Friday, February 13, 2015

Photos from Sarah Palin's speech in Texas yesterday.

I got dinged for not having any actual shots from Palin's speech yesterday for my post last night.

Well sometime after it went up I received this link for OA Online:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke Thursday at The John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Institute’s program on ‘How Women are Showing 21st Century Leadership’ at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center.

It has quite a few rather unflattering photos.

Yeah, this woman might need to start working more on the substance of her speeches because that whole "Look at me I'm pretty," thing just won't fly anymore.

There were also a few pictures on the John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Institute's Facebook page.

Here is my favorite.

I don't know much about fashion, but what in the hell are those?

There is also a new write up on OA Online.

This is how one of the audience members described their feelings about Palin: 

Brenda Schwartz drove all the way from San Angelo to see Palin. 

“The reason I’m here is because Sarah Palin is one of the few politicians I halfway trust. She seems to be all-American and for American and that’s what we’re for as American citizens,” Schwartz said.

Oh yeah, that sounds like her crowd. 


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Can't one of the beauty operators tell her to blend the face pancake makeup into the neck so that the colors are reasonably the same? yuk.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Wasn't Shariah in TX? Last night a Isamic temple in Houston burned down. Did Sarah do a Fatwa on Muslims again? And her pal Pam Geller is going to be there also. I wonder if they will go together to the hatefest?
      I am so fucking sick of these assholes.
      And yes those are the most FUG shoes EVAH!!!

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      She looks jaundiced.

    3.'s "Exclusive" footage of Baldy from yesterday!

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Is that Jesus on her pin? Trying to make out whose photo is on her right shoulder. Those shoes are FUGLY. Maybe they complete the outfit for Bristle's camo dress? Looks like she forgot her top dentures again.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Plus, the shoes don't fit. I'm hoping she didn't stub her toes anywhere -- ouch.
      One of the main purposes of shoes is to protect the foot -- including all toes -- from injury. On that score, these camo boots fail big-time.

    2. Bill F6:53 AM

      The hog castrator wore similar shoes when she responded to the SOTU address.

    3. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I was going to say, at least these shoes for this time, instead of that insane three sizes too big and food splattered black jacket and skirt at the Alfalfa Club.

      She thinks she's so hot, wearing inappropriate, too young clothing and shoes (pulling out that asymmetric jacket zipper again.)

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Those aren't shoes, they're cloven hooves. Ugly, tacky, cheap, camo cloven hooves.

    5. Anonymous8:39 AM

      ....and the same old tired speech.

    6. Anonymous5:12 PM

      and can someone tell her no pantyhose with open toe shoes? what an idiot!

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    O/T Did you see this, Gryph?

    I don't know if Sarah's PAC would engage in illegal stuff or not but I found the last paragraph of above link to be particularly interesting:

    UPDATE: 10:06 p.m. -- The Department of Justice released a statement of facts in Harber's case, detailing how Harber directed payments from the National Republican Victory Fund to a fake company under the control of his mother. This false company then paid $20,000 to Harber's mother and $118,000 to Harber.

    1. He's a rookie, Palin has been doing that for years!

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      He's now a convicted rookie. Let's see if his "leadership" leads to convictions for Sarah and her brood of "consultants".

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Time to report TundraTurd's PAC to the DOJ...

    4. Anonymous9:52 AM


      Actually you report PAC malfeasance to the FEC (Federal Election Commission).

    5. What lowlives. He cheated his poor mother too.

      Wait until the obvious postage scandal is exposed.

      Harber doesn't have shit on the palin/heath/palin "it's bubbling-up" hillbillly crime spree.

      Falling like dominoes.

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Yeah, this woman might need to start working more on the substance of her speeches because that whole "Look at me I'm pretty," thing just won't fly anymore.

    Ha ha your good Gryphen

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The things on her feet look ridiculous. They are on sale on-line for $29.99, calf hide dyed to look like camouflage. There is something wrong with her toe, sticking out like that. Sarah's makeup doesn't match her skin color. Six and a half years ago, when Republican money dressed and styled Sarah and wrote her script, she wasn't half bad. She wasn't smart. She couldn't speak in simple sentences. She couldn't learn anything, but she wasn't nearly as messed up as she is today.

    These photos show Sarah speaking at a Women's Leadership Forum. What about quitting her job as governor has anything to do with leadership? She did not quit to take a more important job. She quit to cash in with Murdoch, Fox and her book deal. Sarah chose celebrity, the world of flashing tacky clothing, too much makeup and no substance. The only way that she can support that life style now is by pretending that she is running for president. The Republicans didn't want her in 2012.

    It's actually nice to see how it's all working for Sarah. There is no new content at her private for subscribers only TV channel. She looks and sounds ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      6:28 AM
      "The things on her feet look ridiculous. They are on sale on-line for $29.99, calf hide dyed to look like camouflage."

      If she paid $29.95, she paid too much. Why can't the woman buy shoes that fit? Her toes are lapping over the peek-a-boo cutout on the left foot and (at least) the right shoe shows a gap at the heel.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      They are 75% at Nordstrom Rack and they have a lot of sizes left. The Nordstrom employee who thought these were a good idea to order for the stores not only had to mark them down 75% to try to get rid of them, but now they have the added humiliation of having SP parade around in them.

