanted to tell her children left in the hinterlands as she gallivanted around the country for the second highest office of the land? "Obey."
DeleteAnd she plays you like a fiddle all day long nefer.
Delete"Anonymous10:37 AM
DeleteAnd she plays you like a fiddle all day long nefer."
Well, no she doesn't. She is a poor parent and a nasty, ignorant person, which I point out. How on earth is that "playing" me? Her opinion of me (if she had one, which I am sure she does not) is meaningless.
Your comment is so silly.
"so I think what we've done is proven the irrelevance of PETA"
No, dear, you haven't. You have proven the irrelevance of Sarah Palin to any discussion about responsible parenting or pet ownership.
Perfect reply Nefer!
DeleteSlightly OT, but I just have not lived a good enough life for Louie Gohmert to become Speaker of the House. Still, I can hope!
ReplyDeleteReally? You seriously want him to be third in line to the Presidency? With so many threats to the life of the President and possibly even the Veep?
DeleteI believe it won't be long before she finds out she is attacking the wrong group! PETA does NOT back down when they feel they are right.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to see their post when they completely destroy everything she has stated, including the fact the dog is NOT trained, etc. etc.
She might find that the food she is used to having come wrapped in fur is going to come with black feathers and says CAW CAW when alive.
Other than Ted Nugent and Duck Dynasty viewers, she's got no one left to insult.
DeletePETA is pretty much an out of control organization to begin with. Picking a fight with them is almost too easy. They have boatloads of flaws themselves.
DeleteWill Sarah Palin be able to escape the fear of all her secrets being revealed?
DeleteQuoth the Raven, "Nevermore".
They're taking their sweet time responding. Most likely getting their ducks in a row for a full blown assault on her character, or rather lack of. lol
DeleteI can't bring myself to watch either interview (hamm-ity or the today show). Nope, nope, no.
ReplyDeleteI did look at the link to the today show and my she honestly think the off the shoulder tops are in any way appropriate for an aging politician at 8am??
We are in the northern hemisphere and it is winter you lunatic twat.
Earthymama / Chicago
Sarah is skin and bones.
DeleteLooks like some kind of tacky evening apparel. That woman is so fashion challenged it's hilarious. Trig probably has more fashion sense than that silly old woman.
Delete"But this one? I have to admit even though it seems like I've seen it all, this one kind of took me aback. ""
No, what took you aback was not PETA. It was the thousands of critical comments regarding your irresponsible behavior, many of them coming from conservatives and your fans. Many of those people contacted PETA.
That's what took you aback. But keep trying to blame PETA,
Do you think you are actually talking to Palin?
DeleteDo you actually think Sarah is a leader?
"Anonymous10:39 AM
DeleteDo you think you are actually talking to Palin?"
No, of course not. What an idiotic thing to say. It's a rhetorical device. Sheesh.
10:39 get back to your sarah circle jerk and picking your nose, k?
DeleteDoes Sarah not know that Todd's Yu'pikTribe traditionally eats dog meat? Oh, that's right, President Obama is her prey. It does not matter that her husband may have done the same thing when he was young.
ReplyDeleteUh, what? We don't eat dogs. Maybe like the Shackleton crew who got stranded in the ice for months and had to resort to eating their dog teams or starve, but it isn't a delicacy. We have plenty of unusual foods like the poor dead smelly roe that Sarah used to strip from our Bristol Bay-caught fish, and in a Dillingham cannery where packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood? I believe you call those discarded funky eggs “caviar.”
DeleteCome on folks - some countries do eat dog -it is their culture or what is available to them - especially in the poor countries!
DeleteWe ate horse meat when I was a kid! Plus, it was what our dog ate for his food. That was in America!
Many Americans cannot afford cow meat (which is expected to increase in price 5% this year!) or fish products! Get a grip on what I around you!
Who could forget that Dolly Parton top Sarah's wearing again?
ReplyDeleteShe's in dire need of a stylist...
Her choice of top and the fire roaring at that time of the morning is S T R A N G E.
What did Willow spend two years in hair school for?
DeleteI posted this earlier and I need to say it again.
ReplyDeleteI really believe that Sarah Palin had no idea what Gryphen was going to reveal and she was starting to panic about it, so the dog kerfuffle was set up to deflect attention from the revelation.
