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President Obama on Elmendorf Air Force base in 2009. |
President Barack Obama will visit Alaska in August, Sen. Lisa Murkowski told Alaska legislators Wednesday in a joint legislative session.
And this trip, she said, appears to be a real visit, not simply a gas stop at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson to fill up Air Force One as it travels between Washington and Asia.
Murkowski, during her annual address to the Legislature, said she had been told about the trip by Secretary of State John Kerry while discussing Arctic issues with him. She said that the White House considers Alaska to be among the states the president has visited, but that he’s never actually left JBER. “He’s never been off base,” she said.
Hey maybe now Sarah Palin can criticize him to his face.
Yeah, like that's going to happen.
Well Palin may be too intimidated to say anything directly but Senator Murkowski is certainly fanning the flames of dissension already.
“I have never been a good alarmist, but it is becoming harder and harder to conclude that this administration’s long-term plan is anything other than to starve our Trans-Alaska Pipeline System of new oil,” Murkowski said in the text of her speech provided to reporters.
She gave no reason why the Obama administration would want to do that but said, “It sure looks like their goal is to shut down our pipeline once and for all -- to see it decommissioned and dismantled,” she said.
While Murkowski defended her claim about the president’s intent to shut down the pipeline as the “reality” that Alaska lives with, other legislators said they were surprised to hear such a confrontational tone.
First off the President has never said anything about shutting down the Alaska pipeline. And secondly he would be fighting a Republican controlled Senate and House if he tried.
So essentially Murkowski is full of baloney.
Having said that I think that ultimately yes in the future we will certainly see the Alaska pipeline, and in fact all oil pipelines shut down as we move away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner renewable energy sources.
However that is certainly not something that will be done in the last two years of an Obama administration.
Personally I think that the President should ask Joe Lieberman to accompany him on this trip.
You never can tell when you might need a Lieberman to run interference.
P.S. Just so you know the President is probably coming up here just to see me. Because, though you may not have heard, according to the Palin-bots and Right wing loons I have been a paid operative of his for years now.
Though apparently nobody bothered to tell my bank account that.
I think Lisa wants to say that BS so when it is not shut down, she thinks she can take credit for it....those damn republicans are so freaking ignorant.
ReplyDelete"starve our Trans-Alaska Pipeline System of new oil" WTF is that old coot talking about?
Delete"Our Trans-Alaska pipeline"?
Next she will say she built it. Why is AK full of lyin' Repubs?
G why doesn't anyone call her on it? There is no LNG pipeline and there won't be.
There have been plans for 30 + years since the other oil line yet not one gov will sign off on it (as told to me by a AK'n)
Plans, everything shovel ready yet not ONE gov including GINO above would sign off on it!!!
And now Murky is spewing Bullshit.
I hope the grifter is out of town when POTUS comes.
I do hope G you get to see him. :)
Sarah Palin looked like a Groupie trying to get close to President Obama. The President ignored the Fame seeking whore.
ReplyDeleteWhen Lieberman pushed her away? One of my greatest "take THAT, bitch!" moments.
Delete"The President ignored the Fame seeking whore."
And that is what has embittered her ever since. He never gave the tiniest shit about her. She doesn't care about his politics. His offense is that he never fawned over her.
She thought he would be jumping at the chance to bring Miss "energy expert" into his administration, so that he could admire her hotness all day long and she could swan all over Washington stirring up trouble and not have to go back to Alaska.
He didn't care about her professionally or, worse yet, personally, and she has tried to make him pay every day for that sin for the past six years.
Because he knew she was no energy expert, Nefer, just your run-of-the-mill, dare I say it......
And still is.
Thank you Nefer for saying that the AK half-term half-wit quitter queen actually thought that as an also-ran McCain veep tapped 'hot governator' that the new POTUS would by default appoint her heinous to a high profile cabinet position.
DeleteIt did not occur to po' widdle Sarah P that
(1) she had nothing to offer;
(2) the POTUS would not be 'forced' to accept her; and
(3) that she is absolutely no competition to FLOTUS, no matter how hard she tried. S'mores indulgences indeed.
