Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Just in case there are some Palin-bots have not become completely disgusted with their queen since Sunday, this ought to do it.

Yeah it's one thing to hang on Alec Baldwin, but to act all girly and flirty around Al Sharpton...I just don't think she walks away unscathed from that.

As for liberals I really found her touching his face to be incredibly disrespectful. As was her play kicking and punching him.

And I agree with Reverend Al. If Palin ran in 2016 it would be just about the best thing ever for political pundits and cable news hosts.

But of course. she never will.

Here are a few images of Palin's orange palm, left over from applying self tanner and forgetting to wash her hands immediately afterward.

Gosh she's so real. Right Palin-bots?


  1. No telling with the kind of utter stupidity she attract..after all, if you give that Grifting POS a nickel, well, you must be very stupid..anyway, they hate big Al more than gays, this might not go over well...but she will pretend that it was all an act so she cant better position herself to blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...same old same old

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Famous Sarah Palin quotes:

      “You know what, you can say whatever you want to say about me but I raised a combat vet and you can’t take that away from me.”

      "Get a job, boy"!

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Read any comment section of an article concerning her. Her defenders are the utmost stupid and vile.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I can't help but wonder if the animal skin purse was for "peta"

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      6:31 AM
      An in-your-face attitude towards PETA was my first thought tool...and second thought, etc.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Fuc_ You Peta!

      She was on a roll (high).

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      She was hoping someone would ask about it so she could talk about Alaskaaaa and using dead animals as accessories. But nobody asked her because it's an ugly thing and the reporters were embarrassed for her.

    4. A Superfan In Atlanta9:20 AM

      I think her tacky, hairy purse was suppose to reference her Mama Grizzly bullshit.

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    oh dear god please tell me that was photoshopped. please.

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Contrast the orange palm with Palin's face!

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      If it's not notes to remember what she values in life (Americana dog whistles) it's a chemical smear to illustrate her vanity. Remember, this is a frugal Gov who fired the chef (a witness to their trash family life) and had an electrician rework the wiring to make her tanning bed happen in that old Governors mansion.

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Orange is the new Black.

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      From the right side of the red velvet carpet:
      Was Sarah Palin at a loss for words when invading Reverend Al Sharpton's space? She was compelled to repeat Americana?

      Americana. First Known Use of Americana 1841.

      Americana refers to artifacts, or a collection of artifacts
      Some notable examples include: Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna and Elvis Presley

      Americana. The Miracle Mile. A long shopping center in Manhasset with high end stores such as Prada, Gucci, and Marc Jacobs

      Americana. Luxury Vodka made in the United States.


      Conservatives Compare Sarah Palin To Al Sharpton. Ouch!

      Jonah Goldberg: Al Sharpton Is No Sarah Palin

    4. Anonymous8:20 AM

      6:49 for the win!

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Palin acts and looks like narcissists I have known. They seek to impress and gain envy from people. They buy and wear thimgs only to impress people void of qualities, like or loving and are clueless how what they wear looks with everything else.
      They wear clothes that do not fit because they are delusional everyone will envy what they posess because they do.

      To be blunt Palun looks like a sad case, lunatic in her boasted about attire. It is a disaster. I would bet money she does not own a dress coat.

      I would also bet she remains clueless how attractive, current, professional, feminine, stylish, classy and an appropriate sex appeal un classic high heels during the campaign.

      She, narcissists are delusional it is everyone else out to make others look and feel bad, control.

      She is a sick woman. The perceived hot leather designer shoes were not intended for dressing like a proverbial clown. Sad her family is brainwashed people are jealous.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    dumb kkkunt. disrespectful inbred media whore. ugly soul. potato sak dressed dunce.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      That's like almost low brow high ku.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM


    Sarah Palin cancels Union visit
    In the second high-profile cancellation of Lent term, Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Cambridge Union

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      You beat me by a minute, 6:37 AM! :-)

    2. Anonymous6:46 AM

      6:37 AM
      I, for one, am shocked -- SHOCKED!! -- that Sarah cancelled. Hahahaha

    3. Anonymous6:49 AM

      6:37, lol, she was told there would be "unscripted" questions from the audience. That's the way it's done, that's the way it's always been done and sarah palin will not be changing that. (HT to Steve Schmidt/Woody Harrelson)

    4. I think we all knew this was coming, didn't we? Once that chickenshit dunce figured out she would be expected to do more than a little winkin' and pageant wavin' to thunderous applause, she would run like the coward she is.

    5. Anonymous6:58 AM

      The Quitter quits again!!! Lol.

    6. Anonymous7:02 AM

      The inmates over at Pee Pond are busy making up all sort of excuses for her pull out, just as they are for her weird behavior with Rev. Al Sharpton.

      No matter how crazy she acts they will put a positive spin on it; you know, because she is just like them.

    7. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Everyone knew she would quit if she had to answer questions, unscripted. And they were comparing her to Thatcher and others for speaking there. LMAO

    8. Anonymous7:48 AM

      I doubt Sarah ever intended to make an appearance in Cambridge but the announcement that she had accepted the invitation was good press for her. There was plenty of time to back out because of "scheduling difficulties", like she's so busy and all that.

    9. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Well there you have it. Clear evidence that she's running....Run. Sarah. Run. Run away! Run away!

      Seriously, please just run away and when you get there, just run away a bit further. Rinse. Repeat.

    10. Anonymous8:23 AM

      They asked her for the entertainment value, of course. As a joke, just as with SNL.
      Perhaps she's finally catching on?
      They would have filleted her and hung her up to dry. No quarter given in the rough and tumble of British debate. She wouldn't be able to slink off the stage fast enough.

