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Kennedy |
Discussing the news that an Oklahoma lawmaker is trying to ban AP U.S. History courses and replace them with classes that teach from a selection of religious sermons, the Ten Commandments, and several Ronald Reagan speeches, Fox News' "Outnumbered" on Thursday went off on America's entire public schools system.
"There really shouldn't be public schools, should there?," suggested co-host Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery, opening the segment. "I mean we should really go to a system where parents of every stripe have a choice, have a say in the kind of education their kids get because, when we have centralized, bureaucratic education doctrines and dogmas like this, that's exactly what happens."
Later in the segment, co-host Andrea Tantaros said America should just "abolish the Department of Education."
She then went off on "government bureaucracy, and Washington, D.C. dictating what kids should be taught."
Kids, Tantaros exclaimed, are "not even getting the basic education because they're getting a bunch of this meaningless liberal crap, every day."
What a plan.
First Fox News is trying to get rid of competing newscasters who report facts, and now they want to do away with schools altogether so that Americans will stay ignorant enough to actually watch their cable "news" channel.
I have seen a lot of blatant attacks on educators and the public school system, that Oklahoma story being one of them, but this kind of talk is simply unconscionable.
What do these idiots think happens to this country if our children's education is done away with, or is tailored for them by parents who may have fundamentalist religious beliefs, control issues, or are too ignorant to recognize the benefits of a well rounded education?
By the way I think the term "liberal crap" is Fox News speak for "facts that will make students too smart to believe our bullshit."
What do you get when spouting the bible and being on cheap reality shows means more to your family t education? You get Bristol Palin, the drop out Mom who has now posted a photo of her and Tripp and Tripp is wearing nothing but underwear while Mommy squirts whip cream from a can in her mouth.
ReplyDeletebsmp2instagram. Tripp is six years old, he's not a baby, can you imagine if his little classmates see this photo? Bristol is an absolute idiot, no class rotton mother.
The Palins are into images. They know how to send messages through the visual medium.
DeleteYes, Bristol and those that give advice and help her with social media know what they are doing.
DeleteOnce a photo is out anyone can do what they please with it.
Bristol's friend's kids are some of those that they get to make comments for her. Bristol seems to be a very mixed up troubled person.
The whipped cream was a substitute for Trial Daddy cream.
DeleteI was going to ask what was in his mouth. She looks like she is swilling vodka. I guess she likes to portray the drunk. That Junker guy would love that.
DeleteBristol is into huffing. I thought so when she was with Gino. There was a scene that dropped a hint.
DeleteThis recent image is pretty obvious.
Demi’s Drug: What Is Nitrous Oxide?
A former nitrous addict and expert on addiction explains why laughing gas is no joke.
You know she posted that just to get a reaction, but, Bristol, you're a mother who's putting up pictures of your young son in his underwear on the internet. That picture will go viral, and it will never disappear.
DeleteImagine what others will do with it -- or just imagine what your son will think of you ten years from now, when he sees what you did to him.
For the love of god, have some dignity for him, if not for yourself, and keep him out of your photos -- or at least keep him dressed. Are you that ignorant, or do you just not care?
This is the cutest. Night out with the babes. Mommy holds little Trippy.
6:09 PM
DeleteBristol is high.
More like she doesn't care. She cares about bonding with him in her own way, it is not about Tripp.
Sarah Palin is proud and the community where they live doesn't care about child welfare.
Parents are in trouble for for less in some areas. Now that people don't have film developed it seems like anything goes.
6:09 p.m., I think she might actually be that ignorant. I'm not excusing her--she's an adult and she's responsible for not only herself, but also her son (and any other babies she might still have around), so she damn well should be making better decisions.
DeleteNo one in that family seems to have any sense of boundaries, the ability to distinguish between the public and private spheres, or a whisper of an idea of appropriate behavior. Bristol was raised by a woman who was so profoundly damaged at such a young age that she never instilled any self-respect or boundaries in her own children. Add to that whatever trauma Bristol herself suffered--and I definitely think there was some--and you get these kinds of photos (and the drinking, and the drugs, and the one-night stands, and the brawl...)