Oh Gryphen I hope you get the opportunity to meet our wonderful president! Or at least be a few city blocks within him.
ReplyDeleteI don't think us "average Joes" are going to have much chance at meeting Obama.
DeleteSPHASH, that would suck the wind out of the arse of every palin-bot around! It would be nice if Senator Lieberman tagged along with the President to cock-block the "Hollywood Groupie"again!
DeleteAnonymous2:56 PM
DeleteI don't think us "average Joes" are going to have much chance at meeting Obama.
I think AK and most of the states are just too dangerous for POTUS to do "meet & greets" sadly....
And ya know Sarah's got a gun....!
abbafan2:58 PM
Abbafan if someone did "Cockblock" her ass now she would prob fall fucking ovah! She is always so smashed!!! LOL!
I live in glenview, just north of Chiicago and i hope to meet him when the dust settles. Best prez ever
DeleteBest prez ever, and that's what they HATE.
DeleteAhh, my favorite pic of palin
ReplyDeleteAt least she was dressed appropriately for a change.
DeleteBefore the president announced he was running for his first term, my husband was waiting for me (late as usual) in a hotel lobby when then Senator Obama walked by and stood a few feet away, checking in. Since then he's been insufferable- "I was 'this close' to the president? why we're practically best friends!"
DeleteMurkowski is such a douche. Given her record we'd have done just as well if we'd have ended up with Joe Miller instead of her. Oh wait, Dems rigged the primary so the "sure thing" Scott McAdams would win, right because really, who would vote for Joe Miller? Then we ended up with a douche winning in a write in, who basically is Joe Miller in a pantsuit. Nice going.
ReplyDeleteWell, same damn thing happened with the Grifter!
DeleteAKM & SM told everyone to vote for her b/c she would be easier to beat than.........
And look what happened?
AK never learns.
As a non-AKn, I am aware of the disastrous vote for Joe Miller outcome. Is it really true that that same 'strategery' was employed (by the same AKns) in the election of the AK quitter queen?
DeleteIf true, I am disappointed.
This Alaskan doesn't remember it that way, Anon 5:47.
DeleteFor one thing, I don't believe Mudflats or Shannyn Moore even had blogs, much less a following, when Sarah Palin ran for governor. Sarah was one of three Republicans (I believe) running against a very unpopular governor (Lisa's dad, who had just appointed Lisa to fill a vacant Senate seat.) Don't blame Sarah on the Democrats. The Alaskan Republicans can own that one.
This will most likely be the last Executive that visits us for a while, given the current decline in oil prices we're all going to be sitting on real estate that is worth about 1/4 the current value in about 4 years...no one, including our own Congresscritters is going to want to touch that!
ReplyDeleteWelcome again to 1985, replayed in 2018. Sell now...this is the time to get out of here or at least pay off your home and wait out the storm. I don't see AK recovering from this coming economic storm until at least mid 2020's. If you are close to retirement age, you should sell, move south and forget about this place.
Gee welcome to our world starting in 2002. We,are just now getting our home values,back up near what we paid in 2001.
DeleteI wrote in Murkowski's name back in the day. I'm regretting it now. At least no one takes Joe Miller seriously.
ReplyDeleteScrew you Murkowski, you lying bag of shit! President Obama is my President and the elected leader of MY COUNTRY.
I have never voted for Murkowski and won't next go around either. I think she'll lose next time! She's one nasty broad that hasn't kept her word and is very much a part of the nasty Republican wing of the U.S. Congress! She's part of why they have such a low approval rating.
DeleteThank God we have President Obama! He will receive a warm welcome to Alaska by many residents!
It would be great if Obama invited all the former full term governors to meet with him. Quitters need not apply.
ReplyDeleteWell, Gryph, I do hope you believe in trickle down economics. Or at the least we Soros-trained plebes deserve an Honorable Mention.
ReplyDeleteIf Lieberman doesn't go, you jump right in there if you see Palin anywhere near him!
Mildred, I'm going to write the White House. Gryph is just the citizen President Obama likes to talk to. Informed, intelligent discourse...join me?
DeleteAbsolutely 3:34, can you imagine the beer summit they could have!