    11. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Of course she did. We all knew she would.

    12. Didn't see that comin'...

    13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:17 AM

      Aww...Gryphen, and here I was hoping that you'd time the next interview with your source to post just before the big Cambridge speech. Can you imagine the scatterbrained, incoherent jabbering and alcoholic hijinx then?

      Hey, maybe that's what she's afraid of!

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    she is such a clown.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Did she barge in on the conversation? I refuse to watch with sound, and her mannerisms are so darn childish. She thinks she's so rootin' tootin' cutesy. BLECCH.

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I watched w/o sound, too, and it was totally bizarre! She swung in with a flounce, smacked Mr. Sharpton, and then did a punching action. Is she a bruiser or what?

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      That would be boozer.

    4. Anonymous7:35 AM

      7:15 AM

      I wonder where Bristol got the gumption to kick Todd's junk and do a slug fest on the party host in Anchorage... could it be from Mommy Dearest?

    5. Anonymous7:57 AM

      I think she's drunk. I say this as a recovering alcoholic, so I resemble that behavior!!

      And yes, she barged in on the conversation.

    6. bustol GRABBED toad's balls and twisted them.

  8. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Hey, we called it!

    1. And if only Chuckles Sr had pulled out, we would have been spared his pit viper daughter.

    2. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Awww after her SNL debacle she's afraid of getting heckled by foreigners. Maybe she will go slither back under her rock for a while.

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Why has she backed out now? I'm sure Sarah couldn't resist peeking at the comments over at the Daily Mail. Everyone in the UK laughs at her and she's simply the butt of a joke about America. She chickened out after reading the comments since her SNL appearance. Thin skinned as usual.

    4. abbafan8:16 AM

      Spot-on as usual Nefer!! That disgusting filthy smeared claw of hers - does she not remember to wash that claw after she wiped her asshole?? What a fuckin' disgusting slob she is!

    5. Anonymous9:50 AM


  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    She's tried this superfluous 'acting' before to come off as endearing and normal instead of a walking wedge issue, like on Oprah, but it's gobsmacking that this rooting, tootin Calamity Jane threw her supporters still-spined principles to the wind in order to hobnob on a red carpet.

    I recognize one if the bracelets from a talented, contemporary native artist, and the bag is probably sea otter, I just wish they weren't wasted in this dowdy wasted bag of bones.

    Too short to wear those booties, her Runner's World shiny nylons (look up nude Sarah) her daughter's well worn dress and the stained hands, oh my. You aren't in Alaska anymore Sarah.

    (Did you see how many of the guests seated around her were PART of the show? They'd be whisked off to participate on live television. There were times she was the only one in her section and they'd throw a sitter in next to her. Did she brag to Taylor Swift that she used Shake It Off at her infamous Iowa speech?)

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Did she brag to Taylor Swift that she used Shake It Off at her infamous Iowa speech?

      I am curious about that. Swift has been silent.
      Why does she need to tolerate the theft?

  10. Anonymous6:40 AM

    She really thinks she's cute. Can't believe they didn't let her being one of her security blankets / shields with her - Piper, Todd, the gang sign slinging Bristol loaded down with Louis Vitton bags.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Can you imagine how pissed brissy was when she was told she wouldn't be sitting next to mommy dearest and Taylor Swift? Not in the limelight. Brissy was so hoping to spark some interest from a potential trial daddy by flaunting her wares on national tv. All she got was a picture of herself at the airport surrounded by her designer bags, boo hoo.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      All she got was a picture of herself at the airport surrounded by her designer bags, boo hoo.

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Wonder which one of those bags contained Sarah's "medications" ? Bristol wasn't there to do her make-up, she was there to keep her properly medicated.

  11. I watched with the sound off. Palin patting Sharpton on the face seemed very invasive and patronizing. She doesn't seem to have any awareness or consideration for other people's space. It appears the Reverend wasn't comfortable with it based on how he leaned away from it.

    Her giddy teeny-bopper cutesy-poo flirting and twirling and preening as two (gasp) African-American men focused their attention on her was bizarre looking.

    Does her behavior make more sense with the sound on?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Sharpton has some serious cool here. I would have batted that paw away from my face just on reflex.

      Sarah Palin's sociopath mind seeks to diminish everyone around her, but I think she only does that face pawing act when she feels very threatened.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      No, her behavior makes no more sense with sound. She's ALL OVER Al Sharpton, and his body language is telling - he leans as far away from her as he can without tipping over backwards. She is positively GUSHING, and she sounds very giddy and pumped up. I really think she sounded and acted like she was drunk.

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Yep, I think she was drunk too. I thought that when viewing her with Alec Baldwin as well.

    4. Anonymous8:05 AM

      More than anything, she looked and sounded very nervous, after she photo-bombed his interview. Reminds me of the high school girl who is always "on", ie making the loudest and crudest jokes to get attention. Patting his face was too much. What if he had seen her talking to a reporter, and if he had run up to pat her face and pretend like he was kicking her?

    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      It was completely inappropriate for her to touch him at all, let alone his face, let alone PAT his face. They are not friends, they are not acquaintances, they don't like each other's politics. You don't pat a stranger's face.

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Oh Boy! Comparing slavery and national debt

    The two of them looked so cozy together, I have to wonder if they have something to tell us?

  13. She's just so disgusting!

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Was Old drunk Sarah able to name the younger Baldwin brother for the hostess when she told Adam she loves his brother instead? She thinks she's just so adorable.

