Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Joni Ernst defends calling herself a "combat vet" even though she never saw any combat.

Joni Ernst, completely prepared and trained to avoid any combat.
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) said she is, too, a combat veteran. 

The newly elected Republican lawmaker defended her military service record after a Huffington Post article pointed out that she never came under fire while serving in Iraq and Kuwait more than a decade ago, reported the Omaha World-Herald. 

Ernst led an Iowa Army National Guard transportation company in 2003 and 2004, and the online report suggested the senator is promoting a public misimpression about her military record. 

The report pointed out that Ernst frequently reminded voters and now constituents of her combat veteran status, and she has not corrected others when they suggest she led troops into battle. 

“I am very proud of my service and by law I am defined as a combat veteran,” Ernst said. “I have never once claimed that I have a Combat Action Badge. I have never claimed that I have a Purple Heart. What I have claimed is that I have served in a combat zone.”

Well look now Track Palin has company in completely misrepresenting himself.

Apparently the Veterans of Foreign Affairs defines a "Combat Veteran" as anybody who served in a combat zone, and since George H.W. Bush proclaimed the entire Arabian coast a combat zone in 1991 well.....

You know by that logic I recently discovered that I'm a porn star.

I have actually never been in a porn film of any kind, but I HAVE been in a room where porn was playing. In other words in a "Porn Zone."

So there you go....porn star.


  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Cool! Just like Hillary.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Funny, but I don't recall Hillary Clinton touting her combat veteran experience to anyone who would listen.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Her and Hillary can compare combat zone notes.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Nothing at all like Hillary, who misstated one visit to Bosnia.

      She did not pretend that she'd served in the U.S. Senate, or that she'd been the Secretary of State.

      Joni Ernst also was absent from many votes in the Iowa State Senate, claiming that she was away for service to the National Guard, when, in fact, she wasn't at all. She lied.

      I've washed dishes in a restaurant, near where food was being prepared. From now on, I'll call myself a chef.

    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Misstated 3:04? That's a larf.

      Still funny, Hillary 'misstating':


    5. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Ha, Hillary is a too intelligent to ever enlist in the armed forces. Hello! She and Bill might have come from a fucking Hillbilly State (Arkansas) but dammit, they aren't stupid enough to enlist! You people are so funny!

    6. Anonymous5:03 PM

      It used to be a crime to lie about military service before the slimy GOP changed that law.

      a US Army Major Ret. ( and unlike Joni I don't have to lie about it)

    7. Fun fact, do you know is a combat vet but too much the traditionalist to tout the fact for political hay? Albert Gore Jr, “the man who used to be the next president of the United States."

    8. Anon @ 4:50 So if someone has served they are stupid? If that's the case you can kiss my career military ass.

    9. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Yes, and I'm not 4:50, 7:31. The military is a hideous institution that promotes violence, sexism, ignorance, and unquestioned obedience to corrupt authority, and unleashes massive death and destruction to further enrich and empower the obscenely wealthy corrupt corporate shadow government that has bought and paid for our supposed representative from of government.

      You're nothing to them but willing cannon fodder and tools who were naive and stupid enough to swallow the phony patriotism propaganda you were fed. And you enable them to continue their reign of corruption.

      You are fools, and no, I won't kiss your brainwashed, hoodwinked ass.

    10. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Uh 4:50, Hillary did not come from hillbilly Arkansas.

      And thank you all for showing your true liberal democrat colors and displying your true feelings of the armed forces. It has been noted. Again and again.

      Signed- Independent voters 2016. .

    11. Anonymous10:24 PM

      I'm an independent. And I absolutely despise the military and military worship. Little boys ordering each other around, playing dress up with real killing machines, and, even worse, in a total betrayal of feminism, girls now getting brainwashed into the same deceptive and destructive bullshit that men started to steal each other's lands. Both political parties are to blame for this malignancy.

    12. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Not a fan of the military, wars of choice, or killing people in general. Yes, most people who volunteer to join the military are not smart and have no other, more attractive, options that would be open to them if they had more to offer. Really, how could anyone deny that?