Let's do it!
DeleteSarah Palin will jump the velvet rope to sidle up to him. Where's Joe Lieberman when you need him?
ReplyDeleteWill she cup his cheek and kick him in the shins?
DeleteWe all KNOW she's going to be all over this trying making it about her. Please, President Obama, don't go there.....even being the gentleman you are.
3:28 PM Hopefully, the President's security would be on her and kick her in her vajaja should she even get close enough to touch him.
DeleteWon't happen, but is a hoot imagining!
No bitch , President Obama does not want to see your funky crossed eye stinky hoohah
ReplyDelete"I don;t think about Sarah Palin."
DeleteHe'll meet the REAL governor, not the fake one that insists she be called it even though she QUIT.
DeletePresident Obama will not meet with Sarah Palin! Betcha! No reason to - she quit as governor and has zero political status in Alaska.
DeleteBe a riot watching Lisa Murkowski as the hateful Republican/U.S. Congress member handle this situation. She's been such a bitch of late badmouthing him....
Quitter looks so demented in that photo where she is approaching our POTUS.
ReplyDeleteI just GIGGLE.
Deleteis there a video of Joe Lieberman blocking palin? or is it just still shots?
ReplyDeleteGryphen what are you talking about?
ReplyDeletePresident Obama coming to Alaska.
You meant to say President Sarah Palin will be coming to Alaska in 2016 after she wins the presidential election?
DeleteShe will have to get off the pole first - not gonna happen
Delete@ 3:46 PM:
Deletelol. Find a new hobby.
Seriously, there is no way she would be trying to elbow herself into the receiving line for the President anywhere in Alaska, is there? Alaskans?
ReplyDeleteOf course, she is Officially in Show Business now, and I'm sure she thinks the right to strut around any old red carpet, especially one with a velvet rope, trying to start brawls, is an official entitlement you get with your Official Show Business Membership Card.
Ultimately,it's the Secret Service and White House that decide who gets close to POTUS.
DeleteAlthough I'd love to see Michelle go verbal ghetto ninja on Sarah's punk ass in 10 seconds flat.....
Speaking of velvet ropes, poor little $arah will certainly be on the WRONG side at the upcoming Oscars. You know, the place where real - not reality - stars gather to hand out little plastic trophies. You just know $he will be bitchin' about it because $he has not been invited.
DeleteI've never seen a red carpet used in Alaska - ever!
DeleteSarah Palin will not be invited anywhere near President Obama while he is in Alaska in August!
There's no way she's gonna get anywhere near him. This bitch caused a 400% jump in death threats to Pres. Obama when he was a candidate. She already got a visit from the Secret Service years ago, so she'd better have the sense to lay low now.
DeleteOh, @4:03? - "I'd love to see Michelle go verbal ghetto ninja on Sarah's punk ass" - REALLY? Very nice...
Anonymous4:03 PM
DeleteUltimately,it's the Secret Service and White House that decide who gets close to POTUS.
Although I'd love to see Michelle go verbal ghetto ninja on Sarah's punk ass in 10 seconds flat.....
FLOTUS could but she can't, I would pay to see that for sure! LOL!
FLOTUS would be her gracious self and sarah a asshole.
Anonymous @4:03pm-I would totally hold Michelle's earrings while she did that.
DeleteJennifer K
4:34 PM:
DeleteI tried to point that out (in a "long screed") the other day, and the dumb resident troll insisted that I was the "crazy" one.
I hope that the Alaskan people will greet President Obama graciously. I would love to have the opportunity to meet him.
Malia Litman did! Next up, Gryph!
DeleteIs it wrong that I'm smiling? I bet Sarah's smiling.
Bill O'Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem
The Fox News host has said he was in a "war zone" that apparently no American correspondent reached.
After NBC News suspended anchor Brian Williams for erroneously claiming that he was nearly shot down in a helicopter while covering the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly went on a tear. On his television show, the top-rated cable news anchor declared that the American press isn't "half as responsible as the men who forged the nation." He bemoaned the supposed culture of deception within the liberal media, and he proclaimed that the Williams controversy should prompt questioning of other "distortions" by left-leaning outlets. Yet for years, O'Reilly has recounted dramatic stories about his own war reporting that don't withstand scrutiny—even claiming he acted heroically in a war zone that he apparently never set foot in.
wow, that's just as damning as what williams did/said, if not worse.
