Thursday, February 12, 2015

David Axelrod reveals that the Obama campaign was initially concerned about Sarah Palin when John McCain tapped her as his VP candidate, but Obama was not.

Chris Matthews has Axelrod on to promote his book "Believer."
The first questions he asks him is about the campaigns response to Sarah Palin.

Axelrod: "Well there's no doubt that she was a little energy drink for the McCain campaign that badly needed it. And it shook things up. And it shook things up because she provided this sense of change and newness and an assault on the Washington establishment which was really undermining our message. So by the time...the day before the Lehman Brothers crash we were getting togetehr because our poll had us one point ahead in that race. And it was largely because of the energy that Palin had inserted into the McCain campaign."

Wow, you know it has been so many years now that I almost forget that there was a time when people actually thought Sarah Palin was a wunderkind and that she was the future of, not only Republican politics, but politics in America.

Matthews then reads a portion of Axelrod's book to him for comment. That section goes as follows:

"The East Coast establishment might disdain her as unlettered and ill-prepared, but that would only make her more appealing to millions of Americans who felt like they had been getting the raw end of the deal."

Matthews then suggests that Axelrod understood the disparity between the working class and the elite, and therefore understood her appeal.

Axelrod: "See that was the mistake that people made when she was picked, people focused on the fact that she was a woman. The fact that she was a woman wasn't the key, the fact that she had this cultural affinity for these disaffected workign class Americans was what made her potent."

You know this is a fascinating quote because I actually don't think that she had that affinity with the working class. I really think that much of her appeal had to do with her looks, and that the mere fact that she was so clearly undereducated meant that certain segments of the electorate felt that they could identify with her, in that if SHE could be a candidate then why couldn't they?

I also think that because at first little was known about her, she was a blank slate that people could fill with what they wanted to see, rather than what was really standing there before them.

It is only now, so many years later, that some conservatives are finally willing to drop the rose colored glasses that they put on the moment she took the stage to see her for who she really is.

However apparently Obama himself was not fooled.

Axelrod: "One thing I want to say about this though, Obama had a really interesting reaction when we heard she had been picked. He said 'You know I understand why he's doing it (McCain) but this is really tough, this national thing. It took me six months to be a good candidate.' He said 'She may be the greatest politician since Ronald Reagan, that she can come out of Alaska after a year of being Governor and handle this,' he said, "but give this three weeks, four weeks, let's see how this settles.' And the truth is she ran into some problems."

Boy there's an understatement.

I just really found this whole conversation quite interesting.

So it seems that many experienced political operatives were panicked by her appearance, but the President himself recognized that the road that lay ahead of her would reveal if she had what it took to be the star that so many already believed her to be.

And of course the road did just that, and no she was not.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The buzz about Palin lasted 12 days, until Lehman Beothers crashed. Then McCain wanted to suspend campaigning and Sarah was about to give two interviews which people still make fun of today.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Sept. 25, 2008 Palin on her foreign policy experience.

      As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I checked the calendar to make sure before I saw your post -- you're exactly right. The Republicans had two weeks and four days to bask in their new ticket and then Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and the economy, and saving our democracy, became urgent.

      Not only did candidate McCain clearly know nothing, but the dangerous economic situation brought Sarah Palin into the forefront: what strengths could she bring to a McCain administration?

      It became clear that she knew less than McCain did about basic economics, and that it was too late to educate her, if she could be educated.

      The country, for many reasons, went with the Obama/Biden team of smart, seasoned professionals.
      Their administration saved us from economic disaster.

      Forget everything else, and just concentrate on the end of September, 2008. When Sarah was yelling "Drill, Baby, Drill" and "Palling Around with Terrorists,"
      candidate Obama was slowly and carefully working with the Bush team to figure out what to do to save our country.

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Bad timing for old Grumpy McCain to be a Keating 5 alumnus when Wall Street collapses due to hokum trading and has top be bailed out by the taxpayer.

