Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Train carrying crude oil derails, and explodes, causing the evacuation of residents in a one mile radius.

Damn look at that!

Courtesy of the Charleston Daily Mail:  

Residents who were near the derailment of a crude oil train in Fayette County say it shook and rocked their community like a Biblical judgment. 

Around 1:20 p.m. Monday, a CSX train carrying crude oil from North Dakota’s Bakken formation derailed in the Mount Carbon area of Fayette County, sending oil tankers off the tracks, with some reaching the Kanawha River. 

The train, consisting of two locomotives and 109 rail cars, was en route to Yorktown, Va. As of Monday evening, it was unknown how much oil spilled from the train. 

According to a statement on its website, CSX is “working with first responders to address the fire, to determine how many rail cars derailed, and to deploy environmental protective measures and monitoring on land, air and in the nearby Kanawha River. The company also is working with public officials and investigative agencies to address their needs.” 

It was also reported that residents within a one mile radius had to be evacuated and the fire burned for over nine hours. 

The Governor of West Virgina, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, declared a state of emergency.

According to NPR two local water treatment plants closed their intakes and have asked residents to conserve water as thousands of gallons of crude oil pour out of ruptured tank cars.

Oil spills, explosions, contaminated water. Gee you know what might be helpful right about now?

A new source of energy.


  1. I'm with you on the new sources of energy! May be hard to achieve, even with these environmental and personal disasters, since the oil people own our government! :(

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Sarah, please go to West Virginia and tell the residents of Fayette County about "Drill, Baby, Drill." Then ask them for their money/votes -- your choice.

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Isn't that the same governor who deregulated all coal and oil exploration and invited fracking into his state? I guess, he got what he was asking for...

  4. Sally in MI9:22 AM

    Wanna bet the Kochheads will be on Fox saying that if Keystone was operative, this would have never happened? Never mind that Keystone would leak UNDERGROUND into fresh water supplies, instead of causing fires and havoc above. Gee, fires, foul water, scorpions...I think God is unhappy about something.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    ... like a Biblical judgment.

    Won't that tell them something?

    Pentagon marks 50th anniversary of Viet Nam war with multi-million dollar re-write of history

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Republicans tomorrow: "Why, yesterday alone, American Crude created another 150 new jobs!"

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Whats King Obama to do about "the motherfucker" train?

    What, like you all don't think he is akin to a king.

    At least Palin supporters don't idolize or worship. Conservatives aren't "fans." They are supporters.

    ALL I see are democrats who fawn and worship

    1. Strunk and White10:13 AM

      Ah. The Troll Who Knows No Punctuation!

    2. "What, like you all don't think he is akin to a king. "
      It is only you America-hating traitorous republicans who sneeringly call President Obama the "Messiah" or the "One" or "King." Democrats have never considered him any such thing.

      Just a good, intelligent, educated American who loves his country and is well-qualified to lead it and has done an excellent job in the face of unprecedented obstruction by republicans who would destroy this country out of hatred for the President.

      "At least Palin supporters don't idolize or worship. "
      Bullshit. That is all they do.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      What the hell are you talking about, Alicia? Did Sarah's little white dress send you over the edge?

    4. Olivia11:13 AM

      Palin has worshipers. If she auctioned off her dirty underwear to the folks at the pee pond, she would bring in more money than she does in her annual "I'm thinking about running for president" fundraiser.

    5. Anonymous11:27 AM

      All the Palin Fans, oops, I mean "supporters" have their dirty underwear in a twist because she quit her gig at Cambridge. How many times can she dupe them before they catch on? Sowwy troll, your hero just isn't who you thought she was, hate to say it but we told you so. Now go back to bed.

    6. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Once you accept an invitation, you don't back out due to 'scheduling conflicts'.

  8. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I know we probably will never get away from petroleum as societal necessity, but I think in time we will start using other forms of energy to power things.

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    9:46 am, "palin supporters don't idolize or worship" LOLOL

  10. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Surprise Surprise Surprise!

    New report says conservative chumps sent $50 million to right-wing ‘scam’ groups like SarahPAC


  11. Olivia10:58 AM

    Geez, some people think this is Bristol. Aside from the A list part, it could be.

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Quick call palin.She can build a dyke.Why shouldn't our nations foremost energy expert take one for the team and fix this Obama nightmare.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Well, energy is her baby and we all know how she treats her babies.

  13. A. J. Billings12:11 PM

    This is what happens when you neglect the nation's roads, bridges, rail systems, schools, and other infrastructure in favor of sending Trillions into Dept of Defense.

    Instead of invading Iraq, we could have afforded to give every state in the country 20 BILLION dollars to spend on health, education and infrastructure.

    Or we could have spent that Trillion dollars by giving every person in the USA a single payer health program that would guarantee insurance for all, like every other Western country.

    I've spent time in Germany, England, and Japan, and the state of our rail systems compared to theirs is like a tree house compared to a mansion.

  14. Randall12:44 PM

    Keystone Pipeline = 35 (or so) permanent jobs.
    Building, repairing, maintaining railroad tracks = thousands of permanent jobs.
    Installing/maintaining new energy sources (wind, sunlight, geothermal) = thousands and thousands of permanent jobs.

    ...this concept isn't difficult, folks...

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    im pretty sure the workers at the facility there are on strike over unsafe working conditions. im seeing comments right now on my union friends fb pages that they have had scabs working there who arent trained. should be interesting to see whats up.

  16. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Earl Ray, whatcha gonna dew wit' all the erl aburnin' down by the rivah?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.