Speaking of Tripp and all Mommy's one-night stands, fuc_ buddies, and trial daddies--where is Tripp when she's doing all this?!
A bunch old hairy horny guys are fapping to Tripp's whipped cream undies photo right now, I betcha. What kind of mother would post this kind of NAMBLA bait?
DeleteNot that anything can help Tripp now.
DeleteTeaching Kids to Recognize Grooming
Women and Men who have been incested often have trouble with developing and/or maintaining healthy relationships. It is somewhat confusing to do so because you have no real sense of what a healthy relationship is.
Make Child Sexual Abuse Grooming A Felony
Heidi Montag’s Dad Arrested for Committing Years of Sexual Abuse and Incest with a 13-Year-Old Girl
Please tell me you are kidding about this photo.
DeleteHey retarded troll. Is this another example of Bristol living privately?
If Michael Jackson had used a picture like that of his child the media would make it a headline story. Lawyers would be calling for CPS.
DeleteWhat does this silence say about TMZ lawyer?
Poor Tripp
DeleteSexualizing Kids Online
Child abuse images resurface 15 years after being erased. Irish internet safety watchdog Hotline.ie has just received a report here of sick images of abuse of a four year old girl which were first uncovered and erased 15 years ago but which have been put back into circulation by paedophiles.
I would not wish this on anyone. Once long ago I thought I saw a picture of Sarah Palin with one of these.
They can be concealed to look like you are carrying a small flashlight.
Inhaled nitrous oxide, a party drug more commonly known as laughing gas, whip-its and "hippie crack," provides relatively intense, brief highs, although few people realize it also can harm, or even kill.
TMZ reports that whip-its were behind actress' health scare
'SEXY GAS' Who needs a Lumbersexual when you have 'laughing gas' ('whippets')?
DeleteTechnically it is 'laughing gas' but to those in the know and who have tested the effects will know it by the much more descriptive term 'sexy gas'.
The effects cause what can only really be described as an evenly distributed orgasm throughout your entire body, from head to toe, fingertip to tongue tip. Touch feels incredible, sound sounds phenomenal, and all of the most important feelings/emotions that make us human and separate us from all other life forms are condensed from a normal lifespan into 30 seconds of the most blissfully blissful moment bliss could ever give a single person in such a short period of time.
If a person were to groom a child there is nothing better than whipped cream? It is so cute and fun who would notice anything sinister?
When you think about drugs that threaten the health of teens, whipped cream could be the last thing that comes to mind. But the pressurized containers used to store canned whipped cream contain a propellant gas called nitrous oxide, which can be inhaled quickly by mouth to get a brief but intoxicating rush.
these brown shirt reich wing fuk_tard domestic taliban are gettin' louder and louder ..
ReplyDeleteWe need to do something because public schools generally suck
ReplyDeleteAh, welcome punctuation-challenged troll!
Delete4:56 PM Alicia/now or never/loneliness/elmer fudd/yogi bear What did you learn in School? 'Obvi' you did not learn to spell correctly and to punctuate sentences in a 'Convo'. You have never grown up, and you never will.
DeleteYou went to a private college for a useless theater arts degree, sweetheart. I'm sure your parents are regretting paying your tuition and your apartment in Brooklyn for the short time you tried to make it the big city.
Delete@4:56 Trolls SUCK, Alicia.
DeleteHey United States and Wasilla why is Bristol Palin posting photos of Tripp for Pedophiles?
Delete8:23 PM
DeleteWhy can't Alaska help the children and adults that are abused in their state?
This post by a public figure that people are lead to believe is Christian is a great way to role model.
She already released those horrible shows where Tripp was abused. And her Anchorage brawl tape and all kids hear are things like Sarah saying how proud she is of strong Bristol. No religious leaders or authorities dare say the Palins may have a problem with any of their child abuse. Only that they are victims with expensive toys and all kinds of material goodies.
I remember something about Bristol and Levi being home schooled by Sarah Palin. Is that what went wrong?
ReplyDeleteIs Tripp Johnston home schooled?
