Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ted Nugent posts open letter to Facebook using the word "retard." Sarah Palin to go on the attack in 3..2..oh let's face it she's going to let this slide.

From Nugent's Facebook page.
Courtesy of Media Matters:

National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent shared an open letter "to all the braindead hippie logic-challenged dipshits in the media" that mocked individuals with mental disabilities with the line, "Not every retard can read, but look at you go, little buddy." 

In two weeks, Nugent will appear on Sarah Palin's Sportsman Channel show. Palin, who has a child with Down syndrome, has compared the use of the word "retard" to using racial slurs. 

Of course as we know Palin ONLY gets fired up about the word being used if it was used in private by a member of the Obama administration.

However if one of her tribe, for instance Rush Limbaugh, uses the word than her response is somewhat...oh what's the word...hypocritical: 

"They are kooks, so I agree with Rush Limbaugh," she said, when read a quote of Limbaugh calling liberal groups "retards." "Rush Limbaugh was using satire ... . I didn't hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with 'f-ing retards,' and we did know that Rahm Emanuel, as has been reported, did say that. There is a big difference there."

"Look sometimes using the word makes you a jerkface, and other times it makes you a freedom loving constitutional conservative. Simple."
Yes there is a difference. One group is made up of people that Palin likes, and the other is made up of people that she is constantly attacking. 

"No Trig, when Uncle Ted or Uncle Rush say the word it is funny and patriotic, but when liberals use the word they are just haters who want to victimize children and their service dogs."


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Don't forget she called Ellen woman or man or whatever of the year.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      lol grasping

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      lol, it's on video.

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      You're an asshole 12:18, especially considering your drama background and how many gay people you've probably worked with. Calling a gay woman a man is base humor.

    4. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Nugent and Palin, 2 peas in a pod. What disgusting people.

    5. Anonymous12:43 PM

      go get laid bristol.

    6. Anonymous1:41 PM

      'Grasping', 12:18 ?? She said it with her ugly face in full derision. By tomorrow she will be claiming it was the 'highlight' of her screed. Much like her response to Savannah Guthrie when asked if her statement about the President eating 'dead' dog meat wasn't a bit 'harsh'. Palin - "Oh, heck no, that was the best line in the post that I wrote, it was the kick-off line.

  2. janice11:34 AM

    Sarah is down to no friends these days. She won't alienate Ted. She will either say the media wrote this or she will say she never read it. She is the queen of ignoring what she doesn't want to deal with.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      No, she will text him to never say it again

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      No she won't, 12:17. But isn't it convenient that you claim she will text him so there's no evidence that she actually did so. If she really cares as much as you claim, she will publicly call him out for it.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      No she won't 12:17. She doesn't really care. She uses the word herself all the time.

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Am I the only one to take issue with him not caring that people screw farm animals? Just what exactly, does he do with his caged game on his ranch?

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Not to be outdone by the eloquent Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin referred to Ellen as Peta's "man of the Year". Related news: Jon Stewart gives his writing staff the day off!

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That message makes about as much sense as does Sarah Palin's evil spew!

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Maybe it just went over your little head....

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      @12:41 - Since you're someone on Ted's level intellectually, why don't you explain wtf he's raving about this time, you genius, you.

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      I was responding to troll @ 11:39.

    4. Anonymous1:29 PM

      All they said was Ted made no I thought YOU were the troll, implying they were stupid. My bad, sorry if I misunderstood.

    5. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Ah. Your take makes more sense! I am just on troll overload! Sorry.

    6. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Me too, 3:02. Shouldn't say this but the troll gets on my nerves way too much here lately! lol

    7. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I am 11:39 and am not a troll. I've posted to this blog since its beginning. And, I detest Sarah Palin and her klan!

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Her 'supposed' son is retarded! I'm sure she has gotten use to it by now. And, remember, he is the kid she doesn't parent or pay much attention to!

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Keep spreading those lies there special little Anon 11:41.