      Also too pissing off Letterman... - Letterman rants on McCain and Palin because McCain cancelled his interview and went on NBC instead

    4. Anonymous9:48 AM

      "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state."

      I like what she said after Katie Couric asked her if the proximity to Russia gave her foreign policy experience. " certainly does." OK. You know, I live close to an airport. Does that mean I could qualify as a airline pilot?

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Obama is too smart to be concerned with a "pesky fly"

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      "I don't think about Sarah Palin." President Obama

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      . . . a gnat, really

    3. Fruit fly.

      (Look that one up. Another Sarah gem.)

    4. *insert clip of president Obama batting down the fly during an interview. .. like a BOSS*

  3. Bill F12:26 PM

    The 2008 election was as good as an election as it gets. It is unlikely that we shall see as entertaining an election again. We had the skank and her family for entertainment, and one of the greatest presidents ever was elected.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      100% agree with you, Bill.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Me too, Bill!

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Me three, Bill!

    4. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Amen to that! McCain;s dream lasted 2 weeks, then the bottom fell out. I have no doubt that once the Obama crew saw a couple of her interviews, they were rolling on the floor laughing, that little Johnny was stupid enough to pick HER as his VP.

    5. "Anonymous2:24 PM
      I have no doubt that once the Obama crew saw a couple of her interviews, they were rolling on the floor laughing, that little Johnny was stupid enough to pick HER as his VP.
      Like this?

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    When Canadian newscasters are saying it's an open secret that Sarah Palin faked the pregnancy, I am certain that the Obama campaign was also. I think they decided to not use that against Sarah Palin because they did not want to attack "motherhood".

    It must have been clear to the Obama campaign that Sarah Palin was mentally unstable. Why Axelrod chooses to avoid the topic, I don't know. But it makes me think his comments about the appearance of candidate Palin are really not very valuable.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      It's political speak. Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace do the same thing, all politicans do.

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    As usual, our wonderful President Obama took the calm and steady approach toward Sarah Palin and, as usual, he was spot on! Only, she was far worse than, even he, could have imagined!

  6. You hit the nail on the head...Never, ever underestimate the power of boobs

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Never, ever underestimate the stupidity people that think with their penis.

    2. Bill F2:03 PM

      She doesn't even have good boobs, either her natural or her Belmonts.. And I like all sizes.

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Never underestimate the stupidity of people in general.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Uh - oh... maybe you shouldn't have posted this here, Gryph. When the grifter reads this it's going to chap her hide. Todd will hide in the garage, the kids will steer clear of her path while they try to hide the canned goods, Trig will sound the general alarm. Her wickedness will be in a bad mood for the next couple of days all because she so ended up back in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Actually, she is in Texas for her speeches and such.

    2. Anonymous12:49 PM

      No worries. Sarah is on an extended road trip, trying to convince her admirers that she is not bat shit crazy. One speaking engagement down and two to go. Oh the theater and pass the pop corn.

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      12:45 PM But, she does reside in Alaska on the dead lake in small-town Wasilla. She doesn't go out in public while there as she knows how people dislike her!

      She should move herself and her brood to AZ and stay there permanently. She might actually like it better and become more even keeled! IF that is possible!

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      1:05 PM
      I sure could be wrong but for now, I'm firmly convinced that Sarah is on a destructive road with her drug and alcohol usage that won't permit her to get on an "even-keeled". I think she's too far gone and lacks the ability to seek or accept help to pull herself out of it.

      If I'm wrong, if she gets into rehab and sobers up, look at the disasters she faces once sober: with her kids, with the money situation, with the devoted fans she's disappointed and who likely won't be able to accept and then forgive her actions. Sarah is in a mess, it can't end well for her.

    5. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Alaska is part of her brand. It's also her small pond. Oh, and it's where the bodies are (figuratively) buried. As much as she'd like to leave, she can't.

    6. Anonymous3:30 PM

      There ARE bodies buried there with Palin written all over them.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This is Palin's true character, as shown when she quit (again) and didn't run for President in 2012.

