Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I have a new favorite graphic.

I know this is a fantasy that will never happen in reality, but since Sarah WAS first considered for 2008 in response to a possible Hillary Clinton candidacy, how awesome would it be if the Republicans threw up their hands in defeat and figured they would simply put their most famous female conservative up against her?

I mean the debates alone would be some of the best TV ever broadcast into our homes.

And the late night comics would walk around with hard nipples until the night of the election. 

Speaking of Hillary her numbers continue to amaze.

As for Palin believe it or not there are still a handful of diehard paint chip eaters who are still avidly raising money for her PAC:

Celebrate Sarah Palin’s 51st Birthday — This Money Bomb is a grassroots effort to ensure SarahPAC has the funds it needs to fulfill its mandates, help elect more common-sense Bold Colors Reagan-Palin conservatives in 2015 and 2016, including candidates in critical state races, special elections, and run-offs. SarahPAC has neither reviewed nor authorized this US for Palin Money Bomb.

And fantasizing the impossible.

Wow you really can fool some of the people all of the time. 

As for Palin herself she is still pimping her crappy reality show on the Sportsman Channel: 

This week’s episode of “Amazing America” has gone to the dogs. We attend the Texas K-9 Olympics where we learn more about K9s4COPs who specialize in raising awareness and funding for police K-9 training. Then we will see the great work being done by The Puppy Jake Foundation who train and place service dogs with our wounded warriors. 

A show all about service dogs?  I wonder where they got that idea?

Oh yeah.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Sarah serves Sarah. She doesn't have a heart.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      She does such a disservice to those who make it their life's calling to truly help people. Holding a Bible for a photo op? Nice try, $arah, we know who you are. You've proved it over and over again.

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      She must be near the end.

  2. Chenagrrl4:38 PM

    Serving with a servants heart means she has servants doing it for her. Unlike Serving with a servant's heart.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      She's never had servants

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Of course only family and close friends clean her houses because DNA, right? Can't have a bunch of strangers roaming around the Palin home given the questionable maternity and paternity of so many members.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Cults usually turn into a slave system of some sort. Whether it is strangers or the family the cult lead.

    4. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Outsiders would question who all the toddlers belong to. Does Bristles give them the Palin last name, or their father's last names?

    5. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Bristol Palin breeds like a rabbit, she can't remember where all of her babies have been 'loaned' to. She never learned to sometimes say.'no' and keep her legs closed. Born again Christian Virgin??? BWAHAHAHAHA. Joey, Gino, Kyle, Levi, Ben, Dylan and how many others have been into that deep cave of a sperm receptacle?

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM


    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      no it's a tactical shift that (some) Christians do when they know they are at the end of the road of sin...they confess...are expected to be forgiven and accepted into the community again! Slate cleaned!
      Problem with all that is the insanity that comes out of her mouth...I don't think even the most mellow and conservative Christians will be so 'forgiving' without some kind of 'restitution' and 'restoration' to her deeds of criminality she committed with her bots!

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Palin will not run for President. She will hint and tease and pretend that she is interested, but it's just a way to get people to contribute to her PAC. They don't seem to realize that they are not contributing to a Sarah Palin Presidential campaign. She can't use her PAC money for a presidential run. Let them waste their money on Palin. That way, there's less for a Republican candidate, and they hate all of the Republicans these days.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Of course she's not running. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, would come out. There's people waiting to do it and she knows it.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      It is all going to be exposed anyway. The sooner the better.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      If she did run, my God, what a moron!!! She'd be exposed in a New York minute---"In what respect, Charlie?" said with a flirtatious simper.

      Run, Sarah, Run!!!!! Do it!!!!!!

  5. Maybe they'll teach her not to let children stand on the backs of dogs.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      "You be stupid"

    2. A J Billings6:42 PM

      Oh, you want to play stupid?

      How about this headline from a very big article on US4palin website

      "Sarah Palin Punks The Huffington Post: The Reason She will Be Elected President In 2012"

      Ok stupid one, so how's that 2012 election thingy workin' out for ya, and I guess Palin won didn't she?