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      She has no class at all and is desperate for any forum to spew out her word salad. Palin is ugly from head to foot.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      ‘How Women are Showing 21st Century Leadership’
      Well it certainly isn't by wearing those shoes in a professional setting!!!

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Its hard to go from "look at me" to words of wisdom when there's no wisdom to be had from this empty head.

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Sarah Palin please tell us you left your good shoes at home and there was only a 99 Cent store or thrift store open near you.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I can't believe I am complimenting something she is wearing, but I actually like those glasses. Those hideous shoes? Not so much.

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah are those your shoes? They are supposed to be zippered up higher but they are too tight.

    Who wants to bet one of Sarah’s daughters, nephews or nieces will be wearing them.

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Remains of remarkable ugliness, that describes sp.

    1. laurensd111:03 AM

      Well put.
      From this lefty, you couldn't be any righter!

      Just perfect.

  11. So she is trying to jump on the Joni Ernst bandwagon with those shoes. Remember the Castrator's camp shoes at the SOTU rebuttal speech? Maybe Palin should buy a pair of Wonder Bread Bag shoes next. Just sayin'

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anonymous6:23 AM

    Can't one of the beauty operators tell her to blend the face pancake makeup into the neck so that the colors are reasonably the same? yuk.

    Sarah has to hide before she puts on her makeup. The close up looks bad, just imagine how bad she really looks like without her spackling and makeup.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      She looks like a corpse.

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Did Bristol even graduate from that skin school. There's no indication she ever got licensed to practice in Alaska. Looks like Bristol can't do ANYTHING right.

    3. It's not just her makeup that looks weird. There are pockets of shifting filler around her mouth where a normally skinny woman has "brackets".

      And her chin is doing weird things too when she grimaces. I guess the Botox has worn off...time for another treatment!

    4. Cracklin Charlie10:12 AM

      I thought skin school was the Junker baby.

    5. Talk about looking all dried out and leathery. She's got lousy skin care since she actually looks so hardened and aged for someone who just turned 51.

    6. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Dan! she's only 51. I thought she was around 65

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    She looks pissed and drunk. Nothing new for her, however. So, there's no audio...was that to avoid another Iowa speech disaster?? I'll bet it is.

  14. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Sarah Palin what's wrong with your claws? The one gripping the podium looks jacked up!

  15. One quote from her speech:
    Growing up in Alaska, Palin said people had to be tough to survive. “Men and women are expected to work equally as hard. Growing up there with that independent spirit, if I have faced those barriers, consciously or unconsciously, I have ignored them and busted through them and not taken the time to whine …,”

    OMG. That's all she does now is whine. Guess she saved it all up from her childhood days.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      She grew up in the 70s and 80s, not the 30s or 40s. She didn't have to be any more "tough to survive" than I did growing up in rural NY at the same time.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I would think $he was the whiniest kid on the planet, otherwise $he would not have said $he was not...

      $he 'tells' on her$self heehee.

    3. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Palin lies and whines like no one else, and the 70s were definitely boom years in Alaska. However, in the mid-80s Alaska suffered a huge economic collapse.

      Whatever you experienced in NY doesn't necessarily mean it is what was going on elsewhere.

    4. Anonymous12:03 PM

      She had electricity and indoor plumbing and television, didn't she, 10:50? Her parents both had jobs and the kids went to school and participated in athletics and other activities. She makes it sound like they were starving and freezing and had to work the farm or get a job instead of going to school and being kids.

      And that would have been in the late 60s and the 70s (during those boom years you speak of). In the mid-80s (when Alaska had a huge economic collapse as you say), Sarah Heath was at one of her many colleges or being crowned Miss Wasilla.

    5. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Sorry Sarah, Joni already beat you with the compelling "bread bags over the shoes" story.

  16. angela6:47 AM

    I swear Palin would wear cats strapped to her feet if the kitties wore camo hats.

  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Are those Bristol's camo-dung shoes? Are they part of Bristol’s see through camouflage dress outfit she wore at the 2014 Drunken Palin Family Brawl?

  18. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Ewwww look at the top picture! Sarah Palin has Elephant Woman's skin near her Wonder Woman bracelet.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I noticed that immediately! Her skin is aging fast.

      Also, Palin needs to invest in some tasteful pieces of jewelry. I think she has some money in her PAC that certainly isn't being spent on nice looking, appropriate clothes or shoes. That zippered top makes her inflated chest look really lopsided.

    2. She should be careful about showing the palms of her hands. A lot can be surmised about her true colors from the lines on her hand.

      The Ring of Solomon, for instance, appears to be totally absent, as well as (heh), the Girdle of Venus. The Career line is quite strong, but if there's a Life/Health line, it's nearly invisible.

  19. Anonymous6:52 AM

    A question on style, not substance: we've seen a variety of eyeglasses on Sarah in the past few weeks, none a repeat.
    Buying so many prescription glasses would be hideously expensive.