    One Palinbot's reaction:

    S2A0R1A6H •
    First and foremost, blessings to SP and her family in the years ahead.
    However, having said that, I can help but be angry and feel used about the last minute $$ push by SARAHPAC when Crawford wrote that we needed to really give to help Sarah decide.

    Didn't like the last FB post of hers pushing the undefeated CD,Has this been a money ride all along?

    Did she decide months ago not to run, and just hung on through the end of the quarter to encourage donations to SARAHPAC?Shaken.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Shaken and stirred! Love it when they see the light.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      History is repeating itself. There was the big push to money bomb her PAC for her birthday. Today, VG is hinting about all the great photos of the Palin/Heath clan that Chuck Jr. has shared, allowing the cult a personal glimpse into the family. I suspect that this is leading to another book to be hawked by one of them. I am quite suspicious of VG and his "relationship" with Chuck Jr.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Frankly, I wonder if the Palin/Heaths don't 'massage' this guy because he has (or they think/hope he has) money. If his comments are to be believed, he is unwell, and probably won't live to see his idol's inauguration.... He has met SP on at least one occasion, and is in regular contact with CH. Maybe they are hoping to be remembered in his will?

    4. Anonymous3:28 PM

      It's VG's rub with royalty (no pun intended,,,,or is it....). That cult truly thinks she is Queen Esther reincarnated and a half dozen are in touch by phone. Who knows what they're up to, but they're going to be sorely disappointed in the end.

  9. Smirnonn12:46 PM

    Interesting interview. I remember back in 2008 when I first saw Palin I thought she was dangerous. Not because she was a heavyweight, but because so many people bought her fluff. Even though I was completely unfamiliar with her I also thought she was full of herself. I remember saying that during her convention speech. Now that I think of it, I'm hard pressed to recall another politician who had such a huge opportunity and who botched it so completely.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      She couldn't help but botch it. She is an unintelligent, ignorant, and emotionally retarded narcissist filled with anger. She is also pathologically dishonest and impulsive. Being a politician was never her goal. She wanted to be a wealthy celebrity constantly in the spotlight. It has never been more than pageant walking and attention with Palin.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM


      Other than leaving out "exploiter of a special needs infant", your comment is perfection.

    3. A J Billings2:18 PM

      @anon 1:12pm. Right on the money!

      Palin's real motivation for everything she does is obvious now, and I'm sure Alaskans knew this even when she was Mayor of Wasilla

      from website, circa 1996

      Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana.

      And there, at J.C. Penney's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist.

      ''We want to see Ivana,'' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ''because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.''

      Palin's entire shallow narcissism is summed up in that one quote:

      DESPERATE for glamour and "culture".

      Also translated as "gimme the money and let me please also too, have nice stuff, and not have to work, and be a fame whore like Ivana"

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      1:12 PM
      Well said.

    5. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I bet she still sells like salmon. Or a corn eyed brown trout.

    6. Anonymous3:24 PM

      So sad -- that she thought that Ivana Trump had ever gotten anywhere near "glamour" or "culture."

      That's all you need to know about Palin in that one sentence. She knew, and knows, nothing about the world beyond Wasilla.

    7. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I bet she still sells like salmon. Or a corn eyed brown trout.>>> was supposed to be smells like a salmon

    8. That "smells like salmon" phrase was probably another one of Sarah's "Palin mythology" comments to a reporter, repeated so often (even here!) that it's become true.

      But if you think about what we REALLY know about Sarah Palin, that she only went to Dillingham during the fishing season if she absolutely HAD to, and rarely worked on the fishing skiff.

      Just because she was seen hauling nets when Andrea Mitchell went up there doesn't mean she's done it more than half a dozen times since she got married.