      And her whole family hates the R word and supports that "end the R word" campaign in March. She's posted about it

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      If TriG wasn't retarded, Palin would have never adopted him. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do a reality check. Sarah Payme is one lying, self serving bitch, and she doesn't do ANYTHING without an ulterior motive.

    3. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Then why doesn't she come out and say it? Is she, or is she not, against use of the retard word by Nugent and other of her friends?

    4. Anonymous12:36 PM

      So, we'll be waiting for her to publicly call out Nugent then.

      But she won't because she's too scared of him. Or maybe they don't hate it quite as much as you claim.

    5. Anonymous12:45 PM

      well, she wanted to hold the other baby not the "retarded" one when she got home from work.

    6. Anonymous1:11 PM

      @Anonymous12:17 PM - you got a link? I'd like to read that.

    7. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Right, 12:17. Why does she use the word all the time then?

    8. Anonymous4:21 PM

      So Ted gonna be at "the march"?
      Ya know,since the Palins and Ted are so tight?
      And suck on this:
      Except from VH1’s Behind The Music:
      In a 1998 episode of VH1′s Behind The Music, Nugent, “lambastes drug users and alcohol drinkers, but repeatedly admits (without a trace of humility, however) to being a serial pedophile. Two relationships (one with his wife and one with “muse” Pele Massa, who was 17 when they started dating) were ended due to Ted’s infidelity while on the road, often with underage women. But Ted justifies his behavior with one of his trademark funny expressions: ‘alternative flesh management.’”

    9. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Sarah uses the word 'retarded' freely. Purchase and read Levi's book - he lived the Palin nightmare of ugliness and hate.

      Congratulations to he and Sunny on their new baby! They are a beautiful family and thank god he had the fortitude to move away from the Palin klan! Best move he will have made in his entire life!

    10. Anonymous8:34 PM

      "Where's my retarded baby"?

    11. Anonymous11:11 PM

      4:21 PM

      If Ted was honest about the drug alcohol parts he would have blasted the Palins when the Anchorage police released their video/tape.

      Ted's hype about drugs isn't necessarily true.
      He may just want to keep the police away so he can do his screw young daughters of other men routine.

      Pedophiles don't want the police looking at them for other crimes because they may stumble on them using kids for their sex pleasure.

    12. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Palin will never call out Ted Nugent for using the word retard or for anything else. Her list of people who will return her calls is getting shorter and shorter and Ted's obviously still on her list. They fit. They are made for each other: both vulgar, immoral, will sleep with anyone who will sleep with them and then brag about it, both cowards. Neither of them are socially acceptable to anyone but the dregs of society.

      Publicly denounce something Ted said?! Get rill.

  6. WalterNeff11:44 AM

    I've read that before - it's not original. I can dig it up if anyone cares. He got it from Reddit and changed a few words.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I knew it! Sarah probably wrote that a few (6) years ago.

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Ted plagiarized this entire rant from an idiotic Bachelor contestant.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      lol Every blogger everywhere plagiarizes

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Wait, did he say he WROTE it?

      The only time I've noticed actual plagiarism was when Levi's ghosts basically stole passages from several places and places them manipulatively into their bogus book to sway stupid liberals. That is clear and blog readers even noticed. But that is old and pointless to bring up as his book is worthless and doesn't matter.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      @12:23 Take your meds. You are incoherent.

    4. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Old and pointless to bring up & yet you do.

    5. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Great logic there, 12:23. Bring up Levi's book and tell us why it's important to this discussion and then say it's pointless to bring up his book.

      Your comments are getting more and more jumbled. I think you're falling apart at the seams.

    6. Anonymous12:48 PM

      This is driving Bristol crazy, she's still in the throes of grief over handsome Levi and beautiful Sunny having a new baby yesterday, now mommy's boyfriend is throwing around the "r" word all over the internets. Go take one of mommy's nerve pills ok, brissy?