I think she might have been assuming the worst about the information being leaked so she chose to create a negative diversion thinking she at least could gain some control.
It is going to be really entertaining to see what she does to divert attention the next time Gryphen prepares to drop one of these little water balloons.
She should have saved the dog flap for later in the game. I don't think she expected quite as much negativity as it produced. Imagine the size of the diversions she will have to work out for the next few reveals. By the time the leaks are all published, the antics she will have to pull will be breathtakingly self destructive.
It has been said many times but one more time won't hurt. Gryphen, you OWN her!
I agree that the timing is very suspect. I wouldn't put it past Palin at all to use Trig and Jill to deflect from Gryphen's Monday post.
DeleteThat, and the little bombshell time schedule yesterday. Wonder when the Theocratic Handlers booked her on Hannity? The Today Show? Yesterday afternoon, perhaps? They must have worked on pulling her look together all day to make her seem more worthy of "sympathy".
DeleteI think you're spot on, Olivia and I take real pleasure in the psychic pain Palin is suffering knowing that someone can, and will, topple her house of cards with the truth.
DeleteI agree with you, Olivia...I think she manufactured this boy-on-dog event. She must have seen the flak that Ellen received when she used the picture she used.
DeleteBut here's my question...why wouldn't an attention seeking Sarah Palin attempt to receive attention for actually doing something worthwhile? Why not use a picture of her reading Trig a story, or herself with the kids visiting a nursing home, or any one of dozens of activities that would have actually put her in a good light?
What is with her seemingly constant need to have someone attack her?
I'm going to disagree here on the timing. I think Trig used the dog as a step stool, SP saw it and thought what a great metaphor to share so she re-staged the scene, got the camera and had her writers craft accompanying text. I think she saw this as clever and cute and obviously gave not one thought to the welfare of Trig or the dog. I think she was completely taken aback by the response by not only her hated 'libtards' but also by her supporters. It obviously backfired.
I believe this is exactly what she did.
DeleteLesson to learn from this, Gryphen: DO NOT ANNOUNCE WHEN THE NEXT BOMB DROPS! Let her worry about it every single day, and let her go (even more) crazy!
Absolutely, Olivia, your comment is correct. Gryphen OWNS her and his timing with Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson's schedule later on in the hectic day was primo!
DeleteThe shakeout of The Puppy Jake scandal will prove to be interesting and not in a good way for Sarah's attention addiction.
Okay, toxic twat... your next move?
Because you read every little comment here.
I highly doubt she has any fears about the IM tipster, especially based on whats been let out already, I'd be laughing if I were her.
DeleteShe is trying to just stir up attention for her show and her celebrity. Thats it.
Cracklin Charlie, I have a close relative who behaves similarly. This relative needs to be a victim because she needs to con people into feeling sorry or outraged for her. You dare not oppose her or she will find horrible ways to punish you because you are evil and in league with the devil. She will manipulate or trick people into abusing her or insulting her and then she generates all kinds of drama around it.If nobody cooperates by abusing her, she will construct situations where she appears to be the one being abused. Her children are incredibly damaged and most have been through multiple therapies to recover from the sick things this woman does. She thinks by appearing to be a martyr who is mistreated, she will go directly to heaven.
DeleteSarah Palin gets more satisfaction from being attacked for what normal people think is bad behavior than the satisfaction she would by being admired for genuinely doing good things.
I think that IF there is another disclosure of information about Sarah Palin et al by IM, that it not be announced it's coming 'out' on a specific day and time!
DeleteDo not allow Palin time to provide some method of diversion to the information. She's become a master at it! Always the victim in some manner.
Time to deflate her by 'playing the game' against her!
If more information is disclosed, it will not need hype prior to because there are so many that read this blog on a daily basis (I have for years!) that the content would spread throughout Alaska and the country immediately.
Sarah Palin is NOT a victim - everything that occurs 'to' her she brings on herself!
Olivia, I agree with you that she was panicking about what Gryphen was going to post, but I think she really thought her "inspirational" post about stepping on obstacles would be well-received and that people would view whatever Gryphen posted as nothing more than one of the obstacles poor, poor Saint Sarah had to turn into a stepping stone.
DeleteI think her completely insane rant was due to a combination of panic about the post and fury at the response to her refrigerator magnet stepping stone post which she had expected to be applauded by her loyal fans.
