Thursday, February 19, 2015

MSNBC cancels Ronan Farrow show. Well its' about damn time!

Courtesy of The Wrap:  

MSNBC’s daytime changes continued Thursday with the cancellation of “Ronan Farrow Daily,” an MSNBC spokesperson confirmed to TheWrap. 

Farrow’s program was mired with poor ratings since its premiere one year ago. His show’s axing comes on the same day the program which follows him—”The Reid Report” hosted by Joy Reid—was also canceled.

Okay well I feel badly for Reid who I thought did a reasonable job, but I am ecstatic that Farrow is off the air.

Full disclosure even though MSNBC is my go to news source most of the time, there are a few hosts that I can only take in small portions.

One is Joe Scarborough who I rarely see because his show is over by 5 AM Alaska time. So I only see a portion of his show if something particularly newsworthy happened.

Which is rare these days.

I also can only handle Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton in small doses.

Matthews because he is an arrogant windbag, that seems sometimes to be leaning a little to Libertarian for my tastes, and Sharpton because he has a god awful time reading from the teleprompter, and it drives me nuts.

But only Farrow will force me to change the channel to literally anything else.

That has sometimes included changing the channel to Fox News, so you KNOW he must really bother me.

I cannot even put my finger on what it is exactly. But something about him repels me in a way that few television talking heads ever have.

Hell I would rather sit through Sean Hannity talking shit about the President, then watch Ronan Farrow report on how Obamacare is improving health care in this country.

I am also pleased with who will replace Farrow and Reid: 

The network will move “Way Too Early” host Thomas Roberts to the 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. timeslot, where he’ll host a news show. 

Now see I really like Roberts and thought his talents were wasted as part of the Morning Joe fraternity.

The guy is smart, quick witted, and always very professional.

So I look forward to the debut of his new show.

The article goes on to say that Farrow will host a series of interview specials, but I can assure you I will not watch one of them. Not one.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Farrow's voice caused me to turn him off if he accidentally invaded my hearing zone. Joy is OK, I hope they keep her on as a commentator. Scarborough is an ass, talks over everyone, and Mika is always saying "I'm sorry but.....(then gives her mild worthless opinion), ie always apologizing when she differs with the scarborough mouth. They have good guests on each day, but Scarborough constantly interrupts with his stupid repetitive views and cuts off the very guests that I want to hear from. The best on the network are Maddow, Chris Hayes, Jose Diaz balart (who easily fills 2 interesting hours), then Kornacki, Last Word and Matthews. The best one that doesn't have a program of his own is Ari Melber, who is a real treat when given the opportunity to analyze laws, etc. He is great and I wish they would give him Sharpton's hour, but not waste him on a day time hour. OK...there it is, I would rather listen to Mark Levin than Sharpton, lol. Ed show is OK, but only if I catch him by accident. Actually lately I've found out that just listening to Kornacki on Saturday morning most of the important stuff will be convered, and he's a pro!

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    O/T Gryphen, why do you have a link to From the Left on your blogroll when they seem to be a real rightwing nutjob site?

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Something interesting not related to MSNBC

    6 day old baby discriminated against by pediatrician because parents are gay

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Graph already covered that.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Here's my question. Why is it that heterosexuals keep giving birth to homosexual babies?

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    and there is no way in hell that he is any one other than Frank Sinatra's son.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:39 PM

      I was just going to comment that if he ain't Frank's kid, I'll listen to Sarah's migraine-inducing rants on an endless loop (without sticking forks in my ears).

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      LoveAndKnishes, I think your safe on this one

    3. Anonymous4:26 AM

      I know there's been speculation but that photo with the article pretty much seals the deal. So much Frank in that guy's face.

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Finally!! I thought they'd never get around to it. I tried watching him a few times at first, even though I was furious at the stunt he and Mia Farrow pulled when Woody Allen got his award, but I found him literally painfully unwatchable. Like you, Gryphen, I would watch anything but him and would lunge for the remote as soon as his show started. It's a shame that Joy Reid was cancelled even when her ratings were far better than his. He certainly did not get that job based on his talent in front of the camera, and for that matter he did not get most of his jobs based on talent. He may be extremely intelligent, but the glorified positions he was privileged to get were thanks to Mia's friends in high places. Sorry, Ronan -- you shot yourself in the foot with your Woody stunt, and despite your pretty-boy good looks you're just awful on camera.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    No clue who this is

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    You consider talking head shows, news?