    7. look my manicure is still perfect, all 101:05 PM

      12:48..agreed, she's chewing nails about now

    8. Anonymous1:08 PM

      @Anonymous12:23 PM

      Hmmm...I'm a liberal, yet I haven't read Levi's book. Do you really think a book telling Levi's side of his relationship with "The Family From Hell" is some kind of political tome that people will read and believe just because they're liberal? So, like Sarah, "Liberal" means "people I don't like" in your mind. Your stupidity is breathtaking.

    9. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Anonymous12:15 PM
      "lol Every blogger everywhere plagiarizes"

      Anonymous12:23 PM
      "The only time I've noticed actual plagiarism was when Levi's ghosts basically stole passages from several places"

      You are sooooo crazy.

    10. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Dr. Ben Carson plagerizes, do all brain surgeons do that also too?

    11. Anonymous11:28 PM

      As disturbed and yukky as plagiarizing is what Sarah, Bristol and Nancy French are doing to fool people is as awful.

      Creepy Nancy is a total failure at playing a sick 25 year old teen obsessed with abortions.

      Bristol is self loathing to allow herself to be used and bought off with worldly goods while promoting herself as a Christian. She has zero self worth, she only has bribes and her addiction to things like $300 shades, whatever name brand catches her fancy this week, she even has to have friends that can be bought.

      Sarah is a manipulator that feels oppressed because she can't express to anyone in public how she thinks she is the best most clever puppet master. She has to do the master thing to others because others have mastery over her. She feels she is top dog when it comes to Bristol and Nancy and fooling the public.

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Slightly off topic, but not to be missed as Mrs. Palin mocks Degeneris' sexuality. Peta award to Ellen was "Women of the year, man of the year, whatever it was." About 1 min mark.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      FUCK Sarah Palin and anyone who supports her.

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Is there no one this woman won't act like a complete asshole to? WTF did Ellen ever do to this bitch, seriously? Can you imagine being raised by this woman, or being married to her? Anyone who criticizes this woman, if she looks back and finds out or remembers they ever said anything slightly positive about you in the past, YOU are now her enemy as well and she gets to be nasty and hateful to you for the rest of her life? She is WAY past psycho.

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      It's on tape, unfortunately for her, and for you. Clearly mocking Degeneres for being woman of the year, MAN of the year, whatever.

    4. Anonymous12:20 PM

      She was so burned by the PETA criticism and some 25,000 criticisms from real people chastising her on her own FB page. Degeneres hasn't said a public word about Mrs. Palin's homophobic remarks, and she received the award years before she posted the photo of the teeny girl on big dog. Not big kid on small dog.

    5. Anonymous12:20 PM

      No, YOU'RE ridiculous. "But she has gay friends!" is the lamest excuse ever. She made a snarky comment about Ellen's sexuality. Her base laps that shit up, just as they lap up her use of "shuck and jive" in relation to the President.

      And now we are all waiting for her to publicly condemn Ted Nugent for using the "r" word.

    6. Anonymous12:20 PM

      @12:14 - Really? Must be REAL awkward when they're invited to the house at the same time as Phil Robinson. Does he preach at them about how filthy and disgusting they are BEFORE or AFTER dinner? What about all their black friends? Do they come over for Phil's inspirational stories about how happy black folks were before they were granted all those rights and stuff? You are so full of shit.

    7. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Are we really surprised? The Palin family throws around the word "faggot" at the drop of a hat.

    8. Anonymous12:26 PM


      Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah whole family has gay friends, blah, blah, blah. Well, ya know what making a gay slur against Ellen is no way to show support to those supposed gay friends, just sayin'. Can't imagine these gay friends will stick around too long seeing as how Bristol, and Willow and Tripp and now Mrs. Palin herself use vulgar slurs against their lifestyle.

    9. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Go fuck yourself, that was an extremely homophobic comment. Sarah hates Hollywood? Good, she's going to suffer the wrath of them and everyone in this country with a gay friend or family member. You think she got shit for the dog abuse, you haven't seen anything, pal.

    10. Anonymous12:41 PM

      So add homophobia to her on-air hatred. Sick sick woman.