      Wake up, smell the gas fumes, and realize once and for all that $arah cannot run for President and expect to win.

      She will LOSE, and to $arah, that shame and humiliation is the worst thing, so she won't risk running.

      She'll do exactly the same thing to you Palinbots she did on Oct 5, 2011, she BROKE YOUR PALINBOT HEARTS.

      Now go get your shine box!

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Oh, 6:00 PM, just you wait until she announces she's not running yet again. Pobrecito.

    4. Anonymous7:52 PM

      But..but they're selling tee shirts that say "Palin2016" oh my, somebody didn't get the memo over at the pee pond

    5. Anonymous6:08 AM

      How many have they sold so far - 12 or 18?

  6. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "Everything Palin! Constiutional Christian Conservative."

    This is how Jenny L Dubiel describes herself on twitter.
    Spelling is hard. Cheer leading for a well known peawit is easy.
    These folks flock to Palin like flies on poop.

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Do something kooky and stupid for your birthday, Sarah.

    Oh, wait...

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I hope Sarah Palin has a nice video-taped drunken brawl for her birthday. I hope she leaves the youngsters with appropriate sitters.

    Sarah twittered a thank you to Netanyahu for his campaign stop at the United States Congress. She should have twittered thank you's to all the people that told her to keep that 6 year old _OFF_ the dog.

    Sarah Palin @SarahPalinUSA · 22 hours ago
    Thank you! RT @netanyahu I intend to speak in the U.S. Congress because Congress might have an important role on a nuclear deal with Iran.

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      I hope her guns are locked up!!

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Serving with the farts of every servant who ever had to serve a fuc_ing ahole like her.

  10. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Why did Jenny Dumbet use a photo that is almost 8 yrs old?

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Have you seen $arah lately?

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Here's the $arah that gets the 90 year old guys all worked up:

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I was in Palin's garage this past weekend and looked in the freezer.

    The only meat I saw was a servant's liver, kidney and leg roast. Sarah may have sold the heart to Dick Cheney.

  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Where is the photo of Sarah holding the pistol? She looked just like Annie Jokely.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    ha! it is very telling that there are only 71 comments on the bday post for skank at c4p. only 71!!! see trolls we kept telling you that there were only a few holdouts at the cult and they just keep talking and talking and talking but all those comments? all those few hundred comments per post? the same 50-60 people over and over and over. that sure isn't going to replenish the grift pac now is it?

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Vg keeps relaying messages from the Heaths.....makes me go hmmmm....

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      After someone here mentioned that the hateful old couple lives in a run down double wide, old bear posted that they don't want too much info put out, because of what is on other sites....hmm...

    3. Has anyone also noticed that they no longer talk about Sarah running for President as much as they did before. The site has turned into a social site where they now talk about everything from sports to current political issues. You also don't see near the number of comments about Sarah as you once did.

      You mentioned there are about 50-60 people commenting at C4P, but I think the majority of the commenters is only about 30-40 at most. You could probably boil it down to only 20 commenters who do most of the commenting.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      And considering that most of them spend the entire day posting there, it is no wonder the comments run into the hundreds. It is a weird, hateful chatroom. Some there are so hateful. I just don't get it.

    5. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Hey, 5:53 PM, the blowhard M Joseph Sheppard visits here all the time and occasionally reports on what is said here. They've pumped $arah up to be sent from God himself and she flat out isn't. It will be one heck of a wake up call to them when they figure out how they've been taken in.

      As for VG, he is in his twilight and too bad his dream of Palin in the WH 2017 at her inaugural address before he dies will never happen.

      That someone can treat him like that, unless he's in on the scam, is absolutely abhorrent to me. Talk about preying.....and they do it with delight for a downright tramp who will never EVER run.

    6. Anonymous9:11 PM

      I saw the comments on c4p about IM when sheppard wrote about us. I also saw that someone here said that a friend is a long time mole over there. I have been trying to guess who and am convinced we have a few of ours who post there, for reasons I won't divulge. I saw mindy referred to as "meh" on c4p and we have a "meh" here. I wonder? The more I read there, the less compassion I have for any of them. The ugly disrespect they show for the POTUS and our country sickens me.