""I thought, absolutely hypocritical double standard, as usual, applied to, I don't know, perhaps a constitutional conservative,''"
Nope. Criticism was not applied to a constitutional conservative. It was applied to an incompetent, dull-witted, negligent parent and pet-owner, who gave no thought to the safety of the pet, and certainly no thought to the child who could have easily fallen if the dog had moved.
Anyway, you are not a constitutional conservative. You have no idea what the constitution says and have made it clear that you are fiscally irresponsible and contemptuous of the constitution.
What Sarah Palin is, is a dimwitted operative for the subversive Alaska Independence Party. Their aspiration was to have her in a position of power in the (enemy) US government. Now she is simply a mouthpiece, used to enflame the fringe of society that hates the government and would love to remake our nation into their "constitutional conservative" vision. AIP Sarah Palin. Hoohah!
DeleteDo you still think you are having a conversation with Palin?
DeleteDo you still think Sarah is your friend?
"Anonymous10:43 AM
DeleteDo you still think you are having a conversation with Palin?"
Answered you above, you dimwitted dolt. Rhetorical device.
You should be more careful about just how silly you sound. Now, that said, I am rolling my eyes at your idiotic comment.
For Sarah's sake, I believe we can all lump this fair criticism of that vile, vitriolic, victim as the left's blood-hound libel. Woof woof!
ReplyDeleteHer hair may be combed and her make-up presentable, but she is still the Ol' Mad As A Wet Hen who "got around in high school".
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't much then and she is even less now.
Okole? So now she's Hawaiian, just like President Obama. Or maybe that was Sally's word if the week.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah,
ReplyDeleteYour poor 6-year-old child cannot say the word "Up". He can't eat dogs because HE CAN'T EAT A FUCKING CHEERIO! You proudly announce that you are an "oblivious mama" when your child could have been injured if the dog had moved suddenly and he whacked his chin or chipped a tooth on your granite counter. Aside from the treatment of the dog, you never thought to get your son early intervention when you brought him home from some hospital somewhere in Anchorage or Wasilla, depending on which version of the miraculous birth story you are selling, to help him overcome his developmental delays? It didn't occur to you that the child was prescribed glasses for a reason? That he was prescribed hearing aids for a reason? Your son is at least 45 pounds and the dog isn't yet a year old, and weighs approximately the same as him. The little girl in the picture posted by Ellen Degeneres is A) Not her Child, B) about 22 pounds and atop a dog that is 80+ pounds.
Please just shut the fuck up about PETA and President Obama and the lamestream media. This is not about any of them. This is about how you neglect your children and put on display your failure to teach your son that dogs and trusted family pets are not to be mistreated, and that he shouldn't stand on the fucking dog.
WTF is a constitutional conservative? She keeps using that but it's obvious she doesn't know a fucking thing about the constitution.
ReplyDeleteJill is NOT a service dog nor is she a therapy dog. Sarah is an idiot and a liar and this has nothing to do with politics.
So, Sarah, you get to play the victim yet again. Poor, poor Sarah . . . must suck to be you!
ReplyDeleteYep, it must really suck to be Sarah Palin.
O/T but For anyone who is advocating for home schooling, how the hell do you justify this???
ReplyDeleteDid You Know That There Are 14 States That Don’t Require English And Math For Home schooled Kids?
The states that don't require homeschooled kids to learn math or English, in one map
For Maryland: 13A.10.01.01 C.(2) Include instruction in English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, health and physical education.
DeleteThe map states Maryland does not specify. The article is wrong.
For North Carolina: Have a nationally standardized achievement test administered annually to each student. The test must involve the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics. Records of the test results must be retained at the home school for at least one year and made available to DNPE when requested.
My high school kids have consistantly scored about grade level in the IOWA test of basic skills since 1st grade.
What is your point?
I wonder what Ellen will say about Palin defing her as a hypocrite? I disapprove of standing on dogs but the child in Ellen's photo is half the age and size of Trig.
ReplyDeletePalin's lies have caused problems for Puppy Jake foundation. She does her self more harm going national upholding six year old standing on the dog. I can't wait for her video of the kid kicking the dog in the face to be broadcast.
She is an opportunist!