    11. Anonymous1:04 PM

      That slur was completely intentional and totally rehearsed. Everything she does on air is rehearsed, from her stupid baby voices to her ludicrous expressions. She knew when she went on that show that she was going to say "man of the year". Her delighted expression when she says "person of the year"...all practiced and rehearsed. You are the slime on the bottom of the fish tank, Sarah.

    12. Anonymous1:19 PM

      she is the inner ring shit stain on ted nugent's anus.

    13. Anonymous1:31 PM


    14. Anonymous11:33 PM

      12:20 PM

      Can you link to where PETA first criticized her in regard to the dog as stool meme Sarah is promoting.

      I may have read something from when Sarah was all gung ho about shooting wolves from helicopters. I am not sure that was PETA.

      When did PETA first remark or criticize for the dog stool?

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Someone should make up a link/list of Sarah's and Nugent's greatest racist/homophobic hits. (Like Palin saying that the president of the USA is impotent and pulled out too early). Would be great to have it handy to post around.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Why can't that someone be you? Since it was your idea.

  10. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Ted is responding to comments. If anyone challenges him on his use of the word retard he pretty tells them to f' off. What a great guy....someone people should really look up to.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      screenshots, screenshots. To post on threads regarding her appearances today, pushing the piggy hunting.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Anonymous 12:00
      For a woman who stands for god & country, you would think she would be offended by someone being so cowardly that he would defecate his pants to avoid military service and later brag about it! If she looks up to Ted Nugent, it tells me how much she loves her country.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      not to mention telling a presidential candidate to suck on his gun, calling people retards, diddling underage girls and poaching.

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hey, I was just over there reading this thread. As one of the right-wing trolls have already explained to the folks at MM, it's okay for Ted to write this kind of stuff, 'cause President Obama made a joke about the Special Olympics 6 years ago. So, nothing to see here! Move along, liberal hypocrites! lol Their answer to everything.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Hey, what is MM? Nice try, silly flying monkey! Cue the scary music!

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Hey! Joking about bowling like you are in the Special Olympics is a regrettable joke, but the rant Teddy posted (whether he wrote it or not) is vile.

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Media Matters is what I meant. And it was a regrettable joke, but President Obama promptly apologized. They still use it as an excuse for their own shitty behavior though. They're like a bunch of 6-year-olds, I swear.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      In that case, I sincerely apologize for calling you a flying monkey! I thought you were our move along troll! Again, very sorry!

    5. Anonymous3:30 PM

      All good, 2:58! I did the same to someone else up-thread lol

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Hmmm....just for fun, however the photo looks in close-up, it's time for Ear-ghazi....

    Wild Tortoise.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM


    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Thanks, WT. Thought the same thing. What's up with Trig's ear?

  13. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Chris Matthews tears Palin a new one, last half of this video. For grandstanding on Obama failing to attend rally in Paris while she failed to attend the last 2 years of her governorship! Instant classic. About 1 min mark to end. Name of video: Matthews on invoking Hitler in politics 1-13-15

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Saw that last night. He ripped her a new one. Delicious...

  14. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I bet she texts him though. "did you REALLY just use the r word, Teddy? NEVER DO IT AGAIN"

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Yeah, I bet she doesn't.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      she's not going to say shit, she's a fucking coward. ted might go after her. lol

    3. Anonymous12:37 PM

      She called him her "blood brother" in this am's fox interview

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Oooow! That will straighten him out! Problem solved.

    5. Anonymous12:41 PM

      She's scared of Ted like she's scared of Rush. She knows they wouldn't hesitate to go after her.

    6. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Nope, Sarah would never call out this draft dodging pedophile, who according to this post is also a-okay with bestiality. Ugh, the company you keep grifter!

    7. Anonymous9:40 PM

      ann coulter said President Obama was acting like a retard, so many people on $arah's twitter & fb page called her out on it, wanted her to say something for days, $arah's reply?....Silence

  15. Anonymous12:18 PM

    RETARD: A "crayon eating motherfucker"

    Does that have anything to do with Sarah not feeding or cooking for her children? Did those Palin kids eat crayons on those cold lonely Alaska nights?