  14. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The 21st Century Koch-Christian Crusade Is Killing Thousands Of Americans

    1. Anonymous10:19 PM

      lol...yeah the President talked about that subject and everyone is bellowing in their bourbon about usual...

  15. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Well, it's not a reality show. And is it even "crappy?" It shows positive things.

    You're just a hater by nature

    1. A J Billings6:53 PM

      Sorry Trollbot, it is a reality show, and it's certainly crappy. It could be "hosted" by anyone with a pulse and an IQ north of 82, which just let's $arah squeak by

      You are calling our gracious host on this blog a hater

      Guess what? That means he's succeeded in making you realize that there are humans that don't worship $arah! Just let that thought roll around inside your brain.

      Imagine if you will, that hundreds of millions of rill 'Muricans would not vote for $arah for dog catcher, and she can't even run for dog catcher in Wasilla any more.

      Game, set, and match

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Haters like you Troll various blogs looking for Palin threads. You have no defense for the Lies told by the Pimp's wife and Mother of 3 criminal adult drug users.
      Your juvenile comments only prove the fact that you are IMMATURE and in need of psychiatric counseling. Most of your unemployed time is spent trolling Gryphen's blog. He is kind enough to allow you to come here for your daily punishment. It must SUCK to be so alone and unliked.

  16. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Sarah has two speeches in TX in the next few days. One is with pre-screened q & a. Let's hope it is as good as Iowa!

  17. Caroll Thompson6:01 PM

    You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

    Abraham Lincoln

    Once upon a time, the Republican Party spoke the truth.

    1. Anonymous3:35 AM

      Well, it would appear that the quote does not apply in TexAss. There, if you are completely full of poop, you CAN fool all of the people. Look at the clowns who have been elected there.

    2. Anonymous4:53 AM

      It's a shame that, since he made that statement, other Republicans have failed to pay attention. Or maybe, especially the 21st century GOPers, simply don't understand it.

  18. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Sarah Palin will run for president of the United States of America when God tells her to. You would think God would have made up his mind by now. Oh well there's 2020.

    Desperate For Cash Sarah Palin Says God Will Tell Her Whether Or Not To Run In 2016

    “My thought process personally and near and dear to my heart of course obviously would be my family and receiving their blessing to go forth first and foremost, and of course being a Christian, putting my life in God’s hands seeking guidance and inspiration divinely as to whether to run or not that’s at the top of the list, but as for the practical logistical steps you take, yes, I have a small team, and that would expand if any decision were to be made to move forward, and in the meantime, you know, I’m going to continue to do what I am doing and that’s helping find other candidates in other positions to get out there and do what’s right for their cities their states for our country, because the middle class as I said in that Iowa speech really is getting the shaft with policies coming down from in a lot of cases the state level certainly the federal level that are hurting working class Americans…”

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Dear God, what a load of crap. Let's hope the "open door" is at cruising altitide on a plane in flight.

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      I do believe this is Palin's longest run on sentence ever. Good grief went to college? I don't think so.

  19. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Everybody in the world knows that piece of shit from Wasilla runs her "I'm thinking about running for president" scam every four years. Then as it gets closer to showing her hand and announcing that she's running, Sarah Palin comes out with her standard excuse she used in 2012.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      She got a tutoring from Newt and Trump. She decided to follow both with emphasis from the Donald.

  20. Anonymous6:27 PM

    $Sarah is a nihilistic one. Does not care about anything.
    She is leaving destruction in all that she touches.
    She is mentally unstable.Look in her eyes.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      They are vacant.

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM

      I couldn't possibly look into her eyes. It is like looking into the soul of Satan.

    3. Anonymous10:16 PM

      look at the 'for the record' and see that 1/27/15 @ 258pm Parks Hwy Near Mile another bot!
      This time the 'horny old man' was busted with guns! Aw who ya trying to kill this time my dear? oh right...still got that grudge going...well Sarah ya shoulda called...not quit you have to live with what you do...hows that working?