$arah Pay-me's Organic Fur Covered Moose Caviar packed in Pure Halibut Blood.
ReplyDeleteI will admit I was wrong. (Something Sarah could never do).
ReplyDeleteI thought that Jill was a service dog since she came through Puppy Jake and I thought their mission was to get people service dogs. I didn't know that Puppy Jake was in the business to whore themselves out politically to some quitter grifter fourth tier ex-politician for political points. (Which makes me think twice about Puppy Jake's service mission and pleas for funding).
Anyway, since Jill isn't as old as I thought she was and isn't trained to be a pet, companion or therapy or service dog, that still doesn't excuse the Palins from mistreating Jill.
Sarah always acts like a constant early teenager who got caught doing something bad yet deflects and points and says, well, they did it too.
Doesn't she ever grow up and take responsibility. Jesus H. Christ, thankfully she never got to DC to be VP. She lacks competence, maturity, intelligence, empathy, well, I could go on and on. Yet Saran will never grow up and be an adult in an adult mind. Sad, yet that's Sarah. Pointing her bony finger at everyone other than at herself.
Actually you might have it backwards.
DeletePuppy Jake could be in the business of getting some quitter grifter fourth tier ex-politician to whore themselves out so Puppy Jake can do the business of it's political backers.
Look where PJ's money comes from.
Ask yourself: Who is the ho and who is doing the pimping?
For christ sakes, Palin and hypocrisy are synonomous. We should put together the big old list of her own double standards!
ReplyDelete1. Liberals can't use the word retard, but Rush Limbaugh can during the same frigging week.
Who says we cannot use the word 'retard' or 'retarded'? That factor is so prevalent in the Palin family - I've used it numerous times and never had second thoughts about doing so!
DeleteOld Yeller vine -
ReplyDeleteShe sure is cunning though..she managed to turn the whole dog abuse pic into a political right vs left fight. It helps that the media is bought and large percentage of American people are profoundly stupid.
ReplyDeleteYeah, looks like all this handed palin an opportunity to make the talk show rounds and get some free publicity. This site keeps making her relevant with the right wing. Ka Ching!
DeleteFree publicity?
Sarah once demanded top dollar for these cameos.
Now she does them for free.
TV once came knocking.
Now Sarah is pounding the pavement for air time.
Beg, Sarah, Beg!
That is what she does: divide the country with scurrilous lies and invective.
DeleteThere truly are no words to describe how depraved and decadent she is.
Will Sarah Palin once again rise, to soak up the roar of adoring crowds?
DeleteQuoth the Raven, "Nevermore".
Anonymous10:33 AM, and denial is not just a river in Egypt. She would be forgotten if not for the left wing playing into her hands and giving her a platform. Whoever's idea it was to get PETA involved really screwed up.
DeleteThe metamorphosis is complete.
ReplyDeleteSarah is now a braying bobble head.
Now she is a braying bobble head?!
I know I will be called a troll, but you all overplayed your outrage. Instead of digging her hole deeper, she has managed to look like the victim of the left and come across as almost sane.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Sarah is energized by the fight. Mostt people avoid confrontations. Sarah seems to actually enjoy them. I honestly think the best way to get rid of her is to ignore her. Unfortunately we can't.
DeleteCorrection, 10:13 AM. Not "we can't," the MSM can't. No wonder she calls them lame. They are!
DeleteI agree (not a troll). She's been given another platform, gets all doodied up for the teevee (like 5am Alaska time she's wearing an off-the shoulder silky shirt?) and plays the victim. Everyone thinks this is about PETA now - it wasn't started by Peta. The brouhaha is really over her admittance of being a lazy mom. But now she's everywhere. AGAIN.
DeleteI disagree 10:02. Palin does not seem sane to any one sane.
DeleteThere are a lot of deluded and ignorant people. But there are many, many, many, many more people who see through Palin than there are those who prop her up.
Sarah enjoys confrontations? Bwahaha! Sarah enjoys stabbing people in the back and spitting on people below her chain of command. She always kisses up and punches down.
DeleteDon't kid yourselves. Conservatives are the ones trying to bury the Embarrassment, Sarah.
Liberals are the ones who keep dragging Sarah out in the open and putting her on exhibition. She is their best argument.