    13. 11:12 PM et al Thank you for restating the best argument for reinstating the draft. Sincerely.

    14. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Again, thank you all for clearly stating your liberal disdain for men and women in uniform, young or old, who are serving, for whatever reasons they may have signed up. I'll be sure to remind everyone I know of the Democrat mindset.

    15. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Yes, 7:59, and thank YOU for taking the words of a couple anonymous commenters in IM and calling it "liberal disdain" and "the Democrat mindset."

      Personally, I've seen more disdain for those who sign up for the military from conservative rich people (who pay lip service to the troops, but in private think they are losers).

    16. Anom @8:14. If it weren't for the military you wouldn't be free to post your garbage. I'm sure that is just an inconvenient truth to you. To the ones claiming the disdain for the military is coming from a Democrat mindset, I'm a lifelong Democrat. Believe me there is disdain for the military coming from both sides.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I'm so sick of these Republicans/Teabaggers! How about putting them all in a 'real' combat zone where they have to fight their way out to stay alive using guns, knives, fists, etc.

    Against a real terrorist enemy - perhaps themselves? Would be fun to watch! The folks to include: Palin, Joni Ernst, McConnell, Boehner, Issa, Cruz, etc. Any of them - all of them!

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Hunger Games for psychopathic GOTP'ers, yes.


    2. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Was Joni's hat custom made to cover her gigantic wig?

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Who will be the first to accuse Ernst of trying to claim "stolen valor"? I hope the line is as long for her as for others who have been accused of the same.


  4. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Talk is cheap. She is clearly stretching the bounds of a CIB.
    Please include her in the list of wannabes , fakes, morons, opportunistic,,disgusting,shameless ,superfluous,"odious",bombastic, bitches!!!!

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The GOP & teabegers ar nothing but liars, grifters, abusers, racists, etc., (foley, vittner, duckguy, nugent, etc come to mind... ) EVERYONE of them. They go into office and take money and run and then have a democrat come in & clean only to have it repeat itself over and over again.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Ernst also claims to live within her means, yet her famly gets 1/2 million dollars of corporate welfare. And let's not forget the agricontracts given to her father.

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I've been to Fenway Park at a baseball game.

    Next time I'm asked, I'll say that I'm a Red Sox player.

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    somehow i picture ernst's "combat experience" likeness as being george clooney's "intimate" partner at the beginning of the movie Three Kings ..

  9. Anonymous3:12 PM

    OT- Jon Stewart to leave TDS!

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    3:02pm ... It's She and Hillary, you ignorant,uneducated dumb ass.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Hahaha. But no really, go fuck yourself grammar queen.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Oh! Look! A grammar Nazi. Hey Nazi, put a gawddamn space after your comma between words, you pompous, puffed-up sciolist.

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Since 3:02 is a troll, I am siding with 3:26! If you are going to troll this site, at least use good grammer. Now, can we NOT behave like c4p?
      And, no grandstanding. Sciolist! Show off!

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Perhaps apologies will be posted?

    5. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Well, in fairness, that's a pretty painful grammatical error and we do the troll a favor by correcting her.

      On a related note, I once had a colleague and good friend (a professor, no less) who repeatedly used the phrase "mute point." It drove me crazy, but I never corrected her because how in the world would I ever do so?

    6. Anonymous7:24 PM

      5:04 said: If you are going to troll this site, at least use good grammer

      Since everyone wants to be a Nazi nitpicker, you might want to spell 'grammer' [sic] correctly. Otherwise, you look like just a plain old ignorant asshole.

    7. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Spot on, 7:24 PM, and actually it's "Hillary and she." LOL

  11. Anonymous3:34 PM

    What was her gig? Overseeing latrine orderlies?