    4. Anonymous3:39 AM

      "look into her eyes"? Which one, the one looking straight ahead, or the one that rolls around in all directions??

    5. Anonymous6:04 AM

      3:39 - You beat me to it! Hard to look into crossed eyes.

  21. Anonymous6:29 PM

    You guys are jealous of Sarah Palin. This time Sarah Palin is serious about running for president.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Beldar!! You are back incognito!

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      we hope so anyway. It would be very amusing to watch that train wreck happen.

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      We can't wait for her to run. It will be Comedy Gold for Jon Stewart!

    4. Anonymous7:03 PM

      gold medal snark of the day !

    5. majii7:06 PM

      Yes, she's serious alright, serious about refurbishing her dwindling PAC coffer. I have more knowledge in the fingernail clippings I discard than this woman.

    6. She couldn't run a decent GD fever,
      you mouth breathing ass sucker,
      let alone a campaign for President.

    7. Anonymous7:17 PM

      What will you do when your fantasy falls apart? When she announces she is not running due to the lame stream media or her family? The servants heart won't serve, not now, not ever! Do you really think she would give up her current gig of doing whatever she wants?

      The demands of a leader are just that, demands,we demand someone who has to debate the issues publicly off the cuff. We demand and will stand for nothing less. This is not a game. There is way to much going on in the world right now.

      Sarah Palin is not serious now matter how many times she screams God and Country. Faith? well let me tell you about faith, I have faith,faith that the majority of this United States Of America can see though an self serving idiot who has no problem throwing her family to the wolves as long as she gets attention.

      She is an idiot, nothing more, nothing less. Demand that she debates the serious candidates for President if she want's to run, Demand that she comes out of her facebook and go head on outside fox news.

      We will wait and it will never happen.

    8. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Sadly, lots of us felt the same way about Dubya and look what happened TWICE!!

    9. Anonymous4:07 AM

      Damn! Ya got me! I wish I could be a badly aging, morally bankrupt fucktard with no capacity for dignity, shame or self-respect, who's known all over the globe as a stupid piece of shit who never tires of embarrassing her nation, just so I could con people who are even dumber than me into sending me their welfare checks so I can live for free! I so wish I had birthed a tribe of ignorant mouth-breathers who fuck anything that moves, can't tie their shoes without assistance, and are so hated because of my complete ass-hattery that they have to live with me on my ugly-ass compound on a dead lake and go out to party with me because no one else can stand them! I sooo wish I was "married" to a man who can't bear to touch me, buys me shitty Christmas presents with my own money that I brag about as if it's some kind of proof that I'm "rill", fucks hookers, and only stays with me because if he leaves me I can reveal all of his crimes. And I REALLY wish I could be the kind of person who says "I have a televised speech tonight, maybe I should bathe and pick up a decent outfit for the big event? Naaahhh, fuck it, I'll just slap on a wig that looks like Todd wiped his ass with it and throw on whatever clothes I find in the hamper that stink the least, my idiot fans will still worship me!" OOOOHH, where do I sign up for THAT?

      Dumbass! If your body was as crippled as your sad little brain, you wouldn't be here all day fucking with people that can't stand you, because you wouldn't be able to type. Get a fucking life!

    10. Anonymous5:56 AM

      4:07 Excellent!

  22. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Sarah Palin interviewed by ABC:

    Sarah Palin on 2016: 'Of Course' She's Interested

    Just before she heads to Iowa for the first major conservative showcase of the 2016 election cycle, Sarah Palin said “of course” she’s interested in the 2016 presidential election.

    “Yeah, I mean, of course, when you have a servant’s heart, when you know that there is opportunity to do all you can to put yourself forward in the name of offering service, anybody would be interested,”

  23. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Servant's heart huh? How about we take a walk down memory lane to 2012 when she announced she wasn't going to run for president. Here's a posting of the comments section from the C4P website. There are many comments from disgruntled donors. One lost their house, one was on an auto payment plan, and some still vowed support no matter what. A majority of the comments have had enough of being had!!