    When looking at her face, however, it doesn't appear that the lenses of her glasses have any corrective curve to them -- they're just for show and don't change her vision at all.

    I've long had a theory about how much power those glasses have in the mystique of Sarah Palin: they hide her eyes somewhat, they form a protective shield, but are also an aggressive accessory.

    Just picture her without them, and see how much less fierce and how much more vulnerable she'd be barefaced. If she does need them, there's a reason she hasn't had surgery to correct her sight, or why she doesn't wear contacts. The spectacles serve an important role in her armament. Or she's had surgery, but continues wearing fake glasses because they serve a purpose.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      When she was caught off guard coming out of the gym, the photos were sans glasses and she jumped in her SUV and drove off. I suspect that the glasses are a distraction from the wonky eye. I know a woman who wears non prescription glasses to hide dark circles under her eyes.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      I'm sure she does wear contacts, adds to her mental instability.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      If you notice she is wearing larger frames that are plastic and my guess is this is to try to hide the fact that her eyebrows are half way up her forehead from the multiple brow lifts.

    4. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I can't even see a lens in them. Didn't her mom out her as having had LASIK?

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I thought one of the books (forget which) discussed this--she did have corrective surgery but kept wearing the glasses because she thought they made her look intellectual and contributed to the "sexy librarian" look.

    6. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Ho ho. The sexy librarian who doesn't read books.

  20. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The shoes: Fifty Shades of Camo-Bondage.

    RJ in BBistan

  21. Anonymous6:55 AM

    What exactly did she say about the topic at hand: women in leadership in the 21st century? It seems to have been 90% about herself. Only, she's no longer a leader. They know that, don't they?

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      A real leader does not quit, not when they have sworn an oath to uphold their office-- and quitting cost the state tons of money.

  22. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The Belmonts and camo 4 inch heels, yep, that says Sarah Palin.

  23. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hi Sarah,
    Can't find my cross dress spike heeled camo bedroom slippers since your visit. Have you seen them?
    Ted Nugent

  24. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Guess they couldn't discuss what she talked about, even the facebook of JBS just showed pictures. Any clue as to how she inspired the masses?

    I think the crowds just go to see this 'strange' woman who loves to say provocative things, and they're there to watch a specimen of humanity work the tease, blunder, hubris coming out of such a small woman. That's what they're there for. It's a free night of entertainment.

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      The pond group commented on the Q&A session after the speech and how glad they were that she could show the crowd how well she thinks on her feet. Guess they missed the news that Sarah insisted that the questions be submitted prior to the event.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Maybe she should bill herself as ONLY that -- she'd probably make even more money 'cause we "Palin Haters" could go look and laugh. She'd love it 'cause she just wants attention -- of any kind.

      "ROLL UP, roll up, roll UP !! Watch a specimen of humanity work the tease! See blunder & hubris coming out of such a small woman -- ME!! $50 bucks a look."

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    All dressed up and no place to ho.
    This is a mother of adult children and a grandmother. She is "considering" (wink, wink) a run at the White House. Does everything she pulls out of her closet have zippers, camp or pleather? This is just sad.
    Thank goodness that hot pants and micro minis went out of style decades ago.

  26. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Another funny c4p story from yesterday, but OT/
    A poster asked pbp and to if they are in the same room while they are both online. To bragged that they are in separate room & that "it's a big house", while pbp mentioned that she is in the upper level. One of ours said that they live in a run down trailer and painted a lovely visual of a junk heap? Guess even good Christians have false pride.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Pbp and TK-spell check!

  27. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Kinda O/T, but it's great: Rolling Stone has an article rating the greatest cast members from SNL...and of course, the best was John Belushi, however, Tina Fey is second. Here's the quote from the article:

    "You could argue that most of her onscreen contribution was "Weekend Update," but Fey did a lot more than salvage "Update" from a decade-long losing streak — it swiftly became the highlight of the show, as the entire franchise remade itself around the wry, sardonic, not-afraid-of-her-brain Fey style. She slapped SNL out of its late-Nineties coma. Suddenly the skits were full of ass-kicking women, just because Fey proved how much they could get away with. And her 2008 return as Sarah Palin might be the most brilliant move SNL ever made. Talk about a hot streak — it was a moment when all America spent the week waiting to see what Fey would come up with on Saturday.

    Greatest hit: "I can see Russia from my house!" almost made it worth having Palin around."

    Spot on!

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I would like to see Tina Fey take over SNL when Lorne Michaels leaves. She's brilliant.

  28. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Willow, is that your Mama dressed like that?

  29. Anonymous8:12 AM

    lol...she looks pretty sorry. The 1st photo shows her 80-year-old hands and arms& ugliness; 2nd photo shows the chin beginning to merge with the wrinkly neck; she needs to stop pointing because it cheapens her even more. She's trying to do the Michele Bachmann manerisims but it totally doesn;t work for granny palin.
    I am shocked that her beauty school daughters are not helping her out...wait...maybe they ARE >>>LOL

  30. Anonymous8:13 AM

    At least now she's wearing nylons to soften her ugly saggy legs.