    As to Mrs. Baldwin, visibly pregnant, she should have interjected that she'd never fly across the country in her condition just to attend a tv show party.

  15. Bill F6:45 AM

    I lost a bit of respect for Rev. Al.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      You had any?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      why, sarah walked up to him and started an interview with her. Rev. has too much class to disrespect her but he did recoil when she overstepped her boundaries and tried to pat his face. Then she did the kicking and punching air.../???? wtf? Sarah doesn't know how to act...she has been pumping her tough mama grizzly image so long that she has forgotten to adjust to the circumstances where more appropriate behavior is needed. On the other hand, she may well be like that...she has always tried to portray that woman who runs with the guys. wow. sad.

    3. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Why? I admire how diplomatic he was under the circumstances. We are "equally spoofed" he said; quick thinking!

    4. Anonymous8:08 AM

      What was he supposed to do? Tell her to get her hands off of him?

    5. Anonymous8:15 AM

      What could Rev. Sharpton have done? He tried to be polite and kept backing away as she crowded against him. God, her voice. I cannot imagine being 4 or 5 inches away from her screeching voice. I would have wanted to slap her. I felt sorry for Rev. Sharpton; he made the best of an extremely awkward moment. The interviewer did not help him any either.

    6. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Sarah has only helped Rev. Sharpton's image. He is looking good and what a class act.

      He is sharp, alright, and knows how to handle this.

      Sarah and her peeps can only make the same old mistakes. It's a good thing for everyone but the morons.

      The more they try and spin and the more denial the better. More Republicans will see through them and may get smart and do something about the face of Republicans, albeit Sarah Palin. The GOP has not done the right thing yet and they can't distance from her until they do it right.

      Sarah Palin=John McCain=GOP

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM

    G, It might be a good time to review Sarah's hayseed behavior at the Alfalfa Club dinner. At least for this event. she was dressed for the occasion. She wearing a black evening gown with a shawl that would have worked well for the SNL walk of snark and bark. "You lookin' at me? Well, you better be!"

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      She had that same determined look on her face when she was assaulting Reverend Al as she did when Joe Lieberman blocked her assault on the president at that function. As if thinking "I'm gonna go make this blah guy's day by sidling up to him."

  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    dear snl: having dumb cluck palin on for your special certianly ruined it for a lot of your viewers. we went to another chanel or fell asleep. sharpton should have spit on her!

  18. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Reverend Al definitely did not like Palin touching him. Just watch him recoil every time she violates his personal space. He is, like, get this vile person away from me. He well knows a condescending gesture and condescending speech when confronted with it. Palin is such a dumb twit. So disrespectful. Sarah has no self-esteem what so ever.

  19. Anonymous6:52 AM

    You don't get to party like it's all just a big joke with people you aim your douche nozzle at and put down on a daily basis. What she promotes is not even "conservative thought" so much as clueless, bigoted hate. I assume she was invited to this thing, but likely for comic relief, sort of like William Hung on American Idol.

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    With all the bad press over the dress odds are that she is going to attempt to "make a joke" about it and post a pic wearing Piper's outfit or something of Trig's. Regarding the hideous shoes (which she made a point of saying they had a red bottom which is a signature of Christian Louboutin), someone commented that they reminded them of the boots Phyllis Diller wore. There is an excellent documentary about Diller and in it she explains that she worked with a shoe designer to create a bootie that hit her at the most unflattering part of the leg and make her look like she had chicken legs. Diller was a comedic genius; SP is just a joke.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      She'll probably dress Jill up in it.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Why doesn't she just put her dirty thong underwear on her head, go running down the park highway "au la naturale" and get it over with?

  21. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Did I hear Sarah tell Rev. Al, "I should kick you in the shins"?

    At the end of the clip, she says something like that.

    She is oozing drunkenness, either by alcohol, or drunk on her own self-worship,

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Did I hear Sarah tell Rev. Al, "I should kick you in the shins"?
      Yes, that and the slap, and her body slam to Baldwin is so telling how physical she probably gets in private. She really was in cool mean girl heaven there.

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      I guess that's where brissy learned to grab her dad's nutsack.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Grabbing at and hitting men is so inappropriate, I am beyond words. It's simply not how adults behave, and especially not middle-aged women who have any self respect. I remember acting like that around boys when I was about thirteen, but even then it didn't go over well and I outgrew it.

      What the hell is wrong with that woman?

    4. Anonymous9:39 AM

      At least she didn't threaten to punch him in the throat, another of her favorite physical threats.

  22. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I really found her touching his face to be incredibly disrespectful. As was her play kicking and punching him. ________

    Not adult behavior for anyone or any circumstance.

    Something is severely wrong with someone doing that. Most of all in a world wide event with a cast of thousands.

    I am so glad her bots don't know things like that. They must keep sending her money. She must run in 2016, at least keep up the show until she can pull out the last minute.

  23. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Americana !wtf?
    I is a party girl! Will spread for attention.
    Sarah you may be a media whore, ya think?

    May be what's referred to as a media whore.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Americana Americana Americana

  24. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah couldn't keep her hands off of Rev. Al. She thinks she's so attractive to all men but to blah men, she can't disguise her attraction to them and the simultaneous disrespect and superiority she feels.

    I think she was high, otherwise, why couldn't she control the slap to the face, fake punches and kick? Rev. Al was a perfect gentleman, completely in control throughout her interruption of his interview.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Sarah Palin is so mixed up about her own feelings. Her father's daughter would not dare love the dark skin. Of course, she is obsessed to the point of skin cancer and humiliation to do her all to have dark skin.