Deletewouldn't it be fun to see o'really get canned by fox?
I do hope the Secret Service keeps an eye on $arah. She's crazy and desperate enough to try something.
ReplyDeletemaybe, just maybe the IRS will have taken the old braindead skank down by the time the prez shows ..
DeleteJust think what Show Biz Sarah will do when the President shows up in her neck of the woods. Will she be all over him like she was all over Rev. Al Sharpton and Alec Baldwin actin' all folksey and what not? Hope she gets rid of the orange palm by August.
ReplyDeleteDon't hold your breath, but she won't be allowed (or invited!) anywhere near President Obama!
DeleteRemember, she is no longer in good standing among Alaskans, is no longer supported by the Alaska Republican party and is a 'quitter' governor. She has no political standing in Alaska or the nation!
But, her supporters can dream on!
ReplyDeletego have some fun
DrLager, good to see you here!
DeleteThanks! I'm having fun!
DeleteHaha Sarah Palin got cockblocked by Joe Lieberman.
ReplyDeleteWhere is President Obama's Secret Service?
That village idiot is married to a member of the domestic terrorist group Alaska Independence Party and should not be near the POTUS.
They're not married anymore and haven't been for years, but, believe you me, they're in up to their eyeballs in corruption. It's lucrative.
DeleteTheir expressions are so telling: Obama's enjoying himself, totally oblivious; she isn't even on his radar. She has this excited little-girl look, and you just know she's planning to work the cutesy, folksy voice. And Lieberman's got the grandfatherly "Okay, honey, now go let the grownups talk" thing going on. It's priceless. And if she were less of a wretched human being who pals around with terrorists and ruins everything she touches, I'd almost feel kinda sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteWe haven't seen Sarah Palin with Trig in public for some time now.
ReplyDeleteHow much do you want to bet Sarah will try to take Trig with her to the rope line when Air Force One lands in Alaska.
Now that Show Biz Sarah's been on the red carpet, she'll never stand behind a rope line again.
DeletePresident Barack Obama will visit Alaska in August
ReplyDeleteWhy Gryphen why?
Sarah Palin read your post about President Obama coming here and her hoohah got all wet and ruined her thongs and her Rill Amerika cowboy boots.
Ew. And I think it's too old and dried up for anything of the sort. Probably has cobwebs on her hoo-ha!
Deletedoubt it. that old skanky hoohah haired up and healed over a looong time ago ..
Deleteidk Sarah's a confrontational person. She'd talk to him.
ReplyDeleteNo she would n' t. He'd make her look even more ignorant and spiteful than she is.
DeleteNo way in double hockeys will he. What, a visit to the dead lake? Moose chili? Kraft cheese slices-filled hotdogs? Eewww blueberry pie off her nasty hands? It's not going to happen.
DeleteIf she is hung over or doesn't have her special cocktail she will not talk or go near him.
DeleteIf she has her medication she will do anything.
She'll "invite" him for blueberry pie and moose chili, maybe "offer" his a snowboard ride. All bullshit, of course, because she knows he won't take her up on it. If she did have the chance to interact with him (no way in hell), she'd probably treat him like she treated Al Sharpton, pretending to fight, patting his cheek, acting like a complete asshole.
Delete$arah Palin is an in your face, look at me, know nothing, CLOWN.
DeleteGood luck bring invited to the 2016 RNC, toots, but you know that already. You're "show business." hahahahahahaha
talk to him about what ? her say nothing projectionist bullshit ?!?
Delete"idk Sarah's a confrontational person. She'd talk to him. "
Why should she be allowed to talk to him? Why would he be interested in talking to a worthless piece of traitorous scum like Palin?
You're a moronic damn fool. There is no reason a person like Palin with no political standing (because she spit on her oath to serve the people of Alaska) who has demonstrated traitorous connections and who has done her best to instigate aggression against the President would ever be allowed anywhere near him.