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      TENCOLE • a year ago
      I feel like the bride left at the alter. This is just too weird......we don't even get the respect of a press conference?
      Pretty unlike her.....then again maybe not.Right after we were encouraged to buy The Undefeated in droves and encouraged and encouraged....somethings not right...

      UNLESS....she DOES decide to go as an independent next year. But she's lost all the respect I had for her.

  24. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The latest troll is rather inept. I get the impression it is a child.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Sarah coming down from a bender? Or her mini-me? Or someone with an emotional age of 12, winding folks up for the fun of it.
      Much of the trolling sounds to my ear like a single (childish) voice, just more amped up at times. I do think there's also a more lucid Palin apologist troll who hangs around in perpetual damage-control mode. And, yeah, good luck with that.

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      5:36 MmmHmmm!

  25. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Ok 6:29 I am going to send her some money.Since this time she is serious. Wink wink.


    1. Balzafiar7:29 PM

      The chance of Sarah being serious is about the same as winning the PowerBall -- 1 in 175 million.

  26. Anonymous6:56 PM

    To think, that Bristol actually admitted in her Instagram account, that Jill is not a 'service dog' but rather a 'family dog', and here $arah still insists she is a service dog...
    Grifter: you are BUSTED!

  27. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The Washington Post followed up with Palin on Friday in Des Moines.

    “You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested," she told the Post. "As I said yesterday, I’m really interested in the opportunity to serve at some point.”

    She indicated last week that she was "seriously interested" in running for president in part because she wants the GOP to be the first party to put a woman in the White House. "America has had enough of seeing [that] sign on the Oval Office door saying, 'No Girls Allowed.' I know that," the 50-year-old former Alaska governor said. "
    -Huffington Post

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      All these things were going on with Sarah within a brief time frame. The Las Vegas Shoot Up Show was a BIRDS OF A FEATHER get together. You can see many of the creepy psychopaths that think she is like them.

      Sure she's running. Just look at her shoes!

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Yeah right you retard you are interested

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      The Huffington Post and other media outlets need to refer to Palin as 'quitter' governor of Alaska! She didn't earn the title 'governor of Alaska'! She's a fraud and liar!.

      Someone (a real journalist!) please vet her and get all the crap out there to the public!

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      The more she talks like this, the more determined TPTB will be to bring her down once and for all.
      Please proceed, Sarah.

  28. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Sarah Palin You May Not Realize It But Your Children And Todd Knows It,

    You Are A Joke

  29. Serving!?!? Serving who?? Herself, no doubt!!!

  30. Anonymous7:04 PM

    When asked about running for 2016 presidency:

    “We need new energy. We need new blood. We need new ideas,"
    -Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      and she is still thinking about those needs...after the fix

  31. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Keeping the grift going and getting a spotlight (diminished greatly) is all Sarah is about. She does a fan dance pretending to be considering running for president. It keeps the rubes donatin'. She is a child.

  32. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Jenny L Dubiel is either mentally ill or a person of low intelligence and minimal education (or both). These are some of the folks who feed the Palin monster.

  33. Anonymous8:52 PM

    The lame stream media has been bad to me i am a victim! so what, yeah well maybe there was a brawl but we did not start it.So fuc- all you haters don't you know who i am? I have money. blah! While you haters maintain your'e dignity i'm living the high life sitting on my ass ignoring Trig and giving all of my loser kids money. I matter! people pay me to show up and spew word salad i talked about my love for the military and the Constitution [ that always get's them] and Obama, let's not forget Obama, so what, so what that he got Osama Bin Laden he is a secret muslim. I tell you what i would fight the war on terrorism like it was world war two! no drones, no pinpoint special forces just go in there with ground troops and kick butt! how many will die? I don't want a count like F'ing Vietnam, whatever as Bristol my advisor would say i'm just glad that Todd is to old to enlist and Willow is busy doing whatever she doe's and Track did his time and can now hang out in our garage so what he never got an infrantry badge haters, he had to be a prop during my run for Vice president of the freaking United States and if we had won all i can say is McCain or whatever his name was would die real early 'cause God and my destiny and stuff.