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    President Obama's brilliance has no bounds. Sarah Palin was incompetent and Candidate Obama saw that early on. Palin was the most un-vetted vp candidate ever. John McCain should hide in shame. McCain fell victim to his amorous feelings for Vickie Iseman, and Bud Paxson took advantage of him by forcing him to select Palin as a running mate from Hell.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      partial from Wiki on 'Vickie Iseman':

      In December 2008, Iseman filed a US$27 million defamation lawsuit against The New York Times, alleging that the paper, in the course of describing circumstances of her lobbying activity, had falsely implied an illicit romantic relationship between her and Senator John McCain.[9] The Times said they "fully stood behind the article" and the story was "true and accurate".[10]

      The suit was subsequently settled without payment in February 2009.[11] As part of the settlement, Ms. Iseman accepted the Times’ explanation,[12] which appeared in a "Note to Readers" published in the newspaper. The "Note to Readers" said: "The article did not state, and The Times did not intend to conclude, that Ms. Iseman had engaged in a romantic affair with Senator McCain or an unethical relationship on behalf of her clients in breach of the public trust."[13]

      The article that prompted the lawsuit was published on February 21, 2008.[14] McCain's presidential campaign called the article "a hit-and-run smear campaign" and "gutter politics."[14]

  11. The Kouric interview was the key to the beginning of the end for Palin. I said to a friend: she appears to be an undereducated individual who uses her looks to get by when the going gets tough....that won't work for long in the rough and tumble politics of a presidential election. I think McCain delayed his selection of her as his VP hoping she could just "get by" with her looks until election day. The campaign managers tried to shield her from the press and interviews. Remember how she and McCain fly around the country, after the GOP convention, to large crowds and she would speak using the same boorish talking she said no to the funding of the bridge to nowhere (after supporting it in the beginning). It was one of the first lies she was caught in during the campaign and the dam burst shortly thereafter. Now she is a total mess and has no future in politics because she took the road as a political hack and a victim ever since.

    1. I also remember how quickly it was pointed out that her bridge to nowhere story was debunked, but no matter how often it was pointed out she just kept telling the same story. Same with her claim that tada! she was completely absolved of wrongdoing in the troopergate affair.

      I also remember how quickly it became apparent that she had only the same few tired talking points and how she repeated them over and over again.

  12. ibwilliamsi1:02 PM

    "You know this is a fascinating quote because I actually don't think that she had that affinity with the working class. I really think that much of her appeal had to do with her looks, and that the mere fact that she was so clearly undereducated meant that certain segments of the electorate felt that they could identify with her, in that if SHE could be a candidate then why couldn't they?"

    That seems like you saying the same thing twice to me, Gryph.

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Everything was going fine until she opened her mouth......

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      I looking at my husband and saying, "OH. MY. GOD." watching her convention introduction and speech. That inner alarm we all have went off full bore.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      I burst out "NO" when a relative told me she had been picked. A 3 minute interview on Larry Kudlow had already forewarned me that Sarah Palin was a dangerous idiot.

      As it turns out, the eye opener for me was that my relative (male) was delighted with the pick. That was the beginning of an seemingly endless minefield of deflecting political discussion with said relative in interests of family serenity.

      He was certain I would like Sarah Palin because of my fairly mild opinions on feminist topics. As if a pair of x chromosomes renders me incapable of intelligent judgement, hah!

      I can not even begin to express that agony of watching my relative gloating about Sarah Palin "winning" the debate with Joe Biden.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      "I can not even begin to express that agony of watching my relative gloating about Sarah Palin "winning" the debate with Joe Biden."

      She really didn't win as she refused to answer the debate questions and went off on her own, spitting her nonsense.

    4. Anonymous3:17 PM


      Of course Sarah Palin didn't win the debate. Note that the previous comment has "winning" in quotes. The comment means that the agony was the result of hearing gloating about "winning" when I knew full well that Sarah Palin not only didn't win the debate, she wasn't even a contender.