Abolishing the DOE is code for bringing back class prayer and wiping out science.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem if you want to send your kid to a religious school, but not with MY tax dollars.
ReplyDeleteHave these dithering imbeciles figured out who is going to build, maintain and finance all these schools? Are they going to use state or federal money or are the parents also responsible for not only the curriculum but also everything else?
What are the parents going to do when they have to work and don’t have teachers to baby-sit their kids?
The Right wing taking the USA back to the stone age.
They want tax vouchers so "any parent can afford to send their child anywhere they want." Their argument is that their tax dollars should not go to support the evolution-teaching, gay-agenda-promoting public schools because that violates their religious rights. I know this because my dad is an extremely vocal advocate of vouchers.
DeleteHe's pissed off because while he was paying to send us to private school, he still had to pay taxes so other people's kids could get public education. He doesn't think it's fair that he should have to pay tuition twice (his words). But he got angry when I said that would also mean I shouldn't have to ever pay any school taxes for anyone, vouchers or not, since I've chosen not to have children.
But in his world, it's not really a choice--I'm single, ergo I don't get to have kids. He also would deny me an abortion even if I were raped, but then, I was always taught that girls are only raped if they dress in ways they shouldn't and go places they shouldn't, so if I were raped, it would be my fault anyway. My sister and I were always dumbfounded when we heard stories of rape survivors turning to their parents for comfort and support--if that happened to either of us, our parents are the LAST people we'd tell because we know they would immediately blame us. They even blame me for the fact that I was molested and bullied at the Christian school they sent me to. I didn't effectively communicate to them how bad things were, so how were they supposed to know?
OK, I have to end this comment, I'm getting too upset.
Public school is merely a euphemism for government indoctrination center.Sending children to these inept day care centers is nothing short of child abuse. 12 years of ill-education leads to classes in remedial studies just to get into a community college. Stupid government fails at every damn thing it touches.
ReplyDeleteClearly, you haven't been to many schools.
DeleteThe proper response is that the public get involved in the educational system -- get on school boards, volunteer, make sure that the system is working and is reformed for all the children in our country.
Gee, I didn't have remedial studies before I went on to college. We even had some advanced courses my senior year, and some students attended classes at a nearby university. Sorry to hear that your school didn't work out for you. Did you go on to a career of sharpening lawnmower blades?
Delete>>> Tom, in FL
Send your kid to religious indoctrination. You pay for it.
DeleteYou spew all the right wing talking points. A very successful indoctrination I must say.
DeleteYou're also a full of shit stupid fuck.
I wonder why Obamie sends his kids to a Quaker school.
DeleteYou're saying exactly what I heard through 14 (including preschool and K) years of Christian elementary, junior, and high school. Imagine my surprise when I got to college--a Christian college, even, but a mercifully liberal one--and my classmates from public schools were running circles around me academically. The only reason I wasn't further behind was because I realized my education was a joke and worked my ass off to compensate. Senior year, I took classes half days and spent my afternoons reading all the books we didn't have time for in school because we were too busy reading sermons by Billy Sunday and Aimee Semple McPherson in American lit, or learning about whether Christian reconstructionism or dominionism was the better approach to American government in poli sci.
DeleteThat's just the academic stuff. The emotional abuse was worse. I'm 41 and I still have nightmares.
I went to public school, graduated in 1984, scored 1485 on my SAT's and clep'd out of most of my freshman college courses and basically started college as a sophomore. I believe in public education.
Delete@6:10 PM Why did YO MAMMY home-school your dumbass?
Delete5:15 PM Your Evangelical home schooling shows through your comments. Are you an Oath Keeper, or an AIP member? If you hate our government so much, leave, Traitor!!!
DeleteThe Obamas send their kids to private school because they started getting death threats during the 2008 campaign. They can be better protected in a private school.
DeleteMy public school education was fantastic and my children experienced the same. Education is valued in my family. I have two siblings who did not do well in school and it certainly can’t be blamed on the school system. I work in a library and often meet homeschooling parents who rant against the system as you do and they remind me of my siblings. They seem rigid, angry, and somewhat challenged when it comes to critical thinking skills. Oh yes, and like my siblings they are Fox News and Glenn Beck advocates. See a pattern?
