Saturday, February 07, 2015

Bill Maher's response to conservatives turning on Sarah Palin was, "What took you so long?"

My favorite line in the segment was, “The rest of us have been watching this dog eat grass for seven years!”

Yes we have. 

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Best take down yet. I bet she's spitting nails.

    1. Oh, that poor refrigerator.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Right, the TRUTH has a way of getting to Sarah Palin.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    You know, Hillary Clinton told a lie similar to Brian Williams' and chalked it up to memory problems. Lol

    Only a democrat could get away with that stuff. And does. Always.

    To be fair, a Kennedy couldn't get elected president in this day and age. And bill c probably couldn't either

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Sarah told some whoppers and still does and she won't get elected ever.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      How is this on topic, troll?

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      You must be either a conservatard or a libtardarian. Wassa matter? Just realize your skanky ho grifter is a loser/

    4. Anonymous3:39 PM

      @3:03-Fuck you Sarah

    5. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Oh boy, you wanna go there? Hmmm, well get ready little troll for the smackdown of your life. Now, for instance, let's take St. Ronnie Raygun, Sarah's secret salivatin' desire of a man. Yeah the one she likes to put up on a pedestal and use every opportunity she can to drag is poor decrepit body from the dead so she can fuck him in the public square. Yeah, that one. Well you're too young to remember, and you're too stupid to do any homework, but ol' Ronnie was notorious for his 'tall tales'...let's look at all the lies he 'got away with'.

      The Enduring Lies of Ronald Reagan

      Though the GOP continues to canonize the fortieth president, we can’t forget his legacy as a liar and a foreign policy flop

      ...Also forgotten is Reagan’s own embarrassing propensity to just make things up. Reagan was a dunce and a fabricator. One of his most famous assertions was, “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do,” and he maintained, wrongly, that sulfur dioxide emitted from Mount St. Helens was greater than that emitted by cars over a 10-year period. (In one day, cars emit 40 times what Mount St. Helens released in a day even at its peak activity.) In 1985, Reagan praised the P.W. Botha’s apartheid regime of South Africa for eliminating segregation, a blunder then-Press Secretary Larry Speakes had to correct a few days later.

      Other examples abound: During a 1983 Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony Reagan told a story about military heroism that New York Daily News columnist Lars-Erik Nelson wrote never happened. Nelson had checked the citations on all 434 Congressional Medals of Honor awarded during WWII. The scene Reagan described did appear, however, in the 1944 film A Wing and a Prayer. Larry Speakes’ response? “If you tell the same story five times, it’s true.”

      ...Fabrication, lying, cruel and counterproductive policies at home and abroad, bloating of the deficit, widening the gap between rich and poor: These are the Reagan legacy. As Republican candidates seek to wear his mantle, their Democratic opponents need to remind Americans exactly what they are putting on.

      Ronald Reagan told visiting Israeli premier Yitzhak Shamir in fall of 1983 that he had helped liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp as a soldier in the European theater and had taken footage of the horrors of the camp. Later, he said, when family members questioned him as to whether those horrors had really occurred, he showed them the footage he had captured. He also told a version of this story to Simon Wiesenthal. Dan Meridor confirmed to journalist Lou Cannon that Reagan had made these assertions, and said that Shamir relayed them to the Israeli cabinet to demonstrate Reagan’s sympathy for the Jewish people.

      Reagan had an over-active imagination and seems sometimes to have 'remembered himself' right into movies or newsreels he had seen.

      ..So Bush lied about trying to volunteer for Vietnam (!) and then lied again when he said he “continued flying with my unit” when in reality he was sloughing off on a civilian local GOP campaign in another state and carousing about all hours instead of getting up for reveille.

      So I’ll take conservative caviling at Williams seriously (however much it might be deserved on the facts of the matter) seriously only when they also denounce Reagan and Bush for their much more egregious war service lies and agree that those figures lack credibility and should stop being looked up to.

      Now who's getting away with shit???

      To be fair Sarah sucks ol' Ronnie's rotten dick and he was REPUBLICAN. And little GW was an avid liar who got away with it all.


    6. Anonymous4:04 PM

      WASHINGTON — President Obama’s best chance at moving his agenda during his last two years in office depends on a handful of fellow Democrats who are campaigning on promises to stand up to the President.

      In Alaska, Sen. Mark Begich’s campaign Web site boasts that he is “taking on the Obama Administration.”

      In West Virginia, a spokesman told the Charleston Daily Mail that Natalie Tennant “does not support the majority of the President’s policies.”

      In Kentucky, Alison Lundergan Grimes insists in a TV spot, “I’m not Barack Obama. I disagree with him on guns, coal, and the EPA.”

      In Georgia, Michelle Nunn has refused to say even whether she voted for him.

      I was wondering how long it would take for Dems to back away. I guess the answer was the 2014 mid-term elections.