  14. ibwilliamsi1:13 PM

    I can explain Donald Trump. He's an idiot savant. He IS brilliant (and extremely well advised) in business but when it comes to people he's an idiot. Easy peasy.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      If repeatedly using bankruptcy as a financial tool then I guess we can call him "well advised" but he has made his riches on the backs of the average credit consumer by trashing so many of his debts and walking away from them, again, and again. He's a financial user, nothing more, gaming the system and he and his "advisers" have gotten rich from their schemes.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Just like Mitt Romney - adds to his riches on the backs of middle class workers. Look at the businesses he took over and how he did it. Don't which one of them is worse - Trump or Romney. Cannot abide either one of them!

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Not exactly brilliant, just gutsy and aggressive and well-connected.

    4. ibwilliamsi3:05 PM

      Well, I used "brilliant" because Chris Matthews used brilliant. And it DOES take some planning to know when to buy and when to walk away and let everyone else pick up the tab.

    5. Anonymous3:21 PM

      And, of course, both Romney and Trump are second generation -- their fathers made the money, and then they took over, with a lot of cash to start with. Starting on third base, as the saying goes.

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sarah Palin in April 2008 is on tape telling the tale of amniotic fluid and the transcontinental flight for a premature Down Syndrome baby. Both campaigns (and all intelligent listeners) knew that it was bullshit. It was a crazy story only a confirmed liar would expect to get away with.

    McCain picked her knowing she was lying. Obama decided to give her rope and let her trip herself.

    Axelrod is trying to make it sound like Obama's campaign made the right choice because they were rocket scientist quality. When, in fact, a first year political science major would have done the same.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      As proven by numerous Hollywood starlets, and currently by the Duchess of Cambridge, a fit woman with "tight abs" does indeed start to show a real pregnancy belly by the time she's six or seven months along.

      The whole Palin pregnancy thing was so transparent that, yes, anyone in the Obama, Clinton, or other political camps would have paid attention and known that something was very much not the truth when being proclaimed by the Governor of Alaska in April, 2008.
      They never had to let on what they knew, since the McCain/Palin candidacy was sinking under its own weight. Nonetheless, it's hard to believe there weren't observers who'd figured it all out months in advance.

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Wikipedia - Sarah Palin
    First term as mayor

    Upon taking office in October 1996, she began to make staffing changes. She eliminated the position of museum director and asked for updated resumes and resignation letters from Wasilla police chief Irl Stambaugh, public works director Jack Felton, finance director Duane Dvorak, and librarian Mary Ellen Emmons.[19] She temporarily required department heads to get her approval before talking to reporters, stating they first needed to become better acquainted with her policies.


    (Per Wiki) As promised during her campaign, she reduced her own salary by 10%, from $68,000 to $61,200;[20]she also reduced her workload by hiring a new City Administrator.[18] 






    Wait a second. Did I hear that correctly?
    Let me repeat that:




    2. AFTER REDUCING HER PAY, MAYOR SARAH PALIN REDUCED HER WORKLOAD (Hey since I aint gettin' paid I aint gonna keep doing the job I was hired to do)



    By 1999, the City Council had raised her salary back to $68,000.[20] In her first term, state Republican party leaders began grooming her for higher office.[16]

    Her first months in office were so rocky that there was talk of a recall attempt in 1997, which fizzled.[15][21] Her recollection was that she "grew tremendously in my early months as mayor". Palin would gain favor with Wasillans. She kept a jar with the names of Wasilla residents on her desk, and once a week she pulled a name from it and picked up the phone. She would ask: "How's the city doing?"[21]


  17. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I remember intuitively responding to her with repulsion because I could see how Paylin was going to be a "token female" candidate to maybe appeal to the soccer mom Repugnican crowd,and in their brain challenged group, women just might project some appeal at that deeply damaged piece of Alaskan moose dung. Meanwhile, we Dems were going, "Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she should be running as VP" long before she continued to reveal herself as a world class ignoramus. Glad nobody fell for it!

  18. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'll never forget when I first heard Sarah Palin's name and that she was running for VP. I was in the car listening to Stephanie Miller who was giddy with excitement. She kept saying that "we're going to win." Apparently, she knew the idiocy of the choice. I had never heard of Palin but, unfortunately, that was soon corrected.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Stephanie Miller, whose father was the Vice Presidential candidate on Barry Goldwater's ticket in 1964!