DeleteOur public school system began in 1840. It is the backbone what made this country as strong as it is.
ReplyDeleteWithout a set of general standards, you'll have adults who don't have the basic skills to enter the military, or to work in increasingly complex jobs, or to know how our country was created and why we should "love" it.
Excuse me while I barf.
Delete5:58 PM
DeleteYou are a child.
Go right ahead. If you aspirate we certainly won't miss you.
Delete5:58 PM Yes, we know that education does not apply to your Idols(Palins). BTW Where is Track, in REHAB? Is he still called 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT'? Can't he control his temper? How many problem children did Sarah give birth to? Do any of the Palin kids know their Biological Daddy? Sarah was 'gettin' busy' for a long time while Todd was on the North Slope.
DeleteNext year it'll be interesting to see f the Clinton bully machine can shut down talk of his friendships with pedophiles. Obamas bully machine has been strong and continues to be
ReplyDeleteYou'll find the period on the bottom row of your keypad.
DeleteThe comma is right next to the period, but that just might be too much edumacation for you today.
DeleteLibertards, they have to get rid of that bong!
ReplyDelete5:24 PM Palinbots have to get rid of the uneducated Troll.
DeleteTrolltards, they have to get rid of that willful ignorance!
Delete...And all that egalitarian "parents should have a say" crap flies right out the window the second one of 'em realizes they're surrounded by gays, or liberals or Muslims...
ReplyDeleteThat's what infuriates me the most, is that these morons are SO completely, insufferably STUPID that it never occurs to them that everyone doesn't think just like them. And then they freak out when they suddenly realize it's not always going to go THEIR way. -Which is exactly why Oklahoma is gonna have a Satanic monument in front of their capitol building. Imbeciles.
The reason public schools are in trouble is because conservatives have been defunding them for DECADES. This isn't a new thing for them. They cut funding, and cut funding, and misappropriate funding voted for by taxpayers, and then they look at the mess THEY caused and say: "See? I told you so, the system is a mess!" And then they hand your tax dollars over to their wealthy friends who conveniently show up with for-profit "solutions" to the problems their buddies manufactured.
Just like the way Scott Walker is working to bankrupt Wisconsin, so that his wealthy benefactors can come in and buy everything up at fire sale prices. THIS is the conservative plan.
The more Republicans chip away at public education, the worse it will get.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that there needs to be more money -- to fund special education, to fund transportation, to fund so many of the non-educational mandates that now are the burden of localities that can't afford them. Once the mandates are paid for, there's not as much left for real instruction.
Once the GOP is successful on a federal level, they'll be cutting property taxes and school taxes wherever they can, bleeding public education until it's only serving the poorest and least educated, who get suckered into for-profit private schools and won't know that they're getting nothing until they graduate, and then it's too late.
Sarah Palin will jump on this, of course.
ReplyDeleteThree of her children rejected their free public education to become drop-outs. Education is not a priority in the Palin world.
And look what it got them.
Yep, and the other expert that plays Bristol on a blog will be all over it.
DeleteThe apple didn't fall far from the tree with $arah's brood.
DeleteI ihope that Piper might be able to escape the toxic environment she's grown up in, and can go to college, get a degree and a real job, and leave the Pain madness behind her.
She deserves a chance at a life of freedom, away from the sociopathic monster that is her mother
I have 43 students in period 1, 14 with IEPs and 504s. Don't even get me started about the rest of my day. Please fire me or cancel public education. Or take your kids out of school. I BEG OF YOU please get me out of this hell.
DeleteYou are full of shit. Why don't you just quit instead of waiting to get fired?
DeleteAnonymous 6:26. Thanks for so much for your concern. I have tenure. Parents and children fight to get into my classroom. I'm not "full of shit". I'm tired and deserve better. I hope you have a very nice evening.
DeleteIf that's the kind of logic you employ, no wonder you're in over your head. Nobody if forcing you to take that "public education" paycheck. If you can't handle it, quit.