    7. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Sen. Mark Begich (Alaska) is no longer in office - he lost his last election for the U. S. Congress. So, that inclusion is bogus information! Grimes wasn't elected in Kentucky either. Have a feeling this entire article is caca information!

    8. Anonymous5:20 PM

      @3:03 PM Who gave birth to Tri-g, the little 7 year old boy who can't eat solid food yet? Who LIED about being a born again Virgin? Who LIED about her son being a Combat Veteran? Who LIED to Todd Palin about Track being his biological son? Who LIED about Bristol Palin not being Pregnant in that November 14, 2007 Palin Family photo? Is Bristol Tri-g's biological Mother? I think so, otherwise Bristol had an abortion in early 2008, or farmed the baby out to a paid relative.

    9. Anonymous5:24 PM

      3:03 PM Trolling and stalking will be your downfall. It must be tough to be unemployable. Are you going to scam your parents until they kick you out?

    10. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Alicia from Florida.

    11. Anonymous6:21 PM

      3:03 PM:


      Please. $arah Palin lied about her qualifications for being a 72 year-old heartbeat away from the presidency. Only a republican could get away with being as dumb as a bag of dicks, and still be a VP candidate. Always has. Always will.

      Bill Clinton can't run for a third-term anyway, dumbass. Hillary Clinton actually has a decent shot at getting elected president, unlike the lying quitter from Alaska.

    12. Anonymous6:30 PM

      4:04 PM:

      What's your point? Mark Begich is gone, and $arah Palin didn't even finish ONE term as governor of Alaska. In case you have amnesia, President Obama has already enacted some of his agenda through executive orders, and republicans are splitting mad about it! And, he's not done, yet! President Obama is defying the "lame duck" label. If he gets a nuclear with Iran, wing-nut heads will explode!

      Democrats in Congress have been standing up to conservatives, and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, by opposing more sanctions against Iran, and lining up to boycott Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. Joe Biden is not even going. Lol!

      The democrats have actually been standing WITH President Obama since after the midterm elections.

      What was that you were saying, again?

    13. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Or, like Ronald Reagan who lied extensively about his military service.

      Ronald Reagan told visiting Israeli premier Yitzhak Shamir in fall of 1983 that he had helped liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp as a soldier in the European theater and had taken footage of the horrors of the camp.

      Regan never left Hollywood as a soldier.

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Sarah the ever babbleing idiot. yeah bill and after you packed her nose everyone else left the party.

  4. PalinsHoax3:20 PM

    Well look at that! On the right-hand side of the screen!

    If it isn't the Ol' Gargoyle herself / himself - cannot be sure as to the gender, although those eyeglasses and that long, chiseled face look pretty masculine to me.

    Maybe those silver earrings are to try and fool us into thinking this is a woman. Nah, I'm thinking the Ol' Weird -Faced One of Wasilly is a mutation that keeps morphing into something stranger and stranger.

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    That photo of Palin is god awful! Damn, hate to say it, but she has aged horribly! Poor baby! Brought it all on herself though! EVIL!!

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    OMG, is she a man in drag? She looks AWFUL! So hard and angular and old. What the hell is she doing to herself. It's shocking how downright masculine she is looking lately.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Frightening, isn't it? Put that pic next to '08.

  7. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Bill deserves all our thanks for adding his dialog regarding the idiot last night! No one is covering her in the national media! Yea!!!

    Bill Maher has never shied away from Palin even when she threatened to sue him years ago! He basically told her to fuck off!

    He has the best show on cable on Friday nights. Never miss it! Always has interesting and diversified people the show too! He's very knowledgeable, has a fantastic memory, quick humor and is well read!

    1. Easy does it, Mrs Maher. We're aware of how wonderful he is. -:)

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Mrs. Maher! He doesn't have one! I'm just a fan and there are many others like me that give him credit, when credit is due!

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I think I got my money's worth for HBO last night just for Bill taking Sarah to task.
      I would think that Bill was and is not happy about the Michael Moore poster that Sarah is so proud of seeing Michael has been a regular guest for years on his show. And I hope Michael Moore is invited back as a guest soon. Between Michael Moore and Bill Maher's money who knows a film could be created about the "Lies of Sarah Palin:.

  8. Anonymous4:33 PM

    OMG!! Just went on her Twitter page, she wishes her brother Chuck Jr happy birthday there's a link of a picture of dog standing on a young girl by the sink, she can't let it go!

    1. Anonymous2:21 AM

      That's the little bastard kid that Creepy Chuckie, Jr 's co-worker pooped out after she got knocked up by Creepy Junior. Creepy Junior then deserted his wife and their two sons to marry his new ho--- instant family #2. The rest is history. Junior has been trolling the nets and commenting anonymously to earn a few bucks ever since. By the way, Chuck Jr, you're wasting your time trying to salvage your sister's reputation. She's revealed enough of herself that you better get a job now, because Sarah isn't lying when she tells you she can't afford to pay you anymore from PAC revenues. All of those Palin/Heath family values! LOL!