  12. To be fair, I don't have a major problem with her claim as a combat vet. I don't like her politics and her absence from voting while claiming she was serving in the National Guard is a bold faced lie and she needs to be held accountable for that claim.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I do. As a US Army nurse that spent 3 yrs in Nam I was not considered combat and have never lied abouty it. I have a huge issue about posers lying about their service. It actually used to be a crime until Shrub Bush and his ilk changed the law.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      First of all, as a retired veteran myself, I thank her for her service, but it did bug me how she kept playing up being a combat veteran during the campaign. I don't think anyone should use their military service for political ends. But while I know that you can classified as being a combat veteran simply for being in a combat zone, most civilians don't know that. They hear combat veteran and think of someone who was under fire. But the Army has a way to differentiate between who has been under fire and who hasn't. Infantrymen and SF troopers who have been under fire earn a Combat Infantryman Badge. Until the mid 2000's there was nothing to identify non-infantry and SF who have been under fire. Now there is the Combat Action Badge for those people. Tammy Duckworth has one. I served in the Gulf War and my area was constantly hit with SCUDS. We would scramble for our bunkers. I earned a combat patch, and a combat stripe. But if people asked if I was a combat veteran, I would say I served in a combat zone. I never have thought to refer to myself as a combat veteran.

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM


  13. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I used to be a Seahawk - and I have a ticket stub to prove it.
    (And BTW, Coach Knox would have run it.)

  14. Anonymous3:58 PM

    What is so hard to understand? If you are in a combat zone as a soldier, you are a combat veteran regardless of your job. As a matter of fact, being in transportation is one of the most dangerous jobs in any war zone.

    Quit being so petty.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      This is why Track Palin is a combat vet, also, too.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      So if you're a cook on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, you're a combat vet too?

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      That is not the way it works and no matter how much you want to lie, Joni is NOT a combat vet.
      Why do you disrespect our military so much that you think it's okay for people to lie about their military service?
      I'm guessing that you have never served and will never serve, just another GOP "wanna be a patriot in the trailer park" republican.

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      If she were being completely honest, she would say she served in a combat zone. Instead, she specifically uses the phrase "combat vet," a description that brings a certain picture to people's minds. She also doesn't correct people who say she led soldiers into battle.

      Technically, she may be a "combat vet," but isn't it enough to say she served in a combat zone, a potentially dangerous situation? (Although she was never fired upon nor did anyone in her company encounter any IEDs)

      We all know the reason why she continues to specifically use the phrase "combat vet" to describe herself.

    5. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Everyone commenting regarding Joni Ernst stating she was a 'combat' vet when in she wasn't - should all send her emails to the U.S. Congress in D.C. Overload her assistants!

      She more than deserves the onslaught and perhaps would shut her mouth and finally begin telling the truth about her military reccord. How in the hell did she ever get elected? She's a typical Republican!!

  15. Anonymous4:04 PM

    For Joni Ernst to claim to be a combat vet is enormously insulting to people like Senator Jim Webb, Representative Tammy Duckworth and the late Senator Daniel Inouye.

  16. Anonymous4:39 PM

    And there were never any WMD in Iraq, but no one seems to care about that lie.

  17. Anonymous4:46 PM

    There are positions to be gained and leveraged, and money to be made by working the reservoir of stupid on the right. Ernst sucks off 'big gubmint' while claiming she hates it. After all, even Palin, a real dummy, can fool the ignorati on the right while scamming them out of their couch nickels.

  18. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You tease, Gryphen!


  19. Anonymous4:47 PM

    A family member was career military during the 1950's & 1960's. He was stationed in Guam, the Philippines and Germany. He claimed he was a Korean & Vietnam vet and his family has that on a headstone in a military cemetery. It offends the hell out of me. They feel that since he was available to be sent, it is kosher. Sickening!

  20. Anonymous5:00 PM


    On duty in a foreign area in which he was subject to the threat of physical harm or imminent danger on the basis of civil insurrection, civil war, terrorism, or wartime conditions.

    If Ernst was paid a premium for being where she was, then the Military agree that it was "combat"

    But misleading people as to the extent of one's military service is contemptible. Doing the misleading for the purpose of gaining political power is disgusting.