DeleteAnd by the way, my 6th daughter has a 504 and gets all As and A+s. I'm glad she has the teachers she has instead of someone like you who would actually complain about having her in your class.
6:38 -- Clearly you're burned out and doing no one any favors, especially your students. You're part of the problem -- you have tenure, hate your job, but remain there, barely doing what you're paid to do because you can't be fired and don't care anymore.
DeleteYou're exactly what all of us, on the left and the right, want to gently lead out of our schools and tell you to get a job somewhere else. No more job security for someone who calls his/her classroom "hell." How dare you hold on for your own enrichment while you beggar the children?
5:33 It seems that you have a bigger problem than the students.
DeleteYou have tenure? So fucking what? If you're so tired, go find a job in a private school where you get paid less and are less protected.
DeleteYou continue to suckle at the teat of what you hate to the detriment of students. Do all the parents and "children" fighting to get in your class know how much you hate them, your job, and public education?
You can't quit because you have tenure?
Delete*my 6th GRADE daughter
DeleteHow old are you?
DeleteI haven't heard a teacher refer to students as "children" for at least 20 years, especially at the age where they would be changing classes every period. Even the older teachers call them "kids."
I can understand being tired and frustrated. It's when you say things like "Please fire me or cancel public education" that makes you look really bad.
DeleteOr maybe you were speaking to the bobble heads of Fox News.
Human service jobs are hard and underpaid. That's the reality. You have to have a certain committment and focus to stay in it - you have to believe in it. It is hard, very hard and I am thankful for those who chose to stay in it and do it well. There are very few attaboys and lots of trying times. You have to beleive in what you are doing and not be defined by what you try but can't accomplish.
DeleteKennedy had a brain tumor from her medical problems at one point. She was an MTv DJ. Why is it that I care what she says? I give her a pass because of her brain tumor.
ReplyDeleteI wondered if she was the same Kennedy from MTV! She literally made me want to tear my eyeballs out every time I had to listen to her fingernails-on-chalkboard screech.
DeleteNo pass for brain tumor. Apparently she learned nothing from her experience as a patient nor as a student. She is promoting educational nihilism and should be shunned and shamed. Tumor, my ass.
DeleteI can't stand this woman. She was an annoying poser on MTV, and she's an annoying poser now. She'll say anything as long as she gets paid for it, and she's always been that way. But to put her on the same set with that sneering slut Tantaros? Jesus, just kill me now.
DeleteUpdate on the Bill O'Lielly story:
ReplyDeleteA leading veterans group is calling on Fox News to take Bill O'Reilly off the air after it was uncovered that Fox News host lied about his history…
David Corn lists The Questions Bill O’Reilly Won’t Answer.
And Media Matters has put together a video of O’Reilly’s greatest hits, with transcripts of his long history of exaggerating his “combat zone” experiences: Bill O’Reilly’s “Combat Situation” Reporting, in His Own Words.
Fox News Helps Bill O’Reilly Defend His Combat Lies By Lying Even More
Mother Jones To Bill-O: Apologize For Your Violent Remarks
These Are the Questions Bill O'Reilly Won't Answer
DeleteWhy won't the Fox News host address the evidence he mischaracterized his wartime reporting experience?
Bill O'Reilly Responds. We Annotate.
The Fox News host still hasn't gotten back to us, but here's his monologue—factchecked.
ReplyDeleteMuslim parents should be able to teach their children, what exactly?
Should Marxists be able to teach their children one system of economics to the exclusion of, say ...capitalism?
ReplyDeleteI hope Bristol is not home schooling any of her children.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a worse mess now.
How is Trig doing?
Sure, a girl that didn't even graduate but got a GED instead could homeschool? I don't think so. Bristol has an IQ almost as low as her mother's 83 rating. Tripp has enough going against him simply from genetics, on both sides of his family, homeschooling would not be in his best interest as he's naturally stupid and needs all the professional help he can get!
DeleteCompletely OT, but curious as to why Piper would have called this image #engagementpic. Is Willow engaged?
