Friday, February 06, 2015

House member introduces resolution to designate a Charles Darwin Day in America. About damn time!

Courtesy of the National Center for Science Education:  

House Resolution 67 (PDF), introduced in the United States House of Representatives on February 2, 2015, would, if passed, express the House's support of designating February 12, 2015, as Darwin Day, and its recognition of "Charles Darwin as a worthy symbol on which to focus and around which to build a global celebration of science and humanity intended to promote a common bond among all of Earth's peoples." 

Jim Himes (D-Connecticut), the lead sponsor of the bill, explained in a January 26, 2015, press release from the American Humanist Association, "Charles Darwin's discoveries gave humankind a new, revolutionary way of thinking about the natural world and our place in it. His insatiable quest for knowledge and decades of meticulous observation and analysis opened new pathways for advancements in biology, medicine, genetics and ecology." He added, "Without Darwin's contributions to science, philosophy and reason, our understanding of the world's complexity and grandeur would be significantly diminished.”

Like I said this is way past due, we owe much to the research of Charles Darwin and the publication of the "Origin of Species," and this ides should be embraced by all rational people in the country.

But I also realize that the resolution will undoubtedly fail.

Especially with the Congress overflowing with Republicans.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    That won't get very far with this Congress. Most of them haven't a clue who Charles Darwin is. When they find out he's not an American, they'll have a fit. I doubt that they'll get as far as finding out what he did to merit having a day named for him.

    1. Leland4:45 AM

      You're right Beaglemom. I would bet, also, that they will try to censure the author of the bill once someone tells them who Darwin is!

    2. Anonymous5:49 AM

      On the other (cynical) hand, it might pass because it doesn't do anything to actually help the poors, the blahs, the browns or the women....

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Enough 'days' for people.

    If this is what what congress is spending their time pondering, maybe we need less congressmen.

  3. It's almost like this Congressman is just trolling. He will get many bites.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.