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Burned mac n' cheese and crayons, yummy.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      @Anonymous12:51 PM - Its ok if you ketchup it up lol

  16. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sarah won't respond as she's too busy doing "PR" for Amazing America...

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      That Nugent is sure amazing. Is that the best she could come up with? Anyway, just post his greatest hits, and hers, on each thread, everywhere.

    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      She's making the rounds

  17. Anonymous12:37 PM

    To me, using the term 'retard' has always been insensitive. I put it in the same category as 'lame', which is just as much a slight to physically handicapped people as 'retard' is to the mentally handicapped.

    And Palin uses 'lame' as in 'lame stream media' just about any time she wants to play victim, or, in other words, just about any time she opens her mouth.

    This woman's hypocrisy has no bounds.

  18. WalterNeff12:40 PM

    And about that meme - in its original context it is a very motivating and charming piece of writing. If you were depressed and got that as a text from a close friend it would put a huge smile on your face. Stupid people - like Nugent don't get its intent. Read it again as a text written to you by your SO. It's quite lovely - and "retard?" Lighten up, Francis.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Gotta give Ted credit, his timing couldn't be better with the
    first show of the new season airing tomorrow.
    O/T not to get back on the dog story but I think the dog in
    the picture with Trig is Bo, Sarah's father's lab approx. 6 yrs old.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Jill is the dog trig is standing on, the sway back dog posing with a much younger trig is chuckle's dog.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Bingo! I thought the dog overvTrig is older & Trig is younger. Just like the staged driveway no make up photos. Not buyin' it, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Perhaps, not!

      The Thanksgiving video with Sarah, the kids, the dogs and the russet sofa. The black lab was wearing the same collar and tags as the dog standing over Trig. Note the dog in the TGiving video didn't appear to have a sway back. The stepping stool dog has a similar color collar and the tags were not visible. I think that the dog in the photos and video is Jill and something happened to her back recently. Why would Sarah's dad bring his dog to Thanksgiving or the TGiving video shoot? The dog over Trig photo may have been a staged CYA but it isn't a younger Trig and an older lab.

      The Obamas' have a dog named BO, also, too

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Take a good look at Trig in the "sway back" dog picture. He's a much younger Trig. Anyone can switch out a dog collar. Beside I own a black lab and mine has the same blue collar as blue looks good on a black dog. That dog in the "sway back" picture is much older than Jill, I know my black labs.

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      One more thing, that picture with the sway back dog is an old picture, it wasn't taken at Thanksgiving, or if it was NOT this thanksgiving.

    6. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Has Jill grown some cajones in that photo?

    7. Anonymous10:28 PM

      I agree. Sway back is older photo. It must be Bo Heath. I wonder how he got the sway back. Were Tripp and Trig using him as a stool before Jill was available?

      Now is the time for Sarah to release the video of Trig saying a 2 syllable word. The girls doing their own TV like show production. A lot like the Tripp show where Tripp was cursing and the girls laugh and mock him for being so cute.

      Now we know that Trig can say 2 syllable words and they encourage and teach him by laughing at how cute he is. He also understands better than Sarah would have people believe.

      It is time for her to come clean. Not that she will. But she will look like an ass for not explaining this thoroughly. She will lose fans and money.

      She needs to explain why around Jan 1st Trig had to sign for "up" and then it shows him saying two syllables.

      Also how was Bo used to get the sway back? There were no dirty dishes, if Trig doesn't eat you have to wonder why he would be doing dishes, unless someone put him up to it.

      If Trig has been playing "horsey" and using dogs for step stools it may have started with Bo and not be something new.

      Can't wait for Cambridge!

  20. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Know what would be way cool? If for once there were no replies to the resident troll. Have you ever seen someone talking to themselves? Not pretty is it.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      good plan. I'm in.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      But, it's so much fun to play with it! We promise we won't hurt it. Pllleeeeeaaassseeee?