      The girl inside got a taste of her own desire back in the day when Glen Rice came to town, but now that is unspeakable in her crowd.

      She is one confused 51 year old. No wonder all her acts are inappropriate. Sarah Palin will never know who she is. Her enablers and the religious thing tell her how to think and believe. "know thyself"

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Sarah couldn't keep her hands off of Rev. Al.

      Have you seen Todd? You would be jumping Sharpton if you'd had years of that little slob.

      He won't even bother to tuck his shirt at dinner

      Todd is a real creep and a pimp.

  25. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It's like they say: "You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl."

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      You can take a girl out of a bar but that doesn't guarantee you can't keep her sober.

      Sarah's actions to Alec Baldwin and especially to Reverand Al Sharpton are the actions of a drunk/high woman.

  26. Anonymous6:57 AM

    She showed just how clueless and classless she is. Why would she think it is ok to touch his face like that? I found that very offensive. That is something you just don't do!!!

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      She is high on her cocktail of drugs and alcohol. SOS.

  27. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Palin is losing a lot more supporters now that she has been video taped paling around with a _____r (they don't say that word, but that's exactly what they mean). Conservatives are calling her a traitor for touching a simian (their word). You can practically hear heads exploding over at Breitbart. She has broken their hearts and dashed many hopes. Her "brand" is officially fucked now.


    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      It's a good thing they can't see her with Glenn Rice.

      I love their denials!

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Conservatives are calling her a traitor for touching a simian (their word).
      So do conservatives think that she had sex with Glenn Rice without touching him?

      And yeah, the hard-core conservatives DO say the N-word but just not publicly. Unless they slip.

  28. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sarah Palin definitely hit another milestone in giving the public a view of her dysfunction.

    This meeting with Sharpton just is so uncomfortable to look at. Does Sarah listen to all the celebrity gossip shows and watch actors and celebrities engage with their hosts? Some might be in full jocularity mode, because they just got promoted, or are starting new project, or are at an event meeting long-time friends and associates, but Sarah was there, meeting people she's criticized and people she's told "Screw You" and gets her fan base in knots, hating on these people.

    Yet, she stands there as if she's Hollywood and SNL's best friend and she actually tells Rev. Al she thinks she loves America to his face, but at the end of the day, she's reloading her verbal attacks at Obama lovers and liberals and the whole lot.

    Didn't she once refuse to go on stage with a guy (2008 campaign) because he was pro-choice? She refused to shake hands with certain people when it was completely favorable to her. Now, she's begging the right to embrace her, now that she's burned all her bridges. How this will play out, is interesting.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      No doubt about it

      Sarah Palin definitely hit another milestone in giving the public a view of her dysfunction.

  29. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Imagine all those bots over the years, those who ate rice and macaroni and cheese in order to send her money. The fans who adored her, and volunteers who left jobs to serve her campaign, and the earthquake movement who put up all that money on billboard advertising. Are they getting their money's worth?

    She basically stood up in that audience and made fun of those who believe in her. She gets her nice fat check, and decides she can make fun and money out of her presidential ambitions. All those people who sacrificed and sent donations to her PAC had to endure listening to her ask how much Lorne Michaels would pay her to run? She had the support, the volunteers ready, she had a lot of back-up and now she tells the world there's a $$$ price to her deciding to run or not. Of course she's not running, but she used that angle to continue her career as a wannabe comedienne.

    Her bots won't see one dollar of their investment ever again. She turns those who believe in her into a profit-making scheme, and threw them all under the bus that night in that audience.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      I imagined it. Still have a huge smile on my face.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      The pond people send sarahpac money, so she can pass it on to conservative causes....because they aren't bright enough to decide what causes they support or which candidates they should fund.

    3. Aunt Ethel8:18 AM

      Excellent comment, Anonymous 7:06!

    4. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Commenters on this Raw Story article have invaded the pee pond. They don't like being reminded that they're being taken. Moderator alert! hahahaha

  30. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hey Track, your Mama said, "get a job boy"!!!

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      "Then don't be jealous boy."

      "Sarah Palin is a person that Sarah Palin never met . ." Alicia

  31. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I knew she'd pull out of that Cambridge speech. Hahahahaha!!!

  32. I took the time to visit the pee ponders to get their reactions to all this.....as usual, they are delusional. They claim Baldwin tried to cop a feel during that interview, her bantering with Al shows she is not a racist, and she generally took over the evening's event with her charm and personality. Puke!!

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I like that they are delusional and in oceans and oceans of denial. It reflects on Sarah Palin and proves her delusions and oceans and oceans of denials.

  33. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Sarah was all over al because her guilt was eating her up. gone was the mean girl in school who said all those mean things about a person. easy to say in front of a microphone. shes had lots to say about race. she has racists who send her their couch change. the dumber the better. Sarah has been barking ugly stuff about al all along. she was confronted with that person and showed a 5th grader mentality trying to excuse herself as just playin' with ya...we ok huh??!? sharpton showed class.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      sarah is a narcissistic psychopath....they have no empathy or guilt. She was just using the media trying to prove she is fitting in and loved by everyone which is what she believes....a few detractors are just jealous because they are not where she is.

  34. Anonymous7:17 AM

    It's so satisfying seeing her lose more supporters and watching karma come back to bite her in the ass big time after claiming that Levi is "Ricky Hollywood" & a deadbeat dad on national TV. She's getting back exactly what she puts out. Keep it up Sarah! You go girl. LOL

  35. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What a rude piece of trash! You do not push into other people's interviews and a married lady would never go around touching other men. Of course I know that no one has ever accused Sarah Palin of being a lady, but she absolutely has no manners what so ever.