Palin has nothing whatsoever of any value at all to contribute to the national discourse. It would be a waste of the President's time to spend one second with someone as worthless as Palin and he and his staff know it.
Well, it ain't going to happen, honey, and watching her TRYING to make it so will be pure comedy.
DeleteI could see SP inviting President Obama to her home for moose chili or whatnot, but there is no way in hell that he'd accept.
DeleteI can't see that she'd be invited to any event with him, but I could see her showing up uninvited and making a fool of herself.
Either that or she'll be out of state, chillin' in AZ in August, lol!
Yeah if Sarah ever got to talk to him she'd probably ask him for his autograph. She's a closet groupie and dreams about him growing a big stick.
Delete5:25 PM:
DeleteBut, she's not confrontational with bloggers, and reporters. She runs away from them. Just ask Gryphen.
That cockblocked pic... Does anyone know if the block worked and she actually didn't get a word in with the president???
ReplyDeletePresident Obama never knew she was there - though he might've got a whiff of a peculiar foul odor ..
DeleteThat photo shows as close as she got. I think there is also video. I love that photo, it is so revealing of Palin and her intentions.
DeleteShow Biz Sarah!
ReplyDeleteSpeshul. Had to laugh when Alec Baldwin called her "darling" as well. Of course she is.....
DeleteHey, when she came out and faced the heckler crowd and said, "I'm show business," maybe she did hook up with the leftist people that she professes to hate for her new schtick...never know with Hollywood. $arah will do ANYTHING for a buck that she doesn't have to work for.
Hey maybe now Sarah Palin can criticize him to his face.
Ms. Energy Expert is too chicken to criticize anyone to their face, she prefers hiding behind facebook.
Also too, the AIP traitor has too many guns and is mentally ill, hope the secret service tells her to leave the state during his visit.
Kochbagger Lisa must be planning on retiring in 2018. She's losing more friends every time she opens that big ugly mouth of hers.
ReplyDeleteThat photo gives me the creeps. I shudder to think what Palin would do around Obama after what she did with Al Sharpton. I would hope the secret service keeps the Tundra Tart who can't keep her hands to herself at least 100 miles away.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. She doesn't just look "loony"...more like downright deranged. As in Gollum my precious deranged. Seriously creepy sh*t
DeleteFor somebody who hates President Obama why was Sarah Palin determined to go to him in that picture?
ReplyDeleteShe was going to offer him her services...anything...ANY FUCKING THING so that she didn't have to go back to Alaaaaaaaska.
DeleteThat wasn't all that long after the election. She was still angling for a way to stay in Washington. She thought she could talk her way into helping the new administration with her "energy expertise" and whatnot. I think she really believed the shtick about how hot she was and that the President was desperate for the chance to fall all over her.
DeleteThis has always been one of my favorite photos of Mrs. Palin. She is over the moon in anticipation of meeting this most famous person, which is certainly how she regarded him, not as the president or a person of accomplishment and character but as a celebrity. That is all she knows or considers, it's telling and humorous. She would have had the same looney expression on her face had the object of her desire had been Brad Pitt or Charley Fucking Manson, it's all the same to this fruitcake, this train wreck of dead end synapses, powder, paint and methane gas.
ReplyDeleteMine, too. I also would love to see the moment after Joe steers her away. Can you imagine the look on her face when she realizes even her "adviser" doesn't want her to meet the prez?
DeleteShe has no awareness that maybe BO had no interest in making nice with the woman who sneered at him and encouraged violent language to be directed toward him.
Was Sarah Palin checked for a gun prior to sneaking up to the president?
ReplyDeleteLouis Sarah why do you hate President Obama so much besides the fact that he doesn't give a shit about you and your family?
ReplyDeleteIs it because people cock block you from getting too close to the most powerful man in the world?
Is it because President Obama is responsible for sending your skanky ass back to Alaska and to your facebook?
Is it because you were deprived of your photo op with President Obama and ended up looking like a stalker sneaking up to President Obama while he was eating his dinner?
President Obama: 'I Don't Think About Sarah Palin':