    3. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Troll is predictable and boring like Sarah and the other Palins.

      I have nothing to say to Troll. It has to be clever and bright and fool people, if clever and bright people might respond. Otherwise it is predictable and boring and there is nothing to say.

      Troll will say all the Palin children are working over and over. Broken record, Tack is superman night rider that works under cover. Bristol does skin work for some old creepy type that would allow her to fake it. He most likely gets his rewards like anyone else in on the scam.

      Things like that that are obvious lies. Bristol will post pictures and make social media comments to make it appear she works. It is all just crap. Boring. Narcissists may be of interest for a time but they go boring due to their predictability.

    4. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Hey it the gay ass troll police all in one spot!

      You fags all get your jollies today using the 'troll' word?

    5. Anonymous4:33 AM

      And you're just here to stir up shit....right, Anon 11:41? Your contribution to the discussion is really sad.

  21. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Levi spoke out about the use of the word early on and it was Sarah Palin who used it referring to Trig. This is true and unless she gets straight and gives up on victimization no intelligent and discerning person will take her seriously. On the other had, she really does not appear to care if anyone takes her seriously anymore.

  22. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Anonymous11:41 AM

    Her 'supposed' son is retarded! I'm sure she has gotten use to it by now. And, remember, he is the kid she doesn't parent or pay much attention to!


    "he is the kid she doesn't parent or pay much attention to!"

    Anon 11:41 is this the kid Sarah doesn't pay attention to? The kid Sarah hasn't spent enough time or taught how to eat a Cheerio?

    "In fact, I think he’s th-the only kid in the world who hasn’t had a Cheerio yet."
    -Sarah Palin

  23. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Here's another "cirque du so lame" Amazing America promo

  24. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I am convinced that not only is Sarah Palin never running for any public office again (duh), but I believe that she is committing social suicide. I think her fans will always defend her, but anyone who learned to walk upright, breathe through their nose and pick their knuckles off the dirt will see her as a joke, albeit an offensive joke.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Oh they've already been reminded several times that there's a good chance she won't run, and to mind their p's and q's for visitors.

      Remember that gawd awful Sarah Pledge from last year? ID-10-Ts!

  25. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The Pees think the "little slip" about Ellen being Woman of the Year, Man of the Year, or whatever, was a brilliant way to get the media talking about her again.

    They are THRILLED. So excited they didn't comprehend exactly what her meaning was. Or didn't care because they feel the same. Hmm, wonder which?

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      They're not going to think it's so brilliant when sarah is labeled as a homophobe and starts getting blowback from all sides. This making and doing outrageous and cruel statements/things to garner attention isn't going to exactly turn out the way sarah or her drooling 1/2 witted followers think they will.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Sarah Palin is a retarded, dim witted dolt!

      Hopefully, she'll take a walk somewhere in her white trash area of Alaska and bite the dust! She would not be missed!!!

  26. Anonymous1:29 PM

    You'll never hear a word about this from kunty. This is why people hate the hypocritical bitch.

    If she does say anything it would be to defend the shitty pants pedophile she admires so much.

    In a perfect world the 2 lovers would head into the bush together to hunt and neither would come back out.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      She's WAAAYYY too old for him.

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Anonymous2:03 PM
      You're right. Palin WAY Way way too bristol and willow would be too old for he duck hunter and the nugent creep. That's why she;s wasting her time spreading her leg like a dog in her FB post about the sportsman little show.

  27. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Palin and her buddy Nugent are both retarded. They certainly meet and exceed the definition.They should be proud and maybe they are. They are both slow and dimwitted. Dipsticks I say.

  28. Anonymous2:59 PM

    She's not going to get away with this one. She'd better address Nugent's 'retard' comment, or she'll never be taken seriously by her bots. Her brother's list of "Sarah's so perfect" is challenged now.

    If she doesn't defend Trig, then she's the despicable mother we always knew she was.

  29. Anonymous3:03 PM

    daddy heath's dog with Trig...a lot bigger because there is just no defense for her stupidity in letting a 50 pound kid repeatedly stand on a 40 pound dog.