  36. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sarah, I'm sure the person in the next stall would have given you one square of toilet paper if you had asked.

  37. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Sarah standing practically in Al's face during this interview, her body movements looking like she's on a stripping pole. Disgusting, and her disrespect touching him pretending to punch him, then the big hug.

    I am disappointed with Al Sharpton at allowing her to even come near him. With all the horrible accusations and lies and vitriol she's used against media, and individuals, liberals, how does she even have the nerve to greet Al like he's a long-time buddy? The whole spectacle was disgusting.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I think he was shocked and surprised and had no idea what she was going to do next, on camera. He couldn't be rude to her, but she wasn't taking any hints (as when he flinched when she stroked his face) that her physical come-ons were not welcome. What could he do? Walk away, keep backing up (he does that a bit), or just hope that she'll say Americana one more time and turn herself into a flying monkey.

  38. Anonymous7:27 AM

    If you watch the Alec Baldwin clip closely, you will see that her arm is around him. He doesn't have his arm around her. And then she gives him a flirty little hip check. So when she screamed "screw the Hollywood left." Maybe she meant that literally. From the pictures of her and Toad in Vegas, it sure looks a marriage in name only. They look so bored with each other.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      The photos of them alone in the booth at breakfast look like a couple who aren't on good terms- like my husband and me on a long road trip!

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      What do you mean? Toad was dressed to the nines...

  39. laurensd17:28 AM

    Not surprised at the Cambridge cancellation.
    She will undoubtedly only venture out in more extremely controlled situations as she's encountering outright heckling.
    She will become even more magically manic and visibly impaired, so it should be great fun!

    It will give her something to reflect upon in prison.
    If she doesn't implode first.

  40. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I am beginning to FEEL SORRY for the bitch. Someone talk me down.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Think of sharpshooter target symbols on posters, and all pity for Sarah Palin will evaporate.

    2. Cyber SLAP to your face. Now go pour yourself a drink and one for me!

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Go to YouTube and watch a few of her snotty sarahpalinchannel videos. You will be back her spitting and foaming in no time.

    4. AKinPA8:09 AM

      Just listen to her convention speech where she denigrates the now President for being a community organizer. That always does it for me.

    5. Cracklin Charlie9:04 AM

      You feel sorry for her because you're a normal human being. I feel sorry for her, too. Something is really wrong with her.

    6. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Just remind yourself of Christina Taylor Green and how $aint $arah was all loud and proud.

  41. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I think her stained hand is a result of sarah forgetting to use toilet paper on her skanky, smelly ass.
    And she rubbed that talon on Al Sharptons face. Such a pig.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      You are on to something...


  42. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Haven't read the posts, but apologize if this is already posted. Sarah CANCELED her Cambridge speech!

  43. Cracklin Charlie7:38 AM

    I love Al Sharpton. The man has worked his whole life to better the lives of others. How many can make that claim?

  44. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I've wondered this a lot - Which 12 year old girl in Alaska is Palin's stylist? Really her outfits are just so inappropriate and unbelievably awful.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Actually this is the crew.


      Bristol and Sarah take them on these jaunts often. Lot's of quid pro quo and jobs. A very interesting mix up of work ethics and bad taste. The beauty business in Anchorage sucks.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Wait for her defensive post where she'll explain how frugal she was for wearing the same dress as has Bristol, over several years, even while she was invited to a nationally televised event of a lifetime.

      Then she'll brag about her otter-skin pocketbook from Alaska, and how city slickers couldn't possibly understand native culture and handicrafts.

      THEN she'll try to explain the Laboutin shoes. That will be interesting.

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      8:35 AM

      She needs to give Todd credit since he wore the same dirty shirt over and over. It will make her look good to her followers to know she is teaching her family to be frugal.

      Of course, nothing says frugal like Bristol Palin

  45. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Can anyone begin to imagine what the bots would be saying if he reached over to caress her face 3 times.

  46. Re: the hand ... the orange hand ... ewwwwwww, just ewwwww.

  47. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I've always read she doesn't wash her hands . How unsanitary can you be? I am always after my husband to wash his hands, I guess they have something in common. I don't understand why people don't bathe or wash their hands if they have the capability to do it

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Don't worry about Sarah Cleanliness-Is-Next-To-Godliness Palin. Christians know who she is. Meghan McCain, John McCain, William Kristol and Mark Levin will always be there for her and stand up for her when she is misunderstood by non-Kool-aide types.

      Saved by Christain cons again... and the oh so holy Scientologists..

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Todd doesn't change his clothes or do laundry. He and Sarah do have a lot in common. They may be one of these couples that end up back together after they figure out no one else will have them.

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      trafficking of children

      What? She really mentions trafficking?

  48. Anonymous7:48 AM

    OMG! I'm convinced the republican establishment has finally let her do herself in. The media is enjoying it!

    "The dress was so slinky it nearly caused a wardrobe malfunction. Ms. Palin had to wear the battery pack underneath the sheath on her back with her microphone hooked to the top. The NBC technician who came to take off the battery and mic during the commercial break had a hard time reaching them, so the unfazed Ms. Palin stood in the aisle, yanking up and down her mini as she tried to slither out of the equipment."


  49. ibwilliamsi7:50 AM

    What makes anyone think that Sarah ever washes her hands at all. I'd go hungry before I ate food prepared by her.

  50. Anonymous7:50 AM

    What Scarah really wanted to do was stuff Al's old balls in her face!!!!