  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    In other words, Joni admits she is another GOP liar.

  22. Wow, Gryphen, you think you can qualify to be a porn star? From what I hear, a certain part of a male's anatomy has to be larger than regular. For example, a two-toner like Todd, as Shailey has described him, couldn't pass the smell test.

    Now, I've seen your picture and you certainly have the looks. As to ... (whew, wait a minute, I have to wipe the perspiration off my forehead) ... well, you know the qualification I'm talking about.

    From reading your posts over the years and finding you not to be a shy person, I'll go out on a limb here and say I think you could have gotten the part of Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights.

    Just a guess...

  23. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Am I considered President of the United States of America?

    Last summer I took a tour of the White House.

    1. Anonymous2:13 AM

      I flew on a plane with 3 of the Beatles, plus their manager. Am I the 5th Beatle??

  24. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Now, now, Ginger. This isn't a sex chatroom. Or did I wander into one of "those" sites again?
    BTY, NEVER, NEVER, use "the smell test" and Todd's appendage in the same sentence. I just finished dinner, for god's sake.

  25. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Once I was ahead of Oprah. Though not in the ratings.

    I sat in front of her in first class in the late 1980s from ORD to SFO.

  26. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Larry Hanft, for instance, who earned the Combat Infantryman's Badge fighting in Vietnam, says, "By her (Joni Ernst's) definition, everybody who stepped off the plane in Kuwait is a combat veteran.
    -Huffington Post

  27. Anonymous6:43 PM

    These two are a fucking joke!

    Joni Ernst never received a Combat Infantryman's Badge but she considers herself a combat veteran.

    And when the Senator calls herself the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate, or when she allows her own husband to say twice that she led her troops into combat, she's betraying the code of honor she lets people think she stands for. Sen. Ernst's husband is a retired Command Sergeant-Major in the Army Rangers.

    Joni Ernst never corrected her husband.

    Sarah Palin quit her governor's job 1/2 through her term and immediately became a reality personality and to this day she still calls herself a governor.

    People to this day still address Sarah Palin to her face as governor and Sarah Palin does not correct them.

    Sarah Palin to this day calls herself a Christian with her filthy mouth. How many times has Sarah Palin attended church this year? This month? This past week?

    During the 2008 presidential campaign John McCain told the people of the United States of America that Sarah Palin is America's energy expert. Did Sarah Palin correct him? To this day Sarah Palin let Americans believe that lie!

    No wonder Sarah Palin likes Joni.

  28. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Sarah Palin still considers herself a governor and a politician even though she quit in 2009.

    Joni Ernst is a combat vet but never earned a C.I.B.

    Is Bristol Palin a prostitute? Bristol may have never received cash for sex, but is she considered a prostitute because she received alcohol, food, transportation, went to the movies, etc?

    Ass, gas or grass, nobody rides Bristol for free.

  29. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Joni Ernst defends calling herself a "combat vet" even though she never saw any combat.

    Here's a question for Sarah Palin, Joni Ernst and the Republican Party, if any military personnel who steps off the plane in Iraq and Afghanistan is considered a military combat vet then is President Obama who is our Commander-In-Chief of the United States of America military considered a combat vet from two wars?

    President Obama - 2009 Camp Victory in Iraq

    President Obama - Mar 2010 Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.

    President Obama - Dec 2010 Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

    President Obama - May 2012 Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

    President Obama - May 2014 Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

  30. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Since questions are being asked about Joni Ernst and Sarah Palin.

    Has anybody ever verified that Sarah Palin is a college graduate?

    Has any company, city government, state government, federal government or political party (2008) ever requested, seen and verified Sarah Palin's college transcripts or has everybody just seen her picture throwing a cap in the air and took Sarah Palin's words that she has a diploma?

    Since everybody who steps off a plane is considered a combat vet, does stepping off a bus on a college campus makes that person a college graduate?