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      well it was never HER money to begin sarah?
      beatles - pay me back with interest...sounds good...

    2. Anonymous10:17 PM

      I bow to your prowess, Doppelganger!

  34. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Funny. My fantasy is to eliminate toxic fraudulent people from the ears and eyes of decent folks living on earth. I smell a cheesy stinken moe and fraud here. WANTED. fake fraud promoting frauds. click.

  35. Anonymous6:02 AM

    dude! countdown to Sarah at Cambridge Debate!

  36. Anonymous7:25 AM

    That's no Bible she's holding. It is her SarahPAC donation log book. She keeps it close to her , for want of a better word, heart.

  37. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Love the photos, IM! So, so cute of Hillary! Can hardly wait to vote for her!

  38. Anonymous9:22 AM



    The Sarah Palin Criticism: Valentine's Day Edition

    The other week, the Daily Beast website published an article from author Mark Lewis, a longtime supporter and defender of Sarah Palin, who among other things had edited a book of Palin quotes, The Quotable Rogue. After years of significant support, however, he wrote a long article here after her rambling, January speech in Iowa had been so poorly received, and wondered if conservative adoration of the former half-term governor has finally ended -- and deservedly so. And in the end he noted, "It's probably time to concede that the early critics of Sarah Palin had a point, and that they shouldn't have been tarred and feathered..."

    The article got a lot of attention and praise. Even its very title jumped out with its bluntness, "You Betcha I Was Wrong About Sarah Palin." It's taken me this long to write about because...well, I've finally un-gnashed my teeth. It was a terrible article.

    Read more:

  39. Anonymous9:34 AM


    .... More to the point, Sarah Palin was never a "reform-minded governor." She had barely been in office a year-and-a-half when she left the state to go on the national campaign trail. And now long after she lost and returned to the state, she quit halfway through her term. Sarah Palin wasn't in office long enough to reform anything in Alaska -- other than who occupied the governor's office....

  40. Anonymous9:40 AM



    "The Worst Vice-Presidential Nominee in U.S. History," that is time-stamped in the early-morning hours the very day after John McCain introduced her as his running mate. (I actually sent the article in a mere three hours after the announcement, but it took a while for it to make it through the editorial approval process.) You can see it herewith the date and time.

  41. Anonymous10:31 AM


    Wasilla Municipal code:

    1. Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the council, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie;

    2. Act as ceremonial head of the city



    Posted: 09/29/08 05:12 AM ET 

    Worst Vice-Presidential Nominee in U.S. History

    It's always said that the most important decision a presidential candidate makes is their pick for vice president. It shows their thinking and judgment. John McCain, in his first decision, has just told the world that he believes Sarah Palin is the most qualified person to be a heartbeat from the presidency. 

    .... but it's near-impossible to look at the list and suggest to the American public that Sarah Palin is the best choice of Republican women to be vice president. It's not that Sarah Palin is inexperienced. It's that this is gross political misconduct.

    Sarah Palin has been governor of Alaska for just a bit over 18 months. Alaska has a population of 683,000. (Though that doesn't include moose.) This would only make it the 17th most populous city in the United States. Just ahead of Fort Worth.

    Before that, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Population 9,000.

    Do you know what the first two "powers and duties" are for the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska? Check their municipal code:

    1. Preside at council meetings. The mayor may take part in the discussion of matters before the council, but may not vote, except that the mayor may vote in the case of a tie;

    2. Act as ceremonial head of the city;


    If you live in small town America (and I mean really, really small), look around you and be honest - do you see your mayor (or village manager) as a heartbeat from the presidency in 18 months?

    There is nothing honorable about making Sarah Palin your vice presidential nominee. Nothing. Unless you define honor as "blatantly pandering."




  42. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The nerve of this woman to critique President Obama.

    Sarah Palin doesn’t have the qualifications to to be a mayor, governor or a manager at a Taco Bell. Can't believe with her crooked smug smile on her face, Sarah Palin wants America to believe the horse shit she has been peddling since she was mayor.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.