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      nah. that kid is a redhead.

  9. Suzy Q6:00 PM

    Why yes, Bill, we have been watching that dog eat grass for 6 years now. Hahahahahahaha!! Very funny line.

  10. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Nice scarecrow imitation, Mrs. Palin. Is that thing still giving white conservative octogenarian men woodies?

  11. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Bill did a fine job of taking her down. No one deserves to go down than her.

  12. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Sarah told Todd that he's Track's father.

    Was that a lie?

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      We can't ask Curt Menard Jr who was very close to Sarah, Curt died in a mysterious accident.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Was Sarah's mouth moving when she told him that? Anytime her mouth moves, a lie comes out.
      Look at the side by side photos of Track and Curtis. No doubt at all about his parentage!

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Track shows none of the Native Genes that Bristol and Willow display.

    4. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Gee, what was she going to do? She told him that so he'd marry her...quick. And he did. Blond Track was born seven months later, after Sarah was HUGELY pregnant. Then Todd gave them Bristol, Willow and Piper...all dark-haired girls. Then he supposedly fathered Trig, and Sarah never did look pregnant, except the last three weeks so the GOP would notice that she was younger than Hillery, wore skirts, and knew how to criticize with the best of them. It never mattered to Krsitol that she had real ethics issues back home, that she left Wasilla in debt when she left that position, that she quit the Oil and Gas Commission after hacking a computer, that she racked up that famous 80% favorable number by handing out checks to Alaskans directly from the overly taxed oil companies. The GOP was only interested because they thought Mrs. Palin would appeal to women voters. You know, because she's 'one of us' and we're idiots. Yeah, how'd that work out for you, GOP? Sarah has been trying to get that much attention ever since, and failed. Now all the attention is negative, and Sarah is terrified that her lies are finally coming to the surface. Run, Sarah, run. You can't hide.

    5. Anonymous2:26 AM

      "Anytime her mouth moves, a lie comes out."

      To be fair, she has a tendency to have a little shit dribble down her chin simultaneously. After all, she's so full of it.

  13. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sarah Palin is a thin skinned junior high girl. Sarah just posted a picture of a dog standing on a child to reach the sink.

    Sarah you retard, let it go, let it go.

  14. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Im having extreme difficulties having to listen to the trolls who seem to take over Gryph's blog so often. He is so gracious in letting everyone contribute which is great, but perhaps we are the problem by feeding these pukes whenever they decide to stir the shit. I never respond to their ignorant defense of their queen. Ignore them and they'll go away.

    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I'm guilty of responding at times. I think I will adopt your approach.

    2. Anonymous5:17 AM

      A writer at Jezebel recently interviewed her troll! He admitted his "mistakes" and gave a donation to a cancer hospital to honor the writers father who suffered from the disease. She tried "not feeding the trolls" and it just didn't work for her. It was very brave in my opinion to confront him.


  15. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Thought you might enjoy this. It's a link to the Odessa American's post about Sarah Palin only answering pre-screened questions.

    Even in Texas, her devoted fans are dwindling by the hour.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Gryphen, you'll like this.

      A link to the Odessa American article about the free "lecture series"and comments about the change in format to accommodate Palin.

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      @9:30 david johnson and nelda rose are aliases for family members or drooling staff members. Or maybe tundra twat herself, loooou sarah....

  16. That Sarahdog has been eating her own shit for seven years.

  17. Anonymous11:18 PM

    You're every bit of the cvnt every one says you are! :-)

  18. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sarah has turned into a combination of the village idiot and the bumbling circus clown. I really don't want to pay attention but her antics keep me curious and I can't help myself (luckily, God has gifted me with the common sense to have turned Democrat and not vote for these idiots)

    Sarah has become a character truly to be pitied. Her attempts to draw attention to herself by now are desperate and laughable.

  19. Anonymous6:52 AM

    this dog Sarah continues to return to eat her own vomit. no intellect-no lessons learned. profoundly dumb. woof!

  20. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Well, it's about time the GOP realized that Sarah Palin is a nasty piece of work who brings nothing positive to America. I recognized the moment Palin made her snot-nosed remark about President Obama's community organizing remark at the 2008 RNC. Later on, the Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews just proved what a mind-numbingly dumb woman Palin is. And how does someone who "studies" journalism not get one article published in a college newspaper? I didn't study journalism but somehow managed to be an editor of my college newspaper.

    Jennifer K

  21. LOL. I happen to catch this in a hotel at a conference that had HBO. I was channel surfing and saw Bill and stopped. It was right before this bit. I was thrilled to catch the entire thing first hand and I laughed and laughed.

    That poor refrigerator.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.