The folks St Ronnie threw out of the asylums think she's the cat's meow. The rest of us know she's a fool.
DeleteNo. She isn't and doesn't. And 'we all'? Who you talking to?
DeleteI don't agree.
DeleteI actually watched the video, and the whole time I was watching it, my eyes were drawn to the word in big, bold letters at the very bottom right hand side of the screen.
Fox loves them some subliminal messaging.
ps...did she get the lights turned back on in the "studio"? Hasn't she been out of there for a while?
I disagree. I think that most of the public sees what an idiot she is. After all, no one asked or forced her to put those photos on Facebook. Sarah Palin brought all of this on herself. The more she overplays it, the more insane she shows herself to be.
Please proceed Puppy Jake Foundation
ReplyDeleteSarah threw you guys under the bus some more! Your dog, a SERVICE DOG ( riiiight) provided and trained BY YOU PJF.
Sarah lets Tri-G ride horsey with it. Lets Tri-G use it as a step stool as his oblivious mom doesn't know "up" in sign language. Lets other people touch and pet a "service dog in service" and lets other kids kick him in the face.
Address this please PJF.
Palin's vile insinuation is that because Trig has Down Syndrome, he requires a service dog.
ReplyDeleteService dogs are incredible partners to the physically challenged and the blind. A local supermarket employs older adults with DS and none of them require the aid of a service dog.
In fact, they are some of the most efficient workers
in their areas.
Our extended family has a 12 yr old who has DS.
From her birth, her young parents mainstreamed her .
Unlike Trig , who seems confined to his immediate house,
she went everywhere with her adoring parents.
She was taken to parks, beaches, restaurants, family trips, zoo, etc. She received enormous stimulation from interacting with her environment and others.
Unlike Trig, she participated in Special Olympics activities from a very early age. Like Trig, she had visual and hearing problems . but, they were not obstacles in her growth.
She plays soccer .
She took ballet and dance lessons and wait for it..piano lessons.
She can play a number of songs on the piano quite well.
In the old days, children born with physical and mental challenges were kept hidden away , like Trig.
The fact that Palin never brings him out in public is telling.
And sad . Only still photos from the home are released.
Palin's use of the term " companion " to describe the dog's function in the home ( besides being used as a punching bag by Tripp and a stool by Trig ) is also bizarre .
It's like he's being raised by the dog like Romulus of Rome.
Our Lily is an amazing young lady because she was raised by loving and involved parents and family. The family dog and cat were pets , not her nanny and babysitter.
Trig will never grow to his full potential being raised by Jill Hadassah and the Palins, although the dog may be the only one to show him true affection.
I'm disappointed that the national DS organizations continue to remain silent in the face of Trig's dysfunctional situation.
Trig with his high profile DS could have been an inspiration and encouragement to others .
Conservative columnist George Will has a 40 yr old son with DS. Jon is an avid baseball fan
and his parents put in the time and effort to mainstream him , just like Lily's. And unlike Trig's.
Jon often rides the DC subway by himself to watch the Nationals baseball team .
Trig will never have an enriched life like Jon and Lily , instead he's just a prop and a photo op. How very sad.
Thank you for your post. I had a DS cousin who was mainstreamed from a young age, though he lived in a rural area (and also died in 1969 at the age of 13 in a bus accident). Yet he could interact with people.
DeleteI'm glad people mainstream their children. Your post offers me hope for many DS children who are mainstreamed and not kept isolated or just at home.
As far as I'm concerned, Trig is past the point of Sarah being able to 'use him and/or hide behind him as she has all of her other kids. He is no longer a baby or tot and past his cute stage!
DeleteNow, what will she do? It's going to be interesting to watch. We know, she always comes up with something that allows her to play the victim!
Very eloquent indeed! And how very sad is Trigs, situation.
DeleteMy niece's public elementary school is about 25% disabilities. Even the kids that can't make in a regular classroom for a full day, come in with their aide(s) for brief periods. Having challenged kids around her has been an enormous education for my niece.
DeleteMost of the severely challenged kids at my niece's school have been in therapy from birth. The school district has an active "parents as teachers" program with home visits for all children. So physical/mental problems are detected early and addressed.
Sarah Palin's Trig lost valuable time as infant/toddler when his development needed major therapy. It staggers me that Sarah Palin is never asked how they managed to do all Trig's therapy on the campaign trail.