  30. Anonymous3:15 PM

    She will NEVER address the pedophile's use of the word "retard" because she needs the money and to squeeze it as much as she can, no matter how. Remember she's taken photos with self-admitted creepos, pedophiles, molesters, etc....and all she does is praise them.

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Sarah Palin will NEVER address any of the pedophiles she knows. Not her friends or family. Check out all her friends. They may not all be pedophiles but they are all something to scrutinize and do your all to end the crimes.

      bullshit, Chuck Heath

      #5-Shady friends


  31. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Imagine if Palin and Nugent had a kid?? It would have an IQ of 0, go around slobbering on everything and trying to kill and eat any and every creature it encountered. Then, when it was grown, it would shit its pants to avoid the draft and run for president.

  32. Caroll Thompson3:54 PM

    That photo of Trig sure is cute. He is a cutie pot pie to my eyes.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      He is no longer cute in my eyes. He's past the baby and tot stage and Palin has harmed him greatly.

      She can no longer use him as she has all of her (supposed?) kids - to their total detriment.

    2. Caroll Thompson6:40 PM

      Let us all remember that our issues are with Sarah Palin and not her children. :

    3. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Why does it look like there are at least 2 different Trigs?

    4. Anonymous11:53 PM

      Because there probably are two; Ruffles and Trig.


    5. Anonymous12:35 AM

      10:48 PM
      It looks like there are at least two different Tri-Gs because there are at least two different Tri-Gs. Convenient for Stupid Sarah though that they all can be called Tri-G.

      The fact that the vile woman named a child after his DS condition still makes my skin crawl. Who would be so heartless as to do that?

      Hey, Sarah, how would you have liked it if Sally and Chuckie, Sr., had named you "Cross Eye"?

  33. Anonymous3:57 PM

    C4p rationale of why Ted gets a pass but Rahn Emanuel was called out by Sarah Palin:
    lanahi 32 minutes ago
    "she expected better than that from someone in public office where decency SHOULD be expected.
    Nugent, on the other hand, had generally coarse language in that's how he talks, one word having no more importance than another one, and you don't go around correcting a private individual's speech unless it's on a blog like this either.

    AmazedOne1 21 minutes ago
    All good points, Lana. I agree!

    myfairlady an hour ago
    Rahm Emanuel was serving in a position for the federal government as Obama's Chief of Staff, not someone working in the private sector. She was referring to him working for the President

  34. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What's Trig favorite word? They taught him to say bullshit but he can't say up.

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Yes, and look how they train children.

      Bristol and that lawyer (Sarah's guy, name starts with T) made a show where Bristol and Willow encouraged Tripp to curse. They thought it was so adorable, ha ha. Isn't he cute? Isn't Trig cute?

  35. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

    For a poopy panted camo wearing sanitation failure, he sure wrote that beautiful prose to Sarah. She's in ecstasy more than when Todd surprised her with a wedding ring (wink wink - from Brancy's Blog about abortion and Down Syndrome (yeah, I know, right? it's almost like Bristol has a down syndrome child and not Sarah wink wink)

    I don't blame Brissypoopoo, every princess wants a mommy and daddy who are married, so she indulges herself and ignores the divorce. Staying together for the kids sake does more harm than good.

    Sarah's going to get nastier and nastier while the GOP process starts. She'll have vacations and book tours so her loyal booger eaters can follow her cross country.

  36. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Every day this just gets better and better.
    Sarah, your friend is really mean!