  31. Anonymous8:13 AM

    6:52am. she may be wearing glasses like the kids do to change her look. she maybe duz it cuz she thinks she looks smart like rick perry. she may wear them to distract from that wonkey eye.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      wonky eye wonky eye wonky eye!!!

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Does Sarah Palin have a Napoleon complex? She wears the highest heels even on sandals. She must be ashamed of her lack of height.

    3. Cracklin Charlie10:07 AM

      Maybe she wears the heels so that people can't easily look down at whatever that is that she wears on top of her head...Just a guess!

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      9:27 -- Hillary Clinton's short, too, but she doesn't teeter around on stilettos, and never has. Working women have better things to do -- such as getting to where they're going.
      Or, maybe Sarah could take a page from Elizabeth Warren, who's almost 15 years older than she is.
      Attractive hair, flattering suits in flattering colors, heels that are practical -- altogether a lovely woman, but also one who's first order of business is business, and she's dressed for it.
      See her appearance at today's Banking Committee hearings, for example.

  32. I live in a rural area with a challenging winter climate. There are lots of hunters here (yes, Palin, Alaaaaska isn't the only place in the US with hunters). Many women up here are hunters.

    I have never seen anyone up here wear shoes that stupid looking.

    Real hunters, female or otherwise, don't need to wear camouflage all the time to prove that they are hunters or outdoors people.

    Let alone running around screaming "Look at my camo! I got camo with pink in it and I got camo stilettos and that makes me a rootin' tootin' outdoorsy frontierin' huntin' kinda gal!"

    The real Palin is "Does it kick, daddy? Did I hit it, daddy?"

    Nothing but a poser and a fake.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      At least she didn't wear her American flag shoes!
      PS Keep warm this weekend, Nefer. It's going to be bone chilling cold in northern Michigan.

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      For sure, that fake preggers pillow didn't kick also, too.

      RJ in BBistan

    3. I have to laugh sometimes at the number of people I see even out here on the Oregon coast who look like they get their day-to-day wearing attire at Cabela's.

      Really, are they trying to blend in, in their back yard when they trim the shrubbery?

    4. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Hey KaJo, Kitzhaber resigned.
      What a fiasco!

    5. Anonymous8:48 AM
      PS Keep warm this weekend, Nefer. It's going to be bone chilling cold in northern Michigan.
      Thank you, Beaglemom! My plan is to stay inside and fight the pets for a spot in front of the pellet stove!

  33. Aunt Ethel8:18 AM

    ****Attention: Hell has officially frozen over, repeat, Hell has frozen over. I am about to compliment $arah' s keepers.****

    Hells bells, somebody in the Palin camp is bright enough to read a map and schedule a morning screech in Houston, and an evening screech in Odessa on the same day! I realize this is grade school stuff, but this gang is not known for an overabundance of the little grey cells.

    Now, for some random thoughts...

    That quote from the newspaper story about $arah not whining was just precious. Bless her heart. Just like her leghumpers, she has been drinking bleach and jamming forks into electrical outlets for so long that she actually believes the horse hockey that falls from her lips.

    Gryphen, thanks for putting up pictures from the Odessa screech. I keep thinking back to 2008 when she had actual professionals styling her so that she didn't resemble an aging barfly. I had that same Farrah Fawcett hairdo back in the late seventies when I would go skating at the roller rink.

    I know the Odessa area well enough to not be a bit surprised by the comments from her fans. Reading the "Letters to the Editor" section of their newspaper is like putting Fox News, chain emails, and Rush Limbaugh in a blender and hitting puree. In other words, these folks are $arah' s target demographic.

    Anyhoo, thanks again for the pictures.


    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      " like putting Fox News, chain emails, and Rush Limbaugh in a blender and hitting puree."

      This is brilliant!

      Sadly, it perfectly sums up my own parents' political views. (They live in Gordon Klingenmeyer's Colorado Springs district. Come to think of it, I'm surprised Sarah hasn't put in any recent appearances there. OTOH, the brawlin', cussin', pallin' around with Nugent stuff probably doesn't play well with the Focus on the Family crowd.)

    2. ...somebody in the Palin camp is bright enough to read a map and schedule a morning screech in Houston, and an evening screech in Odessa on the same day!"

      Houston to Odessa: 500 miles and 2 hours via private jet.

      I'll bet the Palin camp brightster charged both the North American Prospect Expo and the John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Institute full fare for getting the Palin entourage from Alaska (even if they were in Arizona) to Texas.

      That might not show up on PAC reporting, but it surely would on their 2015 IRS report, wouldn't it? Not that anyone ever will see it honestly reported even there...

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    So, what medal is $he wearing? Together with some (too big!) camo-WHATISTHATONHERFEET?

  35. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She doesn't look as bad at this event as everyone is pretending.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      CORRECT, anon@8:29!
      She looks WORSE THAN THAT!

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Yeah, camo pumps and glasses with no lenses. The height of elegance.

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Anonymous8:29 AM tell you the truth only one pic, the last one from OA online didn't look THAT bad, but it made her look like a sorry retard with a big smile:
      AAANND...anyone can take a decent picture once-in-awhile. The problem with her is that most of her pictures are of a "wannabeyoung but ugly-old-granny."
      And I have a feeling she knows this since she did try to take a picture smiling BIG for the camera since lately she looks like the mean-old-witch she is.