  8. Balzafiar6:09 PM

    I've never seen his show but I suspect he's probably an arrogant person with a huge sense of entitlement.

  9. physicsmom6:31 PM

    I caught a notice on Twitter earlier in the day that Reid was out, but they were keeping Farrow. Guess it was wrong. I didn't think Ronan was that bad, his long-form pieces were pretty good and he knows a lot about Africa, but I won't miss him. I will miss Joy-Ann, though I picked up a tweet later that said she's been reassigned to some other projects on MSNBC. We'll see if that's true. I also cannot take Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell. I'll change the channel for sure when they're on. I agree with the poster who called out Ari Melber. He's really good. I thought that he should have been considered for the weekend UP show, though Steve Kornacki is doing a respectable job. It's funny about Rev. Al, there always seemed to be something funny about his cadence when he speaks, and I think you nailed it, Gryph, he can't read the TelePromptr. I liked Ed a lot when he was on the radio, but I think his transition to television has not been great. When he's talking about labor issues, he's fantastic, but some other things - Muslim bashing - for instance, he seems a bit tentative. I do admire him for changing his position on the XL pipeline. He is legitimately worried about how safe oil transport by truck is, but realized the greater calamity would be poisoning of the Ogalala aquifer.

    The top of the pyramid is definitely held by Rachael, but Chris Hayes is up there too, I'd put Joy-Ann next and Ari as a real up-and-comer.

  10. A Superfan In Atlanta7:44 PM

    Totally O/T

    There’s a Mass Exodus From the Tea Party News Network, With Staffers Citing ‘Despicable Practices’

  11. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I'm an Ed fan - not on every topic but on the environment & labor issues, he's solid.

  12. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I liked Ronan. Hope they put something good in their places.

  13. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Ronan possesses the sinatra arrogance and Mia's do goody persona. He's not likable in the least.

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    He wouldn't have his own show if it weren't for Mommy's last name.

  15. Chenagrrl7:38 AM

    No question he is very bright, and and occasionally has interesting observations. What he lacks is the invigoration of seasoning that comes with reporting. He seemed swallowed by the set, but when he reported from Paris during the Charlie Hebdo massacre, he commanded the screen. Maybe the interview program thing works, but I think he should be doing small chunks for news programs, and working with a skilled reporting team. I think he got that show toooo early in his career, if that is what he wants. It's easy to say he got the job because of mom, and maybe NBC did try to cash in on that, but he should be given a chance to hone his skills.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      In other words, maybe he should be coming up through the ranks, like others who end up behind the big desk on an interview show. Why can't these rich kids of famous people rise up through the ranks like everyone else?

  16. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I too usually catch most of MSNBC. To me it wasn't Ronan's personality but just inexperience - in voice, delivery, etc. And, I absolutely can't stand Chris Mathews. There should be drinking games measuring how many times one of his guests tries to form a sentence and is interrupted. I used to like Morning Joe because it had some intelligent discussion with various view points - and the guests are decent. But, yeh, Joe constantly pontificating and MIka's complete lack of just basic pop culture reference grate on me. Let's have a show with Thomas, and Willie, and Katty Kay!

  17. My guess is what bothers you is the same thing that bothers me about Luke Russert, the Bush girl on the Today show and others like them, talentless sons and daughters of famous parents riding on their coattails and the networks hiring them to garner favor with the elites.

  18. The "something" Ronan is missing is a personality and I like Joy Reid as a contributor...but she just sounded like a broken record on her own show...boring. Melissa Harris Perry is so smart...but again, she keeps going on and on about the same thing....

  19. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I am glad that Ronan Farrell will be off the air. The next one to go (or maybe he should have gone away before Farrell) is AL SHARPTON. He has no credibility. He's not fit for TV. I like Joy Reid.

  20. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I stopped tuning in to Ronan less than a Month after his show began when I realized how full of himself he was. However, I still tolerated him on MSNBC highlights. However, I Knew Ronan was finished on MSNBC when I saw Him belittle a guest on his show in a "Highlights" clip. I just knew that it was over for him.


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