Thursday, February 12, 2015

Look even Obama's saying it now.

For those wondering this is from a promotion over at Buzzfeed.

Clearly in these last two years of his administration, Obama feels free to act a little goofy.

Kind of a way to say "bite me" to his critics. 


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Omg, I love that man


    1. Anonymous3:56 AM

      So do I, Mildred! I wish I could vote for him a third time.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    At least he doesn't claim that "I've got a servants heart" bull shit!! Like who the fuck besides Palin and completely twisted and off the rails bible thumpers believe that crap!

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The proud owner of the 2013 "Lie of the Year."

    1. Exactly correct. Any, and every, time he alludes to any member of the Rethuglikan Party as being anywhere close to an honest broker,, he is lying through his teeth.
      And tha's the twooth-th!!!

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Did Obama cancel plans? No. Insurance companies did. They have always cancelled plans annually and in addition the ACA forced them to cancel other plans that didn't meet the minimum standards of the ACA (you know, the plans had to actually provide insurance). Millions now have insurance they couldn't get before and the costs are dropping for the vast majority. Obama's statement was inaccurate and he apologized for it. You RW idiots will cut off your nose to spite your face. If it was left up to people like you, big pharma and the insurance companies would continue to run roughshod over most of the population because in your addled brain corporations and oligarchs have our best interests in mind and Gubmint is the enemy. The stupidity of folks like you is staggering.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      2009: Sarah Palin's "death panel" claim was so recognized. And she was really lying.

    4. Anonymous6:54 PM

      He still owns "Lie of the Year", regardless.

    5. Anonymous10:33 PM


      Not like you own stupidity, regardless. Has Palin ever apologized for her "Lie of the Year"? Has Palin ever apologized for any of her lies? All she does is lie. What does it feel like to be corrupt to the core RAM?

    6. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Get your cloven-hooved honey to run, 6:54 PM.

    7. Anonymous6:54 PM
      He still owns "Lie of the Year", regardless.
      Well, no. Is this some legal designation? No. It is not. It is an opinion that can be accepted or not by anyone. Just as Palin's followers refused to accept that she was a liar for her death panels lie.

      The responsibility belongs on the insurance companies that could have, but chose not, improve their plans to the minimum level of care required.

    8. Anonymous7:24 AM

      "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

      No matter what, argue with PolitiFact, that was their "Pants on Fire" "Lie of the Year".

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Gotta love a dignified, classy man who can still poke fun at himself every so often.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    It's worse than just oversized cookies and undersized milk glasses. I'm still waitin' for him to fess up about my last bag of Gummy Bears that were hardened and stale. What say you, Obama?

  6. I love it when he looks at the reporter guy and says "Can I LIVE?" LOLOL he's so cool. So fun, so real. And yes, all the things that a president should be, too. But I love that he is not afraid to show his other sides. He's HUMAN.

  7. He can't be challenging and correcting all the falsehoods and and bits of chicanery spewing out of the Rethuglikan camp, but these lies DO need to be refuted in real time. He needs a Consigliare out front to face off with these prevaricators so that the American people know instantaneously when the lies are foisted, and what the truth, and consequences, actually are. I nominate Howard Dean. Al Franken, or maybe someone with the stature of a Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

  8. Anonymous4:36 PM

    The whole video is adorable, but this was my favorite moment in it.

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I think I see Jon Stewart's replacement.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      And vise versa!


  10. Anonymous5:09 AM

    So he's catching flak from the right-wing. Wow. What's new? I suppose the conservative Christian Republicans preferred Bush's 'Barney' Christmas videos and especially the one in which W was looking high and low, under couches, just everywhere for those darn old Weapons of Mass Destruction. You remember those? The reason the U.S. went to war in Iraq and cost thousands and thousands of U.S. lives and innocent Iraqi lives? Oh, the hilarity! Gosh darn that W had a sense of humor.

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    This guy is so damned healthy .... physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially. I am so grateful that he has come along as a true leader in my lifetime. I may get to see only one more president, but no one can top Obama for the confidence he has given me in our country, if for nothing else than the fact that he was elected twice by voters who understood what was best for all of us.

  12. Anonymous2:29 PM

    7:24am. their either jacked up their rates to provide that minimum coverage or canceled them. soooo now theyre mad at obama??!?


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