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Love Stephanie Miller! Her new comedy album just dropped, & is already topping the charts at ITunes. It's the best bits from the Happy Hour podcasts. Very funny stuff, not safe for work. You can sample some of the regular show on her site:
      Just scroll down to the mp3 selections.

    3. I remember watching the announcement on TV and thinking "Who the hell is Sarah Palin?"

      I don't care which party you're in. You never choose a VP that no one has heard of, no matter how "brilliant" they are.

      McCain's problem is that she was both unknown and an idiot. He was thinking with his pants and thought he'd get all of the male votes the same way.

  19. Anonymous1:54 PM

    When were the Johnston's computers wiped clean? And by whom? McWalnuts set out to run a dishonest campaign from the gitgo.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      We know who. A fish lobbyist from the 48.

  20. Anonymous1:59 PM

    President Obama has an innate method of sizing people up and he appears to be spot on in the majority of instances! He assuredly was with the idiot Sarah Palin!

    1. Such a shame he has a blind eye towards Arne Duncan.

  21. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Vice-Presidential Nominee Beauty Pageant Contestant Miss Wasilla Sarah Palin's foreign policy experience.

    United Nation:
    Pakistan's new president called GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin "gorgeous" when the two met in New York on Wednesday. Palin has been in New York meeting international leaders in town this week for United Nations meetings.

    On entering a room filled with several Pakistani officials Wednesday, Palin was immediately greeted by Sherry Rehman, the country's information minister.

    "And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?" Rehman asked Palin, drawing friendly laughter from the room.

    "Oh, thank you (he he)," Palin said.

    Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, entered the room seconds later. Palin rose to shake his hand, saying she was "honored" to meet him.

    Zardari then called her "gorgeous" and said: "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you."

    "You are so nice (he he)," Palin said, smiling. "Thank you."

    America we ask you, in 2008 was America hosting a beauty pageant at the United Nation for Miss Wasilla or were we looking for a president and a knowledgeable vice-president?

    America got it right, that's why Senator Barack Obama won.

  22. Anonymous2:09 PM

    When I first saw that the female governor of Alaska was to be McCain's running mate, I googled her name and Alaska politics. Got my introduction to some great sites and learned all anyone would ever need to know about Sarah Palin in about a week - and it was not good news for the McCain campaign. I was surprised that the national press did not seem interested in learning about what was being said about her back home in Alaska.

    Another thing that really bothered me, in the early days, was learning that GOP operatives had gone to Wasilla and "scrubbed" people's computers. Why didn't those invaded in this way protest or object? I wouldn't allow political operatives any where near my computer.

    President Obama seems to have a way of standing back and seeing the big picture. I think he could see that Sarah Palin would implode once exposed to the national press. And she's never stopped imploding!

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      When I first heard of his pick, I immediately sent an email to my cousin who lives in Eagle River. Since I had a large family at home, too, I was curious as to how she could do it all.

      Well, let's just say the reply I received back was very long, very informative, AND included the false pregnancy rumor. Seems the scuttlebutt was that she had covered for Bristol during the unfortunate mono episode.

    2. That's how I got here.

      When she was announced I immediately said "Who the hell is Sarah Palin" and googled her.

      I found The Mudflats and this site. Between the two I had links to the Alaskan Dispatch and other online news, plus information only the locals could tell me. That's all the information I needed from that point on.

  23. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The best introduction to Sarah Palin was even before she gave her famous convention speech. Peggy Noonan, Reagan's speechwriter, was caught on an open microphone saying, "We are So Screwed!"

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Definitely. She also said Sarah Palin was a cynical choice and boy, was she right.