    Anonymous11:59 AM


    1) November 1987 was six months after Sarah claims to have grabbed her diploma and hightailed it back to Alaska and Todd. 

    2) Yet on 22 January 1988, the Anchorage Daily News reported, “Sarah Heath will make her debut as a sportscaster the end of this month on KTUU, filing in for John Hernandez. Heath is a longtime resident of Alaska and a Wasilla High graduate who went to the University of Idaho*."

    *It is important to note that the ADN lists Sarah as a “graduate” of Wasilla High but only says she “went” to the U of I. This is polite newspeak for “this person attended classes but did not actually receive a degree.” KTUU’s press release on Sarah Heath evidently did not list her as a graduate of the University of Idaho.

    3) Since her time at KTUU, Sarah has in all likelihood never applied for a job that would require her to submit her college transcripts. 

    4) We know that McCain’s vetting of Palin did not extend to an investigation of her college career, because according to Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho, no one in the McCain campaign contacted the university.

  31. So Gryphen, tell us your experiences in the military, away from your family, in land where you're not wanted and there is always a chance of violence.

    You're talking trash about something you know nothing about. Hell you don't even have a military experience during cold war let alone the last two wars. Ernst is a nutcase, but to minimize her service to suit your agenda is just wrong. But you do have the right to do that because of the military, whether they were in combat or not.


    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Is that you Sarah?

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM


      Don't get mad but you are career stupid. I extend my sympathies. Life is tough enough without going through it obtuse.

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Huh?? Learn English!!!!

    4. Anonymous8:37 PM

      You are clueless about the first amendment and what the military does. Are you another example of Alaskan education? Or lack of? frightening!

    5. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Ernst is an opportunistic clown in the Palin vein. She minimizes herself. Only fools fall for her shtick. Apparently Iowa has a bunch of them. Are you from Iowa DGM?

    6. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Did she get drafted? Because if not, she VOLUNTEERED for this madness, which makes her a mercenary and a fool.

    7. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Did she get drafted? Because if not, she VOLUNTEERED for this madness, which makes her a mercenary and a fool.

    8. Anonymous11:22 PM

      Everybody has the right and even the duty to question a politician who appears to be lying and misrepresenting herself. Everybody. Having been in the army has NOTHING to do with that right and DUTY.

    9. Anonymous2:23 AM

      I recommend everyone read Zeitoun by David Eggars to find out what ex military will do in crises.

    10. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Don't Get Mad did you serve in the Military? What makes you the expert? Ernst is just like Sarah's rendition of Track's Alaska National Guard cush job.

  32. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I took my husband to a heart surgeon visit today. I guess I should be able to do surgery now?

  33. Anonymous7:34 PM

    If Todd Palin pimped out Shailey Tripp to his wife's Secret Service detail, does that make Todd a pimp?

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Sarah worked knowingly with Toadie boy in pimping to the SS and politicians that traveled in and out of Alaska.

      She knew exactly what was going on and you cannot convince me otherwise. The Palins work every angle they can for money and moving her forward (which the latter is no longer occurring!) - no matter in what direction!

  34. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous6:43 PM - when she allows her own husband to say twice that she led her troops into combat, she's betraying the code of honor she lets people think she stands for.

    Joni Ernst never corrected her husband.


    That's not right Joni allowing your husband to say, not just one time, that you led your troops into battle. Shame on you.

  35. Anonymous7:49 PM

    DGM7:25 PM why are you questioning Gryphen regarding serving in the military? Gryphen didn't make up the story that Joni Ernst led troops into combat or make up the story about Sarah Palin telling everybody that she raised a combat vet. They brought that shit up.

  36. Anonymous7:51 PM

    If Sarah said Todd is not a pimp, does that make Sarah an accomplice if it is true?

  37. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Kind of like how Palin holds herself out to be a governor, never having articulated any worthy policy of note then, or now.

  38. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Joni and Brian Williams have a lot in common.

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      NOPE. Brian Williams was not enlisted in the military.