    4. Anonymous8:59 AM

      She looks like Skeletor under two inches of makeup.

      And I'm one who thinks she used to be rather pretty...until she opened her mouth.

    5. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Doesn't look THAT bad, huh? Of course they only posted the "best" photos since it was a "friendly" crowd with pre-screened everything. Why no video or reporters? Because she knows she's an UGLY loser.

    6. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Yes she does, clean your glasses.

    7. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Nobody has to pretend that Sarah looks bad, either she does or she doesn't. To barflys, she probably looks good and if it's 2:00 AM and the bar is closing, then she probably looks lip-smacking good. But to normal people, one doesn't have to look past the Belmonts, the zippered top, the nasty wig and the ill-fitting camo shoes to say the old girl needs to hang it up. (I'm normal, just a mom, a grandmom, I can read, drive cars, shoot guns, clean the house and turn the turkey breast side up before I try to carve it).

    8. Anonymous1:39 PM

      I dunno. I'm the original commenter. I'm not saying I find her attractive or anything, she kind of looks like a mid-fifties divorced realtor that has had some work done and is kind-of plasticy trying to look like she is early 40s or something, but she isn't looking like a total trainwreck either.

    9. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Well, personally I think those women look like trainwrecks, too.

    10. Anonymous5:49 PM

      i think she is using the same set of "falsies" bristol had on at the rnc convention in '08.

  36. Anonymous8:44 AM

    As someone upthread mentioned, Joni Ernst wore camo shoes during her "rebuttal" to the State of the Union Address. It's no coincidence that Sarah Palin is wearing camo shoes. Ernst's shoes were ridiculous, but they were conservative pumps. Palin has to jack it up a few notches by wearing those monstrosities.

  37. Anonymous8:46 AM

    She wears zippers for her male fans. They can imagine what would happen if they gave just a little tug...

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      All of her sagging skin would show.

    2. "They can imagine what would happen if they gave just a little tug..."
      The Belmonts would fall out and bounce across the floor and land in a quivering jello heap?

    3. laurensd111:12 AM

      And the foam falsies would fall out...

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Yeah, they'd vomit when the Body Beautiful was revealed.

  38. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hey, stoopid wanna-be-young-looking Tundra Turd: next time, make sure you wear a looser-fitting top, where the sleeve does not give away your age! Go look at your picture on top, and you see how the tight sleeve is restricting your skin? Yeah. That one. The one that reveals your old, WRINKLY, dried-out skin. Also, too: you paid good money for your daughter to go to skin school. I guess she must have missed the class about nourishing the skin and putting lotion on.
    Ask for your money back!

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      It puts the lotion in the basket.....
      ...Silence of the lambs...

  39. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Is she that broke that she's now borrowing bristol's or joni's shoes? DANG! And the outfit...SMH

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:01 AM

      I think Two Big Shoes ALWAYS looks like she's wearing someone else's clothing.

  40. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Open-toed shoes with hose? Oh dear... *faints*

  41. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Gotta admit, though: it looks like this time around it seems to be her own hair, not a wig. Unless the wig is interwoven with her hair.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I think it's a wig. Her bangs were pulled out but they look dirty. Sarah doesn't have enough respect for her audience to clean up and dress appropriately -- not that they deserve respect, but just saying

  42. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Thought i would mention that Immoral Minority and Jesse are getting known even in Texas!, came upon this article and one of the commenters ( dj-wats) mentioned Jesse and Immoral Minority and another commenter said they were from Wasilla and they had a lot to say.

    Good to know the word about the real Klondike Kardashion is getting out.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      That links a little too long. This one will work

  43. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "Palin, who said the title she’s most proud of is mom, added that women are busy, but if they had wives, they could take more on."

    Wow! I can't believe Sarah is advocating same sex marriage now.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      That's sexist. And I doubt she's acually against gay marriage

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      It's not at all sexist, 10:24, or Bristol, whichever you are. Plus, if she's for gay marriage, she should come out and proclaim her position.
      I'll proclaim that you need to put a punctuation point at the end of your sentence, or we won't know if you've ended it or just put down your phone for a minute to take a swig of your wine cooler.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      10:24 AM Todd is bisexual, so why would she be against gay marriage.

    4. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Sarah Palin is the one being sexist. She has a husband, doesn't she? Is she claiming he doesn't do enough, that she does everything? That another wife would do the trick because husbands are useless?

      She actively worked against gay marriage and benefits for same-sex couples when she was Governor.

    5. Aunt Ethel12:23 PM


      Even if $arah was in favor of gay marriage she couldn't admit it in public for fear of the conservative gravy train drying up.

      Also, too, in light of 11:29AMs comment, have you seen a doctor lately? The way you keep skipping periods leads me to believe you might be pregnant.

    6. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Sarah doesn't have beliefs. Sarah does and says whatever she thinks is best for herself.