  51. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Here's another good article calling the skank out

    "People loved those Tina Fey/Sarah Palin sketches because Sarah Palin is a terrifying, anti-intellectual, anti-choice, gun-toting ideologue who came within a hair’s breadth of one of the most powerful political offices in the world, a dystopian potentiality that could have tangibly affected the lives of literally billions of people. Watching her being flawlessly lampooned – her hypocrisy and pomposity laid bare with a clarity that only comedy can achieve – felt like a gossamer lifeline of hope and sanity to which we could all cling."


    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Just read it! It is important to remember as Palin tries to reinvent herself as some kind of "entertainer". She helped give voice to the tea party and the fringe right-wing in the US and for that she should NEVER be forgiven.

  52. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Well, Sarah is "show business" now, she says. Time to get on food stamps and send her pac all my spare cash each month.

  53. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Sarah's using "scheduling conflicts" as her excuse to not go to Cambridge...

    She has the Erectors speech in FL on 2/25 and then she's off to DC for her CPAC appearance.

    The Iron Dog ends on 2/28 so I wonder where is the "conflict"?

  54. Anonymous8:00 AM

    How hilarious. "Scheduling difficulties". While her sycophants have been bragging for months about her being invited to speak in England.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Their hopes of her meeting the Queen have been dashed like so much seaweed flinging on the rocks on the beach or the rocks in her head.

      Not even Cambridge can top the glory of CPAC where Phil Robertson will receive the Free Speech Award from Citizens United for bashing Gays of coarse. This is where Sarah is in her element! surrounded by low life hucksters, where big hair, spray tans and tacky clothes are a symbol of good taste.

      She will rise again from the ashes like a Pheonix her wings may be slightly charred but her followers love the smell of burning meat, it reminds them of their backyard barbeque beer feasts.No one can expect anything more from Sarah, but we have all come to expect a lot less from her.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      She'll show up drunk again.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Quitters QUIT.

  55. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Maybe there is a toilet paper shortage at Lake Lucille, Wasilla, Alaska!

  56. John Boehner8:03 AM

    Thank you for the hand job Sarah, Always,

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:57 AM


    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      OMFG! You owe me a keyboard!


  57. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Perhaps Sarah had just given orange-man John Boehner a hand job, and some of his personality rubbed off on her!

  58. Anonymous8:14 AM


    It got rid of Sarah Palin. On the Friday night before the event, she told a reporter she was “seriously interested” in running for president.

    But the next day, she gave a speech of such rambling incoherence and such disjointed babbling that it sounded like she was being simultaneously translated into a language from another galaxy.

    Even her supporters were baffled. Their favorite theories about what had happened: Somebody had slipped Thorazine into her morning Froot Loops. Her body had been taken over by a Nexus-6 model replicant. She had taken seriously the advice of aides who told her: “Just be yourself, Sarah. What could go wrong?”

    In any case, she has now gone from a hopeless candidate to a laughably hopeless candidate. The media will never take her seriously again. The Grim Reaper has done its job.

  59. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I'm assuming that she's not sending a secret signal to the people of Ulster, for whom the Red Hand is an ancient symbol of national pride.

  60. Anonymous8:18 AM



  61. Caroll Thompson8:22 AM

    I have to say that whomever is suppose to be looking out for the best interests of Sarah is doing a horrible job. Did her daughter find it amusing that she had that spray tan stuff on her hand? Obviously Sarah is too drugged, drunk or mentally ill to know to wash her hands.

    All I know is the wind chill in NYC set a record on Sunday. It would not surprise me to find out Sarah has pneumonia. Being out without a coat in that cold was a dumb thing to do.

  62. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Im trying to figure out just what combination of narcotics she was on to jabber on incoherently, butt into on going interviews, unable to control her bodily movements and no reaction to freezing cold weather. Im guessing Coke/meth, vicodin/ oxy and course her favourite, alcohol.
    I also wonder who carries her drugs on these long flights. Im guessing Bristol has a few secret hiding places (HOOHAH).

  63. Anonymous8:25 AM

    She was disrespectful to Rev Sharpton. Kept touching him and he kept backing away! Doesn't she know about another person's space? She's an idiot! And, I cannot imagine the number of times I have typed that statement throughout the years!

  64. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Wow! Just WOW!!! How DARE she touch a total stranger's face - a stranger that she has been smacking down again and again in the past! First she touches his face (and comes within inches of his face with her alcoholic breath), and THEN she KICKS him???
    Talking about reaching the bottom, $carah! You have no hope at ANYthing classy.
    I feel sorry for Levi, having his son being raised by an offspring of this socially completely inept skank.
    I guess, that is also, why you cancelled your Cambridge screech. You - or probably rather your handlers - realized how way out-of-your-ligue that venue would have been.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Can you imagine what she might have done if she had met Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher as planned a couple years ago ?

  65. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Cracklin, we are obviously on two different planets regarding Al race baiter-line his own pockets-tax dodging Sharpton. He is a bullshit opportunist artist just like Palin, 10 fold. What exactly are his 'Reverend' qualifications again?

  66. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sarah Palin is so fucking stupid.
    I mean so fucking stupid

    How stupid is she?

    Sarah Palin is so fucking stupid she tans her palms with liquid tanner but she forgot to apply liquid tan to her left hand below her wrist.

    See dumbshit's hand at:

  67. Anonymous8:35 AM


    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      8:35 AM Is something stuck in your throat?