Piper needs to lay off the cheeseburgers or she's gonna have to have liposuction like her sisters.
DeletePiper was just teasing. They're all hoping that one day a Palin will get married without a baby being the cause.
DeleteHoly Crap! I haven't heard of, our thought of Kennedy since she was on MTV during my youth. Had no idea she was a religious libertarian, she used to seem so cool, when I was 15.
ReplyDeleteI love my Bristol!
I'm so happy that you're happy, 7:15PM.
DeleteGoebbels and Pol Pot wrapped up into one.
ReplyDeleteApparently there are a lot of people who do not realize that without a public education system, our country would become a third world nation in one generation. Look at the countries without free education systems. They are overwhelmingly poor, with governments that control either everything, or nothing. Think Central and South American countries, many African countries and some Asian countries. These are not thriving economies with a great quality of life. What they all have in common is a wealthy class that lives well and lots and lots of very poor, uneducated people.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is exactly what the Koch's (republicans) want!
DeleteOT but is Todd next?
Wish it was, 8:20PM.
Delete.....so very much.
Could the woman wearing the blue dress have it any shorter? Can't see her twat! lol
ReplyDeleteHow to get promoted in the Southern Baptist Convention
Step 1: Cover for an admitted child sex offender.
"The Rogue" by Joe McGinniss reveals that Chuck Heath protested against dismissal of school principal Ray Carter who protected the convicted pedophile teacher Walter Koenig.
Many churches and religious schools have similar modes of operations to protect child sex offenders.
Off topic, but sounds like there were rumors of a dust up between Taylor Swift and Sarah Palin at the SNL 40th anniversary show. The rumors are being denied in this article, but what I found interesting was the video that accompanies the article showing SP being interviewed. What do you think?
Sarah Palin was so drunk she probably reeked of booze, but Taylor Swift is a lady. The story was probably spread by RAM.
DeleteSarah may not smell if she is high from things other than alcohol. She may mix alcohol with other drugs.
DeleteIs she so sexual from alcohol are is there more to it? Bristol, alleged prude, has problems similar to her mother. She did not come off as a prude at the Anchorage Brawl.
Is Dr. Kathy Tripp's doctor also?
At peace.
Nancy French is another Christian influence.
The evil republican party of rapture and hate. The devils party. Funding by citizen united. Owner of the internet, and the demons who march along with it. The republican party, Each member so evil and hateful they smell of hot dung and pus. Who voted for them?
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke, right?
ReplyDeleteLet's just cut to a Hunger Games District plan. The nuts all get a district, Each reliong gets a district or two, Liberals who are atheists and believe in public education get North Cal and Much of the NE?
Sadly, many of the idiots who call the American Public Education "a load of liberal crap" are actually misunderstanding the use of the word "liberal" in the context of "a liberal arts education".
ReplyDeleteI actually heard someone on one of the right-wing radio programs (guest, I think, and can't remember who) say something like, "yeah, it's so skewed, I mean, you don't see them teaching Conservative Arts Courses".
Please remind anyone you need to that liberal in this context means "broad" or "widespread" and that the word comes from the Latin for "free" (think "what does "liberty" mean?) which in this context means "not limited or proscribed".
All those things (broad, wide-spread, not proscribed) are exactly what we should want - our kids to have the broadest exposure to all types of education (including PE!) especially when they are younger. As they grow older they can make more decisions about what classes they want to take (like, in college).
Speaking of education, this is going to be one of Jeb Bush's toughest nuts to crack running for President. While I wouldn't say he'll come out and say he want to eliminate American public schools, he sure has some scary ideas, and Common Core is actually the least scary of them (I basically have no problem with the standards, it's still the testing and evaluation methods I think are flawed and any attempt to tie results to school funding or teacher pay is just so, so wrong partly because of the flaws).
When I hear somebody going off about a liberal arts education in the pejorative I know exactly where they received their “education” and it is most assuredly watching Fox News and listening to Glenn Beck’s and Rush Limbaugh’s radio programs. Ignorance is the order of the day in those alternate universes.