  24. Anonymous2:17 PM

    When McCain introduced her, she spewed her BS story about the Bridge to Nowhere and claimed she "told Congress thanks, but no thanks." A day or two later I found Jeanie Devon's article about her on The Mudflats blog, learned she had diverted the money into Alaska's General Fund, and my view of her as a fresh crate of bullshit began to congeal in a hurry. When that was combined with seeing her ability to look right into the tv cameras and lie through her teeth day in and day out, and say vile and angry things with a smile on her face, my vision of her as a sociopath solidified, and hasn't changed other than to add more and more reasons to find her revulsive. How she was ever seen as the future of American politics (or of anything else) is completely baffling to me. When the information came out about the crazy bitch whose prayer group Palin had belonged to for 20 years, it really completed the krazy for me, and she has never let me down.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Yep, she is the train wreck I will never stop rubbernecking. Pure gold!

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Yep, and when the one poster yesterday whined about Gryph continuing to post aboout her? Oh HELL no.....there's nothing that she'd like better!

      We KNW who you are, $arah and your whole fam damily. I'm sure loved it when The Colbert Report ended, and jumped up and down when Jon announced his time is almost over.

      Think you're free to go about your bullshit? Keep looking over your shoulder, toots, we're out here and we have our freedoms, too.

  25. Anonymous2:41 PM

    She is the fucking worst and always was. Sometimes I think we've been living a dream the past seven years because I can't believe someone so unbelievable ill-equipped was tapped as a VPOTUS candidate.

  26. PalinsHoax3:16 PM

    Anonymous 1:05 PM
    Everything was going fine until she opened her mouth......
    - - -

    EXACTLY!!! Anon 1:05 pm EXACTLY!!!

    She opened her mouth - and the nation first cringed, then guffawed, then outright laughed out loud at the BUFFOON that Johnny McShame introduced onto the national stage.

    The Village Idiot was exposed at her first utterance, and her total ineptness was later confirmed when asked a simple question: "What do you regularly read?"

    By the way, who in their ever-loving-right mind, as a VP running mate, goes to answer their hotel room door, wearing nothing but a towel (with hubby pimp Tawdry lurking in the hotel room)?

    Yikes these Palins are hideous in all respects.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Good point. Maybe a woman who has no boundaries and used to sleep nude when her team traveled for games in high school?

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Previous comment regarding McCain endorsing Graham over his running mate the Wasilla Dipshit for 2016

    Why would anyone be surprised McCain would pick Graham over Palin? McCain knows Palin better than anyone and knows her to be an idiot and full of fraudulent ways! 

    Remember, he was the one that made her do TV interviews with him (after her disaster w/Katie Couric!) when they ran and LOST all those years ago! And, he didn't let her do much talking either! Cracks me up thinking back on those days.

    1. "Remember, he was the one that made her do TV interviews with him (after her disaster w/Katie Couric!) when they ran and LOST all those years ago! And, he didn't let her do much talking either! "
      Can you imagine for even one second Senator Obama having to make sure that VP pick Biden only did carefully staged interviews with Obama at his side?

      I guess those 30+ years in the senate can make a difference if you wanted to conscientiously choose a VP with the knowledge, education, and intelligence to step up to the presidency if needed.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Nefer, I HOWLED when the next interview came and McCain was sitting next to her! Brought your babysitter? Pacifier?

  28. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The funny part of this is she really thought anyone could be vice president and likely president. The group she may have attracted that also holds this deluded belief is still disaffected and angry. She loves to prod the bee’s nest! Yet, when it comes to critical thinking skills most who followed her are so poorly able to stay on point and the narrative quickly devolves into tin foil conspiracy, ill informed speculation and blame. Hardly a strategy and impossibly frustrating when it comes to actually solving problems. President Obama sized her up pretty quickly and it is clear he ignored her and still does. I would too. If I ever met her again, I’d probably walk on by. There is no there there in Sarah Palin. She is all bark and no brain, kind of like a poorly trained terrier.

    1. Just proves how totally clueless she is.

      She demonstrated she has no clue what a Vice President does. I'm sure she figured the President just poses for photos, signs stuff and travels around a lot. Everything else she figured she'd just delegate, like she's done her entire life.

      She's even delegated the raising of her family.