    7. Anonymous1:18 PM

      10:24 AM Are you finished? It is hard to tell when you have completed a sentence. You were not very comfortable in School, were ya?

  44. Anonymous9:57 AM

    If she wore her skirt any

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Only one guy seem to have noticed. Maybe Sarah should think about really Going Rogue, and wearing a short short skirt. Then, she would make headlines everywhere. (Men go commando, women go rogue. Check the Urban Dictionary).

  45. Anonymous9:59 AM

    She assuredly has no warmth or 'invite' to her in the above photos. Has lost her attractiveness too! Sorry, Palin, you are a 'has been'!

  46. Anonymous10:10 AM

    All that money she's conned from hateful conservatives and she wears the same ugly outfits over and over.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Plus she doesn't send them to the dry cleaners after many days of wearing. Those shoes are the ugliest things I have seen on her feet yet!

    2. Aunt Ethel12:06 PM

      Another commenter posted a link to a local TV stations coverage of this event. At the very end of the segment, they announced that Laura Bush would be giving a speech there at a later date.

      I laughed myself silly trying to imagine Laura Bush wearing $arah's zipper dress and camo shoes.

  47. Anonymous10:13 AM

    She is ugly inside & outside. Ugly, hateful, sour, sour person. Negativity every time she opens her mouth.

    She'll always be the winner of Politifacts Lie of the Year.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Compare her pictures from 2008 and now. Hatred has ravaged her body beyond recognition.

  48. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Why do people care about pictures In your manipulative posts

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Here's the troll who doesn't believe in ending sentences with punctuation!

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Oh, the 'manipulative' troll is commenting again. Do you ever post any comments that mean anything? How JUVENILE of you.

    3. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Anonymous10:23 AM
      The woman and her ilk should stop posting pictures. I thought they were private & living private lives. Stop lying.

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM

      What, no slander?

    5. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Wait...wait...I thought it was libel. LOL

  49. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'll say it. I like her shoes

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM


    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      There's no accounting for taste in celebrities or fashion.

  50. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Team America... Fuck Yeah!!!!

  51. Anonymous10:40 AM

    OT/ If anyone for c4p is reading here, please tell tk that it is necessary to use the 'snark' after everything she posts, since EVERYTHING she posts is snarky! Tell her to warns us when it ISN'T snark-that would be rare and unexpected and probably misinterpreted. Thank you in advance.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Isn't she the bestest Christian?

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Like Sarah, Tk is finding it harder to keep up the facade, as every fucking comment is a snark or some form of hateful bitchy-ness. Christian indeed! And her self righteous, scripture posting counterpart does more to offend and put others off of god. Well done pbp!

  52. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Whoaaa..... only thought that comes to mind is Buzzard Toes !!

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Buzzard toes!!!

      That woman's feet are god-awful ugly! Ick!

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      10:55 And what to my wandering eyes appeared? Buzzard Toes! Thanks. Laughing. Hard.

      Great band name.

  53. Anonymous11:00 AM

    It continues to amaze me how many can't see through this vacuous poser. What a ridiculous woman.

  54. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh, she didn't say, "you do know I quit as a leader." "You do know I did not do much as leader mayor of Wasilla." "Thank you for inviting me anyway."
    Of course not! Lol

  55. Anonymous11:03 AM

    She could have said, "I lied about birthing Trig from my body because I desperately wanted to be a leader." Snark.

  56. Anonymous11:15 AM

    scarah has her moms turkey neck. time marches on for all.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Where are her family and friends?
      Don't buy this.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Anonymous12:53 PM
      Thanks for I'm at work & people are wondering why I'm laughing so hard.

  57. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Seems then that Sarah will not go away. She is destined to keep pushing herself onto Americans until they can't stand to hear her name. Her depravity will be her undoing.

    I think anyone who reads and sees her face posted anywhere these days has a tic, it's called the Sarah Eye-Roll. It's a natural physical occurrence, like yawning. Yawning is catching Watching Sarah, seeing Sarah, listening to Sarah causes uncontrollable physical response.............the eyes go up, and the head sways sideways. Other uncontrollable responses include head-banging.

  58. Anonymous11:52 AM

    She doesn't have to worry about being gender equality. She looks like a man, therefore probably gets man-preference jobs.

    All her mannerisms of that of a man. She is in this wig, fake boobs, skirts, high heels, but one can tell she's uncomfortable. She choses such ugly frames, they are manly. Her choice of hair is bed-hair, or 'coupe sauvage', kind of dirty-looking and cowboy just coming in from the range.

    She loves leather, suede, chains, zippers, jeans, and sporty clothes.

    Her appearances are marked with 'feminine clothing' but it's so evident she isn't comfortable wearing it. She looks like a boy wanting to jump out of his skin.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      The most interesting comment that I have heard in a long while.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      She does clomp around like a Clydesdale. There is nothing graceful about her.