  39. Anonymous8:48 PM

    “I have never once claimed that I have a Combat Action Badge."
    -Joni Ernst

    "I have never claimed that I have a Purple Heart."
    -Joni Ernst

    "What I have claimed is that I have served in a combat zone.”
    -Joni Ernst

    And when the Senator calls herself the first female combat veteran to serve in the Senate, or when she allows her own husband to say twice that she led her troops into combat, she's betraying the code of honor she lets people think she stands for.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      What about the woman (cannot recall her name) that serves in the US Congress that lost her legs in war/combat. Wonder what she has to say about this idiot Joni Ernst who never saw the crack of day in combat?

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Tammy Duckworth.

  40. Anonymous2:22 AM

    lol love porn star logic.
    -I am then: an olympic skater since I skated in Lake Placid rinks, an Olympic zone x2

    1. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Did you medal for USA?

  41. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Me thinks if Joni Ernst didn't go to a combat zone to fight then the Army and nation would have been better served if they had sent Joni Ernst to a military slaughter /meat packing house to process pigs to feed our real true combat veterans.

  42. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I've read Vogue magazine. I must Anna Wintour.

    Jennifer K

  43. Anonymous7:46 AM

    So this silly bitch says Keystone XL is a jobs bill too. More ignorance from the tea party.

  44. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Palin's son was a Bush poster boy. No wonder she was so confident when hoodwinking the unsuspecting before quitting as Commander in Chief in Alaska. It wasn't Track who boasted in public that he was a combat vet with a warrior body. That was Palin when she was spreading propaganda over the years. Track is not able or capable of being independent and speaking for himself or anything else.

    When Sarah wasn't in office or going to run for an office she had to pretend and she was soliciting for funding for SarahPac. There should be laws against that type of crime.

    She also uses her false narrative position and her sons to solicit money for charities like PTSD. Where does that money go? Is she and the other scammers helping PTSD vets like the dead Chris Kyle?

    Palin's son becomes poster boy for GOP as Bush unveils troop pull-out

    "My son Track, also a combat vet, shuns the limelight and has met enough 'celebrities' to not be star struck, so when he said the most impressive opportunity I've had over all these years was meeting Chris Kyle – and he's 'the one' Track really wanted to meet – that said it all. The only poster on his wall was Chris Kyle, even before Chris' horrific murder. And my son has the bumper sticker on his refrigerator, reading: 'God bless our troops. Especially our snipers.' He knows who deserves America's respect"

    "My son Track, also a combat vet," how many times and places did she use that lie? Strange she has dropped her son, the military prop, so fast.

    Sarah Palin discusses the tattoos on her son's "warrior body."

    These people are sick. The laws should not support their lies and fraud against the people of America.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      The tattoos on her son's warrior body...

      That was one of the creepiest things that Sarah Palin ever said.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      How can anyone doubt Sarah Palin's creepy credentials?

      She also hangs with creepy people that lie.



  45. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "Everyone commenting regarding Joni Ernst stating she was a 'combat' vet when in she wasn't - should all send her emails to the U.S. Congress in D.C. Overload her assistants!"


    "Everybody has the right and even the duty to question a politician who appears to be lying and misrepresenting herself."


    Anyone embellishing their place in the military should be questioned. That includes the Sarah Palin mother types and their kids.

    I suppose it is legal for the Commander in Chief in Alaska to push and pursue the total fabrication of a soldier the Pentagon created to be a Bush poster boy. That doesn't make it right.

    A Commander in Chief should not be a quitter and they should not be in command of major lies and propaganda to deceive the public.

    Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to defend Alaska National Guard program and attack the President.

  46. So, is Joni Ernst going to be suspended from Congress for six months without pay?

    Thought so.

  47. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Ernst's overuse of her military status came into question as early as October, 2014 during the campaign. This op-ed piece has had well over 12,000 Facebook posts which is on the Des Moines Register's "A Better Iowa."
    and then again in this 2015 op-ed piece revisiting the first one


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.