  68. Anonymous8:36 AM

    In her own crazy way, maybe the wild woman from wasilla was just pitchin' snl some skit ideas based on the basic hook of: Wild Woman from Wasilla Meets ..... fill in the blank .... the Bladwin & Sharpton encounters sketch out a bit of the possible crazy the snl players could work with as the WWfW Meets....

  69. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Have you ever noticed that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to act in public? She acts like a retard. Don't believe me look at the video. Look at how she sorta has a man-ish behavior rather than a lady. Its like she is more than borderline retarded.

  70. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Are you sure that is liquid tanner on Sarah Palin's palm? It could be that Sarah was jerking off Rev Sharpton so hard that his skin came off onto her palm?

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Maybe that's why Glenn Rice didn't take Sarah Palin back to Michigan with him. Sarah stroked him too hard and used too much teeth.

  71. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Hahaha 7:38 wow you are foolish.

    The "Rev" (lol on that alone), has spent his whole life grifting off all his non-profits and charities. He is worse than even the lowest ambulance chasing lawyers.

  72. Our Lad8:51 AM

    Many of us were familiar with Al Sharpton during the years he worked the road for none other than James Brown, in which time he doubtless came into the sphere of every manner of hustler and cutthroat imaginable, but likely none as odious and reprehensible as Mrs. Palin. In a hilarious and telling piece of body language Reverend Al shrinks from her touch as if she were leprous, a plague carrying strumpet sent from the netherworld to snatch away his breath and leave him decayed and dying. From wrangling one of the most talented, visionary and dangerous entertainers in the history of popular music to having to maintain a modicum of dignity while being subjected to the unwanted attention of a dull witted,aggressive and apparently unwashed lowlife harridan, well, what a long strange trip it indeed has been for brother Al. I would pay to hear his private comments after suffering the unfortunate cultural collision with this quack, this chowderhead, this unending constipation of thought and diarrhea of words.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Would loved to have heard the discussion Shapton had with his wife after his horrible encounter with Palin.

  73. Anonymous8:51 AM

    This was posted in the comments at raw story,
    Hans Meyer
    22 minutes ago
    Sarah Palin Monikers
    with thanks to so many of my Raw Story/Disqus friends for their contributions towards building this list

    ☑ Money Boo Boo
    ☑ Hello Quitty
    ☑ K-Mart Kardashians
    ☑ The Iquitarod Imbecile
    ☑ Greg Stillson as a woman
    ☑ Tundra Tart
    ☑ The Paliban
    ☑ Bi-Polarbear Sarah Palin
    ☑ Shariah Palin
    ☑ Grifterella
    ☑ The Talibaska Terrorist
    ☑ The Alaskan Ain'tellectual
    ☑ WordSalad Shooter
    ☑ Lady Blah-Blah
    ☑ The Whore of Babble On
    ☑ Lady Gag Gag
    ☑ The Babble Rouser
    ☑ Our Lady of the Moosepatty
    ☑ The Courtney Love of the GOP
    ☑ Spongebrain Squarespecks
    ☑ Princess Derping
    ☑ Mama Grifter
    ☑ Joan of Arctic
    ☑ Denali Dingbat
    ☑ Quitty Politti
    ☑ Half-Baked Alaska
    ☑ The Tundra Trollop
    ☑ Moose Muffin
    ☑ Blithering Blizzard Barbie
    ☑ Talibunny
    ☑ Nanookie of the North
    ☑ Moosilla DeVille
    ☑ Wailin Palin
    ☑ Wasilla Methwhore
    ☑ Sarah Moose-olini
    ☑ Princess Iquitarod
    ☑ Reckless Rambler
    ☑ Caribou Barbie
    ☑ Princess Sparkle Moose
    ☑ Quitler
    ☑ Bipolar Barbie
    ☑ Bible Spice
    ☑ The Alaska Disasta'
    ☑ Dickless Cheney
    ☑ Sow Grizzly
    ☑ Wicked Witch of Wasilla
    ☑ The Wassillabilly Wascal
    ☑ SparkleMoose
    ☑ Snow Snookie
    ☑ "Not" Michael Palin
    ☑ Jabber the Nutt
    ☑ Twisted Sister of Syntax
    ☑ Marauding Methhead
    ☑ Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods
    ☑ Failin' Palin
    ☑ The Tundra Titwillow
    ☑ Queen of Iquitarod
    ☑ Silly St. Sarah of Wassilly
    ☑ $i$ter $arah
    ☑ The Quitta from Wasilla
    ☑ Snow Plains Grifter
    ☑ The Drilla' from Wasilla
    ☑ Shouty Face Bean-Can-Toss Moose Killing Tundra Twit
    ☑ Snowjob Squareglasses
    ☑ Moose Witch of the North-land
    ☑ Wasilla Whorilla
    ☑ St. Silly of Wassillie
    ☑ Klondike Kardashian
    ☑ The Quitingest Quitter That Ever Quit
    ☑ The Polar Poltroon
    ☑ St. Sarah of Quit
    ☑ Princess Moosekilla

    And, Iconoclast Six 's personal favorite:

    ☑ The Ex, Former, Resigned, Quitter, Half-term Discraged Alaska Governor Quittin' Sarah Quittyquit Palin, Oh Did I Mention She's A BIg Quitterpants, Quitty Quitty Quit Quit

    Postscript: (with a tip o' the Tilley to MP ), the Palin children: TrailerPark, Industrial Spill, Gunny, Stink, and Gollum.

  74. Cracklin Charlie8:55 AM

    Hey, G,

    You might want to check this guy's twitter. Apparently a North Carolina state senator showed up to work when everyone else had a snow day. He is goin' to town fixing North Carolina!