  29. Anonymous3:42 PM

    McCain needs to do what other conservatives and Palin people are doing. Do the honorable thing, come clean, admit you were fooled and made a mistake. You know you did and we know you did.

  30. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Wow, those were some good times. Memories.... I remember election night, staying up to watch the returns with my kids, and the mood in Grant Park in Chicago was electric. Barack Obama was President and Palin and McCain were defeated and goodness returned to America.

    I loved my country so much that night. So proud of our choice, and so thankful for having that choice. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else, even some days when I am so discouraged by the Republicans. We can do it, America! And a gigantic Thank You to Gryphen for this blog, and always reminding us that Sarah Palin is still out there.

    1. Anonymous12:53 AM

      I totally agree and had the same feeling.

  31. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sarah Sarah Sarah, you made fools out of a lot of people.

    Even CYNDY MCCAIN tried to defend you and failed big time.

    Cindy McCain: Palin knows foreign policy because ‘Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia.’

    Today on ABC’s This Week, Cindy McCain tried to rebut the criticism that Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) has no national experience bytaking a talking point from Fox’s Steve Doocy. McCain pointed to the fact that Palin’s state is near Russia:

    STEPHANOPOULOS: But she has no national security experience.

    McCAIN: You know, the experience that she comes from is what she’s done in government, and remember, Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. It’s not as if she doesn’t understand what’s at stake here.

    It doesn’t appear that Palin has ever even traveled to Russia, despite her state’s proximity. In fact, she didn’t even have a passport until 2007, when she visited troops stationed in Kuwait and Germany. She has also visited Ireland.

  32. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Sarah Palin claims that she is Trig's mother and is now claiming Energy is her baby too!

    Sarah can you show us Trig's and Energy's birth certificate?

    “Energy is my baby,” Palin explained, adding that oil and gas could “feed and fuel a hungry nation with what God has created for man’s responsible use.”

    Sarah you gotta have a big hoohah to have given birth to energy.

    Sarah Palin still believes she is America's energy expert.

    Bless her heart

    1. Anonymous2:00 AM

      Energy must be her 'baby', because Tri-g is not. Was she wearing a Sponge Bob square belly to fake giving birth to Energy also?

  33. Here's a link to my 5 star review of the book at Amazon.

  34. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I've never believed in her appeal to the working class either. I come from a working class background and in my experience people from similar backgrounds can spot a phony from and mile away! So many people that I know who are supposed to fit the profile of her base saw right through her act and disliked her immediately.

  35. Anonymous7:53 PM

    When I first heard McCain had chosen her, I remarked oh the lying wolf killer. My mother said she would listen to her speech before making a decision, after the speech she called me and said "the women is an incoherent idiot". Her opinion change as the election wore on to sociopath.

    Sarah lied to the Defenders of Wildlife and promised that she would put a stop to the aerial extermination of the wolf population in AK in exchange for their endorsement. Well they got burned but put out the word that she lies when she was chosen to run as V.P.

  36. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I saw it for all it was. she was a Prop. they had nothing else but to pull the *gender card. she was the empty suit. they even tried going with the shorter sleeved jackets to give her the Jackie O. look.she blew the budget on clothes ect. for her and hers. they tried to push her as an Energy expert and she wasn't. she would dance around the questions and go off topic. she calls it going Rouge. normal people call it removing all doubt how dumb you are. very limited education. lied a lot. didn't produce even the easiest of evidence of Birth of trig. no proof of degrees. easy to provide anyone would probably have in their records. simply empty head. she's spent her time since hurling F*#@-K bombs at our president who ignores her. she tries to play to the media. then she cries foul when they call her stupid. Fox never was news. only satire.neither they or sarah were to be taken seriously. once home her skeletons began coming out. also too she'd shown repeatedly she wasn't to be believed or trusted. she brought nothing to the ticket. she was cons answer to dems running a different race. now she scrambles for any attention. shes toxic and even fux admits it. her kids are part of the grift. she knows her days are numbered and so do we.


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