    3. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I’ve always thought her manner was quite boyish too. One has to wonder if she has gender issues. She certainly does talk up anything male oriented (sports, guns, etc.) seemingly distancing herself from women’s activities. It may be a political ploy, but at the same time her gait, the very male face (and it looks more so without make-up) and her studied avoidance of parenting is really quite interesting! She wears her babies like baubles on her arm, like she is accessorizing herself, or making a point: “Look at me, I can breed!” But when it gets down to the nuts and bolts of parenting — helping with homework, touring colleges with one’s children, filling out applications, etc. she is nowhere to be found. How she manages to be any kind of role model to anybody escapes me! She is an utter fail as a parent.

  59. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Has anyone ever been more full of shit than Ms. Palin? From the Midland Reporter- Telegram, Quote, "It( her legacy) would have to be about being a Mom", Palin said. "Speaking of political correctness, I'm sure that those that consider themselves feminists just cringe at such a thing when I talk about it."

    For someone who is never home, for someone who's down syndrome 6 year old can say bullshit but not much of anything else for her kids being more known for drunken brawls, foul language,lack of education and total lack of manners that is a pathetic statement.

    She is now trying to pass herself off as some kind of great Mom all of a sudden? you talk about delusional, she's off her rocker, if it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable.

  60. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Free event, open to the public.
    Her shoes are oh so presidential and professional.

  61. Anonymous12:21 PM

    She loves being a mom so much that she spends as much time as possible away from her kids.

  62. What fuck twit dipshit voice in her head tells her that looking like a skank biker grandma is a flattering? Is she that dense?

    ...and, I want to know what asshole at the Washington Speakers Bureau though it was a good idea to start calling around and seeing what gigs are available for her. It's the ONLY explanation for her getting non Sportsman Channel events. Is this some sort of intern hazing thing at WSB???

    That poor chair never stood a chance...hope it got the burning it deserved.

    She's just so rank. You can smell her thru the laptop. It's fucking cruel, imagine being the hotel housekeeper, flight attendant, UTPB sophomore that has to follow this cock shrivel-er around picking up her trash. Saints, all of them.

    Bristol/ lazy twats...get OFF of your ample asses and put the skin care/hair fussing/mustache bleaching matchbook cover education to work for your syphillis brain addled mother!!! We are forced to have to look at her manly mug and it's not fair.

    Photo #'s Austin Powers:-)

    Hi Todd...little bitch

  63. Anonymous12:47 PM

    So does SP wear the bread bags outside of those pumps or inside of those pumps when she's going outside?

  64. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Not so hot. Goofy.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      she looks like a puppet ...No...she looks like a retard...I think she's trying to show that she "IS" trig's mother.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I am so jealous, how does she get those skin flaps on the side of her face? Is the key, a discount cosmetic surgeon?

      Also did she ask for a refund for Willow's tuition from skin school because she must have skipped the class "about the older you are, the less makeup you should wear". And "big pores "class.
      Also too, where does she get those stunning eyeglass frames? Too bad they haven't clued her into the fact her eyebrows aren't suppose to show over the top of the frames-looks like groucho marks.

      Also too too, it is a pity that her dentures are so obvious, maybe Piper can go to teeth school.

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      piper is already going to big teeth and big head school..

    4. Anonymous2:07 PM

      That makeup makes it look as if her face is plastic, completely plastic and fake.

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Maybe Piper can get a job as an "office manager" for a dentist.

  65. Only slightly OT; how sad that Trig will never be encouraged to be all that he can be, but instead only serves as Palin's excuse to glorify herself:

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      They lost valuable time for Trig by not getting him regular and consistent early intervention from birth to age three. That's an important window of opportunity they can't get back. I know parents of kids with special needs (DS and other issues) who sacrificed so much to make sure their children got every advantage possible from the time they were born. Meanwhile, Sarah was dragging poor Trig around as a prop to sell books.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      That model can act too. American Horror Story alumnus: she's popped up on all but one series so far.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Sarah has used Trig as the prop to promote the Puppy Jake people. Let's be clear about it. Jill the Dog is not a service dog. She is a family pet. She could barely follow simple obedience commands in Sarah's video. Jill arrived at the Palin house when she was still a puppy. Real service dogs require 18 to 24 months of specialized training plus additional time working with the person. Trig can barely issue the commands for Jill to follow. At least he can swear at the dog.

  66. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I remember brisket making fun of Hillary for being a little older than $carah, but just look at $carah. She looks older than Hillary & Warren, and on top of it, the old ugly $carah dresses like she's 25. She reminds me of Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane."

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      how old is she like 60 something..if so i guess she looks ok, even if she looks fake.

  67. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Those shoe things on Palin's feet look stupid.

  68. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Sarah's been shopping at Nordstrom Rack again... remember
    the ugly pleather jackets? This time it's genuine calf hair!

    Carlos By Carlos Santana
    Veruca Camo Genuine Calf Hair Bootie
    $119.00 75% Off

  69. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Why is her face yellow and her neck red? Why are her shoes too big?

  70. Anonymous2:58 PM

    She spoke at the Wagner to a near capacity crowd, it holds two thousand people, it was free and in Texas and it wasn't filled, what doe's this mean? Palin, free, Texas, let the pee ponders ponder over that. Her next gig Cambridge, well this should be good it makes one wish that Todd would fill her inflatables with helium so she floats off the stage, the c4pod people however would take that as a sign from God that she will be Madame President but we all know she wants to be a Queen instead.