  75. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. Sarah can never seem to do anything right.

    Raised a bunch of dysfunctional sex addicts.
    Built the Wasilla hockey rink on private property.
    Literally kamikaze John McCain's hopes of being president.
    Hires her unqualified high school bff to run Alaska’s agriculture dept because she likes cows when she was growing up.
    Can't raise any kids who are smart enough for college. They barely make it out of high and one is so damn dumb she had to get her GED.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Plus, the retardation gene runs through the Palin/Heath klan!

  76. Anonymous9:00 AM

    She is getting called out on SarahPac


    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      She wishes. Not that it's a personal bank account

  77. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Based on her behavior on the red carpet, I'm thinking she cancelled Cambridge because of "exhaustion."

    (rehab or whatever the Palin version of rehab is...probably being locked up for a while where nobody can see you until you get your using down to a functional level).

  78. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah Palin thinks it is okay to slap a reverend because she thinks she is God.

  79. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Stop complaining that Sarah Palin slapped Rev Al Sharpton, that better than being hit with cans of corn. Just ask Todd.

  80. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "Sarah CANCELED her Cambridge speech"
    HA! We ALL saw it coming...What a surprise...lol

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Damn, but we all know her so well on this blog! Knew she'd cancel - not brave enough to follow their rules vs American groups that give her the questions before she appears.

      She's such a fraud and turd bird!

  81. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Shame on me for laughing at your post!!!!

  82. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Anonymous8:39 AM

    Have you ever noticed that Sarah Palin doesn't know how to act in public? She acts like a retard. Don't believe me look at the video. Look at how she sorta has a man-ish behavior rather than a lady. Its like she is more than borderline retarded.


    Why did Todd marry Sarah? Sarah was either a good fuck before she got married or Todd couldn't find anybody retarded enough and stupid enough in Alaska to marry him.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Sarah Heath blamed Todd Palin for her Track pregnancy, and Todd Fell for it.

  83. Grrrr !9:08 AM

    Reg IM readers have long known that donating to SarahPAC does about as much good for the convervative cause as flushing the money down the toilet.

    Now, a new report has put a staggering dollar figure on how laughable a waste it really is:

    "Conservative Chumps Sent $50 Million to Right-Wing ‘Scam’ Groups Like SarahPAC"


    Keep up the great work, C4Peons!

  84. PalinsHoax9:09 AM

    Anonymous8:08 AM
    What was he supposed to do? Tell her to get her hands off of him?
    - - -
    Too bad Mr. Sharpton didn't tell her to get her fuc*ing, grubby, dirty, grifting, filthy, scrawny, hideous, reptilian, knobby, cadaver-like orange claws off of him!

    That's what Mr. Sharpton should have told the Ol' Pitiful Pawing Peabrain.

    (Of course, in a most respectful tone of voice, with a warning glint in his eye and with a look of complete and utter disdain on his face.)

  85. Caroll Thompson9:13 AM

    Good thing Sarah is now in the business of show. There is a new report stating that conservatives are wising up to the sham pacs that spend the money on themselves and not on candidates. Sarah Pac is mentioned of course.



  86. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Gryph, I sure hope your source can come forward with the information you've been alluding to. If they wait much longer no one will care. Sarah's about down for the count.

  87. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Accepting all of that about Sharpton, he's perfected the grift over more than 30 years -- he's a pro. Sarah could only wish to survive as he has survived, from one scandal to the next.
    One of his secrets, of course, is a quick mind and a sort of eloquence. Neither of these are a Palin attribute, which is why she'll be long forgotten while he's still grifting along.

  88. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sarah has orange tanning goop on her hands and is wearing a white dress. What part of 'common sense' comes in here?

    First off, who wouldn't wash their hands before going out on National TV, without having everything done, make-up, brushing teeth, washing hands, etc.? Who would forget to wash their hands with that oily cream on their hands? Is she even aware?

    That dress must be washable in water. It certainly has stains on it. Someone teach Sarah do wash her hands after going to the bathroom too.

  89. Anonymous9:20 AM


  90. Anonymous9:24 AM

    “OK, just hypothetically then, what if I were to choose Donald Trump as my running mate?”
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah why do you think you would be on the top of the ticket? Just being picked by John McCain to be his vp pick was like winning a lottery.

    Bristol finding a husband would be like winning the lottery.

    Caint Get Right getting married again would be like winning the lottery.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Any Palin getting a job would be like winning the lottery

  91. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anonymous8:43 AM

    Are you sure that is liquid tanner on Sarah Palin's palm? It could be that Sarah was jerking off Rev Sharpton so hard that his skin came off onto her palm?


    Could explain why Todd has a two tone penis according to his former girlfriend /prostitute Shailey Tripp. Sarah rubbed him too hard too.

  92. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sarah was showing off to New Yorkers. She thinks that being from Alaska is the hardest coldest toughest place in the world, and loves to dig at others in the lower 48 about how immune to the cold she is.

    That act of her without a coat was just another attempt at boasting about the Queen of tough Skin.

  93. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I wouldn't go near that woman with a 10-foot pole. She is icky and her long claw-like fingers probably are filled with some poison.

  94. Anonymous9:37 AM

    She thinks Donald Trump would go in second position on her ticket? Give me a friggin' break! Ain't gonna happen! She's full of shit as usual!

  95. Pat in MA9:42 AM

    So the Hollywood/entertainment liberal elitists are now Americana? Now they're reel 'murkins? She is such a fucking fraud. It's all about the spotlight for Sarah, she's like a moth to a flame.


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