I also wonder about the suitability for a "service" or "companion" dog for Trig who, at this point, does not seem to understand the difference between a real dog and a stuffed animal. It takes intensive work on the part of family members and specialists to help DS children achieve their potentials. Sarah Palin is not doing anything to help Trig; she's admitted her failures herself.
DeleteWe know the grandmother of a little girl, slightly younger than Trig. The little girl by the age of two could sit at a restaurant table and feed herself with small bites of food and interact with those around her. She wore her glasses and paid attention to people who were conversing all around her. Not one bit of commotion from her. We haven't seen her recently but are sure that she has continued to progress because the adults in her family care.
Wow!!! That was absolutely pathological!
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with her? Why would someone constantly feel the desire to be victimized? It's like she is begging for someone, anyone to attack her.
She calls herself names, so that she can then claim that everyone called her a name. They all do this constantly. Todd and Bristol did it during the Throwdown. Bristol does it all over reality teevee.
Do they do this to keep people from getting too close? A way of telling someone to back off? I just don't get it.
She has the ability to insert herself as victim at every opportunity. We enable her to some degree. The PETA dustup is to burnish her creeds for her upcoming Sportsman Channel audience. We simply jumped into her game plan. Pretty depressing actually. When will this idiot go away? I am pretty certain she is washed up politically so I’m moving on.
DeleteIt all goes back to her father the creepy one using her and her sisters for his sexual pleasures. She demonstrates, ne, practically screams her sexual abuse, so she knows nothing but more abuse (to children and animals) and more being the 'victim'. She has an arrested development from about age 8 or 9 as a result and is mean to the bone with her rage at that early abuse. The Palin/Heath klan are well known for their deviant behavior, ask anyone in the Valley, they know, they just don't talk about it, since incest is rampant in that state.
DeleteJust WHAT will it take to silence her for good????????
ReplyDeleteMore patience.
DeleteAn overdose.
DeleteHow many of us get precious media time to explain our daily imbecilities?
ReplyDeleteThe average parent of small children is busy 24/7; Palin is a middle-aged "mother" of an active 7-year-old boy with special needs. How in the world does she have time to attend to his multiple health needs, his educational needs, his therapeutic demands, while burnishing her victim credentials?
Why doesn't Savannah or Hannity ask her how she does it. How does she juggle the demands of mothering a child with disabilities? What IS her secret? Everyone plays along, coddling this imbecile. Any other child would have been removed from the home by now.
Can we finally get on with exposing the lie behind Trig's birth? I'm fed up with her lies and dissembling.
Now that Jill is Trig's service dog, Sarah doesn't have to look after Trig any more. That's Jill's job.
DeleteHow long have we been saying the same things about her over and over again and she still is provided time in the national media (which she says she hates!)?
DeleteShe brings them viewership because she doesn't speak as the majority do. She's really NOT a politician - she served as Alaska's governor for about half a term before he quit and Todd Palin is suppose to have done the majority of most of her work!
But, yet the media refers to her as governor and provides her a platform to endorse folks, etc. And, most of the time, the folks she picks are not elected!
Why anyone would even watch her on TV makes zero sense to me! But, there are millions that do seem to appreciate her 'style'! Go figure!
$arah has never looked after Trig.
DeleteWell, as Anon at 10:15 am said, Sarah has Jill now to take care of Trig. And she's never bothered with the therapy routine for Trig. He's "God's special gift" and shouldn't be altered, I guess. But it would be a good question for an interviewer to ask.
Ted Bundy was good for ratings.
DeleteOh, yes -- it must really suck to be Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteSorry Sarah.
ReplyDeleteYou backed another loser.
Speaker of the House:
John Boehner 216 votes.
Nancy Pelosi 164 votes
Louie Gohmert 3 votes (himself + 2 other votes)
Other votes mental wanking not worth detailing
BWAHAHAHAHA, Sarah Palin backs another landslide loser.
DeleteHey, Sarah, you know that the Chinese also eat dog. When you were in Hong Kong, did YOU eat dog, too?
ReplyDeleteShe looks pale and those eyebrows! Like a wire pulled tightly. Not a pretty look Sarah.
ReplyDeleteAlso, getting heavy again.
Tsk tsk.