  71. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Oh, and speaking C4Pod and Palinbots, here's another blast from the past.

    Remember this from Oct 5, 2011?

    This is exactly what's going to happen again Palinbots, when your Quitter Queen announces that she ain't running again, and breaks your poor liddle hearts.

    "Dave Dowler •
    she fooled me....strung us along for along time. At leaast Christy had the guts to always say he wasnt running. She wants the money. Wont see another dime from me and I have given quite a bit. I have been had.

    Freempg helensimon •
    No one will care who she supports. She has destroyed her career, she was a threat as President not another boob on the tube. We could work delegates, have them revolt at the convention, nominate her there. But people don't trust her anymore

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Yeah, well, the virginia gentleman himself has asked the mods to un-ban freempg and welcome it back into the fold. Their little clique talk on the phone, blah blah blah blah blah.

      They think that $arah, once she announces (snort), will either take over the Republican party or go indie and beat both Jeb and Hillary? You keep thinking way in HELL will $arah EVER run nor be president of this country. She knows it and we know it.

  72. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I feel sorry for her. Anyone who's 50 something and looks like late 60s, even with all the work done & trying to wear "sexy" clothing is pretty sorry. SMH
    Poor poor she has fallen. No wonder they're training the daughter since they know this facade is not going to last much longer. It wil work for the dim-witted little old-white men but for how much longer.

  73. Anonymous3:48 PM

    A leadership forum invited a former leader who quit her job. Yeah, that makes sense.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      That always confuses me too! How does one who didn't finish the office for which she was elected get off believing she is imbued with leadership qualities?

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Training the daughter? God grief, if all we had to do was barely finish high school, get pregnant and attempt to dance on a stupid reality show we are all eligible to be part of the governing class! Yee haw! Ignorance is the USA!!!

    3. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Bristol also received her education from skin school.
      Wasilla High plus her skin school education more than qualifies Bristol to challenge and debate any person on this planet.

  74. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I slap her stupid fucking face if she ever pointed those gnarled meat hooks at me.

    See you in the alley, $arah...

  75. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I am disappointed by the posts that I read.
    Sarah is an idiot... but she is also an attractive
    woman who dresses like her daughters.
    For the majority of the comments here on this
    string to be about her looks and shoes really miss the point
    of Sarah Palin.
    Not a troll.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      You sorry sorry person. You think Sarah Palin is attractive. If Sarah Palin walked past you after going to her yoga class in Anchorage, you wouldn't recognize her at all. Sarah’s ugliness without makeup matches her ugliness on her inside.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      4:49 PM If you have to announce that you are not a troll, you are a troll.

    3. Anonymous5:14 PM

      I totally agree that she is ugly on the inside.
      I've seen the pictures and she was caught
      not looking her best. Also, she looked much better back in 2008 and still uses those pics.
      But she isn't the ugliest 50 year old I've seen!
      Like I said, it isn't about her looks so much as it is about what comes out of her mouth. To concentrate on her looks negatively takes away from how mentally ill she really is.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      $arah Palin is a BRAND, period. She trademarked it. That BRAND has ever right to be critiqued, especially when she is talking about this country and foreign policies of which she STILL does not understand and never will.

      That pointy finger? It's ALWAYS there.....and is that a fact, Miss Palin. We know your record, we know your life, we know what you're involved in, and don't you dare point at anyone. You know nothing except how to scam people for your bank account and publicity.

      GOT it, 4:49 PM?

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      4:49 uh i am sorry but is someone tying you down and forcing you to read this blog and make asinine comments? if not then take it elsewhere. really are we here for your entertainment? to keep you from disappointment? no not at all. it is a forum to speak about what an ugly idiot skank is inside and outside.

      if this is too much for you to understand then perhaps you should start someplace easier in your website journies-like the c4p.

      and got it that you are "not a troll". fine. great. thanks for sharing. still, we should care about your disappointment why? oh and missing the point are we? well then obviously you need company more like you.

    6. Anonymous6:07 PM

      5:26 here, I agree with you, 5:50 PM. What I'm saying, and I think we are ALL saying, is that if she was half-even interested in being the president, she would conduct herself and dress more appropriately.

      She isn't running for anything.

    7. Anonymous6:27 PM

      No she is not, why do i say this? because we all age.

      If you marry someone who doe's not make you laugh, who spends all their time wanting to be the center of attention, well don't be surprised if all falls apart.

      Money keeps Todd

  76. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sausage curls on a 50 something? Yeezus!

  77. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Sarah is fugly. Period.
    You never were all that much, Sarah.
    Go to bed now. You will need rest to continue to get your meds.

    And it's SNL!

  78. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Sausage curls were the Oprah interview, remember?
    Queen Esther, the white Oprah, saving all of us. LOL

  79. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Palin has such thick calves and fat ankles and wow, those shoes really make them only look fatter and thicker! I hope that bitch isn't gaining weight again because I like my Mrs. Palin about 90lbs, but looking at those log legs and cankles I fear that my poster girl might have put on a few pounds...and this makes me very sad.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.