  37. Anonymous6:03 PM

    More c4p gems. Sarah Palin on Rahm Emanuel's use "retarded":
    A patriot in North Andover, Massachusetts, notified me of Rahm’s “retarded” slam. I join this gentleman, who is the father of a beautiful child born with Down Syndrome, in asking why the Special Olympics, National Down Syndrome Society and other groups condemning Rahm’s degrading scolding have been completely ignored by the White House. No comment from his boss, the president?
    As my friend in North Andover says, “This isn’t about politics; it’s about decency. I am not speaking as a political figure but as a parent and as an everyday American wanting my child to grow up in a country free from mindless prejudice and discrimination, free from gratuitous insults of people who are ostensibly smart enough to know better... Have you no sense of decency, sir?”
    Mr. President, you can do better, and our country deserves better.
    - Sarah Palin

  38. Anonymous6:42 PM

    She doesn't care that Nugent used that word. She uses it all the time herself. She probably also uses the N word when there are no microphones around, and she clearly did a great job teaching everyone in her family how to use the F word, which is like, twice every sentence, even when being interviewed, on the record, by law enforcement.

    I'll say this, there's only one person, one, in the entire world who is worthy of the C word. Enough said.

  39. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Of course she isn't going to call him out on it, she is only offended when those so called liberal, commie, haters use such language, then she can blame Obama. In this case her buddy is only joking.

    She probable calls Trig retarded all the time.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Like when she asked Levi to hand her one of her grandkids and picked up Trig and she said "no, not the retarded one, the other one".

  40. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Caroll Thompson6:40 PM said

    Let us all remember that our issues are with Sarah Palin and not her children


    What the hell are you talking about? You must live in the lower 48 and didn't experience Sarah Palin's deviants running wild in your city.

    Three of Sarah’s drunk ass wipes are over 18 and are responsible for their own actions at the Palin Family Brawl.

    Caroll what age will they be held for their own actions? When they turn 70 years old?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Screw Caroll

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Screw C4pee Chuck sock puppets and their bimbos.

  41. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Why Palin would let Piper, who is starting to develop, and
    Trig, who could not call for help from her pedophile buddies,
    let them near these dirty minded people, sends up a red flag of she doesn't damn and never has. Bristol learned from
    her mother's behavior and left Tripp all alone in a limo with
    only the limo driver, whom they knew nothing about while
    they were all drunk at a party, and most of them drunk before
    they arrived. Also all of the brawling and cussing the Palins
    were doing, which caused Tripp to get out of the limo and stand there scared and crying for his mother and grandmother , the two drunks ignored him while looking
    for Bristol's $300.00 sunglasses , while cussing up a storm!
    The pedophiles rule in her world!

    anything about his background

    1. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Sarah is conditioning Piper to be comfortable around the type of people Sarah knows.

  42. janice9:04 PM

    Sarah is at the bottom of the barrel as far as friends are concerned. No respectable person will be seen with her. The network who is showing these two needs to clean up their act and cancel the show. Sarah, of course will defend him.

    1. Anonymous11:01 PM

      The people that watch her and Nuge may include a large percentage of these loser pedophiles and their helpers.

      I am sure the Sport Channel or whatever it is are very much like Nuge and they want that kind of audience. It is media they can gather around and no one would suspect the big hunting men and women are sickos.

      They are putting food on their families table. What wonderful family men. Like that Chris Kyle and Todd and others.

      Someone needs to release the Todd video now.

  43. Anonymous5:06 AM

    My computer is f'ed up and nothing I commented on worked last night.

  44. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Oh poor poor pitiful little teddy. He suffers from LDS. Limp Dick Syndrome. He can no longer get it up. All he can do is talk about it. It makes him quite nasty. It's all he's ever had, his child diddling dick, his great big irrelevant mouth, and a guitar. Just another uneducated hater spewing shit, angry at the whole world because his little dick, like him, is useless.

    It's humorous to see the nasty old hag kiss his stinky ass. Pucker up sarah. Kiss it! Kiss it good!

    Trig says bullshit! You two idiots call me retarded.

  45. Anonymous5:45 AM

    there is something physically wrong with that dog. Either is was very poorly bred, or they've been letting Trig stand on it's back since it was a puppy.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      They let the kids play 'horsey' and they all use pets as stools and such.

      Did 'source' see or know about any of this? I can't wait to learn more.

  46. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Ted Nugent. the draft dodger is probably the father of Sarah Palin! They spew the same shyt!!


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