Look how well Nancy Pelosi did with a majority Republican House. Outstanding! She'd be so much better than the alcoholic Boehner as Speaker. She got so much accomplished when she did serve as Speaker - check the records/facts!
ReplyDeleteNancy Pelosi was a great Speaker but she had a Democratic majority at the time. It's the majority party that wins the Speaker-ship. Had the American voters been less lazy and more savvy last November, we'd have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker again.
And here she is, on TV AGAIN (and not just Faux News), saying her same old, same old sh*t. Go. Away. Sarah.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that Trig is hers. However, she had him induced before her trip because she couldn't miss that oppurtunity. Leave him at the hospital a couple days and announce the birth when she gets home. That's why she can't releae a birth certificate.
ReplyDeleteTubal ligation. And menopause.
DeleteYour "theory" makes no sense at all.
DeleteNah. I'm going with Todd as father and someone very different as mother. That's based on Gryphen's source's recent comment and the failure of Sarah Palin to take proper care of Trig. He should have been having therapy since shortly after his birth and, by her own admissions, he has not had the therapies that are due him. If he were her own child, I think she would have wanted to do better by him - at least while he's small. So I figure that Todd broke the news to Sarah; she freaked out and then figured that she could make herself into super-woman by bringing a child with a disability into her home, winning credibility with women everywhere (didn't work out so well for Sarah) and with the pro-life movement (worked out better for her). What's interesting to me, and also an indication that she's not Trig's birth mother, is that she has never given more than the briefest lip service to any organization that advocates for disabled children. Look at all the Kennedy women did in promoting the Special Olympics, etc., because of their sister's disabilities.
Palin actually states that Ellen posted the picture and THEN PETA made her woman of the year. But that's a lie. PETA made Ellen woman of the year in 2009, and she posted that photo in June 2014. Also, there's no indication that PETA knew of the photo (and, of course, people on Ellen's FB page DID object).
ReplyDeleteShe appears absolutely radiant throughout this clip.....unlike so many others where you can freeze-frame every other second and catch a grotesque distortion of her face.
ReplyDeleteIt is really REALLY true, that "hate fuels me". (said by Bristol who learned from mama)
Saw the Today show too. Sickening. A few days ago, I was thinking to myself, "we haven't heard from Sarah in a few days. She's going to pull something to garner attention." And, voila! Right on schedule. Hoping for another lull in the action...Can't wait to see what she comes up with next...
ReplyDeletePalin on Facebook: "Please consider "Gunnin' for Gohmert" or going "Yahoo for Yoho" when you vote for Speaker of the House today."
ReplyDeleteWhopping endorsement!!!
Gohmert received three votes and Yoho got two votes from 435 voting members.
For the record...Boehner won a 3rd term.
Never thought I'd be pleased about anything to do with Boehner. But at least he's not quite as stupid as Gohmert and his pal, Sarah Palin.
I say that we have made substantial progress and here is why: No one asked crazy lady about being President. Not one question about her running.
ReplyDeleteAnd with her speaking engagements and the SarahPac donations down to a trickle, old Sarah still needs money. A grifter has got to grift after all. But no one even asked her thus denying her the opportunity to do that political strip tease about the Republican nomination. She got that question every time she appeared on any media back in 2011.
Obviously no sane person thinks old Sarah is qualified to be President and they no longer bother asking her about it. And that is progress.
O/T Bob McDonnell, Ex-Governor of Virginia, Sentenced to 2 Years for Corruption
They've been attacking me because they know that I eat, therefore I hunt.
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Who the fuck is Sarah Palin tying to kid? Sarah wants America to believe that they hunt as if that's the only way they feed themselves.
If they go hunting today it is only for recreation and it is for her photo ops.
Those Palins don't hunt because they eat.
it wasn't PETA that attacked her. Once again the media does not do its job and research just a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI hate to tell ya Sarah, but just because they might have taught the dog to sit doesn't make Jill a service dog.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I come to your blog at least three times a week. I comment occasionally. But please, can you get a different comment format. I can rarely find my post (or anyone else's for that matter) and I find that useful to see if anyone has responded to it. There's got to be another way. PS..keep up the good work! Thanks! Saltaire
ReplyDeleteGryph, OT for this post but you want an opportunity to interview Dr. CBJ?